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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1915)
TIIK HKK: OMAHA, SATUKDAV, DKCKMT.KU 4. 1!M.). 17 Now Books Klrtlnn. THE UnnMRHAXd. Hv WiUtsm Hsmll on Oshorne. Kobrrt M. McHriile Ht Co. II. M net. In thin now story of bislncs and sorlal lif In New Vork, Mr. Osborne hai slven full play to his special gift of crisp parrmtlve, dramatic surprise and unex pected romance. From the moment when l.onnle Cameron disappears from the fsaMonal.e wadding at which he In best man, and Orey, blamed for h.s defection, attempts to find him, there Is no cessa tion of Interest or action In this book. ITCK DEVEnErX. Py David Tot Uilltam. Stewart A Kldd Company. $1.36 net. A splendid romanc of civil war times, showing the effect of a dual personality vnder the Influence of a master passion. The reader Is Instantly captivated with tho love affair of the hero anif a beau tiful maid of the flreenhrler, the heroine. Central Ohio and the mountains of Vir ginia, form a background well f'.tted for the setting of this unusual story. If KA TIT'S CONTENT. By Ralph Henry v Rat-hour. J. 11. Llppincott Company. x$).t0 net. nninnce and plenty of It; fun and plenty of It; a harpy man who "starts things," and, who at the end makes a woman happy, too. "Bright, cheerful and snappy," will be the opinion of all readers. OVEII t'ATlAMISE niOCE. By Marie Thompson 1'avioss. Harper & Broth ers. 11 not. A love story of today, full of the emo tional quality of this author's best work, and of the buoyancy and enthusiasm of youth. Not since "The Melting of Molly," has Miss Daviess given to the public a book so full of charm and drama. A delirious eentimental idyl. THr HVNDREDTH WAVE. By Orantly Sandersin. Charles II. Kerr & Co. . Sl.b n?t. The keynote of this extraordinary novel Is contained in the following quotation: "Are you willing to bo taught the i higher truths about Ood, even though they destroy conceptions which you have cherished as your most sacred faith In Him and though they compel you to ac cept a new faith, founded in the great truths of the universe which Science re veals?'' THE TI O OP THE SI lt.t.STNK. By Clarence K. Haifldd KIchard U. Bad ger 1'uMishcr. fl.i'o net. Publisher. S1.2S net. A novel that has all the freshness of the Ozarks. Religion, pollll I and love and the cunning hand of a shrewd man In directing tho affairs of other peorle, often to their own hurt, each has Its part In the making of this truly great story. A work that will delight the heart of all readers of the great succe.ea ot the famous Otark novelist, Harold Bell Wright. A MAN'S IIKATtTH. By Elfnnor M. In gram. J. b. Lupplncott Co. Il.ii net. A young New York millionaire, at odds with his family, finds his solution In working for and loving the optimistic nurse maid who brought him from the depths of trouble and made for him a hearthstone. There are faaclnatlng aide issues, but this is the essential story and it is an Inspiring one. It will be one of tho big hooks of the winter. THE GOIJ?RN PIJTPER. Bv Anna Katharine Oreen. 11. P. Putnam's Soils. l.:r net. The dominant figure In this series of detective stories Is a young girl, Violet Strange detective par excellence. .She observes sharrly. thinks intensely and has the faculty of disentangling, out of a maze of perplexing circumstances, the one explanation that accords with facts, and carries out her reasoning with the most consummate ability, BK1.TANK THE SMITH. By .leffery Famol. Illustrated bv Arthur Becher. Little, Brown & Co. IUiO. A romance of love and adventure, hav ing also much quaint philosophy and rol licking humor. In which, when the story opens. Beltane the Smith is shown living In a secluded place, knowing much of woodcraft and his own smithcraft hu,t nothing of men and women and cities. Gay parties from the outside world of men and women highly placed enter the greenwood where he lives and from their meeting with him evolves the story. THE MAN WITHOIT A CHI7RCH. By Henry Hughes. Sherman, French & Company. 11.35 net. A problem novel. The problem pre sented Is church politics. The etorm cen ters about the hero, James Mlllbrook, whose career is followed from an ambi tious boyhood, through the struggles ta fit himself for the ministry, his experl- I encea In parishes which offer pitifully inadequste returns for the demands that are made, until at length he la rejected by the presiding elder. Mlllbrook. gron strong throuth battle won, holds fast to his faith in God. A path Is opened and he gladly answers the call to service without the church, for which, never thclcts, he still feels a strong affec tion. THESE TWAIN Bv Arnold Bennett George H. 1 oran Company. 11 .'V The third novel in the trilogy that be gan with "Clayhanger" and was contin ued In "Hilda IMa-," this story Is, nevertheless, complete In Itself. It pre sents a story of married life today, show ing Clayhanger and Hilda wading thr nigh a morass of dally petty misunderstand ings In order to reach firm ground of happiness and content. THE THREAD THAT IS BPPN. Bv Margaret Horner Clyde. Sherman, French A Company. 11.26 net. A delightful bit of word painting, as far removed from the society novel of the day as a woodland path In spring time from the thronged highway; an echo of the pioneer period In Pennsyl vania, recalling the early settlers, the Indians, the Pcnna, yet modem In l:i setting and sincere In Its delineation of preset day types of the Scotch-Irish and of rennsylvanla-Oerman people. It is a real contribution to a literature which alms to preserve characteristic Amer ican typos. JaTenlle. TREASURE ISLAND. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Harper . Brothers. $1.5' net. Illustrated. A new edition of this masterpiece. A a sea-tale, it stands without an equal. The book stands alone In Its wonderfully vivid and dramatic story-telling, which is characterised throughout by an en tirely sane and wholesome tone and pur pose. Over one hundred Illustrations and decorations by Iouis Rhcad appear In the volume. CHAINED LIGHTNING. By Ralph Gra ham Taber. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. This Is a atory of adventure In Mexico. The stirring Incidents of the plot are Il luminated by accurate side llqhts on Mexico and its peculiar people. Two boys, for want of anything better to do, accept positions as telegraphers In for lorn spots In Mexico, and out of the ex periences which they have Mr. Taber has made a book that is Interesting and In structive at the same lime. One cannot read it without understanding better the renson for that unhappy country's pres ent state of anarchy. TEN GREAT ADVENTPRKS. Uv Kstn Dickinson Swee'.er. Il.irper A 1'rot'ieiM. II. Jo net. Talcs of hardships and hcroWm of grcnt explorers and sea-men. Tho author hai written for the younger readers a Vit inie of stimulating stories of Columbos, Drake. Cortex. De Soto, Danle' Boone. John Smith, IJvlngston, John Paul Jonea and Plr John Franklin. FI N IN T1IF1 FOREST. Hv G llv Bear. Samuel S. Gabriel Sons. 7f cent. A charming story of absorbing Interest, which tells an amusing tain of animals and their doings In field and The book contains sixty-four pages, four full color plates and numerous black and white drawings. Bound In cloth, with colored Insert on cover. Illustrated Jacket. THE ORETTN TPLIP. By Oll'y Bear. Samuel !. Gabriel Sons. TT. cenls. A splendid fairy tale, describing the exciting adventures of two little Dutch children In search of a fairy tulip. The book contains sixty-four pages, four col ored plates and a profusion of black and white pictures. Bound in cloth, with col ored Insert on cover. Illustrated Jacket. Sam- TOM TIT TALES. By Gllly Bear. itel tf. tianrlel Sons, il.-a. Entrancing stories of adventure. In spiring, entertaining and amusing, full of life, action and Interest "Just before the Sandman comes." The book contains 1W pages of text, with twelve exiiulsde color plates and numerous black and white Il lustrations. Bound In cloth covers, with gold stamping. Supplied with Jacket printed In color. THE PTORY-TEI.Tkh. By Maud Lind say. IxHhrop, Lee Shepaid Co. $1 net. This book takes Its name from the wandering minstrel or "story-teller." of the Middle Ages, who, from palace to cottage, was the most welcome of all guests In the opinion of the Children. So will this book be most welcome among new books. Its stories are fascinating, each one a gem of thought and expres sion. Each story has an excellent full page Illustration In colors. DEAD WOODS. Bv I-atta Grlswold. Illustrated by Maurice U Bower. The Macmiilan Company. $1.&. The fourth In Mr. Griswold's series of stories for bos. Center. ng about his 1 Imaginary school of lel. the theme of I this new story Is the friendship whl 'It arises between to lads of very different temperaments and the effect which It , hns mon them. JACK STRAW, LIGHTIICl HI 11. it Kit. By Irving crump. Illustrated by , Leslie Crump. Mcllille, Nnst Co. SI net. I A new voluntne In Mr. Crump's Jack I straw series. In which his young hcr ' take a position for the summer with a ; crew of lighthouse builders, who are constructing a beacon on the Maine coast 1 lie meets a young swordfishemmn, a lad of his own age, and the two of the n h am much about lighthouse building and oervice, and have many Interesting ami thililing adxentunrs. TIIKTIIKKK GAYS. The Penn Pul.llsh- ompany. so cents. This book describes the delights of the old fashioned country wlnier aa seen by three modem city rhlldivn. who spend a week In a' big, rambling farm house. Each day's adventures and expiration show Just what It was like when pm.l was a boy, and how the Jolly old simplu ways of living are after all the best. SCALLY. By Ian Hay. Houghton-M llf- ilin Company. TS cents net. Scally Is Irrestthle. Pedigree, he haa none, and a gentle laxlnes Is his nioxi noticeable trait, but from the minute ho drags himself from the water, a forlorn pup tied to a brick, you have to Hue him. How he grows up, rescues his mistress from danger In a way as origi nal aa It is amusing, and plays tho port of good fairy In a charming love ni falr. Is told In this hook In a way hit will be enjoyed by everyone who ha ivir owned, or wanted to own, a dog. THE ROY COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK. Hv A. Hyatt Veirlll. Mcttrldc, .Vast & Co. !.." net. A highly Interesting and practical book, which covers thoroughly every collect n hobby that Interests the boy and at the same time sharpens his powers of ob servation. PARTNERS OF TUB FOREST TRAIT Wy C. li. Claudy. McUride, Nasi Co. ll.OO net. A wholesome story of the Great North Woods. A boy and his sister camping with their father In a Canadian forest are captured by friendly OJIbwaya. Through the timely assistance of one f the squaws they escape from the In dian ramp and make their way after many adventures back to the blaxed trail which little Nina has been thoughtful enough to make. The boy. whose hump of self-esteem is a little loo prominent, and the girl, who Is lacking In self reliance, both find In those adcentures an Imprm Ing leeson. x MOTH BR GOOSE Bv I olnlie Osgood Grover. Illust ruled bv Frederick Rich ardson, p. I". Vollnnd Co., New York. One hundred and eight full page Illus trations In colors, each a real work of art. and. at the s:une time, an original and pleasing Interpretation of the sccom pan Itig verses, make the book one that will be welcomed by every lover of th beautiful. This edition of Mother Goose Is, In fact, a lumk for grown people an well as for children. An Interesting history of Mother Goose and her entertaining family, told by Ku lalle Osgood Orover, Is one of the fea tures of the book, and an Index adds not a little to its value., ARWV Rv Bertha H. and Ernest Cobb. Itlverdale Press, I'.rookllne, Mass. II. uO. The author of "Arlo" know the secret of writing for children. As is evident from the very charming dedication, they alao know something about small boys. No reviewer ran adequately describe In small space the attractive qualities of a book for little children like this one. It is filled with gentle fancies, and it is written In a at lei which reminds us somewhat of "The Happy Prince," by that genius Oscar Wilde. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS. Arranged by Harold Siieakman. Tho Abingdon Press. W cents net. Richly and lieaullfully Illustrated In color with original drawings and decora tive designs. Tho exceptional beauty of the color combinations and the unique designs remind on of the treasured vol umes so exquisitely Illuminated by the monks of long ago. A most appropriate gift for a Christmas season. THE PIG BROTHER PLAT-BOOK, bv Laura E. Richards. Little, Brown A Co. 60 cents net. The favorite fables of Mrs. Richards, In a form most suitable for child-acting or "playing a atory" aa children call It, CTNTRA. Bv Kllen Douglas Deland. D. Appleton A Co. 11.35 not. The experiences of a little old-fashioned English girl who comes to Amrr Ica to meet her stepmother and several new brothers and sisters for the first time. She fltula much to Interest and astonish her In this new land. A charm ing romance develops In which the call to war plays an Important part. Merchant Fleet foe r 'ranee. BERNE, Switzerland (Via Paris), Dee. S With the arrival here today in a hos l al tmln from Constance, Germany, of :.T wounded and Invalided French sol dier tneie hittnn between France snd Gcrmnny a new exchange of men in capacitated for further fighting. POLICE FIND MAN IN BED WITH ALL HIS CLOTHES ON Walter Srewatzyrc. 22 years old, on trial In District Judge English's court, with his companion, Steve Malnlepsty, on a charge of brenklng and entering Goodman Myerson's grocery store. Twenty-fourth and Arbor streets, was In bed at his hoine, fully dressed, with the exception of his shoes, when the police arrived, according to testimony given by officers who arrested him. Both young fellows are alleged" to have admitted the crime to the police. They testified on tho witness stand that they were returning from a dance when they saw another man break Into the store. necnmtieote fr Croup. Coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, in flamed throat, bronchial troubles or sora i hest are relieved by Foley's Honey and Tar, which opens rtopprd air pasaagei. soothes and heals inflamed surfaces, and restores normal breathing. W. C. Allen. Boseley, Mo., says: "I have raised a family of four children and used Foley's Honey and Tar wtlh alt of them. I find It the hest cough and croup medicine I ever used. 1 used it for eight or ten Jears and rsn recommend It for croup." f-'old everywhere. -Advertisement. MUSICIANS TO ASSIST MUNICIPAL CONCERTS City Commissioner Wlthnell announces the following advisory committee which will co-operate with Manager Franks In connection with municipal concert at tha Auditorium: Miss Eunice Elisor, chairman; J. H. Simms, Jean Duffield, Slgmund Lands berg, A. M. Rorglum, Mary Munchhoff, Mrs. D. R. Welpton. Henrietta M. Rees und Millie IU-an. The purpose of selecting this commit tee Is to make these concerts worth while In an educational way and also financially. zf Exclusive distributors for Patrick Duluth "Bigger-Than-. weather mackinaws. These beautiful, warm garments are much fsought by men who recognize quality. Let us show you the superiority of the Patrick. m nn J:i9 Rn. sir on V s . Lome to " the Overcoat 125 Dozen Men's Fine Dress Shirts Coat Rtyle, Jaumlered cuffs. Made of fine quality corded madras aud pereules, neat patterns. Regular ( 1 (C valncR to &1.50. sneelal. each. . . vV. .. x -1 ore " "7 f or on Liana Gentlemen, we'll show you the smartest wearing ap parel in the world the quality products of America's great est clothes makers. .. Come and investigate the tremendous values. You nevpr saw greater overcoat bargains and this means distinctive style, dependable workmanship and durable fabrics. Never have we shown a more comprehensive stock of beautiful, smartly designed OVERCOATS. There is a model, weave, pattern and shade for every man and youth. Good wear-resisting, warmth-im parting overcoats that will give men bATl!S.b AC TION for several seasons. Knee length, close fitting styles, long ulster effects, nobby box back models with set-in sleeves, and conservatively cut Chesterfields. Products of America's best clothes makers: IIIRSH WICKWIRE, SOCIETY BRAND, SCIILOSS BROS., L. ABT & SONS, ROSEN WILD & WEIL, L. SYSTEM, SOPHOMORE, We are Indeed proud to feature clothes as fine as these. Suits and Overcoats at ll i a LI $20 2 a i . u-w . .m m. Mr.f 1 M. iSjJQlLlJ $8.50 FOR OVERCOATS WORTH TO $15.00 Here are great values for mon and young men. Stylish, handsome coata in the new Bahnarue and Bahnacaan mod els, in the popular overplaids and fancy mixtures, with both velvet and cloth collars and ulster effects. Our Fur and Fur Lined and Fur Trimmed Overcoats are now on display in the men's clothing depart- nt- . $15t0$125 Price range from Men's and Young Men's Trouaer Section. Over 5,000 pairs to choose from. Fetter qualities and styles for the least expenditure. We call special at tention to the unusual values, at $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 OTHERS UP TO 6.60. 1,200 Men's and Young Men's Blue Berne Suits, at $10, $15, $20, $25 We're specialists In Mackinaws, with greater assortments, finer quali ties and better values than ever before $5, $7.50, $10 als 50 Th man who wants to' get the very beRt value I In a suit or overcoat that J $11.50 and $14.50 will! buy, will nnd we can jsplenilidly take care off his wants, at a saving of from $3.00 to $8.00 on l each earment. $11 J&SO Ml Men's Furnishings Three Specials i' i , ft tlr'niik, ; ;f Tti Union Suits 65 dozen Men's All Wool and Part Wool Union Suits, in natural gray and mixed colors. These are all high-grade sample union suits, about half of the lot are strictly all wool. Worth to $3.00, at 95c Bath Robes 200 Sample Bath Robes for men, made of extra fine blankets, neat pat terns. Seams all piped, satin yoke. Col ors are brown, blue, gray and tan mix tures. Great values. Cut extra large and well tailored. Worth to $7.50, at $3.98 and $4.98 Flannel Shirts 75 dozen Men's Sample Flannel Shirts, made of California flauuel and reg ulation army flannel, in navy, gray and olive drab, with regular and military collars; cut coat style; many have two pockets, faced sleeves and eitra well made throughout. Values to $3.00, at $1.49 and $1.98 Christmas Gifts for Men Our enlarged Men's Furnishing Department will en able us to handle the Immense crowds of holiday buyers to a better advantage than ever before. Wonderful values In all high grade men's wear awaits your presence. Manhattan Shirts, 11.50 to $3.60. Emery Shirts, $1.50 to $3.00. Silk Crepe Shirts, beauti ful pBtterns; regular Itl.OO and $' 30 values, 14.98 and $5.50. Interwoven Silk Hose, 35c and SOc. Kayser Silk Hose, 11.00 and 91.50. Imported Silk Neckwear, made In extra large shapes; values to $3.00. at 11.00. 91.50 and 91-98. Christmas Gifts for Men i illi I Hats and Caps for Men and Boys $6.50 SEALSKIN CAPS, $3.C5. About 25 dozen Men's Genuine Alaska Seal Caps, Detroit style, All sizes. Uetter grades of Sealskin Caps $7.50 to $15 Men's $1.00 Caps, 65c. Oyer 200 dozen Men's Winter Caps, manufacturers' samples and surplus stocks; fur inside, pull down bands. Not a cap G.CZ worth less than $1.00 OOC Boys' Headwear. Roys' and Children's winter head wear, Including hats and caps in Chinchilla, PluHh, Velvet and fancy mixtures; at 25c, 49c, Q ft 65c and up to 3.UU Hockey Caps. About 76 dozen Boys' and Chil dren's Hockey Caps, manufactur ers' samples; also Golf Caps with Inside fur bands, 60c values Hudson Seal and Nearseal Caps About 50 doz. Hudson Seal and Nearseal Caps go at. lUI4"Mi s l M v wv us vyujfii '2.50, '3.50, '5 $1.95 Genuine Black Rus sian Squirrel Caps. . Genuine Caps at Natural Muskrat Fur .$3.95 and $5 25c Boys' Fur Caps. About 20 dozen Boy' Kur Caps with wide pull down bands to pro tect the ears; $1.00 values, each Aviation Caps. Men's and Young Men's Aviation Caps, all colors and sizes; Qj" $1.60 values; Saturday.... tOC Traveling Bags and Suitcases for Christmas Gifts. Ladles' genuine Wal- ; Cf rus Dags, 98.95 up toP 1 VJ.aJV Ladles' Fitted Bags and Suit Cases, made of genuine Walrus and Seal leather; OCA ff 911.50 to 4dU.UU Men's Fine Walrus and Cowhide Bags and Suit Cases, nr ff 97.50 to aPOstlU Men s Fitted Bags, frA 7 fZf 913.50 to Dt .OU 98c Correct Shoes for Men Special values In large open end Four-in-Hand Ties, regular $1.00 shapes at 50c and (5c. 100 dozen Four-in-Hand Ties, all made of regular 60c quality silk. Special 25 0 One entire bargain square of Men's Dress and Street Cloves; values to $2.00; 91-00 and 91.1$. Men's Silk Reefer Muf flers, mostly samples, made of pure silk; regular values to $6.00; Saturday, 91-98 and 92 98. Two big lots of Men's Fiber Silk and Pure Silk Thread Hose; values to 60c. zio and 35c. Men's Fine Welt Shoes, in gun metal calfskin, button and blucher lace; comfortable lasts. All nize8. Worth '150, special, pair $2.85 Hi We are sole Omaha agents for Hurley Broa. fine shoes for men. S5.0O to so.oo We are sole agents for Edu cator Shoes for men, $5.50 to SG.OO We are sole agents for " Truhtworthy " shoes for men. Pair, S3.5f Men's Canvas laggings, all sizes; worth to $1.00, special 8 a t u r day, per pair, 40c- M e n's fine Houpe Slippers, all styles; high est grades, per Pir, $1.49 to 13.48 mm