Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1915, News Section, Page 10, Image 10

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    tflJT BErT: (TMAlfA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1915.
You'll be much better satisfied
with your purchases If you make
them now while stocks are new and
complete. Your selections may be
made in a more Ipisurely manner
and service Is unlimited. Shop now
for Christmas.
Woman's fine Fhper All-I.lncn Hnnd
kerchlefs. with hanrl-embrolurc1 ror
Hfr, tn nil color and whit. Wide and
narrow hmi. Silk ('rope de Chine Hand-
Women's Handkerchiefs. trimmed
with real hand-made Armenian lece.
Ileal Madeira Hand-Kmbroldered Hand
kerchiefs. Wide and narrow hems, hand
cmbroldered. Men's Fine Sheer I?".
I,ln-n lin Initial Handker- OvC
chiefs, with tape borders. Each.,
... a.tni;
kerchief in all colors with fancy lace
eUKPK. mrifn a r me rsneer
I.lnen Handkerchiefs with
initial. ach
f Fur
A Big Purchase of Several Thousand Dollars9 Worth of Furs From a New York Furrier
This sale will show you the potency of ready cash in wrnrlnft special prices. Our buyers hal first selec
tions from the stock of one of New York's leading furriers. And w rmrchaxed them at a saving of
nearly one-half in certain lots. The purchase consists of samples In CO.TN, 8KTH, HCAIIP8 AXK
MUFFS; also many smnll lots that he was unable to duplicate on and claned-up stock.
Every piece of fnr Is guaranteed by Ilrandels Stores guaranteed for quality guaranteed for Tain
jni.Tnnteed for correct fashion guaranteed for tasting satisfaction. Y'ou could not do better nor o
well t n February clearance sale, as far as values go. And no clearance sale could give your this
assortment of fine, new, rich, fashionable furs. No reason at all for waiting nntll later.
.i ''..Hi.
A small de
posit will secure
any of these
bargains, and
will hold until
Fur Sets
Tillow or melon muffs, large fancy
or animal scarfs. Gray fbx, black
China dog, Belgian coney, sable coney,
French coney, Isabella Cl fl
opossum, etc. Special .pi"
Scarfs and Muffs, in
Fluffy and Pretty Furs
All the new shapes with the new
melon muffs or pillow muffs; flat or
animal scarfa. Natural and Cl C
blended furs of many kinds. ... y ID
Choice Lot of Very
Serviceable New Furs
Blue and black wolf, red and gray fox.
iioie opossum, orooK nnna, natural opos
sum, marmot or north
ern mink, etc.,
Sample Fur Bets, worth to $40.00, at.
Sample Fur Sets, worth to $50.00, at.
Sample Fur Sets, worth to $75.00, at.
Many beautiful Fur Sets, In cross fox, blue fdx, white
mink, jap mink, Kolinsky, skunk, marten, raccoon,
natural nkunk, natural lynx, black lynx. Saturday,
850.00, 8G9. SS5. SOS and up to
' ;
v :; -....
fftk f ! iwh i
fox,J k 7 I t -V3k
Fur Coats
Mole Coney Coat, worth $100.00 $59.00
Caracul Coat, selected curl; worth $75.00. .39.00
Caracul Coat, selected curl; worth $G9.00. .$35.00
Nearseal Coat, full length; worth $175.00. .$98.00
Nearseal Coat, chinchilla squirrel collar, worth $125,
at . -859.00
Nearseal Coat, white coney collar, worth $85.00. .. .$35. 00
Nearseal Coat, Jap mink collar, worth $98.00 -845.00
Other Fur Coats Are
Nearseal Coat, natural raccoon trimmings 8139.00
Nearseal Coat, genuine marten trimmings 805.00
F!ne Spotted Leopard Coat 808.00
Hudson Seal Coat, skunk collar 805.00
Hudson Seal Coat, extra wide flare 8149.00
Hudson Seal Coat, fine Kolinsky sable collar 8185.00
Hudson Seal Coat, fine skunk trimming 8225.00
Russian Pony Coat, raccoon collar 849. OO
Russian Pony Coat, combination collar 812.50
Russian Pony Coat, lustrous skin 832.50
Separate Muffs to Match the
Trimmings on Your New Fall
Coat or Suit
Mink, skunk, marten, fitch, mole,
raccoon, lynx, Hudson seal, pony,
beaver, wolf, Jap mink, all colors in
fox. opposum in natural and skunk,
brook mink, marmot black and
brown coney at $J.98, $2.08,
$5.oo, and up to
In every good desirable
fur, in many novel and
new shapes, including tho
new animal scarf, at
91.98, $2.08,
$3.00, and up
Santa Clau says: "Raturday I want to give a present
to every boy and girl In Omaha, Tell them all to come to my
Omaha headquarter at TOYIj.4M, Ilrandels Htores, accom
panied by an adult, .and receive It from me personally. I also
wont to hear what each wants most for ChriHtnias.
Ho don't fall to come Saturday; It will he more fun th&n
a circus.
Alabama Coon
Eve ry . .child
loves the Ala
bama Coon , Jig
ger, the funny,
darkey, who
makes you laugh,
This mechanics)
toy always sell
for 60c, Satur
adtay. ...39c
Dissected Picture
Puszlas Three sub
Jects In beautiful box.
Famous Art, Animal
Friends, Indians, Sol
diers and Pretty
Country Scenes.
Noah's Arks
Noah's Arks, filled
with carved wooden
animals; prettily paint
ed. Special
Saturday . .
Dollies' Suit Cases
Has metal corners, solid brass
fasteners at both ends and leather
handle. Will hold all CQ
dolly's clothes. Saturday. 07C
Hand Colored
Ten Pins
Hand Colored, Burnt Wood
Fancy Ten Pins, with two
solid wood balls;
In neat box. . . .
No scarcity of imported or rare toys here.
Those we import from Europe were bought
and paid for nearly a year ago, and we are
able to sell them at before-the-war prices.
Kewpies Every
known subject in
0 'Neil's
Teddy Bears are still
as popular as ever,
we have the imported
ones, from
98c to ..... .
Tintograph, the new
picture painting pas
time. Can paint col
ored pictures in a sec
ond. Very Interesting,
instructive and very
entertain- OEf
ing ZOC
mr Hunting Ckine, with
animal target, belt filler! with
wooden cartrlflfres and gun a
most fascinating; target JQp
gam Sale price iJU
Rliow room samples and road
Scheuer, 161 Madison Avenue
supplies bought from Herman
On Sale at Half Price
This lino includes leather rolls, manicure sets, toilet sets; all in
leather cases; card sets, medicine cases, music rolls, tourist tablets,
military sets, whisky flasks, whist sets, collar bags, ladies' purses
and hand bags.
7-plece Traveling Toilet Set, genuine
ebony Hair Brush, Cloth Brush, Tooth
Brush In glass case. Cut Glass Bottle,
Soap Box and Comb, In a real leather
case. Regular price, $5.00; sale
price 81. 08
9 piece Toilet and Manicure Bet com
bined, in leather case. Regular price,
$6.00; Saturday 81.08
8- plece Ivory Set for Women, $0.00
values, at 81. 08
9- ptece Ebony Set for Women. $4.00
values, at 81.00
7-plece Ebony Set for Men. two mili
tary brushes In leather case: sale
V'lci 82,75
11 -piece Men's Traveling Set, includ
ing raior and shaving outfit; sale price,
only 82.08
$10.00 Sets 85. OO
$15.00 Sots 87.08
26.00 Sets S1&08
Leather Music Rolls, $1.00 values,
t 81.50 nd 81.G9
Collar Baits at Half Price
30 to 82.50
Ladies' Hand Bags
Grouped into two big lots for Saturday selling:
Lot 1 Includes all $2.00, $3.60 and
$3.00 bags. All fine leathers, mostly
genuine pin seal and real morocco.
Wonderful values at 81.00
Lot 3 Includes alt bags which would
sell from $3.00 to $5.00. All very fine
bags, beautifully made, In the newest
shapes and styles. Be sura to see these.
S1 Prlc 81.08
Cream Marqulese, 2So
Blxe Jar ,
I'ond's Cold Cream, 60o
Ise Jar
ftlelballne Face Powder,
all shades, box
Urave Tooth Powder,
SOo size, can.
Dorln's ltrunettn Rouge,
Drug$ and Toilet Article!
DJer-KIss Talcum Powder,
oox ,
Madanr Iae'bell'a Cold
Cram, tSo alxe Jar...,
Aubry Slaters' iJry Kouge,
(Saturday, box ,
Welorose Beauty Cream,
60o alie ,
J-uatrlte Nail Enamel, tie
lie box
Luctle Face Powder, $1.00
lie, box
Armour's Stork Soap,
special Saturday, cake...
Horllck'a Malted Milk, 9 CQ
hospital six lUj
Witch liaiel Arnica Kalve,
ZSc slxe
Bloan's Liniment, 60c
alxe bottle
Peroxldo of Hydrogen,
1-lb. bottle
SeldlKs Powders, 10 in
box, Saturday
Gillette Safety Raxor
Rlades, ft. 00 package..
Jap Rose Toilet Soap,
apeclal, cake
Baymen'a Vegetable Oil
Soap, rake
Uiac Glycerine Soap,
Saturday, cake
Johnson's Floor Wax,
1-lb. can
. 6o
Gift Suggestions in Dainty
Neckwear and Ribbons
A Gift that any Lady or RTist u sure to appreciate is a da nty
piece of tieckwear
Collar andCuff Sets, Swiss embroidered Amosteicel- Cf
lent selection of many new styles; up from uUC
New and Dainty Kffects in Collars, the low collar and the high
chin cLln effects, la dainty Swls and Ueorcette Crepe, up r A
from OUC
Beautiful Line of Collars, Collar and Cuff Bets, a Of?
large assortment. Choice aCOC
Btiing Ties and Windsor Ties, In Of 1 r" r
crepe and silk, each. bOC HlU OUC
An unusual line of Ribbons for the school girls' hair bows; In
checks, plaids, solid colon and white. New designs, at, Of
yard aCOC
An Assorted Box llairbow Ribbons Would Blake a Very Dainty
and Useful Christmas Gift
in light and dark
Values to
$8.99, at
This is all new, crisp merchandise, in all the most fashion
able materials and styles. It appears to be the handsomest
array of fashionable blouses vre have ever assembled, and are
so modest in cost that they will at once suggest an economical,,
way of gift giving that will do credit to the giver.
Tailored Crepe de Chine Blouses
Beautiful Georgette Crepe Blouses
Dressy Lace Blouses Radium Taffeta Blouses
Striped Silk Blouses Plaid Silk Blouses
Hand-Embroidered Crepe de Chine Blouses
Orchid White Flesh Maize
Navy Brown Green
Sizes 34 to 44
Holly Boxes Given Upon Request
Choice Saturday for $3.69
Fancy Warp Prints. S to Inches
grounds, dainty floral designs. In two
LU 1,
25c Yard
Is 2,
19c Yard
Beautiful line of Jacnuards, in dainty shades
r.-Jnch Hair Bow tlibbon.
6-lnch Sash to Match.
f Special Glove Of ferings for Prudent Shoppersl
Women! Two-Claap Imported
Kid GloTes, In black or white
only. Light or medium weight.
Should sell at 69c; Saturday, the
Palr GO
Extra Special Wtemen's Two
Clasp Keal French Kid Gloves, lu
white or white with heavy em
broidered backs. A beautiful, soft
quality; pair 81.25
For Saturday Only Perrln'a
'La Mure" Kid Gloves, In black,
unite and colors. Usually sold at
11.76; Saturday, pair. .. -81.50
Women's Two-Clasp Imported
Lamb Gloves, in black, white and
tan. Made of light or medium
weight skins, every pair guaran
teed perfect. According to present
conditions they should sell at con
siderably more; pair.. 05
Children's Misses or Boys'
Guaranteed Washable Leatherette
Gloves, in white, tan or gray. For
Saturday, sale price 50
Kayser's Guaranteed Washable
Leatherette Gloves, white, grey,
tan, black, white with heavy black,
backs. Should sell at considerably
more. Saturday, pair 75
Children's Fleece Lined leather
Kid Gloves, Gauntlets or Mittens,
good value, at 40
Women's Guaranteed Washable
Kid Gloves, in Ivory, putty, black
and tan. Every pair accompanied
by guarantee blip, pair, 81.25,
81.50. 81.75 and....8a.OO
is is a Season of Beautiful Shoes
-Inch Utah Topped
Phoa for Woman now In,
all aliea. Bronse kid. dull
kid. gray kid. black valvet.
blu velvet bright kid and
patent lrthr. Tti lauat
Ole. ull arched, curved
he La. Th vuly shoea to
wear with the amart short
airta. taJr..iJ to tlLoo
There, has never been a time In our experience
hru alyiH In outwear waa ao eaaentlal. We are
Juet In rr lt ot all the very latest thlnga lm
I'ortfl leathrra In the latest colore, made up la
the lifhteet weltrhta with full hlah aiclird in
steps aid rurved rrrnrh lieela. On account of tin
short it::th ' .Alrta shoea are beromina mora
popular for extreme dreaa and dancing. We aro
allowing an extraordinary variety of theae fine
new Oiodile, All Iilel and widths, frlcaa, I (.00,
I1.W0. .vw. llft.0 and giauO
Women's Fancy Warm Bllpper,
comfy style or leather aoles. All
colors. Low or high rut. HU'bon
or lur trimmed (1.SS to aa.ii
Crochet Slippers for Women, la
all fciaea. Pair. 8c, 11.15 SI. 49
Sale of 100 pair Women's
r'os bhoea. latent and
ti n to it.oo. wt
dii I
Women's Part Wool and All Cotton Union Suits, well knows
brands, including some Munslng ii regulars. All styles and
sires. Worth to $1.75; sale price
Women's Union Suits, medium and fleecy lined cottons.
neck, elbow sleeves; high neck, long sleeves; ankle lengths.
Regular and extra sizes; $1.00 values; Saturday ;
Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits, fleecy lined. All
styles and sires; worth to 69c
Boys' and Girls' Union Suits, in fleecy lined cottons,
bleached, cream and gray. All ages to 1C years. Very special . .
Misses' and Children's Fleecy Lined Cotton Vests, Ankle
Match, bleached or cream. Worth to 35c; special Saturday,
Pants to
Hosiery at Special Prices
Women's Plain and Fancy Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, in all the
latest shades. Silk to the top. with deep lisle hem; others with double
lisle garter tops; all full fashioned. Fancy embroidered insteps, white
on black ana duck on wnue, in very pretty aesjgns. Reinforced f
$1.25; special, Saturday.. UJC
soles, heels and toes. Worth $ 1 and
Women's Silk Boot and Fibre
Silk Hosiery, in black and white.
Full fashioned and seamless; 50c
quality; specially priced,
Women's Mercerized Lisle and
Fibre Hosiery, black, white and
colors. Spliced heels and toes, with
double soles. Kegular
and "out-slxes"
Infants' and Misses' Silk Lisle
Hose, in sky, pink, red, tan, black
and white. Fine ribbed, high
spliced soles, heels and Q p
toes. Fine quality awsDC
Boys', Misses' and Children'
Medium and Heavy Ribbed Hose,
black and white. Double heels,
toes and knees. Good 1 rt 1
school hose. Pair lawgC