Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE nEK: OMAHA, FKinAY, DECKMUKlt .X 11)15.
The Bees Home Magazine Pa
JL The
r s
Defective in Some Way,
is Every Person
Discipline in Daily Life
Japanese Women in American Eyes
Republished by Special Arrangement with Harper's Bazar.
Those vho (rive special attention to the
y of human Intellect are having- much
say these days about defectlvea. The
term la United to these, whose minds show
an unusual decree
o' deficiency. The
enly point I want
to make In that In
the general sense of
1 he word we are all
of us defectives. Not
nne of ua has a
mind that la not
more or less lame
in some one or '
more of its fac
ulties. There la no hard
una fast Una that
in be drawn so
that those on one
aide of the line are
effectives and those
en the other side
l ot. Men may be very backward In cer
tain directions of mental activity, but
correspondingly forward in other direc
tions. That la not what could be called
l nrmal, but It la about as good as what
we usually find.
I once had aa a pupil In the high school
a young fellow who illustrated that con-
ore to the body not decorative but con
In the Investigation of the labor com
mission tn Its relation to the Williams
burg fire, it developed that of 3,711 or
ders for flreprooflng stairways of Mo
torics in tho metropolitan district
iH6 had been complied with and no V'uae
cutions had been begun. That could not
have happened in Germany. The entire
genius of that country would negative
Its possibility. There la no spot in the
empire where law does r.ot touch, anl
where it toucher It grips.
There Is a certain grtmness about it
all that prevents its being altogether
fascinating, but it produces stuff that
does not bend when the strain comes. Jt
Is what is bothering the allies and makes
the Germans a possible match for the
quadruple entente. Willows are more
graceful than oaks, but they are thrown
Into greater confusion when the storm
bursts upon them.
Obedience is a lesson the learning of
which needs to commence early and to
keep pace with the physical hardening of
cartilage Into bone. In the discipline of
the home and of the school it Is lesa
vigorously enforced than formerly, and
that accounts for the milder forma of
anarchy that we find so much of among
adults. Undoubtedly in earlier days the
suppression of young people was unduly
The story is told cf the head master of
diUon In quite a striking degree. He was on, of the gnfit Bng.,l8h 8chools (Eton, If
. son oi a coiiege presiuem. ms mina , , am not taken). that eight of his
. ..ow in uim as 10 snow aimosi boy, came ,nto hu ,tudy unannounced.
r elgn of activity. I kept him on one n. i, it v,. .k... k.j
5t Aesop's fables the entire term in order ; been sent to him to be whipped, as that
that he might make a respectable appear- . was one of the Important functlona of
nee in the presence of his distinguished ' his office. He went directly to work, had
parent on examination day. But he waa finished off the fourth and had placed his
.s bright in natural history as he was hand upon the firth, when the latter
dull In the classic.
He couM not properly be called a de
fective. . He had . brain enough, only Its
activities were massed on a single aide
Instead of belngtdistrlbuted all around.
Geniuses are of that . order. Genius Is
another name for immense mental one
aided ness, -
That la - the disadvantage that there
la in putting all pupils through the same
curriculum. They all have to give the
same amount of attention to each of the
' branches set down for them, wKhsno
special opportunity allowed for discipline
plucked up courage to say. "Please, sir,
we were sent over here with reference
to Joining the confirmation class." They
were all property confirmed and became
good Anglicans.
Such discipline la unnecessarily harsh,
but, nevertheless,, .whipping is more
wholesome than mollycoddling, and a
touch of parental despotism preferable to
unrestrained license. At any rate, out of
Eton and other English schools of a sim
ilar . character have graduated many of
the men that have been masters of
events and given splendid shape to English
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An Editorial
for Women
"Certified Cooks"
A Good Scheme
The Empress of Japan in the wedding gown she wore in
11)00 when she became the wife of the Mikado.
"A Lady ol Japan" a rare Japanese print much prized
possession of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Kri- fira TWW. not an aprl for the"i.e & -the
lash, but only. for the exercise Of deter
mined governmental restraint,-
snow-, splal aptitude, and in which, if
u,ch opfwtuhity were afforded, they
might attain to great distinction. That
father -undoubtedly did his aon great
injustice when, upon being asked whether
he was going to send his son to college,
he replied, "God forbid that I ahould
apend a 11,000 on the education of a
10-cent boy."
It Is unfortunate that children have to'
be educated In drovea instead of individ
ually. Agriculture Instructs farmers to
study the character et the aoll before
deciding what seed to put In. And be
cause a particular piece of ground will
not yield peaches It is not at once con
cluded tha: it Is a defective sand lot to
e turned over to thistles and hardhack.
epect for authority is a moral ele
ment that cannot be omitted from char
acter without leaving .it more or less
mushy. Whatever may be our sympathies
in the present war. It must be conceded
'to the Germane that they learned to
obey. Whether among them authority is "I have been going about with a young
carried to an extreme, and too narro j man for the last four months. We have
a margin or self-determination left to
(From the Christmas Number of Har
per's Bazar.)
Mrs. Lars Anderson, wife of the former
ambassador to Japan,- has recently been
induced to put in writing her Impressions
of Japanese women. - Little la known in
the western world about the Intimate
family life in the Flowery Kingdom, and
the words of Mrs. Anderson throw a light
on this fascinating subject.
For Instance, all kimonos look much
alike from ' color and texture, ' yet In
Japan they are subject to changes In
fashion Just the same as the apparel of
the modish Parlslenoe. In the old days,
kimonos trailed upon the ground . and
Too Many Men Regard
Them lightly.
Race Is Heedless
of Parent-to-Be
and Their Duties
the individual, Is a question by Itself
which I have no purpose of entering
But they obey. They do as they to keep appointments." writes "Worried."
are told,
The obligations of law and government
presa upon them without any Intermis
sion. Each man has his place and expects
to be found in It; has his duty and can
be relied upon to discharge It. Whether
it la due to fear, to conscience or to
training, the fact remains, and it means
stability in the Individual and strength
to the government.
It Is the prime secret of Germany's
year of achievement Its importance Is
reclgnixed in Scripture, which 1 teaches
that "to obey la better than sacrifice."
Jesus taught His disciples that obedience
was the nourishment that fed and sus
tained Hta soul. It is what iron Is to
the physical constitution. It Is what
plumb Una la to the laying up of a brick
wall. It la what spine and verebrae
quarrelled several times and once we
vent so far aa to see nothing of each
other for weeks becauae my friend failed
Household Economy 3
S now e Hare the Beat Cegh 3
S Resaeey aaa Save J ay 5
B Maklag It at Boas 3
Couch medicine, aa a rule contain
large quantity of plain syrup. A pint of
granulated sugar with Vt pint of warm
v.iter, stirred for 2 minutes, gives you
as good tyrup as money cao buy.
Then gret from your drnwriat 2 ounce
I'inex (60 cents worth),, pour into a pint
bottle and fill the bottle with sugar
srup. 'Ibis gives you, at a cost of only
M cents, a full pint of really better couga
mtiip than you could buy ready made fur
' ii.bO a clear saving of nearly tl. Full
directions with Fines. It keep perfectly
and taste good.
It take hold of the usual cough or
client cold at onne and conquer it in 4
hour. Splendid for whooping; cough,
broncMii ana winter cough.
It' truly astonishing bow quickly It
loohena tne dry, hoarse or tight cough
and heal and soothes the inflamed mem
branes in the case of a painful couch
'It also stops the formation of phlegm in
' l.'.e throat and bronchial tubes, thua end'
,'l the persistent loose couli.
Tirex is a lilithly concentrated com
round of genuine Norway pine extract,
combined with guaiacol, and bas been
l,-':d tor gvneration to Leal inflamed
membranes ol tbe throat ana chesu
To avoid disappointment, ask your
druigiet for "2 A ounces ol rinex," and
don't accept anvthing else. A guarantee
ot absolute aatittaction, or money prompt
ly rt'f'nuied, gucs with this preparation.
'iiie i'lutx Lu.. rt. Wayue, ino.
"He begged me always to give him an
other chance, and faithfully promised to
keep every apponltment in the future.
"I gave him another trial . and for
awhile he kept his promise, but now ha
eems to have forgotten that he ever
made a pledge to me. - He professes to
love me and . claim .that if I were to
know why he doee not put in an ap
pearance I would excuse him, but when
he does make explanations the excuses
he offer are not satisfactory. I am fond
of him, but I doubt htm."
The sanctity of engagement Is a thing
too many people, fall to realise. It doea
not seem to come home to them that
when they say they are to be at a given
place at a certain time they have pledged
their word and that not being there is
actually dishonorable.
Probably your friend would not lie
about anything he regarded aa vital, and
It does not occur to him that when he
tells you he is going to come to see you
or to meet you at a certain hour and
then fail, that he I lying to you. No
matter whether his excuses be good or
111, the point I they should be made In
advance, not afterwards.
Many men regard social engagements
lightly and those concerned with business
seriously. Quite light as far aa it goes.
But any obligation and a pledge of one's
word, whether it be to meet a friend at
the movies or to be present at a meeting
of bank directors, the point is that one'
word I at stake.
When a man Invites a girt to the
theater and flnda that his sick mother
wants him to stay home or that hi em
ployer needs him, It ia right and sane
that he ahould choose family tie or busi
ness advancement In preference to pleas
ure. No reasonable girl ought to allow
her Inclination for pleasure to make her
Interfere with filial duty or the beat in
terest of a nan she Hkea.
No won-an, be ahe reasonable or other
wise, likes to have her own personality
valued so ltfhtly that a man let her sit
around waiting for hm and in lordly
wine neglecta to exp'ain.
The man or woman who makes an en
gagement and fall to keep it. falling also
to make explanation, stamp him or her
self aa ope who dues not believe either In
the sacredness of a prom's or the rights
of another individual.
We ahould all form the habit of listen
ing patiently to reasonable explanations.
We should never get Into the lordly anl
selfUh habit of falling t keep appoint
ments' and calmly expecting the other
Hirson to sit and wait.
Copyright, 1915, by Star Company.
If you are an unmarried young man
you probably have an Ideal of marriage
and fatherhood before you. Tou Imagine
yourself at the head of a happy home
with a lovely wife
and beautiful chil
dren Installed in
that home. Tou
are, no doubt, try
ing to lay up a
bank account
ready for that oc
casion and you
hope to .be the pos
sessor of great'
wealth to bestow,
upon your family. ,
But what are
you laying up In '
the way . of good
morals, good
hablta, good health
and pure blood to
bestow upon your
What do you, know about good father
hood that will, enable you. to protect
your wife before the birth of your chil
dren so that he will be enauled to
bring Into the world desirable offsprings'.'
Io you know anything about prenatal
Do you know how Important It Is that
a child should be guarded tnd protected
before it birth as well as afterward'
If you know nothing about these thlnKS
you are not fitted to become a father. '
New York City provides a fund for a
large aquarium. The Zoological park Is
another city Institution where young
animals are protected before birth and
after; and ahould the male animal indi
cate dangerous tendencies toward hi
mat before the birth of the young or
afterward toward hla offspring he la at
once placed where he cannot do damage.
No stock breeder would permit hi
brood animal to suffer injury at such a
period; she Is protected in every way in
order that her offspring may be strong
and well.
Yet all over the United States expec
tant mothera are left to the careless and
Ignorant treatment of men who know no
more about the responsibilities of father
hood or prenatal Influence than they
know of the social conditions of Mars.
In the lower waiks of life, where peo
ple are crowded in small rooms and
obliged to live ia close quarters, ex
pectant mother are forced to endure
the odor of cheap drink and tobacco
and to hear taunts and Insults from in
toxicated husbands, who have never been
told that a woman Is sensitive to an
abnormal degree at this period of her
life; end In the higher walks thousand
of mothers are suffering from nelea
and Indifference or from refined abuaa
from husbands who are college grad
uates and who occupy important posi
tion socially.
It would be an admirable undertaking
for the government to establish in each
large city a free institut on where such
women could ias two or three hou.s
th day, when c nvenlently located.
with cheerful surroundings, aud three or
four montha, at a nominal price, If un
fortunately situated at home. . .
Whatever the original expense of such
an undertaking might necessitate, it
would be saved In a generation by the
lessening of disease and crime and pov
erty among the maaae.
Added to this, every college ahould be
obliged to add a department through
which every young man must paas be
fore granted a diploma. The -moat
skilled physicians should be employed
as Instructors In this department. It la
quite a important to the world that
young men know what It mean to pro
pagate the species as that they become
expert athletes.,
Many case might be found, if the an
nals of the courts were studied, where
men who graduated with brilliant honor
from famoua college proved brutal hus
hand, to wive who were expectant
mothers. The man' brain had been
filled with all klnda of knowledge sav
that which gave him an understanding ot
fatherhood and motherhood. However
disillusioned or enraged he may become
with the woman he has chosen as his
wife, there 1 not one man In a million
who would misuse hi own unborn child
once he understood the vital influence
of tho mother' mind upon it
those months.
Women are beginning to understand
these matters, and mother are awaken
ing to the fact that daughters must be
educated along these lines if they ever
contemplate marriage.
But how is it possible for a mother to
give her child wholesome and sane and
healthful prenatal conditions if men con
tinue to walk In blind, black Ignorance,
and If the laws of the land make no pro
vision for the mother' protection and
offer no asylum for her retreat from
disastrous environment at this Important
It la the great work of the future, the
vital subject of the present. Not until
the intelligent and educated classes
realise thla and call science to aid in the
education of men a father can we hope
for a marked Improvement In the human
were wadded at the bottom. The sleeves
wore long and loose and were used as
pockets. s
Today the kimono ends above the
ankles and the sleeves are short. Styles
In colors vary from one aeason to
another. When Mrs. Anderson waa there
blue was the popular shade.
True beauty In the land of the inlkadcj,
says tlie writer In. the December number
of Harper's Baxar, consists of a nar
row forehead, high arching eyebrows, a
small mouth, red llpa and pale cheeks.
The Japanese have praise for only the
delicate and artificial types. A com
plete costume for the woman consist of
a set of three kimono worn one outside
another. ,
Indoors, the feet are covered with
"tabl" of white cotton. Outdoors, tho
feet are slipped Into wooden "gel" or
clous. Ladles aa a rule wear crepe
kimonos with their crests' woven upon
Black is used on ceremonial occasions.
White is the color of mourning. A
geisha's clothes are much gayer man
those worn by ladies' and are more ex
pensive, often being designed by artlaU.
The social position of the women of
Japan, la revealed by the way they wear
the sah or "obi" and the style in which
they do their hair. The Yoshlwara girls
tie the "obi" In front. The geisha girls
knot "their sashes behind, but in a style
distinctly different from married women.
The latter twists he hair In one fashion,
girls In another and children In a third.
Yoshlwara women and "malko," or
little dancing girls, dress their hair with
flowers, the former often using lacquered
sticks or ornament arranged artistically
aa headdress.
Women do not take their hair down at
n'ght. In order to keep it smooth they
rest their heads on little wooden stands
Instead of pillows. But even with this
care, every woman must have a hair
dresser at least once a week.
Consequently, hatr-dresslng la the fa
vorite form of employment for the womei
of the lower classes. Many of them arc
very proficient. To excel In this profes
sion, a woman must know at least twenty
way of arranging the hair, to meet the
A Hair Tonic WlUch You Can Make
At Home lU-inovca It la a Few
Dandruff and scalp eruptions can be
removed In from one to five nights by
the following simple recipe., which you
can mix at home or have put up by any
druggist at very little coU It doea not
color the hair and is perfectly harmless.
Water One-half pint
Hay Bum One ounce
Texola Compound One-quarter ounc
Glycerine One-quarter ounce
A half-pint Is all you will need. Bub
it Into the scalp well at night and after
a few applications ths dandruff and
scalp eruptions will disappear and the
hair will stop falling out and become
i-joH aud glossy. Advertisement.
nerd of actresses, Yoshlwara grtl and
"malko." ,
The women of Japan are hard worker.
Moat of those In the lower classes be
come servants, but many earn a meager
pittance by coaling ahlpa or working in
copper mines. Of late wear om have
learned typewriting and the use of Eng
lish for business purposes. e
Large department stores have only re
cently taken to employing salesgirls.
Many women are becoming trained
nurses. At first only low -class women
took uo this wor'-, but now those of
t Igher rank are going Into it.
"Si much has been written about the
geishas, the professional women enter
tainer of Japan,"' say Mr. Anderson,
"that I will !mply say that they are
well educated, especially I" the-art. of
pleasing, and good conversationalist and
musicians. They are hired, a a rule, to
help make dinner parties a success, either
In private houses or in restaurants. The
pay of the golxha varlea from 0 to CO
cents an haur."
Wives and mothers of the Jataneae live
a secluded life. Even the well-to-do have
few amusements, finding their pleasure
In arranging flowers, composing P etry
and making excursions to view cherry
blossom or maple leave. Occasionally
t.-ey attend the theater. Borne enter
Buddhist convent. A sister of the em
peror did this and her example ha been
followed, by several of the nobility.
In spite of their seclusion, the house
keeping women seem happy and con
sented. As a wife, the Japanese woman
mpllcltly obey her husband and her
-lother-in-law. Later in life, hoirever,
she ha her turn at authority, when she
Is old and therefor respected. Self
control I one of the earliest lesson. No
-"itter how 111 or unhnppy she may be,
she must always smile.
Marr'ages are generally arranged by
the parents, with aid of a friend or a go
between. Divorce is common. Chi dren
that behave oadly are disinherited and
others adopted in their place.
In America, one seldom meet a
Japanese lady except on lie paper In a
museum. Yet, in spite of dainty way
and fanciful garb, ahe is very much a
woman, says Mrs. Anderson.
The Woman's club and the Housewives'
league of Mnntclalr Is grappling with the
mighty servant problem, before which
all other ' problems fnde Into Innocuous
desuetude, and
they propose to
settle It by having
certified cook
along with certi
fied milk and certi
fied egaa and the
ether certified
commodities that
are brought' into
the kitchen.
This Is a step In
the right direction.
The trouble with
domestic service
ha always . been
that It has been a
sort of Jack-leg
ged trade that It
Was popularly sup-
posed anybody
could turn their
hands to without previous knowledge or
preparation, whereas. In truth. It I on
of the finest of fin art, requiring both
intelligence and trained skill.
Undoubtedly it 1 becauae cooking and
bed-making have been regarded aa
mental trade, suitable only for no-wlta.
instead of a learned profession In which
gentu can hav It full cope. that they
have been held in euch low esteem that
girls have preferred to ktarve behind
counter rather than fatten before ga
Therefore. If the Montclalr ladle can
convince young women that the kitchen
offer a fin and almost unexplored field
for their actlvltle. and that a maater"
degree In saucea ana eoups win
down a better pay envelope msn m
master degree In philosophy, they wiii
hav bestowed an inestimable boon upon
their dyspeptic day and age.
Th flrt way to elevate any calling
Is to differentiate between good work
and bad work In It. and to reward th
good by good pay. and on ot the prin
cipal reaaon why there are o many In
competent servant la because mistresses
are not willing to pay, for skill.
A hired girl to them Is a hired rri
It I good luck If you get one who 1
faithful and honest, and knowa how to
cook. It la bad luck if you get one who
1 drunken and unreliable, and burn
the potatoes and roast the meat to a
cinder, but the mUtres expect to pay
the ame amount of wage to the houe
hold treaaur that ahe doe to the house
hold ,.fcj.
Yet that very woman pay. ""'-"-
protest, ten time aa much for a hat that
la a creation aa n noes .or ... . ---ty
th blundering finger of th llttl
,.inin.r around th corner, and her hu-
lnd pay hi employe absolutely ac-
onrrfins- to their (kill ana
.t, !!' exDect to get an
keeper or a crackerjack aleeman ror m.
same price that he pay to teas comp.-
Imt men. . .. .
When domestic service 1 lanaaraixea
nd paid according to ita merit, a la
t'ono In every otner occupation.
will have been done toward lifting u to
hiirher level. It will Insplr ammtion
iblllty. He
expert book-
tnd !lmulete effort, for every cook will
know that every new dlh sh add to
rer repertoire mean her ability to com
mand that murh more salary, and that
the more h Improve her technique the
quicker he graduate from being a cook
Into a chef.
And It will be equally advantageous for
th housekeeper to get a cook whose
vage are proportioned to her ability, for '
It is a simple matter of mathematics to
demonstrate that the servant who never
smashes things, nor wastes good food In
th prerarln;. i worth many dollara mora
a month than th Journeyman kitchen
mechanic who leavea ruin in her wak
and flllsi th garbage can with her un
eatable handiwork. i
The uggestlon may re mad that If
seivants are to be certified, mistresses
should be certified, too; but this 1 un
necessary. In those households fortunate
enough to have a jewel of a cook she is
not only treated as a member of the fam
ilyshe is the boss of it.
H Th
$25 0. i
1 Month
T81 La Val
uer, fine solid
gold, hand
made, English
finish. 1 fine
brilliant D I a
monds. IK Incn
solid gold chain.
TIT La Vsl-
lltrs. fill so.lJ
SOU. 1 flu bril
liant Diamond. T
sMislns furu. U
Inc. wll . 1
. Ladles' Dia
mond ninn. 14k
olid gold. Loft ii
mountlnjr . .
M a Month.
T04 olid Gold
Locket. Hose flnl'h,
spaces for two clo
tures, fine Diamond
Setting I U
1 Month-
1 Bt'id.
siii col.
"frfctls "
-Jl fins. brllllMit
a Week
Don't shorten your Uet of gtt
because of a lark of ready money.
Open a charge account with u and
pay in small amount weekly or
monthly after the usual Holiday
demands on your purse are over.
If you have been in the habit of
paying cash, you need not draw
on your reserve funds this year.
Easy Charg o
Account System
la for YOU. What flft so beau
tiful as a genuine Diamond or
a handsome Watch T
Co Not Delay Your Shopping
Come befora the crowd make
shopping wearlaom.
Open Eviningt Until Christmas
Call or Writs for Cfclalos No.
DuujLku 144 ana our nstoonisa 4
The Old Reliable, Original
Diamond and Watch Credit House
i nrcniirfi " avrset.
WattiBal Beak Block.
OviMMUi aaxgess-araah C yarti luu.
I1U Searf
Pin. solid gold,
nine Diamonds
set In !r
Platinum V UO
SI M a Week.
Tsnn- Man's
TST Men' Diamond
King, t prona Tooth
mounting. 14k eolli
gold, Roman or fj T C
polished finish I sJ
7.6C Month.
Special Thin Model Watch
S2-oo tf2l50
m. sa, L. Lkl
ft. mo arm t W
-V: , . 0T 'i )
We. Ilea lllu.u.a. e-isln or Walth.m
Vtate'.i. thin model, full iewr4. mk
solij sold caao. rue In the
purliot like a sllvi r dolUr. .