Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Field Karthal Says Germany's Ene
mies Mutt Be Whipped Some
More Tet.
VIENNA (Via London), Dec. T.
The Neue Freie Fresse publishes an
Interview with the German Held
marshal, Von Hlndenb'irr, at his
quarters, which are described as be
ing "In one of the most Important
points on the Russian-German front"
The field marshal replied to a re
mark concerning hie popularity and
his eventual triumphal entry into Ber
lln by saying, laughingly:
"I am already frightened about It. If
J could hav my way, I would not enter
Berlin at all, but would wear civilian
clothing and leave the train at Kottbu.
I do not like to be feted. Clnclnnatua who
returned to th plow, la a beautiful
figure. However, my entry Into Berlin
will not come ao quickly.
Not Whipped Eaoaak.
"At present the enemy won't make
peace. They are not yet weakened
enough. W muat therefore keep It up
Field Marshal ton Hindenburg crltl
clwd the Trench demand, particularly
that relating to Alsace-Lorraine.
"If they want it." ha said, "they
Should come and get It.
"The British' ha continued, "appear
also to have decided to continue the war.
It la true that report! cam from India
that ought to dampen Ilia British luit for
war somewhat, but one munt wait and
see whether theaa report are eorrobor
ated. Great Britain ha her Achillea
tendon; X am not referred alono to
"In Ruaale also th emperor and gov
plalnly deslr th rontlnustlon
of the war. Th most remarkable thing
Is that all these natlona do not eo that
they are only sacrificing thrmsolvts fur
Great Britain. It dor not Itok llko
(ence and so Germany can not sheathe
l- sword."
The field marshal declared that every
German would rejoice If an and were
put to tha terrible bloodshed, but that
Germany must carry on th war which
was forced Oil It.
Questioned concerning the. military
altuatlon the field marshal taid:
."Our. tactical position ia excellent.
Kspeclally la the east, th German army
haa reached the moat favorable strategic
position conceivable."
lie asserted that the Russian human
material wa much poorer than th first
year of tha war; that Russia could fill
th gaps with th reserves now mustered,
but could not fona new armies, Th lack
of officer was also a hindrance.
Th Russian assertion that their de
feat In July and August were due to
lack of ammunition were only poor ex
cuses, said tit field marshal, whe added:
"There are ao signs that the demoral
Iratloa of th - Russian army observed
then ha been overcome." .
He said bo did not aipeot another Rus
aan ofAVrmlve, but waa ready for one.
Tha extension of warfare all over Europe
, '. 4 danger far Napoleon and th
reason of tils, fa Unsaid the German com
"niandor, but, It played, no rule In th pres
ent conflict because of modern railroad
faUlltlee.' lio concluded by saying: "I
should be especially pleased at the do
(tructive defeat of the Italians. This war
must not end without tha three principal
alnnera. Great Britain, Serbia and Italy
receiving Just punishment." '
(Continued from Pag One.)
oer diplomatic
usages existing between
nation-.. It is unnecessary for on gov
ernment to do more than Intimate to
another that the presence of a diplomatic
officer is dtDtastcful.
Over-ntuht advice from Berlin Indi
cated ' that th German government
would withdraw th officer as re
quested, although It might pre lor a
bill of particulars. Th position of tha
State department la that It will not dis
cus the fact In th caae or reveal the
source of it Information which have
led to the decision that the activities of
th two German attaches make their
presence In this country tie longer de
Secretary Laming alae sent a reply
Germany through Ambassador Gerard at
Feriin. '
Attempts Violate Neutrality
While there I no Indication today that
the text of Weeretery Lansing1 comniunl
latlon would be mvle public. It can be
taid authoritatively that it declaree'the
American government action was Ckusrd
! y the military and naval activities of ihe
(tttachee, coupled with clrcumstancea of
an accumulative nature which era deemed
suif.c!nt for Hecretury Lansing's action.
'11. e e titn t are icapoiutible. No mention
van sv.ida of Mexican straits, nor did th
n un: o, Hunt, appear.
'II." (i.-ir. u.i goYcrmnonl was Informed,
lovcv.r t, 1 1 ait accumulation of cli
i uii stam fj connected the attache with
attempts to !tle the neutrality law
of the ( lilted Mte.
The Archibald IrcMnit, It wa said, waa
mentioned ,n cuin,ccilon with th case ef
t'nptaln von fulxn and the trial of th
lian'biirg Aiuerkaii conspirator wa
mentuned In mnnci tton whh th case of
aptaln t;u-Kd.
J'r.ii hubii; i lu. eO i u ide ctstrment that
nllury a'.d int.J a ami t, alone acre
ciiiriiie.rd u laleii to ii-.Olcute tliat
t-tlicr Oernaii off.c:ulj were nit In an
v. : y lonceriK d
' Drallnra io Uisraa laeldrHt...
Becrelary Lansing is understood to ha
tvnferie'l with freslJent Wilson before
(liapalcliltig tha reply. It was understood
th avcrelary thought that under the cir
cumstance tha Stale department ml lit
wtU Inform th German government of
' tha principal cause of It action without
of eoursa, going Into a discussion of th
facta or divulging th sources of Its In
formation. That ia aald to be precisely
hat wa done.
In reply to Gorman y intimation that
It would contest th withdrawal If It
wa a lied on anything- beyond th Ham-burg-Anmrttaa
trial and th Archibald
incident, fcocratary Lacaing's reply Is
understood to atrougly Intimate that
other thtuga than those did enter Into
tn case. - - , .
As l diplomatic precedent for the ra
Out l of Uermany, It la aald, Becrelary
lauuijf i coinmunluatioa doe not ad
mit tiie rl-Ut of the lierlin foreign cf
fi'-e to !inuir into facta and their
sourcea t "ui,m- iUenliy nu specific details
vt ur.y kind were d !c i.ied.
TLo Cicmiaa iutfcy apparently did
not know Just what the next step might
be. but It wa said that the embassy
wished It understood that It bad not
been officially advised of the views
which might be held by the Berlin for
eurn office and that no official state
ment upon the subject had been made
for publication.
Von Jisiber aa fader Advisement.
The Ftate department still has under
consideration the caae of Alexander Von
Nuber, Austro-Hungarlan consul gen
eral at New York. The charge of the
Austrian embassy haa submitted to See
retary tAnelng a number of documents
to support Von Nuber among them be
ing a number of personal letters In
which the consul general made explana
tions to tha embassy about published
reports. These were understood to hava
been written soma time ago.
The Department of Justice Is still In
vestigating report that German agents
were back of alleged plans for a counter
revolution In Mexico to be headed by
General Huerta.
One reason why tha American gov
emment will not luroiati uermany win
specific reasons for the request tor the
recall of Captain Boy-Ed and Captain
Von Papen In lta determination to keep
secret the sources or Its information
vhii Mnnrla Involving other men In
thla country are Investigated.
(Continued from Page One.)'
Speaker Champ Clark we seated In
Oie front row of tha committeemen whan
the first suffrage delegation went to thai the endeavor. Out of It necessarily came
nlatform. A committeeman proposed that 'Jome changes In the plan of operations,
piatrorm. a commiu.n. AT " h 1 Var ,h" time being, (here Is no urgent
he be escorted te a place of honor on ma ntltA tl,r application of American charity
platform. "Not on your lire," eaia r.
Clark, and ba remained on th floor.
Utah Men Satisfied.
Mrs. Florenca Kelley of New Tork.
president of th National Consumer' , without compensation, haa resigned his
league, began the debate, speaking ; official connection and taken a well
. " , . . - -.earned leave of the great undertaking.
briefly of the deslr of thonsmnds of Tn cnmm(tt mlled Into being by the
American women for the vote. Slja then president' invitation cannot permit this
introduce Mrs. LHlle C. Welstenholma, Ift Spp
nuinh,, nf f he T tuft legislature, whoihui. w t. -. ., i .
dccI(lre(, that no man In tTtah desired the
nM.hw i. wnmin wiiitil iiianan undertaking, entered upon when
franchise to woman recalled. I everything In the world waa in a state
Miss France Jolllffe of San Francisco of chaos, .brouaht to atate of high ef
and Mrs. 8ara Bard Field of rorttond, 1 fldency, and rarrled on In such manner
.v.. . ,,,. u. -m!" to challenge criticism and Invite ad-
Ore., tha two women who brought across ( mlnitlon at ev.ry tllrB d.serves com-
the continent In an automobile th petl- j mendatton on our part and the gratitude
tlon from the women voter of th west of, vtL3fon.
. . . ..... . In this chan red condition also there
asking a federal suffrag amendment
came next. They demanded that tha
democratlo congress pas the Susan B.
Anthony amendment
Mr. Antoinette Funk, vice chairman of
th congressional committee of the Na
tional Woman Suffrage association.
pleaded with the committee to write In
the next democratlo platform a plank
pertaining to suffrage.
Soathrraer Speaks.
Mr. Kate Gordon of New Orleans, a
prominent worker in the Southern Statee
Suffrage association, aald that the
democratlo party held the whole southern
altuatlon In It hand. "Give ua a hear
ing before the national democratlo con
vention," ahe asked.
A Mr. Gordon concluded the eolid
ranks of (tending women wearing the
purple, wihte and fold of the suffragists
parted and Mr. Arthur M. Dodge of
New Tork. president of th National As
sociation Opposed to Suffrage, made her
way to the platform. In a brief prepared
address she declared -that the adminis
tration had announced that suffrage' wa
not a question for federal aotlon. ' arid.
Having in mind this definite ait-
nounoement, we confidently count upon
th refusal of thla committee to further
the propaganda of any group of euf-
Mrs. A. J. George ef Boston, chairman
of the congressional committee of the
antl-auffrage organisation, made a long
argument against suffrage and told the
committee that the only states where
democratlo gain were shown In th laat
election were In state where the Con
gressional union had been working.
Ills th Statemeat.
Several suffragists hissed the statement
and Mrs, Oeorge remarked: "Sometime
w hava the fltnea of women to go Into
politics Illustrated to us."
Tonight a recaption was held at th
headquarter of th Congressional union
for Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont ef New Tork,
a prominent suffrage worker. Among
those In the receiving lines was Mis Mar
garet Wilson, th president's daughter.
HAfiTINOS. Neb., Dee, T. -Special Tel
egram,) A night school for naturalised
oltlsena la, being . planned for Hastings
by J. M. Gurnatt of Omaha, United Stale
naturalisation examiner, and th superin
tendent of city school. Who haa promised
to launch th project after some other
problem of hie administration are
worked cut,
Klrst lieutenant William Croasen wa
olocted captain of Company O, Fifth regi
ment. National Guard., laat night after
six ballot had resulted In a tie between
himself and Second Lieutenant Evana. ,
Physical Director llagar of the Young
Men's Christian association haa been
engaged aa director of indoor athletic
and gymnasium work . at Hasting col
It ge. X will retain hie position In the
Frank 1. Russell pleaded guilty In dis
trict court today to ateallug Councilman
Mlller'a automobile laat October and wa
sentenced by Judge Dutngan to from two
to flee years' Imprisonment In the state
penitentiary. , .
The Hastings Board of Education I
having difficulty enforcing; a rule adopted
some fine ago calling for compliance
with the statute prohibiting the pur
chase of supplies from -ncmbera. lily lit Mr. A- il. Brook pro-
'Usted a bill filed by George K. Isaman,
. Ii'tidwere, dealer, whereupon tha latter
ttl-hdrevi it with an apology, but an ex
piisiilcn lhat he believed the law wrong
: la pi me lie.,
1 .' '
HABTINt-.S, Neb.. Dec. 7. tSkKK-UI Tel
egram ) The federal ensu of 1 last Inge
manufacturers for 1911 shows that the
value of the product fpr th year was
tl.ClC.floo. More than 600 person are em
ployed In Hastings factories and th
capital Invested la over 1.iO,to,
WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. T.-8Decial
Telegram.) William A. Laic ha baan ep-l
pointed postmaster at Bui Horn, tiborldaa
county. Wyo., vice Ruth Conley. resigned ;
Decs Attet th Head.
Because of it tonic and lasatlva ffc',
Laxative Bromo Quinine will be found
better than ordinary Quinine, for any
purpose tor which Quinine la usad. Does
not cause nervousness nor ringing In
head. Remember there 1 only one
"I'rorni, Quinine " Lok for signature of
E. W. tirov. JOc.-Adveit'
For the Time Being Americans Will
Not Be Called Upon for Further
' Food Supplies.
NEW YORK, Dep. .1. Announce
ment that for the time being there is
no urgent need for application of
American charity for feeding Bel
glum Is made In a statement given
out here tonight, which also an
nounces that Llndon W. Bates, the
American civil engineer who has been
directing the work of the American
committee for more than a year, has
The statement, which was given
out by A. J. Hemphill, chairman of
the New York Committee for Relief
In Belgium, Is as follows:
"Tha following resolution haa been
adnpted by tha committee which was re
cently requested by President Wilson to
co-operate in the United States with the
work of tha Commission for Relief in
The recent action of the president of
tha United States In asking this commit
tee to share in the work of the Commis
sion for Keller In Belgium In the United
States, was DromDted bv a desire, ao far
was prompted by a
for food to tha rilatreaneil counti-v that
department of the work having been, for
the time being, otherwise provided. As a
result of this modified condition. Mr.
l.innon W. Kates, who for mora than a
year haa given of his time and enermy
sociata have done. Kuch a great human-
cornea a dissolution of the woman' sec-
tion ana tne committee takes this op
portunity to voice its warmest appre
ciation of, and deep gratitude for, the
services rendered by Mrs Mndon W.
Hates, and the members of the woman's
executive Miss Anne Morgan. Mrs.
August Belmont. Mrs. Kdwsrd Hewitt,
Miss Mary Parsons, Mrs. William K.
Vsnderbllt snd Miss Maude Wet more. It
expresses Its Indebtedness to all these In
the woman's section who so efficiently
snd self-sacrlficlnitly hava devoted them,
selves to th work of everting starvation
In Belgium. The rommltte desires to add
Its heartfelt thanks for the generous offer
of continued Individual co-operation and
ssslstanre extended by the executive of
the woman's section.
(Signed) A. J. HrTMFTT.U,
Chairman of New Tork Committee. '
(Continued from Page One.)
lasted development and the undisturbed
government of our own live upon our
own principles or right, and liberty.'' he
declared. "We resent from whatever
quarter It may come t aggression we
ourselves will not practice. We insist
upon security In . prosecuting our self-
chosen lines of national development. We
do more than that. We demand It also
for other. From the first we have
made common cause vith all partisans
of liberty on this side the eea and have
deemed it as Important that our neigh-
bora should be free from all outside
domination aa that we ourselves should
be; have set America aside a a whole
for the use of Independent nation and
political freedom." :
From that point th president empha
sized the need of a national training for
defense In harmony with American
Ideal and Institutions, and then referred
briefly to the plans outlined for the army
and navy, which he urged congress to
sanction and put Into effect "as soon
aa they can be properly scrutinised and
DemoastratloBS of Approval.
Frequent demonstrations of approval
greeted the president' declaration Of th
manlfeat duty of America ' to remain
"studiously neutral" toward th waning
nation abroad, his assertion of friendship
for Mexico .his urgent recommendation
for an ' increased 4 merchant marine, the
suggestions of legislation fur furthering
the lnteresta of the people of tne Philip
pine and Porto Rico, and hi recom
Orchard (Si Wilhelm Co.
414-16-18 South Sixteenth Street
This Rocker or
Arm Chair
Its Cut
'-U 1I1
Lik (W
Solid mahogany, top drawer
fitted with divided sliding
tray, center drawer fitted
with spool holder: . a high piece In every respect.
I-rice 811.00-
LiU C ut
flotle) mahogany
three tab! In grab
s' uatlng slses that fit
- lnto una. lit. II and
- 9
4 In. Ions
price for set.
. ..rHV HTA! Lik tYI
' Solid tnahsanv; Ideal for serving teas
mendation for increasing government
But chief attention centered about the
delineation of the plan for national de
fense, the proclsmatlon of pan-Amerlcan-lam.
and the virility of the president-
attack upon American who, he -taid,
had brought the good name of th rv
emment Into contempt. He dellvtiJ his
denunciation In crisp phrases, and con
gress seemed to hang on every word.
Cheer roea from every part of tha hall
when he concluded It and the demonstra
tion reached lta climax when the presi
dent urged enactment of law to purge
tha nation, of Its internal peril.
Mast lie Crashed.
"There are cltlsens of the United
States, I blush to admit," he declared,
"born under other flags, but welcomed
under our generous naturalisation lawa
to th full freedom and opportunity of
America, who have poured the poison of
disloyalty Into the very arteries of our
national life; who have sought to bring
tha authority and good name of our gov
ernment Into contempt to destroy our
industries wherever they thought It ef
fective for their vindictive purpose to
strike at them and to debase our politic
to the use of foreign Intrigue. No federal
law exist to meet this situation because
such a thing would have iteemed In
credible In the past. Buch creatures of
passion, disloyalty and anarchy must
be crushed out They are not many but
they are Infinitely mal'g-nant, and the
hand of our power should close over them
at once."
There wa rapt attention throughout
and mtmbera generally commented fa
vorably on the message. Republicans,
however, nd some d.imocratii opposed
ome of thi president' suggestions for
Increasing revenues. HI concluding sug
gestion relating to an Inquiry Into rail
road law waa received with Interest and
administration leader already had under
taken to carry out the proposal.
Transportation Problem.
"The transportation problem." the
prsidnt declared, "is an extremely aeri
oua and pressing one In thin country.
There haa from time to time of late been
rcaaon to fear that our rallrouda would
not much longer be able to coim with It
successfully as at present equipped and
oo-ordlnated. I suggest that It would be
wise to provide for a commission to In
quire, to aac irtaln by a thorough can
vas of the whole question whuther our
law aa at present framed and admin
istered are aa aervloeable aa they might
be In the solution of the problem."
Keen Interest In- the president' . ad
dress wa shown by the foreign repre
sentatives , in . the diplomatic - galleries,
where every embassy and. legation was
represented. "All appeared pleased' with
the message and the Latin-Americans
expressed special gratification over the
reference to Pan-Americanism.
"It wa the clearest definition ever
made of thla country' Pan-American
policy," eaid Eduardo Suarea Mujlca,
ambassador from Chile.
No Longer la Dwobt.
"Definitional of this policy and of the
Monroe doctrine have been made before,
but they have not been dear, have been I
in fact a bit vague. Now the position
or uiis country la made so clear that
none need be In doubt"'
Dr. Euaebtd" A. Morale, minister of
Panama, said:
"The statements of Preoldent Wilson
In reference to Pan-Americanism and its
(ma niAanlni, 41l flrtA m h nu
response In the whole continent and will
make stronger the tie of brotherhood
which now unite the nation of America."
In the executive gallery aa . the presU
dent spoke waa hi fiancee, Mr. Norman
Oalt, whose first appearance at the Capi
tol alnoet announcement of the president'
engagement attracted marked attention
from the crowd.
The address wa practically the only
business of the day In both houses. Each
adjourned until Friday to glva time for
completing the organisation of working
committees. In the brief time the senate
waa in session more than 1.500 bills and
resolutions were offered. Measure deal
ing with preparedness, prohibition, ' suf
frage and prevention of sale of war
munitions te belligerent nation predom
inated. Helps Weak Kidney sad Lnmbaao.
Get a 25c bottle of Sloan's Liniment,
apply on back and take six drop four
time a day. All druggists Advertise
ment. Department Orders.
WASHINGTON, Deo. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Civil service examination will be
held January S for rural letter carriers
at Stuart, Silver Creek and Superior,
Walter Schtesa of Oakalooaa, la., ' ap
pointed typewriter In Navy department.
Posloffice at Pony Lake. Hock county.
Nebraska, haa been discontinued; mall
to Thunnan.
ptlea Cared la e t 14 Days.
Druggists refund money If Paso Oint
ment falls to cure Itching, blind, bleeding
or protruding piles. First application
gives relief. CO. Advertisement
There are Just 50
of these on band
now to sell at the
extremely low
price of 6.95
each. They are
made . of . fibre
brown finish
seats snd back up
holstered In choice
cretonne; full slse
and comfortable
an unusual cbalr
and an unusual
price, choice
Lionel Clectric Trains.
up from 3.00
Iron Trains with track,
for JHc
Character I tolls . .0!ie
Funny Japanese Wood
en Toys, 15c, 2.V, &4o
Uainna and httoks of
all kinds, nwM'hajilcal
boats. subuutrines,'
l ul omob live, ro
4anee, etc.
ejiT en
Ponca Man Given
Twenty Years for
Attack on Woman
PONCA, Neb.. Dee. . (Special Tele
gram.) Roy Watson of thla place waa
sentenced to twenty year In the peniten
tiary for assault by Judge Graves In dis
trict court this morning. The crime was
committed on the person of Mr. John
Knelfl, wife of a prominent farmer near
New Castle November 8. Mrs. Knelfl shot
Watson with a rifle, but he was fully re
covered from a dangeroua wound in the
forehead. Sheriff Maskell will take his
prisoner to Lincoln tomorrow.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 7. (Special Telegram.)
Over fifty veterinarians are in attendr
ance at the annual gathering of the Ne
braska State Veterinarians' association at
the IJndell hotel.
In his address this afternoon President
J. W. McGlnnts of Grand Island spoke
highly of the new law which permit a
veterinarian to practice after ten years'
wot kin the state. Dr. Han Jensen of
Kansas City wa the principal speaker
and congratulated tha board on its ef
fort to keep contagious dlseaaea out of
tha state.
Tomorrow the session will close with
demonstrations at the, state farm.
Get Busy Sale
Suits to Order
reduced from $25.00. To keep our
tailor busy and to reduce our
atock we have reduced the price
on every suiting and overcoating
in our store.
140.00 Suits to order for. .. .$30.00
$35.00 Suits to order for. .. .$38.00
We use good linings and guar
antee perfect fit and style. -
Tailoring Co.
3t5 South 15th St.
The Best' Bargains
in Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps and
Kurnlbhlngs for the Whole Family,
See . . . ,
J.IIelpb&nd Clothing Co.
314-316 North 10th St.
i"i?, i-n
lw 41 -. . JA
ill h' .
General DUrrlbatara
Oaaaha, Res
8 a. 8
1 .-- ' I. I
Li, mj:l
Hk IS;
m vii ii urn f J
This ia "Zaiy," tha real me hnettand
Christma Pony at Orchard & Wilhelm $
Have you Keen him?
' Ask Santa Claus about him.
Come to the "Toy Shop" and see the biggest as
sortment of freah. new toys in Omaha.
The Fashion Confer of He MiddleWesl .
Our Holiday Neckwear
We Are Always Glad to Show You
These New Selections.
Chances Are She Would
Choose Colored Taffetas
You are pretty safe in selecting a dress pattern of
this . much-in-fashion 6ilk. A new shipment brings
plenty of blues, greens, browns and evening shades.
New taffetas in plaids and stripes. A complete line of
plaid and striped taffetas for waists and dresses.
JolKe tjtarefre
Corner 17th and Harney Streets.
Dec. 8 and 9-Wednesday and Thnnday-at 8:15 P. M
Single Admission, $1.00. ;
n ... .
Fourth Dig Week
A dU Performance Tonight
Wlll'Nough. Said!
Crowd at Bvery yarformanoe,
D. W. Crrlfflth's Mammoth
IUUD Flrs4 Three) Weeks!
Billy SoaAay la th only ene whe
ever beat this record, sad w are
just getUng started.
Mat. Daily, 2:13; Evenings 8:15
3Ba te
soe te
Tk Bwt ! VsadaTlll.
Pllv Mitlno
U- Mshti. I ti.
Othsr Art (his WMk: Piru 4
KtRyr. Wllaun e lsor. Br-
ln s: Jane Cononllr. Hub
lloliltr, Lx'h a Hl.rllD. IU
UlltUrt. Orplieum Tral Vvvvaljr,
Rallrjr. lie. Baat ttaats (,acuc
ll.i.. 1j.I1U
gutur.Uir sad bun4a, Sx.
aa bc.
nisnia. 1UC. .JC. tut
J.W.n l),rr. Tna l.lklna
Vlolla:" Mak W.iaa. "illJ-
?at ICnli-nalnaia:" I'hda
-o. , "Whan Isnnranoa !
BlUs:" Thoiuaa Trio. - Arrj
bala tmlqua' t. (.'. Shutn
m In "Aa tk Twls ia lnl "
A U Ml Kg, O.N
Bear-4 8au
i.c Kurt
rmrttn, 'Th- l,r..l I ,-t-f
Mats. Thursday, Sstarday AJJ. Will
A rw at 15c. All Seats Baaarvad
A "Beostars" eosaeay w aw
"The Nation's Peril 1
BABIKLB aad Otaer Botaalae
OMAJLAns tra cxbtbb-
Sally Mats..lS-15-SO
SVavgS a-BO-aiT
,- U j. KaaaaSr. Balavr Jak Millar.
mm ilaaaar. LtfttM bu-aAnr. Main P. tail.
taaa, a 1111 NWU, laraml raw aj4
bZui, ,-kurua ul iji-i-a la '1H TH TaAlu -.
,t sat aa4ua oa. lar ka U-)
IVadtee1 Zrlae Wt1nee Week Ztaa.
Saw It
For Women
Contains more novelties and a
greater variety of good neck
fixings than ever before.
Net Yokes, Collars (high and
low), Vestees of lace and
crepe, Collars made of lace,
crepe and organdie, Fancy
Ruchings for dress and coat
collars, Fancy Ties and
Bows,' Feather Boas and
Scarfs. v
CKrbhivaj spirit
Today and Dalance
of Week.
Adapted Treat Oeorfe Barr ato.
Cotohaea's Taraona Worel, with
Kord of BsTaeree, a Typhooa at
Baa, a Stlrrta Battle, mak this
A Tremendously atronsT Offerlns".
Today and Thursday,
The Puissant Quaes ef Psaaloa
weaplnr With Bwlft, Btrosr Btu
xsatlo Aotloa to a atLrbty Cumaa.
All Seats
Today and Thursday
Za Stark Twain's Bamaatle Btory,
ThU Free Your Skin .
From Hair or Fuzz
(Toilet Tips.)
The method here suggested for the re
moval of superfluous hair la quick and
certain and unless the growth la ex
tremely stubborn, a single application
does th work. Make a stiff past with
some powdered delatone and water; ap
ply thla to the hairy surface, and after
about I minutes rub It off, wash the
akin and the halra are gone. Te avoid
disappointment, be sure your druggist
sells you delatone. Advertisement.
When People Really Know
They Just Naturally
nalns? Lnlurioua nhvale sad stllla.
raeucrninerai waiera,asoiy antsa.
icaenans bus, paralyzing enema a.
Your eYuflgtst or grocar can Sat rruM-Vtdar
for yoat 1 A par W- But tf h wonX sand
a tor Ur, or M h v lava, to be
Sao sa-aeaiat end aaar a.f ad cy ua.
:TsvAjtT rooacous