Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1915, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE HEE: 0.iATlA. DKCEMBKU 1013. WANT AD RATES WANT APS for thi evening edition mnt reach Tho Bee Office before 14 o'clock nm. WANT ADS for tho mnrtilnl and Sundav editions must reach The Bee Office before 7;4i p. m. WANT AIS received after theae hour will nrnkx their first pir tn under "Too Late to Classify." CASH KATES. On time. J cent a word. Two or mnrn consecutive tlmfl, m rents word, each Insertion. Seven consecutive times, 1 cent h word, rmh Insertion. CHARGE KATES. On time. 12 cent a l'ne. Three consecutive times, 10 cents a line, ench Insertion. Seven consecutive t!mc. S cents A Hn- rach Insertion Thirty rnnsecut've time. 7 cmli line, each Insertion. Count Bin averasa word to tha Una. No advertisement taken for less than 20 cent. NOTICES. Tarda of Thank. Death, Funeral and bod ro Notles. 10 rent a Una each Insertion. M'nlmum charge tfl rent. Parties advertising In the col nmna and having their answer addressed In care of The Bee will Tleaaa aak for card to enable them to ret their letters, aa none will ha delivered except on pre entatlon of card a An advertisement Inserted to ha run until dlacontlmied must be topped bjr written order. The Be, will not ha responalMa for more than the first Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. Tha Bee. reserves the right to reject or rewrite 11 advertise ments. Ton can rlc your want ad In Tho Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. CARD 01 Til A WlH. Wi wfsh to extend our alncera thank to our many friend for tha aympathy and klndnes ahown us at tha death of JOHN NTDAHL AND FAMILY. T7B w1h to extend our alncera thank to our many rrlenfl ann Knignt or Tythlaa lodge for their tympathy ahown and flower given at the death of our littVt Elisabeth Vlrcln'a. K. C. BRAGON1RK AND WIFE. DEATH! AND FUNERAL NOTICES ORABENHOR8T Dltrlch. December 7. 1915. aired 70 year. Funeral service will ba held from fam ily reaidence, 4.124 North Twenty-fifth avenue, to German Lutheran church. Twenty-fifth and Evan. Thursday. De cember . at I p. m. Interment. Forest lawn. Friend Invited. Deceased I sur vlved by hla wife, three ona: William of 1 y ton. Ore.; John of Council Bluff, and Ilck of Omaha: five daughter: Mr. Frit Hansen, Mr. Ihlllp Olid, Mrs. Thomaa Mlldriin and Martha and Louis Orabenhorst of Omaha. JfAtTEt REN Carl William, aged 61 rear. Funeral will ba from family residence, Z31S Deer 1'ark boulevard. Thuraday, I p. m. Interment, Laurel IIIU cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Joseph and Alice Flynn, 101 T (North Twenty-ninth, boy; Paul and Pau line Qetsschmann. 1467 South Nineteenth, fcirl; M. and Edith Holllway, hospital, girl; Nathan and Sophia Kuxnlt. IM North Nine eenth, boy; John A. and Helen Ijeary, 2213 poppletnn avenue, buy; Harry and Clara, Lurth, Fourteenth and Capitol avenue, boy; Mllo and Pearl Mitchell. 4223 Seward, boy; Thoma and Mereellna Mae tenka, Thirty-aecond and Vinton, girl; liavld and Mary Paxton, 0i Hickory, boy; William and Margucw Taylor, K North Fifteenth, girl; iaauore and Roee rVlniraub. Twenty-fourth and Irait, boy. Deaths Wllhelm Hanelnen, 62, Forty third and Dewey avenue; Mary E. Dor man. 4b, 1101 South BUth; Sarah J. Ayre. 74, J127 Kpencer; James Carney, 75, 1401 North Sixteenth; Hernia Compton, 77, U k!ne; Mike Kdwards, 10. 1711 Nlchnl&a; John Petersen, to, 4.X Ohio; lerrjr B. Rob luson, 10 months, hospital. , MARRIAUB MCEJfBBJ. License to wed have been Issued to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Claude Smith, Omaha S3 Anna K. Wlcklund. Omaha 25 Alfred M. Xlngdon. Deoatur IS fcUiel Lambert. Decatur , li John A, Perry, Omaha 17 Clara L. Marguardt, Omaha. 26 BVILDIKQ PERMITS. ' Berger Pro., B1M Poppleton avenue, frame dwelling. ll.&O; Lloyd lxm, XA line street, frame dwelling, 4,V0; W. J, I'etereen, S3I4 Wright, frame dwelling, 910: Kate Petersen, SJW Wright, frame dwelling, I1.6U0; Kate Petersen, Ull AVrigiit, frame dwelling, 1,WW. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Dswstswa, EMPRESS, UT11 AND DOUGLAS. Hearst-Sell No. 96. -As the Twig Is Bent." 3-reel Lubln. "Ive and Law," Vitag-raph. Tbe Lonedale Operator, Ulofraph. PKlNCt-faS. 1117-19 DOUGLAS. Pstty Arbuckle and Mabel Norm and In Tbe Bea Nymphs, t-rel Keystone coin. Ilia Vocation, beart Interest draiua In I reel. A Tntt!e In Heart. Calno fttar comedy. ee AmerVa Klrat. travelogue. Keecing Up Willi tue Jouesea,. cartoon comic. sank. GRAND, 1TH AND BINNEY. The Warning, I rel drama. To Rent Furnished, 1-reel comedy. heflng America t irst. senla. Kfi'lug I'p With tho oJnraea, cartoon. Lulu's Lost Lothario, comedy. LOTUKOP. Hill and"T5'turop. I sramount presents Mary Plckford In Be hind the tVenrs. APPOLO. 1824 LEAVENWORTH. Jfcaret-Sellg. No. M. tliu I'twiln, l-re-l Kssanay. 1 be Terelertool' Triumph, belle A J-ani'ly Plonlc. Vllatsravh Meat. MONROE, 26G5 FARNAM Lltiln Viola Dana In the 4-rael comedy- orsiu, r;nini i.ui-k, from ibe Slags sue C'. sod a cartoon comedy. tusik alv. BE3SE. J4TII N or the Honor of the freer, l-r. Vita. ) rppa. I'aaiM-a, Hiotraph. lixa Jlo.iiH) s iluy Day, Kal.-in. AKXOrXCEMKNTS Lady's Sealskin Coat r- r ele; else K, full length, genuine :. . !. luimt quality. t- -ll-ul oun ohii.ii: I, ft from an ratals; li go at a t-a(rHin. I 'nil at )r i t P.rfTKi STJ1" . W--IKarnam. ) r K r-K Y.M .('. aT buaiiit'Ks-iitetu i- - liulu i;LUu:r.ll;i "lii. MOVIES a 1, FEATURES ill TODAY LOTHROP. 14TII AND LOTHROP. Mary Plckford In Behind the Scenes. fcoNROis: " i is s farnah: Viola Dana in Cohen' Luck, 4 reels. ANNOUNCEMENTS A Dollar Saved Is a Dollar Earned Save $25 by Enroll ing While Our SPE CIAL HOLIDAY OFFER is on. Get practical Instruction on R EA tt CAKH, KJNATION HVHTEMH, KI.KO 1'KM' LI;HT8, KI,FI('TKI(! UTARTK.rtR, STORAUW BATTERIKS. I.ATHK WOHK. OXT-ACKTYI.KNH WRLlUNd, VMlx'ANIZINU. etc. Driving on differ ent make of cart. Nebraska Auto mobile School !H Leavenworth St. Red 8U0. Call or tend for our FREE catalogue. Lease For Sale on two offices nicely located on second floor of The Bee Building Inquire of the Superintendent, Room 103. CHIROPRACTIC, aplnal adjustment. I can successfully remove the causa of rheumatism, liver, stomach, paralysla, nervousness and female weaknesses. Ex amination free. DR. W. II. KN0LLENBER0. ulte lit Bee Bid. Tyler UK Free 91.15 aluminum kettle with each ton of our coal delivered. Weight guaranteed or will pay 1100 If otherwise. City scale weight to everyone. Illinois Nut or Lump 9 110 Cherokee Nut (.00 Our "special" furnace lump coal t.ta "Our Pride" furnace coke, no ashes.. .2B Rosenthal! Hpeclal (very best), nut or lump W Iowa Nut, no premium 4.00 Hard, nut 10. at fiara. lump io.S r'lve-bushel basket, delivered 1.00 Rosenthal's Coal Market. l1l Leavenworth. Phone Doug. 61M. nRODKUAARD'B "Lucky Weddina- Ring ' at 14th and Douglaa St. AUTOMOBILES buying a uaed car and you want lull value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car column of The Bee. Pbone Tyler 1000. luOA MILKS of rntleaae In your rid Urea oum. oana wetn 10 DUO T1RB CO., nlustrii Oarage Co., 20 at Harney St.' T-PABSKNOER auto to exchange for S. room uuiigaiow. ifiepnone ioug. aim im 8ALK-1SI1 Cartercar, rd rnndl tlnn flirit nrl.ia 1 1 s1l a j a m:.u ;i:v r:vT4. r.:..,. aaro"' "'"'"r p., rarnam. NKBRA8KA Buhh Service tttou. lu arnam ny. r'none Llougla 711. AUTO, clearing house. Huy. sell and "'"w n cars, i.w " a, -nam. 11. me H0 REWARD for any magueto we t-aTT? repq nay soortei. jib N. lit a. BRUSH runabout, cheap. Omaha Con crete Btone Co., toth and hauler bU Telephone Colfax (86. DUSIIfESS CHANCES If your faualnaaa Chanoa will rigid Investigation and la Just what It la advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per. fectly satisfied If you use the Buauiae Cuauoe column of The D. When buy ing or selling a business Phone Tyler I"- THEATKR8 buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Kiich, Co.. I Karnam. D. 1W7. OFUCB for real estate or Insurance; aamo floor as I"e office: 13xl (vet; iM. The Bee Bldg , Office Room lul J( Hl.LU or buy a bualm-as, call on nuscii 6t liorg)orr. Vi renser Blk. D. l e Heat restaurant In noitheaot Neb.. 1 county aat 11,600; Bales IU.000 Per 7wr. r ri' n ..dv ana invoice. JIM HKAI, MOUX CITY, IA. 1NTKHKST In splendid jwylns; iiiercnn tile buxtnese for aaie. .Katabllshed ii.i. Need additional capital to take caj-a of iiiurvaaing business. Fullest Investiga tion courted. or full mnlruUr. ,l. drwss liuatnea," care Motitgonwry Adv. Co., Jai kaonv lUe. Ma. KW.KXlHIi litlTKI, PKul'tiKITlOliJ 44-room roomlng-tiouae. completely fur nished; splendid neighborhood, near Un colu park. ood tranaorUitlon; fine home. Rent, Including ateam heat ami Janitor service. Monthly Income. ..0 to .;. Price, J,i; U.wiO caah bal. .a tnonihly. J. E. Cbristvnsen, 1 South LaBalle Mt., Chicago, Office For Real Estate or Insurance Same floor as -Bee Office The Bee Building Office Room 103 liL HALL for eale: SIX rtrat-claaa ta ble; the only pool hall allowed In the town of Frankfort, Kan.; I cvnta per cue; no chips; ll-eue expires April, Un: rea son for selling 1 hake bought 4.6 acres of land and am kui to the land. J. li. Keith. Frankfort. Kan. ASK for ny Real Eatate Bulletin. It IncluUes larceat and best list of bar- faioa In 11 atalv. W. O. Teiuplelos, oi FOR BALEResiauratil In a wide-awake town, doing good businraa. For Infor mation W l ite T Bee. fi.50u.00 stock of dry good fur sale cheap; no traie. must be caah; atock must bx moced. Wilis Clements A Co., Lyoua, Neb., owiieis. l'l ul.l' in or fJi 04 n.i.ess cail a OA.Nui.srAk i Let 104. Dvua. lU'HIN'KHH dlANCES BEK Onwht Theater Supply Co, for bar I '" In est hushed shows p. !. your buslncn with inn for quick results- buy sell and exchange. RKi.iAnr.i-: rakgain 10, I Room 2 Halrd Hid. Tel. Imnsias 820. liTH AND IMH'OLAH 8TH. IKlKSTMK.VTjl. Onp Nebraska farm mort- 7frf gagea are not affected by J t Kuropcan wars or panics. If) Amounts ffiO to 131.000. We collect all Interest and nrinclnal free of charge: 30 -ears In the Nebraska farm loan field Ithout a loaa la our record. KIlKp. INVESTMENT COM PA NT. 801 Omaha Nat'l Hank Bldg., Omaha. o KDCCATIOXAL The VAN SSANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening Bchool. lor Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class in typewriting. lone C Duffy, Owner and Manager. V 9. 11th Ft. Omaha. DAY BCHOOL. BOYI.EB COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. - Book keeping. Hhortlisnd. Fitanotypy, Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, Civil Bervlce All Com mercial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, 18th and Harney BU. Tel. Douglas 1546. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sa, witn good reasons for selling, a variety of courses In a reliable Busi ness Bchool, one of the leading business rollraes of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course investigate this at once, since Fall term IxkIiis soon. Call offiee. Omaha Bee. FOR sale, the following scholarships in a first-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business snd shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at tbe office of The Omaha Bee. ron saXiH RSI ITU RE, BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. IM9 N. 24TH. WEB. 1007. AT A BARGAIN A young couple, moving to California, offer their fine furniture, guaranteed as good as new, at 60 cents on the dollar. Folding davenport, three rockers and fine rujr, brass bed. mattress, spring, rug and a handsome piano, a dining table and six chains. A genuine bargain for some one. Let us mall pictures of what you want. ADDRE.SH Y 162, BBE FURNITURE, draperies, dishes, cooking utensils, etc. tip N. 23d 8t. Doug. 4T&7. FOH HALE Here Is a classification that la of the utmost Importance to every reader, aa this column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and a mall want ad will sell your article at its full value. Phone Tyler 1,000. I)pnk bought and sold. J. C. Reed, xycBo-a W1J K(lrriam ,jt Dougla M. HORSES A.M VEHICLE. FARM wagon. 9M; hamesa, 90; both new. Johnaon-Danforth Co.. Ifith and Clark Htreet. ML MICA L INSTRUMENTS. FINK, melodious, mahogany piano and bench, cost 9476: will eacrlfloe for L&0 cash: leaving town; nothing like It In Omaha; seeing I believing; In use little over one year. If you haven't caah. don't call. Apply 6330 N. &th Ave., or call up Colfax 877a. POULTRY AND PUT STOCK. MXD grain. 100 lbs, 91.75. Wagner, sol N.l. STEREOTYPY matrices make the beat no cneapeai nning ior poultry no use a They are lix23 Inches, stronger and more ilnrahlA , ). k n v I . .. . 1 " - " '. . I . u ,v,v BlIU LI I .I.LII HI! fireproof. 71.C a hundred at The Bee offloe. T I PEW R ITER 8. RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co., ear bon paper and Inked ribbons D. I'4i. TYPE WRITE Hi tor rent Hee Hldg. TYPEWRITEIiM Bold, rented, repaired. Central T pewrlter Exe, ls Karnam. M 1 SlbLLA . EO L 8. FOR 8AT.IC New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- lislke-Collender Co.. 407-400 8. 10th Bt. Wales add, much.; good condi. CS30, IWe. FOR SALE or trade, cne Avery 12-25 yaa or kerosene tractor and three bot tom plows, with self-guide; all In good shape; a snap for aome one. A. W. Ilead lee, Silver Creek, Neb. 2 electrto motors. Room 5, Lee Bldg. (J0 OA Golden West Whisk JTV"S XII quart bottled In bo kv. 4 full bond, pre- omana. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley anil accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Balke-Collender Co.. 407-408 a 10th BU Cheap for Cash OR WILL TRADES FOR SHETLAND PONY OUTFIT. Having decided to move to California, I offer my fine Checkering piano, made at Boston; not a acratch on It. J. B. ENOELKEN. Lemars, la. FOR BALE CHEAP. Business College Course. Full and oomplete scholarship In one of the best Omaha business schools. Oood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but wll be eod very reaaonaby. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. ELECT1UC MQTOBS l-H. P., 220 volts, 1 phase, new 1 tl 1 11. P., 2D volts, I phase, new 40 S-H. P.. 2M volt. S phase, new W t-H. P., 2M volts, 1 phase, new U DYNAMO& S-K. W., 110 volts. D. C. new 1 tt 5- K. W., 110 volts, D. C. new loo SV-K. V.. YMto vo'.ta. new w l-H. P. gasoline engine , jg 6- 1. P. gasoline engine, throttling governor jog LE BKON KLECTH1CAL WORKS. SIS 8. Uth Bt. o 1IKLI WXTF.I) FKMALK 1LKRICAL AND OFFICE. Corset Buyer. A-No. 1 only. Btrnograplier, splendid future.. KoukkH per, F.xp'd only ltookkeeer A-No, 1 rieno.-Bookkeeper, Exp'd It Caehler-HKkkeeier, Hetail Exp.. WESTERN tll-.r r-KE.NfE Si BOND Asa N, INC., 75i Omiiha Nat'l Bank Bldg, Kleuogiapher 15 hieno. and dictaphone operator o Bookkeeper and cashier t'O HookkeeiMir and cashier Cigar clerk k 10 W ATTtt R K V. CO.. m-40-42 Hrandela Thea Al.tM l AM) SALikSW OMt.V. FIRST-CLASS SALESLADY. I Murphy. 4 to p. in. 2,'Oi Fai-nim. At Ukl AND 'I HADES, 0 1RL. to learn halrdreaslng. Oppenhelin. LADIES can make good wagea at home ticfore holida decxratlng aufa pillows. Fxperlent-e uiuieccaaary. ('all foreuoona, r;( tf. 13th. DOMESTIC. TUB Servant Girl Problem Solved. The tie win run a tervetn uiri waiiKKl Ad iFKEE until you get the desired results. This aoi'iiea to reai.ients of Omaha. Mouth Omaha and Council IMnll. Hi nig sd to 1 l.a le on ce or iteiioiia 1 yier I-o -r I jr "i I f ANTED M.dd e sed UJy for . ii bwusswoik, 1 lu lauiUy. Dwugla HKI.l' WAXTKn FKMALK DOMKSTIt , WANTED Olrl to assist with housework and care for small child; one attndlng s. hool half day preferred. Phone Harney MIDDLE-AO ED lady to help with light housework and to be companion for aa elderly lady; just one In the family; no wages expected. Web. I13i. ?74 Orand. WANTEI A girl for general housework. ?I0 Harney. H. tMfiH. WANTED Olrl for generaFTiousework; small family. 720 Mill St., Co. Bluffs. Phone 1H75. YOUNG girl to assist with general house work and raring for a 4-year-old child Call at 717 Park Ave. Phone Har ney6S?. WANTED Competent nurse girl. Phone Har. 20l. 4R N. 40th Pt. WANTED An experienced girl to do sec ond work. 1T7 H. I'.th Ht. Harney ml. COMPETENT girl; genera) housework, small family, Rood pay. 2214 F street, South Hide; telephone Ho. 19.4. WANTED Olrl for general housework. Har. ZI04. 1020 8. ff-th Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework In small family; Catholic preferred. Weh. 775. OIRL for general housework; three In farn'ly. Good wage paid. 1034 ti. 19th bi. rnon itarney WANTED Elderly woman for houee work. Harney iiVl. WA.TM At once, a gnorj young nurse Bin ior nine ooy years old; good home and wages to riKht party. Apply In Ierson t N. 4"th Ht. WANTED Experienced girl for generul housework; 2 In family; good wages paldLH a rney 32. WA NTEI Capable maid for general hjusework; small family; best wages. Harney WO, WOMAN wishes light housekeeping work. Also, to take care of children. No washing. 2219 8 14th. WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences. Oood wages paid. 141 N. 3!th Ht. Harney (44:1. WANTED A Rirl to assist with hoiise wnrk. No washing or cooking. Wal. 1 17. WAITED A young girl to assist with" housework, no cooking, no washing. 14S N. Hist Ave. Hsrnev 3S41. WANTED Neat girl for general house work. Foreigner preferred. 2231 S. 22nd Ave., Har. 4W8. WANTEI White girl for general house work. Walnut 2420. WANTED A girl for general housework. . 4Q4 Hawthorns Ave., Wal. 792. WANTED A good white girl for general housework. Small family. 2315 8. S2d BU Harney 4101. WANTED Olrl for general housework. Oood family and good home. Har.6012. M lC Kl.L A . EOUSI. YOVNO women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to vlalt the Yourut Women's Christian Association building at Bt. Mary' Ave. and 17th Bt., where they will be directed to suitable boarding ie or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. HELP WANTED MAXJS CLERICAL AND OFFICE. Advertising Mgr., Mall Order Exp.. 1300 Buyer. Carpets. Ruge; salary depend. Bookkeeper. Uerman IL3 Manager, Factory Exp. City Salesman, live wire 1100 Hteno., A-No. 1 only $75 Billing Clerk, Typist ,....i5 Order Clerk, Dress Ods., Exp $ WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS N. INC., 752 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Originator of the Reference Business. Office Clerk, Bales Exp $M) Steno. and Bkkpr. 40 Multlgraph Operator l6 WATTS HEF. CO., fCW-40-42 Brand. Thea. CLERK (DRUG EXP.) $.5.00 LHU. YD. MGR. (BOHEMIAN) ....$X5.00 T HE CANO AOENCY. 000 BEB B 1 A Ki. SQUAR1S PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that file you. CO-OPERATIVE- REFERENCE- CO., 101S-1A City Nat. Bank Bldg-. WANTED Young man, clean cut, ex perienced stenographer and bookkeeper. Address F 5i4, Bee. HIGH-4JKADK commerlcal positions. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ASSN.. 763 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AUGNTR, SALESMEN, SOLICITORS. COAL agents wanted In every town: get k trial car. 1 , M . cox. No. riatte. Neb. FACTORIES AND TRADES. LEARN THR BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wagea paid; elec trio niansage, hydraulic chairs; catalogue free. 1124 I'ohkIrs tit.. Omana. Drug Mtore Bnaps. Jobs. Kn-lst. Bee Bldg. MOLKK BARBER COLLEGES LEARN tho barber trade by our sys tem of expert Instruction and free clinic Positions waiting. Call or write for catar logue. Omahn, Neb., A. B. Moler, Prea HURRY, HURRY. DON'T DELAY. SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can t attend day .school you can hold your lob and at the same time get your automobile education If you enroll In tbe NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE) SCHOOL 14U LEA VEN WORTH. RED mo. . MIBCELLAXEOl'S. OOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which are open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on auto, tractors, electric starting system. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2053 Karnam St. Omaha. Neb. BLACK "WALNUTS for aale, 11.20 per uunnei. 11. 11. Meyer, assvilie, MO. WANTED Names of ambitious men. 11 or over, wanting railway mall clerk positions. 175 0J month. Answer Immadl- stely Y ! Bee. Coal S basket delivered, $1; Illinois nut or tump, So.w per ton. Doug. cm. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming, , month. Sample queatlnne free. Write Immediately. Franklin In. stltute. Dept. i-21 K. Rochester, N. Y. OLNO man to look after our Interest In Omaha. Salary alerting JIJ weekly. No canvassing. Frontier Mfg. Co., Niag ara. Falls, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION a housekeeper by a widow lady, in or out city. Neat, competent and experienced. References if neces- ry. bits, j. Moore. Omaha. Oen. Del. OOOD, handy, all-round man, can take care of furnace; young, sober and re liable: good reference; city. John Sinld, Oen. Iellvery, City. WANTED position together by experi enced colored janitor and wife; In aoartment house referred. Oood refer ence. Wallace, 8. 17th St. WOMAN wlshas position aa housekeeper or as practical nurse. Colfax 817L WAN 11. 1 A set of book to keep even tn.s 1CD 8. 11th MIDDLE aged lady wlahea position aa housekeeper In country; with one child: neat and relhible. Addreae Mrs. Myrtle Corder. Oeneral IVIlvery. Omaha. EXPERIENCED Janitor or yard man wishes work, waaea reasonable. Call John at Harney 404O. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, sober, all- irouml man with car. 7 years experi ence with private cars: prefer private car. but win consiiler oilier. Call Webster 717J. F. MeFadden. YOUNG man wishes position feur or janitor. Web. 147. chauf. CHILD S nurwt or companion wiehve po ll Hull, boat references. Red 775. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM FAN Y. Persona l alng lost some article would 0'. well to call up the offloa of tha (nulla A Council Bluffa Stieet Railway ton pany 10 aat eriaUi w nether ttiey lad ii in the itreet ears. Many article each day are turned la rnu the company is anxious to roelore tutu, to lb rigbtful owner. Call Doug. 44. IiONT AND KOUND I-ost or Found a's In Omaha's I oat and Found medium means the Immediate re torn of that article if advertised In The lee, the Lost and Found paper. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R, Tarry cures piles, fistula snd other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. tl TT P T 1 T T? V. Successfully treated It U X iUUL wyithout a surgical operation. Call or write Drs. Wrajr 6V Matheny, 106 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarnt'd. Dr. Bowser, lit Bee Bldg. TEKSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS The Ladles' Homo Journal $1.50 The Saturday Kvenlng Post. v. L50 The Country Qentlepian I l.OO 1.4(l SUBSCRIPTIONS IN DECEMBER practically earns the $3,00 for tne IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal mean 6ic. Please phono Douglas 713 or mall to GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha. Neb MRS. J. C. MILLER, ladies' tailor and dressmaker. Has moved from 217 Leav enworth to 0-1 Oeorgia Ave. Will be pleased to meet my old patrons. Har. 4827. THE Salvation Army Inluatrlai home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga slnes. We collect, We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. YOUR furnace cleaned, tl, work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 4tf4. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract otnee in Nebraska. 2W Hrandels Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. o6 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 5487. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 433-4H7 Ram jre Bldg. Tel. Doug. 7406. ADVERTII.U NOVELTIES. M. F. Shafer A Co.. 12th-Farnam. D. 7474. AMATELH KIMSHI.NU. FILMS developed free If purchased from rnoio urtu onop. m nee Miag. uepi. u. ARCHITECTS. Everett B. Dodd. 612 Paxton Blk. D. 1081. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson, 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1R04. AUCTIONEERS. Dowj Auction Co.. 1115-10 W.O.W. R.S2SS. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE iKougiaa zsis. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 202 Far. D. 2001 liATHS. BATH 214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles; Swedish massage. 191 Farnam St. Douglas 3437. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER. 1R08 N. 18th. Web. I?7. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. Tth and Martha Sta. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 S. 12d. Douglas S6J0. Lessard tt Son, 1900 Cap. Ave. T. 1633. C. W. Hokanson. 2505 Lvnwth. Tyl. 2192-J. COFFEE BV MAIL. Coffee Save money. Use better coffee. 15 lbs. high grade htf fls r Hak I n s-iSu-. IJ 9 awa y ve v a 7 f sa I tl. W. A. Skalfe A Co.. Omaha. Neb. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL AUJU'MTS, pS JBURIIORN. ,8th and Farnam. Wcad was, v. wmi. raimvr scnoot graouaie. I r. J. C. Lawrence. I Balrd Bid;. D. 846L DR. W. H.' K NOI.LEN B ERQ, SulU SlJ oius. hi. 1 J ler jys ClllRuPoDlsr. Carrie J. Buford, 61M Pax. Blk. Red 4517. JEANETTE PREY. Wl Balrd Bldg. D. 14. UANC1NU ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. (140. DB LUXE ACADEMY. Ill S. lth 8t DRESsHAHINU COLLEGE. Ketfters's Dressmaking Col.. Vsn City Na. DRESSMAK1NU. Terry Dressmak'g college. ICth A Farnam LADIES" JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style: reasonable price. 1911 Far ram PC Phone Douglas 28j. DVERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. I: n. Kth. D. 8071. DETECT IVES. JAMES ALLAN, (12 Neville Block. Evt aenca secured In all cases. Tyler IDs. DU.HT1STS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea. T24Clty Nat, Oanlc Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglaa. D. 2181 liKlIUI. DRUGS at cu. prices; freight paid on UO orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mo Ccnnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. . ELECTROLYSIS. Uloe Allender. ?4 Bee Bldg. Red KK3. ELECTH1C MOl'OH UEPAIRINU CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.M7S. EVEHYTI11NU FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttona, all sixes and sllea; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes. penuanLs. Ideal Fleeting Co., 20i Douglas block. Doua Ins FCHNACES AND T1NWOUIC. HABERSTR5H, 403 Hamilton. Wal. 271. FLO alts t a. BATH'S, noiista, UM Farnata BL D. 100. I. HENDERSON, 1814 Douglas. D. 12f Mioiber Florists Telegraph Del. Ah a HESS aWOBODA. 141 Farnam St A. DONAOHI'B. 1S21 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURRIERS. SAM KNEETER. l&M Farnam. Red S3. H. Rothhola, tad Leavenworth, j H. 27 il READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. HISTORICAL. IwtltHM, THE larrest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo, Lichen A Son. 14 Hownrd. D. 4115. 1NSTRI C TION. English. French Instruction, ms Lyric Bid. J L STICKS Or TllK PfcAt K. H. II. CUTBORNE. 512 Paxton Blk. Red 7101. Notary public; deposition teno. C. W. PRITT. tm Barker Block. " LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO. Exchange Bldg. Ms.aaF.IRS. Msssage. women. Call P. 3227 for apptmt MOTOnCVt LES. H ARI.ET-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLE. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roo, "The Motorcycle Man," 2703 Ieavenworth, -VINO PI Tl RK MACHINE!. OMAHA Film Ex.. Hth and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay ss you can. Dm, McCnrty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY I'll V SICI AN'S. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, 115 Bee Bldg. PAPER IIANU1NU. PA PERU A NOI NO Rooms papered. $3 per room. I'owers, 1122 N. 2"th St. PATENTS. D. O. Bamell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TU7. II. A. Sturges, 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.-Mattresee made . over Jiswt like new. 19i7 (.'timing. D. 247. l-i.t,AIE9 CCRLED, dyed. D. Eiaele, 1136 City Nat PIANOS FOU RENT. 13.R0 per month. A. Hospe. 1513 Douglas. PHI N TIN U. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 S. 13th St. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS S7B4. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., Ell S. 12th. D. 2911. SHOE REPAIRING. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R. 3444 FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 8. 14. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2724. SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machine. "MICKELS." NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., l.rth and Harney. Douglas 1WS1. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. IB. MOVE AND FIRNACB REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water fronts, fumacs colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 12Q6-8 Douglas 8t. Tyler 20 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bc Bid. D.1879. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. P. 63. TRUNK. AND SUIT CASES FRELINO A BTEINLE. 1806 Farnam St VACUUM CLEANERS. ALL makes. E. B. Williams. SOS S. 18th. Tyler 1011. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for 15. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1905 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange. 116 S. 18tb St All make for sale or rent. RENT a "'Remington" not Just a tvpa wrlter. oLw rent. Call Donglaa 1284. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk 18 yr. ex p. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug, Ptg. Co. WEDDING RINGS. BRODEQAARD'S "lucky wedding rings" at lftth and Douglas Sts. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-1 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 1. 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. 522 N. ltith. Douglas UOS. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that oj no longer hive any use for and get something you I Silly needT Write Room 104. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler lOifl. A NEW 2-cyllnder, alr-coeled 20-h. p. gaaoltne engine, with Bosch high ten sion magneto; also a new No. 2 Ball planetary transmission. Will swap for motorcycle or anything I can . use. Ad dress S. C. 393. Bee. ALL furniture In 45-roora hotel: reason able rent on building; South S'de: will exchange for real estate; value $1,1 A. Ad dress S. C. 603. Bee. A S-YEAR-OLD coltie and Holstetn cow for chickens. Address 8. C. 6H9, Bee. AUTOMOBlUh.-For other automobile bargalna sea the "Automobile" classlfi cation. BUFF Orpingtons. 11 pullets, thorough bred. What have you to ofier? Address B. C. r9. Bee. BILLIARD TABLE Home slxe. 1x7. What have youT Make me an ofier. 8. C. 394. Bee. LAY mare, with foal to jack; not broke. Will awap for anything of equal value. or Ford. 8. C. 387. Hee. .23 CALIBER AUTOMATIC RIFLE. nearly new. Will trade for Smith A Wesson revolver. 6-lncli barrel, police model, or shot guns, 12-gauge. Address B. C. 63. Bee. ELECTRIC SIGNSwihmake electrlo aigns for small car. Prefer a Ford. Ad dress 8. C. 697, Bee. I ORD touring car, In good condition, for house and lot or good vacant lot What have youT Addreaa 8. C. 890. Bee. FI LL DREaS SUIT, else 40, worn only four times, cost 135. Will trade for what have you Address 8. C. 693. Bee. OAS engine, 4-h. p. Fairbanks-Morse gas or kerosene engine in fine condition with hplldorf vibrator coll and 10-gat. tank and all water connections; worth 11; will take good Rep. shotgun aa part payment or what have you? 8. C. i. Hee. HIGH grade office furniture, oak roll top desk, four flat top desks, two type writer desks, office chairs, fli ng cabinets, bookcases, letter duplicating machlns (not a neostyie), printing press and 1) fonts of type, 26 pounds newspaper type, make offer. Can use lumber, carpenter work and tailoring. Addrens J biei. Bee. IF YOU have a Luger pUtol of .11 or .3s ca liber, answer this ad, as J have some thing to trade for it Addreae . C. lot, rare Bee. I HAVE two casings and tubes. 11x4; run about 6u( miles; also two 4x3Vi caalnns and tubes, run about Mutt miles. To swap for Sox! or Svx3f4 casings. Addreae S. C. 6. Bee. I HAVE set boxing gloves, punching bag. tennis racquet, 11 game board, wlta ?anies; will trade for bicycle or ,22-ritle. i. II 46. Call 1. C. 524 LAK'iE ilr iut, juLi). to trade for Ford roadster or touring car. Tula lot will stand actual caah value of tQ. 8. C. 3.-i lire. , . . ' SWAPPERS' tXII.UMN MANN HONE CUTTER Been used for sample machine, can be) used by hand or power. Will trade for shot gun. Rem ington .23 caliber rifle or chickens to dress at market price. Address 8. C. 691 Hee. ON K : hammei less safety police, double action, break open revolver; one u e lnch barrel break open revolver; on Winchtater repeating shotgun and case. Want Martin shotgun In exchange for re volver or anything I ran use of equal vhIuo. Address S. C. !. Bee. l;"iii 1'IANO, gasoline range, 7-drawer sewing machine, large 7-hole range .nearly new; will trade for good light ' M ... V. n .. 1 ... AAAB..m a ' - 1 1 1 i 1 ,in iv iinii'imvi uu,o 0. v. 6S1, Bee. (,'UARTER-SIZED ltrad violin, one rain proof rubberised suit, coat, pants and lint, slxe 3; 80-foot seine. feet deep, IVi-ln. r.iesh; 6-Inch fish spesr. .32 break-open re- river. .1 seven-shiit revolver. Will swap lor what have you? Address S. C. S7U, l'ee 1-QT. blow-torch and solder Iron; 1 1-Inch, 1 8-Inch and 1 10-inch Crescent auto wrench; 1 3-inch, 8-Inch and 10-Inch screw drivers, bracket, brace and 6 bits; 1 4-lnch scale, 2 rulen, 3 hammers, H-lb, 1 II). and 2-llis. ; 1 kev-hole saw, 6 chisels, and draw knife; will trade for motor cycle or anything I ran use. Address S. C. W2, Bee. REFLEX camera, 6x7, reversible back, 6 double plate holders, focal plane, shut ter. 1-6 to 1-1.000 sec, Eurynar A mast If -mat lena, F 4-6. bv Rodenstock, Munich; In excellent condition: cost $150. What have you of equnl value? S. C. 3S1. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. Pee FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. RAINCOAT, sixe 3X; three mouthharps, 2 leather pocket cigar cases, one carnival torch. 2-burner; 1 pair of hip boots, sixe g. v nm nave you r AOdress . c. 378, Bee.' 2,000 SHARES STOCK In Wyoming coal mine, par value $1.00. Will trade for autos. or what have you? Address 8. C. 4. Bee. ' THIRTY-EIGHT hsmmerless safety po lice break open revolver, pair of line man's spurs, one watch, hunting case, o. year guarantee, one rear motorcycle lamp, motorcycle pump and attachment,' 7x7 miner's tent, complete camping otitfil, ono tanVftH shotgun case. Will for motorcycle or what have you? Ad dress. 8. C. 3M). Bee. L. C. SMITH Typewriter, nearly new, to trade for something I can use. What have you? S. C. 688, Bee. UNDERWOOD typewriter No. t: used three weeks; will trade toward good auto. or. what have you? 8. C. 689. Bee. VIOLIN Oood violin for bass viol; the viol must be in good condition. Ad dress B. C. 690. WILL trade one Oibson mandolin, cost $76; one guitar, cost 166; one Destin cornet, cost $; one Clarke Irish harp, cost 1165, all Instruments in best of con dition; any or oil for diamonds or cash Address H. C. Bee. WANTED to swap, full dress suit for anything I can use. Sixe 87. In good condition. Cost 1'A Address 8.' C. 625, Bee. WANTED TO SWAP A good 1400 lot on 27th near Miller Park for good Ford turlng car. 8. C. 626, Bee. WANT to trade light, roadster automo bile on small cottage or vacant lot. S. C. 69S-Bee WILL trade I, H. C. truck, good running order, for Twin Indian. Benson 808-J. WILL swap Incubator for hay or grain. Anorpsa rv t... sw. nee. WANTED to swaD. Doncorn and eand ndy-V making outfit, conflating of large rotary corn popper, cosi w; large candy fur noce and copper kettle, cost $36; one ther mometer, cost $2; sixteen copyrighted candy-making lessons, cost $20. I want pood used piano or good furniture, or what have you? Address S. C. 301, Bee. WANTED TO BUY Country Shippers WE ARE AGAIN IS THE MARKET FOR COUNTRY MIXED IRON v REQUIRE 300 CARS FOR DECEMBER SHIPMENT. WIRE OR WRITE FOR PRICES. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR RAGS, RUBBERS AND METALS. SONIvEN GALAMBA IRON & METAL CO., 64-88 N. 2d STREET, ? KANSAS CITY, U. S. A, WE ARE on the msrket for 100 carloads of country-mixed scrap Iron. Write for prices. A. B. Alpera. 7th and Douglas. Btrlctl- hlah grade piano. Web. 3726. WANTED To buy on monthly payments. small store room, with living rooms above, in Central school district phone Red 7R54. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. .IfeV, T - ... m. em. iwi i' bi I ! m 1 1 . lAiug, aito. WE pay Chicago prices for aluminum scrap castings. Paxton-Mitchell Co. RENTALS. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. The For Rent advertisement acnearinir in the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the need of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. The Colbert 39th and Farnam Elegant, strictly modern apartments, large rooms and servants' rooms. D. V. Sholes Co. Tel. Douglas 49. 816 City Nat. Bank. o. M 17TH It-r. all mod ant tlR !W1 B ASP BROS. DOUGLAS 1653. 1104 N. 22d. 4-r flat, steel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, wster pftld. $16. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS lti53. 1011 N. 34th St, 7-room St. Louis flat; hot water heat; rental $32.60. Call Doug. 6790. 7-R. mod., 2d floor,, brick, 707 So. 2tth, newly decorated and varnished. Doug. IW7 or R-Jd 7228. BEST 4-rooin apartment in the city; large south front bay window; walking dis tance; you can't beat It. Also a 2-room with bath: furnished. Doug. Z&46. FOR RENT New S-room apartment; dis appearing beds: pneumatlo elevator; shower baths; first-class in every partlcu lar. Flora Apia.. &il Jones St. o FLATS 5-r.-708 South 24th St.. 2d floor, mod., $25. 5-r.-Shelby Court, close-in, mod. ex. J-r. 720 . 28th St.. near Leavenworth, $13. PETERS TRUST CO.. DOUG. 8vW. o APARTMENTS. 4-r. Alsatian, 115 8. Both St., $?-$40. ., 4-r.-Flo-Les', 20th A Capitol. $27.M-$:fii .60. 4-r. Athlone. 20ih A Douglas, 137.60-$ 12.50. 4-r. Oeorgia, 1040 Georg.a, Sl fO. 6-r. Barnard. KUh and Leav., U7 50-$ 11.60. -r. Winona. 26th and Dewey, $47.60. PETERS TRUST CO., DOUG. 8H8 O FURNISHED APARTMENTS. FURNISHED Apt., 1 pretty rooms and kitchenette. Call at 412 Bweetwood Ave. BOARD AND ROOMS. Furnished Rooms that offer ever mod ern convenience and comfort lu private families oi boarding Louses of the high est class will be found In tbe Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler lw. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, with or without board. Call Harney 7304. 1LARGE room for two gentlemen, with board, price reasonab e; private family; elegantly furnished. Harney WS. PARLOR room, suitable for two; strictly mod. home, new furn., close in. H. HIM. M K IM and board ii rr v te family H 6062. 2UN. 23d St For rent, room and board; gentlemen. $j a week. D. 7A.2. WARNS AND GARAGES. WEIX. equipped private garage' with liKht. water. 10 lKdre. Call. Har. sMt. FCUMSHED lioLSEk. UP-TO-DATE furnished bouse or apart ment for the winter; must be first cIhss Addreaa O US Bee. FURNISHED hou. 7 rooms, mod. ex cepting electricity. 40th St.. 1 blockk outh of Farnam: rent t-iO. Douglas 1Kb). FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished room, close In; all mooern. mi h .'rt M KITCHEN, dinliiK-rooin. two bedrooms, bathroom, furntehed for $16 nioulb. quire 2C11 S. 24th. o St 4 )