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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1915)
in, UA1A11A SU-NDAV JJr: i)tAr,SnikAl 0, JJJo. ENTENTE PUTTING j PRESSURES GREECE Powert Decide to Renew Economic Measures in Attempt to Hasten Answer to Note. PEOPLE IN FAVOR OF YIELDING PARIS. D. 4. The entente pow ers consider Greece Is taXIng too long to reflect upon the answer to their demands and have, decided to apply afjaln the economic measures which were used with such effect fort night ago, eaya the Figaro. The newspaper declares orders hare been given prohibiting the departure from allied ports of all ships with cargoes consigned to Greece and stopping Im mediately the loading of Oreek ves sels. Propl Furor Yielding. ATHENS. Kec. 8. Vla Paris.) PuMIc opinion la veerlna towards the fullest j acceptance of the demands of the entente . powers. While the government Is hesi tating In framing Its reply thousand of refugees are arriving at Fiorina arte tramping through the deep snow from Monastlr. All buildings are crowded anl hundreds are without shelter. Children are dying from hunger and exposure. The municipal treasury haa been emptied and appeals for alt have been mad to Athena. Princess Demldoff Is expected to bead' the relief work at Salonlki. Macedonia Alreadr War Iae. UONDON, Deo. 4. "Virtually the whole of Grecian Macedonia haa been handed over to the allies as a war base." says the Berlin Tageblatt, as quoted In a Copenhagen dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company. "Greece has agreed to give the allies free use of the railroad In this territory as well as of the Aegean harbors. Including Kavala. "Greece declines, however, to disarm troops of the central powers If they pur sue allied troops on Grecian territory." The Tageblatt 1 also credited with the statement that th central powers have offered Greece southern Albania and Isl ands In the Aegean on condition that it decline to grant certain demands of the . allies and remain neutral Sunday's Revival at Chicago Goes Over Until Fall of 1917 CHICAGO, Deo, 4. A subcommittee of clergymen, which had arranged for a erles of revivals to be conducted by "Billy" Sunday here In January, 1917, consented today to a postponement to September 14, 1917. Mr. Bunday asked the postponement In order that he might hold a similar aeries In New York In January, 19IT. Russian War Loan V Failure, Says Berlin BERLfN, Deo. 4 (By wireless to Bay villa.) The Oversoaa .News agency as sort that It haa received private ad vices that the Russian war loan ha proed a total failure. "Although 1,000,000,000 roubles were of fered for subscription," adds the1 news agency, "the reports declare that during a preliminary period of four days and In two subscription days, the subscrip tions of the majority of the banks and ternment officers amounted to only roubles. "According to the reports, the govern ment has threatened to transport to Slbera persons who offer loan securities below the price of Issue." Abolition of College Base Ball Predicted CHICAGO, Deo. . Eventual abolition of college baae ball by all the conference universities was predicted when their faculty representatives met her today In their, semi-annual session. A strong feeling that the gam had become pro fessionalised to aa extent that made It undesirable as a - college sport wa found among several of the dele gates, aooordtng to T. F. Moran, the sec retary, but there waa only a bar pos sibility that It abolition would be rec ommended at today' meeting. Small hope for a Chang In the rule prohibiting summer base ball playing by college athlete waa seen as the dele gate gathered. Roumania to Seize Shipts in Its Ports LONDON. Dee. . Reuter Buchareat correapondent telegraph th Roumanian military authorities have announced that teamahtpa, bargee, tugs and other craft anchored In Roumanian porta, belong ing to foreign or private Roumanian com panies, will be commandeered on Monday 'In the Interest of national defense.' Premier Bratlano, the correapondent ears, baa informed th Roumanian senate , her he la unable to give explanations of the government' foreign policy or In formation concerning military supplies. This Information I reserved "in the In terest of national defense." ATHLETIC EVENTS AT Y M. C. A. WELL ATTENDED About 250 persons witnessed the ath lete events at th Toung Men's Christian association last evening. Tn object ut ' the affair waa to allow new members of see the actual work don so a to ed them In selecting classes, which they are expected to Join. Following U the pro gram: Drill Young men'a 1 11 claaa. t;inUc Advanced aituad. Boxing. Volley Ball Team of noon claa. Hand polu. ' fcancy diving and swimming. GENERAL HORACE NEIDE, CIVIL WAR VETERAN, DIES PHILADELPHIA. Dee. 4,-Brtgadler General Horace Keide, died at hi bom tier today from a complication or diseases. II served with distinction throughout the civil war and on March IS. 1$. was made brigadier general for rn-r torloua service. General Nelde enlisted after th war nd had served at army poeta la many parts of tb country. He waa It year old." EX-EMPEROR PU YI AND PRESIDENT YUAN SHI KAI Several Chinese newspapers report that the nine-year-old ex-emperor has been officially betrothed to a daughter of President Yuan Shi Kai. : it r J i t "v . n i 1 W . Tt, ' . -flh . I I f si .Aw-" . . a jm w . ..-. DATE FOR WILSON AND GALTWEDDING Ceremony Will Be Performed at the Home of Bride in Washington December 18. ONLY RELATIVES WILL ATTEND WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. Presi dent Wilton and Mrs. Norman Gait will be married on Saturday, Decem ber 18, at Mrs. Gait's home here, ac cording to a formal announcement made today at the White House. It waa also announced that the only guests will be Mrs. Gait's mother, her brothers and sisters, the president's brother and sister, his daughters and the members of his Immediate household. No Invita tions will ba issued. Honeymoon la Booth. No announcement wa made regarding plans for a honeymoon, -but It waa ex pected that the president and his bnd will leave Washington soon after th ceremony for somewhere In the south. While no announcement was made of the hour of th ceremony It was under stood It will be late In the afternoon. Th Rev. Sylvester Beach, the presi dent's pastor in Princeton, and th Rev. Herbert Scott Smith, rector of Mrs. Gait's church here, are expected to officiate. The formal announcement of the wed ding plana wa written out by the presi dent himself this morning. Immediately afterward he left the Whit House to visit Mrs. Gait Both have agreed that all th details shall be aa simple a possible. ' Display Not Desired. It haa been Intimated to th diplomats who have made Inquiries at th Stato department that no display In connec tion with the wedding Is desired. How ever, It Is expected that many officials and admirers of the president will send gifts. Joseph R. Wilson of Baltimore, the president's brother; Mr. Ann How, his sister, and Mrs. Francis B. Sayre, the president's daughter, will be guests at the White House when they come to attend the wedding. Miss Margaret Wil son and Mrs, W, O. McAdoo, the other two daughters of the president, already are 'here. Mrs. Gait's home, where the ceremony will be performed. Is In the fashionable section of Washington, but Is too small to contain a large party. Nevertheless, both Mrs. Gait and the president decided not to have the wedding In th Whit House. ST. LOUIS COMMITTEE URGES CITY'S CONVENTION CLAIM ST. LOUIS. Deo. 4. A committee of twelv left her at noon today for Wash ington to urge th claim of St. Loula for th democratlo national convention. A Great Kidney Remedy According to Itiousands Of Reports My wife ha been Buffering with kid ney aad bladder trouble In a bad form sine she was nine year of age. he wa In such a condition that she waa con fined to her bed and several doctors her treated bar but to no effect. About nine months ago she began to take Dr. Kil mer's Bwamp-Koot and began to improve Immediately. She is piact.cily well now and la able to do all of her work. At the time she was sick she suffered greatly and It looked as If she would die, but thanks ti your valuable remedy, she 1 now a new woman. I can recommend lr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root aa the beat kid ney and bladder remedy on earth and It you dcslr you may puultsh tuts letter In the hope that It may enable other sufferers to get relief. Yours very truly, O. T. CURRY. K. F. D. a. Box St. Hubbard, Texas. (subscribed and sworn to beture me this tin day of April. 1U. H. C. BISHOP. Notary Public. Gentlemen I sold the above Mr. U. T. Curry the Swamp-Root. J. Olln Keitt. Druggist. Zeter So Sr. BUloier Co.. feuigaautiea. jg, g. rrv Waal SiaastB-laet Will Da for Ta Send ten cents to Dr. KUmer ft Co., J Blnghamton, N. Y.. for a sample slse bot tle. It will convince anyone, iou will aUo receive booklet of valuable Infor mation, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and men Uoa tb Omaha Sunday Be. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar eia bottle for tale at all drug store. T f ' . ... . Ja - ; I til W r ATA. A vanguard left here two days ago. Among; those who Ipft today wfre Sen ators Htone and need, C'onpreB?mnn I(?o, David R. Francis. Tlolla Well, treasurer of the democratic national committor; Fentus J. Wado and Walker Hill, bankers. French Ship is Sunk by Austrian Subsea Without Warning FAIU8, Dec. 4. "Further particulars of the sinking of the French steamship Al gerlen on November 26 show that the ves sel waa torpedoed without warning by a submarine flying the Austrian flag," the Rome correspondent of the Journal tele graphs. "The submarine also fired shells, one of which killed the captain. "The crew lowered boats. One of them picked up the captain's body, but this boat waa then attacked an I aunk by the submarine." No previous report had been received of the sinking of the Algerlen, but a London dispatch of November 29, prob ably referring to the same Incident, said the French steamship Algerlen had been sent to the bottom and that twenty-nine members of Its crew' were missing, eight having been saved. The Algerlen, of 1.71S ton gross and 2G0 feet long, was built In 18S1 and owned In Marseilles. European Songbirds Would make a b a ntifnl and tnuoa ap preciated XMA8 GIFT Xa spite of the war w were forta- last week, to receive aa importation of the following- Soropean gong Jlrdst Kuropean Goldfinches .... Kuropean (ireen Linnets .. S3. BO a.&o uniiNn ursj i.iuiicia ........ v.uv .$3.00 r.ui iijf mi iirii-urpttjiiwa nouns f i.uu Kuropean lllackblrds S8.0O Kuropean Hong Thrushes .,,,..98.00 Kuropean Iilackcapa 8.00 Kuropean Blskins SXW If you are looking for a good Inger, other than a canary, one of the above birds will pltase you. as these varieties are known aa very sweet singers. Come in early don't wait until they are all gone. Make your se lection now and we will keep your bird for you until Chrlatmaa free of charge.. Max Geisler Bird Go. 1817 Taraam U 89 Tsar la Omaha, . t W V 'v. t I I 1 - ' i V V J .1 n m L " Hn i V'i il II THIS IS NATIONAL WALK-OVER FOUR DOLLAR WEEK Everyone knows of the quality of Walk-Over Shoes, which have stood the test of over 40 years. Many of the Men's and Women's Shoes included in this National $4.00 Walk-Over Shoe Sale are from our $5.00 and $6.00 lines, so come early while we have your size. Any Shoes shown in our windows this week sell at $-1.00. WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 317 South 16th Street i win i 'in 'r ijiririT i " i " '1 1 M . .;.- - t.-..- . .- .. ' - LIJ r . 1 1 11 s. a'"" -ijr mmr 1HU.K BELTS, IVORY 12 Senate Democrats Postpone Fight to j Regulate Debate! WAPrilNOTOV. D"C. 4 The fluht ti reptrlct delate In the senate, democrats ogr ed todiy in conference, should not be urged on the opening day of congress snd will be postponed until later In thu week. In view of this decision.' Majority trader Kern telegraphed today to Vice Fresldent Marshall at Indlannpoll that It will not be nei'eseary for him to be present on the opening Oay. The vice president wished to delay In arrlvlnj, owing to the Illness of Mrs. Marshall. When the democratic caucus recessed It was announced that the Ilea to make the cloture resolution a party irnasur had been abandoned. The opponents of the effort to llm.t debate. It was evident, were so much In the majority that th subject could not be approved by caucus action. It was predicted that a resolution con taining some form of revision of the rules would be Introduced on Monday and formally be referred to a committee. The Indications are that the friends of clotura will have difficulty In getting favorable action. Reduction in Bail For Indicted Men CHICAGO. Dec. 4. Twenty-six of the fifty-four men named In the forty-six labor extortion and connpiracy Indict ments returned last night were granted a reduction In ball today by Judge Rich ard Hurke In the criminal court to $2,NW on each Indictment. In place of 1196,iw0 ball demanded by the state. The bond ruling was regarded as a victory for the defendants, as the state had asked that the men be held In Jail, if they could not furnish the 1196,000 ball demanded. The reduction In ball applied only to the men who appeared In court to answer the charges against them, the Judge Intimating that he would not consider a reduction In ball of any indicted men who did not appear in court. Attorney Frank Comerford, counsel for a number of the men under arrest, said today that the grand Jury's action was part of a conspiracy by employers to de stroy union labor In Chicago. 1890 1915 DIAMONDS We naturally assume that you nr interested in Diamonds, because they are the rarest and most beautiful of precious stones. And particularly should you be Interested in Diamonds at this season of the year be. cause surely no better Christ mas gift could be found. And no matter what size of stone you wish, you ran buy to best advantage here. Ask your friends! Other merchandise in our store is of equal standard. In case you would not wish a Dia mond perhaps one of these suggestions would meet with your approval: ' CAIKO BKOOCII KRACELKT WATCH LA VALLTERE IJTTLE FFNGEIl RINO Or Perhaps Something in Silver or Cut Glass. 15'-& DODGE IDUHtll liOXKa, SILVFJI RUCKLES, TOILET SETS. t ! TSompsokBelden & (b. - Tke .Jorecfke Chmfmaj Jpirif Every Woman Appreciates Embroidered Handkerchiefs That's why we don't hesi tate to suggest them as gifts, knowing that they are al ways well received. Dainty embroidered designs, in white and colors, at - - 15, 25, 50 Handkerchiefs with roll hems to crochet over, from . . - 1510 50 An unlimited number of very beautiful designs, all at - 50 Children's Handkerchiefs in boxes ...... 25 Children's all-linen embroid ered handkerchiefs in col ors, each .... 15 Boxed Patterns of Fine Dress Goods make Likeable, pretty gifts; a sufficient yardage for a dress, and a waist pattern of plaid or striped silk, done up in a Christmas package. Can you imagine a more pleasant gift? Fancy Embroidered and Initialed Pillow and Day Cases Embroidered on extra fine quality casing, all new de signs and work; hemstitched or scalloped edge, 59c, 98S $1.25, $2.50 and $3.00 a pair. Basement. Give Silk Hosiery And know that your selection will be well received. Ingrain and pure dye hose in colors and black, $1.00 a pair. Beautiful pure thread silk hose of superior quality, in black street and evening shades, $1.50 a pair. Also many exclusive novelties of both American and French manufacture. We demonstrate at Christmas time our contention that this is the Hosiery head quarters of Omaha. TSompson.Belden & (o. The Fur Shop is prepared for the coming of cold weather with new and attractive ideas in fur. There are many exclusive pieces, and the prices are exceedingly moderate. Rich, Beautiful -Silks- A Gift Worth While Silks are being selected with increased favor every year, for of all gifts none so well reflects a sensible choice as silks. A length for a dress, a waist, a petticoat, boxed for gift purposes, is worthwhile. Monday the First Day of the Annual December Clearaway of Suits $15, $24.50, $29.50, $35 The Values offered are attractive. The Styles shown are all new. Your inspection is invited. The December Clearaway was started four years ago. It was a tremendous success, which has been repeated each year. This year it will .be better than ever before. The "Castle" Figure All the Rage It Is Built With a Redfern Corset Mrs. Vernon Castle says that never before did a corset appeal to her. Now she says that never before was she so comfortable and that from now on she is a devotee of the Redfern. An exact reproduction of the Mrs. Vernon Castle Redfern Corset the latest Redfern creation a model, for shaping the Castle figure for slender and average women, can be seen at our counters and fitted by our experts. Can be washed and Combed. 10 11 12 13 14 ,15 16 Hair Goods Section Third Floor. Neck wear Is Important on the Holiday List Our fresh, new stocks are overflowing with new ideas that are certain to meet with your approval. Dutch Collars, and Collars with cuffs to match, in great "variety . 50 to $2.75 Georgette Crepe Collars, with cuffs, $1.50, $1.75 Net and Georgette Vests from - - 50 to $4.75 Separate High Collars, and Higl Collars with Tests, buttoned in front and in back, from 50 to $6.50 : '"T Doll Wigs of Human Hair $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 sale: of DOLL WIGS mm X i. i ft -