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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1915)
THH HEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DKCEMHEIt 4, 1!15, STEELFORWARSHIPS IS HIGHER IN PRICE cember 1 received orders lo evacuate the city of rievlje anil to retire on their defensive podtlons. Kntrnte (rnlsrr DamasT.4. CONSTANTINOPLE (Via London), Pee. I.-The Turkish war offlca an- lnounred today that In '.he fighting- at the re.rdanellea a rrulaer of the all'ns WASHINGTON, DM. S. There had been hit three time and forced to Will be no delay ID the delivery of retire. An allied torpedo boat u at- KtTy Department Openi Bids for Material Needed in Construction of Two Battleships. TO MAKE DELIVERIES ON TIME RUSSIAN ARMK ENTERS BULGARIA (Continued from Psse One.) teel for battleships No 43 and 4 4 It the government undertakes their construction In navy yards. Bids from eleven steel company opened today at the Navy department all of fered to begin delivery within six months and complete It within two years. Prices show an apparent in crease of from SO to 40 per cent over material purchased for the battleship California over a year ago. Private bidders for the two ahlps Indi cated there would be dnlar In deltverlei cf steel and conditioned their proposals rn this circumstance. All private bids were rejected as exceeding the 7.K,O0O limit of coat fixed by confess. Alt navy ard estimates were well below that ft -vre. The Cameirls Steel company apparently was the lowest bidder for the majority of the steel needed, which runs Into many millions of pounds. On the bJrgett lota of platea the Came rle figures were $0.016 and to. US a lund for different classes. The aams company made low offers for high tenalle suet, prices ranging from SO.O.'U to I0.MM6 a pound, and was the only bidder for va rious kinds of shaped steel. The American steel Foundries of Ches ter, Pa., was low bidder for steel east ings at W.08 per pound, and the Carbon Meel company of Pittsburgh was low for nickel steel plats at tO.OW per pound. KAISER ASKED TO EEOALL PAIR OFATTACHES (Continued from Page One.) the Inevitable suggestion that his con nectlon with the embassy should be term inated. Each time, .however, the threatened action came to nothing. While the State department consistently refused to dis cuss the captain's rase, the German em bassy intimated that it had reason to be lieve he had dons nothing for which he should be censured. Captain Boy-ed'a first activities which attracted the attention of the government were In connection with the misuse of American passports to Oerman reservists seeking to slip through ths allied lines to join their armies. Boms of ths men In eonnsctlon with whom ths captain's name waa mentioned now are serving terms in federal penitentiaries. rbi-trlnar Shine. ' Later Captain Boy-ed's name was men tioned In connection with the chartering ef ships from American ports to supply fuel and food to Oerman vessels, whloh In the first months ef the war were hard pressed by the allied flying squadrons. The asms alleged connection rams up again during ths trials ef ths Hamburg Ameriran line officials Just concluded In New York, In which witnesses testified that Captain Boy-ed handled ths money which earns from Berlin for chartering ths ships and furnishing them with sup plies. Ths government did not contend that an offense sgalmt ths neutrality of the United Btates had been committed by sending ths ships, but that ths officials of ths Hamburg-American line had guilty knowledge ef ths fact that ths customs houses of ths United States were de ceived and defrauded Into Issuing clear ance papers for ships , on false state ment. Name Freqaeatlr Mentioned. The inference ran broadly all through the trial that Captain Boy-ed. too, was cognisant of the offenses which the gov ernment charged and. In the early .days of the trial his nams was frequently mentioned In open court by ths govern ment prosecutors. Finally the State de partment, here suddenly Intervened and cautioned the officials of the Judiciary arm ef the government that unless they expected to indict Captain Boy-ed for the offenses charged, the language em ployed by prosecutors should be avoided for the reason It might endanger the friendly relations between the United States and Germany, Carman Embassy Displeased. The Germany embassy manifested to the Btate department Its displeasure with features of the trial in New. York which reflected upon the character of officials not under charges. - Ths State depart ment In turn Indicated that It could not psrmlt any action of the Department of Justloe to bind It to any particular course toward any foreign diplomatic of flrtal With the conviction of the Hamburg-American line fficlais, however, the situation became one where a Jury bad given a verdict holding to be Illegal certain operations in eonnsctlon with which the German naval attache was generally accredited with having been connected and the usual diplomatic pro cedure la such a ease Is to regard the usefulness of such an officer as ended and his further presence as objectionable. in the case of minor officials of an embassy, such as Captain Boy-ed, the government does not ask for a recall, for that Is quite outside of Its power. Ths usual course Is to Indlcats to ths head of ths embassy. In this ease Count von Bernstorff, that the offending attache In persona non grata, and nothing remains for the ambassador but to sever his con nection with the embassy. Has Few Slaves ls Ge. .Captain Boy-ed would not necessarily need to leave the country, although It Is expected he probably would. The coun tries to which he might go under exist ing circumstances are limited practically to Mexico, Cube, South America or tl Dutch West Indies, and he might have difficulty ta getting that far. slnos It is doubted that the allied governments would agree to a eafe conduct. The German naval attache would be the second foreign diplomatic officer t find himself la difficulties because of his conduct In the United Slates sines ths war begaa. The first was Dr. Dumbs, ths ambassador from Austria, whosere call President Wilson asked because of tils connection with plans to cripple American munitions plants. tucked by a Turkish aeroplane after It had stranded on the coast of the Bay of Saros. The statement follows! "At some points of the Dardanelles front there has been bombarding. Two hostile cruisers near Anafarta and two near Art Burnu participated with land battoriea In a bombardment. Our artil lery milled, damaging trenches of the enemy and destroying machine gun posi tions at Arl Burnu. "Our artillery thrice hit a hostile crulwr near Seddul Bahr, compelling It to retreat One of our eeroplanea dropped bombs on a torpedo boat of the enemy, which had etrandad on the northern coast of the Oulf of Saros, two miles west of Cape Eridsche. Knsr Delays t'amnalarn la Isenso. ROME, Deo. I. (Via Paris, Deo. 8 ) The following official statement was la sued today at ths headquarters of the Italian general staff: "The enemy developed an Intense artil lery and machine gun fire against our positions on Monte Piano at the head of the rtlens valley without making any at tack, however The fire caused no dam age. "Along the Isonso front persistent fog and rain hampered artillery action. The enemy tried to profit from weather con ditions to maks surprise attacks against our new positions east of Oslavla and along the northern slopes of Monte Ban Mlchele, but everywhere was repulsed Immediately. Raids by our Infantry gave us a fsw prisoners and on Mnll ws took a machlns gun." Minor Operations t Western Front. BERLIN, Dec t-iBy Wireless to Sajr ville.) Various minor operations along the western front are recorded In today's tfflclal statement by army headquarters. No Infantry operations of moment are chronicled. Near Lombaertsyde. northeast ef Nleu port. In Belgium, hostile Frenoh outposts wers surprised by a German detachment and several prisoners were taken. West of Roue a French biplane waa forced to land under ths fire of Oerman artillery, and Its occupants, two officers, were mads prisoners. Westende, on ths Belgian coast, was shelled by two British monitors, but with out effect, according to the official statement. Oerman troops of Von Unsingen's army on the Russian front attacked a Russian drtachmsnt nsar Podesarevlese, on the tyr river In Volhynla, north of the rail road from Kovel to Sarny. Blxty-slx men were taken prisoners by ths Germans. Berlin Says Subsea j Burleson Consults Sunk by Aircraft Not of German Navy Five Navy Captains Are Detached from the War College WASHINGTON. Deo. . Five navy captains and one commander were de tached today from the navy war college at Newport. R. L, and ordered by the Navy department as follows! ' Captain Edward Simpson as comman dant of the Cavlts and Oiongapo naval stations, Captain It. A. Field as commander of the battleship North Dakota, now in re serve at i'hlladeliihla. Captain H. O. fetlcknay as commander of the battleship Vermont. Captain W. U. Howard as comman dant of ths Portsmouth, N. U., navy yard. Captain W. W. Oilmer as supervisor of the Twelfth naval district and senior member of ths board to survey vessels of ths Paclflo coast. Commander W. L. MacDougall to the naval observatory. Officers ordered to the college are Cap tain J. L Jayne, now commanding ths New Jersey) Captain H. Mel P. Hues, recently relieved as Admiral Fletcher's chief of staff, end Captain B. A. Ander son, recently commander of the New Hampshire. RERUN, Dee. I (By Wireless to "ay vllle.) "In spite of the Herman dental of reports circulated by a Brltlh news agency that a British aeroplane hsd sunk a German submarine, a news arency now gives details of the alleged combat." says ths Ovsrseas New agency which adds: "Compelent German authorities repeat that no Oerman submarine haa been de stroyed by a British aeroplane. The Oer man newspaper point out that If the Ena-llsti report Is correct there Is no dou!t that a British or a French submarine has been destroyed." Field Marshal Sir John French In an official report given out by the press bureau In London, November 28, said: In the afternoon (of Sunday) a Brit ish aeroplane destroyed a Oerman sub marine off Mldde.lkerke. It was seen to break In halves." Wilson About New York Postmaster British Steamship Langton Hall is Sunk by Subsea LONDON, Dee. . The British steam ship I.anxton Hall has been sunk. Tart of the erew has reached land. PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. Dee. I.-Axent in this city of ths British steamer Lang ton Hall, sunk In ths Mediterranean war xone, understand that the vessel was heavily loaded with a general cargo, mostly of Jute, goat and other skins, burlay and coeoanut oil. It Is believed the Langton Hall's cargo waa worth half a million dollars. Ths Langton Hall evidently was an other victim of the submarine campaign In the Mediterranean. It left (Calcutta October tS for Philadelphia and New York and waa reported at Sues on No vember tS. It waa owned by the iiall line of Liverpool, was 177 feet long. built In 1906 and of ,M7 tons gross. Only One "Broae Qalnine." To get the genuine, call for full nams. Laxative Broino Quinine. Look for sig nature of B. W. Grove. Cure, a cold In one day. t&c Advertisement. Crude Oil Advanced Ten Cents a Barrel PITTSBURGH, Deo. I.-Crude oils were sgaln advanced today, 10 cents a barrel being added to the principal grades, whlsi made the new price as follows. Pennsyl vania crude, 12.10; Cabell, tl.SS; Mercer black, Newcastle, Corning, IV flu. Bomerset waa advanced 8 cents to 11.50, but there waa no change In Ragland from 70 cents. The last previous advance af 10 oents made several weeks ago failed to bring out the crude oil which the refiners need. and the opinion waa expressed today that another rise would be nnceaseary to start the movement. Producers are now predicting KM for the early spring. Meantime the advance Is causing marked activity among drillers In the western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio fields. ' LIMA, O.. Dso. I. Crude oil went up today t oente for cheaper gradea and 10 cents for expensive a-rades, as follows Lima, II. tt; South Lima, $1.18; Indiana, 11.11! Wooetcr, $145; Illinois, $1.13; Princeton. $L4rt riymouth. II. U. f WESTERN UNION WILL GIVE ITS EMPLOYES VACATIONS NEW YORK. Deo. . Telegraphers all over ths Unltsd States employed by the Western Union Telegraph company, are rejoicing today over the news that after the first of next year all traffle em ployes will receive annual vacations with pay. "All regularly asslgnsd employes who have been In the service of the company for two years or more will receive two weeks' vacation, and those who have been continuously In the service for one year will receive one week's," reads the company's announcement. Operating employes who have not been regularly assigned, but who have worked for the company the equivalent of full time for each period, also will receive vacations. It la stipulated that the va cations shall bs employed for rest and recreation and not used In other employ ment. , The cost to ths company Is estimated at H. WASHINGTON. Dee. I.-Postmaster Oeneral Burleson conferred with Presi dent Wilson today over appointments of postmasters at New York and Brooklyn. The term of B. M. Morgnn, postmaster at New York, expires December 24, and W. E. Kalley, postmaster cf Brooklyn, re signed to become county clerk. Representative Fltxgerald has reeom mened P. J. Cleary for the Brooklyn office, but It ta said at the Postofflce de partment that he will not get the place "for departmental reasons." Mr. Flts gerald will be asked to recommend some one else. The postmaster general is conferring with the New York City congressional delegation about the New York appointment. K.rf'tor Sue. Editor for Libel. MASON CITY, la., Deo. s-(8pee!al.)- Aceordlng to the preaent schedule Jack Dalton of the Man son Democrat and Tom Long cf the Manson Journal will transfer their activities for battling from the Jour nalistic field to the district court this eek. long waa getting more than he rculd assimilate from Dalton's battering ram, "The Democrat," and assuming that money spoke louder than words he called upon Dalton for $10,009 damages for libel, tarns great legal talent haa been engaged by both plaintiff and defense and a hot legal fight Is sure to follow. PRIEST WHO SHOT BISHOP IS SENT TO HOSPITAL WINONA, Minn.. Dec 1 Rev. Father M. Leeches this morning waa sentenced to the hospital for the Insane at St. Peter by Judge Granger In district court for the assault upon Bishop P. R. Hef fon of ths diocese of Winona on August 27 last. The Jury's verdict acquitted Father Lesehes of ths charge on the ground that he was Insane and declared that he had homicidal tendencies. WILLIAM FALTIN IS RESENTENCED TO HANG PHOBNTX. Arts.. Dec. l-Wllllam Fal tln, convicted of ths murder of Carl Peterson here three years ago, was re sentenced today In the superior court to be hanged January T. Faltin was or dered returned to the penitentiary, pend ing a decision by a Jury as to his men tal condition, ber M. The Jury meets Decern- TUGS SENT TO AID BIG FREIGHTER MINNESOTA SAN FRANCISCO, Cel.. Dec. 1 The steamer Iroquois and tug Dauntless were ordered today to go to the assistance of the Hill liner, Minnesota, which was "60 miles south of here at midnight. The Minnesota cent word Wednesday by wlreleaa that It was putting back here because of disabled machinery. It waa learned also that there was trouble with the crew. The Minnesota left Seattle, Wash., No vember 14 with 16,000 tons of foodstuffs for London, where, it wss said, the ves sel would be sold. It was the largest freighter flying the American flag. It was reported from the start as having boiler trouble. DEATH RECORD II. P. Reynolds. DODOB. Neb., Dec. 1 Speclal.)-B. P. Reynolds, manager of Bolton's store, died this morning at the age of f4 years. Mr. Reynolds had been elck for about three weeks. Hs waa president of ths Dodge Commercial club and a director of the Dodpe Milting company. He leaves a wife and several grown children. Th funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at f Gteucoe cemetery. f' Carpentier Wins r French Military Cross as Aviator PARIS, Dee. J Sergeant Oeorges Car pentier, champion heavyweight puglllsti of Europe, now attached to the French aviation corps, hss been decorated with the military crosa for brilliant end dar ing reconnolssances In an aeroplane. Carpentier Joined the colors when war' was declared and has been In the thick of the fighting ever since. He was first with the signal service and twice his apparatus waa blown away by Ger man shells. Later hs became an auto mobile courier on the firing line and then was assigned to the aviation corps 1 In May last. - Carpentler's last Important pugilistic achievement waa to win from Gunboat Smith on a foul In London In six rounds on July IS, 1914. I Use The Bee's "Swapper" column. A "For Sals" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. Beaton Specials To Increase The Early Xmas Shopping wc will give FREE: SATURDAY A gcoutno Imported Japanese llasket with every purchase of 50c or more m our store. These hesketa are) worth 50 ceiits and make very acceptable Christmas gifts. tflo Lants Red Kidney Pills I So ISo Nail Buftere with reversib'o chamois 190 11. 0V B team's Hair Remover S8o lOo Physician's and Burgeon's Soap fur s $1.00 Mes-Ce-Btomach Remedy... 60s lie Bog Linen Stationery lee too Btuart's' Dyspepela Tablets. . .ass 11.75 Horllck'e Malted Milk ts.Te 11.00 llurllck's Msltsd Milk S7s too Illnkle Cascara Pills, bottles of 100 piUe Ise 11.00 Plnaud'e LI las Vegetal. .. .se Sl-tO S-qt. Legrand'e Red Rubber Hot Water Bottles tOe too Hay's Hair Health tea Ltstertne. ISo, IS, See eae ase tOc Scott'e Emulsion SSo 11.00 fallow's Syrup Tie Ite Castorla ale too Pebeco Tooth Paste tee Ho Fivers La Trefele Sachet Pow der. In bulk, per os oe Washing-top Annolntssents. WASHINGTON. Dec. .-8pecial Tele gram.) A pension of til has been granted to Lydia bcora. Pawnee City, Neb. Aaron Bederberg has been appointed postmaster at Klron. Cranfurd county. miKOi aoTTxa btxcxaii It. 00 Thsrmos Carafea, qt. slse for sa.. II Tl Thsrmos Bottle. quts..aa.l0 II. Tl Thsrmos Bottle, pints.. ai.l II II Thermos Bottle, pints... ase We sell the genuine Thermos Bottles only, and also have a large assortment of leather cases. 10a Bell's Podolas ......ate euo Ksainoi ointment ..ase loo Pond's Vanishing Cream leo ooo Ilea ton a Cold ( ream S3o tc funltol Tooth Howder Paste. .ISo jvc vwbui vupies demonstrator llasor go ioi 01 eoony solid hack ItoUr Hrusnes. worth 1116. baturday . . .TSo Tie Wair Brushes ess nrusnea. wnrtn 0O and 1 00, on saJe nstunlay. ror 150 ISo Tooth Brushes loo ah our tuo ana ouo Tooth Brushes .ar. li Se mi or ur ana soo L41es Hrd Rubber Combs for gs I. 1. oO Parisian Ivory Hair Bruahea for II. 00 Parisian Ivory Combs... aoo lOe Parisian Ivory Combs.... ase Ws are now showing a very com plete line of Parisian Ivory in Mirrors, Traya. Combs. Manicure Uooda, Fancy Boxea, sic. ' I J 00 Fountain Pens, non-leakable I and self-f tiling, guaranteed (or one I year; aale price ge j oxoAJt tnouu ISo La Preferencla. Conchas slse, lim ited 10 to a customer, eaoh. .. , ,se 10c El Contenlo Osare. ....... . .to Boxes of If luc ueorso ne i ...S to Lit He Chancellors, box of 60, li.e 10c LA ssverna, 4 ror go j nan oruers receive our prompt at tention. Beaton Drug Co. 15th and Farnam Sts. Thompson-Belden & Co. HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS The Store For Shirtwaists Hand-embroidered Japa nese negligees and kimonos, plain silk and crepe kimonos, both imported and domestic. Holiday blouses. Dainty petticoats. You are very welcome to inspect. A Whole St ore Full of Gifts of Every Description Useful, practical, serviceable, to suit the diverse and varied needs of people at Christ mas time. We are in jinstant readiness to help make the selecting ot gifts just as pleasant incidents as the giv ing of them. Substantiality in every single article which offers something more than a fleeting remembrance, carrying -with it a , suggestion of a gift wisely chosen, that will survive the passing of the day. like Jforecflie Ckriinva s Jpirtf em Glove Certificates Those wishing to send the ever welcome gift of gloves, yet who are not certain of the size needed, style and color preferred, should con sider the ease with which glove certificates can be pur chased. Thpae enclosed In a suitable en velope are offered for any desired amount, and are exchangeable for full face value at any time In this section. Bonth Alsls Main Floor. Specials iTory' Shoe Horns 10c4 Powder Books lOct Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes, double bristle ........ SOc Toilet Goods Section. J A Christmas Sale of Women's Silk Hosiery An Event of Exceptional Interest We consider this sale the most timely we have ever -offered, coming as it does Just before Christmas and owing ta existing conditions In the hosiery mills, the scarcity of dyes, and oonseqnent scarcity of good silk heeilery, are doubly fortunate In being able to preaent this aale Saturday. - Hale Commences at 10 A. M., Allowing Ample Time for All to Ue Here. $3, $2.50, $2 and $1.50 Silk Hose in Black and Colors Saturday. $1.19 a pair Christmas Handkerchiefs Displays that are worthy of your instant considera tion because of their completeness and unusual charm. 11 a In AU-Idnen Handkerchiefs, flc, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c and 60c. Embroidered Initial Handker chiefs, all-linen, 15c, 23c, 83o and fiOc. Hand-Embroidered Handker chiefs, from loo to S15.00. Madeira Embroidered Handker chiefs, 85c to $2.25. Boxes of three All-Linen Hand kerchiefs, 60c to $1.00. Children's Handkerchiefs In colors and plain designs, 16c; boxes ot three, 26e each. Silks for Waists So new and pretty you'll buy ' them for gifts and for your self, too. A constant procession of newness in waist silks; a score of entirely new stripes and plaids arrived yester day, charming weaves, dain ty colors and patterns you'll like at first sight. Seatlt sUsle Mala rieos. Offerings in Winter Apparel Snug Winter Coats $19.50, $24.50, $28.75 New styles, moderate in price - - -Correctly tailored from fashionable fabrics Trim Winter Suits $24.50, $35, $45 Very chic in appearance Heavy serviceable fabrics. Dresses and Separate Skirts. $5 $5 Saturday Our First Clearance Sale of Trimmed Hats This Season Saturday, Every Trimmed Hat That Sold up a rt to $20.00, at ? O Two hundred hats to choose from. Dress hats, street hats and tailored cats. White black and colors. Large, me dium and small shapes, trimmed with Ooura, Paradise, Fur and Flowers, A bargain for Saturday. Millinery Smctlfro Second Floor. SOKQSIS SHOES There's a pronounced originality in the beauti ful lines of these shoes. The so-called Gypsy Pat tern with the front seam shown in white on a dull leather boot is strikingly odd. The more conserva tive style, however, is all dull leather with a leather Louis Heel as illustrated. $ 7 a Pair RIBBONS ORDERS FOR HAND MADE NOVELTIES should be placed now to in sure sufficiently early de livery; scores of exclusive articles from which to se lect. NECK SCARFS in plaids, rainbow effects and com binations of gold lace and fur finished with a gold rose in front. ROSES are Tory mach in demand, gold, silver and satin combina tions being especially good. I I I Trefousse Fine French Kid Gloves Of a superior quality which makes them especially worthy of the gift shopper's attention. Trefousse are here in superb assortments, all styles and colors and vari eties of novelty effects, par ticularly pleasing to well dressed women who appre ciate the importance of fine gioves. $1.50 to $2.25 a pair. r1