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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1915)
TTTR HHK: (WATT A, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1915. BRINGING UP FATHER Cnpyrlg-nt, IMS, International Nrwi Hervt-. Registered U. 8. Patent Office. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus VOO MEAN TO TELL HE TOO COULDNT SEE COONT DEOIFF LAT M5HT? TOO MO5T0 TO AH 0C0U5T THl VtKT r- V ? V y SAT -DOC-NE VIFC VATiT? TOU TO TEVT ME ETE-bV ALL RV5HT -FlW REAO TH1f PAE TO ME - THtMTTVf eft ;oll- DOG-1 CANT RtAD THAT? in 7T- At-doc-loov; AT that vwtm STREET I HOW tV.T 00 CAti THAT FAR. CJT CAN'T HEAD THE 0 sOOK r I CANT RED AT AU-! 1 -7 THE II I ' - " I I I m. I ill I I I J II I IXfUt I . i I 1 i 1 Lx i mi I t -J 5t 4 KID WILLIAMS AND FRANK BURNS DIVIDE Ben Urns Battle Twenty Fast And Furious Bounds to Draw at New Orleans. BOTH PUT UP A GAME FIGHT NEW ORLEANS, Deo. T. Kid William of Baltimore, world'" bantamweight champion, and Prankl Burn of Jersey CSty fought twenty rounds to a draw In their battle for the title last night Th fight u fast and furious through out. Referee Ed Smith decided honor were even. , Each fighter weighed 111 pound's ring aide. Both put up a game battle. Burna forced the fighting In the first half of the bout and landed hard awing and aUff Jabs almoat at will up to the ninth round, when he seemed to tire and al lowed William to become the aggressor. Ailvantasre la Reacfc. Burna had the advantage In reach and In height, but In the fourteenth round, the champion started a flying Jab for Burn' head and landed frequently. In the eighth William rushed Burn to the ropea, but the challenger drove him back with left and right awing to the face and body, and William dropped to hi knee. Later in the am round, Burn rushed the champion around tho ring, landing at will to the face and cheat From that round on to the finish, with the exception of the eeventc::it. round. William appeared to have the better of the fighting. The champion aeemed stronger and freaher when the final gong sounded and the referee declared it a k draw, More ( Rlaar General. Burn teemed to exercise better ring generalship And boxed cleverly. But Wil liam wa strong on the Infighting, land ing frequent uppercut and pounding Burna' rib until hi body wa red. Wllliama won first blood In the thir teenth. The challenger aeemed to have the better of the ftrat sl round, the eighth and seventeenth; the tenth, elev enth, sixteenth and eighteenth wer eon kldered even, and the champion wa fa vorite for the rest. William wa a seven to five favor ite In the betting. Just an Earful By Tad. Teter Jackson, declared by some to have been the greatest big man that ever lived, made a tour of the country year ago agreeing to (top all aspiring mauler In four round. ' Feter and hi troup stopped ' over at Baltimore one night and put up the pouter announcing the arlentlOle contest. A short but ambitious darky piped the sign and saw vision of one hundred Iron men, II agreed to fight and stay. He faced the great Jackson In the first round and stopped every left that Old ret had with his beeaer. lie came up for the second round and by actual count wa peppered eighty seven time upon the same nose. The beak atarted to iwell and the colored demon atarted to worry. He atepped to the center for the third round and hi head bounced back a though It was on a spring. It wa bam, gam, bam, right on the horn. Llngustcd with his propecu the am bitious darky dropped his arm and walked over to the referee. "See, yeah,' he bawled, pointing toward Teter. 'Dat sign say dl are a clentlfik conies'." "You said It" retorted the referee, with a smile on." "Well den," chirped the smoky target, tell Mr. Jackson to scatter his hits." V-ir Tvui A . v jcjewnaiK. 1 I eevna'vo I XJ T JCATTfcH 'V t;vS. jT v fli? "If dl are a sclntlflk con toe" you obtained, but no arrangefenta have so far been made. The squad will be coached by James Drumfond. Base Ball League to Affiliate With Federals Projected KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dee. T.-That plans for the organisation of a new base ball league and its possible affiliation with the Federal league are well under way, became known here today. Cities In Missouri. Kansas and Oklahoma, In cluding Kansas City. Kan., called the "largest city In America, without a base ball club," are slated for franchises un der the proposed organization, which probably will be named the Continental league. V. M. Bhlvely, who formerly wa presi dent of the Western association and now a resident of Kansas City, Ksn., said today the proposition had been . under consideration for some time, and that an nouncement would be mad within ten day concerning the success or failure of the venture. The new organisation 1 to be an eight- club circuit. Among the cities mentioned for membership are Kansas City, Kan.; Oklahoma City. Ok!.; Tulsa. Okl.; Spring field, Mo. : Joplln, Mo.; Sedalla, Mo.; (Pittsburg. Kan.; Independence, Kan, Coffeyvllle. Kan., and Bartlrevllle, OkL Johnsons Assrt Supremacy Over the Class C Grid Field O, B. Burnett, who coaches and dlreots the Johnson Grocery eleven, enter a protest on behalf of hi charge against the claim of the Angelua team to the Class C amateur grid championship of Ofaha. Burnett deolare th Johnson attempted to card games with the Angelus on three dlfferet occasions, and that each time the latter athletes kicked out lie also holds the Johnson can trim the Angelus any old time at any old place, and Invites a representative of the Angelus team to get In touch with him at Harney JSttfl. The Johnsons average about 130 pounds, but Burnett say they are good enough to tick any 130-pound team around these part. President Johnson will go to Cleveland tonight to discuss with banking Interests In charge of Somers' affair the future of the Cleveland club. . McGill May Buy Cleveland Team CHICAGO, Deo. Discussing a report today that Jame McOlll, th Denver and Indianapolis base ball magnate, might seek to buy out Charles Bomora' interest In the Cleveland American league club, President Ban Johnson of the American league aald that McOlll would be ac ceptable to the league. McOlll own th Denver Western league club aud the Indianapolis Association club. JAMES BRAiNNIGAN SIGNED BY CARDINALS ST. LOUIS, Deo. T. James Brannigan. a lf-year-otd boy of St. Louie, ha been signed by the lit Louis National for the 191 season. He I a third baseman. He played with Decatur last season. CHICAGO, Dec. r. Confessing, according to George W. Armstrong, county prosecutor of Hennepin county, Minnesota, that he aided Frederick T. Price of Minneapolis In hurling Price's wife to death over a cliff, Charles D. Etchelson, a travel ing salesman of Washington, D. C, Is due in Minneapolis today to face legal action. Mrs. Price was killed November 28, 1914, one day after she had been given 160,000 by her father. Etohelon wag arrested In Washington Sunday by operatives of a private detec tive agency and wa brought to Chicago last night Accompanying him was Mr. Armstrong, who announced that the pris oner had confessed. Mrs. Price was the daughter of David H. Fridley member of one of the oldest Minneapolis families" Etchelson I re ported to have aald In hi oonfeaaton. 'and the day after sne got the money, she and Price and I went to a matinee. Later Price suggested an automobile ride. "She sat In th rear seat with her dog Price and I In front Price stopped the car near a steep embankment He muttered something about tire trouble and asked hi wife If she didn't want to get out and give the dog some ex FIRE CAUSES PANIC IN BIQ DEPARTMENT STORE BPRINOF1ELD, III., Dee. 7,-Chrl-tma shoppers and salesgirls fled In a panic today when a swiftly spreading fire broke out In the basement of the four-etory building which houses the Boston store. owned by MacPherson 4k Edward. Th entlro took, valued at 1160.000. wa de stroyed. It wa partially covered by In surance. The building loss will be ap proximately 160,000. A number of the salesgirl escaoed from the second floor by Jumping from a fire- escape. The flame spread to th restricted vice aistnct burning several house. Alhambra Theater in Chicago Burned CHICAGO. Dec.-T.-The Alhambra. one nm oiueai ana best known of Chi cago' theaters, was virtually destroyed by fire today.- Blight damage was don to th Carleton hotel adjoining. The guest, mostly theatrical people, were rouiea out by the flames. aniiu Stecher Plans Legal Resort on "Knocking" Attorney J. C. Cook and J. F. I let ma rt, manager of Jo Stecher, were In Omaha, yesterday preparing to bring a .i(t for libel aitalnat an Omaha weekly newspaper for an article In a recent luua in which it was claimed the last fuw matches of Joe Stecher had been "frameups." Attorney Cook will get statements from Oito Kioto and Kd Emlth. well known !urtliig t-elvbritlee, and from Cutler, A merle us, Iluaeane and other grapplers. bleeher says the courts will be railed upon to decide whether he Is "on the square" or la to be classed with the wrestlers who have almoat killed the grappling game. coerce basket ball CANDIDATES ORGANIZE Charles Coohlser was elected manager and Paul Carlisle asxUtant manager ef the !l:n Bchool of Commerce baaket ball tc&ff at a ffectlns; of th Hudvnti' Ath-)-tU association yesterday afternoon. Candidates for the Commerce banket tu.ll quintet will start practice about the J. i at of next week. As this Is the f.rat ear the bualuea school has had a bas ket I 11 team the proftoet-ta are at large. j ;ie uae oi uie umuii univeralt) gym jtiu(u to practice In protliy Ul be Grata Bxchaagrc. Paul .... UPDIKR OKA1N CO. lt. il. M. Tot. Klrkharo DrlKty )M 1; ni 4t Smith la 11!7 1W 410 Kr-fresler ..IS) 1 17 4oS W ills M 1.0 Ul M Totals.... a ug trr 16 NUU.-iOWA OHAIN CO. 1st. Id. M. Tot. Pomeroy ...1SS 10 l?g 4V Zlm'erman .143 1! 141 443 borso(f ...145 Ui ln4 -o liasulmlre IM M ii Totals. ...We" til US ltd llabber Lhim, PENNSYLVANIA TTltES. lat. 2d. M. Tot. jftlann lr0 1 S 1SS 493 ireiiKet ,.,li(i 1M la S.14 Keller 13 1 -J 1"0 b Noland ....IdO 1J4 170 4j Totals.... 7 741 tM UOODK1CH TIHtS. 1st. M. M. Tot. Rutherfd .li.1 1M 1M 4xt Comrford .1.11 let 144 414 I'rnnlnrn ,.13S 121 M S- Mathews ..h ISO 111 Sot Ueacham ,.lb4 U 13 44S Totals... ei rs 4 Ht riSK Tl!tE8. lat. Id. M. Tot. Conner ....r.1 110 16 HA Knepper ...1ST OT Kvi ICS Prior 14 11 1H M Kaufman ..IIS 1 1-3 nlewart ....118 110 & 30 ..130 ltg 175 S W. Klsaa'r.lM 1H 151 ..14 1 17 S Ohnesberg .143 U4 1J . ... I4 liJ JJ Total ,...Tb7 TJ 7tS 47 K7 Totals.... CS en S 1T7 Klltk-BIVINE TIHF8. 1st. Id. :t To. Johnson ...170 244 1 f3 UllU-rt ....111 75 77 r.O K'lig 115 SO 13 t Shulrt ....l'.'l l'j 1 lT M lllhy M lit ID &4 Totals ....ft&l 741 7SS 2138 Mesew Leaaae. IDEAL MACK1NAWS. lat. Sd. 8.1. Tot. Parker ....lf.l lhj 1;"0 4K3 Knee lit lot 113 8"X Cornell ....112 vsh l:is ;5 r lorkee 177 1S7 1K2 4 weslergrd .1(4 Ii7 1.0 Total ....713 THS 730 31 DREADN'T Jt'MPERH. 1st. 3d. M. Tot. Courtney -..lij Ul ug gva Van Horn.. ll S4 llargardlne l'J r& VAi lli Larson ...,.153 lf7 M 440 tllassow ...Ul 17 lki 471 Handicap . 7 7 7 11 Totals .... 7 et Mil IDEAL BH1HT.S. lat. Id. 3d. Tot. Johnston ..UH l4 l4 .) Mcl-afferty Krl 1 m 174 HKthke ... I 1S6 l;.i 44 Hrooopto ..161 l.K 416 Kirkham ..lb4 1.0 IM 4.0 Totala ... HS 713 711 3144 CLASSIC COATS. lat. 3d. 3d. Tot. McDougaJ .110 111 IM fc4 Mnaaey ....ll 121 17 .y Histord l:il 77 3-) Hwanson .All lii JI ivt iiuabnell ..141 111 163 tl Totals 70 M lull iilNA TATUORH. lat. M. Id. Tot. Graham ....lit 131 14 411 Hart.irl ...1ST 7 li.7 1 ItarrliiKton IM 1J6 134 0 IVaraon ...1(S LSI UJ m Masilko ...1.11 1J7 ioO J Handicap .1(1 1328 Llthraaere Ltags KLOPP-BARTI.ETT CO lat. Id. 3d. Tot. bonier 175 IM is.-, ,( nranua ....izs in jtg Hutching ISO 1T 7 JS4 Btitser Ill lin Tri .j M Anderson ,.1H m iw ia Totals ....711 643 ITS 303S Handicap 11 11 a u lotai , est sj rn N. a LEARY X). Ut. 1,1. St. Tot. R'es IN) l: m 4k3 Wroodruff .1. Ill 134 410 Mailoy lit Ui )tH Hantfrow .M Ml itm Hansen ....141 lt4 Dt (in WOMAN IS THROWN OYER A HIGH CLIFF Charles D. Etcheiion Confcues He Helped F. T. Price of Minneap olis Murder Wife. D0O IS THROWN AFTER' HER ercise. "A Mr. Price stepped out Price pu' one arm In front of her and I put an arm In front and we. gave a fling. Down she went Price picked up the dog and threw It after hi wife." When they climbed down the embank they found the woman still alive and Etchelson Is reported to have said Price struck her on the head with a stone. "W told everybody that he teppod over the cliff to save her dog," the officials said Etchelson confessed. "Price cancelled my notes for IV 200 he held, and gave me 3,600 to boot Flat Con trad let loa by Price. I MINNEAPOLIS, Deo. T. "I deny It all. I wear It la not true" declared Fred erick T. Price, when told In hi cell at the county jail today of the confession of Charles D. Etchelson that he aided Price In the murder of the latter' wife No vember 28, 1914. "I do not care to ay anything further except to reiterate that the confession 1 not true.", ' Price wa Indicted by the county grand Jury last week for bigamy and murder. After hi wife' death Price rued the city of Minneapolis for 17,609 for leaving the river bank unprotected where he said his wife had fallen over. A de tective took the stand and revealed that. Price had been married twice before, hi second wife having divorced htm. Price then dismissed hi suit. Last Christmas Price married Mis Carrie Olsen, a Minneapolis bookkeeper While hi wife wa living. It la said, he promised Miss Olsen to get a divorce. It Is charged he did not get a divorce from one of hi three wive. Mary Fridley Price wa a member of on of the oldest and beat known families In the state. The family home 1 at Frld ley, Minn., th town having been named after her father. Us The Bee' "Swapper" column. CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF WILLIAMS COLLEGE BURNS WILLIAMSTOWN. Mas., Dec. 7. Fire early today totally destroyed the Thomp son Chemical laboratory of Williams col lege, with a lor of approximately $100,000. When th alarm wa given Bmlnard Mears, assistant professor of chemistry, and Cornelius Brown, an assistant, were asleep In the building, but escaped. The fire started In a work room on the first floor from spontaneous com bustion, according to college authorities, A valuable library, a quantity of metal and chemicals, which. It Is aald, cannot 00 repiacea on account 01 mo auwwi war. were dtstroyed. Use Th Bee's "Swapper" column. Lnra-e Mllllnsc Plant Baraed. ST. CATHERINES, Ont, Dec. 7.-Flre did between $300,000 and IWO.OOO damage today to the plant of the Maple Leaf Milling company, flour manufacturer. Get Your Holiday Shopping Out of the Way NOW! You gain in every way by doing It. No crowds to push through, the selections of merchandise are larger, you ret more individual attention from the (( salesman, you can take your own time in choosing and you get the shopping worry off your mind. SOME GIFT TIPS Buy for men at a man's store. See our beautiful neckwear, classy gloves, handsome shirts, fancy Tests, Jewelry novelties, bath robes and house coats. These and many other articles men expect for Christmas. r n n yfs L 5i iUt?uC B (raik Ufa MtmI Y. J JV 1 ii, mm" mn pmJ V n in 1 1 r 'laaaaHn aa. maaaamsj mJ in .ailmaii 11 1 1, ii i II HVO...-IIT a n. hi ill r Ha rn,asi L , ,y i i i. m ., pa Korce Povgp This new Studehaker 4-cylinder car Isj the most powerful car on the market at ita price. Ita motor INCREASED from zy. x 5 to 37o-inch bore x 5-inch stroke, develops and delivers FULL 40 Horse Power. And in flexibility as weU as POWER, this FOUR equals most Sixes on the market. But we can't begin to tell you what POWER actually is. We simply invite you to come in and look over this FOUR and then let us take you for a demonstration on the hills. With the wheel in your hands and the throb of this mighty motor and that smooth unbroken flood of POWER, youll appreciate why we say that Studebaker, in this new FOUR at $885. has set a new standard of value for 4-cylinder cars I It gives more for every dollar of the price not only in power but in size and quality and low upkeep. Let us give you that demonstration NOW. E. R. WILSON AUTOMOBILE CO. Studebaker Factory Branch Building 25th Avenue and Farnam Street Totals ....7l 71! Stft ?M HANCOCK-KP8TK.V ( U lt 2d. M. Tot. A. Paetow.l4 154 jjo Muster - ....liH j( H. Paetow ... it 1.1 Osborne ...IM 111 v Hnfrntan ,.14t W H7 .'Jt MlraUky ..lift lu i: 8j Total KM T70 746 lt'4 OMAHA PR1NT1N Co lat. J.t. n. Tot Short 1 IM ril Hh bailey 1 li ij 4W t'ronainan .1:' 12 U'j SV Oallup M ) i ,, Corey X.'.l IM 4.4 l 41 " r Four Cylinder Models Tow ring Car. T-passngar $885 Koadster, 3-paseag 8S0 loadstar, 3-paaeenf er lt&S Total 6M Handicap 13 770 l f77 13 13 S To'ala... ti I3i4 IDEAL OVKKAI l-S lt. M. i.1. Tt. rneins l6 14.. u.l ult.'ll lit l 121 fclraw 111 Tntsls ... M 4! 7VJ6 1 JiEl.8 PKI.NTINO l-Y). lat. t.l. M. T.t. 441 Kurts 14 14t ln 4,7 4--4 K. KlaaaaerUi 14 lit 4 1 Totals ... TO T1 81 IJil ill'BKlt INKS. lt. 31 .t". To' Shup 147 14 lit 4T7 Ron irs l:ii 11 4ji V ...m lit 1 4 Mohlnaon ,.14 IM t IV liofiiiann ..11 ! Kt iai Six Cylinder Models Touring Car. T-pas sang or $1050 Roadster. passenger - 1000 Lands n-Roadater, 3-paMeager a 13 SO Csmpa. 4-paaaeoger 1BS0 Llssoasine, T-paseeag - 2250 F. a B. Detroit STUDEBAKER. Detroit. Mick. Sou ta Bead, liai. WsikerrilU, Out .ail 11 ' 1 aiaaaaJ " I 1 S niiinmiaiwa n .naiaini iilinini 11 - arSf jWMHMlllMU. 11.11 t ! ! IT I I III ,MIIIS .J Ul Anuetauu. 1' li 1 4ti Total T4i .l Jts