Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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Tha Bee Publishing- Company, Proprietor.
Entered at Ornih postoffice second-class matter.
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per month. per year
Pally and Punday .. fo I to
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KVening am! Sunday v .on
Kvenlng without Sunday 3Ro 4.00
funday Re only 2 2.
Fend notice of rhanca of address or complaints of
leregulartty In delivery to Omaha !?. Circulation
Ttemlt hr draft, express or postal order, nnly two
cent stamps received In payment of amall ae-r-ount.
Fersonal cheeks, except on Omaha and esirtem
nrhnnif. not acceptad.
Omaha-The Be Rtillrilng.
Houth Cm ha 1S N street.
Council Rluffs 14 North Main street.
Lincoln W Llttla Building.
Chicago 901 H-arst Building
New Tork Room lin. 2S6 Fifth avenua
Pt. Ioula-KW New Bunk of rommrr,
Washington 7X Fourteenth Bt, N. W.
Address cnmmunlcattone ralatlnit to nawe and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
Htata of Nehraska, County of flonglas, as:
Iwght William, circulation manager of The Ba
Publishing company, being duly iworn, says thnt the
average rlrculatlon for the month of November, 1I1S,
waa M.7H.
nwimrr WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before
me. title 8U day of December, 11S.
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public.
Bubac libera leaving the city temporarily
khoald hay The Bee nailed to them. Ad
dresa will bo changed a often aa rrqnested. '
? SDeoember 4
Thought for the Day
ecref by ?. Afarr W. Rot
"I it worth uhOe that its battU to humbl
Some poorftlloie down in (A dual'
God pity all! 7m too aeon will tumbh
All vf us together Ulc4 Uavci in a gust,
JlumbUd, irxdttd, down to tht dual."
Do not put off till tomorrow being an early
Christmas shopper today.
It would seem that Peace-maker Ford muat
bare got hli Invitation Hat mixed.
General Villa would be an admirable com
rade for General Agulnaldo In General Funston's
haul of fame.
Still, the country has worried along tolerably
well for more than 125 years without a cloture
rule In the senate.
The Teuton sweep' measures up to the of
ficial claims. The trouble is the enemy perslats
In kicking back some of the dust
- Observe that the other railroads are thinking
twice before attempting to follow the Missouri
Pacific's lead In going back to the S-cent pas
senger fare.
- The utter unpreparedneas of the country
crops out In a new quarter. Cyclone Davis en
counters no resistance In his drive from Texas
to Washington. '
It Is nip and tuck between copper and wool
In the. price-climbing contest In the mountain
states. Producers of both staples are wondering
what they will do with the money.
Several members of the Austrian cabinet re
tired from office "In tha Interest of harmony."
Aa a promoter of harmony Mar's steam roller
baa all competitors backed off the pike.
South Omaha claims that abolishing the toll
on 'phone calls from Omaha will raise the rate
to South Omaha subscribers. But why should
It? The local rental rata Is no part of the toll
question. '
All members of the cabinet are said to have
forthwith enthusiastically approved the presi
dent's message Immediately upon hearing it read
to them without even the suggestion of a change.
But, then, Mr, Bryan Is no longer a member of
tha cabinet.
Any one with halt an eye can see what would
have happened to the wonderful Improvements
which the senator proudly boasts having Incor
porated into the reserve bank law had be not
had the club In reserve to fllilbuster the ad
ministration's pet measure to death.
The good ship Oscar II wore distinction
years ago. Dr. Frederick A. Cook stood on Its
bow bearing the laurels and wreaths of Copen
hagen to the home folks in New York and
Brooklyn. Bearing the Christmas peace party
merely supplements Its unique fame.
A severe etortn swept over the city (hia morning
with rain, snow and a (ale completely stagnating
business. All aorta of mishap are reported. Kd tilmeral
waa struck on the back with a algn while walking up
Fartiaia elrect, aod Lehman, the Fsrnam street dry
good man. lost a rhlmney which cracked . througn
hla roof. The new residence of K. A. Moc'lure on Vir
ginia avenue, aoarcely completed, waa torn to piece.
Bogg A Hill have donated a lot In their addi
tion for the sit of a new Methodist church.
A aoclal entertainment waa given at the Kountsa
Memorial church, with a lectura by Rev. J. ft. Det
weller. on bow to make a apeech. and musical num
ber by Mr. a. r. Mayer. Mra. J. T. Clark. MUa Minnie
Raff. Mr. R. W. Breckearidge, Mr. P. Kt later.
Unity club listened to aa assay on "Richelieu and
Bismarck" by Mra. Field.
The Union Bur club gave a ball at Metropolitan
ball for Invitation guests.
V. W. 8i left for the east accompanied by J.
Ware FoUr, who. it la understood, will act as best
man. Mr. and Mra, Baxe will reach Omaha In about
two weeka.
Pauy ralloa, tha genial steward of 'The Benete,"
la back from a two month' sojourn la the south.
The promotion la announced of Oeorge P. Mayer
aa auditor of the Msxlcaa railway, 11 has been tU.
liloyed in the Union Paclflo here, and a musician
vt rr excellence, who will be ml4 In mualcal
No Government Backing: for Peace Expedition.
Secretary lanslng of tha State department
makes it very clear that the United States Is not
backing the Ford peace ship project In any way.
The promoter and his companions will be on
their own feet when they leave home, and their
venture will stand entirely In the attitude of a
private enterprise, In the furtherance of which
the government has neither part nor interest.
No other courre could rightly have been taken
by the government. It Is well understood the
t'nlted States or any other neutral power Is will
ing to.act for any of the belligerents In opening
negotiations for peace, but the Initiative must
come from one of the powers now st war. Our
good offices were long ago tendered to the Euro
pean governments by the president, a fart which
seems to have been overlooked by some of the
earnest advocates of peace. It would be both
Improper and unfriendly for the government to
Interfere beyond the tender already made. The
Ford partly Is likely to repeat the experience of
the Bedford whaling captain, who returned from
a long voyage sans oil or bone, but who reported
with some satisfaction that he and the ship's
company had enjoyed a fine sail.
An Unbiased Opinion on the Philippines.
While on the subject of the set-back in the
Philippines since the democrats took hold of the
edmlnffltratlon of affairs over there, let us quote
an unbiased opinion which diagnoses the trouble
as duo to politics of the same variety that forced
out of our diplomatic corps all the trained am
bassadors and ministers, and substituted untried
men merely to satisfy the pressure of so-called
"good democrats" for salaries and honors at the
public expense. This is the ansertlon of none
ether than Dr. Albert Shaw, the exceptionally
well posted editor of the Review of Reviews,
who baa been a staunch admirer, otherwise, of
both President Wilson and Secretary Garrison,
but who, In the current issue of his magazine,
says :
The exlgenclea of Internal politics In the demo
cratic party have led to the demoralisation of our
painfully constructed fabric of good administration
In tha Philippine Islands (Including Mexico and the
Panama Canal with the Phlllpplnen). Herein lie real
dangers to publlo interest.
No attempt is visible here to befog the situa
tion or to quibble about cause or responsibility
for failure to maintain the steady progress that
marked the government of the Philippines along
non-partisan lines under the two preceding re
publican administrations; neither will it be easy
to brush aside this opinion by any charge of par
tisanship or self-interest. The facts about the
Philippines, as they develop, are certain to keep
our democratic friends explaining.
The Case of the Hocking.
The requisition by the British government
of the ship Hocking, held at Halifax although
flying the American flag when Intercepted on the
high seas, Is another of the annoyances and
abuses practiced by the British under the rules
of warfare as Interpreted by the admiralty. The
legal contention of the British authorities may
be well supported, but tnls is a poor time for
them to rely exclusively on technicalities or
quibbles. It Is hardly likely that the emergency
Is such as to entirely Justify the action taken,
and the conclusion Is easy that the purpose is
to warn the world that Great Britain is deter
mined to control ocean traffic by any means.
Protest by the United States Is prompt and vig
orous, but vessel owners will hesitate to send
their ships to sea unless they may feel fully as
sured the flag they fly will protect them In their
ordinary rights.
The general effect of the action Just taken
by the British must be to aggravate a situation
already such as to require of us the exercise of
great patience. Interference with the trade of
neutrals has reached a point that leaves little
short of absolute control In the bands of the bel
ligerents. Under existing circumstances continu
ance of ocean traffic must be at the pleasure of
one or the other of the warring powers. Whether
this will be Indefinitely tolerated Is for the neu
trals finally to determine.
If the British government feels that ocean
freight rates are too high, and that the combi
nation can be broken only by seizure of ships,
It might have made a more Impressive start
with some of the vessels that sail under the
union Jack.
Profeisioni and Practices
Expressions of the marquis of Landsdowne
and Viscount Bryce, in answering a question
propounded in. the House of Lords as U the at
titude of the cabinet with regard to the declara
tion of London, are indicative of a desire at
least, if not a purpose, on the part of the British
government to keep on friendly footing with
the United 8tates. If these avowals of rec
ognition of the rights of neutrals are carried out
in spirit, the course will surely lead to a com
plete adjustment of overseas traffic, and the
possible removal of present causes for friction.
Tha rejection of the declaration of London a
a basis for final determination of action Is not
In Itself serious, although England Is one of the
signatories to that document. The underlying
principle is admitted, and the dispute turns on
the application of this principle In detail. Fur
thermore, Viscount Bryce takes appeal to the
principle of arbitration, to which both tha
United States and Great Britain are committed,
in sentiment and by treaty.
The persistent heckling of the United States
In the matter of its shipping, mere technicalities
being seized for the purpose of annoyance, is
hardly in keeping with the tone of the debate
before the lords. It Is also unthinkable that
England will undertake to "fall back on the old
sea laws of our ancestors," as suggested by the
earl of Portsmouth. A much better feeling
would be quickly established If the British
cabinet would make Its practice square a little
more accurately with Its professions.
Washington Gossip
With the road smoothed out with honeyed
oratory, bow can Governor Morehead resist the
temptation to try It for a third-term spin? In
truth, be must wonder bow he ever came to an
nounce, when running the first time, that he
would not again be a candidate for the office
except on the score that he did not know what a
soft berth be was landing.
What that water works financial exhibit
proves, assuming Its correctness. Is that tha
Omaha water users have been charged alto
gether too much right along, and that the water
rates, or tha wster tax, or both, should be ma
terially reduced not next year, not next month,
but now.
Bdarsr O. ttnyder.
The lee's Bpeotal Waahlng-ton Oorreapoadoat.
WHEN ex-Hnator Allen waa In Waahlngton re
cently to argue the case before the supreme
court of Henry W. O'Neill and Cornelius K. Hef
formnn, plaintiff In error, axaglnst Jacob F.
Learner, John T. Daley, Fred Barlels. David Glenn
Armour and Charles H. Maxwell, defendants In error,
he aald to one of the officials connected with th
clerk'e office of the court that as h had soma repu
tation as a long distance talker he would esteem It
a very great favor If the official In question woul 1
pull his coat tails when the time allotted to him for
his argument ahould expire.
"Don't get worried about that." said the official,
"Chief Justice White will rap you down all right
when your time la up, never fear."
And, sure enough, when the hour and a half
given Senator Allen had been exhausted. Chief Jus
tice White Indicated to the Madison atatesman that
he had taken up all tha time tha court could give to
his side of tha rare, but that h would be very g1a1
If KeQator Allen would take luncheon with him dur
ing the recess of the court, which tha aenator waa
pleased to do, as It gave him an opportunity to
reminisce over old times when ha and Chief Justice
While were colleagues In tha senate way back In Wi.
Important legislation for tha further control of
the national hanks of the country will be proposed
at the coming aesslon of congress, with tha backing
of tha comptroller of tha currency. One of tha bills
now being prepared seeks to put limitations on tho
powers of officers of national banks with tha aim
to prohibit the practice of bank offlcera lending de
positors' money to themselves, or to business con
cerns In which they (tha offlcera) are Interested.
In describing how an Ohio bank cams to grief
from thla cause John Bkelton Williams, comptroller
of the currency. In an announcement given out a
day or two ago, says:
"The failure of this bank was due to bad bank
ing. At the time of Ita suspension tha bank was
lending to Ita president and caahler and enterprises
directly or Indirectly controlled by them to an
amount exceeding Its total deposits.
"This emphasiea tho Importance of securing leg.
tslatlon which will prevent bank officers from lending
to themselves or for their personal benefit the funds
of depositors committed to their care."
Also the subjert of branch national banks which
may serve tho farmers will come up for Careful con
sl deration. Both Comptroller Williams and Secretary
of Agriculture David F. Houston are In favor of
branch national banks, though they differ widely as
to details of a branch hank plan. Secretary Houston
would put very much stricter limitations on the power
to organize branch banks than Comptrolter'Vllllama
Secretary Houston Insists that the establishment
of branch national banks should be limited to locali
ties where there are no banks In existence. He also
would make It unlawful for a national bank to
organize a branch anyyhere except In the congressional
district In which the parent bank Is situated. Hla
fear la that unless the power to establish branch banks
Is strictly guarded the branches may operate as mere
"feeders" to suck up the money in the local com
munities and carry It to the financial centers, thus
leaving the farmers worse off than they are now.
Becretary Houston's apprehensions are not shared by
Comptroller Williams. The latter would favor leglala
tlon to enable a national bank to establish branches
anywhere within the state In which It is situated,
such branches to b looated regardless of whether or
not there are other bank in tha oommunltlea to be
In this connection It la Interesting to note that tha
recent decision of Attorney General Gregory 'With
reference to tho power of the Federal Reserve board
to change the location of districts, seriously Interfered
with the determination of the board to put Omaha
Into the Chicago district. The board had about made
up Its mind to change the Richmond district to Balti
more and the Cleveland district to Cincinnati, but tha
opinion of tha attorney general knocked thl acheme
Into a cocked hat. The opinion of the attorney gen
eral, according to Senator Hitchcock la entirely
erroneous,, the senator even going ao far as to say
that It waa the expressed IntenUon of the framera
of tha federal banking act to give the National Re
serve board power to do anything It thought best that
would tend to Increase the efflciehey of the system.
The prevention of usury will come In for a larsr-j
share of attention, also the dirrtenitv n.. i ..
that tha national banka, which are subject to con
gressional control, are only about one-third of tho
total number of banks In the country. In other words,
two-third of the total number of banks are not undor
u-uereu cnaner ana would not be subject to any legis
lation that congress might enact. Therefore, while
It la within the range of congressional action to stop
usury when practiced by national hanks It la not pos
sible for congress entirely to eradicate the usury evil.
Twice Told Tales
Bearing; Better Prnlt.
"I've looked up your family tree." aald tha gene
alogist; "but 1 doubt If you will be pleased with It.
Tour great-great-grandfather waa hanged for murder;
your great-grandfather waa imprisoned for robbery;
your grandfather was tarred and feathered for beating
hla wife. That's not a very good record, Is It?"
"I should say it Is." replied the other emphatically.
"It ahowa the family Is getting better with eaoh gener
ation. I'm an Improvement on the entire bunch never
been In Jail yet Let me have those record I'm proud
of 'em." Boaton Transcript.
Simple Mrthoa.
"Don't you com acroea a good many thing In
the Bible that you don't understand, like the problem
of Cain's wife, for Instance?" queried the layman.
"Oh, ye, of course." acknowledged the clergyman.
"Well, what do you do about It?"
"My dear friend." replied tha minister, laying
down hla fork, "I simply do Just aa I would while
eating nice fresh herring. When I come to the
bone I quietly lay It on on aide, and go en enjoying
the meal, letting any Idiot that Insist on choking him
elf with the bone do so."
One morning little Mary hung about the kitchen
continually bothering the busy cook to death. The
cook lost patience finally.
"Clear out o' here, y sassy little brat!" she shouted,
thumping the table with a rolllng-pln.
The little girt gave tha cook a haugtity look.
"I never allow any ona but my mother to speak
to me like that." she sald.-Plttsburgh Chronlcle-Tele-grsph.
People and Events"
The supreme court of Wisconsin solemnly decides
that when a dog bites a caller the dog'a owner la re
sponsible for damages.
The meanest thief of tha season robbed a little
boy s toy bank of Christmas aavlnga at Yonkera, N.
T., and got away with the loot.
Terrence O'Brien of Worcester. Mas., la the father
of thirty children. It'a aa O'Brien habit. Terrenes
himself waa one of twenty-eight.
The town recorder of Elisabeth. N. J., Henry
Bundy. M year old. complain that hla salary of I UK)
a year la not enough to 11 v on. He want Itoo year,
and Elisabeth ahould cough It up like a "good angel."
One of the minor government Job held down by the
bead of a family in Washington yields tha "princely
salary" of IS5 a year, or tit a month. After paying
for the necessarlea of Ufa the victim reports a surplus
of W cents a month "to divide between the doctor nd
the old clothe man."
Nw Tork' great whit way put out a Ilvly re
ception committee for an excursion party from Wil
mtngton, Del., anticipating a plurg with rut1c frtlta
Tb run turned out to be a Dutch treat with a round
trip limit of 170 a oouple. When the truth bit the whis
pering wire along the way the high pota dimmed
their headlight.
Jndsre Seers oa Mothers' Pension.
OMAHA, Dec. 8 To the Editor of Tha
Bee: Owing to the prominence of an
artlclo In another Paper, with reference
to the administration of the mothers'
pension ao-called I have concluded I
ahould say a word, because too much
publicity cannot be given to the subject.
The Intention la that there ahall be liberal
conetruction of the law In Its application,
for the benefit of thote having children
In charge. In order that homes may bo
maintained and famlllea kept together.
Btrlctly apeaklng. there la no mothers'
or widow' pension In thla state. It la
only for the purpose of maintaining a
home, ao that tha children stall not be
scAttered and only when tha family re
sources are too meager for that purpose,
that an allowance can be granted from
the publlo treasury.
The difficulties of administering such
a fund are, of course, many. One Is,
that tiw people may have a home worth
thousands of dollars and something of a
mortgage against it, and ask for a pen
sion sufficient to keep the family to
gether and pay off tha mortgage, so that
when tha children are grown and edu
cated at publlo charge they have a
valuable property to hand down to the
next generation, and which the publlo
has paid for, although tha IntenUon la
that no ona ahall receive aid unlesa they
are at the end of their own resource.
A mother or widow wtlh a large family
of small children, under the law, aa It
Is, If ahe had lino In cash would have to
be refused an allowance until her flOO
waa expendnd, unless the Judge In
charge of the fund to be drawn on.
ahould violate hla trust.
I am going to ask a committee of
representative cltlsens to meet and con
sider tho question In Its different as
pects. The word "home" as used In tha
statute, means a place for the family to
live, and cannot mean the acquiring of
real estate, or the paying off of Incum
brances. The rule lately adopted, requir
ing famlllea having Interest in real
estate, before they received aid, to give
a trust deed to the county, was not In
tended for the purpose of having tho
loans bear Interest, or of foreclosure, but
for the purpose of allowing the family
to be kept together at publlo expense,
and when the children are grown, to let
them pay back what has been advanced
them, so that they will be on the same
footing and level as others not so situ
ated. If the Intention 1 that the publlo
hall procure houses and lots for homea
for families at public expense, the law
should so provide. The committee I have
referred to above, will be asked to for
mulate a conclusion satisfactory to the
different Interests Involved; the main
one, of course, being the Interested fam
lllec, and also an aid toward further leg
islation. If deemed advisable.
W. O. SEAR3.
Diinlloni from an Old Bei.
HAMBURG, la., Dec X To the Editor
of The Bee: In a letter signed "A Wife"
ahe haa thla to aay: "Why ahould a
woman get married, anyway? Why
should she give herself to a life which
Is a recognized atate of servitude? The
woman who earns $10 or tU per week
can take very good care of herself, and
take time to reat, to attend theaters,
clubs, etc Usually a nice woman haa
many escorts, and many lnvltatlona to
these which cost her nothing. Bhe can
think what ahe pleasea, and speak her
conviction without Imperiling her hue
band business. When a woman Is free
ahe can come and go when ahe pleases.
Can use her money and time as suit her
best. No sick children to worry her, nor
husband to Inquire what did you do with
the 12 I gave you lost week?"
Evidently this wife was stung like 10,00)
other have been. She should be able to
answer her own question. Why did you
get married, sister? I have asked thla
same question many times myself.
Why a young and handsome woman.
drawing a good salary and happily situ
ated, should marry a man of the caliber
of tha huaband that you evidently got la
beyond my comprehension. Tou are not
the only one. though. Women are doing
this same thing every day all over the
land. And they are doing It In the face
of tha protests of their parents and ad
vice of their friends. All claases, high
and low, rich and poor, educated and
I know a achool teacher XI years old
who waa drawing a salary of 175 per
month, with a promise of a raise after
a while. She realgned her position and
married a kldlet 30 years old who had a
Job In a grooery (tore at 940 per month.
He has since lost hla job and he and
hi wlf are now living with her folk.
Her folka objected and the school board
objected because she gave up her Job
elsht montha before her time waa up?
Why did ahe do It?
Another case: A widow B0 years old
and three grown daughters. She owned
her home. Her daughters were living
with her, going to achool. A widower
with a family of boya and a big appetite
for boose came along and asked her to
marry him. She Immediately rented her
house, aet her daughtera adrift and la
now keeping house for the above men
tioned widower aa hla wife, of course.
Why did aha do It?
Another case: A man had an only
daughter, beautiful and accomplished. He
spent 11.000 on her musical education. She
is now the wife of an insolent farmer,
slopping hoga and singing lullabya to a
raft of young children. Why did ahe
do It?
Another thing about the wive who get
thla brand of husbands. They will stick
to them tighter than a wood tick to a
dog'a back. They will give them their
money, ball them out of Jail, shed tears
before the court. when asking for clem
ency, condemn the women In the case
always when hubby atep aald from the
path of virtue and take him back, allow
him to put hla property In her name to
beat the creditor. And when some happy
circumstance takes place that makes her
a widow nine times out of ten she does
the same thing over again. Why do they
do It?
Slater, you can answer the question all
right yourself, because you hav passed
through the experience. Tell ua about It
In your next letter to The Bee.
Detroit Free Pre: Henry Ford la
about to discover that there are some
things that even money won't do.
Boston Transcript: Nebraska republic
ana are determined to keep In the polit
ical spotlight If thsy have to nominate
Baltimore American: A generation ago
thought the worka of Julea Verne the
height of daring Imaginative literature.
Now the submarine and air battles of
the day are making bis stories of the ap
parently Impossible aeem tame.
Indianapolis News: Reading about the
vast amount of powder burned in a alngls
discharge of a big gun wouldn't be such
a bad amusement If you had a llttla
bunch of that powder stock that pa) a
is' per cent.
"Juet fancy! There's a faoting man
ho has been living for forty-five deys
on wafer."
"That's nothing. Mr father lived for
twenty years on water."
"Uo on!"
"Ye; he was a sea captain." Ohlcago
'"Now. ma," cautioned pa. "don't force
too much on your guests at dinner."
"What then?" sniffed ma.
"Make it a sociability run. not an en
durance contest." Kansas City Journal.
"Do you know. Jones does wm un
commonly queer things. Anything to be
different from other reopl."
"Like what, for Instance?"
"Why. ha s Just put a mortgave on his
limousine to have repairs made on his
house." Baltimore American.
"My wife likes tha apartment house we
live in."
"Then you don't have to move every
"I can't aay that. Under that one roof
we have moved five time. Louisville
Courrler-Jou rnal.
'Ta'a got a portable garage for our new
"Oh, indeed. And did you have a nice
turkey dinner?"
"My gracious, nol We can't afford
such high living as that." Doulsville
'Tou used to have a house full of com
pany." "Urn,"
"How la it that the young men no
longer come to aee your daughter?"
"It's her own fnult. I told her not to
hang that cooking school diploma In the
parlor." Louisville Courier-Journal.
"My ancestors came over In the May
flower." announced the man who prides
himself on hla blue blood.
"Huh!" snorted the man of red cor
puscle!" "Mine sailed In the ark!"-New
York Times.
"Have you studied political f"0
"No. sir. Economv is all right In'"
rlace. I'm one of those V11
Keeping business out of politics. WtlH
Ington Mar.
"Po you think Grace Brown Is perfect,
my son""
Uhv, yes, mother.
"Have ymi s'ven her temper tha su
preme test?"
"What's that, mother?
"Calling up a wrong number on the
telephone with a crocs P'tor"IJh
i.ther end ami someborly trying to breaJt
In on the llne."-Fhiladelphla Ledger.
There's a tnonghtlesa fellow driving
Through the busy streets today
That thinks niv of arriving
At some point along the way.
He is scattering his brothers
Right snd left in frenzied fear.
Ami he plves no thought to others
Save It s fashioned with a sneer.
Now thla fellow I'm n't naming.
And I wouldn't If I knew.
But the rest of us he shaming.
And I wonder-lf It's you?
There's a driver that Is breaking
All the laws we bost today.
He is selfish In his taking
Of the thing called right-of-way.
He la risking death and danger
As he flies about the town,
To his neighbor snd the stranger.
Who behold him with a frown.
Turning corners In a hurry
la a thing he's apt to do.
Who's this fiend of rush and Bcurry?,
Well, I hope It lun't you.
There's a chap that brings disfavor
-n the automobile clan
By his wild and weird behavior.
ile a an enemy to msn.
He Is taking all the highway,
Disregarding others' rights.
And the peace of every byway
Is a Joy his presence blights.
He's a menace to the city
And his selfishness 1 view
Not in anger, but in pity.
Say, I hope this len t you!
There are others who are drlvlns
In the wav they live their lives.
Who believe not In their striving
But the fittest here survives.
They are on the lookout ever
For the young, the weak, tha slow.
And they iniike It their endeavor
To be careful as thev go.
As thev would be done by other.
So they daily strive to do.
Of these many thoughtful brothera
Can you say that one Is you
Package, 10c
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