Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1915, Image 11
TIIK BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 10tr. RENTALS. IfOI SK AMI t TTAiF.. $ IK N. 16th St., S-r., mod. ex. bt $.6 32? S. 23d St.. 6-r.. mod. ex. ht. $2. 4l7 1-afeyette Ave., 6-r., all mod. ,VI12 Florence Blvd., -r., nil mod. $'. 2.MJ Sherman Ave.. S-r., nil mod. $25 34 Center St., -r.. ll mod.J Ksrnge. $10-173 p. sth Ft.. 6-r.. nil mod PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPA NY. Doug. 17X1. Mh Fir. Om. Nat. PK. Bldg. o. Globe Van &Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; $-horse van and 1 men, 11.28 per hr.; storage. $3 per mo Batisfa c t Ion guar. D. 433 t Ty, 230. Fidelity ftfe rhone Douglas 28 for complete list of varant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. lth and Jackson Bts. J. C. Reed Co., moving g ft storage Farnam. D. 6148. Gordon VanCb.$Si 819 N. 11th St. Tel T. 894 or Har. 1837. ITOHE9 A.U OKK1CKS. 2 SmaifOffices Ready Now CHOICE LOCATIONS In the Bee Building $12.00. $16.00. Inquire Room 193. K W. COR. 24th and Lake, store and basement; rent right. Colfax 1339. REAL F.8TATK FARM A HANOI LANDS FOB SALE) IOWA. A BAROAIN. 120 In Harrison Co., Iowa; new Improve menta; land lays good, at U0, 8600 down, $2,600 March 1, time on balance. A bar gain, We'll prove It. Coma and sea. FRANK HILL, Logan. la- MlsSOlHI. to ACRES 2 miles from Lebanon; house, barn; 60 cultivated; $2,400; easy terms; other bargains. Holt Realty Co., Lebanon, Wo. 1HIMMSSOTA. "WILKIN County. Minn. 2n0 acres level prairie, unimproved. S miles from mar ket, near school, rood roads. 825 cer acre. Weather and roads fine. Ulland Land Co., Fergus Falle, Minn. NEBRASKA. THE ONE BEST BUY ANYWHERE IN PERKINS COUNTY, NE BRASKA. LANDS FROM $16 TO 120 ACRE. COME, SEE FOR YOUR SELF. WE PROVE IT. OR PAY ALL YOUR EXPENSES. ENOUGH BAID. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS .TO Dave Shuter Grant Neb. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. WRITE ME. JO-AC RF. fruit farm in Calhoun, Neb.; 11 room house, barn, garage and fish pond In connection; next to city park. In heart of city, $11.000. Joe Bolln, Calhoun. Neb. OKLAHOMA. CORN, alfalfa, wheat, cotton land for sale or exchange. W. E. Wilson, Walters. Okla. WISCONSIN. UPPER WISCONSIN Beat dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stook raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? WrUe a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City (la.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Mdlum." Twenty-five words every Frl duy evening. Saturday morning ana every Saturday evening and Sunday for on month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent days for $2; or 60 woids, $4, or 75 words. $6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 260. OuO readers dally In four great states. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM and cltv loans at lowest rates. TOLAND At TRL'M HULL. 448 Bee Bldg, $100 TO 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. lath A Farnam Sta, CITY and farm loans, 6, 6. per cent J. H. Dumont ft Co.. 414 State Bank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, 228 State Bank Bldg. 6'4 TO 6 for loans on best class city residences in amounts $2,0u0 up, also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. OKF.EFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 5715. FARM AND CITY LOANS. O'DOL'GHERTT ft HUGHES, fit Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 1011. MON F.T on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. r.C, CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg, J1S u 12 Rrandeia Theater Bldg. RKAL KHTATK WANTED I WANT to buy for cash 3 or 2 very clieip loti. Give price and legal de fcrlption and yuu will hear from me. b. 3i. Bee. REAL ESTATE TOR EXCHANGE LNfci V-room house, corner lot, will trade equity for a good vacant lot. O. A. ECKLES, Phone P. 1J or H. 6763. HEVF.N-PASSENOKR auto to exchange for 6-room bungalow. Phone Doug. 26M. TOR SAI.E: or exchange. In Brookings Co., a 200 or a 400-acre farm; both well Imp.; nice laying land; good black dirt. Lock Box 93, l lpestone, Minn, REAL ESTATE VACANT $: F1NH lots, near cari $6 cash, monthly. Owner. UougUs 2947. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDB ClUCACio 2saa Nat four-room cottage Part modern. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE G BOOMS Living room, dining room, bed rooms and kitchen on first rloor. two bed rooms and bath on 2d floor, oak finish, en tirely inodrrn, cement basement, east front lot. 40x142; close to school and - C. G. CA11LBEEO, S 1 2 Bra n del s T he a ter B 1 d g. 1110 PArtll. i:n pt-ii vfA.W.. rot a dandy 6-room, strictly modern Lt-use. 2 block, from Hanscon. park Sne block from Field club. The price U rUh. the location la right, andtl!? tim? U r:ght. lon t pay rent all your life, but ,nk 'a,r5t,n"w J" hruiht direction. - - r. in v r.o 1 a E.A r tlHPANT ' 17M. 6th floor OmahaNat. Bk Bl'dg FIELD CLUB DIbtTilCT- Two-story bungalow. rooms, nak lh. entirely modern, located on loth Ave. junt.a little north of Field Cluto lt 4xl.u. with plenty of shrubs and shade trees to make It delightful This place is actually worth $4.Uuu of any. ir uniaiaocts die tate selling it at a sacrifice. C. O. CAULBERO, $12 BraadeU Theater BlOg. HAYWARD WILL GET JOB MXALL LOST Whitman to Name Him at Tempo rary Head of Publio Serr ice Board. REMOVAL ORDER IS IN EFFECT ALBANY, N. Y.. Dec 6. Tam many's last candidate for mayor of New York, . Edward E. McCall, a former Justice of the supreme court of New York, was tonight removed from office as chairman of the Down state Public Service commission by Governor Whitman, who sustained, In part, the charges preferred against the commissioner by the Thompson Investigating committee of the legis lature. The governor's decision was that McCall, in violation of the Public Service commission law, owned stock of a corporation under the super vision of his commission. Other charges alleging neglect of duty and inefficiency, were dismissed. The order removing McCall was signed by Governor Whitman at 7 o'clock tonight and became effective at once. The governor said that tomorrow he would designate Commissioner William Hayward of Hew York as the temporary chairman and that at the same time he probably would ap point a commissioner to fill the vac ancy caused by McCall'a removal. McCall had two more years to serve. Nebraska friends of William Hayward have been watching the progress of events In New York with decided Interest. In scarcely more than five years since he left Nebraska he has held several Im portant positions under Governor Whit man, the present place being one at the very front of the firing line. Welfare Board to Kansas City to Get Information J. S. Walters, T. F. Sturgesa and J. A. TUne of the Welfare board will leave Thursday evening for Kansas City, where they will investigate the operations of the Welfare board of that city and will report back at a meeting to be held In the city hall next Monday evening. At a meeting of the board in the city attorney's office last evening discussion was had on various features of the work upon which the board will enter, par ticular thought being given to employ ment bureau, legal aid and a loan agency. It was proposed to co-operate with the Associated Charities by establishing a clearing house through which a check may be maintained on all cases of aid. The work test was approved In con nection with an employment bureau which will be established. In a few weeks the board will decide on the amount to be asked when the city coun cil makes up the 1916 budget Omaha Contractors Bid for Bank Job 81x Omaha building contractors were among those who yesterday submitted their bids to the architects. Graham A Burnham of Chicago, for the construc tion of the proposed fourteen-story First National bank building. Contractors from St. Louts, Kansas City and Memphis, Tenn., also submitted bids. The sub-basement is omitted In the re vised specifications. Bids were received once before, and because most of them were considered quite high, or at least reached a higher figure than It had been believed necessary to expend on the etructure, the plans were sent back for revision. The award of the contract will nrahahlv be announced some time this week. Tha Omaha contractors bidding are: John Harte. J. C. Mardls. K. O. Hamilton Walter Peterson, F. P. Oould A Son, and Robert Butke. Ladies' Auxiliary to Spanish War Vets Elects Its Officers The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of Oeneral Henry W. Lawton auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans: President, Anna C. Miller; senior vice president, NqJUe W. Jones;. Junior vice president. Ida Lane; chaplain. Rose Anderson; assistsnt conductress, Alta Bgan; historian. Rose Baroff; pa triotic instructor. Caroline Russell. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE $300.00 CASH $30.00 PER MONTH Buys a dandy brand new. comoletely modem 6-room bungalow In the cathe dral district. See 4311 Chicago St. today If you are looking for a home. CREIQII, SONS & CO., Douglaa 200. 608 Bee Bldg. SOME BARGAIN 6-room house, with sleeplne porch: fullv modern: oak finish: Milton Rogers fur nace. This ' Is worth Investigating: Is now vacant. Can be seen any time. Prica $3,400, reasonable terms W. S. r itANK, 201 XEVIJXE BLK. REAL ESTATE INVK8TMENTS Make Offer 44 ft. next First National. $46,000 Mklnc price. Make offer. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS PRICE REDUCED New 7-r., sleeping porch, oak and birch finish, buffet and book eases, beam cell ing, double floors, mirror doors, guar anteed furnace, Corbln hardware, best material and workmanship throughout. South front, closa In, close to car. Best buy in Omaha Owner. IouKaa 162. AVE $JU0. On a 6-room strictly modern, well built home from owner; but water beat. M VT7. Omaha I tee. LOTTTSt'h- sod" Moi, roe Sta. Address I, B Offloe. boulA Otnalia. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Receipts Are Heavy and Prices Range from Unchanged to Cent Higher. YELLOW CORN AT A PREMIUM OMAHA, December T, 1916. The wheat receipts wero quite heavy today and the demand for this cereal continued quite active, the market rang ing from unchanged to lo higher. The corn market continued strong to day and although the receipts were pretty good, the demand was sufficient to take care of the offerings. Corn sold from Ho to lc higher, the yellow sell ing at a substantial premium over the white and mixed varieties. Oats were firm, selling from Ho to iC higher. Receipts of this cereal were ugnt end there was a lair aemana. The demand for rye was pretty good. but the market was weak and sold from Vie to le lower. There were no sales of barley reported. but the market was quoted nominally . . . . ,. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 1. 104.000 bushels oats. &.000 bush- I eiS. ... , . Wheat at Liverpool closed iqswi hlcher: com. lUd higher. f'rlmarv wheat rereluts were tMS.OfW bushels and shlDmenla J.1S1.1"! bushels, againat receipts of l.Cl.OOO bushels and snipments or l.,io Dusneis iam year. Primary coi n receipts were 9tU,U0 bush els and shipments 4:,000 ounhels, against w.t. in), f U 1U fKA t. . . nl m nl ahl t iflTlin tS of S10.000 bushela last year. , Primary oata receipts were ssi.ww ouen ele and shipments USt.OeO bushels, against receipts of 1.0H2.000 bushels and shipments of S&000 bushels last year. CARLOT RBCBIPT8. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chleaao Minneapolis ..... Dulutti Omaha Kansas City ... 8t. Louis 1S 660 3i . to . 91 . Hon . 117 .1.471 M m 42 V lnnlpeg These sales m-ere renorted today: Wheat No. S hard winter: 1 car $1.0; 1 car. 11.08; 1 cars. $1.07; 4 cars, ILOJ; 1 car, $1.06; 4 cars. SJL06. No. 4 hard win ter: 3 cars, ll.Ou; 1 car, $1.04; 8 cars, $1.04; S cars, $1.03; 1 car (poor). $100. Sam ple: 1 car, Rue; 3-5 car, Wc; 1 car, tHc; 2-6 car, sac. No, S mixed: 1 car. 11.0s; 1 car. 11.07; 1 car, tl.Gu. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.06; 1 car (smutty), 88c. No. t durum: 1 car, $1.01. No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car, $1.03; 1 car, $1.01. No. S mixed durum: 1 car, $1.01; 1 car, $1.01. Rye No. 3: 1 car. Die. No. 4: 1 car. 89c Corn -No. S white: 1 car. 6Sc; 1 car, 4o. No. 4 white: 1 cars, 64c: $ cars, 63o; 4 cars, 3c; 1 car. 62c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car (old), 71c. No. S yellow: 1 car told), 70o. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 67c; S cars, fiC. No. S yellow: 1 car, 66c; cars, Sc. No. t yellow: 1 car (very poor), 66c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (old), 70c; 1 car (old), 69c. No .1 mixed: 1 car, 68c; 1 car. 66c; 1 car, 6Sc. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 4c; 4 cars, 64r; 1 cars, 63c. No. ( mixed: 1 car. 63c; 1 cars, 62c. No. 6 mixed: $-3 car (old), 68c; 2 cars, 67c Sample: 2 cars, 62c; cars, 46c. Oats No. white: 1 car, 91c. No. S white: 2 cars. 40c No. 4 white: 1 car, 40c. Sample: 1 car, ISc; IS car. 36c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, $107414 10; No. 8 hard, $1.06i;'1.0!; No. 4 hard, $1.0791.05; No. 2 spring, $1.07 4J1.08; No. $ spring. $1.0Mt107; No. 2 durum, $1.0191.02; No. $ durum, $!.0fr! 1.01. Corn: No. 4 white, 62.tf64c; No. 6 white, 62f53c; No. 6 white, 6l62r; No. 4 yellow, 66flf7e; No. t yellow. 6Mi 66c: No. yellow. 64WS6c: No. 4 mixed. 62S4c: No. 6 mixed, 614r3c; No. 6 mixea. Siitfxc. uats: rvo. z wnite. 4iw 43c; standard, 41a41c; No. 8 white. 40 C-tc; No. 4 white, 40i40o. Barley; Malting, 681T66C: No. 1 feed, &r-4jti0c. Rye: No. 2. l92c; No. 8, 90lc. Chicago closing prices, furnished The tee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 815 South Sixteenth street: Article! Open. I High. Low. I Close. Yes'y. Wheat Dec. II 1 18H191 1 MSI 1 MSI 1V 1 1!"4 IsgJ 12, 117Jjll7J 119'i May. 1 Corn. I Decide! May. 7Htfft. ( 73 I Iay.l7l',ii Oats. I 1 LeC. 4J")k 44l 43 43'iflH 4l;A 18 67 U 60 I May. Jan- tsia-vi 46Vff47 4fii 10 u 18 (6 18 Vb 1 IX U 18 96 I 18 05 May. Lard. Jan.. May. Pork. Jan.. May. 9 62HI 92l 6J S3 10 16 1 47-ffuO 9 8&y0) 10 26 I S 86 9 77 9 Mtf96 10 10 10 80 t 921 9 971 10 02f 9 72 10 26 I t 92 9 971 A Asked. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Deo. 7. Bearish estimates In regard to the amount of domestic wheat of sufficient quality for milling did a good deal today to bring about a set back In prices. The market closed un- December at $U6 and May at $U7W l.i'. in corn the outcome varied from HtiO decline to itW advance, oats finishing (U'40 to '40 off and provisions showing a rise of 30c to 66c. Wheat had been weak and strong by turns until late in the session. One of the largest houses on change madt public elaborate figurea Indicating that the mlllaule crop of the United rotates aggre- gaieo yw.wu.uw nusneis. news 01 tne further requisitioning of steamers by the Italian government tended also to act in ravor of the bears. The final set back, however, was not brought about until for the third day In succession the market had reached above all previous high price . records of the 1916 crop. f alling off In the worlds available supply aggregate, with the decrease al most wholly in Europe, was the chief news on which the wheat market aecenaed to the too point of the day. Corn, aa well as wheat, advanced to new high prices for this season. Re ceipts were not aa plentiful as had been expected. Oats followed the course of other cereals. A large Increase or stocks at tracted some notice. Provisions were sharply affected bv reports that Oermany was buying lard and pork. Big receipts of lions Were ivnored, and the market ascended to about the highest prlcta yet this season. Chicago (!ah Prices Wheat: No. t red, nominal: No. 8 red, $l.lial.21; No. 2 hard. $1.11.22; No. 3 hard, $1.12 1.15. Corn: No. 3 yellow, old, 73c; No. 4 yellow, new, 664j7c; No. 4 white, new, 6tii7c. Oats: No. 2 white, 4lfi 42c: standard. 444rc. Rye: No. 2. a-ic. Harley. tjrt'd i40. Timothy. $i,.at.00. Clover, $10 Cxh 19.60. Pork. ?16.9u. Ird. 9.66. HI hp. $10.50.. BUTTER steady: creamery, 2333c. YXKJH Higher; receipts, 2,3."3 rases: flints. 2WdWc; ordinary firsts, 27-28c; at mark, 20H290. POTATOKJ Higher; receipts, 60 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin white. 6S$r?2c: Minnesota white. Ghfixc; Minnesota and Ohlos, 6Vu4to. POULTRY Alive, higher: fowls, ll'ic: springs, 13c; turkeys. Ii'al6c. OMAHA (HMKHtL MAHKKT. IOULTRT Alive: Turkeys, any else over 7 lbs., 17c; broilers, 16rl7c; springs, 11c; ducks, 10c: geese, 10c; hens, IMllc. young glunea hens, each, 36c; roosters, 2c OYSTKKS Chenapeake. standards, per gallon, $1.10; standards. $1.26; selects. 81.60; northern, standards. $1.46; selects. $1.76; New York counts. $1.9u. Northern, small cans. !4&2&c; large cans, 3644aa. Chesa peake, small cans, 2vu'k; large cans, jaau) FISH Halibut. 12c; salmon, fresh pink, 9c; fresh red, 12c: catfish, fresh. Uc; trout, fresh, 13c; white fish, freah. 17c; red snapper, fresh. 13; catfish, frozen. 13c; aiuelts, frosen, 10-lb. boxes. $l.ii, rmoked white fish, 14c; kippered salmon. 17c. FROZEN FISH-Hallbut rises to suit. 104c; catfish, large, for steaks. 13c; sal mon, falls, 9e; salmon, silvers. Kc: No. 1 trout. He; No. I whlteflsh. dressed, 10c, No. 1 whlteflsh. Urge, l&c; No. 1 white fish. Jumbo, 18c; pickerel, round W. C . c; pickerel, headless, Sci black bass, order sise, 26c: herring, dressed, pair frosen. tic; blueflsh extra fancy, lie; red snapper, hcaulees. dressed loc; floun der 10c; scallops, per gallon, $8 00. SMOKED FISH-Whltf. lft-lb. baskets rer lb, 14c. KIPPERED FISH Salmon. 10-lb. bas kets, per lb., 17o. CKI.KRY-Mammonth, per dos.. 76c. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, ! ; No. 2. lc: No. 3, 12c; No. 1 loins. 2IV-c; No. 1. Uc: No. 2. 14c; No. 1 chu. ka. )'-: No. 2. Vc; No. 3. 9c; No. 1 rounds. 14c; No. 2. 13c; No. $. 12c; No. 1 plates. 10c No. 2, 9c No 2 fc' LIVE POULTKT Brofters, 1 to 1 lbs., in sepsrats comp., 17c; over 1 to J lbs., 14c; springs, any site. 12c; ducks, Licked, price, but not wanted, 13o; . sua, over 4 Iba per lb., llc; roosters. 18 w2 17 iS I IS .e. Turkeys. 17c: old Tome, 16; under I lbs.. Kc; lens than I lh. ach not wanted. Uee.-e, full feathered and fat, fc; picked. price, but not wanted. Guineas, each, 26c: young. 1 to IHi lha each, &c. Homer squabs. 14 os. and ever, 1100; 10 to 12 os., 83.00; No. L must weigh ox., II (: under S os. Wo Pigeons, any kind, per dm., too, Star BrandBen Davis, $3 78 per barrel; Willow Twigs, 3.2o per barrel: Wlneaapa, $3.60 per barrel; Jonathans, $8.60 per bar rel. Shield Brand-Black Twigs. SIM per barrel; Black Twlga. cninmerletal brand. US per barrel; Ben Davis. Illinois, 11 it per ba-re1. BUTTER Best creamery, SSc; seconds, In cartons or tubs, toe; good dairy, tut 29c; country, common. 180. CHEESE imported Swiss. 44c; domestic. 30c; block, 84c; twins, KHc; daisy. 19c; triplets 0c; younu Ameri can, :0o: blnn label brick. 1o; liinhurger, New Yonk white, 19c; imported French Bocquefort. 4c, FRUITS Orangea: California" Sunklst Navels. Ma, 126a, M.0O box: California Sunklst Navels. ISO. 2SKs. 14.15 boa; Cali fornia Hunk 1st Navels. lTa and smaller, 84.W ho Flnrlilaa all ilipi 13 TO twif. California Valencia, 126s. $6.00 box. lemons: Punklat, toOa. 36"S, $5.0t box; Red u mos. M M box. O rape- jfruit. j, 54, 1x50 r0x: Sue. :. hex. rears: winter Keiiia, sia; PeMchM; California Salwave or rv,i.i l ik... k... .-I... n u v 1 1 . i'v 1 ..., j, 1 .. ... 1 Sl 7fc tAr K 1 ..... K ram V m n wn wm z- -' V'TIZI . -T JIT! ie, amperore in eg w Mnlagsa. $6.0u to $7.00 bhl Cranberries Belle and Cherry. $7. SO bbl.; Pello and CuKle. $8 60 bbl.; Jumbo, $10.00 bbl. Figs. 12-10 os., soo box. VEOKTAULiSS-Cabbaga, lb.; head lettuce, $1.00 dos.; leaf lettuce, 40o doc.; celery: Pascal, 75c doa; California, dot.; Michigan, 36 dos.; cauliflower, $1.60 crt; eiuash, 2c lb.; brussel sprouts, 20a lb.; tomatoes $160 lug.; peppers. Ho basket; parsley, 86c dos.; rutabaa, 10 Hi.; onions: Hpsnlsh, $1.60 crt.; red, 2o lb.; yellow, lc lb.; artichokes, $1.26 dos ; rasabae, $6.00 cru Potatoes: Colorado whites, 7Sc bu.; Inrse Colorado whites, 660 bu.; Led River Ohlos, 76 bu. Sweet potatoei, $3.00 crt.. NUT.- No. 1 walnuU, 16H lb.: blk. walnuts, 8c lb.; hickory, 4o lb ; filberts, 16o lb; pecans, 12o lb.; Braalls, 16o lb; almonds. 1V3 lb. MISCELLANKOUfl Crackerjack, $3 50 case; crackerjack. one-half case, $176; case; fnrd dates, 12 o lb.; salted peanuts, $1.16 can; popcorn, 40, 1 lb. package, lift case; cornpops, $.".28 case; rornpops, one half case, $1.66 case; 8. W. dates. $1.26 box. Honey, $3.76 case. Airline, 2 dos. 6 os., $1.M case. Cocoanuts. $3.60 bag, T60 dos. Cider: Motts, $3.; ke; Motts. on half bbL. $7.26 bbl.; Nehawka, $3.1. keg. 1 1 NEW YORK (iEbRAL MARKET Qeotatloas of the Day oa Varloae Commodities. NEW TORK, Dec. 7. FLOUIV-Firm; spring patents, $a.75S16; winter patents, $.604i6.tt0; winter straights, $:.4Vuo.rtO, Kansas stralKhta, $5.60f6.65. WHEAT Spot, weak; No. 1 durum. $1.24, f. o. b. New York: No. 1 northern, Duluth. $1.2K. and No. 1 northern, Man itoba. $1.23, c. 1. f. Buffalo. Futures were easier; December, $1.23. COUN Spot, firm; No. t yellow, 82c, prompt ahlpment. OATS 1 pot, quiet; No. S white, 46',V 47c, HAT Kteady; prime, $1.PH; No. 1. $1.26; No. 2. $1.161.20; No. S, $1.00i31.06; hhipnlng, 90c. HOPS Quiet, state comon to choice 1916, 20rrf30c; 1914, 6irl0c; Pacific coast 1915. llijfi'16c: 1914. SlOc. HIDES Steady; Bogota, SOJTSle; Central America, Sfic. LEATH Eli Firm ; Hemlock firsts. 33 S4c: seconds. S24fMc. provisions Pork, firm: mess. $ix.oom 18 50; family. $20.50fi22 .50; short clesrs. $19.0Ptf21.00. Beef, steady; mess, $16,600 17.00; family, $1S 0cv(i 1&.50. Lard, strong. middle weHt, R.iwn.w. TALIXJW-Barely steady: city. Vie.: coun'ry. 76'Sc: special, 8c BUTTER Steady, receipts. S.0S9 ttibs: creamery extras, 363Q7o; firsts, 28'.stf 34c: seconds, 2f,((f2Hc. KWiB firmer; receipts, K.it45 cases: fresh gathered extra fine, 86'r40o; extra flrpts, uTiarc; firsts, 2-1 (a 16c; seconds, JH j:wc. CHEESE Firm: receipts, 2,060 rases; state, whole milk, flats, held, specials. 17Vic; average fancy, 1641170; current make specials, 16c; average fancy, JS 1';. POULTRY Alive, prices unsettled. Dressed, quiet; western fresh chickens, Mi'ic; fowls, 124; 17c; turkeys, 14ii2.'c. Kanaaa City Grain and Provlalona. KANSAS CITY. Pec. 7. WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.111.16: No. 2 red. $1.14ial.l: 'Decemlier, $1.07; May, $1.10. CORN- NO. 2 White. 64iI64c: no. 1 mixed, 65i666c: December, 66Hia6c; May. 6Sc. OATS No. 2 mixed, 42c; No. 2 white. 41c. Bl'TTKH creamery, 33c; firsts, sic; seconds. 29c; packing. 19c. KOOS Firsts. 2SK-; seconds, 20c. POULTRY Hens. lOVCfllc; turkeys, 15c; springers, 12c. Minneapolis Grain MarVt. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 7 WHEAT De cember. $110': May, $1.13',; No. 1 hard, $1.15: No. 1 nonnern. i.tZ')'oi.l3!; No. 2 n'rt-ern. tl.os!8 1.114. FLOUR Unchanged. BARLKY-ratU7c. RYE !lfi93c. BRAN-$17.7Dt18.2!i. CORN No. 3 yellow, 74W5C. OATS No. 3 white, 3U'40'ie. FLAX-$2.ft4tg.Q7. St. Lonla Grain Market. ST. I)U18, Dec. 7. WHEAT No. 2 red. $n2fM.17; No. 2 hard. $1.13; Decem ber 11.11: May, $1.16. CORN-No. 2, ffKfMWVir: No I white. 6Si 68Hc; December, 7c: May, 7fc. OATS No. 2, 43!!c; No. 2 white, nominal. Llverpoo' Oraln Market. LIVERPOOL. Pec. 7.-WHEAT-Spot. No. 1 Manitoba. 12s 6d; No. 2, 12s 2d; No. 3. 12s; No. 2 hard, winter, new, lis 11 d; fcSine. old. no stock. CORN Spot, American, mixed, yellow, plate. 8a 9d. Coffee Market. NKW YORK. Pec. 7.-:OFFEK The market for coffee futures continued very quiet today, but showed rather a steadl -r tone on a little covering or European buying In the absence of selling pressure from either local or Brai llan sources. The opening wss unchanged to 6 points higher, with May selling at 6.7Sc and September at 6 90c during the day, while July fluctuated between 6.wc and 6X4.'. The clove was at a net advance of 3 to points. Sales, 7.7fiO bags. December. 6.0H,'; January, S.67c; February, 6.69c; March. 6.71c; April. 6.73c; May, 6.6,'c, June. 6 Mo: July, 6.86c; August, 6.Vsc; September, 8.90c; October, 6.91c. Spot, quiet; Rio 7s, 7c; Santos 4s. 9c. Cost and freight offers were about unchanged, moat of them belnir around 8.75q for Santos 4s, English credits. The official cables renorted a decline of 75 rets In the Hlo market will Santos and the rate of Rio exchange on London unchanged. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 7. -COTTON Snot, steady, middling uplands, 12.7fc. Sales, l,2iO bales. Cotton futures opened firm; December, It 50c; Jsnusry. 12.hc; March. 12.9.'; My. in.l2c; July, 13.20c. Cotton cloned barely steady today at a net advance of 6 to 9 points. Futures closed bartfy stesdy; Decem ber, 12 51c; January, 12.60c; March, 12.10c; May. i:t.0Hc: July, 13.16c. LIVHHI'OOL. Pec. 7. COTTON Spot, steady; good middling, 8.03d; middling, 7.66d; low middling, 7.1Sd. Sales, 14.000 bales. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Dec. 6 HAY Prairie: Choice upland, $10.5041 11.60; No. 1. $lu; No 2, $ 5'li 00: No. 3, W.OOftf .(; choice mid land $10 0m U.uo; No. I. $9XrflO.O; No. 2 tH.Outi 00; No- 8. $6 flrt4ia 00; choice low land itf.Ouft 10.00; No. 1, $n.ourriv.(j0; No. 2. $7 0r,r i0- No. 2. $5.iO4l7.O0. Straw: Wheat, $0,011 ti6.50; choice oat or rye, $6001660; extra good mlglit bring, $7.fti. Alfalfa: Choice, (13.0113.00; No. 1. $11 frl2-00; No. 2, $H.u6 Ull.ou; No. $ $7.uun.U0. Metal Market. NBW YORK. Pee. 7.-METAI J4-Iad. offered? $ii.25 Spelter, 16.04) IK.2-1. Cop per, quint; electrolytic, $l.7fa JO UO. Iron. :lrm: Ni. 1 northern, $18 2664 1 i.'i: No 2, IS.OfqlH 6o; No. 1 southern, $IK JTaiij 7i; No. 2. $iH.0KilH.5O. Tin. weak- $:n.(i37 U). At Loimon: Snot copper, 4,77 6a futures. 477 l'.a; electrol vtle. 4.9S. Spot tin, flifi 1B1; futures. 165. Antimony, 4U2i. Leal, iiCl 1U. Shelter, 1x7. Kvaporatrsl Apples ana Dried Krnlte NEW YORK. Dec. 7. EVAPORATED APPLES Dull. DHIEI) FRt.'ITB Prunes, firm. Atrl cols and peaches, steady. Ralslna, easy. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Some Cattle Steady and Others t Little Lower Oood Light Lambi Steady. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE HIGHER OMAHA, lvoetnber 7. 1916. Receipts were: fettle. Horn. Sheep. Official Monday 10.W .s4 13.SI0 Estimate Tuesday .... 6.2O0 10. 1A.KK0 Two days this week.. 16.69 20.2M 22,110 Fame days last week..1.0! 13.994 27,3l Same days 2 wks ao..l.4 9.076 2T..9K fame days 3 wks ago..ll.l 7.12 42,7 Kama dava 4 wks agn..W .&a '. Same days last year. .10,402 11.362 The following table mows tha receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha live stork market for the year to date, aa compared with last year: 1916. 1911 ! Cattle 1.144.122 $73,621 270.603 Hogs 2.3S.2 2.106,743 Sheep t,121.2.S 2.KW.699 121. 97 The following table shows the average prices of hogs at the Omaha live stock market for tne last tew days, with com parisons . Date. I 1916. 11914. il9ll.lstl.1911.19W.iUO, Nor. M II 7 U 1 41 7 7i T T 4 tmi 111 1 otl Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. lee. 1 'ec. 1. , 7 4 Ml T 14 7 W 7 $7 $ 04 $ 04 a 09 2.1 t 1 7 491 7 611 6 21 . 1 7 61 1 60 7 69! 19) 771 96) 6 30U 7 M 7 47 M 6 ll 7 6 1 461 6 12, 7 41 4 0V 6 39 01 7 07 0) f 37T.1 7 16 1 00) 13 t 1 S02 7 13) $ 0 1..I ki; 94 0 2. .1 6 34 a Si 01 Dec. s.l 47T 7 Oi'l 7 66i lol a mil V 1,1 Dec. 4.. I $42 7 111 7 6 7 H 1M ' ' ' 74 1 Deo. 6.. I I 73 7 41 7 641 6 93, 7 I I1 7 461 7 6w, t 94i 7 411 23 7 3ll 7 S 1 7! 6 14 1L i'ec. e. . II Dec. 7.. I 24' eundiiy. "Holiday. Receipts and disposition of live stook at the Cnlou Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at t o'clock p. m. : RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Shorp.H'r'a. C, M. A SL P W 9 1 w abash 1 Missouri Pacific .... 1 Union l'aclflo M ' C. N. W.. east.... 17 6 C. N. W., west.. 44 46 (7.. SI. P.. M. A O.. 37 .12 V.. B. A Q., east.... 24 4 C, B A U.. west.... M 24 C. H. 1. A P., east 14 6 0.. R. 1. P.. west .. 1 Illinois Central t 2 ChU Ureat Western. 1 1 1 23 4 2 9 7 28 $ Total receipts. ...242 143 90 DISPOSITION-H EA D. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Morris Co 6 Swift Co 636 Cudahy Packing Co.. ..1.324 Armour A Co L6 Schwarta A Co J. W. Murphy Morrell 3 Lincoln Packing Co 46 So. Omaha Pack. Co... 6 1.6x2 1.701 1.767 2.6M9 3,044 786 6,632 4.6f9 4,616 'iai Kouthberger W. H. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant A L. F. B. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Hoot A Co J. H. Bulla I j. F. Huss Rosenstock Bros F. O. Kellogg Werthelmer A Degen.. II. F. Hamilton 72 6 166 IS 17$ 60 69 23 4K3 417 106 lt)9 13 110 11 16 23 16 23 16 136 244 H 73 12 WZ I Sullivan Hroa ; Rothschild tt Krehs... 1 Mo. Kan. Calf Oo... Christie lilggtns Huffman Roth Meyers Ulassberg Hsker, Jones at Smith.. Banner Bros John Harvey Dennis A Francis Kling Jensen ft Lungten Other buyers 2.8X7 Totals 7.214 10.890 19,396 CATTLE There was a very fair run of cattle today, making the total for tne two days 16.619 head, which, although smaller than for the same periods during recent weeks, is larger than a year ago by over 6,000 head. Conditions were some what similar to what they were yesterday in tnat receipts everywhere were very liberal, and early advices from most mar kets were none loo good. In oonsequenoe of that local buyers were slow about tak ing hold, the early market being ex tremely dull and the feeling very weak, with some kinds of cattle lower and some poesibly about steady with yesterdsy. The forenoon wss well advanced before very much business was transacted. The market did not improve any as the morning aavanced, prices ranKlng any where from steady to quite a little lower In some spots. Tne close was especially slow and weak. Uuola.loi.k on eattle: Oood to choice fed yearlings, 3a.0u48.&0; fair to good fed yearlings, 47.0uij8.0u; common to fair fed I darlings. $6.ui7.O0; good to choice heavy oevea, $8. 006. 60; fslr to good cornfed beeves. $6.7fVri8.uu; common to fslr corn fed beeves, 86.004i6.76; prime grsss beeves, t7.6Oia8.00: good lo choice maas beeves. $7,004x7.60; fslr to good grsss beeves, $i.26 (li.Ou; common to fair grass beeves, $0 35 i6.36; good to choice glass heuers, $o.7u9 a. rj; gooa to cnoice grass cows, $0,604 6.26; lair to good cowl, $4.60fJ&.60; com mon 1 if ia,r vuwa,, uuq iu i holes feeders, $8.75427.60; fair to good leideri, $6.25nv6.76; common lo fair feed ers, $6.26426.26; good to choice stockers, 7.O0ii7.Mj; fair to good stockers, $6 2.,l4 7 .ft); common to fair stockers, 3t.2.',ni.i..; stock heifers. $5.60i6.2T: stock cows. $4.60 if'. 25; stock calves. ttt.tO&ft.lO; veal calves, $6 .009. 25; bulls, stags, etc., $4.26a 00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ss. A. Pr. Me. I 44 I 1 1UUT 6 M It to Uil la u II llDl I M 4 COWs. at. yr. to .. ; 4 so ..UZ7 4 40 ..Ml 4 t 4.. II.. 14.. 4.. I . II.. U.. .. . 14.. It.. 611 4 00 T b 4 74 4 T70 4 04 24 11M 4 40 4 HEIFERS. 401 $ oe i 71 I W 14 W.4 4 74 II 4 10 4 10 .1011 .1044 I 8. tttil 6 40 ..77 I 44 .. 174 4 44 744 6 U 'i'??..? 'J.P. DiUVRMlB AIVXJ t tt.iJE.KS. 1 4 00 It mo 4 40 70 4 00 4 U4 10 41 6 M W 104 4 70 SOUTH DAKOTA. 83 steers. ...lloO 8 30 $ steers. ... 972 6 60 13 cows 9h 6 75 24 feeders. .1046 S 26 (0 feeder.. 1024 6 25 WYOMING. U steers.. ..1043 6 26 24 steers.. ..1246 6 76 COIXJRAlM). 11 steers.... 6M 4 60 10 steers. ...10 6 60 Hous Price reacted lightly all around today, and when the market was all over value looked steady to 60 higher than yesterday .Shippers started things by tak ing a larger sliare of tha annul v 1.. .they did Monday on a good steady basis. They bought the bulk of their hogs annum the latter price, which was the day a top, being paid a number of times for choice butcher weight and heavy hogs. Packer trade opened a little slow, and owing to the somewhat discouraging re ports from other points, feeling was a little bearish on first rounds. First sales lo packers did not look much more than steady, but competition was lively, and bids Improved gradually as the morning advanced, so that moat of the salea were made on a strong to 6c higher basis, and at the beat time towards the close trade looked to be a flat oc higher. Extreme close proved to be a little dull, aa a good many mixed light hogs were left to sell on the lullend. but. considering ths con dition of the market on this sort of stuff Monday, nearly everything was cleaned up at satisfactory prices. fig supplies were not so burdensome, as there were fewer of them in the re ceipts, and packers did not insist so strongly on the underweights being trimmed out of loads today. On the whole, movement was fairly active and a good clearance was mads shortly sfter lo o'clock. Hulk of the sales were msde at $6 30i 3o. with a tprinkling of lights on down, and a good snowing at the top, $6.35. It was Impossi ble to get all the sales of light hogs in yesterday's representative sale column, and for this reason the market shuwed up better thsn It really was. This was par tially offaet bv a very noticeable Im provement in quality today. itepresentHtive ssies K. Ay. Hh. Pr. .No. At. Ha. ....JM ... , ... ri lie ( 24 ...Ml 4 4 ti ' . 4 10 ::: SS M 10., II., 4.. i. 47.. .Mi u 4 14 . M II .lit too 4 It . I 4 17 . III 110 4 Si HI... tt ... 14 .. 71... 71... . .teli 40 4 14 70... PIGS. 14 I 4 71 bHEKP ReceU U war on tbe liberal 7 471 I 1 , IB cider and showed quite a gain over yesterday, some eighty-two cars, or lx.nuO head, being reported In. So far this week 32.Uu bead have arrived, the run being over 4,000 head heavier than Inst aeek, 4.0U0 larger than two weeks sgo, and almost three times as large as tor U.e same days laat year. tlood handy-weight lambs found a fairly broad outlet this morning at prices that were pretty close to steady with Mon day and by itUdforenoon most of the lambs of this description had been canned, bulk of them selling at $M4. Tradeis as a general thing thought the quality of the latnba that sold at $1.66 today was on the whole a little better than the stuff to brlna the same Price yesterday, hut as a rule they quoten the food lisndvweignt offerings steady. Half at or heavy lambs, however, were not wanted and were overlooked by moat buyers and trade on these classes prom ised to he draggy at lower prices. Kwes were pretty well supplied and again moved at good steady prloee. Several bunchea of choice ewes brought $1.0 whllo the bulk of the decent to good stuff moved from $5 7 upward. Aa expected, the balance of the fore noon proved to he a dreggy affair In the fat lamb division, although tlie mar ket wasn't quite so weak as packer In timated. By noon the hig end of the offerings had been started Scaleward at prices that on beat kinds looked nearly steady and on the balance of the offer ings were anywhere from weak to In avots as much as 10a lower. Noon found some lambs still In first hands. Bulk of the good to choice lambs sold at $.60it 1.66, and best fed weerns are nominally quoted up to $H 76. Many of the lambs selling around $N.h) were fat enough, but carried too much weight, while others that were of the des red weight lacked finish. There was quite a sprinkling of a fair sort of slurf from H.;0 downward to $f . Two cars of clipped fed west erns brought $7.70. In c.'mimrleon to tha slse of ttiPDllee feeier offerings were very scarce. Two more loads of the Montana feeding year lings brought $6.20, the an me price as on Monday What few feeding ewes were here attracted rju'te a hit of attention, although none was reported as sold up to norm. Hartllv any feeding lambs were Included In the supply. Uiotntt ns on sneon and lambs: Imbs, good to choice, ts.60tift.76: lambs, fair to good, $0.2641 S 60; lambs, feeders. $:.cojy 1 i 40; yearlings fair to choice. $.00i4 SO. yearlings, feedere. $V764v.oiO; wethers, lair to choice, W.Jo; ewes, good to choice, $A.7fi 11O ewes, fair to good, $6.00 436.75; twes. feeders, $4.00it.26. Kepreaeniative sales; No. 207 fed ewes 49 Idaho fee ler lambs,., 101 Idaho feeder lambs.., 174 Idsho ewes Ill Idaho ewes 123 Ma no eewa 784 Idaho lambs 1296 Idaho lambs lilil Irikhn lambs Ay. ,...1U .... 7 .... 61 ....126 ....114 .... 94 .... M 7? Pr. I 76 1 00 7 76 S 90 i 90 $ M I 66 S 66 S 66 S 6 7 70 132 Montana yearling breed, ewes 69 li7 Montana wethers 101 449 Idaho lambs 71 672 fed shorn lambs 74 CHICAGO LIVID OTOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hoars Uteady 1 iP Weak. ClIlOAflO. Pec. T.-CATTLTC Receipts, 6,000 head: market steady; native beef steers, 86.6010.6; western steers, $6.U4JI 8.10; rows and heifers, $J.6tj.lo; calves, $6,604)10.26. HOOS RecelPtB. 4S0W head: market steady at shade decline; bulk of sale. $H.0t4l1.66; light, $.VKU6.60; mixed. $( 6.70; heavy, $6.164T7.76, rough, IU.I6fl4.3i, pigs, $4O0$6.4O. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15,000 head; market weak; wethera, S6.0O49u.6O; ewes, 84-10U.2u; lanms, pi. .oy' I ' . . 4. t.onls 8.IV4 HliM-K rti. PT. IX5UIB, Dec. 7. CATTLE) Receipts, 6.700 head; market stesdy; native beef steers. $7.60'10.40; yearlings steers and heifers. $8 60410.20; cows, $t.60i7.00; stock ers and feeders, $6.0O7.2r; southern steers, $5.2 Uti.rO; cows and hellers, $4.lOa6.M; na tive calves. $6.0010.&0. H Oil H Receipts, 12,809 head: market hlifhar: niaa and llahta. $5.26iv6.66: mixed and butchers, $6.408-70; good heavy. $6.8) t.72'4. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.S0O bead; market ateady; yearlings, $.oj 7,rm; lambs, $8.9.10; sheep and ewes, $5.Wa6.M. Kansas City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo., Dec 7 CATTLE Receipts, 12,000 head: market steady: prime fed steers, $ S..'!, 10 00; dressed beef steers. $7.0O4r9.00: western steers. $6.26 0 9.00; sTockers and feeders, $5.00j7.60; bulls, $4.7ftft6.75; calves, $6.00(1 9.00. HUGS Receipts, 19,000 hesd; market steady; bulk, $6.161.60; heavy. $6.4&e.67; packers and butchers, $6.26434.60; lights, t6.10tt6.37; pigs, $6.2o.20. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 9,700 head; market stesdy, closed weak; lambs, $S.S."y8.S&; yearlings. 86.76(37.60; wethers, $5.7fu6.60; ewes, $i.00o.00. Rlonx City Live Htock Market. SlOt'X CITT. la., Dec. 7. CATTLE Receipts, 8,600 head: market steady: na tive steers. $&.60d7.00; butchers $4.&0iuv6.X; stockers and feeders. $5.0iX'ji6.40; calves, $UOD4iR.50; bulls, stags, etc., $4.00.6O. Hot JH Receipts. 6,100 head; market steady to 6c higher; heavy, $6l6'u.i5; mixed. $H10n16; light. $6.7a4j.10; bulk of tales, $6.0bgj6.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.000 head; market steady; ewes, $4.0006.76; lambs, $a.00'aU.65. St. Josepk Live Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Dec. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,600 bead; market lower; steers, Sx.oOrqH 60: cows and heifers, $3.6008.60; calves, ttVOOcftO.OO. HOUS Receipts. 13,000 hesd: market steadyi bulk of aalea. S6.264.4&. Slock la eUaat. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle, liogs. Sheep Chicago South Omaha Kansas City St. Louis Sioux City 6,000 46.001) 16.00) 1S.HO0 .... 6.200 10 ....12.IIO0 19.000 .... 6.700 12.900 9.700 2.300 .... 1,600 8.100 2.001 Total receipts 82.400 96.600 47.100 1 New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Deo. 7.-MERCANTILH PAPER-34I3 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE - Sixty-day bills, $4 67; demand, $4.7126; cables, $4.72)0. SlLVER-bar, Wc; Mexican dollars, 43c. BONDS Government, heavy; railroad, irregular. TIME LOANS Firmer: sixty dsyt, 2 per cent; ninety days. t per Cent; six months, 2lj3 per cent. CALL MONEY Steady; highest. 2 per cent; low, per cent: ruling rate. l per reft; laat loan, 2 per rent; closing bid. 14 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Cloning quotations on bouds lousy ware as follows: V . ret. le. res ... (44Ma. Pec. rr. ts.... 44 in oouooa 44 N. Y. C deb. 4s. ...Ill V- . 4a. res 1014 N. T. City 4e ....l4 do rvupoa 10II4N. V. Hi ale IHi... uiu t'. a. rg no w. y.. n. H. a h. 4o rouoon HI ey. 4a 114V, Panama la coupon, .lott No. Peclrto 4s tl1 Am. timelier 4e ...114 4o se k. A. T. T. e. 4SS..10 WO. g. U ret. 4a M Armour A It 4Se.. tiV, Par. T AT .... Auhinaoo sea. 4a... 4.1'ena. eon. 4'te iu Hal. A Ohio 4e 41 4e gaa. m 1v 4 en. l'ecltlr 11 KVReallo sew 4a..... NH r.hee. A Ohio 4-o.. 4 s. L 8 K r. 4a. Tl C. H. A O I. 4 ... 'Ao Par. cv. la I44 C M A H P s 4Vi 10I 4o raf 4g (! I". 11. I. a r. r. 4a. i no. naiiwar as Ui. ('. A a. r( 4S. xiHlDiua rsntie 4 ... 1714 l a R. 11. rat. i' 4 cr. 4e. Krle sen U II. H. Hubuer Is. .imse .im .luit Gen. Kiartrle I.... (it. No. let 4'4a 111. ten. raf. ... K. C. Ho. ref. be .. U, 4 N. unl. 4e . M. k. A T let 4e. toai,!' M. Htael 4a..., . IMa Wehaata let le. ... . pnWeel. I nloa 414 4 . MWWeet. Eler er la..l3S . H'a Anele-Trench 4s .... i . 40 OI anal Roela. SAVANNAH, Oa., Dec. 7.-TI'RPKiN-T1NE Finn. I.3V-; sale. 68 bhls.: re ceipts, 310 bbl. ; shipments, 317 bbls. ; storks. 14.70 bbls. RDKIN F.rm; sales, 1.5H bhls.; re reipu. 3.0OI bhls.; sbliments. bbls. : stocks. 74,6 bhls. Quotation: A. B. C, D. $o.: K, $&.: F. $Sri6.o; O. H, $5.70; K. $.Oi0615; M, $6.2,ifi.t6; N. $i.65; WU. $6.90; WW, $7.(17 U. NEW YORK. Dec. 7. SUGAR Raw, firm: centrifugal, &2oc; molasses, 4 4 to. Refined, steady. Sugar futures opened easier today under scatterud llitidatlon and realizing. At noon prtcea were 2 to 7 points net lower. , K sport Price of OI l. NEW YORK. Deo. 7. Ths Standard Oil company of New York today advanced the price of refined petroleum for ex port 26 point, making ths esses 10.60 cents per gallon, tanks. 4 76 cents, and stand ard white. In barrels, 140 cents. Dry Ooods Market. NEW YORK. pec. 7 DRY QOOp Cotton gooda firm and advanced. Yarns, firm. Tile acarctlty of dyeetuffs is be nm lug a very serious matter n all Uxtllo Uawtr NEW YORK JTOGK MARKET Wall Street Regard. Some Points of Wilson's Message with Disfavor. STANDARD STOCKS STRONGER NEW YORK. Pee. 7,-If the course of todays market may be accepted as a criterion. Wsll street and the financial community as a whole regarded some of thn main points of the presidents mes sage to congress v.lth disfavor. standard stock, which were dull but steady In the forenoon and became more active and stronger on publics tion of the message, fell back later tinder the weight of heavy selling In which bearish operations were probablv no small factor. I nlte.t States Sloe) was the overshad owing feature of the midday advance, ascending almost steadily from its early minimum of ,;S to kx. a mere tinder Its beat price of recent years, on transac tions that ranged from l.ono to 7X shares. Halle and other seawoned Iseues rose proportionately, but yielded with Steel In the irregular and unsettltd close, which registered numerous net losses. Total sales amounted to 7i shares. Much of the I quotation which followed the mort careful rending of the presi dent's recommendations was ascribed to those features dealing with a proposed tax on various crude and refined prod ucts. Chief among the msny advances of the early session, most of whloli were sub stantially effaced, were Studehaker, Baldwin lyOcomotlve. New York Airbrake, Slosa-Sheff eld Steel, Hsrvester, Indus trial Alcohol. Distillers' Securities, In ternational Nickel and Petroleum. Iondon was again a seller here, con fining Its limited trading to Pacifies and s-inte of the minor metals. Sterling ex change was strong, comparing elth tilph eat rates of the recent movement, but continental remittances were easier. Bonds, irregular, with another decline In Anglo-French notes which sold for "future" delivery at 96. Total sales, par value aggregated, v 645.01)0. I'nlted States comport 4i were H per cent lower on call. Number of sales and leadlnf quotations on stocks .were as follows: galea. Hlh. Lew. Clnst. Alaaka 014 Allt.Chalmra Amarlrae heat Susar Amaiiiwa Ou Aaiartnul 1 promotive .... American s. a R Am. B AR. pt4 .., A. Sugar daflslnt A mar Ira a Tat. a Tel Amartraa Tohaeoo AniMniU Copper ........ Atftttaen haldwla Lwomotle Kaltlmor a Ohio Holhleham 41a Branklra Raald r T.... sIKorala Pttrolaum .... Canxllaa Parlfla rwntrel lathar t'heaapaalia A Ohio rhlraan O. W fhli-asn. M. A fit. I Chicago A N. W ttili-ggn, R 1. a P. Rf.. China tvppr t'nlura.U Kual 4 Iron.... rrrikii staal s.nuo i s V l.ino It l''4 I. u0 1114 11 7ta 4IS 400 Tit, 7n 7iS t$,;o Inl4 11 4.400 III 11714 1171a 10 1 1204 1M4 (too tin 'lit 11.400 go 17 T tiro 107 in: iro It.MiO ll4 H4Vl 11 I.7O0 4t S4tJ 4a M Kit 4 " 400 $7i ; 141 1.4O0 40 40 en 4.700 44 41 W un 11 11 14 2.400 4 94 t in 1.700 M 1 1 Ii0 M 14 M 4.200 B.1 11 11 4.PO 14 74 11 1.4e t 44 17. Pm 4 47 47 I4.e 44 44 4.1 4XW 1TI 174 1 irr iw 12 1.400 m 44 4 4.004 71 11 17 HW l.soft ti n n 4 t,n0 112 110 110 l.ono t li l) t.4mi 41 U 41 lt 14tn 44 S4 a.1 I.SM $4 14 14 1.800 6 1 4 124 l.ono 43 M 41 4O0 . 1K 14 14 l.pno 104 yj ioj 1,400 n 74 7S 7,700 111 10 IIS 117 114 lie 1,00)1 10 10 XM 44 44 44 4.4X4 40 l 10 147 1M ! J. mo ' rr , 4.4 41 4- 12 . 14.OI0 4lt It F! , 1,410 1"? tto 101 MS 44 7J 13 , 14,100 1M m I'd 14 , l.00 (74 44 47 , lono 110 tll 111 , 11.400 J 1M 131', 400 41 41 41 144.0 4) M M 404 114 114 14 llflO St 74 7 I. finO 44 44 14 , 1I.CO 70 4 44 1,100 T4 74 14 l0 4 421 47 lO.OOO W 4 4 I 00 t 14 tmm a k. o. sta IMnlllara' Baeurlilaa .... Krl tlenaral Rlaetrto Oraat Northers Btrt Oraat No. Ore rhi tluggonhetm stD4oratloa.. IMInota fnUl Intartxtrmiih CV. Oars... Inafilratlon Cope' Inlamwtlonal Harvtar... Kanaaa CHy aouthara.... lhlfh Vallar a NaahTllls... atexlran Patrolauni stlatnl Daraar MiMoorl, K. A T. pti... Mlaanurl Partfte National niirult National lMi Navads Topper New Tor Cantral n. r., n. m. a it Norfolk A Waatara Northern raelflo rarlfle Mall Pwlflr Tel. Tol rannaylvanla ywllatas Palaea Oar .Ray Vra. Copper Reading RapuMlo Iroa A Blael ... Houlharn Parttle ,, aoutham Railway HtuOebakar Company .... Tennweoa Copper Texas Company t'nlon Par-ifle I'nlon Parlflo f4 t oiled gtataa tttael I'. M. Staal pl4 t'tah Copper Weetern Vnlon Weatlnshouea Claotrle ,., Montana Power General Motor . . . . , International Marine pii. Wahaah B (d Total sals lor tha Say. 7ot,nse eharee. Lwcail geenrriys Quotations faralehed by Rurna, Brtnher a Ca. 441 omens nsiicoai bwos uiag.. umtoi Rlerka Baniieni' Mortgage Loan Deer A Co. pM Fairmont Greamarr aid Piek Kubber Co T let p(4 kid. Asked. 4 11 .... 44 47 ....104 ....107 .... 41 .... 44 Kit 104 44 6ii Inooin lei. m iei. com , New mala Telephone ptd , Omaha A C. B Ht. Rr. pfd Omaha C. B. Hr. krlds td ... 71 gwitt A Company 12 it. BUilDurger m omw piu 014 ey Hieaert-Werner gpdomtr II I'd ln Stock Tarda stook 44 94 nonae- Chlcago Telephone r. 1st la. 1IT1....I0I ln CHy of Omaha Water 4e. 1441 101 im It City r utnaha park 4g. i4.. 101 101 1) 100 13 Liuoaea iteaiiy a, it a vg Pt. !., l. M. Bo. R. n. 41 111? Llaoela Tel. Tel. 4. 1411 Lo Angeles 4, 1144 low Hallway a l.lght 6s. 1412 Omaha a C. C. St. ay. 4a. nil Omaha Ga 4. 117 Red Cloud, Nek., 4. tM Hockjr Hountal Fuel 1 (bonus)... (iloug City Stork Tardg 4e. 1440 (Iux Pail. M. D. 4a. IKI4 talft A Company I. 144 Thuratos County. Neb.. 4. 144 . . m 100 ..101. PI 0 M .. 44 44 .. 44 14 ..40 H ..44 ST .. 44 44 ..40 l ..100 1(4 .. 41 Ml K4 144 Wichita I'aloB Block Yard 4a. 114.... 44 1H London Stork Market, LONDON. Pee. 7. American Rails were steadily supported at improving prices on the stock market today, despite ths firmness of exchange, which closed at 4 71VcMT3 for cable transfers. SILVER Bar, 26 16-16d per ounce. MONEY 404 per cent. PISCOUNT RATES Short bills and three months, 6 per cent. Bank tlearlnc. ' . ACTA Sf 1 I 1 A .! 1 1 v, a 'upv. 1, pun nrtrinsjii nr Omaha today wra 3,001,OM,06 and for A U aeaK-.n ( Ja u 1.S at. .8IC tUI SWvPWIlUISia Usmj StBSl, YVSJkf 44a4P9 114.(4. SISTER OF SENATOR BURKETT IS DEAD AT GLENWOOD OLENWOOD. Ia.. Dee. 7.-(8peclal.)-The funeral services of Mra. O. F. Scherer of Los Angeles, were held in Glenwood to day at the home of her sister. Mrs. E. R. Herrtck. Mrs. Scherer was the daughter of Henry Burkett and a slater of former Senator Burkett of Ne braska. She was born on the old Burk ett homestead in this county and died at Rochester, Minn., where she had undergone a surgical operation. She le survived by a husband and seven brothers and sisters. I For Sprains, Lame Muscles Absorblne, Jr., brings quick relief. Keep It always at hand for Instant use. Ath letes tase Absorblne. Jr., for the muscle that has been strained, for the cut or laceration that runs a chance of infec tion; for the abrasion that pains and the limbs that are stiff and lame from over exertion. ( Walter Johnson, the famous pitcher of the Washington Americana, says: "Ab sorblns, Jr., is a first-class liniment and rub-down for tired muscles. 1 have used It myself to advantage and can heartily recommend It to ball player every where." Absorblne. Jr., Is a concentrated anti septic liniment only a few ' drops re quired at an application. It la safe and pleasant to use leaves ao greasy reaW due. Bold by most druggists, $1.00 and $2.09 a bottle or postpaid. Liberal trial bottle for 10c in stampa. W. K. YOCNG. P. D. V. 104 Temple St., SprUifielL Maaa.