Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1915, Page 7, Image 7
Tim UKE: OMAHA. Wednesday. PEOEMHEIt 8, 1015. BRIEF CITY NEWS Wadding1 ainge Sdkoim, Jawsle. Kara Boot Frist It Now Fsaoon Press. Property Cared ror To rent property see J. II. Dumont, Keotlno HulUllng. Today's KotIs Program" classified section today. It, appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the va rious moving picture theaters offer. Yalnable Dress BtoUa The Burgeaa Naah store reports to the police that a rose velvet dress was stolen from the'.r place, yesterday. The dress Is valued at 173. Becsptloa to Haw Members Plym outh Congregational church will give a reception, with musical program and ac quaintance social. In honor of the new fammlHcs In the congregation, Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. The Stats Bank of Omaha, corner Six teenth and Harney. Pays FOUR per cent on time deposits and THREE) per-cent on savings accounts. All deposits In this bank ars protected by the depositors guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. Bobbed by Ksw Acquaintances Al bert Johnson of Red Oak, la., came to Omaha Monday and met two strangers with whom he started out to survey tho town. Incidentally he was strongarmed by his new acquaintances ana roDDoa 01 6 and a watch. Sir Horses Flnnkstt Hers Friday Sir Horace Plunkett Is scheduled to reach Omaha Friday of this week. Plunkett Is an Irish landlord, with great property holdings throughout the United States and in Omaha. He will possibly visit with friends in Omaha, during the holi days. la Divorce Court Fred Bloss, who Is suing Mrs. Theresa Bloss for a divorce, alleges In his petition thst she was "so infatuated with the sensation an, ex citement" of association with persons who prefer a life of gayety that she neg lected her home. They were married November 15. 1913, at PapllUon. Wheal Advanoing Paradise four $1.35 sack. Potatoes. 74c in 6-bu. lots; others higher; fine cabbage, per 100 lb., 60c; prunes, lb., 10c; 3 lbs., 28c; Idlewild butter, 1 lb. pkg., 33c; short ribs of beef. 9c and 10c; 6-1 b. sack of cornmesj, 12c; popcorn, pkg., 6c; good peas, can, 7o; bulk oatmeal, 8 lbs. for 85c; corn, oase 14 cans, $1.50; orange and lemon peel, lb., 17c. AT ANT OF THE BASKET STORES. Woman Holds the Assailant of Child Till Police Arrive At the point of a revolver, Mrs. Rose Fakato. 6615 South Thirty-first street. South 61de, held Mike Miller. Twenty- ninth and U streets, at bay while her 4-year-old daughter, Justl, ran for the aid of the police. Detectives Leplnchl and Zaloudek appeared a few minutes later and arrested the man. While little Justl was making one of her frequent visits to the home of ber uncle at Thirty-ninth and U streets, yes terday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, she was enticed by Miller, who Uvea across the street from the uncle, to the latter"s room. The child struggled a moment and finally made her escape to her' mother's home. Mrs. Fakato started after Miller with a gun and corraled him In his own room a few minutes later. The child was taken to tho office of Assistant City Physician B. F. Bhanhan, where she was found to be unharmed except for a few bruises. Miller is being held by the police await ing prosecution In criminal court Wharton Urges More Care With the Mail "Do your Christmas mailing carefully." Is the substance of a circular letter which Postmaster Wharton is sending to busi ness houses and concerns having heavy outgoing mails. . . . a. . 1 1 I i n . n . t n nniwnr Tnn i iiii . 1 11. u 1 1 m malls during the Christmas rush. The postmaster urges these rules: "Separate letters for Omaha from let ters for other points. "Separate long envelopes from the or dinary size. "Arrange letters face up and tie each kind separately. "When the quantity of circulars or printed matter exceeds 100 for any stats tie these In a separate package. In quan titles of 2,000 or mors a permit number can be used, thus obviating the need of affixing stamps. "Deliver parcel post packages to the main office or stations. They will be taken also on the white mall cars." JARDINE PLANNING NEXT YEAR'S WORK Asks Council to Buy Crusher and Dump Truck to Do Jobs for the City. MAT PAVE CENTER STREET City Commissioner Jardlne, head of the department of public improve ments, has started his 1916 work by putting through the council a reso lution directing the city clerk to ad vertise for a stone crusher and dump truck. It Is the Intention of Mr. Jardlne to enter upon a line of city work heretofore let out to contractors. If the experiments prove satisfactory the work will be extended. For one thing, Mr. Jardlne Intends to know in a practical way the actual cost of any kind of work in connection with paving, sewer and sidewalks. The crusher and dump truck to be purchased will be used In working over old material from ttreots repaved. In the past the contractors have taken this material and nothing has been said. Plenty of t'se for It. Mr. Jardlne states thut this old ma terial may be used for making concrete crosswalks, concrete sewer inlets and for sewer lining. The city already la making Its own concrete sewer Inlets for about one-fourth the cost formerly paid for iron Inlets made In foundries. In the case of Military avenue, which has Just been paved, Mr. Jardlne retained all of the old material, which he esti mates Is worth nearly $1,000. Old vitri fied brick may be crushed and used for concrete work. New paving specifications contain, a clause stipulating that old material shall be retained by the city. To Keep Track of Tost. Next spring Mr. Jardlne expects to build a short section of sewer and will keep an exact account of the cost of material and labor, that he may know wben a bid Is reasonable or otherwise. Center street on the west probably will be paved by the city in the spring, although proceedings were started for paving In the usual manner of letting a contract and assessing the cost back to the property. If the council will back Mr. Jardlne on this proposition, the com missioner Is confident he can put this street in passable condition at a low cost by using the organisation and ma chinery of his department. Doubt has been expressed whether much of the property along this street can stand the assessment which ordinarily would fol low new paving. ALL DEPARTMENTS WANT MORE MONEY Heads Are Asked by Resolution to Submit Estimates of Needs for Next Year. rTTJTf MUCH MORE MOSEY TO ALLOT Meads of all city departments have leen directed by resolution to submit tn the department of accounts and fi nances estimates for 1916 to be used by the city council when considering the 1916 budget. The superinten dents of police, fire, public Improve ments, street cleaning; and mainte nance and parks will ask for the maximum amounts as fixed by the last legislature. Greater Omaha's fund for 1S16 at the disposal of the city commissioners will be $2,2Tt,602, the general division being as follows: General fund. 11,830,000; bond In terest, $-100,000: bond retirement, $150,000; for South Side deficit for last five months of 1915, $122,000; special 8-mlil levy for motor apparatus and alarm system for fire department, $66,600; hydrant rentals, $148,102. Bond Fundi A I wo. In addition to the amount raised by tax ation the commissioners will have $300,000 sewer, $100,000 intersection and $o0,000 park bond money; also miscellaneous collec tions. Commissioner Kugel will ask for the new charter maximum of $220,000, an In crease of $30,000 over last year. Tho park fund maximum was raised fnom $"", 000 to $90,000, which latter amount Mr. Hummel will Insist be allowed his department The legislature increased the fire fund from JJSO.OOO to $W,000, with Increases of pay for the firemen. The library fund was Increased from $.W,flo to $.A000 In the charter amendment passed last winter. The Job before the city commissioners will be to apportion the general fund of $I,JW.XI0 among the various departments. Health Commissioner Connell wants a larger appropriation, and so It goes along the line. The new Recreation board will ask for $31,000 for the year, and the Wel fare board. Just starting out, will want a finger in the pie. Will Seek New Head Resident for the Social Settlement At a meeting of the Social Settlement board yesterday, Mrs. Philip Potter Miss T.ura Scott. Mrs. William Shan non, Mrs. Edgar Scott and Mrs. J. W. Robblns were selected a committee to secure a new head resident to succeed Miss Jessie Arnold. Miss Arnold has made herself well known as a trained, capable efficient social worker, and though she and her board of manage ment did not always agree on settlement questions, her opinions and suggestions were deferred to with great respect. The board feels that It cannot afford such a high priced worker. The settlement is in charge of Miss Adsms, who will remain until the new head resident arrives, January 1. FIREMAN HURT WHEN HE FALLS OFF THE FIRE TRUCK John Jankowakl, 2726 South Twenty fourth street, city fireman, fell off a fire truck in responding to a rail near Thirty-first and Jackson streets, and sus tained severe bruises and lacerations. He was taken to the Nicholas Senn hospital. WOMEN GIYE FEW STUDIES OF LIFE Mrs. Lambert Scores Hit When She Gives Imitation, of Judg-e Sears. SOME ILLUSTRATE INCIDENTS An eavesdropper at the Omaha Woman's club oratory department meeting- would have been convulsed with laughter at the program given In the study from "Life." Each mem ber gave an lnmltatlon of some one she knew or an episode in which she had figured. Mrs. W. C. Lambert, leader of the department, who la fre quently seen about the juvenile court. gave an Imitation of Judge Sears and a boy recently sent to Kearney In dustrial achool, the picture being very true to life, excepting for the absence of the well-known tobacco. Mrs. Grant Williams told and Illustrated the Incident of going to the grocery store the other day. After placing her order, he laid a check upon the counter. "Oh, do you have to have a note, too?" asked a wee little girl who had been sent to the store with a note. Mrs. Louis Pommer Imitated herself In a call upon a friend whom the stork had Just visited. Mrs. F. H. Wray gave a faithful portrayal of a certain mothcr-ln-law and Mrs. Adeline flpecht Malstrom gave a scene at a local hairdresser's. The program, which was giver under the direction of Miss Amy Woodruff, was voted the most successful of ths year. In January this department will present Oscar Wilde's "Lady Wlndcmere'a Kan." the proreeds to be devoted to the school lunch fund cf the Woman's club, no hearsala are being held twice a week. Consider Saloon Permits This Week The city clerk has advised the city council he will have sixty to seventy 19lti saloon applications resdy for considera tion this week. Tho council will begin next week to sit ss an excise board for the annual grind of pssslng on 2M liquor license application. Much of the work, it la statod, will bo done In executive session. You're Bilious! Clean Liver and Bowels Tonight Don't stay headachy, sick, or have bad breath and sour stomach. Guy Leman Taken to Lincoln -for Trial Ouy Leman, brought to Omaha from Lincoln on suspicion of having shot and killed C. D. Campbell of Lincoln, In Omaha, on November 19, was returned to Lincoln by Detective James Kennelly, lie awaits a hearing in the district court there for carrying concealed weapons. NEW WELFARE ORDINANCE The city oouncil passed the Welfare board ordinance, which gives the new board authority for entering upon various activities being planned. The ordinance empowers members of the board to enter any public place of amusement or enter tainment. Don't Neglect Cossfci or Colds Dr. King's New Discovery should bo in every homo for coughs and colds. Children and aged like It 60c. All drug gists Ad vertisemant ESTABR00K PUTS OMAHA SPEECH IN PAMPHLETS The speech delrvered by Henry D. Bata- brook of New York before the McK In ky club in Omaha a month ago has beon printed In pamphlet form by Mr. Eata brook and is being distributed tbrouga out the country to the number of about 20,00 copies. Stomach Troohlee. Persons who have stomach trouble are ipt to become discouraged. They will see by the following that their chances of re- dvrv ara excellent. A. K Williams. In dependence. Va., tells of a remarkable cure that was errectsa in mat vicinity Dne 0 lUS rUllUHlCl mmm w uulf al- flictcd with stomach trouble that he was sent to a hospital, but received little benefit and came home to die, Mr. Wil liams suggested that he try Chamber lain' Tablet, which he did. and today he Is a ill man aal weighs 179 poucaa. Obtainable! sverywnere. twiiom d c fl a b Wake up feeling: fine! Best laxative for men, women and children. Enjoy life! Remove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dtszy. your tongue coated, breath offensive, and stomach sour. Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy, constipated and full of cold. Why don't you get a box of Caa carets from the drug store and eat one or two tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Tou will wake up feel ing fit and tine. Cascarets never 'gripe or sicken like salts, pills and calomel. They act so gently that) you hardly real ise you have taken a cathartic. Mothers should give cross, sick, bilious or fever ish children a whole Caacaret any time they act thoroughly and are harmless. Advertisement. Tbow terrible Ear NoIms bar stuoeea'.' Is what bandrede at IrtUre art talllns a. Too rs uobn thst reosuUr I offered 300 Treatment for Hod Nolan. Kree, to Omaha Bh reader and thla la tha htumv reeull. load Nolaeo! Wnal a pluture of Intolerable euf ferlnr three vorde brim to mind. .Reader, ir ii bare Head Noiaae. I kuow well that ao worda et mine can oeecribe uie weary mleeir. Hut you are the one to appreciate the bleaaol relief in the worda, "My Hnd Noieaa bar atupDeA," and tbwee era the worda which every day's mall brtnea aaa. The Joy and gratitude of the people who re eelved the SuO free IreeAJneau offered la thla paper recently baa been ao great and their auoeala for friends ao urgent that 1 am aulas to offer again 200 Treatments Free Think what It would mwn to a a long -mffwr with tbM tntutormbL. ruMjriac BotMtv-U Ut IIdb tb mo p tag tmun trs hum of to cim- tho busting- -tUI tb wmuy imUah'CV of Mound wtUcJi CU time pUsUs) yob, 1WI thai ihmf mut att. or you will go Invsvos). Fas-hap, too. your h start as is beginning fo (ail. bat whUr It a or not, yw know In your bthrt of Wmrti tbttt U will go ao4 tba voloa of claooa waxua you ta umtatsYkabla iantva. If you hai Ua4 Hutwvm. gotroor or latar. you will ba da&f. Hart la your opportunity. Sana for on of my Fra Traatmanlai ttad aao Kay gaothod which hag aurod buudroda ta Juat your cond.Uui. Juat dms via a a oca or a poat aard girioa your full aaju ajd addraaa. Ton will MM ratpvt It. Thla offer aud talk la tor TOI7. Parhapa lo aava triad othar thing and bacon dtarcsunLgwl. Farbapa y bar boon toul taar ta ao halo, Par aapa ro ara oaraUaaly naleui yuur cm from tW; to day thinking it will gM wU of tiaalf. Ma Juat thla amall oTurt. ond fur aia A mw Tr traa.LCtsnta. U won't enoft row a nanny. B thta wfMaifql naw trwatmant and tra mat hod which ha curad gaany. aiany pacrtla with Haad Nuiae Juat Ilka your. Writ today Cor Fro Band Nolaaa Traarwaaat. DK.FXKHH KI'KCIALIST ftPItt)lIJS, 192 Trad) Build-oft. Uogton. Maji. Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M. gess-Nash Com Me Cfiristmas Stove fbrj&vcry Body TUESDAY, 1KC. 7, 1015. STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY. )? HON 10 D. 137. SANTA CLAUS Bids All a Hearty Welcome to the Sights of Toy Town frPH'ia Includes the parents as well as the children, for they will find a tour through 1 Toy Town aa interesting as girls and boys find It delightful and amusing. Every utile boy and girl knows tbat Santa alts all the year 'round In Ms snug little house up at the North Pole, making Toys for Christmas. And when It gets close to Christmas he harneeaea up his reindeers, packs tba toys In his sleigh and brings them to Uurgess-. i.n a an Toy Town. And such thousands as ne brought with him thla year! Toys, that win make the little boya and girla shout with Joy when they see them. Splendid Line of Reed Doll Cabs 'Doll cabs, large size', rubber Urea, regular price 115.00, special at Doll cabs, large size, rubber tires, regular price I Doll cabs, large size, rubber tires, regular price $12. GO. special at S.K0 $10.50, special at $.RO Collapsible Doll Cabs With rubber tires, price range, f 1.25, 91.45, $1.78, I Picture machines demonstrated. Price range K2.50 91.08, 92.70, 93.50 and $!t.08. to 923.00. Maglo lantern, 75c. Complete Line of Mechanical Trains Mechanical trains on circle track, good englne,75c. I Electric trains, from 93.50 to 9rt5.oo. Mechanical traina. from 75c to 9:15.00. Electric auto racer, $7.60 kind, Wednesday, 93.00. Everything for Outfitting the Doll Doll shoes, stockings, wigs, knit fancies, clothing, etc , Burgess-Wash Co. fourth Ploor. Remarkable Special Purchase of T! TTv - o Pett n Wednesday,' Two Prices, $3.95 and $4.95 Including $5.00, $6.00, $6.50 and $7.50 Values ONLY the silk petticoats themselves can ade quately demonstrate how far from the ordi nary special purchase this purchase is; that it rep resents the successful outcome of very carefully laid plans and offers , the result in exceptional values. Pleated flouncea, rareled edge flutings, tucked and scal loped edges to decorate or distend and fur trimmed petti coats the latest word of fashion. Soft shimmering taffeta ailk, of that quality not often found in petticoats ao low priced. The color effects are more than ordinarily beautiful, and every beautiful color seems to be represented In this charming assortment. The rose shades, blues, brilliant greens, purples, all the neutral tints and a host of rich two tone effects In such demand Just now. Hosts of Different Styles With Knee Deep Flounces Como expecting good petticoats, made of good silks, and good values far more note worthy than in any event like this before. , Silk Petticoats, worth $5.00 and $G.00, sale price, $3.95 . Silk Petticoats, worth $6.50 and $7.00, sale price, $-1.95 Barrss.jTaa Co. aooal moo. Annoucement-Concerning Our Newer BLOUSES Continuously Arriving INTRODUCING many original designs created exclu sively for our own discriminating vpatrons. Margot Silk Lacti Arabian Silk Lactt Octr Chiffon Siortt Silks, irresistible" Hand Embroidered Nets Radium and Chantilly Laces Colored Chiffons Georgettes Wonderful Colorings Antique Rose, Apricot, Turquoise, Silver, Gold Opal, Burnished Hague, Edith Itose, Maize, Royal Flesh, China Blue, Woodrow Delft $5.95, $8.50, $10.00 to $15.00 and up Thinking of Christmas Why Not a Bioas m? Bargtss-BTssh Oo Second moo. Buy Her a SEW- ING MACHINE An Early 1916 Model $1.00 a Week sBurgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney j ing this new model in ad vance to bring good " Christmas Cheer" to your wife, mother, sis ter, sweetheart or daughter. They wlU all need one erentually so wby not for the Holiday Gift? Come and select from many of the World Famous makes the one you think they prefer We bate a complete line of standard makes. Prices from $12.75 to $60 Burgass-sTash Oa. Tali a moor. M'KINLEY CLUB TRIES TO GET SENATOR WEEKS HERE rmtr-rl States Senator Wctka ff Massachusetts, on of ths men promi nently mentioned f,.r ths republican nomination for preshlent. Is likely to b In Omaha rturln? the Chrlatmns holidays to speak to the MrKlnley club. The club Is In correspondence with him with re gard to obtaining such an eniraRsment. Everyone Likes This Cold Cure i 'Tape's Cold Compound" ends, a cold or grippe in a few hours. Your roM win break and all srlpp tnlwery end after taking a dose of 'Tape's ONil.t Compound" every two hours until three doses sre taken. It promptly opens rloirg-ed-up nostrils) and sir passanes In tha head, stops nasty dlsrlmrpo or nose running, relieves alcK headache, dullnees, fevertahnees, sore throat, sneexlnir, soreness and sttffnees. lHn't stav atuffed-upl Quit blowing and snuffling. Rasa your throbbing head nothing elan In tha world gives siirti prompt relief ss 'Tspo's Cold Compound." which costs only 15 r-ants at any dru store. It acta without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience, Accap, no substitute. Advertisement. THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PATER. TOYLAND At tho Central Furniture Store .v to ou Wr Toyland and a comparison of vrloss will eonTioos you taat tha Central offers a g-vsatsr variety of orslira and Bomsstlo toys, toUs ana gs-inss to ohooss from ana at a prtea wUloh will mean an actual saTtns; ta yon of from 10 to 60 par cant. OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. See our complete line of iron and mechan ical toys. A substantial Coaster for $1.70 A splendid wall mad Coaster Wagon, tg I 7M our prlrs O I a HI See onr complete Un of character dolls. Dolls with kid bodies and dressed dolls. Uuy jour toys dolls, Kamea and MinstAntlnl Xmas eifts at the Central Furniture Htore. Kvi 'zf, CO f 2 .Beautiful .1-Inch d o 1 1 that are Jointed and have washable bodies, moving eyes and long flowing hair, our Rlr price OJJC Galloping Horses, with Imitation lea ther saddles, have long mane and. tall, strong stirrups, mar tlngalsa and - t band, our 1 C prlca .... e.ia m . rm i a. Handsome ureasml dolls, with btsqua head, and hands, moving eyes and long flow ing hair, nicely dressed with large picture bats to match the dresses, 2 our price ..."' T11K CKNTRAIj IS A HAFK 1'IiACK TO THADKS, I If Do not buy a toy, doll or gume until you have seen our line. A splendid, well made automobile with atrong whsels and rubber tires, nicely finished nd thoroughly sub. stantlal, without tha ? 1 tt lamps, for V'" ameinMiiiiLar A substantial and nicely made Mahogany finished toy pianos, have Black Hoard, our price. W. ZXl$?m? Purchases held and d e 1 1 v ered later if so desired. officii Ilrlng the child ren to Uie Cen tral's Toyland. Z'' Why Not Give "n?? r3 Your Home a "Bell" Wf h jfcVik Telephone for Christmas. Better Order Jt Today 1 Residence Service $2 and $2.50 a Month. trt:-9Kzr. f-f .''-wf wPtecv-.-i 1' tsll 1