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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1915)
TIIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1913. 5 OMAHA'S BUSINESS GROWSJTEADILY Great Activity Shown in All tinei Collectioni Are Also Much Better. ALL INDICATIONS BRIGHTEB November business In . practically 11 retatl lines In Omaha was better than November business last year. Collections In the last sixty days have been coming In with much less effort than they did a year ago at tils time. Early Christmas shopping has been much more in evidence during the week Just closed than during the opening week of Christmas shopping last year. About 25 per cent more people opened accounts In the stores. In Omaha In November . than last November. These are some of the facts observed from the offlcs ct the Associated Retail ers of Omaha. Thi increase in the num ber of accounts opened Is taken as a food Indication, for. as the secretary of the Associated Retailers says: "We investi gate the cases before ve open accounts and know that these people are all good. It Is not a matter of people opening ac counts because they do not have ready money, but It Is a matter of new people establishing their credit In the city." Jewelry Bnilnrm Better. The Jewelry business has shown a nice increase in November. The Jewelry busi ness has been picking up steadily ever etnee July, and Jewelers In general In the city are now doing a - wholesome Christmas business. The condition of the retail business In Omaha, the marked Increase especially In the Jewelry trade, the early Chrlstmaa chopping, and other Indications, together with the especial facility of collections for the last sixty days, is looked upon by all business men as a fine tribute to the prosperous condition of Omaha and Ne braska at this time. To this condition In the retail trade may be added the fuct that wholesale implement dealers of Omaha have also Just announced a greater percentage of cash collections than In previous years. This, too. Is taken as a pulse of the busi ness condition In the rural communities of Omaha's trade territory. The building trades, too, are sttrl espe cially active In Omaha. Added to the fact that Omaha is doing a particularly large amount of building at present. Is the fact that Ideal weather conditions have continued through an unusually long period of fall and winter for build ing operations. This has kept the build ing trades people busy and has kept money in circulation among them and the labor element In general. Real Estate Business Healthy. Real estate, though not actually boom ing, has kept up a good healthy tone of activity, and the confidence In prop erty values is repeatedly shown by the readiness with which investors snap up pieces of ground In almost any part of the city at an executor's sale, or any other occasion on which numerous tracts are thrown on the market suddenly to be closed out hit or miss at onoe. Upon such occasions, men with money will be found on the ground ready to bid, and bid high on anything that has pros pects. This waa strikingly demonstrate again last 8aturday a an executor's ale at the court house, where competi tion was keen for a lot of miscellaneous tracts offered In the settlement of the iffalrs of an estate. Arthur Hauser to Be Arraigned for Killing of Smith Arthur Hauser. accused of killing W. H. Smith, Woodmen of the World cashier, will be arraigned on a charge of first Jegree murder today, according to County Attorney Magney. Edward Rooney of the firm of Curtis, Mole, Rooney & Crosaley of Topeka, of wh'.ch United Btatcs Senator Curtis is the senior member, has arrived In Omaha to take care of Mauser's interests when he Is arraigned. He was retained by Mauser's relatives, he said. Postofficc Timepiece Again Has Fallen Off the Water Wagon IHOYETOPAYE ROADS OF COUNTY The poor old postofflce dock fell off the water wagon again Sunday evening. At 7:40 It solemnly struck eight, caus ing several swains to arrive at the home of their best girls before the b. g.'e had donned their fur-topped shoes and their peudre de la nose. At 8 40 or thereabouts It struck the hour of and preachers within hearing hurried their sermons to a premature close. Between 10 and 11 p. m. the clock struok twice and then was silent till after mid night to make up for It. Shortly after dawn mechanics pried and hammered It Into Some semblance of sobriety so that It ran correctly all morn ing. Several months ago the cure was ad ministered to the so-called timepiece with the result that It could always be depended on to be within five or ten min utes of the right time. While "Billy" Sunday was here It seemed to keep straight. Custodian McCune says he thlnks"an egg ought to be broken Into the works." This Is about the only thing that ha never been tried. The general opinion Is that whoever made the clock may have known how to make wheelbarrows or other machinery, but not clocks. Even the dial is a Joke, with the quarter hour marVed clear across the face so that they look like hands, giving the clock the blsarre appearance of having six hands. At night the Illumination behind the glass dials Is so faint that It is im possible to tell the time from a distance of a block. But as the clock seldom register the right time the fact that the dial can't be seen Is no great hardship. If people want to know the time, let 'em carry watches. The Jewelers say business is booming anyway. Held Up and Robbed on North Sixteenth Two armed men held up Clarence Oant, 2K24 Ersklne street, near Sixteenth and Davenport . streets, about midnight Sun day. They removed $12 In cash . and a watch from their victim. COL CODY SPENDS A FEW HOURS HERE ON SUNDAY Mrs. Anne E. Burnett entertained at dinner Sunday for Mrs. Harrison and daughter, Winifred, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Brooks f Kansas City and Colonel William F. Cody and Major William Mc Cune. Colonel Cody was In Omaha but a few hours, being enroute from Denver to Chicago, where he goes to make ar rangement for hlii show for next year. He visited for a few, minutes with old friends BURLINGTON LOSS AND DAMAGE BUREAU MEETS Officials of the Burlington railroad aro in Omaha for a meeting of the loss and damage bureau of the road. Attending the conference are I B. Allen, assistant general manager. - Chicago; W. V. Tbeihoff, superintendent at Lincoln; E. E. toung, superintendent at Alliance; J, 9V. Newell, auditor of freight and ticket iccounts, Chicago, who la In charge of the loss and damage bureau. ROWS AND DAUGHTERS TRY TO BREAK WILL IN COURT Sons and daughters of Mrs. Bridget Gahagan, who were cut off by her will from Inheriting any nart of her estate. are attempting to break the wilt in a salt In District Judge Estelle's court. The will left the entire estate, valued at about 15,000 to Mrs. Gahagan's daugh ter. Mrs. Cecelia Carter. Nine other grown children are interested in the suit RESIDENTS OBJECT TO SALOON ON WEST CENTER Hearing of protests against the grant ing of a saloon license of P. W. Robbing, IK1T Center street, was set by the county board for Monday morning. Petitions opposing the saloon were signed by 114 residents of the neighbor hood. Their request that no license be tfsued, probably will be granted, it was taid. UNLT ONE SMALTPOX CASE DURING NOVEMBER The health department furnished the following comparative figures of conta gious diseases reported: November. October. , rcariei lever . 7 eh Dtptherla 31 Ui Measles ( 9 Typhoid fever ....... 1 Small pox 1 ' j Chicken pox 13 The Hct Mrdlriae tor each. The first dose of Dr. Kina's K th covery helps your cough, soothes throat 'Jet a bottle today. 60c All druggists Advertisements. at the Merchants hotel, where he stopped for the last twenty-five years. ELEVEN HUNDRED AUTO PILOT PERMITS ISSUED Superintendent Kngel of the police department has issued 1.100 chauffeur permits this year. Timely Illata on Over Kattna. Christmas, New Year's and other feast days cause many disturbed digestions. The stomach and bowels should not be permitted to remain clogged up. for In digestion and constipation are often fol lowed by serious diseases, resulting from undigested poisonous wakte matter. Foley Cathartic Tablets should be In every home, ready for use. No griping; no un pleasant after effect. Relieve distress after eating, regulate bowels, sweeten stomach and - tone up the liver. Sold everywhere. Advertisement. Macadam ii to Be Replaced by Brick Two Million (or rating and Grading. COMMERCIAL' BODIES B00STINQ The County board has passed reso lution submitting to the voters at the primary election of April 18 bond Issues aggregating $2,000,000 for the Improvement of public roads In Douglas county. The vote for the resolution was unanimous, all the commissioners Lynch, Best, McDonald, Harte and O'Connor ibelng present. The pro-, posal was Initiated more than one year ago, following conferences be tween representatives of the Com mercial club, and other Omaha or ganisations, with county commis sioners. According to the resolutions the pro ceeds of 1.W0 bonds of a par value of $1,000 each will be expended for paving DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD Uet a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea. or as the German folks call m xiamoura-er urust Tnee, at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon It pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time, it Is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as It opens the pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It Is Inexpensive and entirely vegetable. therefore harmless. Advertisement. A "For Eale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into caab. his a I ill . MS: kw 7 Junior w mm u b rf mi - - ,m -v. w The Best Christmas Present Ever Kemmgton Typewriter No Christmas gift could be more acceptable; none more practical;' none more useful.. To the small boy or girl it will be a delight and an education all in one. , t Think of his having his own typewriter and wrtttng his own letters , just like his elders. Think of the educational value of the type- ' writer. The machine is the sworn enemy of bad spelling, careless punctuation and faulty grammar. Its plain print makes all mistakes so obvious that the child learns to see them and correct them. Accuracy and orderliness are the laws enforced by the typewriter, and these qualities become habitual with those who typewrite. To the young man or woman, the value of the type writer is obvious. To many it means a livelihood. To many more it means a good extra in come. , Copying work pays well, and there is plenty of it to be had. To all it means a neat, convenient, rapid, time-saving method of writing. Of all typewriters, the new Remington Junior makes the most acceptable Christmas gift Because it is small, light and portableideal for the home. T V M-i-j Because it is simple anyone can operate it. No lessons needed. Because it is a Remington. Its name describes it exactly. It is only half the size of the standard Remington, and sells for half the price but it carries the iron clad Remington guarantee, and has all the famous Remington qualities. It is swift, 6trong and durable. It writes with standard Remington type on paper of standard size and no more perfect typewriting is possible on any writing machine. Write to us for illustrated descriptive booklet or else call at our office, and let us show you this new fifty dollar Remington. A demonstration will convince you that this is the ideal Christmas Gift. Remington -Typewriter Company Incorporated 201-3 So. 19th St., Omaha, Neb. Phono Douglas 1284. and the proceed of Km bonds of the same value w.ll be used for grading roads. Dans already made, It wss said. In clude the paving of miiny miles of counly roads with brick, Including all the high ways which now are surfare.l with macadam. Ta t ie nrlek. Prick paving Is now imea almost ex Muslvely for the Improvement of county roads. Chairman Harte of the roads committee ef the board declare. It la the most economical and durable material for the purpose. The "public paving t.omle" and the "grading bonds," a they are named In the board's resolutions, will be of a uniform par value of (1,000 each, will draw v, per cent Interest and will be payable In thirty years. If the oters approve them. The levying of tsxes to provide a sinking fund Is authorised by the resolutions. A special election for the vote on Iho bonds will be called, which will be held at the same time as the next primary election, April IS. The bond Issues, It Is understood, will have the support of the Commercial club and hianjr other local organisations. WHARTON COMPLIMENTED ON P0ST0FFICE GAINS J. Z. Miller. Jr.. federal reserve agent, lit charge of the federal reserve bank at Kansas City, haa written a letter to John O. Wharton, Omaha p"master. congratulating him on the splemlld show ing of the Omaha postofflce receipts for November. These receipts showed an in crease of nearly 20 per cent over those of November. 1914. UNION PACIFIC BUYS BIG ORDER OF RED CROSS SEALS Charles Wsre. general manager of the t nlon raelfle, haa purchased J. 600 Red Cross Chrletmss seals and will place trte tamps on all railroad correspondence as long as the supply lasta. The sale to tue t nlon reelfle Is the first big sale the local committee has made to an Omaha concern. To Ward Off Winter Complexion Ills To keep the face smooth, white and beautiful all winter, there'a nothing flulte so good as ordinary mercollsed w. Itniixh. chapped or discolored skin, In evltnhle in thin weather. Is gently sl mried by the wsx and replaced by th newer, fresher skin henenth. The fsce exhibits no trace of the wsx, the latter brlns applied at bedtime and waahed off mornings. Creams, powders and rouses, on the other hand, are apt to appear con spicuous at this season, because of al ternating expansion and contraction ol the skin, due to changing temperatures. I advise yon try this simple treatment. Oet an ounce or mercollsed wax at snv drug More and use like cold cream. This will help any akin at once, and In a week or so the complexion will look remark ahlv youthful and heathy. Winds and flying dust often cause squinting; and other contortions which make wrinkles. You eon quickly get rid ef every wrinkle however produced, by Using a harmless fare bath made by dis solving 1 os. powdered saxollte In H pt. witch haxel. Advertisement. READ THE BEE WANT ADS .I A e& iiii.iaV .,- xC V Msi I LEAF LARB TOP LAB wrtflflM fiHUaSp . "Simon Pore" laHffSHIJi la to much rcrWthat it rax MffUlIlBlBV third farther than ordinary shortening. Hill Bill0 rOT deep fat frying. It forma a crust almost Instantaneously. H Ji This keep the fat from soaking in. And it weald be practically Imnoaaible to make heavy cake or peetry with "Himoo Pure." W retain - r - r . . . - . - the delicacy and richoeaa by packing It in air-tlc&i AtM t AW cose of "Simon Prnm," 9ttly (A tag etJU Armmmt Vtxrucr inn thm Orof Lablth argsuf sMMeft Hrm rasjAa tk pick ecA of tkm Armomr preatecta. lWr (JWs mark, yom'U rW StmrStodmut Hmm Drvmikh Farm Smamg Star Baetn Armr' Ona Jma Chvtrtum Btttrr OlMmmrgmrint md rvtr JM KUXhT CannU Ffdl ADMOUR CV CO Mi PAHV Kebt. Bndati. Mrr.. 13th and Jonse BHs. ' Seng. 10". W. X.. Wilkinson. Mgr., astfc and Q Its. Tel. Bo. 174a SiiBlgigggggllil i ii ii ISSElglgBBilllSlll Low IFsnpesi OTLUtUfrl VIA Chicago, r.lllwaukoo & St. Paul Railway Reduced rate, round trip winter excursion tickets on sale dally to many points in the South . and Southeast. Nevr Orleans $tl.lfl I Augusta, Ga. fifi'.TS I Havana. Cuba $ST.18 Tamp. FU $02.28 Talm llCAch 69.18 Charleston. 8. C. ...... 30.68 niloxi, Miss .941.18 Mobile, Ala. ...$41.18 Gulfport, Miss ....$11.18 Jacksonville, FIan via, direct routes $00.68 Jacksonville, Kla., Tin New Orleana In one direction $01.08 Jacksonville, Kla-, vlu Washington In one direction. $01.00 Liberal stopovers allowed. Other attractive diverse route tickets on sale, hIbo delightful tours to the West Indies, Panama Canal and South America. Four daily trains provide service of the well known high standard of the "Milwaukee" Road and afford good connections at Chicago for all points South and East. Let us help you plan your winter trip. W. E. COCK, C. P. A.y C, M. & Qt. P. Ry.,1317 Farnam Gt.f Omaha Neb. Arnti for All BUni..hlp Unas. Matt The aving Bank Way Is a very good way to save money, but you will never grow rich, on what your money will earn for you at 3 or 4 per annum. The same money invested in good residence lots in Omaha, would in a very few years yield you several times the above rate. Good lots can be purchased in almost any part of the city, with a small cash payment down and tho balance in small monthly amounts. In a short time, you will have your lot paid for, together with tho increase in value, which is sure to come on all well located property in Omaha. Omaha is today ono of the most prosperous cities in the country; bank clearings are climbing higher each week ; wholesale and retail business is growing faster than ever before in the history of the city. The live stock and grain market is the envy of our competitors. New skyscrapers are going up all around us. Can you watch these developments going on each day and ques tion what the profit will be in Omaha Keal Estate f Values are going to increase, and today is the time to buy before the advance is made in the price. You can keep yourself fully informed by closely following tho Real Estate columns of Tho Omaha Bee the best offers are always made in The Bee. Everybody reada Bee "Want Ads. . The Omaha Bee ' Telephone Tyler 1000. J)