Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1915, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 18

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Heads of Committees in Charge of
Creche Benefit Ball at the Fontenelle
in Society Circles
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Preccdin- the Creche, Ball.
Th Creche bll Monday vennc. at
t?e Hotel Fontenelle, trill be preceded by
a timNir of dinner psrtle. MIfs PUza
' brth Davit trill ftre one for her rt,
Mlna SJargort Stewart of Muriel. jai
Louis Dlnr.lns, Mlaa Mellora Davit, Mr.
Ben Warrm. Mr. Ben Qalllsher. Mr.
Wlllard Butler and Mr. Orald Wharton
Hr'.ll he her fuaata.
Another dinner will b that of Mr. and
Ur. Arthur Keellne. who will hv with
them: Mr. and Mr. Georgo IledicK. Mr.
and Mrt. Barton Millard. Mr. And Mrt.
Louis Clarke. Mr. and Mra. Rosa Towle
nd Mr. and Mra. Walter Roberta.
Mr. and Mra. John MEhana hare
asked Mr. and Mra. Howard Baldrtt".
Mr. and Mra. Prank Judton, Mr. anl
'J'rs. W. A. C. Johnson. Mr. and Mrt. w.
. McKeen. Miaa MflCormtck and Mr.
farl Gannett to dine with them before
the ball.
Vis Harriet Smith will entertain Ml
tleanrr Mackay. Mlaa Rosers,
Mr. Robert Howe and Mr. Randall
The member of th Creche board are:
' Measlame
T U Klmba't.
Wsrren Kinert,
Arthur P. nostra,
r. A. Nah.
Arthur C. fcml.h,
C. C. Allloon.
Louis Naah,
Jojn- C. Dahlman.
Laiuta fl. Clarke,
Ixiula Met.
Ueort; Retltclt,
Arthur Mett,
Jol,n A. MoHhana,
Uernar.l Capes.
, Mlft Arabella Kimball.
The patroneaaet o( tlie ball are:
' Msdm,t
T. J. Ma honey,
C. Will Hamilton,
Cnarti't Offutt.
L. V. Crofoot,
J. P. lfde. it.i
Hen Gallanher. .
ttarlon Millard,
C. N. DIM a.
V-daur Bcott,
Samuel ?. Caldwell
C. C. tivorae.
Arthur Keellna,
rred Davis.
Victor Ol'lwell,
Tred Hamilton,
WaM Hum est,
Kloyd Pmllh.
O. C. Redlck.
C M. W 11 helm.
1 aa JT A
. 2Trs. Louis Clarke
W. It. McKean.
Waler J'aire.
F. W. Jurtnon.
J-Alln Strobe,
K. W. Dixon. "
Joseph barker,
X. H. Wheeler,
Ida Hharp.
fitnt-kton Keth.
Randnll Brown,
Jen Warren.
l)r. Leroy Crummar,
Frank Hamilton war
Dinner! of the Week, t
. Tha larteat dinner party of tha week
wat irlven by Mr. and Mrt. Howard Bald
rieo Thuraday evening at their home, pre
ceding tha Bubacrlptlon club danca at ;
Tnrjiin'e academy. Danca programa,
monogrammad In gold, marked tha placet
and cover were laid for: . , '
Meter, and Metdarnet
John A. McHhane,
E. It. rpregue,
Joacph iialilrige,
W. A. C, Johnton.
Charlea T. Kountte(
i.ejrKe B. Prlna,
C. A. Hull,
Arthur Kcmington,
' Mlnaft
' Dainy Doane,
I.uther Drake,
B. V. 6mtth,
:harlot Haunden,
E. W. Hart,
Mr. and Mra.
among the dinner hottt Thunday aven
tng, thetr fueata Including Mr. and Mra.
D. C. 8ta.pleton, Mr. and Mra. Edgar
Scott, Mr. and Mra. John I Kennedy,
Mr. and Mra. Ward Burgeat and Mr.
and Mra. W. A. Frater.
; Mr. J7d Mr. C. W. Hamilton ntr
tali M Mr. and Mr. M. A. Hall. Mr. and
Mr. A. V. Kinaler, Mr. and Mra. F. A.
Qalnaa, Mr. ' and Mr. Harry Burkley,
Mri Warren Roger and Mr. Charia
Mr. and Mr. C. C. Oaorg anteruinau
Mr. and Mr, U T. Ctofoot. Mr. and Mr.
J. E. George and. Mr. and Mr. A. U
Read at dtnnar preceding tha dance.
Mr. Si. W. Natta entertained at dinner
Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and
Mr. D. C. Btapleton. when the other
ueat were: Mr. and Mra. Frank Hamil
ton. Mr. and Mra. I V. Crofoot, Mr. and
Mra. War Burgeat. Mr. and Mr. Lout
ts'aah. Mlea Franca Naah, Mlat ProuU
andMr. Robert Burn.
Social Aff&in Planned.
The Whli Bhrlne Whltt club will meet
Monday ' at t o'clock at tha ' Maaonl
temple. .
Mr. John R.' Brady gives ft luncheon
Wadneaday In honor of Mle Margery
McOord. ,
Mra. Rufu Harris entertain Monday
afternoon at brldgo In honor of Mia
Florence Clarke of Tiffin, O.
' Tha Et-a-Vlrp olub will glv a ata
tmoker at Metropolitan hall Tueaday
evening. Kach member will bring a
. Mr. Victor WWW and Mia Whit have
ard out thla week for a tea on Wedne.
day. December 15, from to . Thla will
be Mlaa White debut tea and the fifth
. of the eeaaon. '
! The Cinoaam Dancing club will glT It
third dano on Thureday evening at BdoU
ttaa Rita cathedraU No guaat win be
received at thla dano. A large attend
ance It aasured.
Amovg tha holiday affair will be a
Kew Tear tea to be given by Mra. R. 8.
Kail In honor of her dauirhtera, Mlaa
Dorothy and Mlaa Janet Hall who will
be home from Chicago for Oiriatnta.
Mr. and Mr. A. V. Kinaler Saeued In
vltatlona thla week for a dano Saturday
erentng at tb aronteitell in honor of
Mr. and Mra. F. S. Cowglll. who leave
Omaha ahortly to mak Chicago their
Mr. and Mrs, Charlea Elgutter will en
tertain Tueaday evening at bridge tat
honor of their fueata, Mra, Harold Fall
of Cleveland and Mlaa Helena Rubel of
Mlnneapolla. Mra. Fell wa formerly
Mia Nellie Elgutter of Omaha.
Mr. and Mra. Nelton m. Updike and
Mr. and Mra. O. J. Ingwerten have le
aued oarda for a dance Chrlttmaa night
at the Fontenelle for their daughter,
Utaa IUtat Updike and Mi Helen Ing
werten. MUa Updike oomea home from
aehool at Mil brook. K. T.. for tha holV-
day. and for Mlaa Ingweraen, tha dano
will be her formal debut.
Sinner for Guard.
. Mlaa Dora Alexander a aeren-
eotirse dinner for the Dora Alexander
guard of tl.V Woodmen circle at her
home Saturday evening.
Tha gueat were atad at on long
table, which wa decorated ta tha fitting
holiday fashion, the centerpiece being a
rnlnlatura tome of baata Clau and hi
reindeer making a vUit to a email horn
beaida a lake. A a favor each gueat
received a little booklet containing per-
aon&t rhymea.
The rounx were beautifully featooned
with (1iritnia greena and decorated
mith pal inn, nilttlU and holly. The
evening wa apent In playing Chrlttmaa
garnet and mualc.
Mitt Alexander It one cf the moat
popular auprome ofnuera aver reeldlntT
la Omaha.
Jn ta Conduct Tea Ecom.
Kot to be culitone by their wlvet. who
are making a tremoniiut'a aucoeat cf their
venture, the Tulrtite te room, the pro
J cf whlfh will go toward the, new
rft Prettiyttrian eliurfh building fund,
ir.e huiimr,d( of the women moat axUve
la the work have announced that thuy.
, ; . a ..--it ,1
too, can tucoetafully conduct a tea room.
Exactly whloh day thl week the men
will b In charge ha not yet been de
termined, but It will be tome day thla
week. Tha men will aerve, . wait on
table, take order and alto the allvery
dollar. They will mak ipecuU effort
to lnaur a large attendance at the tea
A mlnlater, an az-aanator, a poatmatter,
a Bubllaher, other profaaaional nun and
butinett magnatea will oonatltuta tha tea
room etaff that day; Among them are:
Meatrt. Metart.
Frank W. Judton, Clement Chat.
Howard H. Baidriae.C. M. Wllhelm.
Caaper Yott. John Wharton,
ll. Keuy, Joeepn H. UlilaM,
W. Q. Freeton.
Pr.-U. H. Jenkt,
B: Edward eelta.
Ueorge H. Kelly,
Neleun Loomla.
C. K. Black,
.:. M. Koblnaon,
11. C. I'eteio.
Oueiti of the Gridiron.
Tha banquet of the famous Gridiron
club at Washington next Saturday even
ing will have two Omaha man around
the board, Mr. Luther Drake and Mr.
Victor Reaewater, who have Invitation
at guettt of Frealdent Edgar C Bnydar
of the club. It la umleretood that Mr.
Bnyder hat alto Invited at hi guett for
the occasion Mr. Ctorrlt Fort, formerly
head of the Union PacUto paatenger de
partment her, but now of Chicago, and
Mr. Jullua Roaenwald, tha big Chicago
Change! in Residence.
Mra. J. T. Stewart of Council Blunt
and her daughter, Mra. Wlldman, have
cloaed their home, "The Qablea," for
the winter, which they wilt tpend In Ban
Dr. and Mr. Loult Bushman have
taken an apartment at tha New Hamil
ton. v
Mr. and Mra. E H. Sprague have moved
In from their Benton noma to tb
Colonlel for tha winter.
Among the Visitors.
Mitt Phyllla Lai man of Halt Lke ctty,
la with her tter. Mra. C Douia Meyer.
Mra. 8. V. Chaaa la her to be with
her daughter. Mm. R. Beecher Howell,
for an indefinite atay. -
Mlaa Nannie Rlohardaon la vletlng Miaa
Caroline Johnaon In 8t Joaeph, Mo., and
la axpaoted home about Tueaday.
Mr. and Mra. Norman Dow ( Sioux City
and MUa Mirlan Miliar of Lyona war
gueat laat week of Mr. Mra. J. M. Dow.
Future Erents.
Mra. 8. U Degen, Mr. 8. Warthelmar
and Mr. Henry Roaenthal will enter
tain at bridge at the Hotel Fontenelle
Hits Arnold Goes South.
Ml Jeaale Powell Arnold, who lately
resigned her potltlon aa head resident
of the Omaha Social Settlement, left Fri
day evening for a ahort vlalt with friend
la Dea Moines. Sunday Mist Arnold will
ttart for Louisville, Kjf., te spend tha
Chrlttmaa holldaya with her parents.
After the first of the year Miaa Arnold
will be the houee gueat of tha Loveland
In Englcwood, N. J., and In tha spring
will take up active aoclal work In tu
New York tenements..
Sorority Party.
The Alumnae club of Alpha Chi Omega
sorority entertained Saturday at lunoh
eon at the Loyal hotel, followed by a
matinee party at tha Orpheum. Those
present werei
Roy Kutiili, '
WUilem llavlnger.
Win a Hartleti.
V:il I'rewitt.
liuih Randolph,
Golden Weddinp; of Pioneers.
Memorie f the waybark day when
Omaha waa a taint dot on tha map will
te revived among thoee who were pres
ent by the celebration of the golden wed
ding anniversary tf Mr. and Mra. Charlva
It. Patrick at their home in Chicago.
Mr. and Mra, 1 "at rick were married In
Chicago la Mr. Patrick entered the
railroad atrylce shortly after and the
young couple drifted from city to oity
aa opportunity for service offered. In
tha later 0'a they arrived In Omaha with
Colonel Luddlngton. B. F. Patrick, a
relative, waa at that time half owner
of tha steam ferry which bridged tha
Missouri at thla point until the railroad
bridge put It out of bualneat in 1872. For
many yeara thereafter tha family wero
active factors In the bualneta and aoclal
life of the city. Two daughter. Mary
fend Rose, and two tone, Charlea F. and
Andrew Jaokton, received their achoollng
her. Rot married a Mr. Belndorff and
make her home with her parents. Mary
married H. B. Bakar and ha lived In
Pittsburgh and New Tork tinea her mar
Hag. Charle C. Patrick hat been with
tha MoCord -Brady oompany for over
thirty yeara. A. J. ha the nomadlo
spirit of hla father and omatlme make
hit home with hi parent.
'B. P. Patrick died om ytara ago in
uBoaton, where hi family now live. Mr.
Patrick' mother, Mra M, IL Carroll,
lived to be 101 year old, having all bar
faculties. A Mra. Patrick look today
at 71, ah ought to keep up the family
reputation for longevity. Mr. Patrick la
the laat of tha direct Una of Patiicka of
Baltimore. One of tha great, great, great
grandfather! fought In the flrat battle
In thl oountry fought by whit men
with tha Pekoe Indiana. Captain Pat
with tha Pekoe Indiana. Captain John
Patrick, a nephew, Albert T.- Patrick
and hla family, with hla mother, Charity
Patrick, are aUU la Baltimore.
Now, at the age of 76, with hla com
panion of fifty . year, Mr. Patrick la
back at bit ttartlng point and oelebratea
tha fiftieth annlveraary of hla marriage.
Fast Festivities.
Mr.- and Mr. H. O. Brown entertained
at bridge Thureday evening. ' .
Mr. and Mr. M. C Ffelftr entertained
at bridge Thurday evening.
Mra. Lloyd B. Wilton entertained four
table at bridge Friday afternoon.
Mra. H. W. Plerpont entertained an
Informal bridge olub - Wednesday after
noon. :
Mr. J. M. Belthume and Mra. a V.
Brock entertained the Dundee division
of the. Flrat Congregational church at
tha horn of Mra. Belthume Tuesday
afternoon. .
The Week End Dancing club gav
large party Saturday evening at Cham
ber' academy.
Mr. Emit Anderson waa hottest to a
kenelngtoa party Friday afternoon. Those
present were:
Y Intent Haacall.
Kihel ry,
Marie Fowler.
H. W. Whubert,
O. Ketrhun.
Clyde Kertianrtee,
James McOwffln.
Leonard Hoffman,
y - i " ,
Uisi Marjorie Stewart
Harry King,
Merle Hollingtworth,
Harold Andreaten,
Arthur Anderson.
Emit Anderson.
Mra. C. B. Jlodgton entertained the
ladle of the O. I. A. and frienda at her
home Thuraday afternoon. Those pree
est were:
T. Newman.
M. Ktley.
A. t'eniphe!!.
H. I'hratt.
C. Jonea,
O. Miller.
M. Kord.
J. Kelley,
K. Tboiuat,
Audit of Crete,
' Melklelohn,
Martha Larson,
Leale HuUsson,
Lrven Hodgton.
The home economics Icachert of Oreater
Omaha. Bollevue and Counull Bluffs gav
their final luncheon 'Saturday afternoon
at the fl&Uron hotel. Those preeent wer
Mletea Hart, Williams, Bookmeyer. Wil
liama. Bally, Kupiets, Irroa Orota, Fraaar.
Nackr and Williams.
The Paramount Whtat elub met Friday
-mTW.agre.!)ptM ".. "'' iMwrtwrf .if tu. m
C. Andrews,
if. lUnan, '
W. By. '
K M. ikielohn.
W. Frame..
U. WcuHde, ,
J. tMTtnt.
F. Truman,
J. tilyiia.
La lKitia,
C. B. llodgaon,
Mutsee . .
Amy Parr,
Mude Hodgson,
Winona Jones.
Mr. . '
C. B. Hodgton, -
evening. Prlzet were won by Dr. New
ton. Mrt, D. E. Lovejoy, Mn. J. A. Free
land, Mr. Otto Purdy. Mr, D. B. oaaaett
Mra. C. Stockham will be hoatett to tha
next meeting on December 17.
Mra. Fred Billings waa hottest for the
Mornlna; Olory Kensington club, Thurs
day afternoon. The next meeting will
be at the horn of Mr. M. Cochran,
December 16. Thot preeent wer:
Meadamet Metdarnet
O. Cronemeyer, L. McKenne
M.'Corhran, W. Hofmann,
R. Richardson, Hyte,
Betrothal Announcements.
Mr. and Mra. J. C. Folkt of Pender,
Neb., announce tha engagement of their
r ., .!
" ": V .7 i
iff J, - WiAl
kTr , '?
7? jrJSJna
daughter, Edna, and Mr. J. S. Parker of
Omaha. The wedding will be cektbr&ted
during the holiday.
Mr. and Mrt. Chartei Burke announce
tb engagement of their daughter. Mar
gharette, and Mr. Walter Charle Klopp.
Thl I a chool romance,, both young
people having attended the Omaha High
school and th University of Nebraska.
at the same time. Mlsa Burke 1 a Kappa
Kappa Gamma and Mr. Klopp I a mem
ber of the oeta Theta Pi fraternity.
The. wedding will be celebrated very
quietly In January. Mr. Klopp la now
on th Klopp ranch In Texaa, but will
return for the holldayt and remain for
hla wedding. Th young people are both
very popular In th university et
Weddinar Plans.
Cards have been received from Lot) i
Angelet announcing the marriage : on !
Thanksgiving of Mlat Hasel M. Schaef
for, formerly of Omaha, to Mr. Harry
Dart Relchhart. Mr. and Mr. Relchbart ;
are apendlng their honeymoon In Ban ,
Francisco. ;
Tha wedding of Mlaa Charlotte Calla
han and Mr. Quentln Twachtman of
Greenwich, Conn., whoae engagement wa
announced laat week, will be celebrated
(Continued on Pag Three, Column One.)
t If
1S1S-1S Bang
The First of Our Famous
Chris t ma s S ale s
Bay a Watch and present a Christmas gift of exceptional
value, whether it be to your Father, Son, Brother, or a
good Friend.
' Monday I the Day. " While ' 'i 1
tv they last Only one of these
; Watches to a Customer
Seventeen Jewels, sixteen
size, Deuber-H a m p t o n
Watch; all Jewels set In
gold, steel escape wheel,
exposed winding wheels,
safety click, double brace
mainspring, 20-year guar
anteed, gold filled, open
face, screw case, plain or
engraved. And the price
for Monday only
Only one to a cus
tomer. .
Ladles' "O" sice Watch,
American standard move
ment; fitted In a 20-year,
solid gold filled hunting
case. Exceptional value,
Oentlemen's small 16 six
Elgin, Waltham or Deu-ber-Hampton
Watch, fit
ted In a 20-year solid gold
filled, plain or band engraved de
signed case. Our supply Is limited,
but while they last, f7 JC
at only fO
We carry the most complete line of Howard, Hamilton,
Elgin and Waltham Watches. Also the famous Ball Rail
road Watch. Also a large assortment of Bracelet Watches,
and our prices are the lowest.
f z
For Monday Only
Watch Fob
Diamond set, solid gold
Pendente and chains, very
nifty and of the latest de
signs. Pendents are very
popular and thefts are so
dainty that any woman
would like one as a gift.
Monday only, OP
18.60 value.. P-Q
Most complete stock of
Fobs in solid gold and
gold filled. Monday thev
wlll go St Just half
They must be seen to be
appreciated. $20 Fobs at
810. HO Fobs, S5. nrt
rj.t'o",..$2.50 kl
Wonderful Cut Glass Sale Monday
Nothing of such value has ever been offered the publio
of Omaha. We can't tell you here, you must see it. Come
Monday sure I
Complete Water Set, Pitcher Slower Vate, wild rose pat
and six Cf 7C terns, 12 Inches CI QH
glasses, only. ..... pO I D high, at. y 1 7U
Cream and
Sugar Set, a
value for only
Rose Bud
Vases, ex
tremely nifty,
10 ins. high
1'fr ' A
' the CKOM X,t,Hti- fV
A Diamond Christmas
The diamond has proven a profitable In
vestment in the past twenty years, during
which time diamonds have almost trebled
in value. This store has specialised in
fine diamonds for seventeen years and has
built up a reputation for dependable val
ues, that has extended not alone to Omaha,
but throughout the central west, and has
created an annual volume of Diamond but
hess not equalled in this state. This vol
ume gives us a great buying advantage.
"These Greater Values
are guaranteed to you"
See our special $75 ft carat ring for
men or women. We guarantee it to be the
best $75 diamond ring sold in Omaha. It
can be exchanged at price paid when you
wish for a larger stone.
C. B. Brown Co.
Call or writ for our nw catalogue.
16th and Farn&m Sts.
minimi' -i r
rlHir'ain "'II
This is, a
Jewelry Christmas
Dame Fashion has decreed this Christmas to
be "Jewelry Xmu."
For once, Fashion is practical, because for
gift purposes nothing is as logical as Jewelry.
Such a gift Is personal, Is permanent, reflects the
giver's taste, and is ever remindful of one's friend
ship. Jewelry Is being displayed thla year In larger
assortments. In more designs, and for more uses
than ever nefore. The Jewelers of Greater Ontaha
are doubly awoke to these facts because of this
vicinity's prosperity.
A Jewelry Christmas
M f ll r 1
Wrist Watches $&0O Dp
Diamond Ktnffs $0.00 Up
Fountain Pen gl.OO Up
Embroidery, Beading, Braiding, Cording, Scalloping, Eyelet
and Out Work, Button Holes, Pleating, Buttons.
Ideal Button and Pleating Company
107.0.11 So. 16th St.. Pboit Dong. 1&30, Omaha, Nebraska.
nuoBTiD in) soma no anoczmzx.
oa tternsy les. 88th and raroa.
1S14 DouRltt St.
Phone pous. 1!5I
Fenttnello Hotel.
Tzih nova. sits.
ooonwia oouiti
Now locate,) tt 17SS St Mary' Ave.
Flttlron Bldt:.
Don't fail to tee my $S,00 Xmu
A complete line of latett dctiaTat.
A mixlel tor every figure.
Tel. S. 3718. SOS Bir4 Bl&g.
The Doe is The Paper
r atk fori u yoa pUa to te
abtsat Bur thaa a fsw Say
have Th Be called yoa.
Do Your Xmas Shopping Early