Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1915, Image 10
TTIE BEE: OMATIA, DECEMBER , 1915. WANT ADS Want ads received at anv lime, but to naure pmwr classification must he p re nted before 11 o clock not n for evening "dlllnn and T 16 vi m for innrnlllt una Sunday editions. Want aria received after T the heading, 'Too Late to Classify." CAFH RATES. -even consecutive iluiea, 1 cent a word, M'h insertion. Two or mora consecutive time. l'a rents word. One time, 1 rent a wort. CHAPOE RATES. Fere. consecutive times. I cents a lino each insertion. Three consecutive timet, 10 cents ft Una each Insertion. One time, 13 cent ft line. Count six average word to ft I'ne. Minimum charge. 30 cenla. An advertisement Inaerted to be run until discontinued muet be Hopped by written order. All claims for errora rnuat ba made within fifteen days after the laat Inser tion of the advertisement. Ton ran place your want ad In The Beo by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. CARD Or THAIIKI. We wlah to expreas our slncera thanks to the friends and neighbors, Wi lodge 183, M. W. of A. camp 120, for their kindness extended and sympathy shown by the beautiful floral offering at the death of our beloved husband, father and brother. Mrs. P. W. Kendell, Mrs. A. Sandbar and family, Mrs. C. A. Johnson and femliv. Mr. George Kendell and fam ily. Mrs. H. W. Kendell and family, Mrs. Axel Kendell and family. DEATHS AND FUNERAL MOTICEfl HART-Uo, sr.. ago 81 years. Remain will lie In state at Iteafey't chapel, 2th and Farnam Bis., until Tues day, At 4 p. m., will be at residence. ISO) S. 13th St. Funeral Wednesday, t p. m. Burial St. Mary a cemetery. BIRTHS AKD IIRATHS. nirths Henry and Katherlna Bchmldt. 4M1 North Seventeenth, boy; Carl and Florence Welnol. WO South F.lghteenth, ooy; Fred and taiay Campbell, 8M0 D ratur, boy; Alflo and Coucetta Maaxltl, iui South Thirteenth, boy; Herman and Johanna Muenater. Thirteenth and Paul, Srtrl; Lloyd and Anna Thomas, W21 Chi cago, boy; Floyd I,. and Mabel B. r-'xawn. 4116 North Twenty-ninth, boyi I JL and Nellie Burnett. 2WS Franklin, boy; F. T. and M. Pollack. t'W Oordon, boy; Maurice and Loretta Peters. 26M J'lerce, girl; Fred and Sebastian Poles, 422 Hickory, girt. Deaths-Mrs. J. H. Wright, M, 60 Che rago; Anna Mahlstedt, (4. Twenty-eee-ond and Howard; Ludwlg Ramtow, p2, 4638 Marcy; Minnie W. Oraeck. 6. 1401 CVnrby; Oslaa Cornbleth, 81, li North (Nineteenth; P. William Kendall, 19, 21U Bo. Twenty-fifth avenue; Iotitsa Brlege mann, 60, hospital; Patrick J. Connors, 4. 13 Bouth Twenty-fifth i Helen B, Cuming, 23. ZiM Bouth Twenty-fourth. MARRIAGE) LICTNIEI. License to wed have been Issued to the following: Name and Residence, Age. Oarmelo I-egmra, Omaha M Otuseppa Dlstefano, Omaha IB U IS n u Jfarry Cook. Council Bluffs Verdla Snufrln. Council Bluffs James R. Peel, Indianapolis, Ind.. Alloa M. Beta, Sioux City BUILDING PERMIT. W. T. Oraham. $10-11 Bouth Nineteenth, repairs, tl.ftO; Mn Campbell, 115 Boutl Twenty-fourth, frame dwelling, $2.4on; B. A. I-arson. 4311 Patrtck avenue, frame dwelling, tl.OU); Piles P. Woolf. 1502-4-$ Cass, addition, 16.000. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Dawatowm. EMPRESS, 15TH AND DOUGLAS. Jlearst-8tlg No. 93. "Ag the Twig Is Bent." S-reel Lubln. "Ixst and Law," Vltagraph. "Th Lonedi Operator, Blograph. t'RlNCiCHa, TiTrn. kotreLAiC "Film Tempo," clever comedy-dram taken from Charles T. Van Ixian's story In the Saturday Kvenlng 1'oat In four a 01. "The Ilttle Captain of tha Soouta," I reels. "'String Onions," strong comedy. North. GRAND. 1TH AND BINNEY, ti the Hands of tha Enemy, I-r. drama, rifting. Urama The Fighting Four, com., featuring Geo. Obey. Wutual Weekly No. 47. LOTHKOf, 24TH AND LOTHUOP. paramount presents "Tha Typhoon," Walter Whiteside's most auouessful stage play. oath. APPOLO. SI24 LEAVENWORTH. - h. r.,.) Sollg. W et. MONROE, J555 FARNAM "n Bitter Creek," featuring Fttffar Jones. "The Uil1ed Cage," with Ruth Slonehouee. R'dney lrw In "Professor's Painless 'ure " soatk IMt, BKSSE. 24TH 4 N "The Oodduss,' Chapter one, I-reel Vlta- Siap.t. Mutual Weekly. Misiaka of Mammy Lou, Pranty lt. LMstreaa. ian to 11 in. two reels." "J4TH "AK MOVIES FEATURES TODAY a.s BESfE 'The Goddess.' I4TII AND N, Chapter 1. 1STH AND BlNNlT GRAND, 'Seventh Noon.' acts. I master picture In five LOTiiltOP. 14TH AND LOTHROP. Paramount aresenta "Tha Typhoon.' TiirriRNAin C. Aubrey Smith and Mary Lawtoa John O'Ade'e Honor. In PRiNOK.SS. 'Film Tempo," 11 17-1 DOUGLAS. 4 acts, comedy-drama. AXXOCSfCEMEVrS )..f h' ifft AT r.M.t:.A. Uuelneaa men. fcue Mouey. Uuiaa aiuUtter. Htd TZA. CHlROPRACTir, spinal adltiatment. I tirt euccaaf .illy reiouve the cauee of y smnatlm. IHer. alotrMCh. paralysis, I trv iui-M and female weaknesses. Ea- DlT W. "lL KNOLLENBEItQ. fcalts Cl Le Bldg, Tyler 1M4, ANNOUNCEMENTS lady's SoalakTa Coat ror sale; size W, full length, genuine Alaska seel, finest quality, excellent con dition, left from an estate; will go at a bargain. CmM nt PETF.RR TRI'fT CO., 1C2 Farnsm. Lease For Sale on two offices nicely located on second floor of The Bee Building Inquire of tha Superintendent, Room 103. AUTOMORI LES Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they ar getting you will bava no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car column of The Bee. Phone Tyler lOnO, FOR SALE at bargain iT'taken at once. 40-H. P. Wane roadster. In good running condition. Phone tai. hi B. Main St.. Council Bluffs, la. $004) MILES of mileage In your old Urea (Rebuilt). Bend tnam to DUO TIKE CO.. iui i nicago :i fndustrlnl Oarage Co., 20 Harney Sts. NEBRASKA Bulcg Service btatlun. 11 Farnam St Phone Itouglas 771. AUTO, clearing house. Huy, sell and ea change d ears fo emam P. Jlit tide REWARD for any magneto we can't repair Oolls repd Paysdorfer. J10 N. 1Mb. BRUSH runabout, cheap. Omaha Con crete Stone Co.. 28th and Hehler St. Telephone Colfax 888. BUSINESS CHANCES If your Business Chance will stand rigid investigation and Is Just what It la advertised, or if you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy. Ing or selling a business Phone Tyler 10"0. I'll KA'f KK8 Huy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Kxch. Co.. 14n Farnam. 1. 1K97. BEST opportunity In town fur Uie right party. Tailoring, cleaning and preening, eetaMlahment for sale. Call Red 48M. OffICB for real estate or inauranoa; same floor as Bee office; Uxtl feet; ttt. The Be Bldg., Crtflce Boom lilt. TO SKIvI. or buv a bualneea, Rusch A Borghoff. Frenser Blk. call on I), ttlt. Office For Real Estate or Insurance Same floor as Beo Office The Bee Building . Office Room 103 pool. HALL, for sale: six first-class ta- blea; the only pool hall allowed In the town of Frankfort, Kan.i I cents per cue; no chips; license expires April, IRIS; rea son for selling I have bought 475 acres of isna ann am going to the land. J, It Keith, Frankfort, Kan. ASK for my Heal Kelate Bulletin. It Includes largest and best list of bar- gains In Si states. W. Q. templeton. MM lee maa. ,600.00 stock of dry goods for sale cheap; no trade: must ba cash; stock must be m.iuvuu. "me v-ieinenia at CO., iyons, Neh owners. TO OKT In or out of business call on OANQKWAD, iti Bee Bldg loug. tfrt. ER Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In eetabllahed ahowa r IM LIST your Business with" me foe oulnic reeuuaj ouy, sen and exrnanga. 11ELIABL.H BARGAIN CO.. Room I, Ualrd Bldg. Tel. Douglag W20. 17TH AND OOITOI.AM RTS Local, man aokr wantkd Weil tabllnhed Illinois manufacturer ilealres state manager; man of ability and char acter; product protected by patent: high ciass; sold to mercantile trade; repeater; party meeting our requirements must be able to deposit 5U0 on goods, which will be returned later on sales; minimum an nual lnoome K.OOO to I7.0U0 should be ss- sured. President of the company will be here In day or two. For Interview, ad dre.a. giving phone. L. W. Hags. Home Hotel, Omaha. OMA newspaper in central Nebraska town over 7u0. for sale rlvht. Clears owner better than 1160 jer month. Terms on part. Write Y 161. Bee. HeMtmlaat llaueea tor Rale, Ff-AT of T rooms for sale. t200 Farnam. U. 6V44. EDUCATIONAL Tho VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. lay School for Young Woman. Evxnlng fcthool for Young Man and Women. Saturday morning class la typewriting, lone C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. ' y R. ISth PU Omaha. DAY HCHOOU BOYL.ES UOI.UEOB. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every dav is enrollment day. Book keeping. Shoriisnd. Sienotypy. Typewrit ing, Telegraphy. Civil fcervice All Com murcuU and English breach e a i Catalogue tree. BOTL.K8 rULLEtlR, Ulh and Harney tola. Tel. Dounlas If06. FOR ale, tha following scholarships la a first-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited etenogrsphtc course. One three-months' business or atano graphic course. v nt oe aoia at a aiaooum at ins ornce of The Omaha Bee. STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aa, wun good reasons for selling, variety of courses lu a reliable Busi ness SchooL one of the leading bua.naaa oollegee of Ontaha. Will be sold very r-asutiable away below regular price. It you are considering taking a course Investigate this at once, since Fall term brains soon, call ornce. Omaha Bee. FOH BALE l HMHHtb, . BAT.OAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 139 N. 4TH. WER 1A?J TTUNITURE. draperies, dtahes. cooking st. lovig. 4;7. FTTriilture for sale chespTTva Cuuiing. Barnburner, good as new, ohrap. DTeiiieT FoK SALh: I'lano, heating stove and range. Phone South 71. PoH fcAl.E Here Is a clusifUaliou thai Is of the utmost Importance to avarv reader, as this column offers some excep tional opportunities every dsy anj a small want ad will sell your article at Its full value. Phone Tyler Lot llORTON hand wash machine, small gas heater and feather bed; all in good con dltlon. Tel. Harney 14,1. 1 lot, If a bought and sold. J. C. Reed, HORSES AND TEHICLKB. FARM wagon, 140; harness )30: both new. Johmsun-Danforlh Co., 14th and Clark Streets. rOlLTHl A . D rKT STOCK. MXD grain. 10 lbs. 11.75. Wagner. 8U N.l. bl KHr OTVl'E matrices make the beet and cheapest lining tor poultry houses. They are l.iil inches, stronger and more durable than tarred frit and practically fireproof. 7lo a hundred at The llee office. Tl rKeklTtlti. REIJANCB Ribbon and Carbon Co.. car boo paper and Inked ribbons D. l-'4. TTPEWHli hK lor rem i Hee Hiig T Ph. A hITs.Kd sold, reuied, repairaO. Central Tipewriter Kse. Warnam. MlSt ELL A .t but I. Coal I baskets delivered, tl. 9. Rosen UaL lul Laaveuwortb XX liL yon balk Ml AC KI.LANEOI a. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and ncceaeurlea; bar fixtures of ail kinds; eeay paymenta. The Rrunawlck-Balke-Collrnder Co., 407-4.4) 8. 10th St. FOH HAt I-V-New and aecond-hand carom and pocket .billiard tables snd bowling leys snd accessories; bar fixtures of all Inds; eeay payments. The Brunswick- iwiKe ix.iif-nnr 4117-409 S. loth St. Wales sdd. roach.; good condl. (;.V, Hee. FOR, 8AI.B or trade, cne Avery li-ii raa or kerosene tractor and three bot tom plows, with sclf-gulde; all In good shape; a snap for soma one. A. W. Tiesd lee. Silver Creek. Neb. New Second-hand motors, dynsmos. magnetos, etc., mechanical renatra. l,a Bron Electrlo Works 31-2n S. 12th St. o 2 electrlo motor. Honm t, Ix-e Hlilg. OO OA Oolden West Wh quarts bottled In r,,iv pa d. Cackley Br. hlsky. 4 full bond, pre- roe.. Omaha. FOH SAI.K I HKAP. Business College Course. Full and complete ai-hnlsrshlp In one of the best Orraha bualneea schools. Oood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but wll be sod very reasonaby. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. Imported French Cut Glass From Portleux, France. I Cut Glass Iecanter. t $1.80 1 Six Olnaaofi, f 2 50 Former Price 14.80. Other barralna for fhlrstmas buyers. HOTEL, KOUIPMENT CO., 19H oward St. f KEIIF.SEH monkeya. big and h-althy. t28 for 1. or 115 for one. C. H. Sornsen, 1018 I ou gla a St., Om a ha. Neb. LADIFfl' electrio seal coat; good oondl tlon. Tel. Harney 3472. HKLP W'NTEll FKMALR tLKRICAL AJfD OFFICE. STFNOQRArHKR STKNO I'LEKK PI I.I, CI,ERK $ 4 I HK I ANO AUKNCT, W HER BIjIW, MO K K KRPRR anr', office clerk, MOO. Bookkeeper and cashier. $4rt.0f WATTS UKF CO., K Brandeis Theater. . FACTOR!" AM THAUGS. QIRT, to learn halrdreaslrg, Oppenhelm. FIFTEEN power machine operators In heck tie dept. Smith-Lock wood Mfg. Co.. 13th and Castelnr fits. UOHKiTlll. THE Servant Olrl problem Solved. Ths Bee will run a Bervant Olrl Wanted Ad FREF! until you get tha desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler lAW. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care for small child; one attending school half day preferred. Phone Harney 7fi6. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; fsmlly of 2; good wsges; must be good cook and neat; nice room end private beth. Hsr. 4iV.2. 100J 8. 3th. WANTElf-OIrl for aenerai housework and cooking; no washing; small family. Oood wegoa. 131 So iwth St. liar. 21 :M. WANTED Maid for seneral houaework, Mrs. Charles Hlch, Capitol. Wsl. 82-it. MIDDLE-AO ED lady to help with light housework and to be companion for an elderly lady; Just one In tue family; no wages expecte'i. weu. nsn. I.4 orann. WANTED A girl for general housework, Mrt Harney. II. tm. WANTED Middle aged lady for ge: ?ral housework. I In tamilv. Douglas 4611. BiX PERIENC'ED girl for general house work, rood cook. Harney 741. WANT ED Olrl for general housework; small family. 720 Mill St., Co. Bluffs. Fhone 176. WANTED-Girl for general housework; amall family: small house. Call Sun day at 111 N. 10th St. WANTED An experienced second girl. inquire jar n. am n ri. OIHI, wanted for light housework; no washing, plain cooking, 1 In family. Tef Webster 174: J723 N. 19th St. CiPiHl.B .rl tnr k,iu...L one who would help with the cars oi rr.noren; good wsges. wet star ret. WANTEf -A competent nursa girl. Thone Har. Mil. 408 N. 40th. WANTED Girl for general housework to go home nights. None but good girl need apply. Apply after 7 In the eve rt Ing or before 1 on Sunday. X51 No. lth. WANTK1 A plaee7or general house ork. Bellevue 118. WANTliD-c.lrl for general housework. Harney 2X1. WANTED Nurse girl. Mrs. M. Mantel. 110 So. 17th 8t. Harney 6711. WANTED White girl for general house- wora. wainui 14ZU1 WANTED By a lady, poaltlon as house keeper where there are no children. Phone Harney 7168. WANTKD Elderly woman for house- wora. ilarney fciM). W AN TED At once, a good young nurse 4 VP. rm nl.f' trnnA girl for little boy 4 years home and wages to right party. Apply in person SIS N. )th St. WANTED Experienced alrt for general housework: 1 In family: annd paid. Harney 882. WANTED Capable nvald for general housework; small family; best wages. Harney 7WW. WOMAN wishes light housekeeping work. Also, to take caro of children. No washing. CIS 8 14th. WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences, oooa wages paid. Ml N. 19th St Harney 6441 WANTEDA g rl to assist with house. work. No washing or cooking. Wal. 117. M1SCKLL.A.NEUI 8. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tha Young: Women'n Christian Association building at bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding tes or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at I'nion atntlon. A RARE opportunity: comTortable liv. Ing; home sewing; plain cloth seams; any sewing machine: steady; n canvass ing; no trlriera wanted; sample 10c: re. turned If not satisfactory. Home Hewers Co., Jobbers Sewing, Retioboth, Del. UKLT WANTKlfc MA1.B CLERICAL AMU OFFltkT HIGH-GRAPH eommerlcal positions. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND AbdN.. 7bi Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AGE.Ms, IALK1HI., SoMtlTOHa. FIRST-CLASS experienced coal salesman for Nsbraaka; good salary. Address L 607, Bee. ORGAN IZERi to captain parties of nine to buy lt-acre trans Flurida garden and fruit land; good commiaelon and expenses of captain's .rip reimbursed to prove the land: uo experience needed; good talking only. L 6Wj, Bee. AN EXCLUSIVE tire, also aoceasory: firm of good standing among the trade would like to gel acquainted with fust class hustling lire salesman, who knows the trade In northern halt Nebraska' southern half So. Lak.; have a fine liiie of tires to carry and will make liberal in ducements to the right party. Please do not apply unless you can produce and are cenduent of making good; a big thlrg i or i no rusui w vt a man. Add Y 1?0, Bee, COAL agents wanted In eveiy town- set a iriei car. . toi. ro. tiatt , Neb. MEN, If you are looking fur an honrat article, want to esiebltvh a permanent trade, wholesale and retail, get ptniuu lars on our line of GUARANTEED G A3 IMANTU.8. cxciuaive territory given. Mant'as replaced FREE. Write Udy for free lutrlloulare. Two aamplea for au cents. vmconin uaa Mantle and Fix ture Co., 74 Jacasoa l Milwaukee. WU. rWANTKD A experienced travellna ealeeman for men's furnuhlng gowia. No other need apply. Must be a hustler. Industrious aud leinperale. Nebraska terrlu-ry. Give references. II. A. Baker Co.. V Uolcaele Men's Furnisnmgs. Utuux City, la. FAt TORIES ANU TRADES. I .FARM THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-'iiy Barber college; low rate tuition. Including art of tools, wages paid; elec trlo muHii, hydraulic tiiairs; catalogue tree. Us4 Douglas tu. Ouiaha. HKLP WANTED MALK FACTORIES ASU TRADES. Drug Store Snaps. Jobs. Knlt. Bee B1dg. MOL.KR DARDER COLLEGE I.RARN the barber trad by our sys tem of expert Instruction and free clinic. Positions waiting. Call or write fnr cata Ingue. Omaha. Neb.. A. P. Moler. Pres. HURRY, HURRY. DON'T DELAY. BESS OUT EPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can't attend day school you can hold your Job and at tha same time get your automobile education If you enroll In tba NIGHT CLASH OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 2l LEAVENWORTH. RED 1110. M 111 ELLA .N KOI t. WANTED Names of smhltlous men. 11 or over, wsntlng railway mall clerk positions. 175 0) month. Answer Immedi ate! y V 1 Hee. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming. 17& month. Sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 221 K. Rochester, N. T. at once to learn auto work to fill positions which are ' open tight now and are waiting for com petent men. Iarn by our system of actual work on auto, tractors, electric starting system. Free catalog at once, AMVTtlCAM AUTO mi.l.mV JOf.H Farnam St Omaha. Neb. NO RENT to pay all winter if you want 1-room house and will do ome founda tion and plaster repairs. Addreas K (97, YOUNG man to look after our Interests In Omaha. Salary starting 11 J weekly. No canvassing. Frontier Mfg. Co., Niag ara, Falls, N. Y. HELP WANTED M A LK AND FF.MAI.R. N. Y. miniature artlat wants local solici tor. Address H. W. Brannock. Henshaw hotel. SITl'ATIONS WANTED FIltST-CLARS meat cutter snd sll-around butcher wants stsady position. Box 616, l ynch, Nen. POSITION in hardware store In country town, where, later, can buy part or all. Address 'a 8. 1Mb St. DESERVING white woman, wants work. Can furnisn best references. 1'hone Douglas 1447. YOUNG colored man wishes Janitor work or office cleaning after hours; honest, sober and reliable; best city references. Call Harney 6846. WANTED-Position as electric light plant engineer In a town of 800 to 1.60D population; can take entire charge and give good satisfaction; references ex changed. A. L. R'ohardaon. Alexis, III. CLERICAL position wanted by young erences; salary reasonable; have had de partment store ana mercantile expen ence. O, M, F,. lHUA N. 24th St. LADY wants work, or will take care of children. Call Webster S3) MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes house keeping for small family; would like to take care of rooming house or would like to be companion of tarty; thoroughly experienced: references. Mrs. E. Ryor son. General Delivery. Omsha. POSITION as clerk In office, clerk In store or city salesman. Best of refer ences. Experienced. Address P.0. Box M7, City. SALESMAN wants position; well appear ing, married, 10 years' past experience on the road; ran furnish beat of refer encea. Chaa. Brambilla, 2214 No. 13th St. A NEAT, truat worthy, middle-aged lady desires a position as a housekeeper in a family of two: no laundry work; best city references furnished. Call Webster 4-4 netween 10 and m in the morning, RET1HRD general mdae. merchant wants position with wholesale or retail firm; have had 18 years' experience In retail gen. mdse.; can sell any kind of mdse; middle aged: do not use tobacco nor In toxicating drinks nor profane language. Address Lock Box 84, Maloom, la. WANTJ&D Position as stenographer by young lady. Experienced. Colfax 91. SALESMAN 40 yeara old, married, 7 years with last firm, A-l references, salary or salary and commission. Ad dress 8. C, 090, Bee. TWO young men want work, odd lobs of any kind: steady work preferred. Call j yier io. M I DDLE-AGF.D widow wishes house keeplng for small family; would like to lake care of rooming house or would like to be companion of lady; thoroughly experienced: references, Mrs. E. Kyer- eon, Oeneral Iellvery, Omaha. BY a steady middle-aged man. position nw IttnA amiiTi.4 .,. n M k: Ed ward a General Delivery. Clty. 1IDDLH aged lady wishes poaltlon as housekeeuer In countrv: with one child: nest and reliable. Address Mrs. Myrtle Corder. General Delivery, Omaha. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ads In Omaha s Lost and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article if advertised in The pee, the Lost and Found psper. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway ton.pany to ascertain whether they left it in tne ureet ears. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. PARTY tklng suit oaaes from United Cigar store will receive reward for their return; no questions. Harney 4460. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. ti. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal ufWeasee . without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 140 Bee Bldg. rupture ' jssES operation. Call or wHte Pre. Wray 4k Matheny. 104 Bee Bldg.. Otnaiia. nnbUJUAligu ireaiea suuvwesiuuy, suits guarnt'd. Dr. Bowser. 114 Bee Bldg. PERSONAL $3,030 TO PENSION INVALIDS The I .a dies' Homo Journal..... $1.60 The Saturday Hvenlng Post L40 The Country Gentleman 1.00 1.4u0 SUbBCRIr TloNd IN DECEMBER practically earns ths 3,0U0 fx the IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal means &uo Pleaae phone Douglas 7l4 or mall to GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha. Neb; r THE gaivatlon ArinyTnlustrlal home so Kelts your old clothing, furniture, maga tlrwa, We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4'iJj and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, U10-LU2-111 Dour bt YOUR furnace drained. II. work guaran teed. Cenlial Tin blx.p. Douglas 4i4. TOPNU women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to vltlt the Young TV omens Christian association building at IHh Bt. and bt. Mary's Ave., where l bey will be directed to suitable bearding places or othoraiee asaisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Uuloa station. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. ABSTRACTS Or TITLE. REF-D ABSTRACT CO , eldest abstract office in Nebraska. M brandcla Tuea. READY REFEREJfCK DIRECTORY. ABTHACT OF TITLK. Kerr Tltla Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abtract office. 8. 17th St. Tel. D. M7. At ( l TAMS. E. A. DW0BAK, C. P. A. n-4V Rampe Bldg. Tel. Doug. 74QA. J0rLTIB9. M. V. Sharer Ik Co , lfth-Fsrnam. T. 7474. AntTKlR HXlSHI.NO. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 411 Bee Bldg. lept. D. A IIC II 1TKCTS, F.verett 8. Dodd. 12 Paxton Blk. TV !01. ATTORNEYS. C. T. ricklnson, Ml Psxton Blk. D. In4. A tCTIOJKF.ilS. Dowd Anct on Co.. 1115-11 W O W. R.32S5. ALTO IMIRA.ME, AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas V)t ALTO ntOlATOH REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. STM Far. D. FiQl BATHS. BATH-214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglaa. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladies and gentlemen: lady attendant for ladles: Swediah massage. 1919 Ksrnam St. Douglas BAKERIES. T. II. REEDER. 1608 N. Wth. Web. 8297. BRASS ANU IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 17th and Martha Sts. CAHPHNTEHS ANU CONTRACTOR. STEVENSON. IV. 8. t2d. Douglaa 6620. Lessard A Son. 190 Cap. Ave. T, 1SJ1 C. W. Hokanson, 1106 Lvnwih. Tyl. 21M-J. IOKKKK H MAIL. rc Save money, fee better I nTTPi0 coffee. 15 lbs. high grade WOiiWV b pRrce pgt prepaid, 13.60. W. A. Skalte A Co., Omaha. Neb. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL AUJL'MTS. DR. BURHORN. Wth and Farnam, Wead Bldg., D. 6347; Palmer school graduate. I-r. J. C. Lawrence. I Balrd Bldg. D. 846L DR. W. H. KNOT LENBF.RO. Butte 111 Hee pidg. Tel. Tyler 1986. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford, 20 Paz Blk. Red 45S7. JEANT5TTE GREY, 110 Balrd Bldg. D. 8408 DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Maekle's. Doug. 6140. DH LUXE ACADEMY, 111 B. 18th St DRESSMAKING) COLLEGE. Iseieters's Dressmaking Col., IP. City Na. dreTsm A klN u. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th A Farnam L ADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style: ressonable price. 1911 Far St. Phone Douglas .. DYERS AND cleaners. STATE Dry Clng, Co., 1 N. lh. D. 6072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Block. Evt dence secured In all oases. Tyler IDS. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea. T24 City Nat Gang. Taft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2134. DRUGS. ; DRUGS at cu prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECT HOLY Mia. Uloa Allender, 24 Bee Bldg.- Red 80B8. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.S879. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal lies tint; Co., 200 Douglas Block. Doug las ist;6. CRN ACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROII, 4028 Hamilton. Wal. 2J7L FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St. D. 1000. K HENDERSON. 1RH Douglas. D. 1258. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam EL A. DONAGHUB, 1S22 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURRIERS. BAM KNEETER.' 1920 Farnam. Red 6834. IT Ttnthhnla. 281 i Tavenworth. H. 2761. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. I eaweaaasiBxe THE largest stock of masauerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben H Bon. 16H Howard. D. 4116. INSTRUCTION. English. French Instruction, tog Lyrlo Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, til Paxton Blk. Red 740L Notary puDiic; oepveiuuu iwi C. W. BRITT. 101 BarUer BlockL LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO. Exchange Bldg. MASSEURS. Message, women. Call P. 1227 for apptmt MOTORC VCLES. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain in usea macmnes. v icwr w, The Motorcycle Man." 2708 Leavenworth. -OVINtl Fl'H RE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine anci mm oargaina. Ol I LISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, payas yott can. ore. hct nr. mi u. . us. OSTEOPATHY PHICTANa. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, tit Bee Bldg. PAPER HANOINO. PAPERHANOINO Rooma papef'd, $1 per room, r-owere, ii;a 1. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TU7. H. A. Bturgee. ii Brandels Theater Bldg. ' PILLOWS ANUalEUUlNU. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over Jtw uae new, iy.M . utiuiia- fLtMkl 4 LEANED, CORLEP. dyed. D. Eisele. 11M City Nat PIANOS Foil MsiNT. gif per month. A. Hoape. 1611 Douglaa PsUNTINU. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co.. quality prluuug. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13U SL CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 17M. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas S44. SCALE HEPAIKINU. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 611 8. 12th. D. 2TU. HOE HEPAIKINU. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Fam'm. R. 1444 SHOE HEPAIRI.NU. FRIEDMAN BROS . shoe repair. 211 B. 14 STORE ANU OFr llE Ha 1 1 RE. DESKS, aafes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Ftiture Js supply Co., 414-K-U B. l-'lh Doug. 273 L RBADY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. SKVVINU m At II INKS. We rent, repair, sell needles nd parts for all sewing machines. AUlVlaAiU k'g NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., and Harney. Pnuglas 1!J. TKKL CF.ILl.1,9. . PARTFR Sheet Metal romtwnv. 111! fl. 18. SlOVfJ A.M Ft HXACK, REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water fronts, furnace coils. et. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Work. 12ce-g Douglas St. Tyler 20 tl.Kt I IIK HoToH 14KV1KI.U. C A HILL KLECTnlcT'O., Bee Bit. D.STS. TOWLL SLPPL1ES. OMAHA Towel Supply. ?OT fl. ilth. P. ?. TRUNK AND SUIT t AtiES. FPT-MNO f, BTEIVLB. 1W Farnam St. T1PEWK1TEH4 Koli RENT. RFNT an Oliver typewriter 2 tno. for 15. vnvcr lypewrucp Agency, IJo Farnam. BTTTTS Typewriter Exchange, 11 8. 18th cl. aii maaeg ior aaie or rent. RKNT a "Remlncton" not Just a type- m nirr. ni.w rem. all 1,'OUgiaa 1J4. 11 CUM ILKt.VKHI, ALT, makes. E. B. Williams, SO 9. 18th. 1 vicr i"i 1. WATtll Mt'KClALIkla. Chrlatlnnen. 2d fl. psxton Tjk., 18 yr. exp. WEIJDING STATION EH Y, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptf. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-3 S. 18th St Wlnei, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 1, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR IIOU9E. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. (22 N. lt:th. Douglas 1K09. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have sny uso for and get something you leiliy reed? It costs you nothing to loin the Bvappers' club, and you will iind It lots of lun swapping things, Write Room 104, 1'ee Bldg., or phone Tyler 100A A NEW 2-cy Under, air-cooled SO-h. p. gasoline engine, with Poach high ten sion magneto; also a new No, 2 Ball planetary transmission. Will swap for motorcycle or anything I can use. Ad dress p. u. 33. Bee. 40-ACKE8 Irrigated Colorado land for Omaha resident property: 28 acres In alfalfa: balance, plow land. F. It. Thomp- son. Dia city Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug, 2S19. 40 ACRES of ColoradoTand, clear, want auto, clear lot, Mve stock or anything I can use. 1845 N. 20th. Tel. Web. 134. ALL furniture In 45-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Side; will exchango for real estate; value $1,8-0. Ad dress S. C. 603, Bee. A 2-YEAR-OLD collie and Holateln cow for chtckena. Address S. C. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. BUFF Orpingtons, 81 pullets, thorough bred. What have you to offer? Address P. V. 8fi9. Bee. BEAUTIFUL lliuO Reglna muslo box with large bunch of tune sheets, all In fine condition; want good vlctrola and records. A dtlreas B. C. 396. Bee. BILLIARD TABLE itome sire, Hx7. What have youT Make tne an offer. B. C. 394, Bee. BAY mare,' with foal to jack; not broke. Will swap for anything of equal value, or Ford. 8. C. S87, Bee. . .22 CALIBER AUTOMATIC RIFLE. nearly new. Will trade for Smith Wesson revolver. S-lnch barrel, police model, or shot guns, 12-guuge. Address 8. O. 692. Bee. ELECTRIC SIGNS Will make electrio signa for amall car. Prefer a Ford. Ad- drees 8. C. 687, Bee, I ORD touring car, in good condition, for nouse ana 101 or gooa vacant iou v nai have youT Address 8. c. gso. nee. FULL DRESS SUIT, sUe 40. worn only four times, cost 136. Will trade for what have you. Address S. C K)3. Bee. HAVE two young Rhode Island Red cockerels; will exchange one or both for, cockerels of same breed; only first class birds considered. Address S. C. 178, Bee. HIGH-GRADE. Syracuse, special make shotgun and hunting outfit. Will trade for motorcycle in good condition. S. C. 623. Bee. IF YOU have a Luger pistol of .Si or .38 callber, answer this ad, as I have some thing to trade for It. Address S. C. 382. care Bee. I HAVE! two casings and tubes, (Mx4; run about 600 miles; also two 34x3tt casings and tubes, run about i.COO miles. To swap for 30x1 or 80x3 casings. Address S. C. 696. Bee. I HAVE set boxing gloves, punching bag. tepnls racquet, $3 game board, wltn games; will trade for bicycle or ,22-ri!ls. 11. 8148. Call 1. C 624. MANN BONE CUTTER Been used for ssmple machine, can be used by hand or power. Will trade for shot gun. Rem ington .22 caliber rifle, or chickens to dress at market price. Address 8. C. 691, Bee. ONE brand new Winchester pump gun. U97 model, with new canvas case, pair of hip boots, size , nearly new. AA- ON H 48 iiammerless safety police, double action, break open revolver; one 22 6 Inch barrel break open revolver; one Wlncheater repeating shotgun and case. Want Marlin shotgun In exchange for re volvers or anything I can uae of equal value. Addreas S. C. 69S, Bee. UARTER-SIZED Strad violin, one rain proof rubberised suit, coat, pants and bat, slxe 88; 80-foot seine, feet deep. 14-In. mesh; 6-Inch fish spesr, .82 break-open re volver, .22 seven-shot revolver. Will swap tor what have you? Address 8. C. tin. Bee KEFLEX camera, 6x7, reversible back, ( double plate holders, focal plane, shut ter, 1-6 to 1-1.000 sec., Eurynar Amastlg mat lens, F 4-6, by Rodenstock, Munich; in excellent condition; coat $160. What have you of equal value? 8. C. 381, Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotzuh or rifle. See FRIEDMAN, 1211 Douglas. HEATER Dandy soft coal heater, Hot Blast; do for house or garage, to trade for anything I can use. S. C. 80S, Bee. PA1NCOAT. slxe 3; three tuouthharps, 2 leather pocket cigar cases, one carnival torch. 2-burner: 1 nalr of hip boots, site . N hat have youf Addiess S. C. j78. Bee. SIX-FOOT oak dining table, good iron bed and springs. Want small range, or what have you? Addreas 8. C. 89u, Bee. 1.0UO SHARES STOCK In Wyoming coal mine, par value $1.00. Will trade for autos. or what have you? Address S. C. e. nee. TYPEWRITER Remington No. i; Juet rebuilt and In good coniltion; will ex change for light set single harness. 8. C. Bee. THIRTY-EIGHT hsmmeilcss safety po lice break open revolver, pair of 1 ns man'a spurs, one watch, hunting case, pv year guarantee, one rear motoruycle lamp, motorcycle pump and attachment, 1x7 miner's tent, complete camping outfit, one canvas ahotgun case. Will swap for motorcycle or what have you? . Ad dress 8. C. leu. Bee. VIOLIN Good violin for bsss viol; ltt viol muet be in good condition. Ad dress 8. C. eso. WILL trade Peerless Junior Protecto- graph. used two months, for a seoonu- hand typewriter, either Remington, Uon- rcli. Underwood Royal or L. A M. Smith. Address 8. C. 8f7. Bee. WILL swap 4-H. P. single cylinder In dian motorcycle engine, in fair condi tion for Llndstrom-bMiitUi. 110 volt A- C vai lable speed raotur In good order. Ad- nreaa pi. t . oee WANTED to swap, full dress sun ror anvthing I ran use. lse fl. In good condition. Cost . Address S. C. tJi. I lee. WILL aap my equity in new fc-l 00m furnished cottage. i blH'k from Ben sou s new c ty hall, finished throughout In oak. snd furniture, for good Ford, or what have vou? Artrtreaa O Ijd. Bee. WANT to trade light, roadster automo bile on small cottage or vacant lot. S. C. -Bee. SWAPPERS' T)LVIN WANTED to swap, popcorn and candy making outUl. consisting of large rotary rorn popper, coat li; large candy fur nace and copper kettle, coat $.16: one ther mometer, coat 12; sixteen copyrighted candy-making lessons, coat t.M). I want rood uaed piano or good furniture, or what have you? Addrc S. C. 301. Bee. Addrees H. C. 8W, Bee. WILL exchantre automobile spark gsps at wholesale price for anv.hlng can use for from one to 100 doxen seta Bog 2"8, Oakland Neb. WILL trade I. 11, C. truck, good running order, for Twin Indian. Benson luS-J. WANTKD TO BUY Country Shippers WE ARK AGAIN IN THK MARKET FOR COUNTRY MIXED IRON REQUIRE 800 PARS FOR DECEMBER SHIPMENT. WIRE OR' WRITE FOR PRICE8. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR RAGS, RUBBERS AND METALS. SONKEN GALAMBA IRON" & METAL CO., S4-M N. 2d STREET, KANSAS CITY. V. S. A. WE ARE on the market for 100 carloads of country-mixed scrap Iron. Write for prices. A. B. Alpern, 7th and Douglas. WANTEEv To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living rooms above, In Central school district. Phone Red 7ir4. ftrlctlv hleh g-raile niano. Web. 872H. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. (lit. WANTKD TO RENT WANTED to rent, house furnished for the, winter. Call Harney 6466. RENTALS. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleae and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. VERY choice 4 or 6-room ateam-heated apartment on Weat Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. 1011 N. 84th St., 7-room St. Louis flat; hot water heat; rental $iLo0. Call Doug. 6790. 7-R. mod., td floor, brick, 707 80. 10th, newly decorated and Varnished. Doug. 67 or Red 7?:8. The Alma 27th Ave. and Harnev St. Four-room anartment on firat flnor. Cat' Doug. S790 or Har. 2W2. BOARD AND ROOMS. TP,, l4 K -m . m. u 1 iii.ii".!, . . vi 1 id tiini uiicr owl iiiuu Bm r...n.r..lnni. n . ... 1 I . . , families or boarding houses of the hlgh- . uinM win m luuiiu in ine r urmanea nouma column or xne nee. i none xyier lono. 215 N. 23d ST. For rent, room and board; s gentlemen, x& a week. D. 77uZ. Rooma and board, good home cooking. Under new management. 2113 Howard. ROOM and board In private family H.fflM. N. 23d. 614 Modern rooma. )u. 1801. F CRN 1 SHED HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter; must be first class. Addreas O 443 Bee, FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished room, close In: all muiiern, d.ii a. 4-a pi. MODERN, well furnished room, $1.60 wk.; reierence requireo. tMe r. Z4tn. i. ztM. 1 FURN. rooms; private bath. Har. 1339. The Logan Ifflel DniYtTA Pf Sell 1-g.mArlaal J . M w .v,uM,r muu unut ww management Mrs. Lulla I.yaapht. J "-I 1IW, NICELY-furnished front room In new Hume; oisc; isqies pro. 7649. WELL furnished, stesxn-heated reoras walking d'stance. Call Tyler 3K. 1 HASK'ENT rooms, lillO S. lkh. t mod. front rms. 1822 Vinton. D. 4262. fipwr'tir irtu Di-rj TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SANFORD, 19th and Farnam. w r r r v . . - nm-ii ha rtr. i . oxn and Farnam. 2118 Davenport Pleasant, newly fur nished, modern, south front room, with telephone; reasonable to right parties. Telephone Tyler 2430 W. ROOM with breakfast. $3.60 wk., strictly iiwjq. noma, new lurnisn s. Close in. H.S198 NEWLY furnished warm room, close In. 3 jn. ja. rnons ryier Vab. West Farnam Large nicely furn. front room, mod., prlv., hot water ht., Instant water heater bath room, close In. Har. 8013. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FOR RENT Strictly modern, newly fur nished rms. heat furn.: private. H. 8i Light housek'g rms.. 604' S. 10th. D. 6184. DAVENPORT. 218 TWO OR THRET3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ING ROOM, REASONABLE. DAVENPORT, 2018 TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED HS1CQ. ROOMS. $3.60 WEEK. . HOUSES AND COTTAGES. ' NORTH. FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences, Vt block to car, !1J N. tfth St. M. A. Past. 4il N. 38lh St, Phone Colfax 7173. 1-ROOM house, modern, new furnace, never used. 2216 Burt. Red 62a3. SIX-ROOM- cottage modern except heat, 2:43 N. lth St. Phone Webster 8231 RENT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS Nice eight-room house; newly decorated; modern except heat; storm windows and doors: price reduced to 118. W e ti. MHO. 6 ROOMS, modern except heat, for IU; .t 27t Cuming St. Colfix UQ. 14U6 EMMET. 6-r. cottage. W. 106i FOR RENT 6-room, new, modern, up-to-date brick flat, 2222 Willis Ave. Rent $20. Tel. D. 1530. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, partly fur- nlahed $15. 2X23 Franklin St. 6EB THESE HOUSES. 4-r. ' house, 41Z7 beward. $11. 6-r.. 1420 Paul, bath, $16. 6-r., 1411 N. 41at St.. bath, $17. KEE THESE HOUSES. 4-room house. 411T7 Seward 6-room, 1420 Paul, bath .$11 .rs 6-room. 1411 North 41at. bath $17 6-ROOM, atrictly modern cottage. ,11 4ul water neat, close in; rents lur , W. H. Dorrance. Tel. D. 62 or H. S15L WALKING distance, 2-44 Dodge, 8-room modern house. $. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web, 4876. 5-ROOM, nearly new; modern except fur nace; only ii. iQ'iax c . NEW 4-room cottage. Florence. Adams ad Buffalo Bts. 1. 4833. $10 a month. LhooM. nearly new; modern except fur nace; only $1. Colfax loifi. SOUTH. S-R. HOUSE. 1 sleeping porch. 1 screen porch. 804 8. 16th Ave. Harney SMI. !-HOt'M. modern. -iJ Poppleton Ave. 6-KOoM cottage. Water paid. Ill a. -in St.. $14. FOR RENT Cottage, 4 rooms and bath; gas light; good neighborhood. 130 8. Mtb Bt Tel. Harney 1W3. 4-r in. bouse for rent, all modern except heat. 711 B. 17th Ave. Doug. e!3L WEST. 7-ROOM modem house Dundee; 4801 Cap itol Ave. Phone Walnut lto. FOR RENT. tVS Harney St., modern 10-room brick house; hot water he it. Inquire T. J. O hrien. Tel. H. 1094. D. 1?1S. FINE, modern, two-story home, $3,CMl GRANT, HI Brandels Theater. MISCELLANEOUS. BEE the Central Furniture Store's FREB RENTAL LltT HAVE you got the money? If you have investigate this. $3,uu0 will buy a busi ness worth $4. 'Mi. if taken before Dec. lu. Ariiireea P. I'M. rare bee. 1 r Cr!tf h finiil a (vn Rra BMn. I