Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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Till: IKK: OMA!IA. SAT('T?n.V, PECKMIiKll -4,-IPir..
1.1 .
? 1
( Wfldinc Rlnffi SO holm, jewsler.
' Lig-btinr rtxtnres Piirgess-aranden.
Hto Boot Frist It Now Heacon Press,
rot plat flMi and burglary Insurance
See J. H. Dumonl &. Cj., Kecllnc IWg.
I ohm If. Baldwla moved hla lnw office
to room 608. Keellne building-. Telephone
Tyler 1L
Todars SCosle l-retra"." dasalflsd
Section today. It appeare In The Bee
EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the to
rloue moving picture theatere offer.
rt Safety Tlrrt In Life Insurance see
W. II. Indoc, general agent. State Mu
tual Life Assurance Co. of Worcester.
Mali., one of the oldeet (71 years) and
beet companies on earth.
Orders More Seals Mrs. K. It. J. Ed
holm has sent a requisition to Washing
ton for an additional G0.000 Red Cross
Christmas seals for Nebraska, so fast
flias been the early sale of these stamps.
The State Bank of Omaha, corner Six
teenth and Harney. Pays FOUR per cent
on time deposits and THREB per cent
on savinss accounts. All deposits In this
bunk are protected by the depositors'
guarantee fund of the stato of Nebraska.
Three Are Bound Over Lee Frank,
ones and 'Walter Wilson waived pre
liminary hearing- before United Statos
Commissioner Plnghaus and were bound
over under 9.VXI bond each on the chargo
of having "dope" In their possession.
loaded with Silver Harry Morrison,
arrested at rear of Taxlon hotel. Is belml
held by the authorities, for Investigation.
On his person at the time of his arrest
was found a silver toilet set, three solid
sliver spoons and a bunch of skeleton
Xanukkah Concert A great Hanuk
kah concert will be given Sunday even
ing. December 6, at 7 o'clock, at the
synagoetie, Eighteenth and Chicago
streets, by Cantor Flelsher, assisted by
M. Levlnaon, late choir director of Blaly-
stok. Russia.
Warn Boys and Girls Boys and girl
tho break windows In the public schools
will be required to pay for the damage.
Superintendent Graff has sent a circular
to principals, calling attention to an un
usual number of breakages of glass dur
ing the last few weeks.
Score Join the Army Twenty-four
men Joined the United States army at thj
local recruiting station during Novem
ber, twenty-three of them going to Fort
Iogan, Colo., and one to Jefferson Bar
racks, Mo. Eoren Nielsen of Cedar
Bluffs enlisted Thursday In the coast
Honor McMenemy
Upon Name Day
In honor of President F. X. McMenemy,
whose namcday Is today, a special pro
gram of congratulations was given
the university head by the students of
the arts department of Crelghton uni
versity. The day Is the feast day of St.
Francis Xavler and Is known as "Presi
dent's day" at Crelghton.
A Latin poem, composed by J. E.
Kenny, was read by Alphons Dundls.
Trof. Preston McAvoy offered the good
wishes of the faculty to President Mc
Menemy, while Ben English, a senior In
the arts college, expressed the felicita
tion f this department. Harry Welsh
was selected to offer the congratulations
of the blgh 'BchooPstudenta.
A musical program consisting of a bari
tone aolo by Prof. Eugene Clennon, a vio
lin solo by Charles Becker and several
numbers by the orchestra completed the
Classes were dismissed for the day In
the college and high Bchool In honor of
the occasion.
"T.M. A." Raided and
Three Are Arrested
he rooms of the Theatrical Mechanical
association in the Barker block at Fif
teenth and Farnam, were raided last
night by the police. Jute Althause and
two women giving their names as Grace
Williams and Mabel Balrd o'f Lincoln
were arrested. Althauso was charged
with being the keeper of a disorderly
house. He was released on $3)0 bond.
The women were charged with being In
mates and given their liberty on bonds
of $10 each.
About fifty persona wen In the place
when Detectives John Holden and Frank
Williams appeared. Tables were loaded
with liquor served over a var, according
to the officers.
Jule Althause waa fined (GO and costs
In police court for keeping a disorderly
house. Two women Inmates forfeited $10
With half the students lined up with
ths freshmen in the claim of the latter
that they have won a class fight and the
either half backing the sophomores, tho
faculty Is the only neutral body at
Bellevue college tbeso strenuous days.
The freshmen camped about their pole
Wednesday night waiting for a. second-
r men to put In an appearance, but
the sophomores remained snug In bed,
battered from their defeat by the fresh
men In the lnterclass basket ball tourna
ment. The freshmen remained out until sun
rise. and then marched into the college
dm UK room, carrying their banner and
claiming that victory was thelr'o, as
schoe-l tradition decrees that the class in
posnerlon of the flag at sunriBe shall
I'c decreed victors.
The sophomores maintain that no fight
was held, as the agreement was that an
indoor athletic carnival be substituted
for the fit lit this year. The suggestion
come from the upperclass men. Fresh
men declare that they are willing to hold
the carnival, but that it docs not super
sede the time-honored class scrap.
George W. Ward, a steam fitter, who
was recently injured by falling; two
slur IPS on the drain Exchange building,
has started a movement toward the re
peal of Uie workman's compensation act.
A committee, consisting of Kdward A,h.
land. II. V. Tuttle and Oeorge W. Ward.
I A waa appointed to draft a resolution rn
the repeal, amendment or waiver of the
f y The resolution states that the act is
drafted entirely In tm interests of the
manufacturers' and employers' associa
tions, and liability insurance companies;
that it makes no adequate provision for
the protection of injured workmen. I'nder
Its operation a mechanic getting Iss a
eek is restricted to HO a week as a
jUtaxJinum, and no compensation can be
Maimed Xor the first fifteen days.
Three High Official! of Company
and Subordinate Officer Con
Tided of Conspiracy.
NEW YORK, Dec. 3. Three high
Officials and subordinate officer ot
ike Hamburg-American line were
'ound guilty tonight In the federal
J strict court of having violated the
Ipws of the United States In sending
coal and other supplies to German
rrulsers in the south Atlantic in tho
first few months of the "European
var. The Jury returned a verdict of
guilty on each of two Indictments.
The specific charge against tho defend
ants was conspiracy to deceive and de
fraud the United States. The maximum
penalty for each Indictment Is two yeara
Imprisonment and $10,X fine. Sentence
was not Imposed tonight, and because of
the lalo hour when the verdict was
reached, Judge Howe deferred until to
morrow morning a hearing on the formal
notion to set aside the verdict and arrest
ludflnent which the defense Is sure to
offer. A date for passing sentence will
then be designated.
Takes Only One Ballot.
In reaching its decision the Jury Is re
ported to have taken only one ballot, and
this, after several hours of discussion of
the evidence In minute detail. The Jury
was given the case at 8:40 o'clock this
afternoon. Its foreman. Oeorge W. Pal
mer, announced the verdict at 10:10
o'clock tonight, aeven and one-half hours
la ter.
An appeal. It seemed csrtaln tonight,
will be made to the federal court of ap
peals, and In case the verdict Is upheld,
te the supreme court of the Vnited
States. In the meantime the defendants
will probably remain at liberty under
So.009 ball each, aa It la the present In
tention of the government not to be asked
that the bond be Increased.
The four defendants affected by the
verdict are. Dr. Karl Buens, managing
director ot the Hamburg-American line
In New Tork City, former German consul
general here, former German minister to
Mexico and German commissioner In the
Venezuela arbitration proceedings before
The Hague tribunal; George Hotter, gen
eral superintendent of the line; Adolph
Hachmelster, general' purchasing agent,
and Joseph Poppinghaus, a former officer
in the German navy, and at present a
second officer In the Hamburg-American
Fifth Not on Trial.
A fifth defendant, Felix Seffner, super
cargo on one of the neutral steamers sent
to supply the German fleet, was not
brought to trial. He was captured by
the British while on his errand of relief
and la at the present time a prisoner in
a Canadian detention camp.
The four defendant took the verdict
calmly. After the jury had filed out Dr.
Buens turned to Kotter, sitting at hla
left, and, rising, shook hands. "Auf
Wledersehcn!" he said, and Kotter echoed
the words. Hachmelster sat silent. Pop
Ilnghaus, tall, athletic, youngest of the
four, rose to his full height and smiled.
"I do not care," ho said in broken Eng
lish. "This Is not the last word."
Moat Observe I. a its.
Defendants' counsel was silent as to the
verdict. Roger B. Wood, the assistant
United States district attorney who con
ducted the government's case, said:
"This verdict means only one thing
that the laws of the United States must
he observed by citizens of all belligerent
pc were; that If our laws are violated by
anyone of them and the American gov
ernment finds it out they will be prose
cuted." The trial of Dr. Buens and his three
ristrociates was the culmination of an In
vestigation begun last winter by agents
of the Department of Justice Into the
chartering and sailing of certain neutral
vessels frcm American porta in August,
September and December, 1914.
These vessels, sixteen In number, sailed
for South American and African ports,
rnd In two cases, Cadiz, Spain; from New
Vork. Philadelphia. Newport News,
Pcnsacola and New Orleans. In some
cases the Vessels showed up at points
ether than their destination; in other In
stances were captured by allied warships,
many miles out of their course, and In
cne case the American steamer Berwlnd
-actually transferred supplies to two
German converted cruisers.
Soperrara-o la Ctaarare.
In every case a German supercargo, su
preme In command, sailed and directed
or sought to direct the vessel's movements
when It reached the high seas
After weeks of investigation the In
formation obtained by government agents
was placed before the federal grand Jury
here and two indictments wero returned
They charged conspiracy to deceive and
For Indigestion,
Gases, Sourness,
Acid Stomachs
The moment "Pape's Diapep
sin" reaches the stomach
all distress goes.
Don't suffer! Eat without fear
of an upset stomach or
Po aome foods you eat hit back taste
good, but work badly; ferment Into stub
born lumps and cause a sick, sour, gassy
stomach? Now, Hr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic,
Jot this down: Tape's LHapepsln digests
everything, leaving nothing to 'sour and
upset you. There never waa anything
so safely quick, so certainly effective.
No difference how badly your stomach
is disordered you will get happy relief In
five minutes, but what pleases you most
Is that It strengthens and regulates your
stomach so you ran eat your favorite
foods without fear.
Most remedies give you relief some
timesthey are slow, but not sure.
'Tape's IHapepsin" Is quick, positive and
puts your stomach in a healthy condi
tion so the misery won't come back.
You feel different as soon as 'Tape's
Diapepsln" comes in contact with the
stomach distress Just vanishes your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food,
your head clears and you feel fine.
Go now, make the best investment you
ever made, by getting a large fifty-cent
rase of Tape's IXapepsin from any drug
store. Tou realls in five minutes how
needless it Is to suffer from indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. Ad
vsrUsemenU -
defraud ttto American government by the
etc fondants' failure to state the exact
cargo and the true destinations of the
eels n (iinod In obtaining clearances.
Once In court the defendants freely ad
mitted th'it they had chartered twelve
ships and outfitted them at a total ex
reuse of more than $U.0.X and sent
them cut to succor Herman men-of-war
Tills, they contended, they had a right
to do. They denied all intent to deceive
or defraud the American government an!
said that they sought to dcclevc only tho
enem'es of Germany,
Development of Trlnl.
During the trial It drveloied that Can
tln K. noy-ed, German naval attache
at Washington had directed the ex
penditure of $750.0(10 additional which was
Bent hero from Berlin In August. ISM.
The government charged that virtually
the entire $7"0.0fl was spent In further
j ance of plan, to aid German warsh'ps at
i sea under the supervision and wl.h tho
! knowledge of Captain Hoy-ed.
When the defendants took thn witness
stand it was brought out that the lnej
activity in sending supplies .to German
warships was the restilt of an agreement
mode In 1113 long before the war, between
the Hamburg-Amerjcan lino and the Ger
man government. An abstract of this
agreement and the cablegram Unit passe l
bitween New Tork and Germany In
relation thereto after war was declared,
J were said to have born placed for safe
keeping with tho German embassy at
Improvement Clubs
Propose Volunteer
Police for City
A short session of the Federation of
Improvement clubs was held last evening
In the council chamber at thi city hall
and among a number of subjects taken
up for discussion was tho establishment
of a volunteer police system for putrollng
the residence districts. A committee of
five was appointed to meet with a com
mittee appointed by the Sou west Im
provement club and the police commis
sioner to discuss plans for getting the
movement under way.
It will be requested of Commissioner
Jardine that he Include In his plan of
Improvements for tho city hall the tear
ing down of the tower. Tho federation
asserts tho tower Is not only a menace
to the safety of pedestrians. tut Is un
sightly and out of date. It was requested
by one delegate that steps be taken
toward removing the poles which par
tially block the new sidewalk on Military
avenue from Hamilton ti Forty-eighth
The Lincoln Heights Improvein nt club
Introduced a resolution which received
the endorsement of the Federation, ask
ing the council to establish a sanitary
sewer district from Forty-third and
Ohio, to Thirty-sixth and Sprague streets.
-'. W. Fitch Is formulating a plan to
Improve the vacant city lots nxt sum
mer, and will put It before the federation
at its next meeting.
' Miss Bdna Mantor, head of the biology
department of the University of Omaha,
delivered a lecture on "Missionaries" yes
terday afternoon to tho co-eds of the
school Young Women's Christian associ
ation. The speaker advised the young
women to become missionaries.
"It Is not essential that you take up
this vocation in foreign lands," she said
"Be missionaries among yourselves. Try
to think of everyone as your best friend
and do everything in your power to help
along." The speaker outlined a plan
whereby such work could be carried on.
Fifteen dollars was raised which will
be forwarded to China for the support
of Misg Poxton, an Omaha woman who
Is doing missionary work In the Orient.
MKaBF dJ BiS gfejjpr
For Men and Young Men
15, 518, $20, $22.50 and $25
A man who buys a coat here Is sure that
he has the correct style. The double
breasted, lorn? ulster coat the Chester
field for older men; the extremely
smart, sniiR - fitting, high - walsted,
double-breasted coat, or the siagle
breasted, form-flttiug coat are all cor
rect. Come in and examine the cloths,
the workmanship and finish, and you
will quickly decide the prices are right.
Men's Suits from $12.50 up
All Wool
for Boys
I aaJBSssBassasaBSssaasssi
A 3-Floor Credit Institution
Frank Bell of the Mother Church
Talks at the First Church
of Omaha.
Frank Hell, member of tlie board of
lectureship of the First Church of Christ.
Scientist, Koston, delivered a lecture on
Christian Science at the Christian Science
chnrch. Twenty-fourth nnd St. Mary's I
avenue, last evening, and will repeat the
lecture tonight. Ho snld in part:
"S'ckness is a rhnso of evil which
needs to be considered tnnn the stand
point of evil's essential negatlveness, if
It Is to be handled Intelligently. This, of
course, does not mean that the practice
of Christian Science consists of reiterat
ing In the patient's ear that there is
nothing the matter and he should Just
forget It, as we yet occasionally hear,
even In this enllKhtened period. What ll
means Is that If the sick man has been
I thinking disease to be something that it
In fact. Is not, his difficulty doubtless Ilea
very much In that direction, and he will
be helped, not harmed, by learning to see
disease for what It Is. He needs not
to shut his eyes, but to open them.
"Now Christian Science! discloses to Its
students that the accumulated beliefs of
thn human mind commonly, known as
laws of health, but which misht be
termed moro appropriately laws of
disease, are not renlly laws, being di
rectly at variance with the divine and
true law. and therefore in their final
analysis utterly impotent and void.
Ideas on Droits.
"Christian Scientists l.ave no fanatical
objection to druss, medicines, or other
material curatives, as such. The Chrla
tlon Scientist dispenses with material
medicines under no species of compul
sion, but as a matter of voluntary
choice, based upon observation and ex
perience. If material remedies were
capable of doing all that Is claimed for
them by their most enthusiastic advo
cates, they would jet fail to meet tho
requirements of the Christian Scientist,
for the reason that tho whole system of
material medicine la devoted solely to
Because Of Eczcn ns, Rashes,
Chapping.?, Etc.? If So
Will afford instant relisf and
quickly heal even when alt else
has failed. On
retiring bathe
the hands
'freely with
and hot water.
Dry, and rub
Cuticura Ointment gently into
the skin, for a few minutes.
Wipe off surplus Ointment with
soft tissue paper or leave it on
and wear old gloves or soft
bandage during night.
Samples Free by Mail
Cut.lfura Hoap and Ointment anld everywhere.
Liberal eample of euh mailed trea with 32-p. book.
Address poatrard "CuUcura," Dept. It, Boston.
1417 Douglas St.
"He Takes Your Word For It
For Women and Hisses'
$12.50, $15, $19.75, $25
Come In and see thle marvelous showing; of all that's
newest, handsomest and n greatest demand la
women's smart coats come and nee for yourself
what a wonderful showing of coals we have in your
size. Try on some of the newer styles madu In
broadcloths tibellnes cheviots plushes etc.
A Special Rack of Ladies' Fine
Winter Suits on Sale Sat. at $15
Suits and Overcoats
Priced From $3.50 up
physical conditions which tlie ChrlMlan
Scientist understands to hp only effects,
not causes.
'Matter of l.rrma,
"Consider In this connection the mat
ter of germs. The bacteriologist for the.
time being occupies the center ef tho
medical stage, and tells us thnt the t!ilrf
foe to the well being of humanity Is an
Infinitesimal material organism called a
microbe. Fortunately a glimmer or two
of lliiht discernible through thl dark
cloud, it Is observed, for Instance, that
under certain "favorable conditions" of
the body the germ Is unable to operate
It Is beginning to be rellzd to some ex
tent also that the persons who live clean
lives are least susceptible to contagion.
Is It too much to hope that one day may
everywhere appear the relation between
clean thought and clean lives, and the
further coincidence of purity of heart and
that state of the body which Is not
'favorable to tho business of the germ?
See Our New Daylight Display Room
Practical and Useful Christmas Gifts
W3y&$ 8 ' -NWsssaws hill '
I JS e t : 1 . ' ti . -,v-'ir'
24th and L Sts.
uaBily IHIigh -
issf ft I saUri rl
We buy direct from manufacturer or importer and thus can make the lowest price
and furnish fresh and genuine goods.
Our store la the xAactt to find the
choicest selection of i'erfuines the
kind yon are sure shout.
Ooty IUrisan Kxtract, bottle. M.00
Coty Muruet Kxtract, bottle. .. .J.OO
Coty .iHcuuenilnot or I'ourne Kau
do Toilette, tier bottle M.75
Crown Perfumery e.'o.. London,
fiabapple Extract, per bot
tle 7So and tl.85
ioulilKunt's, 1'arls, Ideal i'er
I iimc, in 2li-oz. cut K'uss hot
tits M.0
IIotiblKant's Coeur de Jeannette.
per n2 .93.00
Keikoff. Purls. IW Kiss l'-
trm t 11.60, ta.So and tJ.00
Keikoff Toilet Water, tier bottle. $1.00
l;Ker & (lallet's Choicest ".
tracts. Ill 1 uil 2-or.. bottles.
e-H.-li. at (1.00. SI 85 nml (2.00
.AtkiriHon, l,ondon. While Hose
Kxtract oat. . i 73o
Miiuhert's i-'ouKerle Imperials
per ox l.BO
Itiiuuuet Iiiirice. per ttx 1.00
Hi mind's Mary Cnrden Kxtract.
per or 13.00
l'.iKuud's Ivllas Kxtract. per oa..a.00
i.eeiranils. Paris, Violet Orlxa.
.er bottle 1.50
fine Pompfisn Massage Cream .... Bo
50c bottle Hay Hum 8 So
5 cakes Ivorv and Wool Houp . . . . lo
23i: Hmiltol Tooth Powder 14s
Mlc Malvlna Cream S9o
f.Oc Java Hlce Powder for So
f.0! Hlcksecker's Cold Cream So
,()( Mellia Cold Creams and Pow
ders for Mo
Copperas or Hulphur, per lb Be
Horlc Acid, lb o
V itrll 1 1 II Jill, pint ISo
Wood Ali'o'ml, Plot ISO
llinkle Tablets, 100 for ISO
Quinine Capsules, ! iloxen S5a
Arum Caster 'HI illonev-OM Bio
100 liluilil's Iron Tonic Tablet. . .890
2 dozen Aspirin Tablets or Cap
sules for 3So
loo lilnola, atnxday
per box
Sherman & CUcConneirs
4 EejiaB. Drug Stores 4
"Tho extraordinary growth of the
movement is In Itself an Impressive tes
timonial to tho efficacy of Its healing.
Although the first Christian Science
church was established less than forty
years ago, there are today more than
l.itM such bodies in various parts of the
world. While the largest numerical rep
sentatlon Is In the I'nlted States, where
Christian Science had Its beginning, Its
churches are to ll found quite numerously
In K.ngland, Canada and Germany, and
also In France. Ireland. Scotland. Wales,
Holland, Italy. Norway, Sweden, Swltser
land. South Africa. Australia, New Zea
land, China, the Philippines, Argentina,
Mexico, I'miama, the West Indies and
"During forty years of almost uninter
rupted Invalidism. Mrs. Kddy had been
struggling toward the apprehension of
the scientific rule and method that she
firmly believed underlay the healing of
the alck by purely spiritual means at In
i.i tttnmmiMim 11 Mi.
Smokers Remember Satur
I0o Chancellor Bo
10c Cubannlds, 4 for BBo
15c Ilevnaldu tlrandlosos, each.,.10o
Box of ten lBc quality, foil
wrapped Manila Clsars for S5e
Ttox of (.0 Manila Keirallus for. Jl.SS
do Heynahlo, 3 for 100
60 Henry (ieorfre for fl.SS
liox of CO Little Toms il.OS
Dainty Toilet Liquid, for remoT.
2 Tie Allcock's Porus rlaaters 11a
Hi (lino He 1 1 .e i ISo, 39c. 'o
25c Carter s l.lttlo Liver 1'llls. . . . Ho
it Sc. Cuticura Hoan ...ITe
i'lc faliiwull's tfyrup pepsin S9o
60.! Ixiun's Kidney Pills 34o
l ather John' Medicine 04o
Fellows' Pviup 64o
tl.23 (Hide's Peplo Manvan SSo
2 on Hill's Casrura Quinine 14o
llorlirk's Malted Milk 390, SSO
SI 00 Ll'voniel, complete 690
2io llydiox Peroxide Cream 14o
Jleistetter's Hitters 840
FalmollTS or Jap Kose BJjap
Saturday, per cake wW
Llaterine 180, 19o, 390, B0
L'5o l-axative liromo Quinine 19s
Mellm's food . .390, 640
2 Se M. 'Mien's Talcum (4 shinies),
for ,...l9o
Mnntliulatiim ( Beiml lie ) 14o
50c I'ape's I liapepsln S9o
I'm; Packer's Taj- Soap 14o
11.00 l ink Iih Hi's Coiiunound S4o
BOO Pelieco Tooth Paste 34o
II 00 Pinaud'x I.IImh Veieetai . . . . 69e
Cat Ilnpatlca 190, 340, S40
60u Hrup of Klirs 84o
ovc nnm n r.niuiaion ..o
Muart's Dyspepsia Tublets. . . . , , .840
!6c TU. for tender feet 140
tervals throughout the recorded history
of mankind, and especially during the
first three centuries of the Christian era.
The revclntlm camo to her In an hour
whrn denth seemed almost at hand, and
through It she was healed of her In
firmity, The fart was) established In hu
man consciousness. Years of consecrated
effort brought forth the Christian Sci
ence textbook, "Sc'onca and Health with
Key to tho Scriptures." It was followed
by a veritable library of collateral writings.
British Gunboat Sunk
in Egyptian Waters
LONDON, Dec. S. A dispatch to the
Dally Telegraph from Athens says a
British coast defense gunboat In Kgyp
ttana waters has been sunk by a German
vn i i tat ii id 'ih --v i . fJ- tiht
dime m.
-South Omaha
- Prices Low
Our Cnndy Department is a most
Important one. and so It should be,
when the very high quality of the
"OrlKlnal Package" Candles we han.
die is considered.
1-lb. box Uu th'a De Luxe Cara
mels for 34
LliticctCs Klect Chocolates (every
piece containing- a nut. fruit or
nousHt center!, h eOo
Dainty Dutch Dellghta. H-lb a On
1-lb e0p ,
LlKKatt's Hutter and Milk Hitter-
sweets, per i-lb 403
I.lxKett's Fruit Cordial Chocolates,
,,lb 809
1-lb 91.00
We sell the original (Barr'a) "Hat
unlay Candy" fresh every Sat.
urJay, 1-lb asp
Che win Gum, all kinds, C
Saturday, a pkg-e. for WW
We buy our Rubber Goods direct
from factories and can Kuarantce
same to be in prime condition.
This Atouiiier Works Prloe. . jm
An Atomizer that does not work
Isn't worth anything. The one like
cut la simple, in mechanism an I
doefn't set out or repair easily, w'a
sell dozens of kinds for medicine ami
perfume 350 Q 3.0a
Nearly 1.000 articles ia the Rub
ber K'JO'Ih line.
We have skilled salesmen ami
salealadieM, and fitters In our Rubber
lioo'la, Truos and Khouhier Hrace De
partment. Home of them have dona
this work for us for 12 to 15 years.