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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1915)
it The Omaha Daily News Section PAGES ONE TO TEN. A VOL. XLV NO. 145. OMAllA, SATUltDAY MORNING, DECKMUKU 4, 915 TWENTY PAllKS. On Trains, at Hotel Htws Sjtaads, ate, 60. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Bee THE WEATHER. Fair SV "hIW W. 3J real I oi 'I t WILSON IS NAMED FOR PRESIDENCY ON STATE BALLOT John 0. Maher Files Petition at Lincoln Signed by Nebraska Demos, with Morehead Topping List. BRYAN NOT AMONG NUMBER Brother of Commoner Says He Does Not Want to Embarrass the Executive. 1AY LATER AFFIX SIGNATURE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Dec. 3. (Special.) "Woodrow Wilson will be a candidate for the democratic nomination for the presidency, the celebrated Nebraska filing mill having ground out an other petition asking that the presi dent's name be placed on the ballot. The petition was filed by Colonel John G. Maher and by other local democrats, among them P. L. Hall, democratic national committeeman from Nebraska. Governor Morehead f of Nebraska headed the list of slgn- , ers. I Bryan Doran't Sta-n. j Charles Bryan, mayor of IJncoln and brother of W. J. Bryan, former secre tary of state, refused to sign the Wil son petHlon when Invited to do bo. He aid that he did not wish to embarrass the president, but if the petitioners would watt until he communicated with Mr. Wilson,' he might sign. Following Is the declaration accom panying the petition, which was signed, by the following: J. H. Morehead. 3. H. Broady, John O. er. W. M. Mornlne. Ted Anthonv. hn J. Ledwlth. C. H. Artamn o w. .Melpr. O. H. Hudge, J. W. Cutwrldht. T. Fenton. Frank I). Rns-er William Bchroeder, Charles 8. Hoe, P. ' U Hall, Paul IT. Holm. Benlamln V Rnllnv I. P. Tobln. J. H.- Harley. John Gllllpnn, Thomas Sinclair, A. Lang. J. K. Miller, Jacob North, C. 8. Sherman and B. F. Good. Not Mere Partisans. "In filing the name of Woodrow Wilson a a candidate for president of our coun try, we act as more than mere parti sans we feel profoundly thRt every fibre of our patriotism calls for . bis re-elevation to that exalted position. While crises without number have en veloped this government, as a, result of the merciless,., devastating; war ttbrned, be has holj. ploft a standard of r -sl splendid Americanism, and has wi.ely and lovingly led this nation Into a course of abundant peace, with unchal lenged honol1.' ,'f I V '' r -' "In the subordination of things tem poral to things eternal in the minds of our people, we feel that Woodrow Wil ton will take place with the courageous far-seeing Washington, and with the im mortal. God-fearing Lincoln. We feel that American citizenship has a stand ard by which it measures him, which Is above and beyond the confines of party, or sect, or creed, or nationality. Tbelr Additional Reasons. But as presidential contests are con ducted on lines practical as well as sentimental, we realize that additional reasons must be riven for Woodrow Wll- VyrV"1'' election. .We believe. In this regard tf wa state the sound, unprejudiced Judg ment of the country as a whole, when we say that Woodrow Wilson's adminis tration stands as a guidepost to country wide prosperity. He has shown un questionable sagacity In dealing with the practical problems of his term. He hat been contsructlve, not vindictive. Ble has been firm but broadmlnded. And he has possessed the sympathy and dis cretion which must be combined in the successful administration of our coun try's affairs. "So we who file this petition believe that we are proposing for the presidency the man, who in substance and senti- j I i ment, is aeemea cy me majority ui mo i I r people of the United States to be em- inenuy wwnny ui niiumcr ir..... not alone our hope that he succeed, It Is our prayer as well, not only that party principles may triumph, but that also the honor and safety of our country shall be maintained." LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE ROAD GAINS BOTH WAYS NEW YORK, Dec. 8. Tha Louisville & Mashvllle railroad's statement Issued to- day .Kow. an increase in operative- Una OI Hi ,Wi WBKU iiiwicotou $616,318 In. net as a result or a reduction $139,134 In expenses. The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity l'sir; warmer. ueg. SO M 2 29 U S2 ! 40 44 44 .1 4i 44 46 43 41 40 1915. 1914. 1913. 1912. .. 44 44 hi bO ... 27 IS 4 SO ... M VI d0 4 Highest yesterday.. liwnt yesterday... MeaJi temperature.. I'rt-clpltatlon .u) .w) .a .oo Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal: (Normal temperature $1 fcxceua for the day Total deficiency slue March 1 146 Normal precipitation 03 inch Deficiency for the day 03 Inch r'recipitatlon since March 1 ..26.74 Inches Wlciency since March 1.... 1.6s Inches Deficiency cor. period. 1914.. I in inches 1 tendency cor. period. 1j13. . .M Inches Station and State Temp. Hlgh- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. m. tl. fall. 'heyenne. clear C4 .(1 venpoi'U clear 31 34 14 44 6: 61 44 M to 44 i enver. clear II 3es Moines, clear 34 liodse t'lty. clew 44 North Platte, clear 44 Omaha, clear 41 h Rapid City, clear 40 f heriaan, clear i Wous Olty, cl 1 .ValanUne, 40 WEXfiH, Local' forecaster. Hours "EMS!! &S::: " 8a.m... "MHiivk. tp'.m.'.'. Zybti Sp. m.. 4 p. m... Cp. in... -S32- 7 i,'. m'.Y. V , ! 8p.m... BARON EI-ICHI SHIBU SAW A, the Japanese money king, now in New York to strengthen commercial re lations between this coun try and Japan. The aged banker, 76 years old, and known as the "John D. Rockefeller" of Japan, vis ited Omaha a few years ago. PASSPORT GRANTED TO HENRY FORD Head of Peace Party Gets Permit to Visit Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Netherlands. EXPEDITION TO START ON TIME - WASHINGTON, Dee. , 3. Henry Ford waa granted a passport by the State department today , to visit Norway ; Sweden, Denmark and The Keftiil'litiia--ATf elireaentatlve brought 'his application from New York. The citizenship department of the department by noon had Issued more than 125 passports to peace advo cates who will sail from New York tomorrow on the steamer Oscar II. None made application to visit any other than neutral countries. Only a few applications were de fective. Ship Wll Sail on Time. NEW YORK, Dec. S.-The Scandinavia American liner Oscor II., on which Henry Ford has taken passage for his peace expedition to The Hague, will leave New York Saturday afternoon on schedule time, according: to agents of the line. Mr. Ford has engaged Its first and second cabins for his peace envoys. In addition, 450 passengers going home to Norway, Sweden and Denmark for the holidays will occupy the third class quarters. All passports will be examined at the pier and it Is said no person will be permitted to go aboard without one, Halverd Jacobseng the liner's manager says the Oscar II. should be at Chris tians by December 14 or 16. Concerning the possibility , that British warships might take the steamer to Kirkwall be said that few of the line's steamers had been taken there recently, .as the British govrnmcnt has been content with stop ping the vessels off the north coast of Scotland and sending an officer on board to examine the passenger and cargo manifests, nan Placed on Pence Pamphlets. . PARIS, Dec. S. The French section of the Woman's International League for Permanent Peaoe has been ordered by the Paris police authorities to dlscon-tlnue-the circulation of peace pamphlets. The officers of the French section were summoned before . the commissary of police today to explain their activities. j I ..... t 1 (h. tKV WM -w n ,h;phlcaI - . Int convictions. The police are conunuing thelr Inquiries. ' S'chlank Buys Lease On Douglas Street Site for a Theater Jake Schlank of the Hipp theater haa purchased tha equity in a ninety-nine-year lease on a sixty-six-foot frontage on Douglas street between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets and contemplates the erection of the biggest and most costly exclusively moving picture theater In Omaha on the site. The Douglas street frontage Is now occupied by the Cole-McKay undertaking parlors, a large frame dwelling and a small store house In the rear. The ten ants of these buildings will move at once and work on the big movie house will start as soon as possible. The land is owned by Mra Lillian Maul of Omaha. Mrs. Maul leased tha land about three or four years ago to an Omaha syndicate and It ws from this syndicate Mr. Schlank purchased the equity. The site l 133 feet deep. The deal was made through George & Co. South Dakota Uni Head's Wife Dead VERMILLION. 8. D., Dec. t-Mro. Ger trude Relmann Slagle, wife of Dr. R. L 61agle, president of the University of fc'outh Dakota, died bere today after Icog Illness. BRITONS NOT READY TO DISCUSS PEACE More Fortunes of War Turn Against Them Less They Seev" . alined to Listen to ,f ' -s. ... ALL WAN" oSj.o:.aHT IT OUT (Corr-' (jOV the Associated Prer.) LOcv,s ,"' Nov. 23. Speculation about swe possibility of peace that seems to come from Switzerland, Rome, Madrid or America, always vagnue and usually negative, strikes no audibly responslva chord in Lon don. The more the fortunes of war ap pear to turn against the allies, the less the Drltlsh seem Inclined to listen with patience to any suggestion that peace can come through other means than military achievement. When Charles Trevclyan In the House of Commons last week ventured to ex press the view that there is nothing In- hcrcntly disgraceful or humiliating In ob- ' talnlng by negotiation rather than ry fighting the alms "for which we are fighting" and urged the government o Inform tho house If any proposals of peace camo either from neutrals or bel ligerents, he was but repeating opinions which led his distinguished and scholarly father to withdraw from the cabinet with Lord Morely and John Burns when war was declared. Ilonar Un Tall It Folly. Moreover, his statement that termina tion of the war by negotiation would give u a.vunt BUuiunie'e of permanent peace, because less hatred would be engendered, served to emphasize the spirit of the house and the people at large. Uonar Law sakl It was useless folly to pretend to believe that Germany would give up Belgium, Poland and Alsace he might have added Serbia, until it was beaten. T. P. O'Connor said that such a speech would be forbidden In the French Cham ber, the Russian Duma or the German Reichstag, and the discussion closed with the announcement of a third member that Mr. Trcvleyan's constituents in York shire had already selected another liberal foe his seat as thry oould not tolerate his opinions. All observers agree that the peace ad vocates In Great Britain have dwindled In numbers. The labor element that at one time was Inclined to bo lukewarm In the support of the war, is now credited. with being among its most outspoken ad herents, labor leaders having thrown themselves eagerly Into backing Lord Derby. In his recruiting campaign. Outlook for Allies Seems Dark. It la admitted on every hand that the fortunes of war do not at present favor the allies. The Dardanelles campaign,, particularly' tho' landing at Suvla bay. is a tremendous disappointment; the ad vance at Loose has been followed by the general belief that as at Nueve Ohapelle, a brilliant opportunity to make the most of a promising opening was lost; tha vir tual loss of the Serbian territory and the precarious position of the army that landed at Balonlkl are not underestima ted; the attitude of Greece and Rou manla, the disagreements In the cabinet, and other disturbing factors, are all weighed In the balance and contributed to a general appreciation that things are not going well,' as Mr. Churchill ex pressed In his apologia. Still the British are not dismayed and the universal be lief is that any chancellory which "sounded" Downing street on the possi bility of peace would find no welcome. That "men, munitions and money" will win the war Is the common conviction that no adversity has Bhaken. Deadlock in Demos' Senate Caucus May Delay Organization WASHINGTON, Dec. J.-Organlietlon of the senate may be delayed and a joint session of congress Tuesday to listen to President Wilson's address may be pre- vented unless senate democrats by next Monday agree on cloture. This was the possibility which con fronted democratic senators when they resumed, in caucus today, discussion of the proposal to limit debate. The conference had before it today revised amendment to the rules which would prevent a senator from speaking more than an hour on a measure If the senate decided that filibustering tactics were being resorted to. Indian Prisoner . Jumps from Train LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. Dec. . Fred Big Top. full blood Indian, convicted in Wyoming on a statutory charge and en route to the United States penitentiary to serve twenty years, leaped through tho window of a railroad train near St. Jo seph, Mo., today and escaped. Govern ment officers stopped the train, but Rla Top could not be found.- He was over six feet tall and weighed 359 pounds. A few years ago lie was a prominent ath lete at an eastern Indian school. Often-Captured American Ship with Cargo of Beans Now in Swedish Port I5NDON, Dec. S. A Copenhagen dls I atch to the Exchange Telegraph com pany, filed yesterday, says: "The American steamship Andrew Welch bit become a center of attention In Scandinavia. Its history to date fol lows In brief: "After being chased by British patrol beats In the Atlantlo and by British sub marines In the North Sea, crippled by a series of storms, It put Into Bergen in dls trees. Norway granted the stranger per mission to return to England, but It darted for Ilaelstad, Sweden. Again ex periencing bad weather it took refuge outside the Skew, finally arriving at Hselmstad. where It was found there was no receiver for Us cargo of beans valued at llM.OOa The vessel remained quiet for some KAISER ASKED TO RECALL PAIR OF ATTACHES Germany Notified Captain Boy-Ed and Captain von Papen No Longer Acceptable at Washington. DUF TO IMPROPER ACTIVITIES Alleged Misuse of Passports and Plans to Cripple Munitions Plant Charged. PROBABLY WILL QUIT COUNTRY WASHINGTON. Dec. 3. The announced for- Plate department announced lor- nially late today that It had asked j for the recall of Captain Boy-Kd and Captain von Papen, naval Bnd iulll- tary attaches, respectively, of tho German embassy here, becauso of the "objectionable activities In con nection with military and naval mat ters." Secretary Lansing issued this statement: "On account of what this govern ment considers improper activities in military and naval matters, this Kovernment has requested the imme diate recall of Captain Boy-Ed, the German naval attache, and Captain von Papen, the German military at tache, as they are no longer accept able to this government." The State department's announcement came soon after the cabinet meeting. Secretary. Lansing has communl'-ated to Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, that the attaches no longer are persona grata to the United States. The usual diplomatic procedure Is for the ambassador to dismiss them from the embassy. They may or may not leave the country, although they probably will. Captain Boy-ed's activities havo for some time attracted .the attention of the government in connection with alleged misuse of American passports and more recently in connection with disclosures at the trials of officials of the Hamburg American Steamship line in New York. Von Papen In Monitions Incident. The name of Captain von Papen, the military attache, has been brought to official attention In connection with charges of plana to cripple American mu nitions plants and most recently in con nection with the recall of Dr. Constantln Dumba.- tha - Austrian ambassador. Let ters) seised upon James J. Archibald, an American war correspondent, which dis closed tha activities of the Austrian am- bassador, mentioned Captain von Papen name, "It was Said at the State department that Count von Bernstorff had been no tified of the government's attitude and that announcement had been withheld to. give the ambassador an opportunity to communicate with his home govern ment. It la understood Count von Berns torff has notified Berlin, but so far to day had received no reply. Captain Boy-ed's activities in the United States since the war began have been the subject of close attention by the State and tha Department of Justlc. Several times it had been broadly hinted that the American government might Intimate to Germany . that the operation of Its naval attache were objectionable with (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) Dallas Goes After. Demos' Convention WithBig Check DALLAS, Tex., Deo. 1 Bearing a certified check for $100,000, seventy-five Texas democrats left here this morning on a special train for Washington, where they will place Dallas' claims before the national executive committee Tuesday to entertain the national democratic con vention In 1916. Stops will be made en route at Tel ark ana, New Orleans, Atlanta. Knoxvllle and Richmond, where national commit teemen from Oklahoma, Louisiana, Ten nessee, Georgia and Virginia will Join the Texas delegation. t Secretary to Late Theodore Peltzer - Under Indictment KANSAS CITY, Dec .-Mrs. Iah Wilson, confidential secretary to the late Theodora CL Peltser, whose death re vealed Irregularities In bis business af fairs Involving over SuOO.000 was Indicted by the county grand Jury today. She is charged with making fraudulent acknowl edgements to paper Issued by Peltier's real estate company. I'eltser .lost his life In a fall from a window of bis office In an upper story of a local sky scraper. t'ays, but last night a steamer arrived .'rum Lubeck to convoy It to Germany. A start was made In the night, but a Swed ish torpedo boat arrived on the scene and forced the Andrew Welch to turn back to Haelrastad." Available maritime records do not list a steamer called the Andrew Welch. The American bark of that name, a vessel of K3 tons, sailed from Kan Francisco Au gust U with a cargo of beans for Haelm-slad- A dispatch from Christiana on Novem ber IT said the bark had been towed Into Chrlstlans&nd. It was boarded by a party from a British patrol boat off the Hhet Ifcnd islands. It was said, and ordered into Lerwick, but a storm carried the vessel toward the Norwectan coast, where It was taken In tow by the steamer Ruse-' land, SENATE PRESIDENCY PRO TEMT0 CLARKE Democrats Re-elect Arkansan After Hot Contest in Caucus Be cause of His Revolt. POMERENE LOSES BY FIVE VOTES WASHINGTON, Deo. 8. Senator James P. Clarke of Arkansas was chosen today president pro tempore of the senate by the domocratlc cau cus. Senator Clarke defeated Sena tor Pomerene. of Ohio after a spirited contest. The vote was 28 to 23. Senator Pomerene was supported by members who urged that tho Ar kansas senator should not be re elected, because of his revolt asainst the ship purchase bill at the last session. After the vote was taken Senator Pomerene moved to make the choice of Senator Clarke unanl- j mous and this was done by a rising i vote. While the caucus ended hnrmonloiisly, It seemed prohiiblo thnt tho victory of the Clarke faction would cndanRer the success of the movement to adopt a rloture rule In the senate. The caucus will meet again tomorrow to take definite action regarding cloture recommenda tions, agreement having been reached to vote by 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Dlvlxlon Sharply Drawn The division of the Clarke-l'omcrene fight waa rather sharply drawn. All tho democrats who Joined v.ith Senator Clarke In bis llhbt against tho ship pur chase bill stood solidly behind him, ami most of the southern senators also sup ported him. Sonator Fletcher of Florida, and Marin and Swanson of Virginia, however, voted for Senator rymenene. The Florida senator had charge of the ship purchase bill. Majority Leader Kern voted for Senator Pomerene, whose can didacy was most actively championed by Senators Walxh of Montana, and Intone und Reed of Missouri. The vote follows: For Clarke Rnnkhcad Newlands O'Goruian Hhiulils Hlmiiions biiuUi of Georgia isinlth of South Carolina Tillman Underwood Vaidman rwilliams-28 .Megkham Hroussard Bryan Chamberlain Gore Hard wick Hitchcock llutihes James Johnson of Maine Lane For Pomerene Ashurst Chilton Clarke Fletcher Hoi Us Hunting Johnson of South Dakwta Kern Lee of Maryland Owen Phelan Plttman Reed Pheppard Smith of Arithtia -Hmlth of Maryland Htone Hwanson Thomas Mnrtin .Th hompson Myers Valsh-2J Senators absent were: Culberson, Lewis, Martlne, Lee of Tennesee and Bhlvely. Republican senators will hold their con ference next Monday morning. Senator Galllager of New Hampshire will be re elected as chairman of the conference and minority leader. Son Suspected of Having Knowledge Of Banker's Death LONQMONT, Colo., Deo. S. Rlensl C. Dickens, son of William II. Dickens, the aged banker, who was killed In his home Tuesday night by a bullet fired through tho library window, was ar rested late today by Sheriff Buster of Boulder county in connection with his father's death. The arrest Immediately followed, the funeral services, which the son attended In custody of a deputy marshal. Officers and detectives, who have been engaged In an Investigation of the case said that suspicion Was directed toward Rlenxl Dkkena through the discovery that, about a month ago he purchased a high power rifle in Denevr and also ordered a silencer afterwards received. The officers said that this rifle and silencer had been discovered In young Dickens' garage where It had been con cealed. Young Dickens stoutly maintained his Innocence, and declared that on the even ing of his father's murder, he was at his homo. The prisoner has been en gaged In the cattle business and is said to have lost heavily during the last year. The Day's War News At'CORDIWO TO no MM advices tt Is declared In some qnnrters there that the Italian expedition In nld of the Serbians Is already on tha var. BOMBARDMENT OF WESTKXDF., ()n tho llelajlnn coast, by British monitors Is reported hy Berlin. I VOLIIVsU tho Hermans, .nader General Von Llaalnarea, are show lua signs of activity. Army bend, quarters tells of n snrprlsa attack on a Hasalnn division on the Styr, SALONIKI II AS A REPORT that nnsslan troops have entered Bnl. aarla. It Is not confirmed. MOM A ST 1H, Til 13 southern Serbian rlty whose fate has hern In doubt (or days, Is now apaprently In tho hands of (hn A oilru-fifrmia forces. MONTKMCtiRISiS AltMIT tho evac uation of 1'lovlje, In northeastern Blontenea-ro. FOG. AND RAIN ks halted Italian operations asralnst Gorlsln, Roma reports tho repulao of surprise at tacks by tho Aastrlaas. SNOW IS TEN FEET DEEP In tho (nuraana Bona of operations, no rordlnsr to a Constantinople offi cial report. SCATTERED DIVISIONS of Srrblnns are still offering- resistance on (ierblau aoli southwest of Mltro vltsa to tho Tcutonlo drive. In this resjlon Berlin reports tha de feat ( Serbian detachments, with the taking; ol saoro than, I.SOO prisoners. ARCHBISHOP OF CHI CAGO Present auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn, who is to be Archbishop of Chi cago, probably the young est Archbishop in the world. He was born in New York City on July 2, 1&72. v. : J - r Its' RUSSIAN ARMY ENTERSBULGARIA Unconfirmed Report from Saloniki of Movement of Czar! Troops !, Interests London; MAY CHANGE BALKAN CAMPAIGN LONDON, Dec. 3. "News that the Russians have entered Bulgaria haa aroused Intense interest and there is much speculation as to the next de velopment," Reuter'a correspondent at Saloniki telegraphs. "It Is ex pected this move will have a far reaching effect on the International situation of Bulgaria and will modify the whole aspect of affairs In the Balkans." No direct and speclflo confirmation has been received In Londun of this message. It Is recalled, however, that , last week Emperor Nicholas was said- to have promised Premier Patchltch . of Serbia tha appearance of a Russian army In Bul garia within a week. French Take Dalaarlan Trench. PARIS, Dec. S. Two thousand Bul garian rifles were found In a trench taken Wednesday by French troops, ao a llavaa dispatch from Sa loniki. The French are strongly en trenched before Krivolak," 160 yards from the Bulgarian advanced posts. , The Brit ish troops also are well dug in their sector. The correspondent says the Bulgarians have ciossed tha Cerna at Novacl and occupied Canall. .Southeast of Monastlr, near the Greek frontier. The Serbs are reported to have retired towards Resna. A further retreat of the Montenegrins under Austrian pressure, the retrograde movement Involving tho evacuation of Plevlje Is recorded In an official state ment from Montenegrin headquarters made public here today, as follows: 'Following the arrlal of strong col umns .of the enemy from the vicinity of Prlblll and Metalka. our troops on !- (Continued on Pauo To. Column Two.) Penfield Again Asks Austria About Sinking of Ancona A'lENNA, Dec. t.-Vla London. Dee. I.) The American ambassador, rrenenca ronfleld, today repeated his request to the Austrian government that It make a reply to the American note respecting the circumstances In connection with the sinking of the steamship Ancona In the Vedlterreneen by an Austrian submarine us a result of which several Americans lost their lives. The. American note was delivered by Ambassador Penfield on November C. The Austrian government Informed the ambassador last week that It desired wore time to formulate Its reply. PRESIDENT WILL MAKE ADDRESS AT COLUMBUS, 0. WASHINGTON, Iec. g President Wil son will leave here for Columbus, O.. on the night of December, t, arriving In Co. lumbus the next day, to make an ad dress at a lunch given at noon by the Columbus Chamber of Commerce In bis honor. A reception In the state rapttol will be he'.d In the afternoon, and In the evening the president will address the federal council of Churches of Christ. Tha president went today to a cavalry and field artillery drill at Fort Myer, Va-. for the benefit of the Army Relief association. MAY MEAN A BIG FIGHT IN VARDAR HMPBRSBBBRISS) Capture of Last Important City in Serbia will Enable the Teutons to Threaten the Anglo Serbian Flank. AUSTRIAN FLAG OVER THE CITY Action Believed Intended to Prevent Additional Friction Between . Bulgaria and Greece. ITALY'S MOVEMENTS PUZZUNO LONDON. Dec. 3 Circumstantial accounts of the occupation of Mona stlr, in southeastern Serbia, by an Austro-German force and tha cutting of telegraphic communication with the city are regarded here as ample) evidence that the Macedonian capital has fallen, although no official re port to that effect has reached Lon don. The effect of the capture of Monastlr, the last Serbian city of Importance to hold out on the position of the Anglo Serbian forces. Is awaited with great In terest for the penetration by the In vaders of this part of Macedonia may threaten the flank of the allies In tha Vardnr and Orna valleys, where they are on the . drfenslve. No Important events have occurred there for soma time, but with Monastlr In the hands of their opponents the allies may soon be engaged In an Important battle. In Montenegro .tha Auatrlans continue their advance. Elsewhere In tha north ern Balkans iio heavy fighting has been reported of late. Hair's roller Myaterloaa. Italy's adhesion to the agreement not to conclude a separate peace was wel come news In Rngland, but .the failure of Foreign Minister Bonnlno to give more than a vague promise of military support to Serbia caused some disap pointment. IJttle light haa been thrown as yet on the mystery of Italy's policy In not declaring war on Germany. In this connection It ts noted that other na tions face a similarly delicate situation. It Is reported the Autrlan flag. Instead of the BulxarUn, was hoisted over Mon astlr, presumably In an effort to relieve Bulgaria of the possibility of offending Greece. Except for Russian reports of minor successes on the Dvina In the north and on the Styr In Gallcta, no news has been received from the Russian front. Artll lory and mining operatlis 'Ocaupy the fighters along tha westam battle Una. - Fog and. incessant rain are delaying operations -on the Austre-Itallaa front. Reports from the Dardanelles Indicate that the combatants are engaged almost continuously In minor encounters,' which do not seem to nave any. marked affect on their respective positions. Aaatrlaa riaaj Floats Over HemaatLr. LONDON. Dec. ..Occupation of Mon astlr by an Austro-German force at S o'clock yesterday .afternoon is . reported by Reuter'a correspondent at BalonikU The correspondent, who says his In formation was received -in a telegram from Fiorina, Greece, adds that the only flag hoisted when the city, was occupied was the Austrian. The Bulgarians did not enter Monastlr, remaining at Kenall, south of the city. It Is reported, ' how ever, thu.t they will march Into Monastlr today. Mother Refuses to Permit Operation to Save. Infant BALTIMORE, Md., Deo. t Rather than have her , 6-month-old boy go through life a helpless cripple. Mrs. Wil liam Hlnton of this city today refuaed to permit the physicians at, Johns Hop kins hospital to operate In the hope of saving its life. The child waa frightfully burned last Tuesday and the doctors today decided It would be necessary to amputate both legs and one arm. The Infant waa said to have been men tally normal. THE WANT-AD. WAY All Blsts SLe found e nloa roost. At home he feels I MX new landlady nerve real aloe meals. The Job he holds B rings biaa good par. And he ears U treaa J-er she Want Ad way. Be looks through tha Adg Moit every aigai. e tnlaas all right. Tou rsn secure th very best elase of "Boardera-and Roomers'" throusn -the nasal fled Columns of TrlS OMAHA BEB. Plae a Board and Boom Ad In today's Paper, telling all th good points about your offerings. Telephone Tylr 1000, now and a PUT IT TS THE OMAHA BEE, nmif f V3"yggi