Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1915, News Section, Page 8, Image 8

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Another Money-Saving
Sale of Suits and
Overcoats at tho
Palace Saturday
Thin brunt I ful 42 ptere
Handsomely decorstd With
beautiful floral dewlffn, with
every Suit or Overcoat, at
and up.
And if you are really in
search of bargains, you'll b
owe of the scores of buyera that
will crowd thin popular "Ilar
fraln Store" Haturday. You'll
Prices "Way Below Zero"
on Fine Cold Weather
IIer la an unprecedented
and unparalleled array of foar
gain in Fine. Sulfa, Overcoat
and Furnishings for men and
young men. Itcad every word
of till Ad. It means money to
you on Saturday.
$10 Rlue Serge and Mixtures
Guaranteed blue serges, and
light and dark mixture, lu new
winter model for men and
young men, regular $16 value,
11 go In thia sale fr. iJC
Saturday at &J4D
916 and 918 Butts Handsome
suit that we have been show
lng thia season at $16.00 and
$18.00, will go In this sale.
Come and make your selection
from these two entire lines at
this wonderfully low price,
.zr.r:y $n.5o
Finest Grades of 920 and 9S
SuitsThese include our fin
est winter garment In hand
tailored models of the newest
pattern and weaves, values up
to $25, In this tlf Cf
sale Saturday at. 2l.OU
Open UU
10 o'clock
We are
of An Kinds
for Men.
Genuine Kerseys, 910 Values
These are in black, alngje and
double-breasted, with both vel
vet or shawl collars. They were
good values at $10. Think of
buying them in this ; rf
sale Saturday at... 3O.DU'
Fine Chinchillas, $16 Value
In blue, brown and gray all
wool serge body linings,
shawl collars. These values are
amazing. Think of buying these
rich-looking gar- aa pjrm
ments Saturday at. 37 O
New rtalmeruea, $20 Values
The style leaders of the year
garments you'll find ticketed at
$20 all over Omaha. All the
newest and warmest materials
all beauties. On sale Sat-
ST. $11.50
Mea's 11.50 rail aa Wlate
Weight, ruM Uaea Valoa Buita
In this mouty -savins. ali
Saturday, at
tea's Hsary Winter Back Al
sys sold at 10c a alr, on aale
fcalurday, at, per pair a
riaaael StaJrts All wool b'ua
riannW shirts, 11.60 value. In thla
Inoiivy-eavlna: aal Saturday.
Mea's SI. BO Wool Bwaatar Ooata
Hull culiar: gray only; tn thia
'nuney-savins; sal Saturday. ts
afea's S1.00 BhirtsNew fall pat
tains, coat style, ait I f r cuffs at
tached; In II. la money-savins; aula
I uturdsy, at a
Mea's SI. SO Olovee Tana, browns;
"Adier'a Make;- tn this money.
savin aale Saturday, at S5
Mea's SI. OO Osaatlet Werk Olovss
j-iw S to 10 "Hansen"
nj.. in thla money-savins? sale
fcalirrday, at ra
MSB's n Quality XsmsUtoksd
staaakeresiefal-'ui. slse: In this
n.oney-savin sals Baturday. .S
Msa's TSa riaaualeUe aVlsrbtaalrt
'ut wide and full: all si Ma: In
thla money-aavln aale Saturday,
Mae's SI .00 Wlatar Welarht Valoa
alts 1'Iok crotch U: a this
luoiitry-aavltia sals fcalurday,
J "l-OJjllU tyMfAAl
, mtm mmm i f
if i
American Steamer Hocking- Requisi
tioned Without Any Legal For
malities at All.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Official
announcement that the American
steamship Hocking had been re
quisitioned by the British govern
ment without the formality of price
court proceedings was received by
the State department late today In
a dispatch from Consul General
Young at Halifax, where the ship
has been detained since it was seised
by a British warship while on the
way from New York to Norfolk.
This procedure will be vigorously
contested by the United States gov
ernment as being illegal and in viola
tion of recognised right under inter
national law.
Officials of the department whe had
j been mora or lens skeptlclat regarding
unofficial reports of the Intentions of
Oreat Britain espressed amazement when
they learned that the Hocking actually
had been requisitioned.
What I . . H ill Demand.
The United States it was said will de
mand that the ship be retained In prise
court, on the chars that it Is partly
German owned, and that the prize court
will act promptly In ti e cane
Confirmation of unofficial reports re
garding the action In the Hocking case
led officials hers to believe that Oreat
Britain intenda to take over for Its own
us other vessels of the fleet owned by
the American Transatlantic company; If
It has not don so already. The com
pany has Informed the Stats department
that its ship Genesee In the West Indies
has been requisitioned and the Kankakee,
now at sea bound for Port Stanley, Falk
land Islands, In charge of a prise crew
from the British cruiser Macedonian, will
b requisitioned upon it arrival at port
Representations regarding the Hocking
probably mill Include also the cases of
th Genesee and the Kankakee.
Ilely on Ordrr-tM-t'oanrll.
Attorneys acting for Oreat Britain In
the cases base their motions for orders
of requisition upon a Brltlah order-ln-council,
issued April 29, which the United
States Is not prepared to accept aa Id
accordance with International law.
The Stat department now Is awaiting
a report from Ambassador Pass at
London who, after the department had
received unofficial Intimation of the in
tention of th British government, was
Instructed to Inquire Into th matter
and to enter a vigorous protest If he
found that requisition was contemplated.
Althoush no information has been re
ceived from Ambassador Pas tonight, it
was presumed by department officials
that fie has received confirmation In Lon
don. The department desires to know Just
what action Mr. fas has taken before
determining what form further represen
tations shall take.
Aimnrit of Crows,
Consul General Young's dispatch said
that when th order allowing requisition
was granted by th prise court In Halifax
this afternoon it waa stipulated that th
crown should glv an undertaking for th
appraised value of th ship. The crown
under this argument agrees to pay the
amount of the appraisement into the
court ahould final adjudication In the
case b against th British government.
Th report contained no details regarding
th appraisement. Dispatches received
by Counselor Polk of the Stat depart
ment from attorneys for th American
Trsns-Atlantlo company, however, atated
that In the esse of the Genesee th un
dertaking had been fixed at 46,000.
Officials of the Stat department al
ready are arranging th loss! arguments
which may be used in th case. They
have found that during th civil war
certain neutral ships were seised and
requisitioned by th United States before
prise .court adjudication. Most of these
ships, however, are said to have been
blockade runners.
Collects Affidavits.
The department also was Informed to
night that th American Tra is-Attantlo
company had nearly completed Its col
lection of affidavit from th holder of
stock In th corporation, which will. It is
claimed, prove that th company is
wholly owned by American cUliens. All
but two of th affidavits, It was said,
had been collected. Those now on hand,
It was said, might be Immediately sub
mitted to th Stat department for Its
Information. It Is claimed they show
that at least M per cent of the stock Is
owned by American clllsens.
Th Hocking waa requisitioned under
authority of a rule of prise court pro
cedure, provided for by th order-la-con-rll
reading aa follows:
"Where It Is mad to appear to th
Judge oa th application of the proper
officer of th crown that It is desired to
tequlsltlon on behalf of his majesty a
ship In respect of which no final decree
of condemnation has been made, he shall
order that the ship sball be appraised,
end that upon an undertaking being
f.iven . . . . th ship shall be released
and delivered to th crown."
Hlaat l;ui,u:tlaa.
Th rule waa contained tn an amend
ment, which waa made after the attorney
general appearing for the British govern
ment tn th case of a neutral ship, which
had been requisitioned, contended that a
belligerent slate had a "right to requisi
tion, according to International law, or
t rgent purposes of offense or defense,
II. property of neutrals, provided it Is
l.ot within neutral Jurisdiction." H wss
further contended that such requisition
waa subject to "adequate compensation,"
and that th subject of a neutral state
whose property had been so requisitioned
could not complain to a British court, the
lemedy being through diplomacy.
Th American Trans-Atlantic company
la a Delaware corporation which wa
formed recently by Richard Wagner of
New York and Wisconsin. It purchased
ten ships, neirly all of which before the
war war flying the nags of foreign
countries now neutral. The statua of
the veaaela waa questioned by Great Brit
ain aud for a time applications made to
the Department of Commerce for their
transfer to American registry were held
up pending investigation of statements
that their ownership was largely German.
Th State department ruled, however,
that tit vessel were entitled to Ameri
can registry on a prima facie showing
that they wer owned by an American
Co Want Aft Produce Results.
Mare Prtaoeera Karkaasre4.
PA Uia. Dee. t Th Krench cabinet this
morning authorised the ministers of
finance and marine to Introduce In the
t namber of Deputies In the nanta of th
Sox eminent a measure authorising the
pi.rrhaa by the stale of a lucrchaut fleet
vf fifty auip.
Resident! of Neighborhood of Twen
tieth and L Streets Protest
Sewer Nuisance.
Resident in th vicinity of Twentieth
and Is street are preparing to make a
strong demand on the city commission
that th sewer nulaance at that place
be abated. According to A. A. Wright,
taxpayer, and F. S. Rlrhardson. property
owner and former president of the achool
board, the city garbegemasVr ha filled
the sewer with garbage. The sewer has
been rendered useless In rase of storm
snd Is a menace to health, it Is de
clared. Some weeks ago Sanitary Inspector
Connell granted the garbagemaater th
privilege of dumping garbage In this
sewer, which Is seventy-six feet deep.
Th street between Twentieth and Twenty-second
on L street was one a big
ravine and only last year was entirely
filled and paved. The cost, approxi
mately, was more than fffl.uuu In this
single Instance' The grade being only a
new one. In case of a heavy storm, with
the sewer rendered practically useless. It
would mean that the water would flood
the expensive grading and filling.
Petty Thieves Artlve.
Numerous petty robberies constituting
In th majority simple petit larocny coses
are being dally reported to the police.
The downtown section Is coming In for
Its share of th thefts. The latest reported
I the theft of a valuable watch from
the room of Dr. J. J. lluinpal, 528 North
Twenty-fourth atreet. A small amount of
money waa taken 'at the same time.
Some weeki ago Tho Boe office was
broken into and a valuable camera out
fit stolen. This was a case of grand
larceny and apprehension of the thief
would mean a term In the penitentiary.
Just last Saturday th same office wa
broken Into again and several valuable
miscellaneous articles Including part of
aonther camera equipment was stolen.
Th good were personal property.
Th pollco ar keeping a close lookout
and have been Investigating for some
time. A reward of considerable slxe has
been promised In case of the apprehen
sion of th thief In the Inst mentioned
Month tdv Howlers.
After a lapse of two weeks, allowing
for the Thanksgiving holiday, the young
women bowlers resumed contest on the
Brunswick alleys lust evening. Th
evening' tour of the athletes wound up
In a tie. the Happy Hoollgana and the
Charlie Chapllnltes, each winning a game
and tlelng another. Miss Mable House
man bowled lilh score of tho evening,
making 384 In three times up. All scores
wer comparatively low. The results:
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Ryan M T6 76 244
M. Ilousman 103 lis 11:1 14
Martin 1M M "! !o
Rlnehart KM W l(Xj XM
Vacek 8i 63 Kl 130
Totals 611 4t6 4.
3d. Tot.
ftrawby .....
M. Routt ...
H. Ilousman
Anderson . .
Totals 479 443 470
Seal to Hospital.
Dr. E. F. Shanahan, assistant city phy
sician, ordered John Yost, Thirty-sixth
and K streets, arrested on a charge of
drunkenness Tuesday evening, to th
South Sid hospital last evening. Th
man had lain In Jail for practically two
days seemingly paralysed, sitting In on
position th entire time.
Bias' City Gossip.
A publio card Party will be riven thla
evening ai the Moose hull at Twenty
flfthnd At atnets.
Mlfti Morris has special sale' of hand
p lilted china at Munt's drug store, cor.
l'4lh and F atreets.
Office apace for rent In Bee office, 2.U8
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. South 'O.
Th Keno Klu will hold Its fourth
annual banquet at the Hotel Rome In
Omaha tomjrrovr evening.
Oak Alger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Alger, 1414 U street, la sick In bed at the
home of his parents with pneumonia.
The second annual ball of the German
Home orcheatra will be alven Saturday
evening at the home, 4totj South Thir
teenth street.
The same officers who served during
the Isst year were elected by members
of the South Side Grova No. 211. Wood
men of the World, laat evenina at their
Loet-Medlum size dog, white, with
Urge yel.ow spots, long nose. Return 3s3!
riouth 20th St., South Omaha. Reward.
Tel. So. 762.
What nicer present could en wish than
a bank account with l or more to begin
with. Four per cent Paid by the Uve
Stock National Bank Savings Dept.
a U,MvAt'a AAIIK OtHi .K II-
-. ...... v m i , ..v. vw. vniuuilU
Order of Foresters, will hold its annusl
election of offiiera this evening at bt.
Bridget s hall at 8 o'clock. All members
are requested to be present.
Card of Thanks We wish to thank the
many kind friends and neighbors who so
kindly assisted us during the Illness and
death of our beloved daughter and sister.
Hisned, Mrs. Delia Benson and family.
Want ads for The Bee may be left at
The Bee's branch office, 2318 N St. Rates,
2o a word for one time, lo a word tacli
day for three days and lo a word each
day for a week. Prompt and courteous
AthletlO contests held in the different
grade schools of the city, promoted by
representatives of the Omaha Young
Men's Christian association leader, have
all been held.
Per order of Chief c Police Dunn the
O atreet entrance to the stock yards will
be cleared of solicitors of all kinds here
after. The spoi liil order was Issued be
canse of the numerous complaints re
ceived In past months.
CAMBRHH1K. Neb.. Dec. 3-( Special
Telegram.) Th Republican Valley hos
pital caught fir this morning and was
damaged at least 11.000, covered by In
surance. The liospltal was full of pa
tient i. but It la thougnt none suffered
through the exposure of moving.
Th fir went up the dumb waiter and
clothes schute from the basement. On
patient, th victim of a motorcycle acci
dent, had to be moved through a window
and carried down the laddera. as th
smoke bee ma dense In the, halls. The
patients ar being cared for In private
homes. The hospital will b repaired
at once.
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea, or as th Uermaa folks call
It. "Hamburger Hrust Thee," at any
pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of th
tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it.
pour througii a sieve and drink a teacup
full at any time, it Is ths most effective
way to break a cold and cur grip, a It
open th pores, relieving congestion.
Also loosens th bowels, thus breaking a
cold at one.
It la inexpensive and entirely vesela' le.
therefor harmless. Advertisement.
Retailen of Omaha Get Together and
Decide They Will Not Send Goods
on Approval to Homes.
It is going to be harder in the
future for some women in Omaha to
take millinery out on approval, wear
It to a club or ball, and then return
it the next day, claiming It was not
to their taste.
It Is going; to be harder for some
women to order dozens of waists sent
to their home, try them on and then
return all except possibly one, and It
Is going to be harder for them to
have a 175 opera coat delivered at
the house, "sent on approval." then
wear it to the theater and the next
day return it because it did not ex
actly fit.
It Is going to be harder for all those
who abuse this privilege to have the
privilege extended to them for the rea
son that the members of the Associated
Retailers have agreed among themselves
that these practlcea must stop. They
have agreed to furnish to each other the
namea of all parties who make a prac
tice of these things. They propose to
carry on a campaign of education and
the woman who thoughtlessly has been
In the habit of returning a great part of
the goods sent to her home will be talked
to, and will have pointed out to her, the
gross abuse of those privileges and they
will endeavor to educate her In a more
considerate way of handling this
Wbr Tier Apply Rtile.
This does not mean that goods may no
longer be exchanged, or that the stores
will refuse to send goods out on ap
proval. It doea mean, however, that a
strenuous effort Is to be mad to check
the abuse of privilege.
Ther Is another and greater reason
dealer say, for stopping th practice,
than the mere fact that It is expensive
to th retailer. This reason Is that It Is
not fair to the other customers. It Is
not fair to other customers to sell them
as new, a hat that some woman has
worn. It Is not fair to sell them as new,
shirtwaists that some woman has had
In her home and probably worn.
At a meeting neld In the offices of
the Associated Retailers, those present
called a Spade a spade, snd mentioned
names of Omaha people who make a
practice of taking out garments for the
sole purpose of wearing them for one
evening, with the full Intention of re
turning them the next day on some pre
tended technicality. Some of Omaha's
residents have ben able to do this for
years, but In th future it will not be
so easy. A list of customers of this
class ar to be kept In each store, and
reported to the association's office.
Abase of Privilege.
On of th qiiestlons snd the one that
Is hardest for the retailers to solve, and
be Just to all their customers, la that of
the "send out on approval" privilege and
the allowing of goods purchased to be
returned or exchanged.
It la admitted by the retailers that the
majority of women who ask these privi
leges do so with the sol Idea that by
having th goods at home for examina
tion, they will be mora satisfied with
their selection, but it is also admitted
that there ar a large and growing num
Cross, Feverish
Child Is Bilious
or Constipated
Look, Mother! See if tongue is
coated, breath hot or
stomach sour,
i .
"California Syrup of Figs"
can't harm tender stom
ach, liver, bowels.
Every mother realises, after alvlnr her
children "California Syrup of Figs,", that
mis is tneir ideal laxative, because they
lov Its pleasant taste and It thoroughly
cleanses the tender little stomach, liver
snd bowels without griping.
When cross. Irritable, feverish or
breath Is bad, stomach sour, look at the
tongue, mother! If coated, aiva a t-
spoonful of this harmless "fruit laxa
tive," and in a few hours all th foul.
constipated wasto, sour bile and undi
gested food passes out of th bowels, snd
you nave a well, playful child again.
When Its little system Is full nf rni.i
throat sore, hss stomach-ache, diarrhoea.
uiuiaesiion, cone remember, a good In
"Inside cleansing-" should iiv, k.
flrSt treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Syrup of Figs" handy: they know a tea-
spoonful today saves a sick child tomnr.
row. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent
bottle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
which has directions for babies, children
of all asea and grown-ups printed on the
bottle.. Beware of counterfeits sold here,
so don't be fooled. Oet th genuine, made
by "California Fig Syrup C'omDaiiv."
Kuddy Checks Sparkling Ey
Most W omen Can Hare.
Says r. Bdwards. a Well-Kaowa Ohio
Vr. F. M. Bdwards for 17 years treated
scores of women for liver and bowel ail
ments. During these years he gave to his
patients a prescription made of a few
well-known vegetable Ingredients mixed
with olive oil. naming them Ir. Edwards'
Ollv Tablets, you will know them by
their ollv color.
These tableta are wonder-workers on
ths liver snd bowels, which cause a
normal action, carrying off ths waste
and poisonous matter that one's system
If you have a pal face, aallow look,
dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head
aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out
of sorts. Inactive bowels, you take on
of Dr. Edwards' Ollv Tablets nightly
for a time and not th pleasing results.
Thousands of women as well as men,
take Dr. td wards" Olive Tablets now
and then Just to keep In ths pink of con
dition. Dr. Edwards' Ollv Tablets, the suc
cessful substitute for calomel 10o and
J&o par box. All druggists,
Th Ollv Tablet Company. Columbus,
ber that abure this special privilege. Be
cause of the msny abuses, retail Inter
ests the country over, are getting to
gether for the purpose of trying to stop
those who abuse the privilege from be
ing accorded this special favor.
BERLIN, Dec. J. (By Wireless to Say
vllle.) "Further detail of the bombard
ment of Oorlzla by the Italians," says
the Overseas News agency, "recount a
scene In the Church of the Capuchins,
In which Father Sakas was severely
wounded by a shell while he was reading
mass. Despite his condition he helpel
tare for others who had been wounded.
"Bodies of the dead from the bombard
ment are to be seen on streets all over
the city."
KitradKlon Papers Granted.
mCNVFP. Dec. S Rxtindltlnn paper
were granted today for the return r.f
John K. Heffley to St, Joseph Mo., on
charges of embexillni? $."i00 belonging to
h s wife. Heffley cliims to be a demo
cratic politician at St. Joseph.
Rub Rheumatic,
Aching Joints
and Stop Pain
Instant relief with a small
trial bottle of old "St.
Jacob's Oil."
Rheumatism Is "pain" only.
Not one case In fifty requires Inter
nal treatment. Htop drugging! Rub sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right
Into your sore, stiff, aching Joints and
relief comes Instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil"
Is a harmless rheumatism liniment which
never disappoints1 and can not burn the
Limber upl Quit complaining! Get a
small trial bottle of old, honest "St.
Jacobs OH" at any drug store, and In
Just a moment you'll be free from
rheumatlo pain, soreness and stiffness.
Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "VSt.
Jacobs Oil" is Just as good for sciatica,
neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains.
Matchless line of Diamonds brilliant
Kem, your choice of rings, acarf pins,
studs, La Vailleres, brooches, ear
crews, lockets, etc., aolld gold and
platinum mountings, all specially
priced for our great Christmas sales.
059 Ladles' Ring,
14k solid sold lolili
"Perfection" mnunMn.
brilliant OCR A
Diamond p WW
$5 a Month
Ths "Tonnjr Man's
709 -La Valliere,
hand mads solid
Oold. Knal lab flnUh.
1 tin brilliant Dia
mond. It rwl Pearls,
liaruqu Pearl Prop
15-Inch aolld ftlO
gold chain.... S
1.80 a Month
Ho. 4 Men's Dia
mond Hlna. a sio lie
Tooth mountlns. 14k
vulld gold. Unman ee
or pollnhed llnl-h.."
$1.63 a Week
$2.50 a
1063 Wrist Watch-Case and Bracelet
ara both flue solid gold- L"r art. full olk't
Jeweled, choice ot either while tOA 7R
or gold dial. iSuaranteed SJSa'ws
ta.50 a Month.
SIB Men's Watch, 11 slxe, finest qual
ity told rilled, hand ensravrd. arai.rlea de
atana. polliid rtiil.h. guaranteed rrara.
fined with either Elgin or C&11 Rf
Walthaii movement jleWW
Terms 1 S1.45 a Month.
On Evenings Until Christmas.
Call or write lur Catalog No. t.3. 1 none
Douglaa 1414 and our r-'ai' " an wl e 11
If B i& C.edit Jewelers
BRos&ca;js mp6t
Not how cheap, but how good.
Tou prooablv have axrerlenot
a tTving argument with yar
nrlnter over the faulty art'esr
anre of aome printing work you
ware interested In nvln a
near perfect as possible.
A printer cannot obtain su
perior results from Inferior
photo engraved plates. W
make the very beat mates for
all kinds of printing that
enulDinent. high priced labor
snd car will produce.
Bee Engraving Dept.
Tyler 1000, Bee Building.
Umana, jnso.
1 u
Vour 6lirisfmas
This Year and Take Advantage of
Onr Big Special Sale low On
and see what a few dol
lars will buy. Coats from
$6.50 to $27.50. Come in
plush, corduroy and
fancy mixtures, fur
trimmed and plain.
Just in, the latest Silk
Waists in all colors and
styles- at $1.50, $2.50,
$3.50 and $5.50.
Ladies' Trimmed Puri
tan Hats, in silk and
velvet at S2.98.
Special for Saturday in
Men's Suits at $8.75,
$11.75 and $14.75.
Men's stylish Overcoats
at $10, $15, and $20.
Boys, Suits at $2.50,
$3.50 and $5.50.
Men's Shoes $2.50 to
$5 in all kinds of leather
- Is the name of the doll we
will give this week
To Our Little Busy Bees
e . a
,0 ,'.'. 7 1;,
You can see Virginia
v. . n
f: : t $
0;- ' . If
Let The Bee get you 2 good job.
"Situations Wanted" ads are free
3 3
Use the "Union's" confidential
credit plan lakes the strain
off the Christmas pocketbook.
$11 a Week
Drcsscs'You IVcll
Ladies' Suits and Dresses 'One
Third Off, in velvet, poplin,
serge, silk. All goods
marked in plain figures.
We bought a large East
ern stock of Ladies' Coats
at 50c on the dollar. Come
She is 24 inches high,
has beautiful eyes and
hair, and clothes that
will make any little girl
Tlrgtnla will b gla
Free to ths little rlrl
tinder 12 years of ag
that briars or malls ns
th largest number of
Soil's pictures cot out of
the Sally and Sunday
fee before 4 n. m., gat.
urday, December 4.
ller picture will be in
The Bee every day this
week. Cut them all out
and ask your friends to
eave the pictures in
their paper for you, too.
See how many pictures
of Virginia you can get,
and be sure to turn them
in to The Bee office be
fore 4 p. in., Saturday,
December 4.
If you don't win this
Dollle, perhaps you can get
on npxt week. Only one
Doll will be given to any
one person.
at The Bee Office
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