Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1915, EDITORIAL, Image 18
TTIE BEE: OMAHA, DECEMBER 1915. WANT ADS Want ads received at smv time, eat to Insure prnwr classification mutt be pre sented before 11 o'clock noon foi evening edition and 7:46 p. m. for mornltuT anil Sunday editions. Want ads received after smco. hours will be under tha heading, ' Too lAta to classify." CASH RATES. Seven consecutive times. 1 cant a worn, ech insertion. Two or mora coneecutlra times, 1V4, cents a word. Una time, J cents a wort. CHARGE) RATES. Seven consecutive tlmea, cents a Una each Insertion. Three consecutive times, 10 cants a Una each Insertion. Ore time, IX cents a Una. Count six average worda to a Una Minimum charge. $0 cents. An advertisement Inserted to ba ran until discontinued must ba Stopped by written order. All claims for errors most ba mads within fifteen davs after tha last Inser t on of tba advertisement Tou can place your want ad In Tha Ilea by telephone. TELEPHONE- TTLER 100O. tlRATIll AND r TJIKRAL NOTICES GROVES Mrs. Josephlna. sed 64 years 1 months 24 dsys, December i. 9lS. . Funeral from family re sldenoe, 2i) Chi cago atreot, Saturday morning at 8.30. to M. John's church. Twenty-fifth and Cali fornia streets, at 9 o'clock. Interment at Forest lwn. Auto aervlce. CARD Or THANKS. WE wish to express our sincere thanks to tha friends and neighbors for their kindness extended and sympathy shown by tha beautiful floral offerings during tha sickness and death of our beloved "wife, mother, daughter and sister. HENRY Bl)HRUKLKR AND HON". IH. AND MRS I'HHH BULLEHIuIMICR. MRS. O. R. O AFFORD. BIRTHS AND DBATIIS. Births J. L. and Catherlno Bigger, fcahler, boy: Ford and G. Gtlloitl. KWl Ohio, boy; iijmsrd and Dorothy Klncaid. list Orand avenue, boy; Malcolm and liether McNab, hospital, boy; J. J. and l.mily McMahon, hospital, boy: John it and Minnie .Sllsson. II North Thirty third, girl; Lawrence and Lucille proulx, 0 North tKxty-llrst. Benson, boy; Charles and Jennie Hteem, hospital, girl; Uorenca and Mercy Schnelderwlnd. 6424 William, boy. Deaths Maria Josophlne Orovea. 4L $630 Chicago: Helen Beck, M, 1170 South Thir teenth; Helen Cummlng. 28. South Twenty-fourth; John A. Dodge. 77. M.I Wirt; Marr A. Fr.ed. 71, ai North Nineteenth; Walter IL Orovener, tl. Four teenth anil Harney; Fred Horn, 54. hos pital; Paulina Hlatt. 27. hospital; Frank Jones, 50. hospital; Mrs. Ida Lyons. W, hospital; Jonathan Merica. 85, 71 Pink ney; Fred J. orferman. 85. $011 Dewey avenue. MARRUOB IHTO NSSJS. Marriage licenses war granted to th following couples: Name and Residence. 5 ii. a Niiv iimaha over Jel Msriraret B. Welxel. Utnaha over W lMimr I Jewell vn. Omaha 25 )Mith Hatcher. Omaha Arthur B. Baker, Indianapolis. Ind.. 80 Kllen Rackley, Beatrice " i...ih it Rrhrock. Scott' Bluff...... 43 lula R. Duffle. Scott's Bluff It Olenn Bo per. Lincoln....... J Frances M. Jenkins, Lincoln " Fred Wlnterburn. Elkhorn ) Oertruda Bruhn. Mkhorn " BUILDING PERMITS, P. J. Scannell, 4734) North Twenty-sav-nth, frame dwelling, $2.00; P. J. Scan nell, Mil North Twenty-seventh, frame dwelling, $1,800; P. J. Scannell. tai North Twenty-Beventh, frame dwelling, $1 B0: C. K. Musgrove, ttlil CrownPolnt avenue, frame dwelling. $l.SO0; C. EX Musgrove, 2W1 Crown Point avenue, frame dwelling. $l,ti0; C. E. Musgrove, tma Crown Point avenue, frame dwell ing, U.00: F. S. Trullinger, 4327 May Vrry; frame dwelling, $3,000; F. fl. Trul linger, 4.V Marcy, frame dwelling. $2.KJi K. a Trullinger, 4336 Marcy, frame dwell ing. $2.M0; D. Blumenthal, lH Cuming, brick store, $2,000; C. V. French, V.i Maple, frame dwelling. $2,200; Carmelo I'attavlna. in South Sixth, brick store, $1,000. TODAY'S MOVIE ' PROGRAM Dawatowa. EMPRESS. 15TII AND DOUGLAS. Hearst-SeUg No. 16. animated Cartoon Qreater New York. All for Love ot a QlrL Heredity. drawing of FRINQESS. 1117-11 DOUGLAS. Hal Forde, Broadway's famous musical comedy star. In Lessons In Love, a clever comedy-drama. In 4 acta Stanley Among the Vodoo Worshippers, a thrilling tale of Darkest Africa, S-r. AnC a selected Keystone comedy. Awrt- OR AND, 16TH AND BINNET. The Law of Duty, t-reel drama. -Neal of tha Navy, No. It Moh nny. the Barber." 1-reel comedy. EofllROP, 2tiTA3rijEofHRoT. Wm. Fox presents Valeska Suratt 1a "The Soul of Broadway." Baalk APPOLO. Uli LEAVENWORTH. Oladlola. 4 reels, Fdlson. The Nlsht that Bopiile Oraduated. Kss. VVaat. MONROE. J585 FARNAM Arna Q. Neilson. and Alice Helllster la The Haunting Fear. iir,ii- m t. mj ana yooq corneny. Beat IM RESSE 14 Til AND N. Hearst-Sells; No. H. The Scttond Son. t-r. Kaaanny. Last chapter Neal of the Navy. OUPUbUM. 14T11 AND The Woman Next Door, George Klein's tsaiure, in a rseia MOVIES FEATURES TODAY APOLLO, 2811 LEAVENWORTH Clsdlola, 4-reel Edison. i4Tn A M Last chapter. Naal of the Nary. GRAND, liTlt AND binkey: Neal of the Navy. No. It LOTHROP. 14TH AND LOTHROP. Valeska f uratt la The Soul of Broadway. Tha Woman Next Door", f reels. praNCES3, 1J17-1I DOUGLAS. Forde In Lesson la Lore, sect couv-suy-Jiauia. t AXN0U?ICT:SfKJIT8 F.XERCIBK ATT.M.C.A. Buslne man. Save Money. Horn Milliner. Rd 72K. CHIROPRACTIC spinal adjustment. I can e'lecessfullr remove the cause of rheumatism, liver, stomach, paralyse. nenrouaaeiis and female weaknesses. Ex amination free. DR. W. II. KNOLLENBEKO. Suit 111 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1M4. Ot.D gem stones rerut and nollshe 1 ; pr'ces reasonable; cah r.Bld for good Hock. Omaha Oem Co., Room 11, Be Bl;g. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you . buy or edvertlse through the used carl column ot ine tiee. t none 'irier wn i of The Bee. Phone Tyler win. or ine best Omaha buslnees schools. i runabout cheap; Omaha Con- I S"?4 ,on for selling; perfectly relia Stone Co.. 28th Ave. and Sahler "L"' w"r,h Ju",Prtrf- b,",t' b L Colfsx n VT reasonaby. If Interested Investigate BRL8H creta I -r , , , , ' OR SALE at bargain If taken at once, I 40-H. p. Wane roadster, In good running I condition. Phona feS. Ill 8. Main St.. . Council Bluffs, la. I0O MILES of mileage In your old Urea (Rebuilt). Send thara to DUO T1RU CO., 111 Chicago Ht Overton's for leaky radiator, toe. dealers. or py man ii'iw- Ave., t o. iti urrs. la. fndustrlal" Oarage Co., 20 at Harney Bts. NEBRAHKA B'lloU Service rttllon. 1V14 Famam RC Phone Douglas 7Z1. AUTO, clearing house Buy, sell and ex change u d cara. tVt "arnam I. Ilia DETTROITRR touring car. electtio lights and starter, fully equipped Kft. T. J. Northwall Company, lt Jones tit. Tele phone Douglas 1507. CHEAP, one s-cyllnder King car; run !,) miles. Inquire 1 S. lfith BL $100 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Oblls repd. Baysdorfej. 110 N. Utb. BUSINESS CHANCES If your Business Chance will stand rigid investigation and la Just what It Is advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chance column of Tha Bea. When buy. Ing or selling a business Phone Tyler Ima HAVE you got tha money? If you have, Investigate this; $3,10 will buy a busi ness worth H.0U0 If taken before Dec. 10. Address P t&, cara of Bee. LONG tlma lease, paid up, main floor, fine, new garage, down town, in Omaha, doing big storage business, lease! holder wants farm, eastern Nebraska or Iowa, get busy, will stand cloeeet Investigation. D, UNA HAN, 10 Bee Bldg, Omaha. Neb. o OFFICW for "real estate " or Insurance; same floor as Bee office; 13x21 feet: tM. Tha Bee Bldg., Office Boom lid. m TO SELL or buy a business, call on Busch A Borghoff, Frenser Blk. D. S319. THEATERS Buy, less or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Kxch. Co., 140$ Fa mam. D. 1W7. ASK for my Real Estate Bulletin. It inoludea largest and best list of bar gains In $1 states, W. O. Templeton. o )W Hlrlg. DOCTOlt Oood practloa goea with pur- chase of drugs and property. In N. E. Neb.: am going to specialise. Address, Y luo. Bee. o FOR SALE Must ba sold by Jan 1 a good, clean clothing Block In Nebraska, county sest town; only one other cloth ing store In the town. Address Y 157, Hee BOOM town, eleven months old; popula tion 20,000; only one picture show. Wanted, party with capital to finance another; warm ollrnate. Address V US, Bee. $2,500.00 stock of dry goods for sale cheap; no trade; must ba cash; stock must be moved. Writ Clements Co., Lyons, Neb., owners. A LIMITED amount of 714 par cant pre ferred stock, cumulative and non. assessable. In Nebraska, Oroaha corpora tion at par, $10u per share. If you have surplus funis and are looking for a good, safe Investment that will net 7 per cent, address Bog Ml Omsna, Neb., or tele thons Douglas 3W0. TO OKV In or out oc business oaii on OANOESTAD, 422 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4. SEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established ahows. D. HMO. j8T your business with ma for quick results: Duy, sell and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO.. Room J, Halrd Bldg. Tel. Douglas MX). 17TH AND DOUUUAS STB. liAKER'S OVEN for sale at a low price. all In good shape. Address A. tat, Mes. Morlaraaes SECOND MORTQAORa ON RASTE2LS NEBRASKA AND V tii i'WVM IOWA FARMS. $5,000 in (TO acres near Mapleton, Iowa 7,00 on luO acres near Valley, Nebraska. f,0u0 on b0 acres near Belgrade, Neb, in our Judgment each Is well secured to net T ter cent. PAYNH INVESTMENT COMPANT, Omahi Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha Rousutna Itoasea tor Mate. FI.AT ot 7 rooms for aale. COO Farnam. U. C744. EDUCATIONAL The VAN BANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOO KKEEPINQ, Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Youug Men and Women. Saturday morning class in typewnuns. loae C Duffy, Owner and Manager. $t S. 18th St. Omaha. EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punotuatlon taught. Indi vidual instruction. MM Douglas bt. Tel. Walnut Satf. DAY SCHOOL. BOY LES COLLEGE. N1UUT SCHOOL. Knn r dav la enroUtueut day. Book keeplug. fcuorlhaad, SUnotypy. I'ypewrlt Ing. Telegraphy. Civil eiervlco AU Com- merctai iuu ree. VOILES IVUUI4 th and itaruey sis. Tel. Douglas FOR sale, tha following scholarships In a first-class uiuana uusinesa oiits. One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenograpnio course. One three-nwntbs' business or ateno- grsphlo course. W ill be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee BUSINESS COLLKUU 8TU DENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aa wun good reasons for Bailing. a variety ot courses tn a reliable Busi ness School, one of the leading business colleges of Omaha. Will be sold vary reasonable away oeiow regular price. If you are considering taking a Course Investigate tbls at once, since Fall term begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. FOR BALS r-rwttar, sxaasehald Gwods, Bte. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1$3 N. S4TH. WEB. 17. Mi-w musio cabinet, mahogany, at rca sonsble price. Call Wal. 47$. Jf CRN ITU il E, draperiva. dlahea cooking utensils, eto. 4:0 N. fcd tt. Doug. 4H7. fSirnlt ore for sale cheap. I&us Cuming. FOR KAI.E Here Is a classification that is of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers soma excep tional opportunltlea every day and a small want ad will sell your article at Its full value, phone Tyler I.W. Dpfikfl bought and sold. J. C. heed. 1MT Fsrnsm ft. Iouglas Ii4. Hwraea sag eh teles, FARM wagon. $U0; harness. $; both Mw, Johnson-Danforib Co., lsth and Clark Streeta Paallry. ss4 BasBllaa. MXD grsln. YO lbs $1.7a Wagner, 101 N.I. ma t i . i . u .,w,ik ,i ,m m im i i and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are li J Inches, stronger and more U',.L il'l.TVDkl . . l . i . l. b. . auraoie man tarred red and praolicaliy fireproof, 'ibe a hundred at The Bee office. 1 M Tilers, BELIANCB Rlbboa and Carbon Co.. ear boa iiapar aad Inked rlbboiia D, - FOR BALK Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Tjpewrlter Kir. I Famam. TYPEWRITER for rent z? HMg. at taretianeoaa. (Jonl baskets delivered. l. 8. Rown thai. Mil Iavenworth T F'OR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories ; bar fixtures of all kinds; essy payment" The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., VI- 8. 10th Bt FOR SALE New and eecond-hend csrora snd pocket billiard tables snd bowling allevs and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 47-40 S. 10th Kt. XT. Second-hand motors, dynamos, lNGvV magnetos, etc.. mcchsnlcal repairs. 1a Bron Electric Works. m-2o H. lith St. o FDR SALE CHEAP. , Ruetneas College Course, Full and complete scholarship In one me oesi omsna huslnees schools, There are a variety ef courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. ffrin"iri TTf ..- zzz . ,i.t gag or kerosena irsj-tor rA thnui Kr.,. torn plows, with self-guide; all In rood shape; snap for some one. A. W. Ilend- ' "i ""ver t rees. Men. A BOOK you need In every home; awnd for a sample page and price. Ben O. Kolb, S02 Vine St.. Cincinnati. O. Wsles add, mach.i good condl. C3W, llee. 1 electrlo motors. Room S, Bee HMg. TQ Ctf Oolde en West Whisky, 4 full oottieo in Dono, pre- Cackley Bros.. Omaha. 6"i) either letterheads, envelopes, note heads, cards, lags, labels, Jc prepaid. Samples for stamp. Standard Co., Cory don, Iowa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE! 7-PASHKNOEK auto to exchange for ( room bungalow. Telephone Doug. 2S3&. IIKLP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad utflce. Bteno., $00: Bkkpr. and Cashier, $40. WATTS ItEF. tJ., (0)-40-42 Brand. Thea. STENOGRAPHER $60 8TENO A CLERK BllO. CLERK Ml THKCANO AQENCY. )0 BKW BLD'i. OIRL, to learnJalrdressjngJOjppelMdm POSITION wanted by experienced lady clerk; speaks Bohemian. Address C L., Clarks, Neb. FIFTEEN power machine operators In necktie dept. Smith-Lock wood Mfg. Co.. 13th and Castelar Sta. Haaseaeepera ad Uosnesiloa. THE Servant Qlrl Problem Solved. Tha Bee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you aet the desired resulia. Thla applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler l"w. WANTED Reliable white girl to assist with housework. Call at mm Dewey Ave. WANTED Olrl to assist with housework and care for small child; one attending school half day preferred. Phone Harney lts,FlNED ladv with ihTI d desires posi tlon as housekeeper In or out of town. Address L, It. B. Is. Clarks, Neb; OIRL for general housework who la good cook: no laundry; good wages. 4i S. 38th, Harney iitki0 M I DDLE-AU E D lady to help with light housework and to ba companion for an elderly lady; just one In the family; no wages ex pec ten, wan, iaa. nn uranu. WANTED One young nurse sul to as sist with housework. Phone Harney 741. Address 1M04 8. St. WANTED Olrl for general house worji; no waahlna: small family. ADDlv to C. A. Humphreys, I4 B. 16th Bt Tyler $68. WANTED -An experienced nurse to care for child 1-year-old; references required. Mrs. John ivcnneuy. wainut, ta, WANTED A housemaid, or girl for seo- ond work. Call at room 77, Brandels Theater building, or telephone Walnut 626. W'AN1EI Competent girl for general housework. Telephone Harney $045. WANTED Middle aged lady for ge..jral housework,! In lanilly. Douglas 461$. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no washing or ironing; good wages. $315 Burt Bt. WANTED Ulrl to do housework for board and room. Colfax 661, W ANTED First-class while maid for general housework. Mrs. M. F. Good- body, UHU a. Bist M. WANTED Young girl for light liouse- viork; no washing. wai. 1677. WANTED -Competent girl for general housework to go to Orand Island. Pnoue Web. Ml WAN TED Experienced white maid for general housework where second maid Is kept; small family; city references re quired; wages $7. Call mornings before 10j30. Harney WAHtED-A reliable housemaid; good wages; reierencea. voirsx iffi. VA N TED A young white girl to assist with general housework; uo washing; good home for the right girl. Wai. X6l. WANTED A girl for second work; must Ee experienced, lai poutn, abtn St. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small private family. $40 Day- enport. or call Harney 6617. W'ANTEl A girl for general house work. 8610 Harney St. WANTED Experienced girl, general housework, family of two; good wages; good home to the right party; reference required. $010 California tSt. WANTED Good white girl for general housework, small family. 231$ B. Hii St. Harney 4101. WANTED Competent maid for second work: three In family: reference re- qulred. 607 8. 8nth St. Harney 8UU9. Mtseellaaeuas. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association bulldlna st St. Mary s Ave. and 17th St. where they will do directed to suitable boarding '3ea or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' guide at Union station. nCLP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Offlo. HIOIt-GRADB commerlral positions. WEST. REFERENCE BOND ASSN.. 7(3 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that fita you. X-OPERATIVh) REFERENCE! CO.. 1016-1H City Nat, Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER. $7. WATTS ItEF. CO.. Ws-40-42 Brand. Thea. Ageata, tialrsrora sul Solirllars. FIRST-CLASS experienced coal salesman for Nebraska; good salary. Address L 607. Bee. COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. I . M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. WANTED Salesman to handle cutlery line in state of Nebraska; one aim e. peneaos preferred; good commissions and fine opportunity for right man. Western states Cut lory ax Manufacturing Co., Hculder, Colo. MEN, If you are looking for an honest article, want to establish a permanent trade, wholesale and retail, get particu lars on our line ot GUARANTEED GAS MANTLES. Exclusive territory given. Mantles replaced FREE. Write today for free particulars. Two samples for 10 cents. , Wisconsin Qae Mantle aad Fu ture Co., 744 Jackson St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ksetarles aaal Trades. Drug Store Snapa lobs. KnMnt. Bee Bldg. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-lTty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including Bet of tools; wages paid; eleo trio message, hydraullo chaira; catalogue free UM lKURlas St.. Omaha. MOLKK BARBER COLLQB LEARN tha barber trade by our sys tem of expert Instruction and free clinic. Positions watting. Call or wnta for cata logue. Omaha. Neb., A. B. Moler. Prea HURRY, HURRT. DON T DELAY. EES OUR SPECIAL HOL1DAT OFFER. If you can t attend day school you can hold your job and at tha same time get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA Al'TOMOFILB bCHOoL iJi 1.EA V EN WORTH. MUi aua. HELP WANTKD MA LB M ls4ellaaeeS)s. OOOD MEN WANTED st once to luarn auto work to fill positions which are open right now and are waiting for com petent men. I .earn by our system of actual work on autoa, tractors, electric starting system. Free cetslog at once. AMERICAN AUTO ml,LEOF. !0f..1 Farnam Pt. Omaha, Nob. WANTED Nsmes of ambitious men. 1 or over, wanting railway mall clerk Positions. 175 0.) month. Answer Immedi ately. Y J?. Bee. . SITfATTOXS TVAXTKn OIRL has worked Tn ffrst-class hotel; familiar with all different salads; wants position In pantry; first-class reference. Charlie. W North Kth 8t. WANTED Work of any kind by neat young colored man and wife; care of hn.Tee In nrlvate ' paVately" Pj I will I k; experience and ! apartments or maid and family, or will work ee oo isnitor or porter wor leierences. Res. 1702 N. 21th BL Phone JVe2sterJ7,asJlcorCason. COLORED maid wlxhes position as cham hermald. Web. 1491. VtllXJWED Isdy wishes position as housekeeper. 2303 Leavenworth. Please call In person. WOMAN wishes position cooking In res taurant. Doug. S733, ItlBITION as heloer In hotel kitchen. aer?n.nIlnv.l,SI7ferre, N- N Elwrd ; THIRTY-EIGHT hammerlcse safety p.- ueneraj lellvery Ur. break open revolver, pnlr of l.n- MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes house- ' man's spurs, one watch, hunting case, 1 -keeping for small family; would like year guarantee, one tear motorcycle lamp, to take cara of rooming house or would motorcycle pump and attachment, xj like to be companion of lady; thoroughly miner's tent, complete camplni outfit, experienced: icferences. Mrs. K. Ilyer- one canvas shotgun case. Will swap son, Oeneral Delivery, Omaha. WANTED Position as electric light plant engineer in a town of fuo to 10 population; can take entire charge and glva good satisfaction; references ex chsnged. A. L. Kchardaon. Alexis, 111. CLERICAL position wanted by young lady as cashier or similar work: six years' experience In Omaha; best of ref erences; salary reasonable; have had de partment atore and mercantile experl ence. O. M F., ll'fl'i N. 24th ft. MUSIC teacher, practical, conscientious, experienced, wishes to know of sood location. Addrers Y 16s. Bee J OR experienced apt. house Janitor, hotel night clerk, porter or licensed steam fireman, call F. W. Carter. D. 7067. 2113 Nicholas, BOB ER, neat young man wants light work, day or night; will work very reasonable; can give reference. Phone ixugiaa Tin. HAVE traveled five years selling men's hats; would Ilka to oe at home nights; What havs you after Jan. IT Address li i x nee MIDDLE aged man wishes) position as fireman, Janitor or stock yard keeper. Mrs. John A. Rempel, Y. M. C. A. A GOOD reliable lady would like to have work by tha day. Address D., South Side Bee office, iOtf N SL LOST' AND FOUND Lost or Found acs In Omaha's I ost and Found medium means the Inimedlute re turn of that article if advertised In The Lee, the Lost and Found paper. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFH STREET . . . COMPANY rersons Having; lost soma article would do well to call up the office of the shower baths; firBt-class in every partltu Cmaha Council Blufts Btieet Railway ,mr. Flora pis., :w jnes St. o i-vif.puiiy u aai-rriam waemer mey leii It In tha t tree i ears. Vany articles each day are turned In snu the company Is anxious to restore tnem to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOUT 1-carat diamond earring. It turn to Princess theater. Liberal reward, Douglas 156S. LOHT A book of receipts. Elnder please return io wniiam narscn, 4m B. 11th Bt. LOHT 1 brown mare mute and 1 black gelding mule, weight about 1,000 lbs. No- m y narney ivw and receive reward. LOST Small green pocketbook contain- "S a iv goia piece ana a t bill, be tween Pierce and Leavenworth, on b. 27th. Reward. Tyler 1790. FKRSONAli $3,000 TO PExNSION INVALIDS The ladles' Homo Journal $1 50 The Saturday Evening Post l&o The Country Gentleman j oo 1,400 SUBSCRIPTIONS IN DECEMBER practically earns the $3,0u0 for tne IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Tour order or renewal means 60c. Please phone Douglas 7 ltd or mall to GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha, Neb. THE Salvation Army Inluatrlal home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga tlnea We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4136 and our wsgon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1U0-1U2-1114 Dodge St. TOUR furnace cleaned, $1- work guaran teed. CentjalTin Shop. Douglaa 4oS4. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary s Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asalnted. Look for our travelers' guide at tha Union station. IF THE aunt of Bertha Rachucr is In the city, will she call Walnut 23247 SWAPPERS' OOLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertisa something that ou no longer hsve any uso for and get something you leiliy tieedT It costs you nothing to Join the Swappers' club, and you will llnj It lots ot (un swapping things. Write Room 104, Pee Bldg.. or I hone Tyler 100v. A NEW $-cy Under, air-cooled 20-h. p. gasoline engine, with Bosch high ten sion magneto; also a new No. 1 Ball planetary transmission. Will swap for motorcycle or anything I can use. Ad- dress S. C, $93. Bee. ADDING machine; cost $0.0 new, ex cellent condition. Want Jewelry, book cases, filing cabinets automobile. Goo 1 stock or anything of value. Addreis S. C. OS, Bee. AUTO DU model Arso roadster, fuliy equlpie ; ju t oveihauled and In A-l tt.ape. Will take lty lot, good piano, or might consider late modal motorcycle to wn ids tbls machine. Address S. C. $;, Bee. 40 ACRES of Colorado land, clear, want auto, clear lot. 'Ive stock or anything I can use. IMS N. loth. Tel. Web. 134. ALL furniture tn 46-room hotel: reason able rent on building; South side: will exchange for real estate; value $1,1 0. Ad dress s. c. km, tiee. AUTOMOBILES s'or other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. BUFF Orpingtons, $1 pullets, thorough Lred. Wrat have you to offer? Addles B. c. Ke. Bee. BEAUTIFUL l0 Reglna mualo box with large bunch of tune sheets, all In fine condition; want good victrola and records. Address H. C. St. Bee. BILLIARD TABLE Homo else, $x7. W hat have you? Make me an ofier. S. C. $H Bee. . 1AY ma re, with foal to jack; not broke. Will swap for anything of equal value, or Ford. 8. O. W7. Bea HAVE two young Rhode Islsnd Red oock exls. Will exchsn e one or both for cockerels of same breed. Only llrst-class blids considered. Address C. 1T3. Bea EDISON Diamond-point Amberola." This outfit is new and lists at $.4. with assortment reoorCa Will t sue for Un derwood typewriter or Eas man k.!ak. altli anastlgniat lens, of equal value. Ad dre s & C. $rf Bee. FORD touring car. In good condition, for houss and lot or good vacant lot. What nave your Address S. c. 390, Bee! HAVE two young Rhode Island Red cockerels; will exchange oue or both for cockerels of sain breed: only first claas birds considered. Address S. C. $.'$, Bee. HIGH-GRADE. Syracuse, special make shotgun snd hunting outfit. Will trade for motorcycle In good condltUa. 8. C. o;i. nee IF YOU have a Luger pistol of .Jl or ,SS ca liber, answer thla ad, as I have some thing to trade for IL Address o- C. lii rsrs Bee. I HAVE set boxing gloves, punching bag. tenn a racquet. $2 game board, wltt TcUL'sU."0'61' " 3rltl- SAVAITKItH (T)!,VMV I HAVE a 4T.-70 single shot carMne rifle and a pair of ice skates. Will senp for a good collection of postage stamps. Addreas H. t. 6:2. care llee. ON K brand new Winchester pump gun, 1S97 model, with new canvas csae, pair of hip boots, slxo 9, nearly new. Ad dress s ,'. yt Hee. QT'ARTTTlf'iZEi) f-'t'rad violin, one rain proof rubberized suit, coat, pants and hftt, slxe S; to-foot seine. feet dep, l4-in. r.ieah; 6-lnrh flah spear. .32 break -open re vrlver. .22 seven-shot revolver. Will swap for what have you? Address 8. C 37i, Pee. REVOLVER Unod 32-cnllhre. shot. double acllun revolver to swap for good square trunk. Adilreaa S. "". 70. Bch TO BELL or trade your shotEun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglns. HEATER Dandy soft coal heater. Hot Blast; do for house or parage, to trade for an thing I can uc. S. C. 319, Bre. R- C H., 191S model, electric lights and .tartrJ "to trade for 1915 Ford. Address J!-. i , fl AIN( ( ) AT. slxe Hit; three mouthharps. 2 leather pocket clisar cases, one carnival torch 2-burner; 1 pair of hip boots, slxe vhat have you? Address S. C. K7S. Hee. BlX-FfMTT oak dining table, good lro"n bed and springs. Want small range, or tvhfitjiave you? Address B. C. Hee. TYPEWRITER nenil.lRton No. 2: lust I rebuilt and In good roirlltlon; will ex change lor light set single narncss. a. . ts. Bee. for motorcycle or what have you? Ad- dress 8. C, 3M), Bee. WILL trade Peerleoa Junior Protecto graph. used two months, for a aecond hand typewriter, either Remington, Mon arch, Underwood, Royal or L. & M. Smith, Address 8. C. 397. Bee. WILL trade mandolin for violin, value $10. Address S. C. 621. Bee. WILL swap 4-H. P. single cylinder In dian motorcycle engine. In fair condi tion for Llndstrom-Hmltri. 110 volt A. C. variable speed motor In good order. Ad dress 8. C. Bee. WOOD turning lathe, emery wheel, coun tershafts and belting, complete outfit, to exchange for automobile or motor cvcle. Address 8 C. 4f0. Bee. WANTED to swap, popcorn and candy making outfit, consisting of largo rotary corn popper, cost $60; large candy fur noce and copper kettle, cost $36; one ther mometer, cost $2; sixteen copyrighted candy-malting lessons, cost $20. I want yood used piano or good furniture, or what have youT Address 8. C. 301, Bee. WILL exchange automobile spark gsps at wholesale price for anything can use for from one doxen to 100 doxen sets. Box 206, Oakland Neb. WILL trade I. 11. C. truck, good running order, for Twin Indian. Benson 30H-J. FOR RENT Apartment n u d Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to !"!: F"ol' Tvlery: FOR RENT New 3-room apartment; dls- ann.iHn, i.iu- ,.!.,,..... APARTMENTS. 4-r. Alsatian, 115 . St., $35-$40. 4-r. Flo-iet,)i, joth & Capitol, iJ.5o S7.M. 4-r. Atlilune, 2 th & Douglas, $.,7.5)-42.60. 4-r. Oeoigia. 1040 Georgia, $37.60. $-r. nard. Wth and t.eav., $.17. 50-42. 60. 6-r. Winona, 2iith and Dewey, $47.50. I p. Winona, 2th and Dewey, $55.00. PETERS TRUST CO. DOUG. 88. o 60S N. 17TH -r all mod. apt. $X.M. RASP r.ROS. DOUGLAS lti53. 1104 N. 2-'d. 4-r flat, steel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, water pnld, $10. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS lh63. FLATS B-r. 708 South 24th St.. 2d floor, mod.. $25. 6-r.-Shelby Court, cluse-in, mod. ex. ht.$li. t-r.iM . ztn St., near iavenworth, $13. PETERS TRUST CO., DOUG. 8S8. o VERY choice 4 or 0-rooin steam-heated apartment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. Board and lioouis. Furnished Rooms that offer ever mod ern convenience and comfort In private families ot boarding Louses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 1000; Rooms and board, good home cooking. Under new management. 115 Howard. H OOM and board In private family. 11.6)32, TWO newly furnished rooms in private family. Home privileges to right par ties. Will give board and room to man and wife for $10. Web. 7172. (-KM, APT. for rent on 8. lcth, 6 nna,; all modern. Inquire 813 Forest. BOARD and room, new mod. home, two men or man and wife. Walnut 259. N. t"d, 614 Modern rooms. Ioiik. hI. 1010 Binney; bd. and rm. $."' week. W. 15 il s nmlshed Houses. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter; must be first diss. Address O 443 Bee. TWO furnished houses. West Farnam dis trict. Inquire ' ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 15.W Keellne Bldg. Furnished Rooms. NICELY furnished room, close In all modern. Mi H. st NICE large room, suitable for two or three, close In, reasonable. Douglas T4t4. 605 South 0th. ONE furnished or unfurnished front room; steam heated electric light, hot and cold water. 711 8. 29th, over postofflce. Phone Harney 6133. SRVKRAL beautiful rooms, nice neigh borhood, walking distance; $12.60 and $15 per month. 107 8. 26tli Ave. Large front room for two gentlemen, In Drivate family; mod. home: board If de- sired. 2J'l Deer Park Blvd. Tyler 2042 W. The Logan 114 Dodge St: all remodeled and under new management. Mia Luella Lysapht. t none Tyler iit. NICELY furnitihed front room In new home; walking dlst. ; ladles pfd. H. 7M9. WELL furnished, stesm-heated rooms, walking d stsnce. Call Tyler 9I!9. LARGE, nlcelv fur. rm., private family; hot water heat; walking dls. liar. 816 SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT Gl ESTS. HOTEL 8ANFORD, 19th and i-arnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 20th and F.rnam. CHOICE of sleeping rooms; si o lUht housekeeping roon.s; $ .to; good heat, f k a"d bath. 1846 N. 16;h. 2118 Davenport Pleasant, newly fur nished, modern, souui Iront room, wuh telephone; reasonable to right parties. Telephone Tyler 2430 W ROOM with breakfsst. $3.50 wk., strlrtly mod. home, new furnlsh's. close in. H.S198 Iteasekeeplasj Roansa. FOR RENT Strictly modern, newly fur nlshed mis , hest turn.: private. II. S1US. TTght housek'g rms., 6o44 8. WtTi. D. W9C Karalshed lloaaebt-eplna Hooma. DAVENPORT. UI-TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED HSKG. ROOMS. $3. V EEE Hoasee aad Cottages. Nortai. FREB RENT 1 MO on select 6-r. mod. cottage. S718 N. '.Mia. 6-r., 2319 . lMh. $12. 6-r , mod.. 2462 H. 17th, $16. New mod. flat, 220 N. 22d., $J0. $-r.. neat home, garden lots, chicken yards, 3to Valley, Is. 50. Nine others, $5 to $.x. McKitrick K. E. Co., D. 142, Tyler 214Q-J. FOK RENT 6-fOom house, all modera conveniences, block to ear, -'.l$ N. $Mh tt. M. A. Past. ai N. Ssih St. Phone -olfax ins. KX BURDETTB -room house. with bath and furnace; M. Call Web. 4M. a ROOM, nearly nea; modern except fur nace; only is. toiiax -ROOM house, modern, new furnaoe, never used. 2216 Burt. Red 61vL 61X-ROOM cottage modern except beat. y4 N. )Vth Ht. Phone Webster 2231. HINT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS Nice eight-room bouse; newly decorated: modera except heat; storm windows aaJ ' : price red 'red to tl We hud. U ROOMS, modern except boat, for iU; I -t $: Cuming St. Colfax 14-1. CONTIN'DON COU 7. THIS PAOE. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITI.F.. REF.D ABSTRiCT CO , oldest ahsra'-t offlro In Nehrsska. I.Kt Rrsndls Thea. Kerr Title (iusrxntee snd Abslract Co., a modern abstract office. ''S 8 17th Pt. Tel. P. n47. Al t tl STA SITS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A. 4.1S-4W Ramge Bldir. Tel. Pong. 74mt. A I ( V K It T I S I ( 1 NOVELTIES. M, F. Shnfor Co.. nth-Farnam. P. 7474. A M ATE t' R I-lIllllti. FfLMS developed free If purchased from imhu tran enop. 4io ree nidK. iept. if. ARCIIITEf ;T. F-verett 8. Podd. 12 Paxton Blk. P. im. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. Bll Paxton Blk. D. 104. AUCTIONEERS. Dowj Auct'on Co.. 1115-1? W O W. R.SStV A I TO ISl HAM E. At'TOMORILE MUTUAL INSURANCE a , i oug'as jxis. ALIO HIUUTOR REPAIRS. Omnha Radlntor Rep. Co. Far. P. 8001 BATHS. BATH-ai Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish nnths fur l.lin. -ml irn t 1 . I J.. o'lenoant for ladies; Swedlrh massage. BA KKItlES. Z. H. RF.EDFR K.08 N. lth. Web. $?97. BRASS AMD IIIII.V FOUNDRIES. Psxton-Mltohell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. CAHPEiSTERS A.M CUNTRAC'TURS STEVENSON, S23 8. 22d. Douglas $539. Lessard tt Son. l0t Cap. Ava T. l8t C. W. Hokanson. 2508 Lvnwth. Tyl. 1M-J, CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'UTI. rR- BURHORN', 18th and Farnam, Weed Bldg., D. 6347; Palmer school graduate. Lr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. DR, W. H. KNOI.LENBF.RO, Suite tU Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler im. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford, 6W Pax. Blk. Red 4S87, JEANETTE GREY. ?10 Balrd Bldg. P. 84. coffee uv mail. Save money. Use better U0HC6 offe- JS lbs. high grade ' w by parcel uost. nrenal.l. 50. W. A. Bkalfe A Co.. Omaha. Neb. DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. 6440. DR LUXE ACADEMY. Ill 8. 18th St, DHESSMAK1NU. Terry Dresamak'g collcse. JOth A Fa am LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable price. 19U Far .am St. Phone Douglas 2829. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE, .eo-ters'a Dressmaking Col., IPS City Na. DYERS AISD CLEANERS. STATE Dry CIng. Co.. 130 N. I?th. D. 6072, DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. $12 Nevllla Block. Evl- "h" "tcu in an cases. I yier 11J6. DENTISTS. Dr. Brtdbury. No pain. 812 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckles. 724 city Nat. Gank. Teft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglaa, D. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at cu. prices; freight paid on $19 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mc- Ccnnell Drug l o., Omaha, Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 2 Bee Bldg. Red S055. KLUCTHIC MOTOR REPAIRING CAHTLL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.SS79. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covereu Duttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cord I na:. eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal i if at in ? Co., zoo Douglas Block. Doug luo 16. Ft H.N AC ES AND il.VHOHk, HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLOlllViS. BATH'S, florists, 14 Farnam St D. $000. I HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 1258. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St A. DONAOHUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. FL RHIEHS. SAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red 8S4. IT. Rothholx. yi8 Iavenworth. H. 2763. HISTORICAL COBlUMfeg. THE larrest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo Lleben & Boml5U Howsrd. D. 4115. INSTRUCTION English. French Instruction. $05 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H H. CLAIBORNE. 612 Paxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public: deposition steno. C. W. BR ITT. 801 Barker Block. T.IC.HTING FIXTt RES, W1H1NU. DURKIN Th"r22 Cnlng'st E1- LIVE STOCK COMMISSIOW MARTIN BROS. 4k CO. Exchange Bldg. M 4MSEI RS. Massage, women. Call P. KXt for apptmt HU l'll RC YCLES. HARLET-DAVIPSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain in used machines. Victor Roos, The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. OVI.Nfci PH'TI HE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion plcturo macnine ana mm narsains. OHL1ST8. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. i ' r. miv--.mj. ... ... v ... -.... OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. Cl$ Bea Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Barn ell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Sturgee, 436 Brandels Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses msde over J !l line new. i. uiiuiig ... ... fLtslt.4 tl.tlAsk,U. CtSRLED. dyed. D. Elsele. 1186 City Net PIANOS FOR RENT. $36 per month. A. Hospe. 161$ Pouglse. PHINTINU. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tot Doug. CM. 24 8. Ilia tit CENTRAL Printing Oo. DOUGLAS 87M. DOUGLAS Printing Co. TeL Douglas 644. SCALtS BtKPAIItlNO. Om. Btandard Scale Co, &U & 12th. D. 1L quality and expert service that 8IIOF. REPAIRING. Hsrley Shoe Rep'r Co., 3004 Farn'm. W. $444 SHOE REP I R I.N 43. FRIEDMAN PRO? . shoe repslr. fit W. ! SEWING MACHINES. tTT rent, repnlr, sell needles and VV P parts for nil sewing machlnea "MICKELVS," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15lh snd Hsrney. Potiglas W2. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S, 1S. STORE AND 41 FF It' IS FIIttHKs, j.'r..-.r.n. ssres, acmes, showcases, snetv Ing, eto. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture Sunplv Co., 4l4-1t-l P. 12th Doug. 2724. STOVE AND fr'l RN'ACK REPAIRS. ALT, REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace cons. eie. yulck service. Omaha Stove Repslr Works, 12o- Doutrlns Pt. Tyler 50 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CA HILL ELECTRIC CO., Pre BH. P t1". TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 fl,.mh. P. 63. IHI K ANI St IT CASES. -FRFLINQ A STEINLE. 1o$ Fsrn am Pt. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for $ Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, SIS B. 18th St All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington" not Just a type writer, ol.w rent. Csll Pnuglss 14. VACUUM CLEANERS. ALT, makes. E. B. Williams. $0 S. 18th. Tyler 1011. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, id fl. Paxton Pk., 18 yr. ep. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Dong. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-$ fl. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to t, 10c. HRNRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUBE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BTTT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house, C22 N. lttth. Douglas 1800. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. RTT PTMT M V. successfully treated uri U JAii -without a surgical operation. Call or write Dre. Wray es Matheny, 306 Bee Bldg., Omaha. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarnt'd. Dr. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Houses ami Cottages. North. 2406 EMMET. 6-r. cottage. W. 1069 FOR RENT 5-rooni, new. modern, up-to-date brick flat 2223 Willis Ave. Rent $26. Tel. D. 1530. o-ROOM modern cottage, 2405 Emmet. Webster 10G9. FOR RENT 0-room cottage, partly fur nished: $15. 2S23 Franklin St. NEW 4-room cottage, Florence, Adains and Buffalo Sts. D. 4630, $10 month. !(-. $032 MARCY, 7-room house, strictly mod ern, with garage, $30. Harney 2705. FIVE rooms, modern except heat, $14. wainut b?4. V W 111 II W t. , n l.....i I, it nn-nK , w ... . " ' - ' -. . ..... " i v.i. . n. I Lull porch. 90S 8. 35th Ave. Harney 3S2U FINE repair, good furnace. Doilshe lioors, cement cenar. lour Dearooma. raKt front, large shade trees, 830 South. 29th St.. Georgia Ave. Harney 2819. -KOOM, modern, ito Poppleton Ave. 1-KUuM cottage. Water paid. 1U U. ilh 1st. tli. 1514 Park Ave. 7-room modem brick. FOR RENT Cottage, 4 rooms and bath; gas light; good neighborhood. Uo S. 84th St Tel. Harney 1963. SoDth. TWO 7-room houses, 8. W. corner 83d and Howard; these houses have been very completely remodeled; new furnaces; combination light fixtures; hardwood floors; new paper in every room and ' closet; summer porch, screened In; in fact, every comfort: $30. Cottages, 2509-11 S. 20th Ave., $14 per mo. 6-r. cottage, 702 8. 62d St.. $12 per mo. ALFRED THOMAS. 308 First Nat Bank. MOVING EXPENSES PA 111 114 S. 29th, 7-r. all mod. house, $25. $036 8. Pith. 6-r. cottage, part mod.. $10. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS 165:1. 623 S. 19th St -r. all mod. house, well arranged for renting rooms: close In. $4o RASP BROS.. Douglas Iil63. 24J9 S. 17TH ST. 4 rooms, partly modern. Douglas 4S09. West. 7-ROOM modern house Dundee; 4801 Cap itol Ave. Phone Walnut IS)). FOR RENT. 2331 Harney St., modern 10-roora brick house; hot water he it Inquire T. J. O biien. Tel. II. 1091. P. 1216. Miscellaneous. 6-R., mod., up-to-date, new bungalow. -narawooa rinisn, never Deen occupiea paved atreet, near school and car line 3131 t:oroy. 8-r., mod., W. Farnam district: Fur nished. $46; unfurnished. $40. 5-r., pHrt modern, splendid repair, 6th and Martha $15. 5- r., part mod., 6th and Martha $12. 6- r., mod. except heat, 716 Hickory 41J. 5-r., part modern, 714 Hickory $1.1. 20-room flat, half block from Fontenella Hotel-$125. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY 17th and Iougla. louglns 501J h'13 Pacific. 9-r.. mod. ex. hnt ic. M) S. 29th St.. 8-r.. all mod.. $sf, 2215 Leavenworth 5-r. apart, all mod.. heat furnished. $). 4l N. 2ith St.. 6-r., mol. ex. bt. $18 50 fl2 N. 2Mh St.. 6-r. mod. ex. 'it 117 lfio Ohio, e-r., part mod.. $14. " '' 2656 Sah'.er. 6-r., part mod.. $13 B1KKETT i COMPANV, 428 Bee Bid g 1 loMclne fi,n 8EE the Central Furniture fciore's FRE3 RENTAL LIST HAVE you got the money? If yoii have Investigate this. $3,0(0 will buy a busi ness worth $4 MM. If tnken before Dec 10. Address P. 339, care Bee. t0 N. 41st St, -r. house UJ3 S. id St, 4-r. house 24 Spencer St.. 6-r. house.... P1HTT.V U.M.L-r,, .$22.M . 35 00 . 22.50 . 16 00 . 16 0.1 1. no 3019 Orsee St.. 6-r. house (7 N. 27th St. 6-r. house 2631 Capitol Ave., $-r. house ! ! 1921 Ix-avenworth St.. 2d floor, i-r.. part modem w sa ALFHED C. KENNEdV'c'6" Douglas 722. 9 ,-j, wt Nat. Bank 'Rld- FIDEUTY i?NTA vnwi Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant house, and apartments; alio for storajceiovlng, ,6th snd Jackaon Sta IIOUeS fl'f.0 S0" Co.. Bee Bldg, 'n all part, oftho city. CONTINUED O.M PAGET ' COLUMN ONE.) . 1