Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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THK ' I'.EK: ()M AT I A ', S'ATUH I ) A V. DKCEMBEIl 4, 1915.
Friday, December 3, 1915.
TO "Bashful Bennie," who wants to know how he "may bunt into lo
nely" :
You eay, Dcnnle, that you have been an instructor In a skat
ing rink and that you are the hero of forty "knockouts." I think
you roust have a glorious physique and should qualify for a cotillion leader.
But, leave Omaha to make your social ascension. In your home town
yoir are at the great disadvantage of a previous Impossible surrounding.
Do not worry about your "dough." If you spend It with a true air of fine
sportsmanship In a new and correct setting, no one Is going to take the
trpuble to trace It down to tts source of four kings. Such prying person
alities are In extremely bad form In smartest clrclea these days.
Leave Chicago or Minneapolis alone, but you have a good show In
some of the other larger towns of the midwest. Patronize the most fash
ionable tailor and dancing master. It is the business of men in these oc
cupations to be up on matters of social usage and form; and, as their gen
erous patron, consult with them and follow their Instructions.
Do not make the nilnlake of trying to break Into a man's exclusive
club. Quarter yourself In the best style at the bust hotel. Have the finest
machines, including one racing car which you will drive as if possessed of
all the demons of speed. Look rakish and fetching as you drive along the
boulevards. They'll take notice of you, and nice women will soon ask you
for donations to their pet charities and philanthropies.
Do not play the flirt about It, nor even affect the sentimental; but
yet be devotion Itself to some plain spinster of foremost social prominence.
She will appreciate the marked attention of a dashing bachelor. She
will land you socially, Bennie. Your devotion to her will bring men
to ber more worthy than you. The stronger sex are so fly-like where
women are concerned. More than one case has been known where the at
tentions of a handsome masculine climber mado a bolle of en ugly duck
ling and finally married her a worthy man.
Your case is not hopeless, Bennie, If the four kings brought in enough
to give you full play at the new game. Outside of the south, society does
not eland on graves today, nor even In old shoes. If there is an ounce of
gentleman under your skin, you can win out.
Conroi Club Plans,
The Comis club met Thursday after
noon with Mrs. Gooff Morris at lunch
eon, followed by cards. Irises were
won by Mesdames Leslie Thompson, I'.
J. Larmon and Charles Lanstrom. The
neat rsular nwtlim of the club will
in two weeks with Mn. P. O. JennlnKS.
On Monday evening-, December 13, the
members will give a husbands' enter
tainment at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Dlmmlck.
Oueit of Miis Davis.
One of the popular guests of the holi
day season will bo Miss Marjory Stewart
of Muncll, Ind.. who arrived In Omaha
Thursday mornlnr. to vllt Mlaa Elisabeth
XavU. Many Interesting affairs are al
ready In planning for Mlaa Btowaxt,
among- which will be a dinner preceding
the Charity hall, Monday evening, when
Miss Davis will entertain eight giiosta
to dinner at her home.
Dance at the Borne.
The Et-av-Vtrp club gave a dance at
the Rome hotel Tuesday evening. Tboee
present were:
Messrs. and Mesdames
J. W. Overstreet.
A. r. Keusirom.
Irene Rulllvan.
Irene 11 I bee,
Hlanche ritapleton,
l.lllliin Kwaiiherg,
W inifred Lore.
Ciertrude, Xylan,
Mable Heecher,
Clara Hohuebel.
Klleen Chambers,
tfm I'helan,
Mary ltetrloh.
Oertrude Hell.
Clcda Urasf,
W. V. Hellers,
V. Uradford.
O. O. Young,
C. llaarmann.
O. A. How Ire,
A. 8. Nurw,
K. A. Westerlna,
I,. R Bodm-berg.
' V. Drsenhart,
Charles A "man.
Charles Unit,
Julius Htlsser.
K. A. Robblne.
George W. Hteele,
three weeks. Another sister from Chlnasjn,
Mra. I. New, Is the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. J. Hosenfeld, in Council Bluffs.
The officers of the Kt-A-VIrp club are
planning a stag party for Tuesday even
ing December 7, at Metropolitan hall,
society . o efo
The Friday Dancing club wll give a
surprise party next Friday evening. The
members of the committee of arrange
ments are:
Messrs. and Mesdames
A. C. Martman. Maynard Swarts.
Oscar Lleben,
Stork Special.
A son, Robert Austin, waa born last
week to Mr. and Mra. Austin P. Braun
at Birch Knoll Sanitarium.
Unitarian Junior Club.
The Unitarian Junior club will hold a
aoclat meeting at I o'clock tonight at the
club house, 438 North Fortieth atreet.
There will be dancing, readings and
muslo, - ,
Elks Dancing Party.
Messrs. and Mesdamea
C. P. flaunt.
C. A. Devlne,
Jennla Wilson,
Manda Peterson,
Kiltie Wulff,
vLoulea Hbert.
I.ena McCullough.
Pauline Faulkner,
Pesay Faulkner,
(Iraoe Jones.
Ptella Leach,
lieulah Maxwell,
Ollnda Palmer,
Ann Andresen,
Myra Ulvler.
Ilasel Gilbert
Ted Israel.
C. A. Plxler.
J. V. Chestnut.
J. I., pwcroft.
P. K. OHswold.
Kay Fi. Powell,
Din II. Hunt,
Thor Andresen,
C. M. Tex.
Roy Mussrave,
W. J. Palmer.
C. I Rwancutt,
1. C. Scott.
Elmer Berg. ,
Choir Snner and Dance.
Tha Daan and Mra. Jamea A Tancock
will entertain the adult members of the
choir or the cathedral this evening, at
upper at the deanery. Tne husbands
and wives of the members will also be
guests. After the supper, the choir party
will dance at Jacobs hall.
Drama Clasi. , t
The Drama clase mrt this morning
with Mrs. Harry I Cummlngs. Miss
Kate Mcllugh led. The members are:
Mesdames Mesdames
Harry L. Cwnmlngsjonn A. Methane,
Howard H. Haldrtge, w. R. McKwn,
H. 11 Hpraaue. Arthur Remlnxton,
Francis A. brogan, Frank W. Judson,
"W. A. C. Johnson, Osgood Eastman,
E. P. KlrkenUall.
Today' Eventi.
Mrs. Lloyd B. Wilson entertained four
tables at bridge this afternoon.
Mlu Irene Day will be hostess this
' evening to the editorial staff of the
Commercial High school.
The Fontenelle chapter of the Order
of the Eastern Star will give an enter
tainment thla evening at tha home of
Mrs. Clarence H. Walraxh.
At Prairie Park Club.
The Indian program given laat evening
at the Prairie Prk club, by Miss Grace
Pool, singer, and Miss Grace Miner,
story teller, proved to be a very enjoy
able affair.
Mima Pool and Miss Miner have given
a number of national programs already
thla season, using aiurlea and aonss In
dividual to the different countries. It
la an entirely unique line of entertain
ment and original with these" young
Entertain! at Bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Browne entertained
at bridge Thursday evening. Three tables
of players were present. Including:
Dr. and Mrs. Itodney Bliss,
Mruri. and Mcadaines '
! K. Hiilbarh. r K. M. Martin.
V K. Wataon. J. It. Morton,
t llffurd teuler.
Bridge Luncheon Club.
The Friday Brldse-Kuncheon club met
this afternoon with Mlaa Mildred But
ler, with the full membership present.
The guest of honor waa Ulu Marjory
Ktewart of M uncle. 1 lid., house guest of
11 Us Elizabeth Davis. The members ot
the club are:
John Poller -Webster.
(Dr. A. W. Flta-
Taylor T. Day,
Gordon J. Kyte,
Asa C. Hunt.
Henry NyKaard,
Percy B. Owmne.
John H. MrMahon.
W. II. Plainer.
J. B. Robertson,
O. W. Preston.
George W. Johnson,
11. F. U Kokrrman, O. Goodrich,
Liirenc n. nail, itneain,
C. A. Divine.
C. 1 Dettman,
Grace Jones,
Thor Andreesen,
J. T. Mcgulllln.
I,. N. Plainer.
F. Pratt Harwood.
Irene HI ghee.
Marie Kuna,
Dr. L. C. Scott.
Marriage Announcement.
The marriage of Mrs. Lois E. Duffle to
Dr. J. B. Schloch of Scott's Bluff waa
solemnised Thursday evening, at the
homa of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. A.
Dennis, the Rev. O. A. Ilulbert officiat
ing. Only near relatives were present
After January 1 Dr. and Mrs. Schloch
will be at home at Scott's Bluff.
Tuletide Tea Boom.
Mr. Frank W. udson was among tha
hosts at luncheon at the Tuletide IVa
room this afternoon. Mrs. Judson's guests
Messrs. and Mesdames
Clement Chase. Mra. W. Rogers.
H. It. MaldrUe, Mr. Luther Drake.
George Kelley,
The Dundee Friday Bridge-Luncheon
club, which waa to have met this after
noon with Mrs. Darwin B. Cheaney has
postponed tha meeting Indefinitely.
40,000 girl stenographers of
New York, with a minimum
wage of $8 per week as the
t vJISI.M...i in m,...Z !
I sas'lJ I
8 aissa J m m.ys&&ttmim4k.;si "it H
Lawyers Find it Difficult to Trans
! act Business Because of Absence
of Main Figures.
returned from an extended trip, having
visited Chicago, Dallas, Tex., Salt Lake
City, San Francisco, Is Angeles and
San Diego. Having rented their resi
dence for the winter, they have taken
apartments at the Colonial hotel.
Miss Margaret MrPhane, who has been
vIMtlng Mrs. Charlea Wales at Wales
wood, Minneapolis,, has returned to
Omaha for a short stay, prior to leaving
for Baltimore, where she will be the
guest of her alster, Mrs. William Colling
and Mr. Colling. Mlsa McBhane plans
to spend some time In New York and
also In Ohio before her return, which
will be In the spring.
The conditlpn of the Omaha di
vision of the United States court has
reached a point where It Is deplorable!
quite natural the Impatience of the peo
ple whose buelness these men are paid
to transact.
That the appointment of Allen may not
he confirmed la a possibility. He Is now
In Washington, where the Important
question will soon come up. Whether
Senator Hitchcock will find It politically
expedient to oppose his confirmation re
mains to be eeeen.
A ('ash Medicine that Helps.
Dr. King's New Discovery will help
your cough or cold. Keep a bottle at
home for emergencies. 60c at druggists.
and almost a public scandal. Witb
no regular judge, no regular com
missioner and a United States attor
ney who has been In bis office only
a few days in all the time he was ap
pointed last summer, the dispatch of
business Is slow and uncertain In the
The trial of cases has been kept up
throughout the long, illness of Will-
lam If. Munger, and since his deathj
by the hard work of federal Judges
who came from neighboring districts
temporarily to sit In this division.
This work has fallen especially heav
ily on T. C. 'Munger, one of the hard
est workers on the bench.
However, the llttlo fitfully arrarnement
by which W. J. Bryan's brother-in-law
was appointed 1'r.ltfd Htntes district at
torney, with headquarters In Omaha, Is
not worklnn out for the best Interests
of this Important office an.! fir the dls
patch of the heavy buolnens of the Omaha
Immediately after his appointment, Mr.
Allen took an extended trip to the Pa
cific coast. Since he has len back he
has been found at the Omaha office only
occasionally. At the present time he is
tn the east.
Lives In Lincoln.
The principal trouble seems to lie In
the fact that the appointee lives In Lin
coln and doesn't find It convenient to
move to Omaha. Naturally the round
trip of 110 miles to his office Isn't taken
any oftener than absolutely necessary.
Consequently prisoners He In Jail, va
rious papers go unsigned, the business
of the office, which ought to be trans
acted every week day, is delayed until
Mr. Allen finds it convenient to come to
The expressions of dissatisfaction have
been many tn the last few months among
attorneys and persons having business
with the United States government
through Its attorney In this division, that
he Is always absent from his office.
The assistant United States attorney
for Nebraska, being located also at Lin
coln, leaves the most important point In
the state, leaves the most Important
point In the state, Omaha, altogether
tenantlesa most of the time and makes
One Man Held Up
and Several Lose
to Petit Thieves
II. L. Hobson, 1113 South Thirty-third
street, reports to tiie police that he was
held up and robbed of a watch and $5 by
two armed men at Twenty-seventh and
Pacific streets, Thursday night.
Charles Robinson, confiding negro of
Louisville, Ky., grew friendly with two
strange dark-complected gentlemen and
is minus $2 and a new overcoat.
O. O. Lyons' home at 52! North Twenty
third street was vlsiicd by thieves, who
stole a purse containing V:
Unrry Nagla, 11S Cass street, reports
to the police that a thief pained entrance
to his Pliu-e apd stole 125 from four
May Kopp of the Millard hotel reports
the theft of four gold rings.
German Sinking Societies Will Per
petuate Organization of Omaha
School Children.
A merry Christmas will he enjiyed by
children at the Rivervlew Home through
the efforts of the City Federation of
Child Conservation leagu- . of which
C. H. Pavldge la president. There will
be a Christmas tree ard each child will
receive a gift. Final plans for the cele
bration will be made Monday at a meet
ing to be held In the Schmollor Mueller
The children's chorus which sang
during the sangerfest last summer
Is to be perpetuated under the aus
pices of the German singing societies
meeting in the music home at Seven
teenth and Cass streets.
Letters were sent to parents of alt
children In the German classes of the
public schools, asking for expres
sions. The first rehearsal will be
held Saturday afternoon, and future
rehearsals every Saturday afternoon
at 3 o'clock. Prof. Theodor Reese
"vill be the director.
I oncer! t'.nrh Year.
It l prcrcs"d to hold a concert every
year In the Auditorium. Sonus will be
rendered In German nnd Hngllph.
Prof. .atdlncr, supervisor of German
In the public srhools, is co-operating,
although he mado the statement thst
this chorus is not a school affair. Cir
culars were
sent to parents
of 2.50O
County Employes
Will Hold Dance in
the Court House
The Douglas county court house will
be the scene of a ball Friday evening.
December 17. for county employes and
their friends.
It Is nn open secret that this ball Is
likely to eclipse in uplendor the one re
cently given by city hall folk, the court
house dwellers finding it necessnry occa
sionally to Impress the city hall crowd
with a due senfe of Its Inferiority.
The ball will be held on the first floor
nf the rnurt house, than which no more
beautiful or suitable place can be found
In any building In Omaha.
Mrs Joseph Wright, wife of Joseph
Wright ot the Nebraska-Iowa Grain
company, was stricken with apoplexy
Thursday. Her condition is very criti
cal nnd It Is not thought that she t""
recover. . She hail been In poor health
for some time. She was In her room
and the maid went down stairs to an
swer the door bell. A few momenta
later when she returned Mrs. Wright
was unconscious.
TlTwrly t'lntu nn Over Fntlna.
Christmas. New Tears and other feaat
days causo many disturbed digestions.
The stomach and bowels should not be
permitted to remain clogged up, for In
digestion and constipation are often fol
lowed by eerlous diseases, resulting from
undigested poisonous waste matter. Foley
Cathartic Tablets should be In every
home, ready for use. No griping: no un
pleasant after effeqt. Relieve distress
after eating, regulate bowels, sweeten
stomach and tone cp the liver. Bold
everywhere. Advertisement.
Santa. Claus has visited the policemen.
November pay Just received brought
Increases of $5 and 110 per month, accord
ing to positions. These raises were 1 due
some months ago, but owing to condi
tion of the funds it was necasary to defer
the Increased acale.
American or Swiss?
Shall I Buy an American or
Swiss Watch?
Some ask this question and others have pronounced ideaa
on the subject.
That is why we offer our customers the best movement
made In both countries, and are glad to give prospective pur
chasers the benefit of our advice In order that they get tho
watch best suited to his needn.
No watch Is bandied by us that cannot bear the expert
inspection that comes from many years experience as watch
makers and merchants.
No matter whether you purchase a low-priced watch or
one of the most extravagant repeaters, you will receive the
same courteous treatment and have the same sense of security
In your purchase. -
You will have to pay no more here than elsewhere for a
good watch.
Albert Edholm
Omaha's Oldest Established Jeweler
16th Street at Harney
For December Bride.
Mrs. Oeorge' Fisher and Mlsa Edith
Fisher will .entertain at a miscellane
ous shower Saturday In honor of Mlsa
Alice Maude Gates, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Howard Oates. who will
be married this month to Mr. li Roy
French Johnston ot Qravette, Ark.
Miss Kdlth Ward will give an after
noon party on Saturday, December 11, for
Miss Oates.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. I. 8. Leavltt expect to
leave for the west Saturday and spend
tha winter In Los Angeles.
Mra. George F. Welda, who waa the
guest ot her alster, Mra. W. I lirayton,
has returned to her home In Gambler, O.
Mrs. E. A. Plnger will leave for Chi
cago about the middle of Ierember to
remain over the holidays. Mr. Singer
will Join here before Christmas.
Mrs. If. J. McCarthy was called to Chi
cago last week by the serious Illness of
her sister. Phe may remain until after
Christmas. Mr. McCarthy returned from
Chicago Saturday and Is staying at the
Fontenelle during Mrs. McCarthy's ab
sence. Personal Mention.
Mrs. J. J. Itoulter of Kansas City Is
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. U
Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Rensselaer have
From the Moment That the Doors Swing Ajar
Until They Close for the Week
Great Doings at Thomas Kilpatrick & Company's
Now we do not like
In other words, starting at 84 o'clock Saturday morning and ending at 9 p. m. promptly SENSATIONAL SELLING
uvermucn me terra eensauunai, ana rtJCjVAit mean to use it witnout UUUJLJ REASON.
THREE WEEKS TILL CHRISTMAS! Makes us catch time by the forelock and clear out many lots which we won't have time to write about
or think about a little later.
EVERY EXCLUSIVE MODEL SUIT IN STORE GOES ON SALE. Suits from the most exclusive makers in this land-Materials the best
Artistic conceptions. Many fur trimmed. Prices asked previously $75 to $150, and, mark you, very many similar suits SOLD BY US at these figures
$50.00 each for pick. This sale starts at 10 a. m. Mentioned a little out of its order because of its GREAT IMPORTANCE. All through this ad
will be specially attractive items. We are going to jumble it up a bit in the hope that you may be interested enough to read it all through.
I4n V CKMi.
itsruld frttrhett,
Kalph I'trUrs.
uie Dinning.
KliuMHilh t'atis,
Mcliura l'n,
Mary iiurklry,
l - ar i
o:',t"."'K Y
t lnt-lM lh Hiuct,
imO)S i'Mtfl. ,
(apl.ue feirrs,
Kalliorin Tbuuimet.
Serial Affain Planned.
Mrs. Sam Frank will b at horn In
foimally Hunday aternoon for her sister,
Mr. Martiu Oberfeldt-r of Chicago, a ho
.a coma to ba br guest for about
F HmSj
its Mill lUrMi. Nr .
abaulvuir FtraertMf.
Hi ttaoaa but
im Frttsia tttiiu
trl4 is tk wy krt et tallica.
Kg..Mlr aiMli4. hiiUm m Hil
ar of Mrvtc. kiurtsu sim. lmfr
rruu II ! frw tuto bus aiexu sil
lislu. Writ for (ullr.
y. at IMMMK'K. 1mm tn Hit
This sale is to start when the doors
open. Itr'AI) OA KEFV LLY t A short time
ago we split up a purchase with a Wiscon
sin merchant, taking about half of a stock
ot Wool Dress Goods of mixed character.
The whole thing was done on about a fifty
fifty basis. Goods made to retail at $1.00,
$1.25. $1.60 and $2.00 we have sold a
great many yarda at these prices now for
a quick clean-up, C0 Knturtlay Come
at 3:30 a. m. We have never seen better
Wonderful Kitle of Odd Ireses Htur.
day This aale 10 a. m.:
One Press at $09.50. instead of $85.00.
One Dress at $ ).50. instead of $65.00.
One Dress at $25.00. instead of $57.60.
One Dress at SHU. 50. instead of $35.00.
One Dress at S 17.50. instead of $35.00.
One Dress at 815.00. instead of $30.00.
15 Dresses, were $25.00, for $13.75.
25 Dresses, were $15.00 and $18.00, each,
for SO.05
Three lots of Suits will be found on the
floor, separately placed on racks, at
810.25. 817.00. 825.00.
rots: vi' km rots! row:
We bought our Kurs in the early sum
mer 40 to 50 per cent below present
market prices; and, more Important still,
we got the pick ot skins. Similar qualities
one could scarcely buy at any price today.
Kox, Marten, Fitch, Seal, Lynx, Mole, etc.
We bought a big lot of Minks the Kur
Aristocracy, as it were. We'll offer Scarfs
(plural used to be Scarves) at 87.50 t0
837.50. nl Muffs. 815.00 up. We
are splendidly equipped with Scarfs, Muffs
and Sets.
ltoom NeelH for Other Goods.
Whtthef prices were $7.50 or $8.50, Sat
urday, your choice, 82.50.
Children ot any age fitted. Many of the
hats the very latest In style and trimming.
Time vm when to he called a Silk Stock
ing was a Ttrnt of Opprobrium. Of course,
this means as applied to men. When the
term waa first used few. If any, men wore
Silk Stockings don't know that many
tnen wear 'em, even now, but we do aell
Uthora of Silk Ho. Of that, more anon.
Now we want to draw your attention to a
Silk HtiK-king Ke Saturday, It) a. ni.
We planned a grouping of Stockings, qual
ities that sold at f 1.5tt and Sii.oo. This
waa our thought: Suppose we could get
the dear women and men, too, for that
matter to get thru" with Stocking buying
early wouldn't we all then have more time
for other things later? Knick-knacks, for
instance. No sooner thought of than we
planned execution. We put with a lot of
blacks (mostly Onyx! some beautiful fancy
stripes, many with desirable white grounds,
and at 1 a. m. you get a pick at 81.10
a pair. We advise promptness.
oi kk7l kia x "ha XHi
"Make Mention. Ilea, Kr Saturday."
Counters will be covered with Bilk
Waist patterns In boxes 81.98 fr the
whole thing, Waist, Card ami Uox. We sell
hundreds of patterns for gifts. Check off
your list one more good suggestion from
Speaking of suggestions, our Stationery
Section is decked out with Holly Sprays,
Polnsettas, Chrysanthemums, Dennlsou
Stickers. Cord, Tinsel, Crepe Paper,
Favors, etc. Raphael Tuck imported
Cards and Stationery; Berlin & Jones' fa
mous Papers; Volland'a Books and Book
lets. We make no claims to having a complete
Book stock that's an impossibility for
auyone too many being ground out dally.
We do have, however, a very desirable col
lection for Holiday giving, and more arriv
ing daily.
It la written that the "Hvathen Chinee1'
had a reference work of 11,100 VOLVMIg,
and that didn't brina- thlnas quite up to date.
This valuable work waa destroyed In the
Boxer rebellion. How true that of the makliia
of books there la no end. It Is said than an
Oriental potentate commissioned his wise
men to write a history of the world. Yeara
afterwards they brought to him a larxe num
ber of ponderous volumea. Jtoil it down lie
aald (or words to that effect). I haven't time
before I die to read it. When he had reached
old aire they returned and the whole matter
waa condensed into five largn volumes. I
never could itet through all of that matter,
aald he, for alas. I am reaching llfe'a evening.
Boll It down! Boil it down! Uark the wihc
men went. Soon tha oldest sage returned and
handed his master a book containing one
single najte. The monarch opened ami read.
"BOauri UrrESIl SEEM!" And that's a
record that fits many Uvea and tells their
history. No traahy books in our stock. Sale
and sane for old and youngr.
At Yuletlde our shop in one section is a
Real Men's Store. We have Neckties,
Shirts, Hocks, IleltN, Hunpendera, Mufflers,
etc. Gloves, that are guaranteed, and Mer
chandise Certificates to buy when in doubt.
We have devoted a special section this year
to Men's Bath Kobe, Lounging ltobes,
House Cunts, Dress VcMs, Traveling; Bags
ami Case, all selected in keeping with the
name of "KILPATRICK."
We place on Rale Saturday a magnifi
cent selection of choice Kid and Lamb
Gloves. Until now, these have not seen the
light of day since being checked by ap
pralsers upon arrival. Many fancy stitch
ings. Colors, whites and blacks; light
weight, dress and street. All guaranteed.
The wise ones will buy early.
Section south of Candy Department con
tains a display of Brassware Smokers,
Sets, Desk Sets, etc. Good Time to Pica.
Novelties In Neckwear, front section, at
Famed for our novelties in Bags, we
have outdone even ourselves this year.
Handkerchiefs galore, Silver Knick
knacks, and. In our Basement salesroom,
a collection of imported China, such as will
not be seen again for many moons. Lovers
of dainty Porcelain from over the seas
should buy now not next month not
next year BUT NOW '
"Dcr nex day vos Chrismas
Der nite it vos shtill,
Der stockins vos hung up
Oipectin der fill,
Und noddings vos stirrin
Oil in der haus
Vor fear dot St. Nicklas
Vos nix comerous."
They Said it Would be a
Long Time Before, We
Would Get Any
Il Mil
Prophets were wrong as they frequently
are.-We were forehanded. While we didn't get
quite all we bought we have quite a stock of
German CHARACTER Baby Dolls. How they
escaped submarine and mine we know not. (Oh,
that the whole miserable business was over.)
Dolls on Dress Parade Second
Floor Saturday. Don't delay!