Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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    The Bees Home M
aazitie Pae
Genius Writ in Plaster -
Work of 300 Years
Ago Unrivalled Today
How Kindness
to Animals
Noted Dancer Brings Embroidery Fad
K:u inn iti cue ol he.
gowns of I r:uit Tui e:n)nii
end. flii.. -y ci il'li n. which
mo now iii'.! st in;v the lady
of societv.
Ily M.I. WlilTKI.KK Ail.CiU.
p in i.umii ' irnen ' f i hi mm
MmmBWmynmiWWtmiimteWtmtwiew-'' W 'W.W f tfMm w i,iiiHm-i-iBliiliMil I . i Mini ii i i ) m n ni.niul m anMln I MHi.1 III lIMlMMWllll.iHlU
I t mmm iwi wi mi in n WI'H 'Hir 1 n inr i i n n ii I nm i i.n n imi i n ) m mn im n . . . .1. i nn i .m i J i i i
Mlir Cum:-. ,v.
Annr; Nn,cl who
" n r.'forla n i
the prp'.-rmion
Hero are a
few siecimen$
of the plaster
er's art as left
from the Jaco
bean period in
Enghind. The
one above is
from the vic
arage at Tot
tenham, and
the two others
from the old
palace at
13romley - by
vJ ' K.'&ii i i mm ii HMMMfMaiian -r nnn i i Y Jp
Ve....ur:-v.ifTit.4,l..i.,.-1 ,iftIHi'jMjM,t-)ilfi)iiM
Plaster decoration of cellines. walla,
mantelpieces, cornice, chimney nhaft
and other portions of the interior of
houses wera once regarded with great
f-'or and yet today they add to the at
Uivenpss of many old mansions,
.'on in their simplest forms, when
t. .' consisted of nothing except raised
linps, ovuls, scrolls and moldings, dec
orating the ceiling;, they provided ef
fects of light and shade very agreeable
to the. eye, and when a real'y artistic
ha: d shaped them into garlands of flow
ers or pponiftrlc or nrabe!que figures,
or other designs, they gave character to
rooms such as could not be imparted by
paint or paper.
The sixteenth and seventeenth cen
turies seem to have been the most flour
ishing periods for the artistic plasterer.
Kiom Holland the art -va introduced into
England, or at least, made popular in
England, In the reign of Henry VII 1,
I nd it continued to develop thrui;h th
reign of Elizabeth, until. In the time of I
James I, t flourished to such a degree
that it had become known as "Jacobean
work" (James being a variation of
A great deal of this Jacobean house
decoration still exists in England, while
a great deal more has been destroyed,
and the specimens that ran still lie found
are, as the photographs show, among the
rr.ost interesting and often beautiful ex
amples of architectural artistry in ex
istence. The "motives." that is, the ideas that
moved the artists In deslsnlng their work,
v t re chosen with great skill and appro
priateness. The figures on the walls,
ceilings and chimpey-pleees gave a live
liness and vivacity to the interiors of
houses which Increased their attractive
ness as social renters.
A company of men and women asscm
I led in a cold, barren, barn-like room
cannot have the same spirit of sociability
i s that which enlivens them when they
are surrounded and canopied by beauMful
ajrhltectural and sculptural forms. ;
1 The Jacobean artists In plaster had the :
PKill to make their work accordant nnJ '
t.srmonlous with the aortal instincts of
the time. Sometimes the figures employed
were grotesque, though never repellant,
but generally they were remarkable o'lly
for their beauty and pleasing sugyeatlve
mss. Antiquarians have found that certain
designs were repeated in different houses,
scmetimes with variatb ns In details which
did not conceal the underlying identity
of the artist's plan, and It has been con
cluded that there were a few artists In
plaster who must have enjoyed conslder
ulile reputation and prosperity in their
('ay, althcugh It is difficult now to dis
cover their names. The material used was
mnlnly lime plaster and sand, but the
models were furniehed in the form of
T7;, VI; cm Ana Intimate Recipes-
JUUiuitaii jjpiouwv. - Mock Husbands
- 1
Real husbands, like real terrapin, once
so plentiful In this country that even the
poor could afford to indulge In them
every day, have now become so scarce
that they are a
luxury of the rich.
This has made it
necessary to find
some substitute for
the genuine article,
for It is a well
known fact that
the capricious fem
inine appetite
craves this dainty
morsel almost as
Insatiably as It
does chocolate
creams, and that
women consider no
menu properly
balanced in which
husband is not
served up In some
fashion or other.
Heal husband be-
belng so difficult to capture, even by the
most expert sportswomen, and so ex
tremely high priced as to be practically
out of the reach of everyone except
'widows who have been left large wads of
life Insurance, housewives have sought
so:nethlng that would take its place at
the family table, and a number of In
genious and toothsome comp-Junds have
been devised, whose flavor and substance
are so much like the real thing that they
(Jeoelvo any but Reno connolajieurs.
There are several ways in which tills
?!sh may bo prepared. The best Is, per
hapr, Mock Husband a la Suffragette.
To make this, take a chimney that
smokes, a cat t-at slays out at iiit'ht, a
parrot that swears, and a pocket book
vtth a Yale lock on it that you cannot
pick, and mix them all thoroughly to
tocher. Serve piping hot. This dish has
all of the peculiar flavor of the real
article, and Is a great favorite with old
imtids, especially around Boston, where
it f ui r 'ements their sacred baked beans
ti ii article of dully diet.
Another form of -Mock Husband com
ni nly known as Mock Husband Ordl
tiaire, or l."verduy Mock Husband, is
inude by taking a good nifty brass
knocker, a vtuegary temper, large well
cV eloped grouch, and a barrel of surly
t'i'.Lnce. Blend these thoroughly together
ai d serve with a garnish of grocery bills
and dry goods bills and other household
expenses. This dish Is peculiarly appe
tizing for a breakfast food, and U so
satisfying thst no woman was ever yet
kn n to dt'slre a second portion of It.
Those who have made Mock Husband
tier this recipe guarantee that it U
so exactly like the real article of which
ttiougaiid f women have partaken every
should It be substituted for the slmon- Be careful not to drop Into It any of
pure article they would never know the tho salt of tears of a neglected wife, for
difference. To give Mock Husband j this ruins the flavor of the dish, and
Ordinaire a still more realistic touch ails a mlstoke that many women make
dath of stale beer or high balls may he when they begin to concoct It. Afterward
added, but this is optional with the cook ' they get
and not at all necessary.
Another form of Mock Husband called
Mock Husband a la Haphlra is a great
favorite In many households, and Is fre
quently served to guests by wives whose
husbands belong to the rara avis, or fly
class. Not being able to obtain any real
more expert. Wreathe the
tureen In which Mock Husband a la
Saphlra Is served with false smiles, and
your guests will be sure to praise it.
Mock Husband a la haphlra Is the
piece de resistance In many millionaires'
homes, whore the girl children acquire
such a taste for It that even In later llfo
j Husband for their parties or festivities, j they prefer It to the real article,
these poor women are reduced to the
necessity of concocting a substitute that
they fondly believe deceives even their
dearest female friends.
The basis of Mock Husband a In
Saphlra Is lies. ' Take as many of thes,-
Of course, there Is a certain sweetness,
and tenderness, and delicacy of flavor
about Real Husbands that Mock Hus
bands never sequire, no matter with
what skill they are cooked up. Ptill
when it is Impossible to obtain the
(and be sure they are large. Juicy Ik's) genuine article and the species which
as there are persons to be served. It is
best to always select the same kind of
lies, as tliey blend better than lies of
different varieties. Having made your
lies, season the mixture with as much
plausibility as you can command,
sprlnklo it over with an unlimited quan
tity of references to "Dear John," "My
Darling Husband," "our ideal married
life." and "My husband's devotion to his
home;'' thin t'iow in a large solid
chunk of mendacity about John's bring
called away on business, and having to
work so hard that ho has little time
for his family, and let this mlxtuie cexk
down to a thick puree.
our grandmothers used to serve at the
head of their table as the chief orna
ment to the feast seems well nigh ex-
lliiet we must make-shift with wht
substitutes we ran find, and the recipes
which have been given will, If faithfully
followed, enable any woman to impart a
distinct flavor of matrimony to her
frugal fare, and give It a pleasing di
versity from the usual tea and toast of
Also It may be said that while, perhaps,
Mock Husband Is net quite so tasty as
Ileal Husband, it agrees better with a
woman, and Is much lets apt to give
her heartburn.
Advice to the Lovelorn
Yob laal Nettle TbU.
Pear Miss Fairfax: I am a young man
f self-respect and dignity and go about
with two young women, boih of whom
cure dearly fur me, and 1 have Just as
intch love for one as the other. I admire
cite for her education snd the other for
her beauty and s.wnpaiheiic devoiiun. T. e
list klii s.pporik Her oil mother an I
)oung brother. J supisirt my father ami
toother, and my means aie not large
enough to relieve the first girl of her re
sponsinility if I marry her. II i my duty
to live with my parents, but the aecoud
Cirl is opposed to it A. K.
It Is Impossible for any man really to
lc ve two women at once. And It is very
bnfsir to the women to try to persuade
them that you do love them. I'robably
you find each girl congenial and prob
ably you are very fond of each, but I
tPink close analysis will show you that
what you feel Is friendship. If you mar
ried the first girl she would undoubtedly
lc unfair to your parents. You had better
study your feelings very carefully, and
diki usa the matter with absolute honesty
with the girls concerned.
e'opv r iRht
In St. l.oui, Ihr
Miss !,lly nnil Mi?
Iinve et.i (dished by tbrl
tmot effective oci t f..
of cruelty to snl-
mnls. Sotve moMil
5ii eore Arllis
The widely known
at lor, Tniide the no
tor, in.'ide 1 lie ae
oiutint.mer of thre
young women ami
sen; forth i pow
erful nppenl In
their behalf. He
explained 'lint tip
to Iflst VinemN-r
the Na'i slsteis
lind provldi-tl sume
ihliu like in a
month out of their
own to cnr.y
on their humiine
w i,' k. Then to their
i',uicc came .Mrs ( '. l'nrh'T of
i.'t. Louis, who l.tlped to pay tliclr ex
penses. Now the Mi.isos Nnuel propose to found
In St.!s nn ntiin-nl rescue leu;oe. an
l-Mitr.tlon thnt shall be sHo to reason
wl h a man who Is cruel to his horse or
I. is dm;: thnt shrill be able to rescue an
otitvr.ixl bef ive II l. worked to dentil; that
.i'fll bo fible to give n tired horse a
week's holH'-iy. and shall watch that the
owrrr does not allow It to yet In such
a condition strain.
Similar Institutions "re run in Moston
nnd other cities with success. The Misses
Novel find the old worn-out Idea con
tinually e-onfronting them: "Are wo not
iieisiectlng bn des when we look out for
animals to such an extent?"
And they answer It by saying. "We are
ileitis something for babies nil the time.
The babies benefit by the taxes we pay.
by government grants, by our contii
brtlops to hospitals nnd by a hundred
channels through which the public rr.on"y
runs, hut channels wh'ch do not roacVi
itrfnrinir nnlmRls. Cruelly to animals
Is the result of Ignorance and lack of
humane education In schools."
The Misses Nagcl realise that teaching
bovs and girls to be considerate and kind
ond sympathetic toward animals Is the
means of preventing these noys ana giro,
frov developing criminal instincts as they
grow older.
From Morningslde avenue, New York,
comes the following plea, fignod by Mis
M. V. J.:
"Could you not try to put Into effect
the following Idea. If It agrees with your
own v'.ews: '
"So often I have seen sbk. el 'v ani
mals teft to suffer, looked at pensively,
etc.. but nothing done to relieve them
or have their suffering ended, simply he
cause the onlookers did not know enough
to telephone the Society for the Inven
tion of Cruelty to Animals asking them
to call for the cat or dog or other ani
mal. If they do know It. they feel
too strange about doing It or too timid
to take on that responhlbilly.
"Could not the Society of l'revention
of Cruelty to Animals put signs around,
.,u.ptullv nesr barns and the poorer sec-
! lions, that if notified they will call for
alek animals promptly, if any one wishes
them disposed of, etc? Also' school chil
jcren taught this? I think these signs
, would acquaint peorle better with the
i -diiAtra much suffering of
Idl l, ClIIU iti.v.v
"I have always lived In the heart of the
city, and Cannot remember the number
of times 1 have telephone the Society of
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, while
. i. .-m, rcnunti did not lo It.
I even though the animal had suffered for
! days.
j "Policemen should be Instructed to do
this. Some of them seem heartless about
'this matter of animals. When they do
'know they should communicate with tho
Society of Prevention of Cruelly to
I Animals. WhenMt ts on their section they
rhould be responsible and phone, but they
I have laughed at me when I ask them to
I rt tiviliinir nf this kind. They find a
I stray dog they beat it with their stick
i nnd chase it from one place to anotnrr.
!They could have taken It away when It
j I. as no license."
j We need a school to teach policemen
; Murine to animals and to the unfortu
liiatu vMlma of drink and drugs. A llttie
i educational work In this department
would benefit the whole population of
I America.
i Some philanthropic assoelat'on ought
1 to establish a moving picture house
likhpn honisnitarlun subiects arc taught
through the film and where the polc--i
men of the city are given free .tickets
jand time to attend. It would lernen the
; pu'fcring of human beings and animals
j after a time.
j Several critical friends have asked me
; recently why I make a louder appeal
: for klndnea to animnls than for kind
1 ress to women and children. These eritlce
are of the same order of miud as thos
who thought the sympathy for slaves
fifty years ago a waste of mental activ
ities and emotions.
One man advised me to waste no more
p ty on the horse, as in a few years Hie
automobile would do away Willi me sur
ferlng of that animal. But It will not tio
away with cruelty and iinklnitr.e in
human nature, unless we educate it out
! of children's heurts and mlnde by swak-
itnlng their higher nature.
What we are striving to do in this
limitation is not merely to save sufler-
I Ing horses, dogs and cuts from miser)
1 .. &v?,,
? sv y
Ii' L - i .-''ci' w. 4t IK'r ' t'--sa
MtH : All
r v'-i
V ..'
r. V 'V '
lly PHlSt ll.l.X I'AKR,
it. v Sit "?? sf - Tmtf '
iyr..erc' wsxx'ryt
Ki ln, whoso fume as the chief
figure In tlio famous Ituisinn toilet which
is i'einlt!- to New V nk's Metropolitan
OpeiM hoiire at the beRl:inlng of the new
yea;- Is world-wide, has already mid
an Impress on up n the dress of my lady
of society.
it i.i the wonderful embroideries that
adorn the costumes which have been de
signed for her thnt have Interested many
women and led to the vogue of employing
tare and expensive needlework for the
i.dornnient of evening gowns.
One of the most interesting of the de
Mgns. which la finding much favor, takes
chiffon for its background. Chiffon has
ehlefly been elecorated with hand-painted
figures. Its light, flimsy character had
previously served to give It immunity
from the neeelle. Now comes Karsavina
with pi nf t lint It lends Itself beautifully
to embroidery, nnd many rare gowns are
to be mnde with the combination playing
an Important part In the making.
The soft, clinging material, almost Ilka
a sp'.ders vveh In texture, is heavily em
broidered In one of the most striking of
the dancer's costumes. Onlden thread Is
the working medium for the heavier fig
u rey, wfllc tinsel Is lavishly employed.
The effect 's very r'eh, and the flimsy
fabric of the gown supports the embroid
ery eusny.
Are Your Hands
By Rent Receipts?
have to continue working. If you mar-
luornins tincc tuey were married, that lied the econd she may compel you to
l et II tin Meek loa.
Hear Mif-s Fairfax: I am a and deeply
In love with a young man three year
my senior, lie goe out with other girls
and oiten does imt keep his appoint
ments with me. .v'heu we are out to
gether If I mention anything about hl: not Kith nttli uirl. I.u . . i .1...
fai t. Now 1 ould like lour Hilvl,
L . C.
I am afraid ou sre pitting yourselt
In a position where you are likely to
know great unhappiness. Since you are
so s'isplcluus of this young man you
could not have very much happiness as
his wife, i suggest that you maintain
a more dignified altitude. If he seeks
you. you will feel far more sure of him
thsn if you continue the uncertainty of
doing most of the courting.
ut t.i in.ikH a belter, nobler, srander
race of human beings on earth. That run
only be done by making people kind to
all created thlnta.
So leing as h'.iman beings sre bsi lin
ing cruelty In their hearts toward any
i living thing, so long as lliey do not
realize their responsibility toward the
i weak and depe ndent creatures of earth.
I so long will tliey be unkind and crel to-
erj eine annth-r.
Clergymen and reformers were telling
people to be kind and to love one another
when glorious Henry Bergh made him
self notorious and ridiculous In the rs
of his associates by a demand that
people be kind to animals. Henry Berth
did more to elevate and edueatu the heart
of America in Christian kindness of
thought than all the preachers and re
formers of bid day. i
Do your living expenses eat up your income! Do you feel
that, though you work hard and persistently, you do not have a
ohance; can save nothing because there aro always bills, bills, de
manding most every cent you bring inf So that you feel as if you
ure in n treadmill and forever doomed!
Hut there is hope! Even though your hands be tied by rent
receipts by vent, the greatest of living expenses there is hope.
You can, in fact, turn this expense into a saving. But it requires
decision arid action on your part. We of
The Omaha Bee
will help you, but, after all, success or failure in your fight for
freedom lies with you.
THE UHE d s offer sincere and concrete assistance. You
will find it in the Heal Estate columns. There we place you in
communication with reliable real estate men and builders of whom
you can buy real estate on reasonable terms,
ariel with competent builders, who will help
you plan and erect the new home you have in
And, remember, alwavs
Use THE BEE as
Your Real Estate Guide
Put Your Money
In a Home