Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1915, Page 9, Image 9
THK BEE: OM-AHA. WEDNESDAY, DEOEMBEU 8. 1015. Ihe ees Home Magazine Pa ge Skating Has Won the Crown Away That Dancing Wore but Yesterday These Unique Pictures of the Latest Smart Set Diversion Were Posed Especially for The Bee by Cathleen Pope and George Kerner, Premier Exponents of the Art of Graceful Skating. liirfnlsilm r (V ( L"v ; i ,eS : . -JM: 3p v .. m it i i 1 i : i 1 if V ... , V " . v, " 11 i ft The first Movement forward. The position after finishing the circle. An effective ending for the second movement. Little Red School House and Its Curriculum By CUARLES H. PABKULRST. x-Presldent Taft rarely says anything that ia not interesting. Hla genial com mon sense appeals both to heart an'l Intellect. Hla Ideaa come neither by bur roWtnn Into the earth nor by soaring: Into the air. They die even with the ttroiind, and the feeling once has In listening to him la that It would have been per fetly eaay for any one to hve said the game thing If only one had thought of it, the only trouble being that one had not thought of it. v Ha haa Just been telling the number of eaay things about public schools. His no tions about the matter are old-fashioned, bt there is a simplicity and a direct ness about a good many old-fashioned things that strike home. They show leBS decoration and elaboration, but for that very reason it ia not necessary to bore or Mravate so far before penetrating into hat is vital. There is more machlnerw operated In running schools than there used to be, but it is . the problem of mechanics to minimise machinery to the interest of product. Mr. Taft aeems to be of that mind and effectlonately eugollzes "the little red schoolhouee." Ills allusions to it touch a pleasant spot in the memory of any one who went to school In the old days. We did not study so many things, but those which we did study we devoted ourselves to with a kind of delighted ferocity. Perhaps the schools I attended were better than most, but I know that, in such aa I did attend, we all learned a lot and were immensely happy about it. There was scholarly ambition, we were not so confused by the number of sub jects given to us to attend to as to have only a minimum of interest for each. Even our spelling class was conducted with tremendous enthusiasm. Mr. Taft criticises graduates of modern schools because they do not know how to spell. The dudIIs In our school knew how to spell and such of them as did not ap piled themselves to the matter in a way flakes Stubborn Coughs Vanish in a Hurry Sarprlalnsl? Good Coagh Syr Easily aad Cheaply If some one in your family has an ob stinate couch or a bad tbruat or chest cold that has been hanging on and refuses to yield to treatment, get from any drug store 2 ounces of ioex and make it into a pint of cough syrup, and watch that cough vanish. Tour the 2 ounces of Pinex (50 rents worth) into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain' granulated sugar svrup. The total cost is about 64 cents, and gives you a full pint a family vipply of a most effective remedy, at a taving of 92. A day's use will usually overcome a hard cough. Easily prepared in 6 minutes full directions with Pinex. Keeps perfectly and haa a pleasant taste. Children like it. It's really remarkable haw promptly and easily it loottens the drv, hoarse or tight cough and heala the inflamed mem branes in a painful rough. It also stops tie formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per sistent loose cough. A splendid remedy for bronchitis, winter coughs, bronchial asthma ana wuooping cougn. Pine is a special and Lisrhly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pins in puaiacol, wiuca is so membrane a. intnient br aakinir your druggist for '-21A ounces of Pine," and do not accept anything eUe. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction goes with ttiis preparation or money promptly refunded. he Piuei Co., i t Wayue, Jnd- Pine is spec grated compound c 'extract, rich in htaling to the me Avoid disappoir that showed that they liked it. To miss a word In the spelling class made one feel and look redlculous. We looked forward to tho exercise with Impatient enthusi asm. I misspelled the word "flaccid.'' The memory, of. It is Just as vivid to jne now as thd experience of It was keen then. 1 . I became a real hero ono day because I floored the- rest of the class by spelling correctly the word "eevennlsht," which tho spelling book pronounced "sennet." The others did not recognize the word as it was given out and made all kinds of bad work with it. All of that occurred more than fifty years ago. The vivid recollection I have of it shows what a luxury there Is In learning to spell if the teacher knows how to manage the mat ter, and she was neither a college nor a normal school graduate. But in our school if spelling was a Joy mental arlthemtlc was pure bliss. The textbook we used had a hundred and more miscellaneous examples at the end. Most of the class knew them by heart. and they were not easy questions cither. One of them ran something like this: The head of a fish was three Inches long; its tall half as long as its body plus one third the length of Its head, and Its body two-thirds the length of something else. I have forgotten what. What was the length of the fish? That gives a little idea of the style of the questions, and the members of the class knew them so well that the Instant the teacher com menced to put one to us half a dozen hands would go up, indicating the desire to take the problem and solve it The whole performance was full of a kind of glad rush. Then we had pieces to speak on declamation day. Mr, Taft alluded to that. These pieces were ex tracts from the speeches of such men as Webster, Hamilton, Jefferson, parts of Washington's farewell address. This put us in touch with tho great masters of English and the great patriots of our country and served to initiate us into oratory and patriotic citizenship. These were great schools, utterly void of red .tape and Innocent as a straight line of all elaborateness and circumlocu tion. Going to school was as simple an affair as getting up In the morning. If Mr. Taft had a similar experience when he was a boy, as he apparently had, it la not strange that he could talk feelingly to the New York Teachers' association at Rochester about the simplicity alid the charm of the little red achoolhouse. The schoolroom was pervaded by an atmosphere of cheerfulness. There were no irksome restraints. We were not fastened to our seats and could get up and turn around without the danger of being marked down for it. We were not supposed to whisper, but if we did, and did It so on the quiet as not to mnko disturbance, we did not feel that we had committed an indictable offense. Penology had made such strides that now even prison Inmates are allowed to talk with one another, at least in Blng Mng. A teacner tnat cannot maae a schoolroom a happy place lacks one of the essential qualifications of a peda gogue. I believe that one reason why the mental food administered by the teacher so painfully disagrees with the system of Ihe pupil is the state of depression that the pupil i" In while the nourishment la being given. The principle applies in intellectual af fairs exactly as in physical. The mind Is In such matters a great deal Ilka the stomach. Digestion Is promoted by cheerfulness. An hilarious dining room never induces Indigestion. These are matters needing to be looked after. The science of education, particularly In the case of young pupils, is a complicated one. r.udly ventilated schoolrooms and teachers who are dolefully conscious of the weary seriousness of their work com bine to produce a dyspeptic order of scholarship, liod bless to us Ihe memory of our little red schoolhouse! Icp akatln" ia destined to oecuuv the position this winter that dancing er has hitherto possessed among sniurt circles. Of course, the most popular form of skating will be done with a partner, and simple skating steps can be learned with astonishing rapidity if attention ia given to the balance of the body. This first article by Cathleen Pope, whose skating with George Kerner is one of the features of the Hippodrome, in New York, Illustrates some of the positions to be studied to acquire grace on the ice. Two others articles will follow. By CATHLEEN rorE. Pair skating Implies adaptability. One most larn first to skate Independently, and then care must be .taken to meet ono's partner's stroke, or change of stroke. Kvenness and accuracy are more necessary In pair skating than to the person who skates alono. Kach beginner should be able to do the outsldo edge forward circles, and at least strike out alone In the backward edKCs even If unable to carry out the full circle backward. The waits is In sonis respects the most effective of all pair skating, and the ten step can be done by skaters .whose individual ability Is limited to the outside edge circles and threes. Practice skating forward as In figure one, one behind the other, right and leU hnnds touching and letting the skater behind swing across the direction of the skater in front Thus at tho end of the stroke the positions will be reversed, and the man will be on the left side of the girl. Bo careful that there is Independent rkating as far as possible, lest Ihe bal ance of the body be disturbed. The next figure illustrated is attained at the end of figure one. Tho skaters, after making the circle, swing across and reverse positions, the girl's right hand in the man's right, and the position Is finished In this reversed posture. A pretty variation is shown In fliure three, the girl's rlnht hand held across tho man s body with his right hand. A strong, full stroke on the right outside forward edge Is taken which carries the skaters around a complete circle, and the hands of both, still Joined, are passed over the head of the girl and brought down on the right side. Dr. Trudeaus Eternal Monument Uy WOODS Hl'TCHINKOX, JM. The World's Kent Known Writer Medical Hubjccls. I. fieldom has any man deserved belter of hla time than Kdward Trudeau. And eer talnly never was moro eager, cordial recognition and outspoken admiration sitting about on the porches or in the douryards, or dragging one foot after another don the streets; nor do J'oU meet them on the trains or In the street rare, or hear their racking coughs, with half the frequency that you used to. Perhaps you may think that this Joy ful decline of the plague Is only local to (The second and third illustrated articles on skating will appear on this pago soon.) Columbus and affection given to any benefactor of your own neighborhood or class of ac his species In recent times. Leaving nslfie quaintnnces. Hut here are the liai'd fig the noble, devoted, lovabln character f ures for tho whole country to support the man, his work and his Influence come j your own observation, if you feel your home to us more closely nnd Intimately rindlngs loo good to be true. The deaths than we can, nt first thought, realize. from tuberculosis have actually been re Of no one could the words of the finest Iduced more than half; to be precise, 65 epitaph of all times bo more truthfully I per cent In the Inst thirty-three years! By ELIiA WHEELEH WILCOX. Copyright, 19l'. Star Company. If by some chance that world had not uxtsted Which he set forth to find with faith so grand, Then God, who saw how nobly he persisted In that strange search, had straightway made the land. Yea! Ood would form today in wide mldoceaa A continent to recompense the quest Of one who burned with that supreme devotion. That selfless flame which lit Columbus' breast. The very thought of that unchanged endeavor, Which did not falter with abuse or scorn, But wrenched the secret out of space, must ever Be inspiration unto worlds unborn. Oh, mighty spur to purpose and ambition! Oh, faith repaid! Down, scoffer, to your knefss! Behold one strong, religious dream's fruition A continent plucked from the very aeas. Perhaps you are discouraged In what Think of alt these things before you give you are attempting lo accomplish, and perhaps you are thinking that It does not matter, anyhow, whether you suc ceed or whether you fall. But stop for a moment and consider how much It meant to the world that come other' people kept on in their en deavors. There was Columbus, who set out to find a new continent. It was a colossal undertaking and required colossal cour age and perseverance. Supposing he had turned back before the course was half I covered. Whst a difference It would have made to the world. Not only a difference in a geographical sense, but In a material and a moral sense, because his courage and endurance have left lasting lessons to humanity. Then there was Robert Fulton, who conceived the Idea of a steamship cross ing the ocean. He worked years and years In the face of every discourage ment before his dream becsme a reality Had he given up we mUht still be forceo to cross the sea by the slow and unsafe process of sailing veHels. Cyrus Field conrelved the Idea of an ocean cable. Thirteen years elapsed, thirteen dtwouruglnt,- and depressing years, before success was attained. What a blessing to humanity that he did not give up hla purpose! Murconl met with discouragements and difficulties and doublings before he gave us the wonderful wireless. How univer sal haa become the benefit of his per se rvera nee. tdison and Bell, had they proven weak I We always suspect that the enthusiasm and di'palring, would have robbed the of the gir standing In the crowd watch- world of Inventions of . Iceless value. J log a score buaxd has been simulated. uttered, "SI moiiumentuin quarls, clr cumsplce" "If you seek his monument, look around you." lld It ever occur to you thiit oon sumptlves sre becoming noticeably scarcer? If you have any doubts about It, "circumsplce," look around you, and contrast the facts, the number of con sumptives smnng your acquaintances now with the number that you can recall fif teen, twenty or thirty years ago. Of course, you have read and heard scores of times that consumption was diminishing rapidly, such and such a per cent every oecade, sit many thousand ior deaths from It euch year. Hut these were mere averages, general abstruct statments, which did not apply directly to you or to anybody In particular. Hut now the blessed change, has gone to such an extent that It Is actually visible tj the naked eye. You don't see hslf as many of the pale and pathetic victims of "slow decline' up in what you are attempting to do Even if your aim Is only one of mod est success and Independence, do not despair of success, thinking It does not matter to any one else. Kvery self-re liant character means a great deal to the world. It means one more lifter and one less leaner, so go on In your efforts at achievement. Make the very best of vniiraelf and believe that you are bet terlng the world by so doing. Believe that you are cheating and wrongtng the world If you fall to do this. Keep on trying, hoping, praying and working. By and by success will come to you. And every effort you mske here will count In your next life. The reward la sure sometime, somehow. In issn. In 1'nlted States, the deaths from tuberculosis were 326 per 100.OX) liv ing about one-seventh of all deaths. In IDlli, Ihe deaths were 117 per lOO.OOO living about one-eleventh of all deaths; which makes tho trifling difference of a saving of 17,ooii lives in the year 1913! As the reduction is still continuing, this means tVat practically less than one-half-nearer, in fact, one-third aa many of si, of our dear ones, of our friends, are now dying of tuberculosis as were (ailing victims to the disease thirty-five yea.a ago. No wonder that life Is grow In;; happier and pessimism and Interest in another world decreasing. Just think it the saving In broken homes. In blighted hopes, in lifelong sorrow and bitterness, which this glorious change means. But this Is not all the gain. One of tho most cheering facts cf practical ex perience In this world Is that good work agulnst any evil or misfortune ir Injus tice helps all along the line and makes Itself felt In a dozen fields oueslde of Its own. Consider the "medicines" used to cure rbnsuiuptlon, the weapons reiki Unnn In thfl third tit m niknriirtf rimniim against it. Kit at, fresh air; ' second, sbundunco of gocd food, particularly meat, milk, eggs and cream; third, avoid ance of Infection In crowded tenements, In factories and workshops; fourth, avoidance of overwork; fifth, abundance of el rep anj rest. Is tuberculosis the only disease that these are good medicine for? It would be perfectly safe to say that for every llfo saved from consumption by the tuberculosis campaign, typified by Tui deau's work and largely under his lead ership, at least two other lives have been saved each year from a wide variety of other diseases, from the great general Improvement produced In public- health and vigor. Again statistics support this presump tion. ror while there haa been a saving of some 170 Uvea per 100.000 living from tuberculosis In the last third century, there haa, In the same time, been a sav ing of, Voughly, between 600 and WOO live per 100.000 from all causes. And while, of course, the whole of this Improvement cannot, by any means, be claimed for the tuberculosis campaign, yet there cap be little question that a very consider able share of It haa been due to the enor mous Improvement In general living con ditions and habits of life, for which II has so vigorously and auceasfully fought ns t 1 ft ran MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT SELECTIONS NOW -BEGIN MONTHLY PAYMENTS NEXT YEAR The "shop In baste" days are almost upon yon. Don't wait, until the last nUnnte to select yon Christmas gifts. If yoa have ever triad to buy Christmas presents ia stores crowded with shoppers who have waited till the last nlnute you know the disadvantages aod discomforts. O .e immense stock is still eomplate for Christmas selling. By opening a charge acoo'int wltu us yoa oen make a little ready money supply lasting and valuable rifts f r all. Do not delay yoor shopping. Make you eele.tlous bo, pay later, as .convenient. Your credit is good with ns; ooine lu and use it. In-Shoots In the battle of life It la always easier to get there than to stay there. No examinations are required of appli cants at hell's recruiting stations. The disposition of the average musician generally needs tuning moat of the time. PUfnce may mean a lot of things. In the case of a woman it usually means lht she Is tired. Gifts for WOMEN Plamond rings IIG.OO and up I'lHJnonrl 1 ValVleres. . . .8.00 and up I'lamond brooches 7.60 si" o liluniond bar pins 12 du 'i1 up IilHiiioud lockets ft. 00 and ,ip I'lamond ear screws.... 15.00 and up I'lamond brurelpts I ' 00 and uv I'lamond Met watches, 14k L'K On nn I op Watrb braralHa. aohd sold.. 24 7.1 and Up Wales br..ln .oil filled. 11 .55 and UP Urscelets, S"IH ao'd.. Watch, solid g.Jd . . Hiaceleis. gold filled. Vanity canes Holid go'. I beads I 'earl lies. Is rilKnut rli'Ks Sol lil kdI. I neck chains., 20 00 snd up 1 4 .'u and up 4 00 and up 5 oo and up 1.00 and up 2 fiO and up 3 .on and up I oO and up And hundreds of o her beautiful ar tlcles which we carry la our Immense took the largest in the oouotrv. AZ.I, ON On EAST C&ECIT TEJtkn nFBS Wamond Jtffitt'.-iL. Terms! ikKO. 8B. Tnlav f jW 14k oil S"l u.o .ailss A. ' M iu ? lallr ! lo "" V I HI I'Miwn' in" Its" ihaa it a b W rwllr to. It la T ui ' 1 V Sf lh. blaauMidi. as U 1 I BB aibmts lb " 'h i! A A Hi -I bomt. Hl wlui lUa fit W tin. pm eat '"" V Qioad. A serai taraalo at MS. "yV lv Credit Termsi Y GIFTS FOR MEN plumond Kings lilaiuund ruff links.. I'lamond scarf pins.., I'lamond studs lOmblem rings Klgnei rlnga Moiid roid watches... (iobi filled watches... Holld gold coat chains Hold fllied coat chalna Holld gold fobs Held fillwl fobs Holld gold cuff links, liold filled cuff links, i : mlj I em charms 'oiiil'lnatlon cutf link aeta .$25.00 and up 7.60 and up 4 50 and up . 15.00 and uo 6.00 and up 4 j0 and up . 11.60 and up . 10.00 and up . 5 00 and up .50 and up 6.00 and up , 2 60 and up 4 J0 and up . 2.50 and up 1.00 and up The National Credit Jewelers I mvm DDACfi.rft aaaisi now. WJ Man aw., mvw a. - w t i - -1 DKUjalAfc ! jDBislte Barresi Haaa Co. Depertnieat Store. 8 60 and up Sterling silver match safea 3 "0 and up l ixarttte casea 4.(0 and up And hundreds of other aa'itlfal ax. ttolea which wo carry in our Immense stock the larreet In the oiuntry. ALL OH OVA EAST CHEDIT TEaC9 Fhoae Bouirlas 1444 and Oar Salesman Will Call WIU Aay Article Desired. I'ull or write for Catalog No. i(U3 Open Every rulc? CtU Cnristmaa.