Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 16
I 16 BRINGING UP FATHER CLAIRE DOGS ARE COURSING YICTORS Sick and Joe Claire, Owned by Ea g&n and Woodwortn, Bole Con tender in Final Bound. OWERS "WILL SPLIT MONET Dick Claire and Jo Claire, black grey hounds, both owned by Ragan ft Wood worth, beat their competitor In the third round of the all-age stake coursing at the county fair grounds yesterday. That make them cola contenders In the finals and high dons In the main event, so their owners will divide first and second money Instead of racing- It off. Excellent coursing- by other dogs marked yesterday's events, and a larcr crowd attended than on previous days. A bis program will be staged todiy, Including- finals In the puppy atako, two consolation stake and a special stake. On Sunday afternoon sixteen of th best dogs will bs coursed In braces, making sixteen races In all, for a $100 trophy cup offered by Chris Lyck. Mr. Cannon, owfled by W. B. Flack of Grand Island, winner of the 6X rup at Beatrice this season, and considered one of the best cou ruing dogs In America, will run In Sunday's races. Testerday's results were as fol'ows: A LINAGE! BTAKE. Third Round Dick Claire beat Greoe nockwell, I to J; Joe Claire beat Quick Step, Hot PtTPPT STAKE. Third Round Turn O Tide beat Great Western. S to 1; Ruck beat IJiate 8., 13 to t; Killarner Girl beat Ginger, 1 to 1; Hie Coiia,iiere got a bye. CONSOLATION 8TAKD. Second RoundRed Sunflower beat Girl Scott, u to 7; Lord Help I s beat SI Wedgewood, Irt to t. in a second race, alter tying- In the first. RPBTALi 8TAKE. First Round-lioy Scout beat Diamond Wedge, 7 to 0; Tee Squanlea beat Prlnceas Vat, a to 0; Irish Brigade beat Ldy Lone. lo t; Master Ilarry beat Hard Flue, 6 to 9. Bellevue Star is Laid Up Since the Foot Ball Season Bellevue college's star tackle, John B. IJcbtenwaltner, jr., son of Dr. J. B. Uchtenwnllnor, apartment 1. th Mary land, familiarly known as "Uny," has been confined to his bed for ten days by seilous lajurl sustained In foot ball ths year. All season th XXV pound tackle was a veritable tower of strength, outplaying even the stellar Data from Wayne. Just before th game with Doan November is, b sustained a bruised rib In a prac tice gam. This Injury wa aggravated until a sever strain of the back and kidney muscle was lit result. II played inrougn in uoan game, out wa forced to take to hi bed shortly after and wa unable to make th trip to Tarklo. Although he 1 now able to leave th hous hi condition docs not improve and h I to undergo thorough medical examination. Partial Schedule Of Valley Dates ST. LOUIS. Dec X. Foot ball schedule for 1916 were partly completed today at th conference of th college comprising th Missouri valley conference. Th fol lowing are th game agreed upon: Washington University October 28. Drake at St. Louis; November It. Mis souri at Columbia; Thanksgiving, Ft. Louis against Washington. Missouri University October n, Ames; October 2S, Oklahoma; November 4, Texas; November 11, Kansas November IS, Washington; Thanksgiving. Kansaa. Th Thanksgiving assignments are con ditional on approval being given to Thanksgiving' game by th faculty rep resentatives. SYRACUSE-OCCIDENTAL GAME GOES OVER TWO DAYS LOS ANGELES. Cat.. Dec. t-The foot l.fcll am between Syracua university and Occidental college set for tomorrow called off today. A telegram from V. If. brooks of th Byracus team aald that it wa beld up by a slid hlch Mocked the Southern Pacific railroad i ear Duiumulr. Cal., and would not ar live In time to play. Occidental athletlo authorities said that the gam would be played Monday. , CREDITORS OF SOWERS CALL BAN JOHNSON CLEVELAND, O.. Dec. .-It wii an nounced today that th Cleveland A mer it an lea cue club lll b sold unless Presi dent Ban Johnson of th lea rue can con vlnr it owner, Charles W. Boraers. and th bankers' commute In charge of his f fairs that it will b to his Interest to rrtsln th property. President Johnson ;t eicled her next week to discuss the iruillun, Ueorge W. bteele, head of th ti.kei' coa.ialLtM, said today. l UESS I HAD BETTER. 0 DOWriTO WtfTT MOORED PLACE. AND ASK MURPHY 1 1 I 'nu it II 1 1 i a i i vf- iv s i ' ' Matched for Twenty-Round Bout SY nPrJ Photos BASKET BALLAT OMAHA U Twenty-Five Yonnj Mea Are Candi date! for Positions Upon the Team. FORM LEAGUE IN THE SCHOOL Twenty-five candidate reaponded to th first basket ball practlo at th Univers ity of Omaha yesterday. Three of last year regulars. Adams. Krnst and Bruce were among th player. Many of th new men have had htgb school experience and are expected to make last season's regular keep a hot pace if they wish, to land on th quintet. McUrlda. former captain of th South side school, and "Jap" Leach, also from th packer dis trict, ar two of th new candidates. Th athletic board will decide upon a coach th early part of thla week. Basket bail promises to Uke a firm hold upon th students of th local school. Claas team ar being organised into a league to decide th school champion ship. Th indoor sport Is also spreading among th co-eds and under th direction Omtkft I,M(ir, JETTER'S OLD AUK. I-eahv 1M ICS 141 471 Rlchey 117 1WI 1.6 4i Handicap ..MUM Itki 1st. Jd. Id Tot. Raiser Riand Hart . ...! KJ 191 ..v m is7 ..163 1) til Totals 77 !WH Riil S0 WOULD-HERALD. Forvyth ,.17J IW ls7 6im Helms 1H4 11 li 1 Ago lit l 1,1 b.Mi Tm 1K7 lw) 141 M0 Lamb 170 131 111 612 Total tt i7 13 BVRNBHAMMKIV 1st. 2d id. Tot. Mcfhan ...ll l& lti iiu Tuvlnsky .AM IHu Iwi ir, Itham ...Ail 140 1( 411 Pkanky 119 m l,t 4ss Murphy ....146 17H 1V 614 Total 6(4 Ml g 330 Nk.ll, CUUTillNa t). Zimmerman 17 1M )fl H0 Zarp tu& hi 17t M Totals ...WT Till KO tm L.UXU8. 1st. tl. M.Tot. Ooff l"l F. Jaroah....lKS n l vr m 2' .2 14.1 133 iHiherty 1, ISO lh rig wartcnow ..! w it ( Learn Ill 1J0 lt m Totals . . .WR net MKTZ. Int. td. Id. Tot Hamestroni la t4 2l US J. Jroh....j:ii tit law M7 lluntiiigion .161 i- l'l Conrad In !l 211 .W Ncal in 210 17 tt Totals . . WA ioi joaa BTi'HZ. Huntley , flefc-ner . Vetter ... Harrleon (toiler hoi in Handicap . II 1st. Id. M Tot. .214 1m t 1 AM 1M 170 4M Scipt ., Terrell . t'aln .... Toman , Cochran Totals li KOn MNU .2-1 171 171 tnl Miller J0 Ifl )7 6,0 AJi 114 l: U lialt ... Btanfleld Hover .... .. M ...141 ...144 Total ...Mi SJ CI Ti Ituyle M pri III L.e;e, WROTH S CAFK. Ul. 1,1. Id Tot. Handicap ..17 17 17 61 Totals a Til 4 mj THUS. KILPATR1CK. CO. 1. J.I. Sd. Tot. Kahn I l ill 470 Mckiauua ..UO HI 1J0 Urirn M 170 144 4 Tiiarrup ...1 141 fcH Merryiuan .1.1 171 11 M Totals n nut O U 'HARD-W ll'llhl.M. WWiklin ...)S4 loo 13 V Kelffer ....1 111 VM v1 Krrd ckson .111 Iti l', 411 Malm lii W l.t i.o biulLk 171 1m Jul 64l Totals 71 7J0 M J2U Al'V'Ua 1st. 2d. Id. Tot Kolls 171 211 115 67 Druuuuond 14 111 17 it McCoy 217 16 171 6ft) Idhdaay ...AM 1J 1K1 61 Keluu ivt Iff 4ti 4,8 HaiiM-n ll 167 la 4tt r anion ! law lid U1 Totals J0 t3 111 71 iiKANUKlrl ST Alert lit. 21. M. Tot FHtseher Orlhble . ll'Hiky ltfler .. Ktuiifcdy r )xv ih m 4 1J lMl MX 1m) 14 6l( 1 70 17 Ut 111 612 IV 1J 211 646 Totals M4 771 9S 271 DHfc-XtL, hliok) ( O. lt. M. M. Tot Story 13 117 V 411 1'rvxel 1-X 1.4 14 4 n Arumtrong .hA 111 M U THE IIKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1015 Copyright, IBIS, InternstlnnsI News Kervlce. Registered U. 8. Patent Office. VUZ MOM AH AN m HERE LAST of Miss Mantor, a co-ed team will be formod. The basket ball schedule being- arranged by Student Manager Melcher calls for ten college game and for this reason the athletlo board has withdrawn the team from th Trl-clty league, which It had planned to enter. Members of the board are of th opinion that th games of the league coupled with the college con tests would Interfere with college work. JENNINGS SAYS HE WON'T LEAVE TIGERS FOR FEDS CinCAOO, Dec. 1-Uarry Rlnclalr backer of th team which the Federal league propose to put In New York. Mid today that ha would offer the manage ment of th team to Hughie Jennings of th Detroit Americana, and had also bid for th services of FYank Baker of th Athletics. NEW YORK, Deo. (.-Hughie Jennings, manager of th Detroit Americana, de clared today that he had not been offered the management of the New fork Fed eral league team and that ha would not consider It Zlrss 1(B V4 121 446 Miilwagon .142 l.vt 1,0 4. Hradv 1 1J UU 1.4 Handicap .. s 11 24 Totals.... KIR Wi2 7t 441 M. K. ISM 11 H fO. . , 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Welch 147 146 138 4..1 Mnoilko K5 ,i ;u 41 Klikhain .At li.i 141 ,) Uushnell ...Vfi tut H5 4,1 Total...... W T S6 231 1-OKD MOTOR t'AK Co. nt. J1. 3d. Tot. ! Sample ....w i;i i(2 f4 yion Hi 14 in 447 Hutchlns U'7 l.'.l 4i ,K''b IdO 1K7 17s 616 t op harv 13 1&4 187 ;7 Handicap 4 4 13 Totals TV 7i KS J4 MOOSK - 1st. 2d. Sd Tot. Kdmondson 1 l.'H 1S7 j,-, Mctlhee 10 Ml IIS &H Puchal 1U7 1 128 gbi Andresson ,.1' US 141 3.1; Prry M li iio 491 ToUls ...660 CIS T3D17 ORI'ER. lit. 2d. Id. Tot. .in )4 ig i.a ah ia i n j Abl 1W hA 4TO .111 If l'S 447 .214 i2t t 6ZA ) 1 t-f 7K1 Kit 140 2471 - K1NO tt. w i) D n U) lu Sit 1J 10 JL'7 liil 141 444 1st. J.I. Sd Tot 1 t 147 4MI .l:4 HI no 3, .! 1M Ul 41. ,.m i4 m iy McMann . Clennlimle tederholm Redman .. YM 147 115 3H Hall lid 103 luO SSI Totals ...hi 7ol 42 Xt DOTAU 1st. Id. d Tot. Ostronlc Ul 148 w ) Welti 144 1.T3 1.17 414 K. Perchal...lil 111 1W Netwlg I.o 171 I,- 4, VV1S 11 1M li4 4.1 Totals . .' 113 M8 U6 OMAHA lt. !d. M Tot PloomouUt .ISi l,T 1k kii Johanson ..131 T 1ST 4u K apple 130 1-4 134 i&t lllllmer 17 140 ll- 44! Kucera U4 lit 1J4 44 ToUU ...771 7J6 HI ll r BELLEVUE FIRST, YEARTEAM WINS Freshmen Trounce Juniors in the Windap of the Basket Ball Toarnament. SOPHS BEAT PEEPS 22 TO 9 The sophomores best the Preps. 23 to 9, and th Freshmen, the Juniors, 29 to 18, In the final grimes of the l:el euo colics' taMket ball. tnu'nrr""nt 'IVit Si f-'-h-men th championship. In the firnt rnn the Preps put up a plucky flht atia.nxt their lancer opponents and at several times tied the score. . Tha score at the end of thf f'rst hilf wns 10 to 8 in the Sophomore", favor, but In the second half the college men took pie load and, because th Propa failed to take advontoKe of the fouls they male, wen On tamo. The Freshmen-Junior frame wns a fit roe fast contest characterized by cl so guard ing, good team work, and sensational throwing from the field. The Juniors' (Cora wa dve to substitutions in line up, all but three of their points hclns made by supplies. m For the Freshmen Rule threw eight goals from the foul line, Silxby. Noyes and Krwln, making the fh Irt ),": 1 1 John played against a tough proposition and. although ahut out of glory, put up a harJ g mo. The line up: SOPHOMORFS Btewart KF. .Alien II K. Pluottn (C.) C. 'Gllmore Jii Klnnler .K.U PHEP". R.F Mitchell UK Clifton C Zurcher R.O un til L.U..; Taylor Allen 15). Stuwuil Goals from field: (3, UUmore 2), K Inn er, Zurcher. (!ual. li'om. tout line: Mncneil Hrtem-. Maxwell. Timer: CummiiiKs. Poorer enke. Time of halves: IS mlm'tes. FKKSHMKN JUNIORS. Johns UF. I holps-Sllsby. R.F. No yes C. HlMliy-Rule ....LO. Krwln U.CJ. R.F Henlamln L.F.. Maxwcil Allen C Racelv R.O lAttiu L.1 Mur I i Cinals from field Sllsby (.1), Noycs (21. Kiwln. Allen Mrtln 2. Q nU from foul line: Rule (K), Mnxwoll M). All" i Cl), Martin. Refere: Webb. Timer: Cum mings. Kcorer: . Wenke. Time of hajves: i minutes. High School Five Faces Strong Teams With practically a new team to form and the material still an unknown quan tity the high school Is making up one of hn strongest basket ball schedules It has ever tackled. Roth Sioux City and Lin coln have been signed up for two gamen, two of these games to be played here, one ot Lincoln end one at Sioux City. St. Jo seph will play here. Kansas City Manual ttlil probably ba brought here for a game, everything being settled but the signing of the contract. The first gams of the season will be !,layed at University Place against Uni versity Place High school on January 11. York, Nebraska City and Fort Dodge will also be cn the schedule, The high school will enter a team in icth the Trl-City and the Commercial leagues. Regulsr practlo will start at the Young Men's Christian association Monday evening. Carlton Swller has Wen appointed man-j ager of the basket ball team at the Cen-, tial High school for this year. Swller U a senior and holds an office In the cadet li-glmcnt. Ho was a substitute end o:i thti foot ball team llila var ' "Weary" Graham Heads South Eleven "Weary" Graham, 128-pound end of th ! South High school foot ball eleven, has '; been elected captain for th lti foot oan team. 1 ne rieet end received nine of the eleven votes. "Weary" is very light, but Is a fearless tackier and Is one of th fastest men In th squad. Th team wtll not be banqueted this year as last. W nat money tne athletic association cleared on the Norfolk contest will bu reserved for basket ball. There la lea than on hundred dollar In th treasury. Letter will b given out by th coach thla week. Thoa who will be honored are: Bill Oraham, Lyman Oorr. Quatav Rugie. Rryan Nixon. James Clnek, Dwey Curtis, Vernon Caplllt. Jtmml Neator, Oeorge Hott, Van Arthurton, Joe Dvorak, Harold Khalnholts and Myron Anderson. AEROPLANE BEATS AUTO HUNDRED THOUSAND PRIZE OKMUU3EE. Okl.. Deo. I An ell lease, aald to be worth several hundred thousand dollars, was the prise at stake in a race between an aeroplane and an I automobile and the atropine w on. On receiving news that the o'l lease on the land of Tom Webb, an Indian, had expired, two oil men hurried to reach th Indian first to obtain th cov ered oil rights to his property. K. W. GUI left In an automobile. II had four mile' start when a representa tive of th Klngwood Oil company pro cured an aeroplane from a local school of aviation and. sweeping through the air, passed his competitor and al jned Webb to th ! befor GUI arrived- V" ' II ' " iv r I , ) V . - ? i Drawn for The Bee by George McManus 7"" DD HE VTAY loh;? AGOUT TVO HOO! WILL HAUGHT0N BE BACK AT HAVAED NEXT YEAST y tllSOHlKW Th contract of Percy Haughton, who ! has developed the roost wonderful foot ball teams In Hn-vard's i history, ter minates -with tlio .resent season and there are rumors that he will not resume h's work as coach of the Crimson next year, and that his place will be taken by Charley Daly, former Harvard quar- terback and now conch of the Army eleven. The rumor says that Haughton' busl- ( ness Interests are demanding much of his time and ho feels that he would rather retiro now In a "blacxo of glory" than to wait for an off year. Nebraska Willing To Play Wisconsin And Northwestern According to dispatches from Madison, Wis., and Evanston. 111., the I'nlveririty of Nebraska ha Invited theso two schools to enter Into negotiations with the Hsuker school for foot bill games In 1917. -Northwestern anp"r.cen Ncbrnr-ka. the Michigan Aggies nnd Notre Dame have applied for places mv the Purple and thit one of th trio will l ibahly be accom modated. Recall Fact that Napoleon Had His Horses Well Trained (Correspondence of Tha Associated Press.) IjONDOtf. Nov. 10. In connection with the accident to King George, who sun tallied severe Injuries In a fall from his horse, the I-ondon papers ,recall the pre cautions that were taken lest Napoleon should appear at a ' disadvantage on horseback. The emperor was not a first 1 lass horseman, and hla horses were al waya specially trained. Here is a descrip tion of the methods employed: "Thy were trained to remain per fectly steady under torture of every de scription; to receive blow about the head. Drum were beat, pistols and rre craca era were fired in their ears, flags waved before their eyes, clumsy packages, and sometime even sheep nd pigs, were thrown between their legs, isone were deemed sufficiently trained until the emperor could, without the least diffi culty, pull them up short at full gallop, which wa hi favorit pace." FOR INSURRECTION NATIVES j OF FORMOSA ARE TO DIE (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) TAIWAN. FORMOSA. Nov. :H.-Th l umber of native condemned to death for insurrection has now reached the ! total of . About 40rt natives have been j sentenced to prison for vsrlous terms. , The death sentences, most of which j have already been carried out. are e- I pected by the authorities to have a salu tary effect in discouraging revi lut cnary plots throughout Formosa. j Arrive la PklladelBfeU. PH1I.ADKI.PHIA. li. 3. Tlio hree suffrage envoys who hsve broncSt t ( automoh'lrt from California ie Itlon to 1 lie preentcd to President Wils n nni conqress net week urging h imn of a federal amendment en "r inchUinv , women were we'eomed here txljy by ; Mayor Blaiiekenuurg. . tiMkrr Hearts;. WASHINGTON. De. I The final hear ln to tha federal trade commission In quiry into the lumber Industry wtll b held ar December 13. fri II "i r-inii itf f ..v .v ; MVk- v, t . til ' 1 1 WUZ. I WITH HM? Tod Sloan Eef uses to Discuss His Case NEW YORK, Dec . Tod Sloan, the former American Jockey, returned from England under deportation today. He told newspaper men a he left the liner Adriatla that he bad been sent out of Knsiand without a trial, but refused to make any other comment on his case. CARLISLE TEAM OUT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE GAME . WASHINGTON. Dc 1 The Carlisle team will not b a contender in future in collegiate foot ball g&nva as a result of a decision by Secretary Lane today after a conference with Commissioner Sells of the Indian aervico and Superin tendent LJppa of tha Carlisle Indian Some Overcoat Values Very Much Worthwhile For $16.50 we are offering some Overcoats not sur passed and seldom equaled at the price. Many of them are regular $2o values. They embrace the short, loose coat with velvet collar, some Staple Black and Oxford Chesterfield Coats, and some Warm Ulsters. The ma terials are Tweeds, Cheviots, Meltons, Kerseys, Vicunas and Chinchillas. They are splendidly made, unusually good looking and will give satisfying service. Drop in Saturday and see these Superb Cfl Overcoats for plOOU SHOP SATURDAY FOR CHRISTMAS See some of the handsome neckwear displayed in our windows; also Manhattan Shirts, Dress Gloves, Mufflers, Hosiery, etc. Every article bought Saturday for Christ mas makes the holidav worn- that much less. 418 Sooth V UJegaBtasjigaB Christmas Gifts Worth While Sporting Goods Department Men's and Women's Duxbak Clothing. Guns and Rifles for every requirement and every purse. We make a specialty of light guns and rifles for women and boys. Leather Town and Country Coats, for golf, driving or shootiug. Ice Skates and lloller Skates. Air Rifles. Hoy Scout Specialties. Russell Moccasin Boots. Spaulding and Reach Rugby Foot Balls $1 to $5 Striking Bags, both single and double end, $1.50 to $7 Boxing Gloves $1.50 to $8 R CU (Hi II fiVJSKYTlilWO FOR school. Secretary Lnno held that in th future foot ball must be subordinated to the educational feature of tha school. DCANFS BASE BALL SQUAD BEGINS PRACTICE CRETE, Neb., Dee. 8. (Special.) Th first practice of the Doane college basket ball team was held Thursday afternoon with about twenty candidates out in suits. The practice this year Is to be in th opera house, although the lease will not be signed for two weeks. The high schorl and college are renting the bulldln? Jointly. One of the goals Is up and tha othet will be put up In a day or two. At a meeting Wednesday afternoon Lloyd Whltchoune, "W, of Hastings was electei temporary captain. The opera housa floor Is fairly good, but the playlni? spai'fl is not as good as It might be on account of two iron posts which hold up the roof. 18th Street. The best Eelected line of athletic apparel in the west. We are headquarters for Basket Ball equipment. THE SPORTSMAN " A