Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1915, Image 10
THE BEE: OMAHA, DECEMBER :1915. WANT ADS S ant ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must he Pre sented before 13 o clock noen for evening Klit'on and 7:46 p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ad received after V")) hours will be under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES. . Seven consecutive times, 1 cent word, frh Insertion. Two or mora consecutive time, PA cents a word. One time, rnta word. fHAPOE RATES. Peve consecutive times. ( cents a Una each Insertion. Three mnwutlrt time a, 10 cants a, Una each insertion. One time, 12 eente a Una. Count six average words to a, Una. Minimum charge. 20 centa An advertisement Inserted to M pin until discontinued must, ba stopped by .written order. All claims for errors must ba made within fifteen dnys after tbo last loser ton of ths advertisement, i Tom can place jrour want ad In Tha Bee br telephone. TELEPHONB TTLKR 1000. DEATHS AND FtNERAL NOTICES ORABENHOR8T Dltrlch. December 7, 1916, aged 70 years. Funcitl services will ba held from fsm lly residence. 4.C4 North Twenty-fifth, avenue, to Herman Lutheran church. Twenty-fifth and Evans, Thursday, De- emlwr . at 3 p. m. Interment, 1-orest n. Friends Invited. Deceased is sur vived by his wife, three sons: William of 1 "nylon. Ore.; John of Council Bluffs, and Dick of Omaha; five daughters: Mrs. Frits Hansen, Mrs. Philip Olid, Mrs. Thomas Mlldrun and Martha and Louisa Orabenhorst of Omaha. JOHN8KN Anna W., aged M years. Funeral Thursday, December . at 1 p. m. from family residence, North Thir tieth street. Interment at Forest Lawn. Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Schuyler and Abbla Alward, tt South Twenty-first, boy; 8. P. and Lorene Johnson, N. 19th. girl; Frank and Elisabeth Bowes, 4212 Patrick avenue, girl; Charles 1L and Irene Compton, 2U1S Chicago, boy; Horn and Alice Dock waller. 1701 Capitol avenue; William A. and Johanna Fuglna, 14o4 South Thlr and Johana Fuglna, 1404 South Thir teenth, boy; Abraham and Rom Newman. 6446 South Twenty-fourth, girl; Edward and Eva Smith, ZW W, boy. Deaths Erie Y. BlMt, S3. 2Sn Bees: Verna Bssaey, 23, Twenty-ninth and Iiewer avenue; Elisabeth V. Rragonler, X 1326 'South Thirty-second; Margarita Bergatrom, , eouth Twenty-eighth; Ieo Hart. 82. 1920 South Thirteenth; P. William Kendeil, 6!, 211s South Twenty fifth avenue; William B. Kawalfkl, 8 months, 2.U4 South Thirty-fourth; Delmer McCann, hospital; Mrs. Sophia Wydahl. 4a, till Webster: John Peterson, 20, 4334 Ohio; Annie C. Smith, t, Mil L; Antonla Tomaioek, 61, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. License to wed have been issued to tha following: Name and Residence. Age. Theo. C. Jelsema, Urand Rapids, Mich.. 34 H. Helena Nealandlcr, San Francisco,. .1 John Oladem, Petersburg !7 Mabel Score, Petersburg Is Arthur Ilafrity, Omaha 27 Oertrude Hughes, Omaha... 24 James 8. Bplckelmlsr, Neota. Ia....... .4 Clarlnda C. Honeywell, Persia, la 17 BUILDING PERMITS. H. O. IJnd, 4112 " South Twentieth, frame dwelling. 11. MO: Frank O. Howard. .! Barker, frame dwelling, $2,600; Fred Nelson. 826 South Thirty-sixth, frame dwelling, IJ.StMl; O. V. Llndrooth, 4263 Cumins, frame dwelling, $t.0; FranclB A. Blebor, 4301 Maroy, frame dwelling, $2,600; .Mrs. M. I. Van Natla. MlS Bed ford avenue, frame dwelling, 11,100; K J. TePoel. 8011 . Nicholas, frame dwelling, tl,(-r; B. (i. Cojrleson, 4010 Chicago, frame dwelling, 12,000. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM EMPRESS, rAND DOUQLA8. Hearst-Sells; No. 16.' "As ths Twig la Bent," I-reet Lubln. "Lcv and law." Vltagrsph. "The Lonedils Operator, Blogrgph. FR1NCS3, 1117-19 DOUGLAS. Cspttvatln Louise Olaura In "The For bidden Adventure." a thrilling Oriental romance la five acta. Latest war views. Current events, etc And a selected Keystone comedy. North. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNET. Feature Day. "My Official Wife," t parts, featuring Clara Kimball Young. Eart WtUuuna and Harry Morey. LOTHKOp; 51TH AND LOTHROP. Paramount presents IaYld Hlgsens In ills lst Hollar." ata. APPOLO, S824 LEAVENWORTH. Rescue of tha Rrakeman'a Children " Kalem. "Tha Ind of Advrnturs," S-reel Rdlsoo. "Beautiful Thoughta." Mtagrsph WONROK. "a5B5 FARNAM William Fox preaAnts "The Regenera tion," by fwen Ktldara, featuring Rock C " Cf Fellows snd Anna Q. Nl Boats, SMe. BESSE. J4TH N The Olr on the Bridge,? Ksjem. "A Child In Judgment," S-recl Kdlson. "Cm Id s Hath," Keeansy. OKI iituM. iTTiriii: Mutual Weekly. M intake of Mammy Ijou. Branty In Listreaa Man to Man, two reels. MOVIES FEATURES 21 TODAY GRAND, 16T1I AND BINNEY. -Uy Official Wife." parts, ' LOTHROP, 14T1I ANU LOTiTROPT David Hlggena In "11U Last Dollar." jjoNRuin iiienrARNAir. William Fox prasenU "The Begeaera. AXXOUJTCEMEXTS Lease For Sale on two offices nicely located on second floor of The Bee Building inquire cf the Superintendent, Koom 103. AVVOl-CEMKNTS CH mom A rTTC erlnel adlustment. I can sucoesnf nllv remove the ranee of rtieiiinatinm. liver, stomach. p-ralyl, nerrousaesa and female weaknenaea. f'.x smlnatlon free, DR. W. II. ICNOLLENBERQ. ulte 1HI Be Bldg. Trier 1934. KXERCIPK AT Y. M.P.A. Buelneaa men. Save Money. Homo Milliner. 'Red'TBSl AtTOMOniLEfl Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people wno are willing to pay ror what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car column of The Bee, phone Tyler 1000. Fort SALE atTafgaln If "taklnat once"". 40-H. P. Wane roertater. In good running condition. Phone CO. hi 8. Main bU. Council Bluffs, la. i MILF.S of mileage In your rid Urea Rebuilt!. Bend team to DUO T1RB CO lTI Chicago 8t ftdustrlal Oarage Co., 20 Harney Rta. "-PASSRNUER auto to exchange for R room bunralow, TeU ,hone Doug. 2T.1, FOR HALE lia CartircarT'good condU tlon, right price. Call I. 64K. Address MoHhane Motor Co., til Farnam. NKRIVAbKA Rulck Service station. 1914 Fsmam ft. Phone Douglas Ml. AUTO, clearing house. Buy, sell and ex change ii- 'd care. t?o arnam. I. Hit 10 REWARD for any magneto we can t repair Chile repd Barsdorfei. yiO N. Wth. HKl'SH runabout, cheap. Omaha Con crete Ptone Co., 2bih and Sahler St. Telephone Colfax 8S. DUSttYKSS CHANCES 4 If your Business Chance will stand rigid Investigation and Is uat what It Is advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy ing or selling a business Phone Tyler lOoO. THKATKRH Buy, lesse or sell your the ater, machine and supplies throush Theater K.xch. Co.. 14Q Furnam. D. lNj7. OFFlCK tor real' estate or Insurance; same floor as Bee office; 13x11 feet; 130, The Bee Bldg., Office Room I11S. TO SELL or buy a business, call on Busch ft Borghoff, F renter Blk. 1. 31. HPLENDID HOTEL PROPOSITION 44-room rooming-house, completely fur nished; splendid neighborhood, near Un ooln park. Oood t ran-poriatlon ; fine home. Rent, 50, Including steam heat and Janitor service. Monthly Income, Jf.40 to i.'A Price, ri 160; 2,000 cash, bal. 176 monthly. J. H. crhrlstensen, 1 South Ia Salle St. CJUcao. Office For Real Estate or Insurance Same floor as Bee Office The Bee Building Office Room 103 I OOL HALL for sale: six first-clans ta blee; the only pool hall allowed In the town of Frankfort, Kan.; t cents per cue; no chips; license expires April, 11; rea son for selling I have bought 4?& acres of land and am going to the land. J. H Keith, Frankfort. Kan. ASK ror my Heal Kslala Bulletin. It includes largest and best list of bar gains In II states. W. U. Tempieton, lot Bee Bldg. 12,600.00 stock of dry goods for sale cheap; no trade; must be cash; stock must be moved. Write Clements A Co., Lyons, Neb owners. .or cut ot business call on OANOKWTA D. 423 Bee Bldg Doug. MT. BKK Omaha Theater Bupfily Co. for bar? saltts In established elmws n xam DsTyour business wltKnia for oulk results; buy sell and exchange. BKL1ABLK BABOA1N CO.. Room S.Balrd Bldg. Tel. Douglas M20. 17TM AND l)7)tTOt.AB B-Pu OnLV newsiiMtjer In central Nebraska town Over 700. for sale rlirht Cl-i. owner better thsn $150 per month. Terms on part. Write Y ltd. Beo. Houanlaa? Ilnaaara for Wale, FI-AT of T rooms for gala, taoo Farnara. V. 6744. EDUCATIONAL The VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING!. Day School for Young- Women, Evening Uvhool lor Youna Men and Women. baturday niornlag class la typewriting, loue C Duffy, Owner and Manager. M ft. lftth Ft. Omaha, DAT BCIIOOU BOY 1.128 COLLKOa. NltiiiT BCHOOU Ererr day la enrollment day. Book. keeping. Hhorthaed. 8tnotypv. Tree writ ing. Telegraphy, Civil aiervicevAU Com merclal and hiugush braucbsa Catalogue tree. BOYLE3 COLLEQE, Uth and Harney Bta. Tel. louglaa luffi. FOB. sale, the following scholarships In a iirsi-ciaas onxana nusiness College: One unlimited oombinatlou buamaaa and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One tbree-munlhs' business or atano. grsphlo course. V. ill be sold at a discount at tha office of The Omaha Bee. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sals, wun good reasons for aellins. a variety of courses lu a reliable Busi ness School, one of the leadins bui,i..a colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very irHuiwumDr iwuw regular price. If you are considering taking a course investigate this at onoa, since Fall terra begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. FOIi BALK KlHSilTlHIt, BA KG A INS IN FUKNITL'RE AND HARDWARK Ill's M UTII v D ii TT 'TlN ITU HE, draprlc. dlithva. cooking u t e 1 1 s 1 1 Sjjrt e, SltNMdJS L I H u r4 , 0 7 . Uaaetmrner, good ss new. cheaii Ii" An h." FoR bALhV-llere is a cianaulcaUon that la of 1 ha utfimat liintii..H.. ... ... . reader, as this column offeis some excep tional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your art'le at Its full value. I'lione Tyler l,tM. Desks h't' "d 0'J- ,J' l?"1. HORSES AMI VEHICLES. FARM wagon. 00; harness, $30: both new. Johliaoll-Du.nfort.h t.'n.. luh . n,i Clark Streets. "POII.TRY AND I'KI' STOCK. MXD grain. 100 lbs 11.75. Wssner, rl N.M. HTKKKo'l'vi'iil nialricea inaks the best Slid thespral lining for poultry housea. They are I. nil Inches, slrunger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, l.o a hundred at The Bee office. Tl PB.V4 Ul I S.HS. RFXJANCB Ribbon and Carbon Co., car bonpapsr and Inked ribbons D. tut TYPKWHITKK mr rent tt" Hee HH 11 PEW KlTKItji sold, rallied, repaired. Central Tiwrltr Exe. ) Farnara. MUtkLLAkKUlt. FOR SALE Nsw and second-hand earoia and pocket billiard tables and bowling allays and accessories; bar fixtures of all Simla; easy payments. The Brunswick liaiks f.lend-r Co . 4T-40 8. lth 8t. Wsles add. nisi h ; good condl. I'M!, lWe. Fti R BA iTa-or trade, me Ai.ry liTJI ras or karosene tractor and three hot toin plows, with seK-gulde, all In good siiape; a wisp fur solus one. A. W. Iicad lee. hllver c'leek. Net. N rVV Miasnetoa. etc.. Iue Kanl. .1 Works II-a tl. la-.h Pt. i eltttric (iiuturs. Itoom a, L Bidg. Ml 94. KI.L A KOI 1. OA ""Men West Whlokr. 4 full tT."l XII quarts bottled lu bond, pre- pa d. Cacklcy Bros.. Omaha. FOR 8ALB-Nfw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar flituree of all kinds: eesy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-4i B. 10th BL FOR BALK CHKAP. Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of the best Omaha business schools. Oood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but wll be sod very reasonahy. If Interested Investigate at once, because fslt term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE CLERICAL A!B OFFICK. " 8TFTNO. and dictaphone opr., VI: steno. nd bkpr., G5; steno., 7L; crfear clerk, WATTS REP. CO., ffgl-40-42 Brsnd. Thes. FACTORY AU 1 RAUKS. OIRL, to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm. LADIES can make good wages at home before holidays decorating sofa pillows. Experience unnecessary. Call forenoons. ??H, 13th. DOMESTICS. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The ore win run a Bervant Ulrl Wanted Ad Fni:R until vai, .Ka ...I , 1. This applies to residents of Omaha, South ruinuw inn uuncii iiiuiis. uring aa lo i ne nee orricw or telephone Tyler v. WANTED 4ilrl to assist with housework and care for small child; one attending hool half day preferred. Phone Harney MIDDLE-AGED ladv to help with light housework and to be companion for aa elderly lady; Just one In the family; no wages expected. Web, tltt. TW4 Grand. WANTED-A girl for general housework. 3M0 Harney. II. WANTED Middle aged lady for gei.-ral houpawnrk. ? In family. Douglas 4511. WA NTED Girl for generarhousework"; small family. 720 Mill 8t, Co. Bluffs. Phone ltfTo. WANTEt Girl 75r general housework; small family; small house. Call Hun day at 113 N. JOth Ht. WANTED An experienced scond girl. inquire 137 8. 3fth 8t. GIRL wanted for light housework; no washing, plain cooking, 1 in family. Tel. Webster 1704; Ba N. IX h Bt. CAPABLE girl for general housework. jj1-rl'nLg?00Lwwa'y-- Webster MW. nii,u-A competent nurse girl. rnonw tisr. zini. is jm. einn YOLNO girl to assist with general hous worJt snd caring for a 4-year-old child. Call at 717 Park Ave. Phone Har ney COMPETENT girl; general housework, small family good pay. 2214 F street. ouiim nmw; leiepnone ro. WANTED Girl for general housework. Hsr. 2104. 1020 8. 5th Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework In small family; Cathollo preferred. Web. 7875. GIRL for general housework: three In fam'ly. Oood wages paid. 1034 S. tJth Bt. Phone Harney i28. WAN TE1 Elderly woman for house work. Harney 2,10. WANTED At once, a good young nurse girl for little boy 4 years old; good home and wages to rlnht party. Apply In person 618 N. 40th Bt. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; 2 lit family; good wages paid. Haniev 3H2. WANTED Capable maid for general rouse work; small family; best wages. I J ......... . L.U1 Wt MAN wishes light housekeeping work. Also, to take care of children. No WANTE1 Experienced oook, wltlTrefer- v.uuu Fftica yaiu. ii rt, otfin &u Harney 6443. WANTEI A g!rl to assist with house work. No wn wiling or fQ"jl'lgWaK117. WANTEW-A young glH to assist with housework, no cooking, no washing. 14 N.3let Ave. Harney 1H1. WANTED Neat lrl for goneraj house work. Foreigner preferred. 2J31 S. sand Ave., Hsr. 463. MISCISLLANROtS. YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Youmt Women's Christian Association building at 8t. Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt.. where they will be directed to suttsble boarding -- iea or otherwise assisted. Look for Q"r t ra y elers' guide t I'nl o n s t s t to n . A RARE opportunity; comfortable Iivl Ing; home sewing; plain cloth seams; any sewing machine; steady; no canvass ing; no triflcrs wanted; samples lc; re turned If not satisfactory. Home Uewera Co., Jobbers Sewing, Behoboth, Del. nELP WANTED MALE 1LEHICAL AND OFFICE. BOOKKEEPER, tlOO; some Investment Haleanuui for Chicaao. mutit i-. .i.k class man, reliable of handling men under turn, one wun irroory experience pre ferred; guarantee and per cent. Manager for lumber and coal business, Investment. i.iMjrt,nAiiVK rlhir KUfciNCE CO. 101& Oil' National. 8ALKSMAN. CITY (X) WATTS KEF. CO.. 838-40-42 Brand. Thea. PRIVATE 8Kf, KTENO ' .1 85 KTENOtlRAPHEll 75 BOOKKEEPER, INVESTMENT KM BA1.KMMAN. URCH'EIUEH 100 THE CANO AURN'v. Y, (00 BEES BLDG. HIUH-GRADK commerlcal positions WEBT. REFERENCE BOND ASi AB3N.. 7ia Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AtitCNTS, SALESMEN, SOLICITORS. FIRST-CLASS exerlenced eoal salesman for Nebraska; good salary. Address L 607, Bee. ORGAN 1Z EHS to captain parties of tdne to buy W-acre tracts Florida garden and fruit land: good commission and expenses of captain's trip reimbursed to prove the land: no experience needed; sKi TaiiMiiH niy. 1, oas, nee, COAL aaents wanted In every town; get a trial car. I M. Cox. No. Platte, Neb. MEN, if you are looking fur an honest nil. ..ii w vavuii2n sv permanent trade, wholtwala and retail, get partlou- lara nn ntir lltia r, f mil U AKITI.'L n ',1 . d MANTLES. Exclusive territory given. maiiiiea rvia.i;tj r x r. r.. write today f . Im. l..rlu,lll.p. CU... I - SO cents. Wisconsin Gas Mantle and Fix ture Co., 744 Jackson tSL, Milwaukee, . KM. fWANTED An experienced traveling aalesmau for men a (urnUhlng go'xis. Ne other need apply. Must be a hustler. Industrious and temperate. Nebraska territory. Give references. II. A. Baker Co.. wholesale Men's Furnishings, blous tuy, la. FACTORIES AMI TRtUKS. LKARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clly Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools; waxes nald ie. trio niaaaage. hydraulic chairs; catalogue rree 1 1 j iKturiui m., iiniatia. Drug Hlra fnapa. jobs. Kn-iwt. Bee Bldg. MOLKH BARBER COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our svs tem of expert Instruction snd free cl 11 la. Positions waiting. Call or write f jr caut losue. OmMlie. Neb., A. B. Moler, Pres. HURRY. HURRY. IWNT DELAY. SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER, If you can't attend day school you can hold your job and at the aama tlms get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIGHT CLASH OF NEBRASKA Al.'ToMOBILB bCHOoL. I LEAVEN WOKTU. RED 1110. MISCELLAftUOlS. OOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which are open right now and are waiting for com petent men. laiarn by our system of actual work on autoa. tractors, electrio atartlug system. Yee catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, tu Faruatu EL Omaha. Nsb. HELP WANTED MALE M ISCKLLA K ROl'S. WANTED Names of ambitious men. 1 or over, wsntlng railway mall clerk positions, tt&t month. Answer lmmedl rt.y. T 1? Bee. Coal i baskets delivered. $1; Illinois nut or lump, fj.oQ per ton. I'OUg. 61M. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming, I7i month. 8ample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stltnte, IVpt T7. K. Rochester. N. Y. NO KKNT to ay all winter If you want -room house and will do some founda tion and plaster repairs. Address K 687. Bee. lOITNO man to look after our Interests In Omaha. Kalary starting 112 wckly. No canvassing. Frontier Mfg. Co.. Niag ara. Falls, N. Y. HELP WANTED M4I.K AD FRMAI.R. N. Y. miniature artist wants local solld tpr. Address H. W. Brannock, llenahaw hotel. RITlTATIOXS WAXTED LAOV warn. in ..l. rMM. r.z" " MIDDLE-AGED widow wLhes hotise- .-,,lnB Ior amau ramny; would hr to take cate of rooming house or would like to be companion of lady; thoroughly experienced: references. Mrs. E. Kyer- venerai delivery. Omaha POSITION as housekeeper by a widow lady, in or out city. Neat, competent and experienced. References If neces sary. Mrs. J. Moore. Omaha, Gen. Del. GOOD, handy, all-round man, can take nca.ra ' 'umace; young, sober and re liable; good references; city. John Bmld, Aeuvery, nty WANTKD A set of books to keep even- b. inn, SALESMAN wants position; well sppear Ing, married, 10 years' past experience on the road; can furnish beat of refer "Qa. Chas. Brambllla. 2--14 No. lXh Kt. A iNKAV, truHtwortiiy, middle-aged lady desires a position as a housekeeper In a family of two; no laundry work; best city reference! furnished. Call Webster net ween 10 and 12 In the morning. RETIRED general rnilne. merchant wants position with whnleSHle or retail firm; have had 1$ years' experience In retail 11-n. mdM. ; can sell any kind of mdse; middle aged; do not use tobacco nor In to ideating drinks nor profane language. Address lock Bog 84. Mitlcom. la. WANTED Position aa stenographer by isoy. .r.xpenenoefl, t'oirag TWO young men want work, odd Jobs of any kind; steady work preferred. Call Tyler 22H5. MTddLE-AGED widow wishes house keeping for small family; would like to take care of rooming house or would like to be companion of lsdy; thoroughly experienced; references. Mrs. E. Ryer soii, General Delivery. Omaha. MIDDLE aged lady wishes position as housekeeper In country; with one child; nest and relNible. Address Mrs. Mvrtla Corder, General Delivery, Omaha. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found aria In Omaha's l ost and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The ree. tne l out and Found papr LOST A sum of money on Dundee or mm Bt. car line, or between loth and Cess and Hth and Cass, or possibly In Welch's restaurant In Paxton block. Will finder callWalnut2g4. Liberal reward. OMAHA tt. COUNCIL BLUFFS BTKEET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Cmaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway ton psny to ascertain whether they left It In the street ears. Many articles each day are turned In snd the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. IF the gentleman who left his overcoat at MlUard Hotel -Barber shop will call, identify and pay for ad will receive same. MEDICAL , FILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. K. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other reotal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TAKRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE iy J535 operation. Call or write Dra. Wray Matheny. S06 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re suits guarnt'd. Dr. Bowser. S14 Bee Bldg. PERSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS The ladles' Home Journal $1.50 The Baturday ESvenlng Post l.W The Country Gentleman 1.00 1.400 SUBSCRIPTIONS IN DECEMBER practically earns tne 3,uuo ror tne IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal means 6O0. Please phone Douglas 71o or mall to GOKDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha, Neb. MRS. J. C. MILLER, ladles' tailor and dressmaker. Has moved from 2M17 Leav enworth to 821 Georgia Ave. Will be ploased to meet my old patrons. Hsr. 4827. THE Salvation Army Inlustrlal home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga klnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1111-1114 Dodge St. YOUR furnace cleaned. $1; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 4.M. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and tit. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding piaites or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstract v 1 iw ... .LurMna Aio cranaeui Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 8. 17th Bt. Tel. D. Mx7. AtlOliftTANTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. ta-4CT Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 740. AUVEHIIS1.N4 ISOVKLT1ES. M. F. Shafer a Co.. ltth-Farnam. D. T474. AMATEI R l.MSHINt.. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft fehop. 414 Be Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett B. Dodd. 431 Paxton Blk. D. ATTORNEYS. G. T. Dlc'alnson. (11 Paxton Blk. D. 1804. All'TIO.IttHI, Dow Auction Co.. lllHIW.O ff, R ms. At, TO l St RAM4.S&. ATMOBILB slUTUAI. INSURANCE CO., louglas AUTO HtUltlOH ktrllkt. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. KM Far. D. 0S1 MATHS. BATH-C4 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladies and gentleman; lsdy attendant for ladles; Swedish inassevae. Faruaiu St. Lougua hi7. HEADY REFEUEXCK DIRECTORY. UAKK.H1KH. 7. it. RF.rnrR isos n. ith. web rr. BRAM9 AND 1HU. Kwt.MJUlKt, r-sxton-Mltchell Co , f7th and Msrtha C. I tkCKNTtlHI A M 4 ON I It AC I OKS. STEVENSON, R3 8. rd. Douglas 6-.K. Leseard A Bon. 1W6 Cap. Ave. T. 1633. r. W. ITnkanson. isnfi Lnwth. Tyl. ?l!?-J. tUr'KKK tit MAIL. Pave money. t!e better coffee. 16 lbs. high grade I , , l"'-:, rrepsid. I e -."y. . . . a. pnaiif k i.o., I 'mtinft, reo. tlllklll'HAl TR IPIS.IL AUJl'MIS, PH. BURHORV, 1Mb and Famam. Wcad Bldg., D. 6347; Palmer school graduate. I f- J- C Lawrence. I Balrd Bldg. D. M6L DR. W. H. K NOLL EN BERG, Suite Sll Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1933. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford. .N) Pag. Blk. Red tZSI. JEANETTK ORET. HO Balrd Bldg. D. U:j OAMIXu At AUluMilvs, FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. tltO. DE LUXE ACADEMY, ill B. ISth St. DHE8SMAKIMU COLLLfill Keiters'8 Dressmaking Col.. 1 City Na. UKKSS.M AHI.NU. Terry Dress niaK'g college, ICth A Farnam ----------- . U I r- J HI tn IK est style; reasonable price. 1811 Far- r.nm C t ll.MnA It I - . m. ...... . inrm emigmi ..:s. DYERS AMD CLKAftERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. irth. D. S07i. DETECT IV KS. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evl aence secured In all cases. Tyler 1L. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, ill W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickles, 724 City Nat. Gank. Tsft Dental Rooms, 1M7 Douglas. D. Ml DRUtiS. DRUGS at eu. prices; freight paid on $10 oraers; catalogues free. Sherman ft Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Ulna Allender. ?4 Bee Bids-. Red $0. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING C A HILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.387S. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN, ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bos Pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants. Idual 1 icaiin; to., an Douglas Block. Doug' Ihs IKS. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABER9TROH, 402 Hamilton. Wal. r37t. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam Bt D. SOOO. I. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 12TA. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam 8t A. DONAGHUE, 1S22 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURRIERS. SAM KNEETER, 1920 Farnam. Red 31 H. Rothholi. in Ieavenworth. II. 27 (g. HISTORICAL COSTLMES. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben & Son, 1514 Howard. D. 4116. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. 108 Lyrlo Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 613 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Barker Blocg. ' LIVE -STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO. ' Exchange Bldg. MASSEIHS. Massage, women. Call D. 8227 for apptmt MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON (MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 270S Leavenworth. tllVINu I'I'TI HH MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay ag you can. Drs. McCarty. 1U1W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, 1B Bee Bldg. PAPER It AN 1 IMG. PAPERHANGINO Rooms papered, $3 per room, r'owers, nzz in. xinn Bt. PATENTS. D. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Sturges, 6R6 Brandels Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND xtEDUlAU. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over Jiy like new. iwjt Cuming. D. 24ti7. PLtMES 4 LEA.NED. CTJRLED, dyed. D. Elsele. 113 City Nat PIANOS FOR RENT. $3.80 per month. A. Hoape. 1613 Douglas. Pill Vi'iAU. WATERS-BARNHAHT Ptg. Co., quality pruiung. Tel. Doug. 21W. 624 8. Uth bU CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 1761 DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 444. SCALE REPA1HINU. Om Standard Scale Co., 618 S. 12th. D. ZS11. SHOE REPA1R1NU. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R. 8444 FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Ill 8. 14. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTLREM. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture tk Supply Co.. 414-lt-U 8. 12th Doug. M24. SEW1NU MACHINES. TTT rent, repair, sell needles and we .MYciLrrhta NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglas lest STEEL IE1LINUS. CARTER Sheet Metsl Company. 110 8. 18. STOVE AND Ft R.NAIE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace ". -io. wuics service, omaha Stove Repair Works. ia-g Douglaa 8t. Tyler 10 ELECTRIC MOTOR HEtAlRI.u. C A HILL ELECTRIC CO.. Be BH. D 8T9. TOWEL SIPFL1ES. OMAHA Towel Wupply, w g, jitn S!l THL.NK AND Stll CASES, FRELING A 8TEINLK. l0g Farnam St. VAtllM ILEA.NERS. AIJ makea. E. B. WiUlama. 808 a. 1Mb, TkPEHRl'lERS FOR kt.tT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for tt. Oliver Typewriter Agency. UuS Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange. 118 8. 18tll 8C AU inaks a for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington" not fust a type writer. oLw real. Call Douglas 1264 READY REFERENCE DIRECTOR!'. W ATI M SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. M fl Taxton Bk., 1 yr. exp. WEDDIMU T A T 1 1 E It V . Wedding snnnnncements. Dour Ptg. Co. IVIXl'.S A.Mi ORS. ALEX JETES. 201 - s. Uth Pt. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to S. loc. IIEVRY rOLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. C22 N. 16th. Douglas 1S09. HWAPPERS' COMMX Wantcl to Susp. Why not advirtis; scmeih n that )oi no longtr tny se for and g 't stmcthing you i.iy need? Write Room l'l. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler lufl - A NEW 2 -cylinder, air-cooled 10-h. p. gasoline engine, with Bosch high ten sion magneto; also a new No. 1 Ball Planetary transmission. Will swsp for niotorcjele or anything 1 can use. Ad dress 8. C. 393. Bee. AIL furniture In t.V-room hotel; reason able rent on bui:dn.t; South 8 rle: will exchange for real e-ta.e, value $1.8 0. Ad dress S. C. 803. Bee. A UKAIl-OLL) coble and Hulsteln cow for chickens. Address S. C. fi'r9. Bee. AUTOMOBILE! or other auluuiuuas bargains see the "Automobile" ciaaslU cation. BUFF Orpingtons, 81 pullets, thorotigh tred. Wl at have you to ofier? Addrcai S. C. 3 . Bee. BILLIARD TABLE Home slxe. 3Six7. What have youT Make me an ofier. 8. C. SM Bee. bAY mare, with foal to Jack; not broke. Will swap for anything of equal value, o r Ford. 8. C. S87. Hee. la CALIBER AUTOMATIC RIFLE. nearly new. Will trade for Smith & Weeson revolver. 6-lnch barrel, police model, or shot guns, 12-gauge. Address 8. C. 6!2. Bee. ELECTRIC 6IGNS Will make electrio signs for small car. Prefer a Ford. Ad d resa 8. C. 6B7, Bee. I ORD touring car. In good condition, for house and lot or good vacant lot. What have you? Address 8. C. 3W. Bee. . FI LL DREriS SUIT, size 40, worn only four times, cost $35. Will trade for what have you. Address 8. C. 6S3. Bee. GAS engine, 4-h. p. Fairbanks-Morse fas or kerosene engine In fine condition th Bplldorf vibrator coll and 10-gal. tank and all water connection; worth $"0; will take good Rep. shotgun aa part payment or what have you? 8. C. 6H5, HAVE two young Rhode Island Red cockerels; will exchange one or both for cockerels of same breed; only first class birds considered. Address S. C. 373, Bee. IF YOU have a Luger pistol of .32 or .38 callber, answer this ad, as I have some thing to trade for It. Address 8. C. 882. care Bee. I HAVE two casings and tubes. 34x4; run about 600 miles; also two 34x34. caxlntrs and tubeg, run about l.tOO miles. To swsp for 30x3 or 80x31 casings. Address 8. C, . Bee. I HAVE set boxing gloves, punching bag. tennla racquet, $3 game board, wltit fames; will trade for bicycle or ,22-rltle. H. 8148. Call 1. C. 624. MANN BONE CUTTER Been used for sample machine, can be used by hand or power. Will trado for shot gun. Rem ington .22 caliber rifle or chickens to dress at market price. Address 8. C. (HI, Bee. ONE 38 hammerless safety police, double action, break open revolver; one 82 fl inch barrel break open revolver; one Winchester repeating shotgun and case. Want Merlin shotgun In exchange for re volvers or anything I ran use of equal value. Address 8. C. 895, Bee. QUARTER-SIZED Strad violin, one rain proof rubberised suit, coat, pants and hat. else 3S; 80-foot seine, feet deep, 1-ln. mesh; 6-inch flvh spear, .32 break-open re volver. .22 seven-shot revolver. Will swap for what have youT Address S. C. 37D, r;ee- REFLEX camera, 6x7, reversible back, 6 double plate holders, focal plane, shut ter, 1-6 to 1-1.000 sec, Eurynar Amastlg mat lens, F 4-6, by Rodenstook, Munich; In excellent condition; cost $150. What have you of equal value? 8. C. 881. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. HEATER Dandy soft coal heater. Hot Blast; do for house or garage, to trade ror anything 1 can use. s. c. 309, Bee. RAINCOAT, slxe Sh; three niouthharps, 2 leather pocket cigar cases, one carnival torch. 2-burner; 1 pair of hip boots, sise 9. What have you? Address S. C. 378, Bee. 8,000 SHARES STOCK In Wyoming coal mine, par value $1.00. Will trade for autos, or what have youT Address S. C, 694. Bee. THIRTY-EIGHT hsmmerless safety po lice break open revolver, pair of line man's spurs, one watch, hunting case, li year guarantee, one rear motorcycle lamp, motorcycle pump and attaohment, 7x7 miner's tent, complete camping outfit, one canvas shotgun case. Will swap for motorcycle or what have you? Ad dress 8. C. 3M, Bee. L. C. SMITH Typewriter, nearly new, to trade for something I can use. What have you? S. C. 688, Bee.- ' UNDERWOOD typewriter No. 5: used three weeks: will trade toward good auto, or. what have you? 8. C. tvih Bee. VIOLIN Good violin for bass viol; the viol must be in good condition. Ad dress a. c. 6sw. WILL trade one Gibson mandolin, cost $76; one guitar, cost $66; one Deat'.n cornet, cost ti0: one Clarke Irish harp. cost $163. all Instruments In best of con dition; any or nil for diamonds or cash. Address 8. l 6M, rtee WILL swap 4-H. P. single cylinder In dian motorcycle engine, in fair condi tion for Llndstrom-Smltli, 110 volt A C. variable speed motor In good order. Ad dress 8. C. 8X0. Bee. WANTED to swap, full dress suit for anvthtna- 1 .can uxe. Slxe 87. In good condition. Cost $60. Address 8. C. bZ. pee. WILL swap my equity In new 6-room furnished cottage. k block from Ben son's new city ball, finlahed throughout In oak. and furniture, tor gooa Kord, or what have vou Address O 32a. Bee. WANTED TO SWAP A good $400 lot on 27th near Miller Park for good Ford turtng car. 8. C. 626, lioe. WANT to trade light, roadster automo bile on small cottage or vacant lot. S. C. !-Bee. WANTED to swsp, popcorn and candy making outfit, confuting of large rotary corn popper, cost $h0; large candy fur no ce and copper kettle, cost $36; one ther mometer, cost $2; sixteen copyrighted candy-making lessons, cost $20. I want rood used piano or good furniture, or what have you? Address B. C. SOI, Bee. WILL swap Incubator for hay or gralru Atinreea r. 1 . nee. WILL exchange automobile spark gaps at wholesale price for anything can use for from one dozen to luj dozen seta Box 2., Oakland Neb. W ILL trade I. H. C. truck, good running order, tor Twin Indian. Benson 8ue-J. WAXTKD TO BUT Country Shippers WE ARE AGAIN IS THti MARKET FOR COUNTRY MIXED IRON REQUIRE SuO CARS FOR DECEMBER fill. FMKNT WIRE OR WRITE FOR PRICE& HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR RAGS. RUBBERS AND METALS. SONlvEN G ALAM U A IRON & METAL CO., 64-M N. 2d STREET. KANSAS CITY. U. 8. A WE ARE on the market for ha) csrluads or cguBu-jr-nina sirap iron, write lor prices. A. B. A 1 pern. 7th and Douglaa Strict hlifh sisds piano. Web. 37?. W ANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living rooms above. In Central school district, phone Red 7X54. CFF1CE furniture bouBiit and sold. J. C. Reed. LV7 Farnam. Doug. 814s. WANTED TO KENT WANTED to rent, house furnished fvr uie winter, can Harney Mt. RENTALS. APARTMENTS A.NU FLATS. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dall cannot be beat for variety that will please snd fill the nee, is of any one desiring tc rent Phone Tyler !' MODERN 7-r. ap.irtment, ln lading beau t.fui east sun room, In West Farnam district, for rnt. Harney lX. o VERY choice 4 or t-rnom steam-heated aportment on West Farnam Pt. .?nf!N W. ROBBINS, 1K"2 FARNAM ST. 1"U N. Stth St.. 7-room St. Ironist flat: I hot water heat; rental $32.60. Call Doug. : C75. " i7-R. mod.. Id floor, brick, 707 60. ith, ( newly decorsted and varnished. Doug. LTL1? tt.1. hKkf 4-room apartment in the city; large south front bay window; walking dis tance: you can't beat It. Also a -room with bath: fiitnlfhed. Doug. 2M. 9u3 N. 17TH -r.. ail mod. spt. Ho.W. . RASP BROS., Douirlas (f4 1W4 N. 22D 4-r. flat, steel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, water paid, $W. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS 13. PIHM51IKU APARTMENTS. FURNISHED Apt.. 2 pretty rooms and Kitchenette. Call at 412 Sweetwood Ava BOARD AMD HOOMS. Furnished Rooms that offer ever mod ern convenience and comfort In private families 01 boarding houses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler omi BEA UTIFl'LLY furnished room", with or Without hnnrri fall ntru I LARGE room for two gentlemen, with , inw icHByiiitu.e; private lamm eleifantlv furnished llflmn. 9m; PARLOR room, suitable for two; strictly new mill., riuaq in. XI. ji . Rooms and board, good home cook in oT Under new management. 2215 Howard. Vw )M "d heir I- nriv te tami'v H 0'2. 215 N. 23d St. For rent, room and board; 3 gentlemen, $A a week. D. 77b2. DARNS AND GARAGES. WELT, equipped private garsge with light, water. 2910 Dodae. Call. Hsr. 30t. FURNISHED HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter: must be first clwss Address O 443 Bee. FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, mod. ex cepting electricity, 40th St., 8 blocks south of Farnam; rent $n0. Douglas 92. FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELT furnished room, close In; all iinmrrn. rMi o. jia rl. KITCHEN, dining-room, two bedrooms, bathroom, furnished, for $16 month. In quire 2411 8. 24th. FOR. RENT Large furnished room; prC vate bath; large closet; have good ref- a ..n m.i i i . . . . ...... . , . ei i nj-m.t;Q. riamey id. 3 FI'RN, rooms; private bath. Har. 1399. NICELY furnished front room In new home; walking diet; ladies pfd. H. 7649. WELL furnished, stesjn-heated rooms" walking distance. Call Tyler 939. PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SANFORD, 19th and Farnam HOTEL HARLEY. 20th and FsS? ?llft T tt vannnrl Dl.,. " . , . -r .i i I""ucr" "ouin iront room with ROOM with breakfast, $3.60 wk., strictly mod, home, new fumlsh's. close In. H.3198 N?kY JXrniv'Tn Tm close In, " ... -u.. a iiuiiB lyier wo West Farnam Large nicely furn. "front rnnm m,wl nHu v. . . . . U 1 ' l"r ul, instant. '-riirr imm room, close in. Har. 8012. FURNISHED rooms for rent. Bleeping -. iivusvKscuinK rooms. closoln. 2606 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 4S.7&. HOUSEKEEP1NO ROOMS. FOR RBNT-Strlctly modem, newly fur nished rms . ha.t fnm -if a... Light housek'g rms.. 6044 B. lOtTiTSTglit UAVKKFOKT 3018 TWO OR THREE? NIOTLY FUfRNlSHED HOUSEKBE INQ ROOMS. REASONABLE. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. ' NORTH. FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences, H block to car, 413 N. 8Slh St. M. A. Past, 4al N. 38th St Phoce Colfax 117S. 8-ROOM house, modern, new furnace, never useq. imp nun, ned 2M. SIX-ROOM cottage modern except heat. 2243 N. 19th St. Phone Webster 8232. RENT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS Nice eight-room house; newly decorated; modern except heat; storm windows and doors: price reduced to 818. Web. 6000. 2405 EMMET. 6-r. cottage. W. 1069 FOR RENT 6-room, new, modern, up-to-date brick flat. 2223 Willis Ave. Rent tai. iei. v. loju. SEE THESE HOUSES. 4-r. house, 4127 Seward, $11. -r.. 1420 Paul. bath. 315. 6-r., 1411 N. 41st St.. bath, $17.. SEE THESE HOUSES. 4-room house, 4127 Seward $11 6-room, 1420 Paul, bath J15 6-room. 1411 North 41at. bath .817 SROOM, strictly modern cottage, hot water heat, close In; rents for $25. 402 Lincoln Blvd. W. H. Dorrance. Tel. P. 626 or H. 816L WALKING distance, 2614 Dodge, 8-room modern house, $26. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4876. 5-ROOM, nearly new; modern except fur nace; only $18. Colfax 1096. NEW 4-room cottage, Florence. Adams and Buffalo Hts. p. 4633. $10 a month. i-KOOM, nearly new; modern except fur 11W-1, fiiii.r am. v.uiiax ivm. FOR RENT 4-room cottage, good shape, 1V blocks to car, $9. Colfax 4H6. FOR COLORED. For Rent 2 nice houses, well located and in perfect condition; each has 6 rooma and bath. Will rent to reliable colored people. Call Doug. SH19. o SOUTH. 6-R. HOUSE, 1 Bleeping porch, 1 screen porcn. w a. Kith Ave. Harney SS24. 7-ltOt'M. modern, -joo Poppleton Ave. 6-H00M cottage. Ill aih St., $16.' V alerpald. FOR RENT Cottage, 4 rooma and bath; gas light: good nciKhborhnod. lai S anh St. Tel. Harney 1963. 6-rtn. house for rent, all modern except heat; 711 B. 17th Ave. Doug. 6131. 623 8. 19TH i-r.. all mod- house; well. arranged tor renting rooms, 112 00. RASP BROS.. Douirlas ltif.t. MOVINO EXPENSES PAID. 114 8. 29th8-r.. all mod. house, newltr painted and papered; close in. $25. atue tv inn o-r , pari mca. cottage, HO. RAHP BROS. Douglas 1663. WEST. FOR RENT, FURNI8IDXD, FINE HOME, NEAR 35TH AND DO DOE. This Is a 7-room, strictly modern home, well furnished; four bedrooms; will leave piano snd Viotrola. as well as the bal ance of other furnishings, and lease this house to right party for three months at a bargain rate. Must furnish references. No small children. HI ATT-FAIRFIELD COMPANY 230 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 498. j-liouM modern house, Dundee; 4e01 Cap Itol Ave. Phone Walnut lsaO. FOR RENT. 2132 Harney St.. modern 10-room brick house: hot water bait, lnnnir. t i O'Brien. Tel. H. 14, D. 1216 FINE, modern, two-story home. 83 fcA. " GRANT. 211 BrandeU Theater StlSt ELLA.EOl S. SEE the Central Furniture 8tore'a FREE HAVE you got the money? If you have Investigate this. HiaJU will buy a busi ness worth $4.iau. if taken before Deo. 10. Houses urif.h8o.n" t" .r- B'dg. . . a 01 the city. MA ki Storage Co.: Moving x: -i snipping, u. livi FIREPROOF WAHFMrViTQra " 6 f'IiRA'.K' ,cl', rooms, for house- 7 ,T riauiii moving, packing and shipping. " llUllll VIM IK'n CTriDAnc 806 too. loth bt. Doug. 414A