Omaha' P1TK .None of 'em are in it at ! HE AILY EE THE WEATHER. fun-making with the Kat- ( zenjammers, Happy Iiooli- Fair yjan rnd little Snookuma. VOL. XLV NO. 149. OMAHA, . THURSDAY MORNING, M-XTSMUEK I),. 1015 TWELVE PAdKS. O TrlM, at tl Mew Stand, sto,, 60. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. B v. FAMINE KILLS THOUSANDS 111 MEXICO DAILY Bed Cross ' Representative Says at Least Two Thousand People Perish Erery Day from " Hanger. PICTURES TERRIBLE SCENES Tells of Gaunt Women Clawing Scrap to Eat Ont of Gar ' bage Heaps. MEETING HELD IN CAPITAL WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. Two thousand people are dying every day throughout Mexico from starvation. This statement was made by J. O'Connor, special representative of the Red Cross In Mexico, at the an nual meeting of the organisation. Mr. O'Connor replied to those who have charged Red Cross workers with giving untrue reports of conditions id Mexico, by Baying that he had data showing that In the federal district about Mexico City, in October, he dally number of death due'to starva tion was about 220. He added that he considered It a conservative esti mate to say that at least 2,000 were dying every day in the whole of Melco, from lack of food or on ac count of dlsese attendant upon fam ine conditions. Clair 1st Garbaare Heaps. "In the streets." he declared, "I often saw gaunt .women and children clawing In barren garbage heaps tor scraps 7. I saw groups of pathetlo wretches waiting hours before doors of private houses for a cupful of soup. I saw acres of nauDera sraves where the dead were burled so fast that the tin name plates required by law were not set above the grave J. President "Wilson and former Presi dent Taft sat on the platform together. They greeted each other warmly. In a brief address President Wilson praised the humltarian'work being done by the American Red Cross in the Euro pean war, saying it was the greatest agency the United States had for gooB. The oftice of national director was abolished, and in its place two offices were created director general of mili tary relief and director general of civil ian relief. Ernest P. BicknelL formerly national director, was placed at the head of the ' eimhEranch,- and Majo - Gen eral Arthur N. Murray, retired, elected vice chairman of central committee, was named director general pro tern of mili tary relief. ' ' 1 Other Officer Re-Eleeted. ' All other officers of the society were re-elected. A resolution was adopted thanking the- Rockefeller Foundation for its co-operation with the Bed Cross in relief in Serbia. Pro.Mpnt Wilson occupied the chair, while Dr. Strong told of the American j Red Cross sanitary work in stamping 1 out typhus in Serbia. Dr. Strong In con cluding his address turned toward the have beard much ha the United nf tha nrenarednesa of our country for general defense. One Important prob lem in this connection is the question of rvrineaa of our physicians to deal with epidemics of infectious diseases in the new ana meir mowion. problems relating to the hygiene of camp life and of large bodies of troops." Protest in Hocking Case Bears Fruit WASHINGTON, Dec. a Requisitioning by the British government of the Amer ican Trans-Atlantio steamer Hocking, protested by the State department, has been postponed for three weeks. Secretary Lansing was advised today. The steamer is at Halifax, where it was taken by a British warship. Ambassador Tage's presentation at London of the American protest is be lieved to be one cause of the postpone ment. ' The American consul general at Halifax has informed the State department that the prlxe court there allowed last week the requlsUon moved by the attorneys for the crown. Postponement was ob tained by the British attorney general at tho request of colonial auinoni... The Weather Tmprra t are at Osaaaa Yesterday. tTnur. De. t a. m a. ro I " a. m a. m 10 a. in II a. m 12 . 1 p. in....r. s 2 P. m P. m P- m 5 P- m p. m T p. m I p. m U (. uiuparatt va Loral Hcvorii. 1915. 1914. 1912. .Highest yesterday 'Lowest yesterday Minn temperature I rtc pitaton Temperature and 4 S3 87 28 88 28 44 So .W .24 21 T 29 18 .00 T depar- precipitation lur.'S Irorn the nurmal Normal temivruUVt: 3i) Kv fur tlie dav J4 :tiuI xcb klnce March 1 K Normal pi icipualii ti 03 Inch 1 H fii iuii'y for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... .26.74 inches Iffti tency since March 1 1 81 Inches 1 efii'l-icy f ir cor. period. 114.. 1 7J In. ho. Deficiency for cor. nerlod, 1911.. 1.06 inches He port a frosm Statluas at T P. if. Station and State Temp. High- Raln- of w earner. I p. ill. est. full. Cheyenue. part cloudy. .,..60 M .00 I invriipoi't. cloudy 32 42 .00 luniT, clear M .On ) a a lines, clear 40 44 ,ul North i'latte. clear 4 64 . Omaha, clear 44 49 . Kii! City, part cloudy. .38 44 .00 MierMlan. cloudy M l . t-iou I'ity. clear 44 .00 Valentine, clear 40 but .09 U A, YLS1. Local Forecaster. iM EM SCENE OF JAPANESE CORONATION AND TWO NOTED GUESTS The picture shows a view of the 'Shlshiiden,M or ceremonial hall, in Kyoto, and also Minister of Railroads Minoura, with his wife, dressed in their offici al costumes, entering the palace grounds for the coronation ceremonies. . te i - -- - . kmv fowl l,r m f 7..VA': ? i taiisitttta8Ham M'ADOO WOULD TAX SMALLER INCOMES Secretary Estimates Billion and Quarter Needed for Government Budget Next Year. FINANCES IN GOOD CONDITION WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. Radical changes In the income tax to reach thousands not now subject to its pro visions and to improve the machin ery of collection were suggested to congress today In the annua1, report of Secretary McAdoo as means by which the greater part' of the addl-J tional revenue needed to pay for the administration national defense plans can be provided. The secretary pro-" posed to lower the exemption limits so as to tax married persons with in comearwi low-as $3,000. and; Single persons with 2,000 Incomes. The exemptions now are $4,000 and $3,000 respectively. Other qags-eatlons. ' Increases to the collection force, a re quirement that returns must be made of gross income in jplace of net Income, and a change so that the tax shall not be withheld at the source, were among Mr. MoAdoo's .other suggestions. He made no estimate of tne number of persons who might be taxed If the amendments were adopted nor the amount that might be expected, but in connection with his request for a larger collection force be pointed out that examination of the past personal and corporation returns showed that 63 per cent of those inspected dis closed that addltonal tax was due the government. On the basis of the ex aminations, the secretary says that ap parently more than 14,600,000 in personal tax and more than 20,891,0u0 In corpora tion tax still Is duo the government. Many Evasions of Law. "Many Inaccurate returns are made," said the report, "some deliberately and some lgnorantly, and there are without doubt, wholesale evasions of the law throughout the country. It is absolutely certain that the government is losing (Continued on Pase tour. Column Two.) Thompson-Seaton Dropped by Boy Scouts of America NEW YORK, Dec. .-The national council of the Boy Scouts of America, through an authorised committee, held a special meeting today to consider a statement Issued ' by" Ernest Thompson Seton In which -he said that he had re signed as chief scout.' ... After the meeting the council issued this statement: Mr. Seton did not resign; he was de liberately dropped by the national coun cil of the Boy Scouts of America on the question of Americanism. He is not Ian American cltlsen. He not . resented suggestions and requests made by many of his friends in the soout movement that he become an American citizen, but went .arther and objected to the Boy Scouts hand book. Including a chapter on patriotism." Heirs of American Lost on Arabic Sue WASHINGTON. Doc. t The heirs of Dr. E. F. Wood of Janesvllle, Wis., one of the Americans lost in the Arabic dls aster, will ask Germany to indemnify ! them for at least VAOuO. An attorney for the estate conferred at length today with Secretary Lansing. The State department and. Incidentally. German officials, have hf.efx awaiting the filing of the first claim for an inaication of wbat might be asked, not only for the victims of the Arabic, but for Ameri cans who lost their lives on the Lusi- tanla. HOGG ELECTED CAPTAIN OF PRINCETON TEAM PRINCETON. N. i., Dec. L Frank Trevor liogg or Pittsburgh, Pa., was today fleeted captain of the Princeton foot ball squad for 19K. He is a Junior In the engineering department and played at guard on the Princeton tea'tu during the last two seasons. V " , V? KENNEDY IS HEAD OF HOTEL CLERKS Pay for Breakfast at Unique System of a Cent Per Pound for Persons' Weight. , ONE MAN IS STUCK $2.40 J. W. Kennedy of Omaha was elected president of the Nebraska Iowa Hotel Clerks' association at the final session yesterday afternoon at the Hotel Loyal. R. D. McFadden of Omaha was made first vice presi dent; Fred J. Walton of Lincoln, sec ond vice president; J. S. Hamilton of Omaha, third vice president, and Joseph McCaffery of Omaha, secretary-treasurer. 1 When a paying, for himself at a cent a pound ha is lucky if he is in tha tlghtwdght clsss. : H.'B' Pomniers;" floTn gate from Ottumwa. Ia.f discovered' this, only i.e was not in the lightweight claes. It cost him S3.40 for his breakfast in the morning. The delegates took breakfast at the Paxton, under thS unique system of weighing in as prise fighters do. Only in this case it was a matter of each man paying 1 cent a pound on his weight for his breakfast. That was how Som mers of Ottumwa happened to pay $3.40 for breakfast. Right there Is where Joe McCaffery ot Omaha got by for $1.19 cents, and , the boys accuoed him ot starving for a month for the event. How They Started. During the afternoon the delegates told how they mads their first dollar In life. Picking berries, running errands, chasing a messenger route, trapping and a lot of other stunts showed up in the accounts. but few if any made their first dollar in the hotel business. Charley Miller of Denver came near missing the convention as he was unable to get away for the first day. Neverthe less he Jumped a train Tuesday night and rode all night in order to attend the meeting yesterday, and the big banquet at the Fontenelle at night. The lebal responsibilities of a hotel clerk were discussed in the afternoon by Attorney Harry C. DeLamatre of Omaha, and the "Greater Influence On. Organisa tion Work" was discussed in the after noon by F. E. Zonne of Minneapolis. The annual banquet was held at the Fontenelle at night. The banquet was set for 7 o'clock, and began shortly after that hour. It was a strictly Infor mal affair, and the delegates .turned themselves loose with ll the pepper ..they had left after the big celebration at the smoker the preceding night. Copper Companies Increase Dividends NEW TORK, Dec. S. The prosperous conditions attending the copper Industry were further Indicated today by . the declaration of various Increased divi dends. The Utah Copper company in creased Its quarterly rate from SI to 11. 50, with these increases in allied companies: Ray Consolidated Copper company, from 874 to 60 cents; Nevada Consolidated Copper company, CT cents . and 121 cents extra. Chlno Copper company Increased Its dividend from 75 rents to II. The Butte and (Superior Copper com pany. In which New England Interests are said to dominate, declared In ad dition to its regular quarterly dividend of TS cents an extra dividend of ti.&O, as against the extra dividend of $3 In Sep tember. YANKTON IS HUNTING . ALLEGED HQRSETHiEVES YANKTON, S. D..' Dec. S. (Special.) Charles WUiiams and a companion, on the court recorda here at present as John lke, are being searched for as horsa thieves, who stole a team at Murdo, drove to Freeman and there to Yankton. The men worked here a few days, hid the stolen team, stole a su t of clothes from an employer and a rig and harness from Bruce Wallace and then tried to escape toward Omaha. The loe In the river prevented crossing here and the men went to Springfield, were again balked there by the condition of the river, and went on to Runningwater. (sheriff lllckey has traced the men moat of the wsy aud It Is thought the men will soun be captured, as all p j Uo outlets are being a etched cloaa" , mmf-, 4 T . i kv - d V? Alii I - GALLINGER AND MANN SEE WILSON President Told Will Not Oppose De- fense Program if it is Not Hade a Canons Measure. ALL FAVOll ADEQUATE MEASURE WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. Senate republicans' will - make no partisan fight on the national defense program If it is not framed by tho democrats in caucus. Senator Gallinger, the republican leader, told President Wilson. today that the republicans want the army!thB orman tariff system in. times of and navy strengthened and are will ing to co-operate with the democrats. Later Mr. Gallinger said that Presi dent Wilson had told blm be would not approve of tha democratic caucus making"' the"dcfense plans party measures. ' "I agree with the thought In the minds of the president and Secretary Garrison In the preparation ot the administration plans," said Senator Gallinger at the Whits House, "but I have not studied all the details Vet. The reoublicans will not treat this matter in a partisan man- cernea wun me question or wnemer n.j ner end so I told the president. I should have butter on their bread than "We will honestly co-operate with the lhnt they have bread on which to spread party In power in working out defense butter. According to reports from all plans which will bs adequate and sane. '' criticism has been stirred up But we will not sgreo to have the dem- among the poorer classes by the recent mi. in r.iw ami difficulties in securing butter, oleomar- then ask us to approve them. Not a Party Iasae. "The question of preparing for the de fense of the nation is not a party one and the republicans are ready to meet the democrats half way it the majority party is really willing te discuss this question on a nonpartisan basis." ' Senator Gallinger disagreed with the president on his plan for a merchant marine and for laislng the money neces sary for preparedness. When the admin istration shipping bill is introduced Sen ator. Gallinger said he will offer a sub stitute. The republicans, however, he added, favored using the merchant marina as naval auxiliaries. - Ga!lla-er Favors Banal lasae. Senator Gallinger advocated ' a bond Issue and opposed President Wilson's program of internal taxation. He partic ularly objected to a tax on automobiles and gasoline, lie said, however, that he favored lowering the income tax mini mum and he oclleved a tax on bank checks would do no harm. He opposed a tax on. iron and steel. Representative Mann, republican leader of "the "house", wlll'dtscuss' the national defense plans, with -the president tomor row. SirReelsof Birth of 'Nation 'Destroyed ; at Mason City, la. MASON CITY. Ia., 1 Dec. (.-(Special Telegram.) Some one broke into Cecil theater last night and destroyed sis reels of "Birth of a Nation" films. The crime, was committed between 12:30 and 6:80. this morning. It was discovered when the theater was opne4. Four reels were put into tha furnare and two mors were' ignited' outside of the fire box, one of which exploded, doing some dumage. The police think the perpetrator must have been . wounded. Duplicate films were rushed to this city from Minne apolis in an automobile. The Day V War' News U IS PATCH Eg FROM th eaatera Mtdlttrrastas, allfcoaah eoafllrt lasi la suss respects, aisks It ss. pear t4Sat th Aaterlcaa oil steamer I'oaaaaaaloatr probably was ot th vessel reported aaak by a sahaaaroa off th caul of Tripoli. . Thrr Is (archer word frosa th Petrollte, rport4 las tee attacked by a aahatarlae, hat which apparently raped. PHliSISSCIS OK UsCHSfAN troop la Milkers Serbia Bear th Oreck froatler la aaaoaacra la Athraa advices. POSITION OP THH KHICMt'H forces aloasx lh Vardar, la Mslkwtattrs Serbia, la declared to b favor a hi. U. S. CALLS FOR A DISAVOWAL OF ANCONA ATTACK Was"ington Sends Note to Vienna "emandinjj ' Reparation for American Lires Lost on Italian Liner. ASSURANCES ALSO REQUESTED Austrian Government Asked to Promise that Such Acts Will Not Be Repeated. NO WORD OF "RECEIPT YET WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. The United States has sent a note to the Austro-Hungarian government ask ing for a disavowal of the subma rine atack on the Italian liner An cona. for reparation for American lives lost and assurances that such acts will not be repeated. It became known late today that the note was cabled to Ambassador Penfleld yesterday. So far there has been no word of its receipt in Vi enna. Reichstag Radicals Object to Efforts to Raise Food Prices BERLIN (Via London), cDc. .-Vigorous and unrestrained discussion of the problem of food regulation continues In the budget committee of the Reichstag. Full reports of the debate are not ap pearing in the newspapers, but the ao oounts published indicate that one aspect of the discussion conalMs of controversial attempts to lay the blame for various alleged fallings on the shoulders of pro ducers, dealers or consumers or repre sentatives of different ministries. Both the minister of the Interior, Clem ens Del Brueck, and the Prussian min ister of agriculture. Baron von Schorle mer. have come under fire. , One radical speaker directed 'his criti cism against producers for desiring higher maximum prices. He pointed out that linavo iimu ueeil uinruvcti tor jtvaib luwmru strengthening German agriculture for its task in war time. Farmers should, there fore, be contented with small profits at the present. The regulations already put into force for the distribution of too fredVU; ara bTng. JtKua!s4t, JftDlOJIlBS ,tUkiSl memoers Contend that the federal council delayed its action too long. Two socialists voiced th ecomplaints of their eteotors upon this matter. The butter problem engaged the atten tion of most of the speakers, many peo- !.Pl. n critl Put bln" mor oon" garlne. lard and other substitutes than by almost sny other governmental meas ure. Minister Delbnieck made a short state ment declaring that the government had derided to permit the sale of Imported butter at a higher price than that charged for the home article. Captains Boy-Ed and Von Papen Are Appointees of Kaiser WASHINGTON, Dec S. Emperor Wil liam has a personal interest In the with drawal of Captain Karl Boy-Ed and Cap tain Frans Von Papen, attaches of the German embesey ' here. SUte department officials have been Informed that as the attaches were per. sonally appointed by Emperor William, he personally will probably give the or ders for their withdrawal. It is understood that pfflclals considered it probable that the Berlin foreign office was prompted to aak what caused tne action of the United States In declaring tho attaches persona noil grata, so that when a report of the incident Is made to the emperor it may be complote in every retail. .The belief prevailed In official circles that Ambassador Bernstorff would not be able to Inform Secretary Lansing that the wishes of the United Htates would be complied with before Saturday at the earliest. German Says There is Little Wonder , ... Teutons Are-Hated AMSTERDAM, Dec. J.-A vigorous p-c-trst against attack made n Girm ny against America and Americans api ears In sn srtlcle by Maximilian Harden, edi tor of th Berlin newspaper. Die zuku et, I In tho last lsu of that taper II cr 1 Harden' states that at a is ent meetnf ' of a treat corporation one of the dlr c tors referred to the Ameri an le pli as "that pack . of sooundrels n Ame lca" I He sdds that co'oly prote ti ant h i rhslrman ill not rule the remark out. "r-'uch proceed ngs." ssys llerr Harden, "dtngiist every rWit thinking derma 1 and dlng-rac us before the whole wotU and before our own conad n-e. It la li.tlj wonder that we are hated." Peace Committee Wiil Meet at Berne BERNK. Switzerland. Dec. VI Pa ls) Tho executive commute of tha International cnn'ren-e ti study hi basis of a dure) I p ace will meet here Iwcrmher It April of nest year has teen sugcis et as the time for hoi Inj hs conf "vuc. OIL SHIP REPORTED SUNK ISCAPTURED Communipaw Reported Taken to a Port Not Named in Message from Page. BOAT ALSO REPORTED SATE WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. The State department received late today a sec ond dispatch from Ambassador Page at Rome stating that he had been in formed that the Communipaw had been captured and taken to a port unnamed in his message. The source of his information and the nation ality of the captors were not men tioned. The first official advices from Am bassador Page reporting that an American ship, "hold to be the Stand ard Oil tanker Communipaw," had been torpedoed and sunk, were re ceived during the forenoon by the State department. Ambassador Page's source of information was not divulged, but it was thought likely that he had received the same re port as that transmitted In press dis patches last night from Rome. No confirmation of the news dispatches from London, sent sfter last night's press cablegram from Home, reporting tha Communlpaw's safe arrival at Alexan dria had been received by the depart ment. NEW YORK, Dec. S.-A dispatch from Alexandria, Egypt, apparently confirma tory of the report received by London Lloyds that the oil tanker Communlptw was safe was received today by the Standard Oil offices. This message stated that the Communipaw reached Alexan dria on Bunday last and would sail for New York Tuesday (yesterday). Tha dispatch came from Captain Nord strom ot tho Communipaw and was given cut by David T. Warden, manager of the foreign shipping department of the Standard Oil .company ot New Jersey. The Communipaw could make only nine knots an hour, Mr. Warden said, and, assuming It left Alexandria on Tuesday, or evon Monday, it should not have gone 3SM miles to a point near Tobruk, Tripoli, off where the original cable dispatch from Borne said the ship had been struck. vThls dispatch was filed at Rome at 7:45 p. m. Tuesday, the day the Standard Oil company had been advised the Communipaw loft Alexandria. "I feet sure the Communipaw is safe," said Mc Warden. "But we are still pus sled -as to what,. If anything, has hap pened to the Petrollte. We do not expect any word from It statu K reaches Al giers V Vnable to Pa Wreckage. , ,. ROME, .Dsc.. r "search by two steamavne a Greek and Mm wtwr Italian, at the spot pear Tobruk, Tri poli whets 'the "Ameilcttn'Vl Steamer Communipaw was reported sunk by a submarine failed to reveal any eitfn of the tank ship or -of survivors. These steamers were sent out ss soon ss word was received at Tobruk that a ship bad bean sunk. The first report of the affair came Continued on I'age Two, Column two.) German and French Reports Announce Champagne Victories BERLIN. Dec. g-IVIa London)-Cap-ture of a French position more than boo yards in length on Hill No. 193, north of Soualn In the Champagne district is an nounced by Germany army headquarters today. -The official statement says: "Western theater: Attempts by the eaomy to contest our success east ot Auberlvs (In the Champagne district) failed. "To the north of Boualn, a position in Hill No. US over a distance of about 60S maters was wrested from the French. "Eastern theater: On the front of Field Marshal Von Hlndenburg's forces weak Russian attacks were repulsed.' PARIS. Dec. S.-The French official statement ssys: "In Belgium our mschlne guns last night prevented the enemy from recon structing field works previously destroyed by us near Hetsas. "To the north of Arras, at a point west of Hill No. 140, our fire put a definite check to a German attack. "During yesterday our artillery bom barded and destroyed the Balnturin mill near Roye. "In the Champagne district we have progressed by means ot hand grenades, In that front trench where the enemy secured a footing yesterday, to the south ot Saint Souplet. To the eaat of Butte De Boualn, our counter attacks mastered the German attack which yesterday had been cut in two by us. The fighting here U still going." Chancellor Goes . to Consult Kaiser ' AMSTERDAM. Dec. S (Via London.) Despatches from Berlin state that Dr. von Bethman-Hollweg, the Oerman Im perial chancellor, has gone to confer with Emperor William at army head quarters. It is said that the purpose of his visit Is to discuss with the em- peror the details of the chancellor's coming speech In the Helena tag, which j Is awaited with feverish Intereat by the 1 public I Seldom haa there been such a demand ' for seats In the galleries of the Itelch 1 stag. Germany's Intentions regarding the Balkans and the possibilities of peace are the chief topics upon which th chancellor Is expected to give light. ENGLISH HANDS OUT ONE YEAR FINE FOR GUN TOTING District Judge English, who recently has been handing out stiff sentences to men convicted of carrying concealed weapons, surprised Twlnman Collins, ' when the latter pleaded guilty to "toting a gun." (Collins expected a fine, but was sent enced to one year In prison. t. BATTLE RAGING IN SOUTHEAST PARTJF SERBIA Balk of the German and Bulgarian Armies Are Concentrated Against the French Ex-dition. POSITIONS REPORTED SERIOUS Ramon that French Have Been Compelled , to Retreat Are Not Confirmed. MORE FIGHTING IN MONTENEGRO LONDON, Dec. 8. With the Ser bian armies in retreat behind the Albanian and Montenegrin frontiers, it is reported the bulk ot the German and Bulgarian armies Is being con centrated against the allied armies holding the southeast corner of Ser bia. Heavy fighting has been in pro gress there for the last few days. There is no confirmation of hints from various sources that the French troops have been forced definitely to abandon the posltlonse held by them since the beginning of tho campaign. The fall of Monastlr and the south ward progress of the German and Bulgarian forces, however, have placed the northern wing of the French expedition in a precarious situation, and withdrawal from tho angle formed by the Vardar and Cerna rivers apparently has begun. Arrival of Preah Forces. Constant arrival of frsh forces and war materials at Salonlkl give evidence that the allies have no Intention of aban doning their efforts In this region. Although the Oermans have announced the capture of Ikep, Montenegro, the pursuing Austrian and Bulgarian armlea evidently are confronted with a harder task on the Montenegrin frontier than elsewhere. Tha Montenegrins continue to offer spirited resistance and to check the Invaders wherever possible by sharp counter attacks. . In Albania the Serbians, who had been compelled to leave behind quantities of war materials, appear Incapaoie or or ganised resistance. Even sn orderly re treat is made difficult, ss the Serbians are encumbered with large numbers of civilians and prisoners, and, according to some reports, have been set upon by Albanians. The lateat dispatches state that the French, are bringing,, heavy guns Into ilnn In the StruV . ..aftJM-..austng thsgtHgwff srtif s-t .ire with heavy losses A bkttls of tit is proportions oo tween. the BulgiH'in rrapco-Brttlsh troops sppears iu, V.i itaaV : Montenegrins Take Offeaslve. PARIS, Dee. 8. Following their recent defeat by the Austrlans In northeastern Montenegro the Montenegrins ssiumed tho offensive on Monday, and it Is re ported of riclally, threw back th;lr op ponents to their old poM'lone. The state ment fclvsn out here today by the Monte ncrr n coniul genersl fo.lows: "Our troops counter attacked the enemy vigorously In the dl.ectlon of Jbuka Maiarone on December 8 and succeeded in throwing him back into his poaltlons. (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) Omaha Woman Very Seriously Injured by Automobile Crash DF.S MOINBS, la.. Dee. S.A small child crossing a street here today caused a collision between an electric coupe and a touring car, in which four woman were seriously if not fatally Injured. Thay are: Mrs.. Frank Drummond, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Miss Frances Madden. Cincinnati, O.; Mrs. Charles Perry, Omaha, and Mrs. Alfred Jarvls, Des Moines. Mrs. Jarvls was driving the coupe and Charles Perry, whose wife was injured, was driving the touring csr. The two vehicles In an effort to avoid bitting the child collided. THE WANT AD WAY All KlgUU Rcasnrsd. A good tiam of horses I'll take. If a rood price soma one will make, If the arless are right I will buy them oa sight, Tor X have a big daal at stake. If Its' horaas yon want to buy, A little Want d yoa should try. Too wilt find that they pay TJs Th B Waat Ad Way, Tsa'U get answers back en th fly. Good horses are bringing higher prices now, than at any tuna lu the history ot the horse industry. If you have horaes fnr sale, plae your ad in Tha tkmaha Bee, it will r read by neopl. who have the money t.j riav for th"l. The ht bnvera cn al- ays be secured through TliK IJKtv. Telephone Tyler 1000 and put your sd in THE OMAHA liKK. f"--lSAL) n 0FL D WORM ATS CI JAvf VOW ' I J TATD VSWSVJ - 1 1rA SiOPPiaS) vyi rj