Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Omaha Sunday Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLV NO. 25.
Advocates of Attempt to End War
Accompanied by Fifty-Seven
Newspaper Reporters and
Bryan and Edison Go to Sock Before
Steamer Sails to Say Farewell
to Ford.
NEW YORK, Dec. 4. Henry Ford
and more than, eighty peace advo
cates Balled from here today on tb
pteamer Oscar II for Chrlstlansand,
Norway. The party was accompan
lfd by fifty-seven newspaper corre
spondents and photographers and
more than twenty general assistants,
secretaries and stenographers.
The Balling of the Oscar II, scheduled 2 o'clock, was delayed some time by
the unexpected arrival of fifteen per
sona who had been invited by Mr. Ford,
tmt had not Indicated they Intended sail
ing. The examination of the baggage,
pawports and tickets of the fifteen later
arrivals, as well as the final clearing of
the ship of all but persona who held
tickets, took up considerable time.
Bn and Edison There.
William Jennings Bryan and Thomas
A. Edtaon arrived at the dock an hour
before the steamer sailed to bid farewell
to Mr. Ford. Mr. Bryan spent half an
hour with Ford.
The steamer sailed at 8:15 o'clock, one
hour and fifteen minutes later than the
scheduled sailing hour.
...r. Bryan spent some time on the ship
bidding "good speed," as he termed It, to
t party.
There Is some chance for the mission
to succeed," said Mr. Bryan; "that Is all
I care to say now, except that I wish
them every good fortune."
Welcome from Kin Haakon.
Just before the gang plank was pulled
up, a cable messenger rushed on the ship,
and It was reported that Ford bad re
ceived a message from King Haakon of
Norway, stating the Ford party would
be courteously received In Norway. i
Much excitement prevailed on the
ship and dock for some time prior to '
the sailing. This, In additloa to the
fact that fifteen of the party arrived less
than five minutes before S o'clock, held
tip the work of examining passports and
tickets and other matters Incidental to
the SBHInaxftry' -
Officials of the line, fearful that the
steamer would not be able to leave the
pier until after dark, held a hurried
conference. As a result of this a repre
sentative of the line boarded the vessel
and sailed, for the purpose of checking
up all the persons on board.
It was said then by the line officials
that the Ford party would probably to
tal 175, but the exact number will not
be known until a wireless Is received to
night from the representatives aboard.
All of the saloons and many of the
cabins on the steamer were decorated
with calms, fems. flowers, flags and
streamers representing the national col
ors of about seventeen countries. Red,
-white and blue predominated.
.... i . i
Two large white aovea, wnrcn nau
en carefully mounted and bearing olive
branches, were suspended from the ceil
ing of the main saloon and excited con
siderable comment.
Ford Foim for Movies.
Henry Ford boarded the steamer at 1:06
o'clock accompanied by several friends
and three policemen. Ths latter held the
crowd back while Ford posed for a score
c f moving picture cameras and more than
seventy-five other photographers. Ford
carried a tattered American flag, which
he waved with one hand while he re
jestedly doffed his hat to the cameras.
Two bands played constantly during the
last forty-five minutes before the ship
trot away. The crowd on the dock
steadily Increased and some difficulty
was experienced In clearing the Bhip of
a hundred or more persons who were
b'.il fr ends good byo.
One of the diversion during the last
hour was the marriage on board the shlpi
of Miss Marion ltublncom cr I'hllaaeipnia
tnd Berton Braley of New York. The
ceremony as performed by the, Rev.
Jenkln Lloyd Jones of Chicago, who was
a member. of the peace party. The bride
ni.d groom also sailed.
Jirw Fraternity BulldlnsT at Gerlna".
GKIUNG. Neb., Dec. 4. (Speclal.)
Grcund was broken heer this week for
the new Masonic and Odd Fellows' bulld-
ii, n .ontract for which Involves an
exrlenditi-re of about 117,000 and which
vill be WxSO feet.
The Weather
v.,r K',.hrk-Fair: warmer central
portion, colder in extreme west portion
For Iowa Partly cloudy Sunday; n
much change In temperature.
Tempera tare
it Omaha lmlri'v,
6 a. n...
a. m..
7 a. m. .
a. in..
1 a. in..
10 a. no..
11 a. m...
12 m
1 p. in..
2 p. in..
p. m..
4 p. in..
5 p. in..
p. in..
1 p. tn..
, 44
Comparative lecal Record.
Official record of temperature and pre
riuitation, compared with the corro
puntling period of the last three years:
1916. 1914. 1913. 1913.
Highest yesterday 4 4-i 62 49
lxiweat yer-terday 2 20 47 M
Mean temperature S( ' ' W 43
l'reclpitatiuo -lO .01
Temperature and precipitation depar-
s troni me normal;
vrirmil temperature SI
V r.M for the day 7
Total deficiency since March 1 139
Normal precipuaiion ,. ,iu men
I leficiency for me any ."j men
Total ra ifall since March 1....3B 74 inches
m i n l, n'y slni-e March 1 1 71 inc-nea
lM-fli'irnry for cor. period. 1-14.. 4 i1 Inches
iJeflc'it-ncy f"' col"- period, 1911. .s7 inches
Many Exhibits Will Be Taken from
San Francisco and Fair Con
tinned Another Year.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Doc. 4. Offi
cial announcement that the Panama
California exposition, which was
opened here January 1 of this year,
will continue throughout 1916 as the
Panama-California International ex
position, was made today by O. A.
Davidson, president of the exposition,
who has accepted tha presidency of
the new project.
New Season First of Jaasur.
Tho 1M Mt'iHiBTtlua will open January
l,,mV he-vday -f ollewtaa, ihe- official
closing of the ins fair. Thus there will
be a continuity of operation, and for the
first time In history a two-year exposi
tion. "Foreign exhibits valued at several mil
lion dollars from the Panama-Paclflo ex
position at San Francisco, Just closing,
will be brought here," President David
son said In his announcement.
"Two of the largest exhibits at the
San Francisco exposition the Canadian
and the Italian have been obtained for
next year, and we expect that the French
exhlbtt aleo will be Installed here. We
hope to obtain the Philippine exhibit and
the Philippine legislature has been asked
for an appropriation to cover the ex
penses. "It Is expected the buildings will be
large enough to house the exhibits, but It
may be necessary to build additional
"The operating; and guaranty fund for
1916 haa been raised In Los Angeles, Ban
Diego and other parts of southern Cali
fornia, There has been p. tentative agree
ment wtlh transcontinental railroads re
garding rates."
British Transports
Are Landing More
Troops at Saloniki
LONDON, Dec . S a. in.) A Reuter
dispatch from Saloniki aays:
"The Bulgarians shelled yesterday the
British lines on the Strumltsa front, but
soon were silenced by British guns. Oth
erwise nothing occurred on tbe allied
"Additional British troops disembarked
"No details have been received respect
ing the occupation of Monastlr. Although
it la doubtful whether the Austro-Oer-oians
entered the town In force, the fall
of the city has evoked considerable re
sentment in Greek circles
Reports persist that Russian troops
have entered Bulgaria, w-ere, according
to news received here, the people have
already had enough of war.
"Three Austrian spies, disguised as Ser
bian gendarmes, were shot yesterday."
Large Bodies of
Villa Troops Are
Arriving at Juarez
EL PASO, lex., Deo, 4. The arrival of
, mo bodies of troops at Jaures ti
om Chihuahua City was taken lo
to indicate the exacuation of the ca
J bcKin. Oenerul Luis Herrera la re
ported occupying Santa Rosalia, Ch'.hua-
ua. about 1'JO miles south of the capital.
unta Konalla was evacuated by Villa
"urcts Thursday.
, Silk and Cotton
Popular Fabrics
CLEVELAND. O.. Dec. 8. Silk and
cotton fabrics will be the most popular
next spring, according to delegates to
the National Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manu
facturers' convention which opened here
today. The reason for this, they say. Is
the fact that great supplies of wool and
woolen cloth are required to clothe for
eign armies and dyes used In their manu
facture have advanced to prohibitive
i rices.
Evangelist Says P. T. Barnum
Turned Over in Grave When He
Heard of Peace Ship Stunt
SYRACUSE, N. Y., Dec. 5. (Spe
cial Telegram.) "I think that when
Ford put over this advertising stunt
P. T. Barnum turned over In his
grave and said, 'I've got to band it
to you, Henry; you got me skinned.' "
That's the reply of Rev. "Billy"
Sunday to a statement made by
Henry Ford, Detroit millionaire, aa
the latter Bailed today, In which the
Sunday ;with Chancellor' James Rds -
coe Day of Syracuse university and
Alton B,' Parker, one time Tlemocratlo
candidate for the presidency, as "the
world's greatest comedians."
This was controversy week for the fa
mous evangelist. "Billy" started off In
a congenial spirit and won the admission
from Rev. U. O. Kllngensmlth, Lutheran
clergyman, who was the first to attack
Sunday upon his arrival here: ' 'BUI'
says some good things.'
' Row Over Segregation.
Having burled the hatchet with the
Lutherans, however, Mr. Sunday stirred
up a hornet's nest when In a sermon on
"Amusemenus" he advocated segregation
aa the best solution for the social evil.
In his copyrighted sermon he said: "And
while we are on the subject of fallen
women, I want to say I think the best
way to deal with the problem Is to segre
gate all the demimondes in one part of
the city." This statement waa tha target
today for a red-hot attack by the Syra
cuse moral survey committee, headed by
Rev. Dr. Frederick W, Betta of the First
Unlversalist church, a sect for which
"Billy;' has told Syracuslana ha has no
use. '
The committee, after stating- that flvs
years ago Syracuse had thirty houses of
Ill-fame, with an income of Tl, 000, 000 an
nually, asserted "We are not going back.
We are going the other way. And If
Mr. Sunday, last word is In favor of
aegration, he ought to stay In Syracuse
long enough to learn a better way than
a segregated hell for dealing with this
evil. Their Is a depth of iniquity, moral
depravity and physical rottenest In Sun
day suggestion."
'"-'"r Mnt l r'tatemeat.
"Billy" came back this afternoon with
a denial that he ever made that remark
given In his copyrighted sermon. Some
fellows are throwing cat fits at some,
thing that I did not say "sapped 'Billy. "
"I don't ordlnarilly pay any attention to
such folks who are always hammer-In;
and knocking me. But I have never
uttered a word In favor of the segregated
district during my life. The moral sur
vey." rejolner tonight was to the effect
"Billy" had better read what he copy
rights. Tep Thousand Trail Hitters.
Sunday trail hitters today totalled eren
10,000 at the tabernacle. Conversion
totalled 7.7J7. The tabernacle attendance
todate Is 615,000, as compared with 407.600
at Omaha. The total eollect'ons are
S24.5fi9.S4, but number of trail hitters Is
swelled by few hundred repeaters who
get rellatlon nearly every'nlght. One
high school teacher and three Sundav
school Instructors insist upon being con-
The first wedding to be solemnised in
a Sunday tabernacle took place last
iiiv wnen Alias llessie Ames of Scott i
and Clair Bennett were united by Rev.
"lr' -urau or me Sunday party. Tho
Cornell university student body at Ithaca
may near "UUly" on Thursday.
Mr. Sunday this week turned down a
request of Buffalo, N. T.. for a revival
because churches there were not united.
Rochester, which sent a I.OOO delegation
here today, also wants him.
' I
Price of Export
Gasoline is Raised
NEW TORK, Dec. 4 -The Standard Oil
company of New York today announced
an advance of 1 rent a gallon on all
grades and packages of gasoline for -x-pwrt.
Nebraska Secretary of State Without
Direct Word from Colonel to
Withdraw Petition.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 4. (8peclal.)
No request has yet been received by
Secretary of State Pool from Theo
dora Roosevlt asking that the peti
tion filed to place his name on the
plrmary ballot for the republican
nomination for the presidency, be
Dispatches, early In tha week, an-
ced that Colonel Roosevelt had
stated that ho had requested tha
secretary of state that tha petition be
wihdrawn. .
In the event that the secretary dors
not receive the colonel's request very
soon, Mr. Pool states this morning that
ha will set a date for hearing the re
monstrance filed by Senator Crawford
Kennedy against the Roosevelt petition
and abide by the showing made.
The petition waa filed very soon after
tha last presidential election and has
ben laying quietly in he secretary's of
fice until the proper time came to take
action. In the mind of the secretary of
state now Is the accepted time and now
Is the day of salvation for any who have
anything to say In the matter and then
forever after hold their peace.
Russia Has Wh6at
Surplus of Half
Billion Bushels
FETROQRAD, Dec. S (Via London,
Deo, 4.) The ministry of finances has
presented to the council of ministers a
summary of the economic situation In
Russia, which says that the grain har
vest for tha current year was 612,0w,00u
poods (a pood equals Sg English pounds),
about 150,000,000 bushels above the five
year average.
Counting grain carried from the previ
ous season, Russia has available for the
current year 4,768.000,000 poods of grain
and potatoes, equalling about S,177.0OO,ono
bushels, the excess of the available sur
plus over 1914 amounting to 7S9,0O0,OOi
poods, equalling about 626,000,000 bushels.
Deducting the probable consumption of
the country. It la estimated that the new
available surplus will be about &7,000,ouo
bushels. Reports regurdjng the wnlter
crops are of the most favorable nature.
Since the beginning of the war, it was
announced, the savings of the people
have Increased 499,000,0uo roubles and now
amount to 2,408,000.000 ruubles.
Italan Ship Chased
By Subsea Craft
Reaches New York
NEW TORrf, Dec. 4. Tha steamer
Verona, which arrived today from Italian
ports, was chased In the Mediterranean
on November 19 by a submarine, and the
only reason that it escaped. Captain
Blmone Qull said, was that a heavy sea
made tbe submarine roll and pitch and
slow up.
The chase took place when the Verona
was about 110 miles west of the Straits of
There wasvno flag on the submarine,
bUt SU W" th conce,,,u" (lt ounlm on
tha Verona but it was a German U boat.
The chase lasted an hour and a half
when night Interposed.
NEW YORK, Iiec. 4.-Andrew Freed
nian. former owner of tha New York
Rational League baseball team, died at
his home here today as tha result of a
nervous breakdown. Ms. Freedman was
well known in local business circles a
the organiser of tha Casualty Company
of America. He and Richard Croker,
tne time Tammy Leader, were iluse
fr.ends for yer
Arrest of Baron von Brincken in
San Francisco Believed to Be
Important Achievement in
Department of Justice Conducts In
vestigation Covering Entire
Country for Weeks.
WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dec. 4. I
After weeks of investigation covering j
the entire country Department of
Justice officials were convinced to
night that they had under arrest
most of the men implicated In plots
to Interfere with American conunerco
in munitions of war.
The arrest today in San Krancisco
of Baron von Hrlnrken, who claims
to be connected with the office of the
German consul general there. Is re
garded here as one of the most im
portant made in several weeks. The
baron, according to the information
lure was a prominent figure in tho
plans of c. C. Crowley, arrested In
the Fame city charged with plots)
against munition factories.
More arrests are to be made tn the
Crowley case and Important develop
ments ore looked for Vhen all the wit
nesses the government Is seeking reach
San Francisco and give their testimony.
t'onlrrtlon Between Plota.
Although officials would not admit that
direct connection has been established be
tween the Crowley plots and those In
which Lieutenant Robert Fay and his ac
complices were Implicated In New Tork,
it is understood many facts point to such
a conclusion. It this proves true the de
partment expects within a few weeks to
have completely defeated plans nation
wide to Interfere with munition shipments
In the east to Kngland, France and Italy,
and In the west to Russia.
Who the head of the suspected oon-
. . , . ,
splracy was or whether it had any one
. . a a. .... .
d h. not been discovered, but In gath-.from
ug up the threads in tho Crowley and
j I.UBCB in oepanmeni nas lata its
hands on information which may de
velope along that line.
Baron von Brlncken's name does not
appear here In tha record. of tha BtaU ther arV many d 'cu X
it?.rt!.P. ! ? wlgnrtTs-WEUtrFfth. hrona without giving great offens.
attached to the German consul general's l'ver, tn th. oM Chines tradl-
i ny no immunity iroin
'ji. mil m Keeping witn the pol
icy of the Department of Juatlco could
be prosecuted vigorously.
House Democrats'
Commttees Favor
Preparedness Plan
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-Demojratlo
nominations for house committees an
nounced today and which will be laid
before tho house Monday, assure support
for 1'resldent Wilson's national defense
program. Republicans on the commit
tees will be announced later.
Kive of the six new members of the
naval committee are "big navy" men.
Oscar Callaway of Texas, named to suc
ceed the late Representative Wlther
spoon of Mississippi, Is opposed to any
material Increase In the navy. Wlther
spoon was of the same conviction and
the naming of Callaway was In recog
nition of how Wltherspoon would have
votew If he had returned to congress.
The new members of the military af
fairs committee are said to be unani
mously in favor of a large army.
Claude Kltchln, chairman of the ways
and means committee, Is opposed to the
campaign of preparedness, but he said
today that he was satisfied with the
personnel of the committee. No opposi
tion developed to Kltchln continuing to
head the ways and means committee.
The 'chairmanships of tho larger com
mittees remain unchanged from the last
session. Representative Ragadale of
South Carolina, who figured prominently
as on Insurgent of the banking and cur
rency committee last year, was not re
nominated to that committee, but was
placed on the foreign affairs committee.
Thirteen democrats and eight members
of minority parties will compose each of
the larger committees.
Boy-Ed and Von
Papen Have Talks
With Bernstorff
WASHINGTON. V. C, Dec. 4,-Captaln
I l?o-Kd naval attache of the
cm) assy, whose immediate withdrawal
, has been requested by the t'nlted States,
came here today from New York and
' had a long conference with Count Von
l.ernstorff, the German ambassador. Cap
. tain Franx Von Papen, the military at
I tache of the embassy, whose withdrawal
I was also asked, is expected to come to
' U avhiiiftton soon
Officials of the German embassy re
fused to discuss Captain Koy-Ed's visit
or any developments of the request by
the state department.
Secretary Lansing hss not yet decided
what action, if any, will be taken in the
esse of Austro-Hungarlan Consul General
Von N uber at New York.
PENSACOLA, Fla., Dec. 4. Announce
ment was made at the navy aero station
here today that Lieutenant R. C. Saufley,
navy aviator, made a new world's alti
tude record for hydro-aeroplanes late
yesterday when ha ascended 12.136 feet.
The ascent occupied fifty minutes and
the descent to I'ensacola bay was fif
teen minutes.
Plans for Enthronement of President
as Emperor Proceed, Despite
Protest of Japan.
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
PEKING. Nov. 3. Plans for the
enthronement of Yuan Shi Kal are
being made In spite of the Joint re-
quest of Japan, Rnd 'England
that the abandonment of the repub
li.: be dalayed. It has been an
nounced that Hie new dynasty prob
ably will be called the Wu, or War
dynasty. In exchange for the sur
render of all Imperial documents and
the title to the throne of China, the
boy emperor, Hsuan Tung, will be
made an hereditary prince.
Already ten of the twenty-one provinces
of china have cast their unanimous vote!
for tho monarchy and have designated j
t uan tsni Kal as their choice for em-1
porer, according to Bovernment reports.
It la fair to assume that, a few of the
other provinces will devlato from the
government plan.
Three Moee In Unitir,
The transformation of trie republic Into
a monarchy will he effected by three
moves, unless forelxn Interference upsets
the rreeent plans. After the election
of representatives for the people's con
vention, this body will determine the
form and text of the ballot to be used.
The third step will be the nomination of
the president to be emperor. The presi
dent will tnen ascend the dragon throne
and the boy emperor will surrender to
him all the historic treasures of the
Ts!ng dynasty. I. Idle Hsuan Tung's
title of emperor will then be cancelled.
Interesting reports are circulated dally
as to the unwillingness of Yuan KM Kal
to accept the emperorship. The latest
Is that tho president especially desires
to decline the great responsibility and
return to his native place to till the soil.
Various organs and bodies throughout
China are preparing memorials which
will be submitted tn tho president en
treating him to accept the crown.
Kmporor Hsuan Tung will submit a
j petition from the Imperial family. Military
Oovernor Tuan Chin Kuel or iwusaen win
attach his signature to a memorial from
tho military governors of all tho prov
inces. Wang Kuan will submit a petition
on behalf of the Mohammodana. Other
JI J 111 lir 11 L V 111 I ir will nun
i .... ... ,..,,... ...
a I Villi 1,11V JIII llllt'l v; 1st I I'l'Uiro u. -,
th. eauCB,UoIlal organisations and
.rii. ... i..n.
Many nifflenltlea In Way.
Because of the belief very general
among the lower otasses in China that tha
, jorui
It is necessary for the new emperor
to get ths boy emperor to turn over the
titlo of "Emperor of the Great Pure"
and tho traditional Imperial seat which
has been In the possesion of the Chi
nese emperors for centuries. In order
to accomplish this it Is reported that after
the results of the election have been an
nounced In favor of the monarchy, tha
president will resign and offer tha throne
to the boy emperor. He In turn will de
cline ths honor, his advisers urging that
he la too young for such great responsi
bility. Then the demand that Yuan Shi
Kal accept the emperorship will be In
order and he will "unw lllngly" ascend
the throne with the consent of the de
posed dynasty.
Reports that Yuan Shi Kal's seventh
daughter will marry the throncless boy
emperor, thus allying the president with
the Tslng dynasty have been generally
It Is reported tha little emperor
marry a Manchu princess.
Bank Messenger
Killed by Robber
In Subway Station
NEW YORK, Dee. S. Allan N. Gardner,
a bank messenger, was mortally shot,
and George De Brosa, his assailant, was
danrerously wounded by Welter
Orleman, another messenrer. In
Brosa's attempt tn steal a bag conta'n
Ing 14.000 at the Fourteenth street Sub
way station during the ru.ih hour late
today. The messenKers are employes of
the Bank r.f the Metropolis.
De Brosa, who was armed with three
revolvers, carried nearly 200 cartridges, a
bag of black powder and wore two suits
of clothes, walked up behind the mes
sengers and fired two ahots Into tho head
of Gardner, who carried the bag, and aa i
the messenger fell to the floor amid the
cries of the subway throng, the robber
threw away the revolver, selxed tha bag
and fled. Orleman gave chase and De
Brosa drew a second revolver and fired,
the bullet lodging In tha messenger's coat
Orleman, however, wrested the revolver
from I'e Brosa and fired twice, one bullet
lodging In De Brosa's back. He dropped
' his booty and fled into Broadwsy.
By this time police were approaching
from several directions. De Brosa then
drew his third revolver and dscarding
his outer suit, ran across Union Square.
Here he attempted to retrace his steps,
but was felled by a patrolman whom hs I
attempted to shoot.
Alpine Soldiers
Descend Precipice
ROM K (Via IxmUon). Pec. J. The fol
lowing official communication was Issued
"In the Ledro valley one of our detach
ments of Alpinists descended a precipice)
t.orth of Pre by means of ropes and sur
prised tho enemy, who had been rein
forced, and drove him back, afterward
firmly occupying the position.
"Minor actions ending In our favor are
eportrd from northwest of Koncegno, In
the valley of Suguna. In the Rlens Klsch
tack ridge and the valley of Seebach In
"Our infantry occupied in front of
Toimlno a part of an enemy entrench
ment on Santa Maria hill, capturing rifles
and ammunition. There U no change on
thi. rest of tha front"
Three Divisions Are Said to Be on
Their Way West Across Hun
gary to Aid the Aus
trian Army.
Rumor that Large Army Will Move
Into Bulgaria is Partly Dis
111 I.1.KTIX.
BERLIN, Dec. 4. (Via London.)
Capture of more than 2,000 Ser
bians by Teutonic forces Is reported
In today's official statement by army
headquarters. The captures were
effected in engagements with scat
tered bands in the mountain regions.
LONDON. Pec. 4. The much ru
mored Russian diversion against the
Dulgarians has not materialized, but
the fact that no Russian official
statement was issued last night gave
rlee to hopes in London that it was
being withheld in order to chronicle
this new phase of the Balkan cam
paign. At the same time reports
have reached here from Ducharest
that three Bulgarian divisions
crossed Hungary enroute to the Ital
ian or western front, which, if true,
would seem to indicate that Bulgaria
does not fear a Russian invasion.
Reports of such a shift of forces
on the part of the Bulgarians are as
vague, however, as the report that
Austro-Qerman troops had been
rushed from other quarters eastward
to face the new Russian menace.'
Serb Armies Are ia Albaala.
Dispatches from several sources assert
that both tha northern and southern Ser
bian armies are safely established In Al
bania, while forces of the Serbs, who
evidently formed part of tha defenders
of Monastlr, have reached tha French
ramp at Glevgell, In Serbian territory,
near the Greek frontier not far from
A feeling of optimism over tha near
eastern situation seems to be growing
here, but outwardly there Is little to
Justify It except on the theory that tha
Russian onslaught against Bulgaria will
quickly crystallsa, while entente diplo
matic negotiations in SwsSseertri seem
to- be progressing favorably. From Ger
man sources news has been received that
Greece has granted tha allies absolute
control of the railroads In Macedonia
together with certain ports on the Aegean
sea, thus assuring them an undisturbed
base of operations.
British Epedition
Directed at Bagdad
is Reported Defeated
LONDON, Dec. 4.-The British amy
In Meropotamla Is In retreat. Official
announcement was made today that the
forces of General Townsend were retlr
to Kut-El-Amaxa.
The British announcement confirms a
Berlin wireless dispatch, of two days ago
to the effect that tha British were being
forced back In the direction of Kut-2-Amara,
106 miles south of Bagdad. Tha
wireless quoted an official Turkish re
port which said the British wer fleeing
tn disorder, after losing 8,000 offlosrs
and men In three days fighting. The
British attempted to make a stand at
Aslsl, but were again routed.
The defeat of the British puts an and
for the time being to their hops at cap
turing Bagdad.
In their advance they occupied Otest
phon on the Tigris, eighteen miles below
Bagdad. They were compelled to retire
j on account of lack of water and on at
D tempting to resume the advanoa on Bag
dad were confronted with a strongly re
inforced Turkish army, resulting In tha
battle reported from Berlin.
Two British Ships
Sunk by Subseas
I5NDON, Dee. 4. Two mora British
steamships have been sunk in the Medlt
teranean by submarines. They were tha
Mlddleton and the Clan Mao Leod. Four
men on the Mlddleton were killed and
one waa wounded. Nineteen were landed
at Malta.
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