Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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The Bee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Entered at Omaha postorfie aa second-elss matter.
Menage of the Preiident.
Mr. Wilson bai .gain delivered bis message
to congress la the form of an address, reading
his carefully prepared announcement of bis pro
gram to a Joint session. Its reception was such
as might have been expected, a respectful at
tention from all, and some enthusiasm from the
close adherents to the president's policy. The
several features of the program as disclosed are
those that have been publicly debated for many
weeks, on which the attitude of the president
has been stated on many occasions and which
are certain to excite sharp controversy. For
this reason his address contains none of the
elements of surprise or novelty In any particular.
Greatest emphaals is put on the plans for
Improving the national defense, along the lines
of a slightly Increased standing army, to be sup
plemented by the "continental army," definitely
outlined many weeks ago, and a considerable In
crease In the naval establishment, both In per
aonnel and number of vessels In commission. As
sociated with this general defense plan is the
president'! Idea of establishing a merchant
marine. These suggestions will be received at
lar by the congress, and debate on the defense
program Is not likely to be along partisan lines.
It will divide sharply the advocates of prepared
ness from the pacifists, with no regard for party
affiliation, although consideration In detail may
bring out some subdivisions of opinion among
those who are sincerely committed to the es
tablishment of adequate defense measures. That
the house committee, which will have the hand
ling of the matter, is dominated by the "big
navy" men la a point In favor of the administra
tion plan, while the provisions for the army will
very likely fall among similarly friendly bands.
The proposals for a merchant marine are not
o happily situated. In effect, they compre
hend a renewal of the ship purchase bill which
was defeated by the Sixty-third congress, after
a prolonged debate In the senate, and changes
made In the personnel of that body do not pre
sage a more favorable attitude towards the
, II.
Of much more immediate Importance Is the
treatment of the fiscal affaire of the govern
ment. Nothing whatever Is said of the vanished
surplus and the steadily mounting deficit, but
attention is rather gingerly called to the dimin
ishing treasury balance, and the need of greater
revenue. With a budget calling for a billion of
dollars, exclusive of the appropriation for the
postal service, and estimated revenue from pres
ent sources far below this figure, the president
finds himself confronted with a very serious
problem. His method for meeting the emergency
Is not such as will meet approval or secure sup-
Plota and Blotters thrive for h.,t Prt fron political party. He abandons
rarely escape the long reach and relentless grip th democratic dogma of free trade, and heel
er Uncle Sam. I tatei to advocate the republican principle of
protection. Expedients suggested Include an in-
The fact that all Nebraska members were on crease in the surtax on Incomes, a lowering of
hand when congress convened looks like a bold tn min"nun amount so as to Include the sal-
By csrrler By mall
par month. per year.
fully and Sunday r
Jsllv without Sunday....' "
Fvenlns. and Sunday.. J
Krenlng without Sunday.... .
Sunday Be only .
Bond notice of rhans of ddree or complaint of
Irregularity In delivery to Omaha Of, Circulation
Remit nv draft express or poatal order. Only two
rent atampe received In payment of Small ac
counts Heraonal cheokg, except on Omaha and eastern
exchange, not accepted. .
OmahaThe Bee Building.
South Omaha 2311 N street.
Council Bluffa 14 North Main street
Lincoln Little Building-.
Chicago 0t Hearst Building
New Tors-Room 110. x Fifth avenue.
Pt. Iula-MS New Bank of Commerce.
Washington 7 jrourteemn eu, n. w.
Address communications relating to news and edi
torial matter to umane un. feaiioruu wrtnowk
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, aa:
Pwlght William, circulation manacer of The Fa
Publishing company, being duly sworn, My that the
average circulation for the month of November, Ilia,
r.WIQHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my preeence and sworn to bfor
me. this 14 day of necember. 1 SIS. I
KOBERT HUNTER. Notary Public.
Subscriber leaving (be city temporarily
ahonld bar The Be mailed to thorn. Ad
dree will be changed ae often as requested.
f fiesmlHf g
Thought for the Dmy
SmUetmJ b, Annm S. MeFmrlmmd
II uKo intrmit
The appointed tatk and dutUt cf iU day,
Untunt fuU oft ths pbasurw IA day;
Clucking ths finer ipiril that rtjutt
To flow trA pwpam art lightly changed.
W. Wordntorth.
When charity and dancing can be bar
monlously combined, they make a strong pulling
Britishers draw comfort from official assur
ances that Oscar II will not stop by their shores
to crank up.
stagger at earning the money.
arles of a large number of workers who are as
yet exempt from this special impost, special
levies on gasoline, pig Iron, . steel and bank
checks, retaining the duty on sugar and the
present "war" tax on proprietary articles and
messages sent by wire. These taxes wm f.n
A local contemporary reminds us again that directly on the workers, the farmer, and ,.
necessity knows no law." Yes, and there ar business men. as well a. oner. tin t ..wv
For the sake of varying the monotony, city
departments should put out a new excuse for
boosting the cost. War is overworked.
others, and some of them profess to be lawyers.
Our Congressman Lobeck got there In the
nick of time, which alone explains how congress
was able to call the gams to start as advertised.
The new teacher of sewing and needlework
In the high school is to have 11,000 a year, while
the teacher of cooking and kitchen science gets
only 600 a year. What's the answer?
The measly New Yorkers who stripped am
bitious poets of money on promises of melodious
tame have been placed beyond the xange of mis
chief for three years. ' By diligent exercise the
plucked sonneteers rosy restore their pin feath
ers In that time.
The taxing powers of Cleveland persist In the
effort to extract from John D. Rockefeller, sr..
UH.OOO In alleged back taxes, and ere going to
the upper courts to get It Mr. Rockefeller
cltlxens. no matter what their personal or po
litical predilections.
The Mexican situation Is hurriedly passed
over In connection with platitudinous reference
to the general relations of the United States to
omer American governments. No Intimation la
given as to what, if any, steps will be taken to
secure reparation from Mexico for the lnnum
erable outrages against Americana and their
property In the years when "watchful waitine-
has permitted the disorder across the border to
Wti. I A ...
iu upper vuuriei iu v v wr. vtiar t t . r
dan't car. for th. monev. but resent. Wna- U '"" courae. Another Interesting
... CI ... . v ' Pm on wnicn the address Is significantly silent
f0,kl u Colombian treaty, Bought to be hurried
w.u u.i. y ar, uryan. it has been
I Intlm.tail In an imiilll.l.l . - - .
An express company entrusted with the great illr" . " " " w"7 lumi -.....
. ... I ort to secure the ratification ai
-esponsibiuty I carrying the surtrage petmon . . tn "
from Baltimore to Washington fell down on its ,J l -""""" ernmeni win be
.-.-uv-. u lua auuiinisiration program. It
woma be in keeping with the foreign nolle of
iL i
me administration, which has not hesitated to
sacrifice American interests. The Incidental
speed schedule and failed to deliver the goods
on time. Punishment to fit that shocking crime
r ay safely be left to the inventive skill of the
terprlse In manufacturing and buildlnr. whiu
they provide no form of protection for the home I
market against cheap goods from abroad. The
Inherent weakness of the democratic adminis
trative program is exhibited in the president's
plan for. providing revenue. He merely pro
poses the addition of further makeshifts to a
system that baa admittedly failed
Very plain is the language of the address
Salute Colonel William Hayward, temporary I ia dealing with those dtliena whose sympathy
chairman of the New York Public Service com- I or Interest has led them to esoousa th. aid. r
mission. You Just can t keep a Nebraska boy, I one or the other of the belligerents encaged In
once on the wagon, from climbing onto the driv-I the European war, to the extent of open dls-
er s seat. icyaiiy to the united 8tates. For th... th.
president has only the sternest of dlaannmv.i
Colonel Bryan has re-enlisted Congressman and he asks from congrese laws that win mv.
Dan Stephens among his faithful followers. This the offenses not now Included in the list of
ougui to encourage eoine guua iuira aisirici re- crimes against the government. This section of
publican to give Dan a race next fall that will the message will be warmly approved by good
put uiiil ycrujauvuiix uui ui tun- ruuuiui.
James B. Charlton, for tea years a resident of
Omaha, died at M residence at Seventeenth and Dav
njorl. II kavea five children, among them Mr,
M.ry tdhulm, Alex O. Charlton, with the McKe
ompany, and Loudon Charlton, with th First Na
tional bask.
Charlie Gorhara. wh hag been representing th
Ko k Island road at th Union Block yards, ha ba
appointed traveling stock asset.
L. M. Bennett, local representative for the Pull.
man company, left for th east.
Th beautiful .now baa continued to fall sine
Mondujr night and at 4 o'clock this morning had
reached a depth of about six Inches. Th fuatlv
cutter was out lo great numbers and th tinkle f
sleigh bells was beard on all sides.
George W, Best cf Peycke Brothers la back from
aa extenulv trip through th west.
Frank Stout, l&jt North Eighteenth, offer a re
ward fur th return of a lost black dog. part bull.
with whit spot on th breast. .
The tinder of a flexible gold bracelet lost at or
near Buyd'a opera house will be suitably rewarded
by returning lo Its owner, Mrs. J. M. Thurston.
Th stirring- melodrama "Burr Oaks" Is playing to
axd bouK ak I'eu;l s theater.
reference to the Philippines and Porto Rico la
far from definite as to purpose. Porto Rlcana
must have relief, conditions in the Island being
tow intolerable; the Philippine muddle will
probably be thoroughly ventilated before the ses
sion has progressed very far.
The only suggestion in the message not al
leady before the public Is that some legislation
te had to relieve the transportation Industry of
the country from the confusion into which It has
been thrown by reason of the conflict of fed
eral and state authority. No plan is offered
whereby this Is to be accomplished.
As a whole, the document is decidedly per
functory,' not up to Mr. Wilson's usual atyle,
and even lacking in some of the pedagogical
dogmatism that has characterised his former ut
t era nee. His promise of future discussion of
other matters of public Interest may hold some
thing of Interest, but his present pronouncement
is distinctively lacking In elements of decision.
The value of good road to the commercial
Interests of the people alone Justify the cost.
As a source of pleasure they are of the highest
Importance, and are unsurpassed as a means of
X-ubllcity. The main consideration is a dollar's
worth of labor and material for every dollar In
vested la permanent roads.
What of the Philippines?
"" Daniel ft. William la Basset Magasla. """"
Formerly Secretary rhllippln Commission.
TO MOST Americans th Philippines hav been and
till ar terra Incognito. Despite this fact, bow
ever, few of our people hesitate to declare the
Islands a burden to us, and that we would be well rid
of them. Much breath has been wasted as to whether
or not we should hav acquired the Islands originally.
We did acquire them, and by destroying Spanish
sovereignty assumed the responsibility of establishing
and maintaining a government of law and order until
such tlms, at least, ss w could honorably withdraw.
While our occupation was not coupled with any
promts to grant th Filipinos Independence, then or
later, we did undertake te make their Interest our
first thought and to give them such participation In
public affair aa was consistent with good govern
ment Having solemnly pledged ourselves to this, all
talk of selling th Islands to some foreign power is
Idle, while none but renegades would countenance their
being taken from us, through war or otherwise, with
out a struxtle. Justice and decency require either
that such Islands remain an Integral part of our coun
try or that w eventually turn them over to the
Filipino people. No other Solution Is possible.
W acquired the Islands by conquest and purchase
from Spain. No native government wn destroyed,
for none In fact ever existed. Had we originally de
clared the Island a permanent possession of tho
United States, as we had an undoubted right to do
and as wss don with Porto Rico, much of the sub
sequent unrest snd agitation would hav been avoided
and the economic situation of th country would be
far in advance of what It is today. For soma reason
no such declaration was made, thus cresting a natural
impression on the native mind that sooner or later we
would withdraw In their favor. As a consequence,
certain elements of the population hav Indulged In a
constant and unreasonable clamor for lndependenca
lnstanter, with its Inevitable harvest of antagonism
and criticism of everything American and Its discour
agement of any considerable investment in Island
enterprises. Energy nd effort which might hav
been applied to advantage in th material regeneration
of the country and to th creating of a feeling of
confidence on the part of capital hav been dissipated
In endless talk and writings about "political ideals"
an dthe tyranny of American rule.
There la no question but that permanent occupa
tion, in some form, would be th sensible, logical
rours and to th beat interests of all concerned.
Th United States would thus acquire unprecedented
trad opportunities and a source of unhampered do
meatlo supply for th hundreds of mlllllon of dollsrs"
worth of tropical products now Imported annually
from foreign countries, while th Filipino would be
assured th continued blessings of good government
and that protection from themselves and from outslda
Interference which they can never hop to achieve
It may be argued that to retain the Islands would
be a breach st faith toward the Filipino people, and
that they do not consider It to their Interest that our
sovereignty continue. There would be no breach of
faith, for nobody with authority to speak has ever
promised independence to the tslsnds, nor ia It certain
that th responsible, property-owning element ther
would not gladly welcome our permanent occupation.
While It ia altogether probable thst ths present
day group of native politicians, encouraged by an
unthinking element among our own people, will con
tinue to ory for tmmedlat and absolute Independence
without though or car of consequences, signs are not
wanting that th rising generation, educated to a
broader conception of their opportunities and limita
tions, will seriously hesitate be for asking us to cast
them adrift upon the piratical sea of International
politics. It would b well for our congress, before
committing Itself to th Independence program, to
verify, first, whether those who now so vociferously
demand 'such action really represent th intelligent,
responsible thought of th community, and, second.
whether a yielding to such clamor would not prejudice
th welfare of the voiceless mssse of the people,
who hav everything to lose and nothing to gain
through a precarious self-government When Indepen
dence Is secured at the expense of good government
It I th common people who always pay th freight.
Turning now to the other alternative complete
withdrawal from th Islands and a surrender of con
trol to th Filipinos American sentment Is practically
unanimous that this should only be done. If at all,
when th native have qualified themselves through
education and training to establish and maintain an
efficient popular government. There are Indeed cer
tain Americans (some of them In th halls of congress)
so lacking In honor that they would have us, for
selfish ends, repudiate every obligation assumed upon
acquiring th Islands and Immediately abandon th
Filipinos to whatever fat might befall. Fortunately
for our self-respect aa a nation tb number of these
is negligible.
h.n that th. Ftllnlno ar to be srant"d
Independence when qualified therefor, ther remains
th altogether debatable question or wnen mis con
aki.. t iik.i.. rs arin. Up T.ft w.a of the onlnlon
wiuva - "
that this would requlr considerably longer than a
generation. That th Filipinos fisv not yet rescned
twm. . ii mitllneA .nd .r. not vet readv for Indenen-
denr Is axiomatic to very unprejudiced observer.
They lack unity of language; at least ten per cent or
th population I uncivilised, and a much larger pro
portion Illiterate th mass hav had no political
training, ar subservient, amotions! and easily In
fluenced, ana have nine or no conception oi a gov
ernment based upon a respect for th will of a ma
jority, i
Whll astonishing progress toward a general uplift
has been mad sine our occupation It I impossible
to expect any peopi in th circumstance of th Fili
pino to be fitted In fifteen years (or a much longer
period) for that highest expression of Individual free
dom and governmental capacity, elf-govmlng de
mocracy. Moreover, political Independence should fol
low and not precede economic independence. With
unbounded natural resources, th Philippines are to
day practically undeveloped and their people In no
position financially to maintain themselves as a ep-
rat entity. Whll I ymp,thli with tho Filipino
who sincerely aspire to be a "a nation among nations,"
I belkev thsy are mistaken In thinking their peoole
now ready to assume such a burden, or that It would
t to their interest to d so. It Is aa unpopular view
to express at this time la nstlve political circles, but
It nowls follows thst those who so believe and so
express themselves ar not batter friends of th Fili
pino people than tho others who, for various ends,
proclaim otherwise.
It would certainly be a. astute persou who could
tell why a democrat should feel on way about our
reaponalbllltlea In th Islands and a republican another,
Yet when the democ ratio party cam Into power It
felt Impelled, to get busy and do something to Justify
Its stand. In on. form or another, for th Immediate
or early Independence of the Filipino people. Where
upon partisan politics were Injected for the first tint
Into a situation where broad statesmanship and ability
to deliver th good bad formerly been the crlterlou
governing appointments. As a result th esptrtt de
carp of Ss fine a body of civil servants as was ever
built up In any country baa been completely chattered.
Nativ sources of information hav been relied upon
almost exclusively and promisee aivea and expe-t
lions fostered la th matter of Independence which
succeeding officials may have to swallow. Party poll-
tics can hav only a baneful Influence upon the Phil
ippine question. It I a matter which concerns us not
as republican or democrat but aa American cltlseas.
Interested la the prestige of our commoa country,
Th very bast administrator posslbls should be ob
tained and kept on th Job Just so long as they could
be persuaded te reanaia. Tnla Is the only satisfactory
Tips on Home Topics
Detroit Free Press: Brysn says that
!f he were to live for jno years he would
still be for peace. But It must be re
membered than once Bryan was heart
nd soul for free silver.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: If those 40,000
peace telegrams to the president cost 40
cents each, which Is a fair average, th
whole thing cost tHOW. Who got up this
Idea the Western Union?
Brooklyn Eagle: New Jersey courts
are to decide if a woman of 80. who
want a husband, Is necessarily to be
considered Insane. But come to look at
It, what woman on earth needs a pro
tector more T
Louisville Courier-Journal: When a
fellow take hi best girl motoring and
tells her she's the dearest thing In the
world, she Is to be congratulated upon
having so Inspired him thst he has for
gotten the 20-cent gasoline he's burning.
Boston Transcript: Milwaukee sur
geons performed a surgical operation the
other day using music on the patient In
stead of ether, thus showing that, after
all, there Is only slight difference be
tween Orpheus and Morpheus. '
Indianapolis Kens: The Pennsylvania
system's total operating revenue for last
month Increased K.Zift.lM. and Its total
operating expenses Increased only St.AM.
327, which looks ss If railroad efficiency
were getting more and more on th Job.
Springfield Republican: The fact that
th government Is sending a special com
mission of geologists and engineers to
study ths canal slides at the Isthmus of
Panama need not be considered disquiet
ing. But, If the worst Is not yet known,
It would be well for the government to
know It as soon as possible. The com
mlsrlon may add something to the stock
of Information already accumulated
about htlle that slide. It Is certain that
during th month when th canal la
blocked, the military value of the canal
la destroyed.
Springfield Republican: It seems Ilk
an echo from far off days to read that
Colonel C, Webb Hayes, son of Ruther
ford B. Hs yes. has bean in Washington
to Invlt President Wilson to attend th
dedication of a monument to th former
president of th United States at Fre
mont, O, next spring. Tiro has availed
to show that President Hayes U entitled
to larger recognition for Important pub
lic service than he received during his
lite. He entered the presidency under
exceptionally difficult conditions, but
Jams Ford Rhodes and other careful
historians show that he dealt with them
with such courage and ability a was of
great value to the country. President
Wilson Is to be among those who will
honor General Hayes next spring tf cir
cumstances permit.
Editorial Snapshots
Washington Post: The rumor that th
colonel, has quietly collected an army of
J2.000 falls of Us own weight through th
Insertion of the word, "quietly."
Boston Transcript: When It comes to
a question of the Philippines the Ameri
can people hav no trouble In decldlng
between th theoretical Garrison and th
practical Taft
Washington Star: Th progressives sr
arranging to pull off a regular national
convention next year, presumably on th
theory that Mr. Perkins' fountain pn Is
one more loaded to th musxle.
Detroit Free Press. After looking over
th list of various peopla who ar going
on Henry Ford peace ship our one hope
I that th passengers will manage to
keep th peace until the Journey ia over.
Chicago Herald: Baron Shlbusawa's
proposal of a peace to be compelled and
maintained by six great powers Indicates
that th Japanese hav fully grasped th
Idea that mor fore and less wind la
needed to make nations keep the peace.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: The war seems
to be taking on a society aspect. The
kaiser enjoyed a week-end in Vienna,
the guest of the Haps burgs, and Lord
Kitchener, who recently called on tn
king of Greece. Is visiting old friends tn
Farts. .
Brooklyn Eagle: Turns call ths kaiser
tho Mublb of Islam. Munlu means
novar." If. on th other side of the Btyx,
Luther and Mohammed are contesting
for the devotion of ths German emperor,
they might as well desist WUhelra loves
them both, but in different places.
Chicago Tribune: Th MoAdoo plan
taxes th wage earner's table and the
man of small mean a It leaves great
wealth still bearing no proportionate
share of the government's maintenance.
It Increase th burden of labor and taxes
thrift. The men who are extracting the
huge profits from our system may smile
and vote for Wilson. Ths man who 1
eamlrvc his bread dally, th roan who
la building up his small bualneas or de
veloping his farm or raising a ramuy
and making a horn and working to send
his children to school or college, these
will contribute the new revenue.
Women's Activities
Mrs. Cella Bteave. aged xt. and Miss
Bcelsh Currle, aged JO, sisters, of Bkow.
reaan have left for Chouteau. Mont.,
where they Intend to take up a claim and
becom ranchers.
Mrs. Lydla Botkln of Urbana, III., is
101 years old, and shs has such a remark
able memory that she can tell wun tn
utmost accuracy events that happened
Unety-vn years ago.
Miss Warren of Otis. Me., has raised In
a small area, among a lot of medium
sis quashes, ten which tipped th scales
from twenty-eight and a half to thirty
on pounds, th ten aggregating In weight
(OS pounds.
Mrs. George C. Hltt has been president
el a department club tn Indianapolis since
11 was first formed, and recently th club
decided to honor her by permitting each
member te bring a new member Into the
club. The result w32 an accession of 2S5
members, to be known a th Hltt me ra
ters, ia honor of tb president
Miss Carolyn Breyfogl. deacon of
women at th Ohio 8tat university, has
instituted a system of self-government
among th gui. Ons of th rule they
hav mad is that men callers a re only
wekbme on Friday, Saturday and Sun
day avenlng. This will permit th girl
to giv their evening to study during
tb week.
Mrs. Mary Borden Turner of Chicago
conduct a field hospital In Belgium that
Is tn portable ectton and lighted from a
llant la motor-lory. When th hospital
vas visited recently by Chicago newspa
per mea sh said there were la la th
hospital. Th soldier are treated and
then moved en aad more brought in from
the trancbea,
"I have found out thst our doctor Is
poet. Itsthcr at variance with his pro-
fefflon, isnt it?-'
Not at an. un tn. romrry. quim
consistent. Isn t poetry a drug in tne
market?" Baltimore American.
'I am thoroughly disgusted with this
war," ssld the low brow.
"Well?" . . ,
"It's such a bomb scrap. St Louis
'What do von think we ought to call
our peace ship?" Inquired the skipper.
I,et s rollow tne sysiem oy wnicn suo
martnes are named." replied the mate.
Let s call It the B-." Washington star.
"This Is a free country."
"Yes, in theory."
"Why, what do you mesn?"
"Isn't it composed mnlnly of married
men?" Baltimore American. ,
sX) tU Yti Wkr OF A fVW llrSTtiflj
"I hear Mamie trowed you down."
'A... - V. - nAAn'e Krav T tison ffAWOfl
down by better girls dart Mamie." Life.
They were talking about various thinars
at the club, when a member not espe
cially noted for his cleanliness remarked:
"Would you call a bath a luxury or a
"In your case." replied the man ad
dressed, "It would be both a necessity
because you need It so badly, and a lux
ury because you take It so rarely." New
lork times.
, 1 . ..... b a 1 .1 T -n a.t t tr
History upon the street, "that you re
peat yourseii
purely. sne repuca, imuinn wu,
I find that If I repeat myself persist
ently by sheer force of reiteration X
nimif nr imer come to believe myself."
I'hiladeiphla Ledger.
Mrs. Gramercy What do we need for
dlrner? ...
Bridget Shure, mum. OI tripped over
tho ru(r and we need a new set of dishes
Houston Post.
"Sny, you, I advertised for a etrong
Well, ain't I a strong boy?"
You d in't show It. Why, you make a
four-round contest out of licking a
stamp." Pittsburgh Post.
"There's one consolation about being In
Jail, mum."
What Is It. my poor man?"
"After I once go to bed nobody here
mskes me get up and go down to be sure
that the back doors locked." Detroit
Free Frees.
H. a Keller In New York Bun.
Olv piffle! that' no condiment
To put within a stomach yearning
For mince pies such as mother sent
To tnhle. A hi mv heart is burning
With the delight of long aso
For Just one helping of her mincing.
Chonped fine some Drandy and so, so!
r gad! 'twas tasty and convincing.
The great big yellow crock. It stood
In a dark corner In the cellar
Crammed to the brim with mince meat
For prince or pauper any "fpller"
And, say, when Cindy's steady came
For over Sunday how I wobbled
Upon mv scat: hia eating fame
Was something no one ever gobbled.
But when to school I toted eager
Mv dinner packed Into a pail,
Mv appetite I found too meager
For pie Sue -ot It without fail.
I ate her cakes and thought them
Than hohey: Sue, she made the tarte
Sh traded for my pie completer
Zest never knew exchange of hearts.
Hetebo! The yellow crock Is broken '
That mother filled u to the brim
With rich, rare mince meat; what a
Of bov' dollfrht when life waa vim:
When life was vim and full of pleasure
Before the sadness and heartache
Came in to dim the olden treasure
Of trading pie for sweet Sue's cakes.
The Nation's Health Dish
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