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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1915)
he Omaha Daily THE WEATHER. Cloudy Call Tyler 1000 If Ymm Wa to Talk to Th Baa to Aayoata OnaaMUd with Tha IW OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1915 TWELVE PAGES. Oa Tralne, ft aDotel Raw exeade, eto So. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. VOL. XLV NO. 143. T: Bee VILSOll LASHES DISLOYAL; ASUS THEY BE CURBED President Flay Naturalised Amer icans Who Peril U. 8. Neutral ity by Sympathies with Belligerents. PLEADS FOR PREPAREDNESS. Executive Tells Congress His Plans for Strengthening National Defenses. TALKS ON PAN-AMliKIUAaiaffl. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. Presi dent Wilson In his annual address to congress today dealing mainly with national defense, proclaimed an ad yanced PanAmerlcanlsm growing from the guardianship of the Monroe doctrine to "the full and honorable association" of all the Americas. Although In the longest address he has yet delivered to congress the president touched upon a variety of subjects, the predominating note was the .necessity tf a policy of military preparedness to meet the readjust ments of the next generation as they will affect the American continent. He emphasised bis point by saying: "Unless you tafce It within your view and permit the full significance of it to command your thought, 1 can not find the right light In which to set forth the particular matter that lies at the very front of my whole nought as I address you today. I mean national defense." Finn Dlaloyal Americans. The point was not overshadowed when the president In the most unmeasured terms he ever has employed before con gress denounced naturalised American who by their sympathies with Kuropean belligerents have endangered American neutrality. While congress cheered to him loudly he referred to them as having "poured the poison of disloyalty Into the very arteries of our national life, and "who would turn In malign reaction .gainst the government and the pooplu who had welcomed and nutured them." with evidences of deep feeling, the pres' dent expressed "the even deeper humili ation and acorn which every self possessed and thoughtful patriotic American must feel when be thinks of them and of the m Jli iL.H jtfe Vatntrlnfr imrtn 111 ' aiT ST ZXSZr T ou I;, r,i tile I .niflfrftftt"" t" fnr the army and navy passed without a ripple of applause and his references to pan-Americanism . tne meeting place of the 1916 demo wera only punctuated with ijUwcm ot natlonai convention. approval republican and democrats alike . .v. .. k.ii.t ... joined in an emphatic demonstraUon at 1 The vote on the first ballot was. his words of condemnation for those he 1 St. Louis, 26; Dallas, 14; Chicago, assailed so unreservedly. 112. Texas then moved to make H The president took up Pan-Americanism at the very outset of his message. On Footing; of BqnalKv. 'All the governments ot America," he aald "stand so far as we are concerned, upon a footing of gcnlulne equality and unquestioned Independence. We retain unabated the spirit which was so frankly in Int. .n kw PM.M.nt Unnwu 7 m national Independence and ot political liberty In America, but that purpose Is now better understood so far as It con cerns ourselves." The moral the president said Is that the states of America were not hostile rivals, but co-operating friends and that their association were likely to give them a new significance in world affairs. "Separated they are subject to all the cross-currents of the confused politics of a world of hostile rivalries," aald he. "United in spirit and purpose they cannot be disappointed In their peaceful destiny. Thla is pan-Amerlcanlam. It has none of the spirit of empire In It It la the em bodiment, the effectual embodiment ot the spirit of law and Independence and liberty and mutual service." Great Democimrlrl Peaceful. Great democracies, the president said, are peaceful, not seeking war and with-, cut thought or conquest or dominion. "But Just because we demand unmo (ConUnued on Page Two, Column Three.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday: For Omaha. Council Bluff and Vicinity -Fair; somewhat colder. t reanperatnro at Omafcn Yesterday. Hour. Deg 5 a. m... a. m... T a. m... 8 a. m... 9 a. m... 10 a. iu... 11 a. m... 12 m 1 P. ID... 1 P. m... 3 p. m... 4 p. m... 6 p. m... 8 p. ru... T p. in... .... 43 .... 38 .... S9 .... 39 .... as ... 41 .... 41 .... 45 .... M .... 5J .... 6J p. m. (aaparatlT Local KMrdJ 1S16. 1914. MS. 1913. Highest yesterday 66 S3 7 28 IO west yesterday 3s is 21 7 Mean temperature 4i w W IS Precipitation 00 .21 ,ou T Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperatia-e 30 Kxcesa for the day 1 Total deficiency since Morel) 1 .'..'.'"llo Normal precipitation u3 inch iJeflclency for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall since Marvh 1... .28.74 inches IWU'lency since llinh 1 j giincliea pendency for cor. period, 1I14. S-Sil inches Xefluieucy for cor. period, W13. 6.02 inclica Reports froaa Stations at T P. af. Station and State of Weather. Cheyenne, clear Davenport, clear lenver, clear Jea Moines, cloudy.. Dodge Oty. clear.... Temp. Hijih- Raln- 7 p. ni. est. fall .... 3H J... 40 .... 44 4 40 64 U u 4a .00 .o .uo .04 M 44 M 44 4a lender, clear A- 1 .1 iu.i i ;irw ......... North Platte, clear.. .0) .( r . .ou .Ul ' .on .uu .00 .OU .ou Ofuaha, t. cloudy... Pueblo, clear v 44 ( Hapid City, cloudy 4i Lake City, cloudy.... 44 81.11 1 a Ke. clear 42 hherldan, pi. cloudy S4 Moum Oty, clear 42 a lent tne. pt. cloudy i 4 64 48 M EMUS. s4 indicates trace or precipitation. ii. A. VV'c.loll. . uuwuir, BRYAN TAKING ON MUCH FLESH Note his girth and rotundity. Photo taken in New York last week while he was there conferring on peace propaganda. . vt- J' J j . ' ST. LOUIS SECURES DEMO CONVENTION Mound City Takes Prize Away from 1 Dallas and Chicago After Hard Fight. JULY FOURTEENTH THE DATE Washington. Dec 7.-The dem- ' ocratlc .national jmjaUJeenjeji; Hion here today, selected St. JLouia as unanimous for St. Louis and this was done. June 14 was fixed as the date for the convention. Pardons Refused Youtsey, Hargis, Jett-and Rappke FRANKFORT. Ky.. Dec. 7. Governor James B. McCreary of Kentucky, who retires from office today, during his four-year term as chief executive, com muted to life Imprisonment five death sentences and Issued pardons In (61 cases, ranging from pUtol carrying to man slaughter. His record fell forty-nine un der that of his predecessor. Governor McCreary exercised the par don power In five cases yesterday. Strong pleas were made In behalf of Henry Youtsey. Curtis Jett, Beach Har gis and August Roppke, four noted pris oners, but to no avail. Toutsey is serv ing a life sentence for complicity In the assassination of Governor Goebel and has ,.rv,d glvteen vears. . Young Hargis has been in Driaon five years. He is serving I a life sentence for the murder of his father. Judge James Hargis. of Breathitt county. Jett also Is a product of the Breathitt feuds and Is a life prisoner. Roppke was sentenced for embeixllng more than 1 .000.000, and still has several years to serve. Bulgar Mutineers Are Reported Shot IONDON. Dee. 7. An unconfirmed re port of the mutiny of a Bulgarian In fantry regiment received In Amsterdam from Frankfort was forwarded today by the correspondent of the Exchange Tele. graph company. This report Is to the ffH that thi reirlment was ordered to Ot t . . 1 11 1 . A - L . 1 ; proceea to me uaiiipoii peninvuia ig ihhi 4S 1 with the Turks, and that when It refused to obey the command 300 of the muti neers were shot. Bandit Locks Bank Cashier in Vault MANITOU. Colo., Dec. 7.-A lone ban dit today entered the bank of Manltou, locked J. F. Campbell, the cashier In the vault, and escaped with caab esti mated at fl.aOO. Campbell, who was alone when the robber entered, escaped from the vault by use of a secret In terior lock and gave the alarm. Officers began a search for the bandit. French Submarine Sunk by Austrians PARIS, Dec. 7. "AccorC-ng to a Ger man radiogram, the French submarine Freanel was destroyed on December 6 by an Austrian warship." says a com munication Issued today at the marine ministry. "Two officers and twenty-six men were csplured." w - J , s -. DO SUFFRAGISTS HISS ANTIS AT HEARING Doth Sides in Votes for Women Fight Argue Before National Democratic Committee. MEMBERS ENJOY THE DEBATE WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. Woman aitffrairicta and A n i l-All f f M Clt ti ffiVTIi'fr'BnfiScneB. dlTaed"tliB auea-t tlon of votes for women for an hour today before the national democratic committee. The committee held a public ses sion in a hotel ball room to bear the women, and the place was packed to the doors. Six suffrage leaders told he com mlteeraen that the women of the na tion were looking to the democratic party to champion a federal suffrage amendment, either in the present congress or in the platform of the next democratic national convention. Two leaders of the National Society Opposed to Woman Suffrage argued that the party already had declared that suffrage is wholly a state ques tion and that, moreover, a maority of the American women did not want to be enfranchised. Member Enjoy Debate The committee took no action, but the members appeared to enjoy the debate thoroughly, and applauded each speaker liberally. The hearing was arranged because the Congressional Union for Woman Suf frage, In convention here thla week, wanted to tell the commltteomen that suffrage had become a national issue. When the union's request went It, the National American Woman Suffrage as sociation asked to be heard, and then the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage sent word to the com- mlttee that It could not allow the claims of the suffragists to go unchallenged. (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Germans Prepare for Extended Campaign in Mesopotamia GENEVA. Switzerland. Dec. 7. (Via Paris.) The Germans are preparing on a large scale for operations In Mesopo tamia under Field Marshal Baron Kol mer Von Der Golti. who has Just been appointed commander of the Turkish forces In Mesopotamia, according to private Information received by the Journal de Geneve. Although the Ger mans speak otenslbly of Egypt, says the dispatch to the Journal, It la hot Impos sible that they make their principal ef forts this winter from Bagdad towards the Persian gulf. PROFESSOR ELLIOT TO MARRY WISCONSIN GIRL OSHKOSH. Wis.. Dec. 7. (Special Tele gram.) Mrs. Rose Buchanan haa an nounced the engagement of her daughter Georgia to Prof. Benjamin Elliott of the engineering department of the University of Nebraska. The National Capital J Taraday, December T, 10 IS. Tbe Senate. Met at noon and then 'assembled with the house to hear President W U aon's address. Adjourned at 1:18 p. m. till noon Fri day. Tks Hoaae. Met at noon and then received the senate In Joint auaaion. I PURCHASING AGENT OF KAISER FOILED BY LABOR AGENTS German Strike Promoters in U. S. Plants Fail to Accomplish Mis sion, Due to Efforts of Union Chiefs. WALKOUTS ARE UNSUCCESSFUL Rintelen Succeeds in Corrupting Some Lesser Fry, Who Proceed to "Double Cross" Him. SO SAYS FEDERAL ATTORNEY NEW YORK, Dec. 7. United ' States Attorney Snowden Marshall . . ' . declared today that Fram von Kin - telen, the German agent who la ac- C.ised of coming to this country armed with a large corruption fund to incite strikers In munition factor- was "double crossed" by the la- bor men he tried to corrupt. Mr. Marshall eald that despite the expenauure ui "'"' "'"" stands dollars. Von Rintelen failed to accomplish his mission In any effec- live manner. He gave the major i . credlt for Rintelen a failure to the Bland taken by high officials In labor organizations, xi w.r.h.ll anld Von Rlntslen. "only succeeded In corrupting some subordinates could be reached. and he was beautifully double-crorsed. 1 iEa:LMISIHG ANSWERS - . ..... .. B.. AJk 1m- 1 EHrr- "I am not prepared to state Just how much money Rintelen expended, but It ran Into hundreds of thousands of dol lars. He had $S00,000 to hia credit In one bank." Lamar Will Mot Be ('ailed. Mr. Marshall refused to comment on David Lamar's activities In tho scheme bovond saying emphatically that he would not be called as a witness before the grand Jury, a proceeding which might the American government's request fc-lve him immunity from prosecution. for the withdrawal of Captain Boy-Kd If sun-dent fv,d7.CBJ1obt,n " 'T'and Captain Von Papen. the naval Gainst th. labor men who accepted ' lunteion's money. Mr. Marshall stated , that these men could be prosecuted under """"J r,.. Tl"a,r;:iuval actlvltres. S'fH.r-d" Tin motion. Rintelen la at present held prisoner by the British authoritlee In the Tower of Ixndon. Mr. Marshall aaya his offense la not extraditable. . . . . , , . . Samuel Gompera, president of the Amer-Icoa-gederaUoa ot Labor, who haj xnade reneated statement In public that he knew strikes were being engineered by agents of a foreign power, may appear before the grand Jury hero. Mr. Compere Is eald to be on his way to Washington from the west. The arraignment of Robert Fay. Wal ter Bchols. Ma Breltner, Dr. Herbert Klensle and Paul Bronkborst, who were Indicted yesterday on a charge of con spiracy to commit murder In connection with plota to blow up munition ships, ! ... ... A- . . ...... was toaay pui over io.iun,. Faul Daeche, Who was also Indicted on the murder charge, la In Jersey City. Ho haa decided to fight extradition to ! New York. Universities May Veto Movement to Exclude Base Ball CHICAGO, Deo. 7. Hopa of athletes that base ball will be permanently re talned as an Intercollegiate sport In the western conference grew today with re- celnt of news that at four of the lnstltu - tlona there la strong sentiment against Its abolition aa suggested by the faculty committee at Its meeting last Saturday. The aenate ot the University of Illinois officially went on record as favoring the retention of the game. Coaching and student sentiment at Chicago, Ohio Bute and Wisconsin, according to stories here, indicate that thosa three schools may re fuse to follow the faculty committee's suggestion. Illinois' veto forces a reconsideration of the vote by the conference committee be fore the universities themselves vote fi nally on it. Miss Jane Addams Will Escape Knife CHICAGO, III., Deo. '.Miss Jane Ad dams probably will not be operated upon. Dr. Jaroea B. Iterrtck said today, In an nouncing that the widely known peace advocator and settlement worker la suf fering from a hemmorrhage of the kid neys. Several other physicians were called Into consultation to determine the nature of her Illness. "I cannot aay how long she will be obliged to remain In the hospital," Dr. Herrick said. "I do not, however, ex pect to operate." Friends of Miss Addams were uncertain whether to accept the announcement as Indicating an early recovery, or whether physicians decided not to operate on ac count of the seriousness ot such action. Foreign Aeroplanes Arriving on Own Power Classified as Vessels NEW YORK, Dec. T. Aeroplanes arriv ing her from foreign countries under their own power are not merchandise, but vessels, and should be entered as such at tha custom house, according to a rul ing by Dudley Field Malone, colector of the port, announced today, Aa th United states laws make no provision for thla kind of a eua turns entry, It la under stood Mr. Malone will consult with Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, con cernlng th advisability of amending the custom law so as to make special pro Military Experts of Greece and Powers to Report Upon Situation ATHENS. Dec. .-Vla Tarts. Iec. 7.) An agreement for a conference of Oreelf military authorities and military repre sentatives of the entente powers to ex amine Into and report upon the necessit ies of the situation respecting the allied demands upon Greece has been reached, and the preliminary steps toward holding the conference have been taken, Premlet 9knuloudls announced today. 'Tell the American people that the gov rnment of Greece has only two alms: To safeguard the sovereignty of Greece and not to abandon neutrality, no matter for what reason It may be urged to do so, no matter what Inducements or pre, sure are brought to bear." said Premier flkouloudla to the Associated Prena cor respondent In an Interview today. "I think I may say," continued the premier, "that the air. irehargrd foe months with misunderstandings. Is at last clearing; that the entente powers are j to understand that while w 'are Immovable on the two heads Just . ,utei1 we are disposed In every other respect to give material expression to the i feeling every Greek has toward Prance, ,nr,",,n "nd Ru,,8,. a""1" f" ,.Two intll whcn friction are now In th caused the recent the way of amicable j settlement. As far back oa November 10, I suggested the In appropriateness t f ln .111 rftnlnm.ll.ta ... arrange the details of a situation esaen. tially military and of which they under stood little. Therefore, I propose a con '-""f between the military authorities on eliher side authorlsd to study the ne- of ,he ,nd p,,,., on thpm Kiving the Greek government and the entente diplomatists the benefit of their criticisms from which a settlement BERNSTORFF NOTE Withdrawal of Attaches is Asked Because of Their Military and Naval Activities. GERMAN QUESTIONS IMPROPER WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. Secretary Lansing has replied to Germany that and military attaches, respectively, ot the German embassy here, was en because of their military and Secretary Lansing', reply to the German governmont'a inquiry,, which indicated the Berlin foreign office in- tended to contest the withdrawal ot the attaches under certain condition, was delivared In a Ions communlca-4 tlon' which the German embassy im mediately forwarded to Berlin. At tbe embassy all comment on It waa refused. 1 " ' Neither was there any indication of whether the reply would meet the con tention of the German government that It should know the reasons for the re quest tor the withdrawal of !ta officers. It waa broadly Intimated to the State department that If the request was based on something else than the develop ments of the Hamburg-American line conspiracy trial or the case of James F. J. Archibald, the American war corres pondent, who secretly carried dispatches for Captain Von Papen, Germany would decline to withdraw either of the men. German Qaeatloaa Improper. The Impression was that Secretary Lansing's reply at aome length repeats that the two offlcera have toecome per- aona non grata because of their military and naval activities jind that further un- (Contlnued on Page Two, Column One.) 'I'Trrrv Slnllth I In iTftt.fl. 1 X vv u wwwu wvvhi . . Kflnkfira Arrested FARGO, N. D. Dec. 7.-R. C. Kittle and William Kittle, brothere and former president and cashier respectively, of the First Natlonai bank of Casselton, N. v., were arrested by United States Marshal Doyle today, charged with conspiracy in making false anterlea to cover an al leged embessleroent of f 100,000 from th funds of tha bank, the doora of whlcn were closed yesterday. The KltUe'a waived preliminary ex- amlnatlon and the case will go to the next grand Jury. Both men were re leased on bond. They Insist that the closing of the bank waa due to alow paper and that every dollar will be paid and the bank be re opened. Mrs. Young Retires from School Work CHICAGO, Dec 7.-Mrs. Ella Flags Young, superintendent of Chicago public schools, today made her last rounds aa the head of the school system. After fifty-three yea of active educational work in Chicago Mrs. Young will sever her relationship with the school system tomorrow. John D. Shoop, assistant su perintendent of Chicago publics schools. Is expected to be elected tomorrow to suc ceed Mrs. Young. vision for th entry of aeroplanes and for special Inspectors to examine them whea they arrive here by the aerial route. The point aroa when Victor Caristrom, a ho recently made the flight from Toronto, Ontario, to New York, attempted to make an official entry of the arrival of his aeroplane. The collector at first was puixled about how to record the en try, but eventually decided that the aeroplane should be entered aa a vessel. It waa not necessary for t'arUtroin to ay duty on the machine, as It Is ef American manufacture. Today this was finally accepted and Colonel Pallia of the general staff Is leaving for Falonlkl to consult Oeneral Karrall, the Prench commander, to this end. Hesprctlng the railroads, the Greek government has never been unaware that the personnel was Inadequate for the handling of the Immense Increase In traffic due to the military use to which the railways now are put. but M. Four alll was unwilling to surrender control of hi" own property. As General Bar rail offer to assist In the operation of the railways, leaving Greek control un questioned, the government la only too glad to accept" 'What about hunting down Austro- Gertnan submarines In Greek territorial waters?" asked the Interviewer. That torches our sovereignty." re piled the premier. "We protest to the world, especially to America, also a neutral, that we cannot aanctlon viola tions of our territory. Hut what can we doT We have only a small navy and a vast coast line. We can only protest. What we want to avoid, what w shall avoid Is, ssoaclatlng Grece with the uncertain outcome of the war. Had we Joined the allies last spring, when w were urged, today we would have to bear the bulk of the coat ot the failure of the Oalllpoll venture. Had we Joined at the Inception of the Austro-German- nulaarian attack on Serbia, we wouia now be bearing a large part of the prloe In blood and devastation of the ervahlng of the Berblans. "By following Ihe two principles we stand fcy es governing Greece's foreign policy, we have been saved these two disasters. We should continue to follow thehm. for In them Is our only salvation." AUSTRIAN SUBSEA SHELLS U. S. OILER Tanker Petrolite Fired on by Sub marine and One Man of Crew Is Wounded. HIS INJURIES ARE NOT SERIOUS DILI.KTIW. . . ROME, Dec 7. The American oil steamer Ootnmunlpaw ha been aunk by a submarine in the Mediter ranean near Tobruk, Tripoli. No In formation haa been received con cernlng the crew or the nationality tf the submarine. v WASHINGTON, Deo. 0. Word from the cruiser Dea Molnea waa received today at the Navy department that the Ameri can boat sending the O, 8. call out last Saturday off Crete was the Standard Oil tanker Petrolite, which waa fired on, presumably by an Austrian submarine. One man waa wounded, advloe atatad. The Patrollte, - an American vassot, sailed from New York November 7 for Alexandria, Egypt It passed Gibraltar November tl. The oontenla of the mes sage were communicated by the Navy to the State department.' .. . ' The message made no mention ef dam age to the steamer nor did It give the nationality of the man Injured, but said the Injuries were slight The dispatch from the Dea Molnea came from Cananea, Island of Crete, and reported that the following message had been picked up Sunday: "American ateamahlp Petrolite, Alex andria to New York attacked by a sub marine this (Sunday) morning at longitude S2.K north, latitude 10.1 west One man not seriously Injured." The commander of tha cruiser said he had obtained from the commander of tha Petrolite the additional information that the submarine whloh attacked the Amer ican steamer flew the Austrian flag and "Looked Ilka a big cruiser." Tha men who waa wounded waa struck by a fragment of an explosive ahell fired from the submarine. Tha attack took place aooui sag miles weai oc Aiexanana we and ot the Rise in Stocks Follows Reading of Wilson's Message NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Publication of the president's message was followed by fur ther strengthening of tha stock market. United States Steel led the movement by a rise from Its early price of S6 to UM. Railroads and other Investment shares also hardened perceptibly. The auggestlon of President Wilson In his annual message to congress today that pig Iron and finished steel be taxed 16 cents a ton doea not appear to worry steel manufacturers her. They figure, aa it waa stated In their behalf today, that even it the Us la enforced It wUI mean little aa compared with present enormous profits. Some do not believe such a tax can be made lawful. On an estimated annual production today of 58,000.000 tons of pig iron, and 34,000.000 tons of finished forms, the pro posed tax would net the government $18,' OuO.OOO in revenue. Stell mill operations are about normal now, however, and th revenue la thought more likely to bring S14.000.000 on an estimated annual pro duction of 30,000,000 pig iron tone and n,000,(XiO of finished steel. OWNER OF BURNING AUTO IS MISTAKEN FOR THIEF YANKTON, S.'D., Dev. 7. (Special.) When the auto of Julius Dahl caught fire and burned up. east of tha city, Dahl rsn to a nearby farm house for help, Borne railroad men seeing Dahl run. started a man hunt, thinking he had atolen the car. Police offlcera Joined la the search, which ended when Dahl re turned from town with aa insurano agent and proved the car was his own. a arc a Ilrdlcatloa Postponed. MOUNT AYR. la.. Dec 7. (Special.) The dedication of the new First Baptist church, announced for last Sunday, was postponed until next Sunday on account of the death of J. A. Stephenson, a promt ncnt member vt the congregation. WILL ATTEMPT TO CRUSH ARMIES OF ALLIES JN GREECE Bulgarians and Germans Will Man Forces Against the British and , French Troops Now in Macedonia. TEUTONS HURRY SOUTHWARD They Hope to Strike Decisive Blow " Before Reinforcements Can Reach Saloniki. BOMBARDMENTS IN FRANCI BERLIN, Dec. 1 (Via. London.) The war office announced today last the French forces in southwest ern Serbia, near the Vardar river, have been compelled to retreat Th capture of Ipek, Montenegro, also It . announced. LONDON, Dec. 7. The campaign against the main Serbian armies hav ing been closed, it is expected Gen-. eral Von Gallwlts with bis German, forces will join the Bulgarians in . Macedonia in an effort to crush the Prench and British armies before tney become much stronger. Information from Berlin indicates, that the German forces engaged in the earllsr movements In the Balkans have now been detached for the pur pose sharing in the attack oh tho Franco-British forces along tho southern Macedonian front. Dis patches from Athens partly corrobor ated this theory, as it is reported two German divisions are co-operating with the Bulgarians near Strumitsa. Bombardments la frase. There is little to report from the other fronts save the usual minor operations. The French, however, are carrying on a particularly energetic bombardment ot the German linea In Champaigns. In Mes opotomls, the Germans are beginning to ahow considerable Interest in the cam-' palgn which Is developing In favor of tho Turkish allies. It la reported from Geneva that the Germans under Field Marshal Von Der Go Its are preparing an extensive campaign which will be directed toward tha Persian gulf by way of Bagdad. Imaetaa to Peace Telle Further Impetus Is glvan to peaea talk: by the papal consistory, at which Pope Benedict delivered an address calling upon tha belligerents to make a Just and Immediate peace. ' ' ' The effect of the dismissal of tho Ger man- military and naval attaches at Washington en tha German public' la not ascertainable as yet as tha German newspaper have not been permitted to publish even tha bar facta of tha In cident. Oreeee Play tag; for Time. PARIS, Deo. T. The Athena corres pondent of the Matin In a dispatch rela tive to the attitude of Greece toward the entente powers, saysi The government is simply playing for time, hoping that the entente allies will be forced to tha aea by the Austro-Ger- mans and Bulgara. It would be found In week or so that an agreement be tween the Greek and the allied ataffa cannot be reached and that tha govern ment will declare tha, notwithstanding Greece's traditional good will toward the entente powers, It cannot acoed to their demands." Tha correspondent affirms that tha only effective course Is to apply a blockade to Greece, and adds: It wlU be all th mora fruitful In re sults since popular discontent with the royal policy la growing: perceptibly. It tha elections had been held three weeka ago tha Veniselos party would have been beaten, but now, notwithstanding th extraordinary conditions under which they will be held, he la likely to get a majority. A blockade not only would starve th population, but would ruin tha mercantile marine, Greece's sol source of wealth. Consequently th gen- ' eral publto la deeply agitated and busi ness circles are anxious." Arson Conspiracy Cases Called for Trial at St. Louis ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Dec 7.-Trlal of th so-called arson conspiracy cases, in which nine well known men are Involved, waa begun In circuit court her today. It waa decided to try Jo'ntly Harold O. Qllmore, president of th Gllmoro-Bonfig Decorating company; Harry C. Imel. sec retary to Ollmore. and Julius R. Bench, vie president of an Insurance agency. Selection of tha Jury waa then begun. All three men are under indictment In connection with til alleged conspiracy to burn the plant of the Gilmore-Bocflg Decorating company, which waa de stroyed by fir on July U. HIS. Th other cases will com up later. The Day's War News GERMAN PARTICIPATION aa a large scale fa th Meaoaotaaala rampalga possible, aeoardlaer reporta veaeklagr Swltaerlaad. GENERAL WAR COUNCIL, af th a teat allies I kelaar eoattaaed -. Parle aader th p-raeldaaey af Geaeral Joffro, th Kreaeh eom-maader-la-chlef. distrust ok Greece atiae t b expressed by th preaa af tha aateat wve, aatably by Kreaeh -a itallaa aOTaaaara ACCORDING TO REPORTS threaah Ilollaad . th tiermaa 11 aea la Praae aad Belglem hava bee a heavily rvlaforvea wlthla the last fartalahl. REASSEMBLING OF th Raaalaa Osais, aet for December IK, baa keea ladeflaltely paetaoaed by aa Imperial rescript.