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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1915)
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 0, 1015. 11 I I I j RENTALS. FIRMMIKI) ROOMS. NICELY furn. south room; strictly nod.; prleste family. H. 34;. 120 S. .0th St. VKl.L furnished, etesm-heated rooms, walking d stance Cull Tyler SPECIAL, LOW RATfy TO PEHMANENT G K8T8. HOTEL SANFORD, 1th and Farnam. H' TEL HAHLEY. :oth and FBrnsm. liOOM with breakfast. $3.50 k., strictly moil, home, new furnlsh's. close In. H.31IH NKWI.Y furnlshml warm room, close In. 223 X. ?ad, 1'hnne Tyler ST. West Karmun Iarge nicely furn. front mom, mod., prtv., not water ht.. Instant water theater hath room, close In. Hnr. 3012. FT RNlSHKD rooms for rent, sleeping roocs and light housekeeping rooms, clone In. 2fiQ6 Farnam, Tel. Douglas 475. HOI DGKbtl'lMO ROOMS. FOR RENT Strictly modem, newly fur- nlahedcme . heat furn.: private. H. mas. Eavenpobt, ans-two or threB N1CKLY FURNISHED HOCSEKKEI' 1NO ROOMS, REASONAHLE. JIOl'SES AND COl'TAt.ES. ItORTII. 8-ROOM house, modern, new furnace, never used. 2216 Hurt. Red 63S3. KENT rHKK FOR TWO WKKK8 Nice eight-room house; newly decorated; modern except heat; storm windows and do,rs; price reduced to $18. Web. 6060. FOR"" RENT 6-room, new. modern, up-to-date brick flat. 2223 W111U Ave. Rent $26. Tel. D. Io30. NEWLY decorated, "-room, modern house; large barn and yard; near car line: reasonable rent. Tel. p. 6729. 6-ROOM, strictly modern CMtuge, hot water heat, close In; rents for $25. 40 Lincoln Blvd. W. H. Dorrance, Tel. P. 526 or H. $151. . ALKING listanre, 2644 Dodge, 8-roorh modern House, $26. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4875. a-ROOM, nearly new; modern except fur nace; only $18. Colfax 1"M. lS'EW 4-room cottage, Florence. Adama a-id Buffalo Pts. D. 46:13. $10 a month. 6-KOOM, nearly now; modern except fur nace; only $l. Colfax 1W. MODERN (-room house with bath. 2So2 Franklin. Phone Webster 51.1B. FOR COLORED. For Rent 2 nice houses, well located and in perfect condition; each has 6 rooms and bath. Will rent to rellaole colored people; Call' Doug, 281H, o CIIlCAotJ, 2W. Neat four-room cottage, part modern. SOUTH. FREE RENT mo., on some of these: Choice new brock fiat, 5-r., mod., 220 N. 22d. $; 6-r., 31 St 8. mh. $12; 5-r., mod., 2462 8. 17th, $16; 4-r., 837 S. 24th St., $10; 4-r.. neat home, 2 lots, chicken yds., 3Huo Val ley, $o.u0; 8 others.' $5 to iJO. McKitrick K, K. Co. D. 14K2, Ty. 2140-J. MOVING EXPENSES PAID. 114 B. 29th 8-r.. all mod. house, newly painted and papered; close In. $-'5. 3036 8. Kith 6-r.. part mod. cottage, $10. RASP BROS. Douglas lt3. G22 8. 19th St. 8-r. all mod. house, well Arranged for renting rooms, $42.50. RASP BROS.. Douglas lii&a. fe-R. HOUSE, 1 sleeping porch, 1 screen porch. 90S 8. 36th Ave. Harney 3-21 r-rm. house for rent, all modern except heat. 711 S. 17tn Ave. Doug. ' 6131. PARTLY moduli 6-io.m houue, one block from car line, 3304 Vinton. Harney 2879. . WEST.. . 7-ROOM modern house, Dundee; 4S01 Cap- Itol Ave. Phone Walnut 180. FOR RENT. 2333 Harney St., modern 10-room brick house; hot water hett. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1091. D. 1216. MISCELLANEOUS. JSeVeN rooms, strictly modern, full lot, on paved street. 2 blocks from car line, $.' per month. ,' 6-KOOM modern brick house.' freshly papered, in nice cond tion, $22 per month. J. H. DUMO.MT & CO.. IS-18 Keellne Wdg Tel. Douglas (190. BEE the Central Furniture Store's FKICK RENTAL LIST HAVE you got the money? If you have , Investigate this. $3,000 will buy a busi ness worth $4,000, if taken before Deo. 10. Address P. 3.t. care Bee. S-ROOM cotage. Low rent, close in. Q. P. Stebblns, lfilO Chicago. HrrncoB Crelgh Sons ft Co., Bee Bldg. nouat'8 ln al, part o( tne ctlv UlAOfJARD Van & Storage Co.: Moving packing, storage and shipping. P. 14'j6, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE SEPARATE, locked rooms, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping, OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., tot So. 16th St. Doug. 4163. MODERN. 620 N. 41st. -r. house $22.60 1132 8. $2d, 8-r. house 35.00 2426 Spencer, 6-r. house 22.50 PARTLY MODERN. J01S Orece, 6-r. house ., .15.00 l7 N. 27th, 8-r., house 16.00 2631 Capitol Ave., S-r. houso 11.00 FLAT. 1921 Leavenworth. 2d floor, 6-r.. pt modern 17.64 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO.. Pouglss 722. 209 First Nat. Bank Bldg. o HOUSE4 S-r. 3304 Davenport St.. West Farnam. 9-r. 828 B. 22d St., close In, modern, $25. 7-r. 2438 F.minet St.. mod. ex. heat, $18. S-r. 2708 Parker St. (colored), mod., $30. fc-r. 1933 South 9th St., modern, $25. PETERS TRCST CO., DOUQ. 8S8 O Globe Van &Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-horse van and I men, $1.23 per nr.; storage, $2 per mo Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 Ty. 2J0. FIDELITY mcrvice' Phone .Douglas Z88 for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for gtoruge. moving. ISth and J.ickson Sts. Eight Brand New Homes , Elegantly finished, welt located; prices from $1$ to $40; one has garage. , You will ' have to act quick. Our automobile will be at your service. , , . Saunders Co., 1215 W. O. W. Doug. 3623. LC.Reed Exp. Co., moving packing ft storsga 1207 F'arnam. P. tsut. Gordon Van Co. li N. llth St. Tel. D. SS4 or Har. 19.w! STORES AND OFFICE. AUTOMOBILE SALESROOM AND GARAGE. The Ford Bldg. at 2oth and Harney 8t., offered for rent. 3 floors and basement, 86x1.10 feet; large show room, commodious offices, electric elevator and steam heat. Se us for terms of lease. .L GEORGE COMPANY. , Phone P. 756 .2 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 2 Small Offices Ready Now CHOICE LOCATIONS la the Bee Building $12.00. $16.00. ' Inquire Room 103. At 714 South 13th St.. OmaJxa, cold stor age ri'om.i approximately 4oxl2 feet, rooied with tte. railway siding for twu car, sultatle for fruit, veKetables beer in.ats, butter. Cheap. R. Wal er. phono K. W.. COR. 24th and Lake -t,.r- baaemeut; rent rtgnt. Colfax iit. REAL ESTATE Foil EX (711 WGE ONE t-roum house, corner lot, will trade euuity for a good vacant lot. (J. A. ECKLE3, Phone P. 11 or H. 676-1. FEVEN-PASSENGER auto to exchange for 6-room bung alow. Phone Doug. t,j FOR BAI.E or exchange in Brookings Co.. a 2J0 or a 4ta. ie farm; both Imp.; nice laying land; good black dirt REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR 8 ALB CALIFORNIA. CALIFORNIA poultry farm for sals. Terms. For Information writs E. R. Waltw, Shawnee, OKI. IOWA. A BARGAIN. 134 In Harrison Co.. Iowa: new Improve . ments; land lays rood, at 1110; 1500 down, $2,500 March 1, time on balance. A bar- gain. We'll prove It. Come and see. FRANK HILL, Logan. la. HERE IS YQl'R CHANCE. 40-acre farm 15 miles south of Council Bluffs, la.; close to railroad; 36 acres under cultivation; 4-room cottage, barn, well, cave; fenced and cross-fenced;, must have $00 cash: this Is a snsn: worth $T.on0. but will take $3,560 if sold by the 12th. call at 413 Karbach Blk., Omaha, Neb. KANSAS. A PAXDY 171 acres Improved, 8 miles or siumorn, s mues 1'araons, Kan. 0af,rfriAA HJiW 111 V. 1 . w -.. ... ",iv .niiy linn, niTIII $,5Q0. No trades. Fettrtch, Altsmont, Kan. .MiBRAHkA. FOR SALE Best large body high grsde medium priced land in Nebraska; very Utile money required. C. Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. o MINNESOTA. WILKIN County, Minn. n0 acres level prairie, unimproved, a miles from mar ket, near school, good roads. $35 per acre. Weather and roads fine. Llland Land Co., Fergus Falle, Minn. 20-ACRE fruit larm ln Calhoun. Neb.; 11 room house, barn, garage and fish pond in connection; next to city park. In heart m vuy. e 1 1 jo noun, I'ainoun, Neb. OKLAHOMA. CORN, alfalfa, wheat, cotton land for sale nr pvphnnia W 1.? i; , I ... Walters, Okla. WISCONSIN. UPPER WISCONSiN-Best dairy and general croD state ln the nnir, ..ti..r. Wanted; lands for sale at low prices on eany terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant Excellent lands biuih rami iik. n interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on annl Address Land and Industrial Pept.. Boo fcnnq nniiway, iwinneapons, Alinn. MISCELLANKOLS. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR SALET Write a good descrlntlon of vnu, i.iwi and send It to the Sioux City (I.) Jour nal, Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Mtdlum." Tweuty-flve wortls every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every oaiunis; cvanins; ana ounaay ror one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent days for $2; or 60 woids. $4, or 75 words, $6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 250,000 rvadcis daily ln four great states. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM and citv loans at lowest rates. TOLAND ft TRUMBULL. 448 Bee Bldg. $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. dT "w", Tveaq Plug., lain e arnam Eta. CITY and farm loans, t. 6H. per csnu . imimm tc ,o., i9 Plate nanx. A "Fn. Kala" - A III l furniture into cash. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H Thomas, 228 State Bank Bldg. 6 TO 6 for loans on best class city residences ln amounts $2,000 up, also farm loans. - Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.' O KF.EFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715. FARM AND CITY LOANS. O' DOUGHERTY ft HUGHES, Til Keellne Bldg. Phone P. 1013. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. lC Cm LOANS. C. O. Carlberg, 310 u 12 Brandela Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to buy for cash 2 or 3 very cheap lots. Give price and legal de rcrlttlon and you will hear from me. 8. 340. Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dandee. Westward Growth REMEMBER OMAHA'S BEST RESI DENCE GROWTH ALWAYS HAS BEEN WEST. FIRST Capitol Hill. THEN West Farnam. NOW Dundee. Dundee's newest addition is directly west on the car line and less than three miles from 16th and Farnam streets. The past proves that early purchases In the best residence district means profits for the purchasers. No better time than now to buy prop erty in Dundee's newest addition, the right location, between 49th and 52d, Dodge and Howard streets, and plan that new house. Low prices easy terms. George & Company Phone D. 76. 3 city Nat. Bank Bldg. $700 EACH TWO FINE DUNDEE LOTS, 50x136 FT. EACH. IXX'ATEP HIGH AND SIGHTLY. A GOOD BUY FRoM AN INVESTMENT STANDPOINT AH WELL AS FINE BUILDING SITES. IUATT-FAIBFIELD CO., 230 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. t8. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE 7-Koom All Modern " House on Boulevard. Has Garage. $500 CASH Balance on Terms to Suit. This house is modern through tout. For Description Phone Doug. 2926 Today. Call Walnut 682 after 7 p. m. Tonight. $100 CASH. $16 MONTHLY. A good little 4-room house, full base- ITlt'tit tkell. lurua pkinl,.. ... . . dandy place to ralae chickens, price $1,100. wni uiwvBi iruiil Ames Ave. Ctr. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Doug. 17M. Rth Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. B'dg. CHICAGO 2:t2 Neat four-room cottage Part modern. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE CItEIG HTON'S 1ST 8 rooms, strictly all modern, just com pleted, furnace, cement basement and a.ks, east front lot. close to school, good neikshborhood; close to Hanscoiri park. Price $3,0w; terms. Located ZiX S. Ifcth Ave. C. O. CARLBERG, 311 Brandels Theater Bldg $JU CASH. $30 PER MONTH. For a dandy 8-room, strictly modern hi use. t blocks from Hanscom park, one block from Field club. The price la right, ti.M location la right, and the time is right Don't pay rent all your life, but make a start now In the right direclon. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. D. 17M. 6th floor Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldr. $200 CASH. $J0 PErTmoNTIL For a dandy 4-room, strictly modern house. 2 blocks from Hanscom park, one block fro i Field club. The price la light, the location is right, and the time is right. Don't pay rent all your life, but make a start now In the right direction. PAYNE INVESTMENT OMPANY. P. 1TH. 6th Floor Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Apartments, flats, iouaea and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a bee -For tlaut." REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE NEAR tjih and Dodge Sts., 8-r., all mod. hon.e, in flue repair; very valuaMe lot; a bargain for some one; tvrms or small proiily taken iu exchango HASP LlwUU.. Mi MoCasue Bldg. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat is Rather Weak and Sells from Two to Three Cents Under Tuesday's Prices. CORN MARKET IS IRREGULAR OMAHA. December . IMS. The local wheat market was rather weak today, declining from S to 3 cents Although the receipts were light they were sufficient to take care of the slow demand. The corn market was Irregular, the bet ter grades selling a half lower, while the poorer grades sold shout 2 cents under .yesterday's prices. The rash demand for rorn wss fair and the receipts were rsther light. The receipts of oats wer pretty light and there was only a moderate demand. Osts sold from three-quarters to a cent lower. The demand for rve wss moderate and the receipts were light. Rye sold at prac tlcslly unchanced prices. Barley remained nominally unchanged. Clearances were. Wheat and flour REAL ESTATE WEST HIDE 6-Room All Modern Bungalow New $200 CASH, Balance on Terms To Suit. x This house only 'z block from car, is in a fine location. Tele phone today for full descrip tion. Call Douglas 292G today. Call Wal. 682 after 7 p. m. to night REAL ESTATE VACANT A Very Desirable Lot for Sale or "Will Accept Equity in Home or Other Income property if Desirable. This lot Is located on car line snl la In a fine new restrl.tcd home b lldlns addition. City water, trees, gas and sidewalks are all ln and paid for. ' Grades are established and street! bouleva'ded. ' Phone Doug. 2926 Today. Call Wal. 682 After 7 p. m. Tonight. REAi-j E81ATTV INVK8TMENTS . 10 Net Investment Tills Is a new brick business block lo cated on a large east front corner lot, in a fine residential district at a street car Junction point, rented to responsible parties under long time leases. Improve ments consist of two stores and moving picture theater. Something very desir able and must be seen to be appreciated. Price $2.",000, or will divide and sell two stores on corner for $12.0ii0. It will pay to Investigate this proposition. , - George & Company npuglas 758. ltnSy Nat- Bk. Bldg. WANT OFFER INVESTMENT PROPERTY. An out-of-town owner wants an offer on his Omaha properties. He owns the lxnila brick flat at 2M0 and 2512 Hherman Ave., a well built pressed brick front, 2 family building. Mental $X per annum. Also the frame 7-rooin dwelling at 2672 Ppaldlng street, large lot. always rented, $240 per annum. Will submit your offer immediately. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Doug. 17S1. 5th Kl. Om. Nat Uk. Bldg. Close-in Investment We are offering a row of three at tached brick houses. Each one has n ne rooms and full basements equlppud for laundry purposes. This property Is only seven blocks from the pontoffice and In a locailtv that as sures its slways being rented. The houses were built about five years sgo and are In excellent condition. Annual rental, $1,590. Price, H3.M0. A. P. Tukey & Son Tel. Douglas 602. 1507- W. O. W. Bldg. Make Offer 44 ft nest First National. 145,000 iking- price. Make offer. Harrison & Morton ItEAL KHTATE MlSCELLAJTEOUS Omaha Heights Stray Lots We are offering some scattered lots In the east portion of Omaha Heights, near the proposed new boulevaid, al very low prices and on easy terms. Lots 1 and 20, block 16; lots 3, 17, 18 and 26. block 14: lots , 10. 11, 12, 15, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, block 10; lots 11, 12. 13. II, 16, 1. 17. IS. 21 and 22, block 7. We give you your choice of any of these lota at $000 each; $6 down, U per month. A. P. Tukey & Son 1507-8 W. O. W. B'dg. liUILT FOR A HOME Dandy 6-room bungalow, new, fully model 11; living room across front of house, 3 front rooms, having beameu ceilings; i rooms flnwind in oak, with oak fiobrs throughout; second floor unfinished; could finish three full rooms; hign-grade light ing fixtures, full set of winuow fcliades and screens, large cement basement, lur nace beat; dandy east lront lot; street paved; only oris blot k to car. Price cut to $3,850. tasy terms, or lot as first pa roenl. i RASPB110S., V McCague Bldg. D mglss 16."3. $18 MO. $0o CAtili bAVtC KiiNf. and own this beautiful little hiiue: 4-r., nearly new. city water eleiirie light, t lie oorner lot 43 If d"siredl; sightly lo cation; snap at 1a MiKltnck It. E. Co.. D. 142. Tyler 214o J. MUCK KEDUCKD New 7-r., sleeping porch, oak and birch flnlsn, buffet and book cases, beam cell ing, double floors, mirror doors, guar anteed furnace, Corbln hardware, best material and workmanship throughout. South front, close in, close to car. Best buy In Omaha Owner, Douglas 162. HAVE $.1M. On a 4-room strictly modern, well built home from owner; but water heal. M. .crT. Omaha Hee 1ST, 13th and Monroe Sta! Address J?, Bee Office. South Omaha POP SALE Apartment house, nearly new; handsomely lurnlshrd; moderate price: select occupancy; irofllshle as in wstment Write for particulars and pu. to. P0. Iiog 193. Rive slda ( a. u Use The Boa's "Swapper column. equal to TiT.OiO bu.; corn, 4.000 bu.; oats. bu. Uverpool Close: Wheat, WJIVI lower; corn, vd lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1. 47010 bu. and shlpnu-nts l.Nnh.ixn 4mi.. against receipts of i.iM.mM bu. and shipments of bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 9T7.OO0 bu. and shipments $.iW0 bu.. against receipts of X.&..Oi0 bu. and shipments of V47.OU0 bu. Isst year, rrimary oats receipts were l.lM.flno bu. and shipments 1.07&.000 bu., asnlnst re ceipts of l.atl.OOO bu. and shipment of .41,000 bu. last year. CAR-LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 4S 14 149 Minneapolis . 2 iMilulh 34H Omaha 4 W It Kansas City 131 !M 14 Ht. Iuils W 53 11 Winnipeg l.Mtl These sales were reported today: Wheat: No. 8 hard winter: 1 csr. $10; I ! cars. $1.11; $ cars. $1 05' 6 cars, $!.04H; 1 car, $1.04; 1 car, $l.4. No. 4 hard wln I ter: 4 cars. $1,014: 1 cars. $lo2; S cars, $1.0JH; t cars, $1.W; ?S cars, $1.00: 1 car. Wc; 1 car. Wo; I car. WHc: 1 cars. !. Psmple- i are. Vc; 14 cars, 0c; H car, Vc No. 4 ndxed: 1 car, $1.0.!; 1 ear. Wc; 1 tar, OTc. i No. t durum: 8 rare. $1.03: 1 car. $l.'l. No. I mix ol durum: S- car. ll.iK. No. 3 durum mixed: 1 car, ; No. t velvet chaff: S car, $1 OR. Corn: No. I white: - rurii loiqi, ro, o wnue. vm. 4'c. No. 4 white: t oars. 4c; t cars. 2o. No. 6 white: I car (old, 7n: 1 car. 44c: 1 car, tlWo; 1 car, S9c. No. white- 1 csr, 69c; 1 car, &c. No. S yellow: X crs. i-: H car, Srtc No. 4 yellow: l car,- K..40. No. 5 yellow: 1 car, 8.xs. No. 6 yellow: 1 cir. lc. No. I mixed: IS cars (old), a",c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car (old), 67c; 3 cars. Hoc. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 64'c; 3 cars, 61c: 1 car, S3'tc. No. S mixed: I car, 61c: t cirs u'4c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. nl-: 1 csr. 57c; 1 car (poor!, M. Psmplo: 1 rsr, 64c; S-R tar. 4 fie. Oats: No. 3 white- 6 curs. 4c. No. 4 white: 3 cure, Sc; 1 car, V; 1 car, SSVto. Sample: S cars. 3Ko. Ry: No 3: 8 cars. WOc. No. 4: 1 $-5 cars, bite; : tar. (Sc. Sample: 1 csr, 85c. Omahn Cash r-rioes W heat: No. ! hard, $l.oWfl.os; No. 3 hard, l.uilVal-06; No. 4 hard. 7c(fJ$1.02; No. 2 spring. $1.07l.fl8; No. 8 spring, $1.04(31.06. No. 3 durum, I.Olfi 1.02; No. 3 durum, TOcdi'H Ol; sample, iWo. Corn: No. I white, lim'qtfic; No. 3 white, 644W4C: No. 4 white. 6l4c: No. 6 white. WSfiWHc; No. C white. 674 ;H04e: No. yellow. ftr.yyatSf : No. 3 yel low. 6fiftc: No. 4 yellow, fibrose: No. $ yellow, 644i6c; No. 6 yellow, 6o4u8c; No. 2 mixed, 6444.-4; No. S mixed. 64f 6So: No 4 mixed, 6.-Vr644c ; No. 5 mixed, 6iW1e; No. mixed. 6ti4i6lP.. tats: No. 2 white, 410414c: standard. 404io40Vc; No. 2 white, 3!ii40c; No. 4 white, ai43!4 Parley: Malting, Mtfc; No. I feed, 5H4 oc. Kye: No. f. XKjOlc; No. 3, 400c. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat ores of tbe Tradla aad Closing; Prices as Board of Trad. CHICAGO. Dec. . Larger country of ferings In the northwest finally gave the advantage to the bears ;.oday in wheat after the market had passed through many more upa and downs than usual. Prices finished weak, Vuio to 14o net lower, wun December at i.lf' and iy at $1.11. Corn closed c to Wft-Sc down, oats off a shade to 41i'4o and provi sions varying- from 15c decline to a rise Of 3T.C. heat values underwent rlghjt. at the start a setback in consequence of lower quotations from Liverpool and becausj of bearish cro advices from Australia snd Argentina. A sharp rally enued, however. Influenced to some extent' by hull'sh estimate regarding the decresse In the acreage of winter wheat seeded In the I'nl.-jed Btates. Afterward the market fluctuated rapidly within a range of 2c, but not for any long tune favoring either tho opponents or the friends of an ad vance as compared with yesterday's latest figures. European demand for wheat assumed larger proportions thsn has recently been .'.lie case, the amounts purchased today aggregating 700.000 bushels, but most of the total' waa sau to be at So under the Chicago May price, the widest discount so far on the 1915 cror. Corn received good support, but failed to overcome the bearish effect of the breaks ln the wheat market. Price changes In oats appeared to be governed almost wholly by the action of other cereals. Elevator stocks here were increasing. Provisions ranged higher all day except Just at the close, when buying power seemed to have become at least tompo- 1 rui II:' exhausted. NEW YORK ClE.VEa.tL MARKET Quotations of fko Day oa Tarlooe Commodities. NEW YORK, Dee. . FLOlTR-fUeady. WHEAT Hoot. Irregular: No. I durupi. si.Z4, r. o. n. New York; No. 1 northern, I Huluth, $i.224, and No. 1 northern, Manl I toha. $1.22'. c. 1. f. Buffalo. Futures. nervous; December, $1.23. CORN Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, 44c, prompt shipment. OATft-Spot. easy; No. 3 white? 4:.8't7e. 1 II A 1' btt-ady ; prime, $1.27"; No. 1, $l.2f; No. 2, $1.1541.20; No. 3. $L0U1.06; snipping, sue. HOPS Quiet, state comon to choice 1115. 2"pWc; 1914, 66 10c; Pacific coast lDir.. 1115c: 1914, MilOo. HTDES-Steady; Bogota. 30fl31c: Central America, i.rc. LEATHER Firm; Hemlock firsts. 33 34c: seconds, 32f,lMc. PROVISIONS Pork, firm: mess, $18.0C$ 13.A0; family, $20.5u'ii22.ri0; short clears, m.00j21.00. Beef, steady; mess, li.iy 17.: family, $18 OMi 18.60. Lard, strong, middle weit. $8.'Vrf.fiO. TALLOW Quiet; city, 7ykc: country, "Vu-c; special. V4c. ' tit' ITLH Sleauy ; receipts, &.0M tubs; creamery extras. 3iU'Slc; firsts, 234Hc; sei-nnds. 2f,mi2Kc. EGGS Firm; receipts, 10.144 cases; frt-ah gathered extra fine,- n40c; extra firsts, 37'0Sc; firsts, 363ftc; seconds. WtlMC. CHEESE Firm; receipts. 1.424 twxes: state whole milk, fists, held specials, 17'Hc: state whole milk, average fancy, 14iiil7c; state whole milk, current make specials. lbo; current make specials, a"erai:e fancy, lKSHrtHe. POCLTRY Dressed, .firmer: western chickens. 16H27c; fowls. 12V4f17Hc; tur- POl'ITRV Alive, firm: -western chick ens, i:tfj'l5c; fowls, U3150; turkeys, 19 &20c. . Kansas 4'ltr firnln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec. S.-WIIEAT-No. t hard. $1.0t"91.14;. No. 3 red, $l.lt1.16; Decembc,-. $l.O..; May, $1.0V CORN No. t wMe, 6ti4"e; No. t mixed. 'M66V4c; December. 65'iji6c; May, tSVia OATS No. 2 mixed, 44341e; No. f white, BUTfER Creamery, 23c; firsts, 81c; seconds, 2Vc; packing, l(o. , FOOS Firsts. 2!c; seconds, 20e. POl'LTRY Hens, 10VUc; turkeys, 15c; springers, 12c. Minneapolis firala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. S WHEAT De. eember, $10fV.; Msy, $1 12H: No. 1 hsrd, $1.1UV; No. 1 northern, $L10'a'l.U'ii; No. 2 northern. $l.t,41.0ft. FLOUR Unchanged. BAllUKY-iVbtr7c. R T E WCrirv. KRAN-flMu-14 50. CORN No. $ yellow. 7Mr7c. 0 4Ti4 No 3 wlUte. Viy-'ic. FLAX $2.0692.08. . St. I.ouls firala Market. ST. IjOCIS, Dec. S.-WHBAT-No. t red. $1.23'iil J-1'4; No. t hard, nominal; De cember. $1 1S: May. $1.1614. CORN No. 2. feHi8i,c, No. S white, 63H feiWS; Deremtxr 7Hc; May, 70c. OATb No. 2, C,4(44c; No. $ white, nom inal. Llverwool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. S WHEAT Spot. No. 1 Manitoba, 12a 4Hd; No. 2, 12a Id; No. 3. lis lid; No. 2 hard winter, new, lis lot. d CORN Spot, American mixed, yellow, It M, Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. $ MKTALS Lead. $6.26. fpelter, $14.76015 26. Copper: Quiet; electrolytic, $li.754i20.u. Iron: Steady and unchanged. T.n: Firm. $37.3i1. f At London: Copper: fcpot. 74 !; futures. 4177; electrolytic, a.J 10a. Tin: Spot, lb6; futures, 41H6 los. Antimony: iU. Lead. 4-2 2c 4d. Spelter. a84. Kvanoratea Aaplrs aad Dried Krnlts NKW YORK, Dec. 1 EVAPORATED APPI.K8 Quiet. DRIED KRCIT8 Prunes, higher. Apri cots and peaches, firm. Raisins, easy. oft'ia 4;laalasr He port. WASH1 NUTON, Dec 4 Cotton g'nned prior to December I, smnunted to $ 7ll 46.1 running bules. Including VJ.3,1 found bales and 77, lbl buiea of Sea Inland I bureau today ajuiounced. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Good to Choice Cattle Steady and Others Weak Some Sheep Are Steady. Others Weak. HOGS TEN TO TWENTY HI0HEB OMAHA Iiccemher". 1 Receipts were: Cntlle. Hogs. 8heep. Orr'rtsl MnT w ' i " Offlrlsl Tuesday $.!VS 10.8 m.TT Estimate Wednesday .. 6.SW M.iO 13.000 Three dayg this week.. rs.!i?4 ?.14 4T.M? Pame days last week. K.677 S3 gil 4!.r? 8ame dava I wka ago..t1.W ." Bame days 2 wks ago. T7.7K3 16. V l,47 Same days 4 wka ago..S0.Wi0 13,777 M.1T Heme days Inst ymra. 14,31 1,T04 The ton owing ishle stiows the receipts of cattle, lioSn and sheep at the Omaha live stock market for the year to data, as compared with last yenr: 1m 114 Tnr. Cattle l.lMt.OM 7.V J71.4M Hoga I.UHS.S12 i.1w,043 JS9.S69 tSheep 3.13.V3.H 3,'J.312 132,014 The following tablo snows Uis average prices of hogs at the Omaha live stock market for tea last few days, with com parisons Jate. Nor. 211 um. 1914.lilVllll.lll :lIO.ltt. I T 461 1 i T TH1 I f 441 1 M T I 1 ' 17 No. t: $ u s lit an T si Nov. Nov. Not. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. t' S J 7 JJ 34 S 4IVI 7 491 7 1 3 I 7 61) 7 W 7 Kl 3' 'm 7 tvM 7 441 271 31 1 , 211 I 7 til 7 47, 2!i n 17 611 7 4 .- 4 Kltl I 04 T 4fci 4 11 I 01 00) 4 H 4 01 7 071 g n sot r.wi 1 m T7W 1 eng. 11 7 1! 3 02 7 )l 8 0 I'oo. i.. s :; t4( 7 J Tec. 2.. I 4-,i b Ml 7 40! 7 57 $031 oil Lec. 3.1 47Ti 7 i 7 $ 101 I 7 ; 7 1117 Wl 7 811 4 U U.UT .4 $ 731 7 411 7 64 & W! 7 '!! . Dec. 4.. t u leo. 5. Iec. . Dec, 7. il'ec a 4 31 14 I 7 461 7 o, I 7 411 ii 7 $1 7 1 7 79 14 7 " ' I 7 Ml TSjL undsy. Holiday. Receipts and disposition of live stoc't at the Tnlon Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-tour hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.II r a C. M. aV ft. P. 4 Wabash $ Missouri Pacific 1 I'nion Pacific 46 C. & N. W., east....W C. N. W. west....W I 17 io 4 t 12 6 3.1 7 10 29 8 4 C, Kt. P., M. & O...W C. B. & Q., east.. ..14 C, B. & west....l C It. 1. P., east.. 14 C, R. I. A P.. west.. 1 Illinois Ontral...... 8 Chicago Ut. West.... 4 Total receipts.... 2 144 56 1 DISPOSITION H HAD. Cattle. Hogs. rJheen. Morris ft Co 1,442 8St Bwift 4 Co 75 I."- . i.uiihy l acking Co....l.-'" !. 1? Armour A Co K 1.IW $,5Jo Kchwarti A Co . J. W. Murphy I,5m ... Uncoln Pucklng Co... 4 W. li. Vansaiit v"o 41 I Henton, Vansant uusn 11s IliUl & Hon 40 r. ti. lwis i- Huston ft Co 31 J, B. Root & Co M J. 1L Bulla 4 Bosenstuck Bros 13 ... Kellogg 104 ... Werthelmer A Degen.. 4W3 II K. Hamilton 2 Sullivan Broa It ... ... Holhsohlld 1 ' Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 4 ... ' ... Christie 4U Hlgglna 1 $ Huffman 7 Banner Bros 4 ... ... John Harvey 14H ... Other Buyers 18 ... 2.440 Totals "eTsa "Tom "IsioM CATTLE Receipts -were liberal again toaay, making tne total for the turee days 22,524 head, which is about the same as 1 or the cornspouUing poiU,d lat week, hut laiger a )(ar ago by a.uto head. There wero more good bcuf cattle here than huve teen seen at the yards In a long time, buch cattle were active and the feeling tully steady. Home choice yearlings sold up to lo.o0. The common to pretty decent warmed-up cattle were alow and weak. A few pretty good cows with the general run of canuers sold early at prices that cre about steady, but the demand on that basis was limited, and the market so far as the good grocs were concerned closed about tlko yvsteidny s low anu nieo 11 close. ' , There was some Inquiry for choice light stoi-H rattle and anyliiing on that nue commanded steady prices. Heavy leeueis bnd common siocaer and feeder caitlo of ail weights were very slow and hard to move, with the feeling weak. Quotations 00 cattle: Good to choice feu yrarlings, K.O1W.6C; fair to good led yesriiugs, .0n!uou, common to tair Vd yearlings, $i.M(j 1 .w); good to cm. Irs heavy beeves, ?.7ijo.76; fair to good cornfed leeves,; common to lair corn led beeveN, $u Wy..76; good 10 choice grass beeves, $0.'.uj7.0; fair to good grass beeves. .26ii.76; common to tair grass beeves, $.i.2iti.3; good to choice gras helrers, ).,xi.60; good to cholco .rass cos, $5. 2.(41. 2o: fair to good cows. $4. am 5.2; common to lair cows, M.2..(t4.j), g.rfu to choice feeders. $6.;oi7.2A; lair la good iceuers, .iio.i6; common to lair iwd eisL $.'i.2u-u lt; good to choice stockers, $H.iut7.26; fslr to good stocHers, Id ji.75. common to fair siocaers, lu.ooye.oo; stoca hellers, f,.2jit.0u; stock cows, $4.50)6. la; stock calves. $ti.tXxg7.26; veal calves, 4.uutf .M); bulls, stags, etc., $4.ou4j uO. lu-presentative sales: BEEi' MTEEitS. Ma u... I. .. 4... 4... a... 14. .. 17... 14... a... t... 14... II. .. I... 14... I... Av. IT. No. A. Pr. 104 4 U It KtaJ is u ' 4 40 Ml 1)1 tuft I Ml 10 1W4 hi ! 4 U 12 10.4 4 4 S M It Mil Wl 4 a. 11 104 Uil 7 l t4 1J71 44 I SO kl Hit IM 7 kl 1 so 4 It 1 Jk 7 40 oT.i!.Ri4 AND HEIFERS. 4 H 11 77 4 14 1 04 4 a 1 24 17.... HEIFERS. 6e 10.... 6 M to.... 6 u a.... 4 St ... CALVES. I Ti 17 441 471 . 710 I M 4 14 Ml 474 t 00 ID III 14 II 11 400 tin I 64 4 SO 414 I ... 4 74 4.... iuO 1 16 1(4 I U STOCKERS AND VEEDcrtrf. I... I... 14... 13... 'm... 14... 44 4 a 11. 11 4 14 to 4 to tort I 7t t.t 1 to 1.4 I M 411 6 Su 4,4 4 00 . ; 4 u I.. 11.. 19.. 4 . 6-4 4 0 .. 7-t 4 14 to lit 14 21. II J4 to It... 4 v lioOti Another verv nuud run mm nn hand tudgy, but all buers wanted hogs l adiy, anu under the liiflueiue of sharp advances at all other oilier points the general market scored a full luc gain, nhlppera started the bail rolling as Usual, buying everything they could use on a fully Hmd&c higher basis. Some of the first sales did not look to be mure than a dime higher, but later ones were all of 16o up. Tops reached $ii.50, that fig ure, which was lnc above yesterday a best price, being paid a number of times. Packers' first bids showed no inure than a 6fl0c advance and they succeeded In buying a few hogs on first rounds that were no more thun a dime to at the outside 1'XulGc up. li the time a gen eral movement started, however, values were all of 15c above yesterday, and towsrds the close anything docent sold lJ4tauo above Tuesday, a good many sales looking a flat 2uu higher. Movement waa very active, and a very fslr clearance was made by shortly after 0 o'clock, al though there wera a few scattering loads mostly of light hogs left at this time. The general market waa easily 15c higher. Bulk moved at $6 3616 45, the IIK string selling at $6 4n A iniikllng of lights sold down to ta20, aud several loads reached $4 50, the top. Current vitlues are no more than a fhada lower than last Saturday, which means that almost all of Monday's 2uuJ5c break was ix-eii regained. Ot course, tops are 15c below last week's close, when a few loads of shippers brought a big pre mium, but the bulk of the offerings Is selling almost aa well todsy as it was Sitturday. Representative sales: No. At. 8b. Tr. At. Ha. ...1!4 . ... i:. .. ....1'4 .. Pr. 1-0. Ml . :, . k . !.. il . 44.. 71.. I ., 47. . 41.. .147 ..104 ..104 ..l4 . U . 14 .441 ..,' .til ..aa 4 2 74. t SO li 11., to. ... M ... 4 Ht .. 4 U o ir 4 ti 4 40 m in 40 4 43 0 M so 4 to M I li to 4 M ... if) 40 4 li . . 40 ft llo ... 4 4- ton I 4S ai u ... 41 ...,tl4 ....! ....mi ...tu 41. M lias. 4 4 71. 4 44 11 ... M t 141 ... 4 1 8HFF.P ftiippllea mooerated again to. day, but at that were pretty de -ent f r Ibis time of year, fifty cars, or l?.ew bend shewing up. Three days' total is s.i-42 head, a gain of nearly 1.) over lat week larger than two weeks ago and almost three times aa large as a er ago. Ths lamb trade opened out pretty dull, although most of the sales made during the early part of tho forenoon looked pretty close to stesdy with the general market yesterday. That himm that gtxvi handy-weUht 1 lambs are neorly steady with Monday, while common or heavy kinds show a lOtlSc decline aa compared with the first of the week. A good many of the early sales of deslrahle-welght ! stuff landed around $s.$'nvS& whlli somo real good fed westerns reached in the end most of the lambs were elenred at prhea that while generally I quotea mostly neaay, unn.nioieaiy snowna i sn ensier tendency. Bulk of the sales was . made around H Ml, with less desirable stuff down to t.'Jn and a few small hunches of real heavy native lambs from $ down. There was a big supply of ewes tier today, romparsd to the sise of total re ceipts, and prices showed a lower tend ency right from the start. A few bunches of pretly good ewes sold early around $,vtV,& 75 and did not look to be over 1W l." lower, but later sales looked aa much as a nuarter lower. Movement proved to be very sticky, and only a partial clear ance wss made by midday. What year lings were here were In good request and good ones made $4 90. being quotahly steady. Hardly any wethers ere of ered. although a small package on the choice order brought $4 .50. Feeder trade waa again a small affair, only a few odds and ends being offered. Most of the feeding lambs coming re the culls from bunches that have been on fried either on the range or In corn lots, and good fifty-five to sixty-five-pounders of this sort are selling at 17.754400. one I load going aa high aa $H.10. There Is iiitio pronaniiity or any more light reed eis showing up this season. Feeding ewes, rlthnogh appearing to be in fair request yesterdny morning, really had a hard lima tlndmg an outlet, and are undoubtedly lower than at last week's rinse. Best ones here yesterday brought $6.00. and tops cannot be quoted much above that figure. Utiotntlun on sheep snd Ismbs: Imbs. good to chohe, $8.60tr.ft; lambs, fslr to food. $S.2Mf.B0: lambs, feeders. $r.00j 40; yearlings fair to choice. $6.0fifl4!m; yearlings feeders. $5.?MM.2B; wethers, fair to choice. $i.b0fra.; ewes, good to choice, $R.76t(: ewes, fslr to good, 36.00 ti.V7r; ewes, feeders, t4.0Offfi.10, Representative sales: .. Aw- J native ewes jjg 5 40 2 native lambs 1 jg 120 native lamba 7 g 5; :ff native lamba ft g 00 W Idaho feeder lamba Ml g 10 301 Idaho feeder lamlia si a in I Idaho feeder ewes Ill 4W ... .i. .urn rwea ,, ...,.1IIQ gllU $w Colorado ewes log 4 00 AI7 Idaho ewes 121 t 90 ?"' I $ 73 $.4 fed lambs 73 $ K5 Msg Idaho lambs 73 ' $65 2.14 Colorado lamba sj $ 3.1 lis native ewea 132 6 W 217 Colorado eweg 112 5 31 300 native feeder lambs 47 8 20 22 Montana feeder lambs 77 8 15 1W fed lambs 7 6 iK Idaho lamba 7i I 6 227 Colorado lambs R2 3 K ft native lambs fit 8 40 147 native lambs 78 8 40 2"4 native lambs 74 4 60 100 native lambs 72 S 727 native lambs Kl 8 40 41SJ native lambs 43 $50 tlMCAUO LIVH STOCK MARKET tattle glow 1 1 oars T.nm r h re p stroma;. CHICAGO, Deo. 8 CATTLR Itecelpts, IVOno head: market alow; fancy Christmas beeves. tll.04l 12.09; native beef steers, $."1,504; 10.M; western steers, $.10( cows snd heifers. $2.4iyn8.10; calves. $K.&0tif 10.2Ti. 1 1 CM IS Receipts. 43.01 head; market raxy at lMtZKc advance: bulk. M.HkfM.7:,: light. $Ti.f04l.76: mixed. tfUOfh.4 M: h.nvv I M.ifiWif7.O0; rough. SB.yitTi.tO; pigs. $l.2.V,f SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt s. IS.Oivj hend; market strong: wethers, $.15(tKl.75; ewes, $t.2jti.26; lamlis, $7.axtf9.2&. Ht. I.oala Live Block 'Market.. ST. LOI'IS. Mo., Dec. S.-CATTLE Re ceipts. 3.700 head: market higher; native beef steers. $7 5010.40; yearling steers snd heifers. $.60ti 10.20, mi, $S.tfi'7.00; stockers and feeders, $$.00417.1.';; southern steers.; cows snd heifers, $4.0UI t.M: native calves, M OWrlOM. HOCW Receipts. 12.300 hesd; market higher; pigs and light, $6.501111.70; mixed and butchers, $4.6O&6.80; good heavy, K76 IV 46. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rocelpts. $.40) head; market lower; yearlings. $4.uO&7.&0; lambs, $s.2.4j9.oo; seep and ewes, t&.X Kaaaaa Itv I, Ire Stoek Market. KANftAS CITT. Mo.. Dec. S.-OATTM0-Recelpls, 6,000 head; market strong; i rime fd steera, $9.2',1i 10.00; dressed beef steers. t..7ifiK.,.-,; western steers, $4.00rt4l.oO; riVJ!. ,ln,. 'e'v, $5.01X7.40; bulls, $4.7T,4i.Oi); calves. $4.0rvfW.5fl HtKlS-neoeipta. 17.0uO head; market higher; bulk, $l.4O4l.70; heavy. $fl.ft75- nni'llnra anil knVM mm iri.i srn. , 1. . ' . $il.?M,4 W; pg, $6.2fKf(4l 35. . SHEEP AND IMl , j ' ' -- linninrr-nscPIIHH, 4 .O I now, Mi.i.n nigner; lamns, ik 2Mr.6: Slnn !.- .llr MIitU Mir' t, SIOI'X CITY. Ia., Dec. 3. CATTLB Receipts. 3.000 hesd: market wnk; native steers, $V60fl7.7A: butchera, $4.5o-,i 15: cows and heifers. $4.3Mi.6; canners, $3.5oifM2i: stockers and feeders, $,r..fi4i4.2u; bulla stars, etc.. $4 WW6 60 -. ouus. HOOS-Recelpt,. g.ono head) market 10? 33; light. $4.0UB.20; bulk of galea, $6,303 SHEItP AND IMBS-Raealptg, I W IVjXXv.JSSuS. hl'her: St, Jo.enh l.lve Stock Market. ST. 3pVKVU. Dee. S. CATTI.E Re eelnts t.OO head: market weak: steers, WZ9Mtr,mm an'1 helfor'- HOOS-Receipts. $.500 hesd; market hleher; bulk of sales. $4 40fci 70 mllrt SHEEP AN') IMB8-Rereip, too head; market lower; lambs, $S.0Otff$.75. ' i stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at . the rive principal western market, yesterdsy: a .i. u Cattle. Hogs Bhen. fou'h Omsha m lo otrl 12nno Kansas City 6 .ooo k.oho 4.400 Lo"" 3.700 12 -Mn a'jo Sloug City s.noo g ono t.W) Total receipts kjoo io.KO 403u0 Coffea Market. NEW YORK. Dec. S.-COFFEE-Whlle general business remained very aulet there was a little more trading in coffee uture. here today and prices ruled stead! er on a moderate demand, wh ch seemed to l Inspired by rumors that European rlc,: 'n 7: ho''I"- " ""r month .n '." the mrK here, and a'ao part of the local stock. The opening was tin ,uin5ti ",'. "'nir,t. ""Pro 7ed during 1 a .wll-h,M,rrh "'ling up to 4rc n..Jt0 $' close showing were 7,2t) hairs; December. .7or- Janunrv n2r; February. 4.74c: Mliri-h 6 74c Anlil' T!c; May 7Kc: June. ltf;C'tt August, !,-: Sememher. 4 4e" 6cto& at $8o. Hp.,t coffee, quiet; Rio'. 7e 7H' Santos 4s, .-. It wss report.-d thst well find freight nisrket late today at 4 WW. hut firm offers todav were quoed at 3 7ic reported sn sdvsnce of 7.1 rcl. In Rio uncna'ngrd" ." ' "cha,?,:; Cltn Market. NPJW YORK. Dec 4 COTTON Sunt 21i'V,:, m d,i"ng ul''ai'l. 12 70c. " Sal". ..?,tt",r",u,' "Willi firm- December 1?0N offered . January, r 7ft.- March' 13 0uc; Way. 13.14c; July 13 Ma ' Mar,-n' Cotton futures closed; Decern, her. 12 4V; Januarv. )t k ; March. TvtZ! CVjtton t'Klay closed steady, net (wi points hlrher to two points lower LIVERPOOL. Dec. -cOTTUN-Hpot flim; good middling, 4 l4d; mldd'ing 7 77d: low middling. 7.d; sales. 16.0x4 bales. ' Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Dec. . HAYPralrle: ri,olo upland. I!0.5oti 11.60; No 1. $10 OuiielO 50 2. 5nloi: No. 3. SS.ftsVS : choice mid: land $l.00rtl.li0: No 1. $ 'j01u 00; No $H.uU.oo. N. I. I4 0O4JS00; cho'ce lowland' $.1 (lit lo ot); No. 1. $4.vth1.00; No. 2 $7 iirt 4 0: Ko. t. $5.0017.00. eXraw: Wsnii no, 4iu.5o; choice oat or rye, pt extra oil niigtil orinn, iiwi. Airnlia: Choice isi!3 '; No. 1, $11 ("ijj-llov: No. 3. tv uu ill.tio; No. 3 $7.0lo4.oa. NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Various Factors Play Part ia Session of Financial Exchange. STEEL HEAVY AT OUTSET NEW YORK. Dec. 8-The president' message, tnereased tension In the rels tions between Washington and Berlin, bunking Intimations of a pom bit domes tic trade reaction gnd a fall in the Anglo-Krenrh notes to ftS, a fraction under the price paid by direct participa tion, were among the factors which played .heir part In today's professional market. opinion seemed to be more divided re garding the president s views on the tax ing of various ray and finished products, and on the surface, at least, little inter est waa manifested ln the proposed policy Of home defense. Constructive news was not lacking, as demonstrated by the placing of sddi ttonal orders for equipment by railroads and Industrial companies, Increases In the dividends of the Western Cnlon Tele graph snd several copper companies. f respective new railway financing and he strength of sterling exchange. Ra'l- roada also reported substantial gains In November gross returna (lenersl Motors made an extreme r1e of 26 Points to .'.he new record of 644 end Studcbaker gained 13 at 170. with 1 to S-pont advancea In Mercantile Marine preferred, Cnlted Fruit, the Harvesters, oils and the familiar unclassified issues. Ralla were under moderate but constant pressure particularly Canadian Pacific, tlreat Northern. Atchison. Reading and :. t'nlted States Steel was heavy st the outset. fs!l(ng to KdH,. but recovering to 87i. Bethlehem Steel was lightly desk In. but rose to 476, a gain of tt1. Total sales amour.'.d to b.o shares. liemsnd sterling was st Its best for the current movement, bills being quoted at 471H. Franca were a trifle heavy, but other continental rates were firm. Bonds were Irregular to heavy, with some contraction of dealings. To.tAl sales, par value, aggregated 35.fcm.O0rt. Cnlted States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sale and leading quotations on stocks wera aa follows: rviea. Hlta lw, AUVs Gold Allle- Maimers Americas Susar... Anirleaa CVn American lcnrlv ... Anorlras f. R Am. ft A R- b4 Am. Snssr Refining tnrrlnn Tl. A Tol.... Amnrlran Tohi-co Anoronds Cnpr Alr-IMnna , fisMwIn lrnmntlr .. naltlmsr g Ohio Rthlhm Stset Itrnoklr BasKt Tr Calltnrnlt Prolsum ... rsnftdtsn Pnrlrln Ontrsl LMlhsr TtTMp4lk OKto Chlrssn O. W i-hlraio. M St. P. , . fhlrn N. W 4-Tilrago. R. I. P. Rt. (Si Inn I'optr Colors, 1o Fe1 a Iron... rrurlM Hteel l.0'r ft. O. pM niMllleni' f4sraritt4 Kris Oenaral Fleetrlc Orest Northers rM lrsx Nn. Or rtn. Oucxnhlm K trioratlos. IlllnnU t'ontral Intsrhoroegh ren. Cere. Innplrattnn 4 ornr Inlernottonsl Mrv4wtor.. Knaj I'ltr Hoiithrn... lhlsk Valley tnltllls N.hIIU.. Max Iran ItrolTum Miami Coeper MiaxMirl, K. T. snl... MtMoort Parlfie National Blaruit Nal1nn1 la4 Nevada Cnpper Naw York raniral N. V.. N. H. H Norfolk 4 Weaara North Parine Paoifla Mall ParKle Tol. A Tal Pennavlvanls nay (a. C'4i9par Itaa1lna .ft 4. TOO 4.Tl t no 4. SO 4. in ! 114, n V 7t 4'.H 71 4' Tllv 1in4 ans li ttTH ir.s 4.00 1144. 12 i: 2i4'a 11 tra ri 714 I. TOO 107 ll tna. to.ono 117V4 114H t' X.700 4't 474 7n 4 It 1 v r'4 E1 i sm 1M i ttt m4 u 444 It'H lH Ml 81S 7S r 47' lt. SiH l.7e 400 l.k) l.ons 4 l an 7in . HOD r am tm l 1V4 4t 1 71'. 4"H 44V 11 It 44 44 U, 4.1S 177 14 177 Imh r. mv. 4 41i l.n 77k 77 7H ISO, 12 flH ins tn tt t.J0 46 4S 4 fx lit 110V Hi SO 3:. ' 7.40' "m" l'k II ' 11 "l'i in 1 14 I4X 4 1S4 44 $i I.SM 4 IH M I.100 i Itnn 104 10m imv t ino 7444 74'. T.v4 f a li' lix n m UT ur.a nau .. 1. 4 IS .. l.wo .. 4 400 .. 4.IK4) .. 4. St) .. 11.40" 44 H M4 ktu, 4W F.4 41 '4 44 4I"4 (Ttwuhllr Iron 4 gtasl rtoiiihara Paclflo KodlKern Railway-...-. Btudahaker fVmpoar Tanneasos rnoser Taiaa I Vtmpaaf ttnlon rartfl , Union Parirtr sfs , t'nltad stataa Ktasl..., tt. H Ktaal pfd t'tah Cop nar w-.(m I'nion Waatlnahoua Riactrle Montana Pnwar nanara.1 Motor Wahaah B oM H'4i fit .70S 10' 14 1(11 H r3 y:'( 4. KM 17H 1M 17B a fu. kUj 47H 113 in iit ni T.4"t J."S 1"4 IMH a.1 41 1114 .. 7t.l :',4 M4 1171. 1144 1UV4 1 't It. una 1. mo i.ii St4, 7St ' W4 4H aa 14 14 It 7 74 1.400 144 tia 44 1.400 P ra nlernallnnal Mario pM. 11.00 atv, a314 ToUl wles for th dar. MS.onA saara. 4'4 , .Ner York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Deo. S.-Closlng quota tions on bonds were as follows: V. H. raf. k. raa.... StMo. ff. r. la..,.'. 4I4 ., - wW r,, .... neD. aa....iiu V. 8. 4a. raa 11HM. T. Oil. 4Ua IM14 44. ras 110 N. T.. N H. A H. dO POOOOB 110 c. (. Panama Ja enupoa, .10114 sn. Parlflo 4s - Am. amalun a..,.IH4 go A. T. A T. e. 4ts..pHttO. g. li"rW."is"" tj'l Armour 4 Co. 4a.. 24. ran. T. A T. a.. mi Atrhlaon can. 4a.,.. ft4H4paaa roa 4ul in-. ----- - - - - w -wm agv Brffl U . aj B4B 1f1l 4m ( n. i'anrio lit 40-avRsadlB 4. . " e. r. aa. .1 no. Railway ta.,....101'4 - fnlos Pacific 4a..:. rs It. i, R. O. raf. t.. 1 do . M Pla sen 4a 74't g. RuM.r ,..7oJ,. Oaa. Elartrlo ta If; t n Blart 4 Inail CM. Ns. 1st 4ta t4WaSuih Tat ta 4 III. .. raf. 4. 41 VVnl.s awil' M K. C. so. ra. to.... . Weat. FlTV. l."mi. It g.rV.: .... r.i Bt4. .1 - Local geearrtrs ' Qsoiat'loB furnlabad Bursa Bttnkar A Ca 444 uniahs Nsuuasl ttank Bids., Oataba. Slacks ijid. Ashed. Bau.ara Mortcaf Losa 14 li U.ra Ca. pfd i laimoiit Craanaarr pfd ........lot Ifll Klak Kubbar In 1 lai pfd j..iei ,a Llaioln Tal. a Tal. com.-. Naw buta Taiapbona pfd , . ..u Omaha a C. B. Ht. Ht- pfd 71 ' On.alia, t-. B. tir. A Bridi ptd.... ti LZ Swlfl Compear ".IJiU. luZ bul-burgrr a auiui ptd tHt aa Biawart- Warner spawtumaisr at ai tnlon fliock Varoa stock H& tV4 Cblcaao Talaphoo Oo. 1st ta. 1114. ...11U, loju, ' tlljr of Omaba Watar 4Wa. 1441 luj iot ,1 tlly of Omaha Parka 4 Ha. 1V44 1011 lal II HuaJoa Kaalir 4a l23. rt. U. Hi. Ho. a. K. 4a. 147.. UU, n Lincoln Tal. A Tal. a. l.U H 1i La Aofalas 4'a. 1111 m M i""" 1 1 1 - j m aa. taM at aa Omaha C. O. Bt. Ry. ta. 1U4 tiu. iTu. Omaha Oaa ta, I N J,, Mad Cloud, Nab., 4 Ha. Ik 14 ' N Hucky MounlalB Fuel ta (bonual a to sioua Clir bturk Yania 64, into a vlt tloui falla, H, U. U. lUi nu. slf A lumpaar 4a 4M4 1; MJ Tburatus Nab. aa. lsit 104 ),? wlculia luloo block Yardj 4a, l-4 ... sau, ivuta l.ond.i Stork Market LONDON. Dec $.-Presldent Wilson's message was well received on the Hock exchange today, but It had little effect In the American section, which was Idlv steady at Irregular changes HILVER-Par. t6i per ounce. MONKY-44U per cent. DISCOCNT 11ATE.S Hhort bills and three months, 64 per cent. . t Rank ( learlsra.' OMAHA Dec. $,-Rank clearings for Omaha today were $3,7a0.1M 44 and for tho corresponding day last year $J.247..U.44 4l aad Koala. SAVANNAH. .Oa., Dec. $.-TlRPKN-T1NE gulet atia'o; gales, none; receipts l.Ma bbls. ; shipments, nunc; stock, lttts bbls. . HpSlN-FIrm; ssles. bbls.: receipts. 1.M5 bbls.; shipments, none; stock "b 143 hi is. Quote: A. U, C and I), $o SO-' K ,-.oi, UV-. V and O. $5.4Xf.70; H and I $.'. u5.7K: K. $5.$n4i.15; M. $6.2Jeb 2o- JW.30; WO. $40: WW. $7.067.16. agar Market. NEW YORK. IV S.-Sl'OAR-Raw. easy; centrifugal. 5.30c; molasses, 4 4de- rrnnea nuiei. ,-.iir ruiures opened easier under further liquidation At noon prices were 4 to 4 points lower. Dry 4U Market. NRW YORK, Pec S.-PRT GOOD8 Cotton gods were firm at an advance toduy. Yarns, firm: worsted yarns were more active and higher. Knit goods were ' active. A Tor Pa's- ad will turn seoond-hand furniture Into cash. Conservative Investments la New York Stock Exchange sex-untie auggested in B OII t.ot KEVISW, publish.d waakli b M klulr at . . ,.ortUf.., ,.w Yik CUy. .uj fol fra uinjii. o .,f ,