Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1915, News Section, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tin; ni:K: omaiia. satitrpay. December. 4, 1013.
: 1.
i ;
! 1
Stripped Machines Will Make Ban
from Dei Moines to Council
Bluff i.
Hurry! Hurry! or It Can't Start!
DKS MOINES, In., Pee. S (Special Tel-fKtm.)-To
Ford machines stripped of
everything unessential to spoed and en
durance and driven by Dp Molnos mn
will race across Iowa from Davenport
mi Clinton to Council Bluff. Monday.
The race will be made to settle a dle
I'Ute a to whether the rlver-to-rlvf r road
or Lincoln hlnhway la the hotter courso.
Harvey Ftron of the I'erklnn Manufacturing-
company will drive one of the
cara. He will attempt to win laurels for
rlver-to-tirer aupportera, starting at Dav
enport. 3. A. Thompson of the Hipp Motor com
pany will be Ftrona-'i opponent In the
face. He mill travel over the Lincoln
highway, starting at Clinton.
Horllcatf arista Meet.
The fiftieth annual convention of the
Iowa Stat Horticultural society Is to be
held In the horticultural rooma at the
atate house, December 7, 8 and . A dis
play of apple la to be fxit In In the cor
ridors and the premiums are hung up,
totaling r.3fj. One of the features of the
convention will be a speaking contest by
students from the horticultural depart
ment at Iowa State collriro at Ames and
a-eneroua prltca are offered to the win
ners. A banquet Is to be hold Wednes
day evening at the Chamberlain hotel.
K. P. Spencer of Randolph la president
of the association, Wesley Greene of Dej
Moines Is secretary, W. D. Chapman of
Correetlonvllle la vice president and
Frank O. Harrington of Williamsburg la
General W. L. Alexander, an Iowa
pioneer and for number of yeara ad
jutant general of the state, was found
dead In his bed at his home In Pasadena,
Cal., Wednesday morning. He was 62
years of age and had been In poor health
for some time.
To font est Patent.
Henry Sampson, assistant attorney gen
1 eral, has called a conference of repre
sentatives of the state legal departments
from Kansas, Colorado, Michigan and
Indiana, to be held at the atate house In
the near future, for the dleruaalon of tho
claims of a certain patent on the rein
forcing of retaining walla. Mr. Sampson
Is of the opinion that the patent la not
valid and a united effort may be mad
by all oi the states to contest It.
Wants Pay for Injnrles,
The workmen' compensation case of
Pet Doris against the Des Moines Clay
Manufacturing company will, be heard by
1 Industrial Commissioner Warren Oarst
tomorrow. Dorla wu Injured April 10,
when one of the small cars used for
handling brick at the plant overturned
and he was caught underneath. He was
paid compensation by the company for
a time, but that was given up when the
company declared he was sufficiently re
covered to exempt them from further
. liability, . H has appealed to the indus
trial commission, claiming permanent In
juries, .i
'" Gnrst 'May ftesla-n.
H Is rumored at the state house that
Industrial Commissioner Warren Uarst
expects to give up his position soon, to
devote him time to personal business In
terests and that the Hon. A. B. Funk,
' formerly of Spirit Lake, who has re
cently moved to Des Moines, will be ap
pointed to the position. Commissioner
Uarst was out of the city today and the
rumor could not be verified. Commis
sioner Oarst was appointed to this of
fice to Governor Clsrk, when the offlc
was first established, July 4, 1911, for a
six-year term. Mr. Funk Is at present
1ce president of the state board of educa
tion. His term as a member of the board
does not expire until July 1, 1917. He was
state senator from Dickinson county,
serving from the twenty-second to the
twenty-sixth general assemblies. Inclu
sive. The office of Industrial commis
sioner pays a salary of $3,000 per year
and the term Is six years.
font mm4 Mouth UUraw,
W. B. Harney, state dairy commissioner,
who has returned from attending the con
- ference In Chicago on foot and mouth
disease, says that a resolution was passed
by the National Association of Record
Associations and approved by Acting
Becrelary Karl V rooms n. asking the
federal government to pay for pure bred
rattle on the basis of pur bred and not
as market cattle, when killed because of
foot and mouth dkteas. This will prob
ably be acted on by congress at Its oom
Ing session.
Pttllr Matron Retired.
Mrs. Elisabeth L. Habcock, police
matron for eighteen years, was retired
from service and pensioned by the police
pension board late Wednesday, t-'he will
receive tit bit " a month. Mrs. habcock
applied for pension because of physical
Federal Bank Directors Here
The directors of the i hltsgo Regional
bank 'visited De Moines yceterday as
guests of E. T. Meredith, a member of
tbe board. Those who wsr In attend
anc were as follows:
J. 11. McDougal. governor; C. H. Bos
worth, chairman, and the following
directors; Gcorg M. Reynolds, J. B.
For gun. A. 11. Voxel. K. I- Johnson and
K. T- Meredith. The party was at com
panled by Arthur Reynolds, vl prvsl
dent of the Continental and Commercial
Natkmal bank of Chicago, and Attorney
O. I Powell, formerly of Dea Moines,
W. V. MvLallen, secretary of tbe fed
eral bank, and 11. H. Joy. director, were
unable t accompany the party.
Teuton Professors Quote U. S. War
Orders of 1812 in Support of
Their Side.
merchant vessel, but was to be regarded
and treated as a vessel of war."
The submarine commander, continues
Dr. Ftnipp, did not have to wait until
his danger became acute. In case tha
destruction of the Lusltanla wag justi
fied, he was under no necessity to take
heed of the presence of n on -combs ttsnts.
riot even neutrals. Whether two or l.Krt
were involved is not a question of law.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.) t purely one of quantity. The number
BRO'UAi. Germany, Nov. S. The
opinions of twenty-one of the most
prominent Oerman authorities on Inter
national law, with few exceptions uni
versity professors, on the legal questions
Involved In the sinking of the Lus. tenia
have been collected Into one volume,
which Is published and hailed as the
consensus of German opinion. In differ
ing lanxuage, but with unanimity the
authorities agree that the act of the sub
marine was Justified.
As representative of all twenty-one,
the Koclnlsche Zeitung selects for pub
lication and approving comment the
opinion of Prof. Max Flelschmann of the i themselves to such risk, they must take
University of KoenlKsber. who has consequences."
Girls' Dresses
plays a roll only from a humanitarian.
not from a Judicial standpoint.
The American contention that the com
mander should have warned the Lusl
tanla Dr. Strupp characterises ns
"wholly devious." In support of his con- j
tentlon he again quotes from American
precedent and reproduces an order of
Secretary of State Bayard of January 4,
18S8, reading:
Duty Avoid Risks.
It Is the duty of foreigners to with
draw from such risks and If they do
not do ao. or If 'hey voluntarily expose
At prices that only cover
the cost of material.
written a comprehensive but concise In
troduction to the book, and extracts
from the opinion of Dr. Karl Strupp of
Quotes Old Xsral Orders.
Dr. Htrtipp begins by quotations from
naval orders In the war of 1812, issued
respectively to Lieutenant Allan of the
American ship Argus, and to Captain
Stewart, the first advising of th ad
vantageousness of attacking the enemy's
commerce, and the second directing the
sinking of English vessels when there Is
Likewise, the author also denies that
any Indemnity should be paid for lives
or property lost on the Lusltanla, and
cites a priie court finding In the Franco
German war. A French court ruled that
English, then- neutral owners of cargoes
that : . d i een sunk In German ships could
not collect damages. He also quotes the
lEngllsh authority on International law.
Hail, who says that neutral owners of
cargoes destroyed by acts of war have
no valid claim for damages.
In addition to the opinions of the
iwcniy-one professors, which take up
any risk of their being rescued while en j ninety-three pages, the new book con
tains, for future reference, the announce
ment of the Oerman admiralty of Feb
ruary 4, the American note of February
H the German answer of February 16
and the note exhange following the Lusl
tanla Incident.
Statement by Taft
as to Shipment of
Serum to Austria
NEW HAVKN. Conn.. Nov. 3rt.-Wll-llam
H. Taft, chairman of the central
committee of the American ited Cross,
makes puhlla a statement In connection
with recently published reports concerning
the shipment of anti-tetanus serum tir
Austria. Mr. Taft points out that th
reports have Intimated that the Austrian
consulate In New Tork plotted to obtain
possession of th cases of serum, which
had been prepared by th New Tork City
board of health. In Justice to th Aus
trian consul general Mr. Taft, on behalf
of the Red Cross, denied the Intimation
of the published reports and makes known
the fact 'In detail as follows:
"The Ajnerlcan Red Cross hnd a con
signment of eleven boxes of anti-tctanu
.serum, prepared by the New York City
board of health, for the Auatrian Red
Cross. Eight boxes only were received In,
time for shipment, the remaining three
boxes arriving a day or two late. A
there would not be another Austrian
shipment for some time, and there were
no facilities at th warehouse for keep
ing this serum cold In warm weather to
reserve Us efficiency, the Red Cross
gent telephoned to th Austrian con
sulate, asking If It could find some means
of sending over these additional thre
boxes. The consulate, through th
courtesy of Mrs. Ilurd and Mr. Wedl,
were able to make arrangements for this
shipment. The steamer was to sail -n
the lrt of June early ,ln the morning.
May 51 was a holiday and our agent re
quested that these boxes be tsken by th
consulate on Saturday as the warchous
would not be open on Sunday and Mon
day and there would not be time Tuesday
morning, June 1, to get the boxes from
Brooklyn to Hoboken. It was, therefore,
In compliance with the request of th
aeent of th Red Cross that the consu
late sent for th boxes on Saturday,
holding them until early Tuesday, when
tbey wer sent to th steamer."
Baker-Hark ley.
Miss Ellen Rackley of Beatrice, Neb.,
snd Arthur K Baker of Indianapolis, Ind.,
were married Friday afternoon at S
o'clock by Rev. Charles W. avldge at
his office In the Brandcls theater build-in.
route to a port as prises.
"It cannot be expressed more clearly,"
says Dr. Strupp, "that the North Amer
ican government orders the destruction
of enemy ships when they cannot be
safely brought to a friendly port."
He then asks the question whether It
Is the duty of a war vessel to save the
passengers and crew of an enemy ship,
admitting in doing so that existing rules
of International law apply to submarines.
He declares they are to be regarded as
suspended when military necessity, or
even when serious need, arises.
The commander of a vessel must weigh
the circumstances, and did In the case
of the Lusltanla case, and deolded rightly
that such need did exist for his llttlo
ship befor the giant vessel of 40.00!)
tons, "which might at any time ram him
and which probably had concealed can
non on board, and perhaps even Csnadian
auxiliary troops."
An Auxiliary t'rnlser.
"Above all." says Dr. Strupp, "It Is
settled that the Lusltanla was an aux
iliary cruiser, subsidised by the English
government, and carried as such in tho
English list, which, as a natural conse
quence, meant that It was no longer a
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
MELBOURNE, Australia. Nov. 10.
Giving his nam ss John Wren, a man
applied at the Melbourne town hall
few days ago for enlistment He said
his business wss racing.
Are you tne owner or tho race
courses," asked the surprised recruiting
"Yes." he replied. He is perhaps the
most widely known of Australia's mill
lonartes. He owns several race courses,
a newspaper or two, and Is Interested
In a great variety of Industrial enter
prises. He gave S2.tK0 as a prise to the
first Australian to win th Victoria
wren passed all the -tests, and was
promptly ticketed as a private In a newly
formed regiment. He gave his ag as 43.
"THE Dumbest
Oyster can make
a better pearl than
the brightest man.
The oyster uses
Nature's methods.
GLEN WOOD, la.. Dec. . -(Special.)
Vho Mills County Medical society met
llerv yesterday. Th entire program was
business for th "good of th organlx
lion." Th old officers were elected for
tlieensulng year.. Dr. Parsons, president,
ii.i. Dr. Rush, secretary, both of Mai
erii. Those present were: Drs. Parsons
Liitl Hub, Malvern; Dr. McCue. 11 ve
City; Dr. Christy, Hastings; Dr. t'ralg,
Henderson. Dr. 1'stton, Omaha; Drs.
!ogrldge. Moon, gidwull, Agan and Don
t-Un, Uleuwood, and Dr. Yats, Emerson.
ltva ewa mt.
ITNIHON Ths Federal Mutual Insur
ance company of l Moines bus mid a
fceillrineiil ttlih Its polity tiol.lers In
k(ord routrty on a f a 1 per
i.l (tHuniriit. The policy holders
claimed thy I,1 an tsrecinri.i ttixl ilia
utMinciit should not exceed 1)6 per
tioUfcMttd per rar. The call was
lor 1.7. ou of th policy bottlers
ixptu i to I is ht tbe company.
WOO!BlNB-The Church of Christ at
Wooli'ine Is now in Out midst of a re-
ti ii.-rnrn Kith its paator. V. M. El
iiettttTlns tne sermons snd Frank
Vit Vy, the cJlured suiger of I'oncordia,
'an.. In tliursa of th n.u.ic. hiny-nhi
I," n!.m tiieinst-lves Hti the thuicU,
i.tur 4 vl '-cu ty vuuioo. . .
Battle Waged in
the Alps Above the
Timber and in Snow
(Correspondence of the Associated Press )
GENEVA, Swltxerland, Nov. 36. In lh
semi-clrcls from Trent to Trieste where
Austro-Germana and Italians are fight
ing for supremacy, military operations
will be seriously affected by snow.
Neither aid dares to advance large guns
which may b lost In a night owing to a
heavy snowfall.
On th Austro-Italian frontier where
fighting is taking plar at 10.000 feet
above sea level over miles of mountains
where every little pass means a small
battle, weather conditions nd snow are
Important factors. On these mountains
ordinary regiments, however brave, are
practically useless as they cannot aland
the clintat and only Alpine troops on
both sides are being utilised.
Sine th beginning of October several
feet of snow has fallen In the Swiss
Tyrolete and Italian Alps above t.000 feet
and there Is besides always the danger
of an avalanche. Vnder these condition
Alpine warfare will be Impossible even
for a strong force. The men and mountain
artillery are practically buried In deep
snow In th higher Alp and th attack
must be postponed, until spring. Thus
Italy feels secure from an Invasion of
Loinbardy aiid Venetia during the winter
an van employ her reserv force for
other spheres.
On the Isonso, however. It Is another
matter, for the country around la a plain
and there la little doubt that the Italian
army will attempt to force its way to
Trieste and Flume via Tolmlno and
Goritsa tbls winter. Dally th attacks on
these two towns oa the main railway are
becoming fiercer. The Italians continue
to bring up more heavy artillery which
now Is In a semi-circle around both
vmm 4 dt . i
HUE J lm lllllllllimililllliniimii'mu
At this Ume of the year whon so many things
are to be done. It's a relief to know you can select
a suitable dreas for so little money--about the cost
of mater&l and best of all, they are ready.
-6 to 14 Years-
Black and White Checks
Plain Serges
Imported Challies
French Plaids
French Serges
Combinations of Serge and Plaid
Many Good Plain Colors
Many Dainty Designs
Big Values at
$3.95 $5.75
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
Ir. Bell's ri-Tar-lloarr.
Get a tj bttl todsy; see it for your
cough or eold. Good for children, adult,
and aged. All drugslsls. Advertisement.
Hall the Copher Killer.
IK3AN, la. Dec. t 8peoial Nearly
ilfi gophers have been eauitlil In Har
riaon county by Y. K Simmons thus rr
this s-ssuii. Mr. B. Illinois also operates
tu PoUattaiiil couuty.
AYHEN I' m matiiriiT tobacco for
w VELVET, I take a page from
old Mother Nature's Book.
Nature says smokin' tobacco don't arrive at its
full, hearty maturity until after two years
Some folks may say: "Why wait on Nature?
We can do it quicker."
Tm strong for Nature's way the VELVET,
way two years mellowing in big, wooden
hogsheads " ageing in the wood.
What do fou say?
Well, fill a pipe with VELVET, an' draw
in the cool, mild smoke that's so fragrant
an' rich that but what's the use of trying
to describe a taste? lake my word for
VELVET long enough to try a pipeful,
and you won't need to take anybody's
word alter that.
St Metal Ease! Sags
Om rsaac Class HsatiaWs
CrA4. 1915
as good in
Winter as I
in Summer i
the Gasoline of 1
At Garages
To Be Sure"
TO be sure, that's th thing to say if you want to be
certain of a high-ball or one "down" that is always
" right. At all leading Dealers, Clubs, Bars, Restau
rants and Hotels, you'll find CEDAR BROOK in ths lead.
Largest selling brand of high-grade Kentucky whiskey in
the world. Because it has maintained th same sure,
superior quality sine 1847.