TTTE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBKK G, 1015. B , I HheB ees Ho me Maaz i ti e P a Mighty Swing of Equinoxes "M-O-T-H-E-R A Word That Means the World to Me" By Nell Brinklcy Copyright. 1916, Intern! News Service. : : , I f ) i 4 , I Hi Ill ri I i h : V w By GARRETT I. 8ERV1SS. "I have read that the tun passes Into n new tlirn of the Zodiac one In 1.191 years. riMM explain what thla mctiii; hlso the statement that at each of these periods aome now phase of religion hat appeared on earth. A. T. 8.. Marseille. Jll." What you have encountered la the nreresslon of the equinoxes, a ma jestic and unhaat Inn phenomenon of the solar syntem, from the contem plation of which astronomers derive great Intellectual pleasure, while It appears to fill a s t r o 1 o g 1 e ally minded persons with mysterious awe, ' If you will Imagine this earth to he a huge spherical top, spinning daljy upon a peg which Is tipped about 2J degree from the vertical, and also, like any other top, turning slowly round upon the point of Its peg, so that the upper end of the reg describes a circle In the air, you will have the first conception neceeeary for understanding the precession of the equinoxes. Let the earth's axis be the peg; let the north; pole be the upper end of the peg, let (he circle of the ecliptic, which the sun appears to descrlba ones a year round the earth, be parallel to the In visible floor on which the top Is sup posed to be spinning, and Just so high above that floor that Its plane outs through the center of the earth-top. Then, baok of all, among the stars. which surround the scene like the paneled walls of a circular room, let there be a band sixteen degrees In width. extending completely around, with the plane of the ecllptc marking its cen tral line. This starry band will be the zodiac. Ilvlde It into twelve eual parts, each thirty degrees long, and they will be the "signs" of sod lac. Now, remember that th top Is spin ning from Its peg, or axis. Inclined from the perpendicular. If the peg stood up right, the central line of the sodlao, or ecleptlc, would Us In the plana of the top's equator, and the sun, traveling around the circle of the ecliptic would always be directly over the equator. As things realy are, however. . ,tbe k tUnligV of the peg, or axis, causes the sun tp appear above the equator during one half of Ita revolution, or one-halt of the yesr, and boUw It during the other half. The minute Inhabitants of the spin ning top, being very Intellectual crea tures, understand that this apparent up and down swing of the sun. In the course of every year. Is due to the Inclination of the equator of their top to the circle of the ecliptlo, ' and In order to make graphical explanation of the phenomenon they project the plane of the equator In the form of an imaginary circle against the starry background of the heavens, and they find that this circle cuts the circle of the ecliptlo at two opposite points on the band' of the sodlao. At one of these points the sun Is seen tUIng above the eqvator at the beginning of Its half-yearly course on the upper side of the equator (t ie summer half of the year for the northern hemisphere.) and at the opposite point the sun Is seen descending below the equator for the winter half. The first point Is the most Important, since It denotes the beginning of the year, or the opening of the spring season, for the inhabitants of the upper hemisphere, and It Is called the spring, or vernal equinox. When the aodlao was Invented. Its flr.t sign, Aries, was made to begin at this point, so that the sun "enters Aries" at the moment It rises to the level of the equator at the beginning of spring. Then, travelling eastward. It passes In succession through the other signs Tavt rus, Qeminl, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, eoorplo, Bagtttarua, Caprloornua, Aquarius and Pisces and, having thus completed the circle of the sodlao, comes back again to the spring equinox. At the beginning of Libra it passess below the equator. Now, here Is an Important thing to remember: In the beginning the signs of the sodlao were visibly Indicated In the sky by groups of stars called con stellations, and theee sodlacal constella tions, not only bore the same names as the signs, but occupied precisely the same spaces In the ring of the sodlao. This state of things would have con tinued forever but for that slow, swlng-1-g round of the peg of the earth-lop to which reference baa been made. The re sult of this motion, which gradually changes the direction of the peg, or axis. Is to cause the points where the sun crosses the equator to move, or slide, round the sodlacal ring. In a western direction, so that the signs of the sod lac, which continue to be counted from the spring equinoctial point, are slowly buck ing around the circle and fait out of ac cord with the corresponding constella tions, which retain their places on the I a ck ground of the sky. At the present time this motion, which id the precession of the equinoxes, has brought the stgn Aries back into the con ttellatlon Pisces, so that, at the beginning ef the spring, the sun comes up above the ciiiator among the stars of Pisces Instead of among those of Aries, as It did about 1,160 years ago. The entire time required for en cora I lete swing of the axis of ths earth is i bout K.(we years. At the end of that period the signs and the constellations ot inc sodlao must come round sgaln into nlr.rklenc. the signs having backed through the entire circle. Tills Imposing phenomenon was dlseov red In the days of the Greek astronomer lilpparchue. but its cause was not found out until Newton bad unravelled the law i f gravitation. Then It waa seen that the inaction of the sun and mmq on the equatorial protuberance of the earth tauked the Utter to behave exactly like a spiimlag top whose peg la tipped out cf the perpendicular, and which, instead tf falling swings round and round, but vltl a motion much slower than that of tle iln. As to any relation Letweea the preces sion of the elulnoes and the phases of rWigious belltf. I must leave that to those who caa alio a reason for It. Jfe.". (ft) 3 i i ui w x i . iv r,ie'i.M t ii i - u i i i n'.v J i -v r Th best lov song! About the tenderest gweethert a man mar hare, Mother." Where now la Sylvia and all the dim, ghostly parade of maids, pale gold and nut-brown and night-dark, who lean from the realm of aongsT A thousand songs a year lift choruses to the grace of a girl a line to her penciled brows, a chant to the blue of her two eyes, a refrain to the fragrant flower of her mouth, a waits wherein her twinkling satin feet skim like a wind on the water always a man In rapturous praise of a maid and singing aloud for all the world to hear. And now, at the end of a yeai to crown It soars above the crowding music a new love song. To an old, old sweetheart, with the most musical name In the world " 'M-o-t-h-e-r the word that means the world to me." Somebody has been clear-sighted enough, understanding enough of the world's good and still childish heart, and wise enough to put the feeling of struggling mankind for the tdoliaed name of Mother Into song. , And how understanding that somebody has been Is attested by the fact that "M-o-t-h-e-r, A Word That Means the World to Me," Is being sung from hundreds of stages by artists from coast to coast. And when you hear It you will not wonder. Here Is how the chorus goes: . M 'or the million things she gave me. O Means only that she's growing old. v T Is for the tears she shed to save me. 1 II Is for her heart of purest gold. E Is for her eyes, with lovelight shining. R Means right, and right she'll always be. Put them all together, they spell M-O-T-H-E-R. a word that means the world to me. NELL BRINKLEY. Judging Your Friends Be Sure You Are Not Too Hasty, for Thus You Condemn Yourself. By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. "Judge not, that ya be not Judged.' How many of us are familiar with thai quotation from the Book ot Books T How many of us practice It? Hasty judgment reflects never so much Ott the Deraon VOU randamn as An linn,. self. In every human relationship theie roine many Instances when one friend has the choice between giving to an other the benefit of the doubt or Judging and condemning him on the evidence in hand. If the case were put to you and you were asked. "If everything looked bla - against a friend, what would you do sit coldly aloof in majesty and form your Judgment without offering a chance ot defense T Rush to the friend under euspl clon and revile and abase without wait ing to hear the defense? Or go u,ultly to the suspected individual and tell him that you had beard things which re flected very much on him, but that you wanted to hear his aide of the story be fore you formed your Judgment?" " The first course Is as self-sufficient as unfair; the second is as cruel as cow ardly, and the third represents the only fair, decent and honorable thing to do. But too small a proportion of human ot-lngs practise the third course. "Oh. yes." you will say. 'but who wants to be the dupe of his own weak liking for an untrustworthy and unre liable Individual? Who wants to be be trayed by a friend and thea go to that Judas friend and say. 'Explain this as you can and aa plausibly as you may I'll listen and bvllevsr Who wants to accept disloyalty so meekly snd humbly as to Invite a repetition of It?" Have you never been gailty of anN Im pulsive action that set free a chain of dangerous circumstances? Have )ou nexer said something in all good fVlth to A which by the time it had passed from mouth to mouth through an alphabet of individuals to F looked as If you hadn't been quite fair to that person? J'erhape U. C. I) and K unconsciously exaggerated the atarv in tellmir- n..,,-... one of them had a grudge against you: perhaps ore of them used you to gloss over some offeiue of Ms own. Would you not have thought it cruelly unuir of t' to put you down as dUloyai and untrustworthy merely on the strength of this much-traveled and oft-repeated tale? Of course you would. But if the case were reversed are you sure that you would give F the benefit of the doubt? Kvery time you sit in Judgment on a friend and condemn him unheard you are practically acknowledging that you are capable of disloyalty I None f us can conceive of anything that Ilea absolutely outside of his own nature. If you can suppose that any one has lied to you It is because you are capable of lying. Our concept of the world cornea as much frun within our own nature as from the Aitslde. Before you Judge a friend. Judge your self. If you can think In terms of disloy alty, untruth and unfairness these qual ities lie in you. As you give to another the benefit of the doubt and allow for the fact that though be acted unwisely It may have been with decont motives, you mark yourself out as one whose own motives are decent and kind. Whenever you Judge cruelly and un kindly you judge, first ot all. yourself, and then the criminal vou condemn un heal d. Rise of a Newsboy By II. II. 8TANSBURY. WASHINGTON. Nov. M.-'Sammy" April ie Just a plain, noisy newsboy, but he enjoys the distinction of serving the president of the United States with copies of the dally papers each morning and afternoon. He also crosses the street from the White House to the Bute, War and Navy buUdlng and performs a similar purpose for the secretary of state and others. He Is trusted to the extent that he goea unchallenged Into the of fices of his distinguished patrons, no matter what important conference la going on. "doing to be a newsboy all your lifer' I asked tho other afternoon. "Thomas A. Edison started as a news boy; didn't he?" Before I could add a word of encour agement to such an ambition. Sammy was half way up the steps of ths somber gray building across the way. but he had recalled the story, I have heard the great Invento tell himself. Mn Edison began to sell papers In l&s, when he was 11 yeara old. Later he be came a train butcher on the Grand Trunk railroad, running out of Detroit. He usually said S papers a day. When there waa big war news he sold more, and he made an arrangement with a printer In the office of the Detroit Free Press to see the proof of the most important piece of news before the paper came out, that he might have advance Information. Edison regulated his orders for papers according to his opinion of public Inter est In the news.' Sometimes he sold as high as 300 copies on the report of union victories. One night. In the first week of April, 1662, the printer showed him a proof of a big story for the next morn ing. It was the first news of the battle of Shlloh and contained the report of ,000 casualties. He straightway telegraphed a brief bulletin of the news to ths agent at every place where his train stopped, asking that it be posted In the station. Then he endeavored to get credit for 1,000 copies of the rree Press. The circulation man ager refused the credit. Edison then went to the owner and asked that he be given credit for l.W) copies, and obtained It. He found mob awaiting the train at the first stop. He usually sold two papers there, but his bulletin enabled him to sell ft at I cents a copy. He sold suO at the next station at 10 cents snd at the other stations he had no difficulty in getting ti cents a copy, and disposed of his entire stock. Ur. Edison has said that hs became so Impressed with what a telegraph mes sage could do. ho decided to become a telegraph operator. Next he became In terested In electricity. And the rest Is history. TUP y(NDERBIllH0TEL THIRTY FOURTH STREET AT PARK AVENUE The most conveniently situated hotel in New York Atiht ThhiyUhlrd Street Subukty VALTONH. MARSHALL THE OMAIIA BEB3: TIIE HOME PAPER, I St