Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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! Mlra Uuth Hitchcock, Mr. Herman Fteln-ifor two yrars, aftr which time she fle-, Institute of Tochno1riry to accept
HI Sigma, and Gamma Alpha fraterni
ties. The wedding will take place Wednes
day evening, December, 29. '
hoM, Mr. B.
A. Helm and Mr. J. 8.
voted her time to the study of voire and
position on the etaff of the research
laboratory of chemistry, where
he remained for one year, going from
there to the University of Chicago, whero
he Is at present a member of tho In
structing staff of the Kent Chemical
laboratory. He la a member of the Alpha
plnno, loth hers and In Ctdraan. At prea
Ml. Gertrude Read, daughter of Mrs. ent she la tba soprano soloist of the
Henry Head, who ha been seriously III KounUe Memorial church.
Augustus H. Rose, a salesman, aocuse
for the last month, waa given a surprlss
Dr. Wilson graduated from the Uni
versity of Nebraska In 1T1 with FlTms.
XI honors, and went to the Massachusetts
A Room for the Roomer, or a Roomer
for the Room. Bee Want Ada Do tha
hla wife. Mrs. Alma Rose, of going
riding the night of July 4 In a petition,
for divorce.
Thursday, December 2, 1915.
T STARTED first In Collier's Weekly, and the local press has now taken
I It op do Omaha women know how to dress?
I Mrs. Emily Tost stayed a few days at the Hotel Fontenelle. Just
hat was the occasion of her grudjce against Omaha society Is not
plain, but she certainly went back to New York and, with the way of writ
ers, she hit back In type.
When you can't attack a woman's morals, criticise her clothes lt'a
tasier and safer, and perhaps equally annoying.
So Mrs. Post did not say there were too many divorces In Omaha, too
much cigarette smoking amoDg women, too much tippling In public, too
evident neglect of homes.
She scolded with another medium Omaha women looked as It they
donned their clothes, she said, while the women of other cities looked as
If they merely put on theirs.
For the very life of me, I can see nothing to get all up In the air over
this. Kipling speaks of a woman who looks as If she stood In the middle
of her room and had her maid throw her clothes upon her.
As this mode of dressing is still more unconscious and unceremonial
;han "donning," Mrs. Post would probably appreciate It more than even
"putting on" clothes.
An Omaha matron Is credited with upholding Mrs. Post's criticism
and remarking how much better was the taste of a young matron of New
York society, Mrs. Harrlman, who appeared here in a serge suit, putting
Omaha women In their silks, laces and nets to shame.
recovery party Monday afternoon by
Mrs. John U Nlederit.
Dinners Preceding the Dance.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Will Hamilton will en
tertain twelve jurats at dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Haldrige will
(five one of the largest dinners preceding-
the Subscription club dance, entertain
ing forty Rtirsts at dinner thla evening
. at their home.
Mr. Philip Met will give a small din
ner thla evening at the Hotel Fontenelle
In honor of j.IIss Alice Judge of Bt.
Ijoula, house guest of Mrs. Charles E.
Mets. Those present will be:
Mr. and Mra. Charles E. Meti.
Misses Misses
Alice Judge, Robert Burns,
Harriet Mett, 1'hillp Meti.
Engagement Announced '
Mrs. May L.. Keaton announces the en
gagement of her daughter, Avllda Down
ing Moore, to Dr. Eraeat Dana Wilson of
the University of Chicago. Dr. Wilson la
the eon 'of Charles 11. Wilson of Lincoln.
Miss Moore la a graduate from the
class of 1!I0 of the Omaha High school.
! Fhe attended the University of Nebraska
Popular Quest for Christmas.
Mrs. Edward C. Lufkln of New Tork
City, returning from California, will ar
rive In Omaha December IS to be the
rueat of Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Rro
gan through the holidays. Mrs. Iifkln
hsa been given the distinction of being
railed one of the most popular dinner
guests that ever graced Omaha eoclcty.
During her visit here some three years
ago she was "fairly rushed to death,"
so great was her popularity 'and her
ability to keep a whole dinner table In
a ripple of laughter. Mr. L,umn win
Join Mrs. LAifktn at Christmas and. after
a few days' visit with the Francis Bro-
gana. will return with hla wife to their
home In New Tork City.
Tomer Omaha Oirl Gnest.
One of the pleasant social features of
the Christmas holiday season was the
arrival In Omaha Wednesday morning
of Mrs. Edward E. Craln of Springfield,
O. Mrs. Craln Is well remembered as
Miss Emily Wakeley, and will be the
guest of her mother. Mrs. E. Wakeley.
At Christmas, Mr. Craln will Join Mrs.
Craln and. after a week's visit with
Mrs. Wakeley, they will return to their
horn in the east.
Social Affairs Planned.
The entertainment committee of the
University club la planning a aeries of
pipe nights," the first to ba given soon.
Smoke, music and song are to be the
features of the entertainment
Mr. and Mra. Charles Elgutter will en
tertain at bridge Tuesday evening for
their niece, Miss Helena Rubel of Min
neapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klrschbraun have
Issued Invitations for a dancing party,
to be elven at their home the evening of
December 24, for their daughter, Verna.
Templo Israel Sisterhood will give an
entertainment net Monday afternoon in
tha vestry rooms of h temple. Those
who will take part In the program are
11 lea Cecilia Feller, Mra. Millard Lang
fold and Mrs. Franklin Bhotwell.
Congreirational Church, Tea.
The officers of the woman's organisa
tion of the First Congregational chnrch
will give a tea Friday afternoon between
tha hours of S and t, at the residence of
Mrs. 12. O. McOllton. Thla la the first
church social of the season and In
vitations have been Issued. Contribu
tions for tho new organ fund will be
received. Tea will be poured by Mes
dainea C. B. Rustln. C. E. Squires.
Oeorga W. Looinla.' E. P. Qulvey, A. P.
Tukey and Howard Smith. The women
In charge of the affair include:
Mesdamea Mesdnmes
E V. El"". 3- - Went worth,
W. A. W tllard, 1 'aimer Klndley,
. C. Bonner. 11, A. Ross,
J. F. Wlllebrands, W. R. Wiley.
F. II., Btearna, E. W. Uunlher.
Crystal Anniversary.
Mr. and Mra. W. J. Cuslck were well
remembered by their friend who at
tended the party given In celebration of
their crystal anniversary- Luncheon was
served In the evening. Dancing and
musle followed. Those present were:
Messrs. and Meadames
8. J. Cus'ck. O. P. Tallert
orate. Cards and music furnished
amusement for the evening, mandolin
numbers being given bf Mr. C. B.
Mapea. Fifty gueata were present. The
hostess waa assisted by Mrs. W. It.
Tehhlns and Mrs. C. O. Everaon. j
John T. Yatea, sovereign clerk of the,
Woodmen of the World, and party of
eleven attended a box party at the Krug
theater Wednesday evening. i
Mrs. M. A. Dillon entertained for her I
son art evening at her home. Thnsi 1
present were: ,
Messrs. I
Albert Heck,
J. Collotiy.
Albert Teck.
Laurence O'Connor.
Rtanlev Dillon,
ilMIe Ward.
Walter l.eet,
C. Mullen.
Harry Ynltt,
Tea for Guest.
Mra. Morris Levy gave a ten. this after
noon at her home for Miss Rosallo
Hchmui-kler, house guest of Mrs, Wl'liam
It. Holsman. '
Personal Mention. I
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ortman of Omaha '
are guests at the Enapp hotel In Ex
celsior Springs. I
W. D. Mcllugh and Mr. and Mrs. E.
Rlggs of Omaha are guests at tha Elms
hotel. Excelsior Springs, Mo.
A son was born Thursday morning to
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Byrne. Mrs. Byrne
waa formerly Mlaa Mary Duff "of Coun-i
ell Bluffs. !
Registering at the Hotel McAlpIn from
Omaha during tha last week have been: (
F. 15. Creedon.
A. Klanchard.
J. Johnson,
II. 1'aulsen.
C. W. Kills,
B. Fisher.
II. Fot,
3. rierce,
A. Horak.
rH trice Cuslck,
Margaret Cuslck,
Margaret Kills,
Frances Mils.
Trf-Roy 1'aulsen,
William Cuslck.
O. F. Cusl -k,
W. J. Cuslck, .
K. I'aulson.
1'. juckiilewi,
W. Jnoolifcen,
K. HlTirhard,
J. J. Walker,
W. M. Kennedy,
(2. A. Ehearer,
K. Jaobsen.
Re.-Hle Horak,
Vary I'ellti.
Mary Williams.
M initio Paulsen,
Frances Cuslck,
Paul Halster,
I cul Jucknlt-s.
TVdV Events.
Mra. A. 8. Billings entertained the J
T. W. club this afternoon.
Mrs. Fred Martin was the hostess to thi
Banquet club at the regular meeting.
The Omaha Woman's Press club held
Ha annual business meeting, followed by
a tea. this afternoon at the Hotel Fon
tenelle. McKinley Ladies' auxiliary of the
B'nal H'rith meets this evening at the
clubrooma. Nineteenth and Far nam
The Attar guild of All Balnts' church
ei enej its basar thla morning In the
purls U house. MUa Frances Hochatetler
U tbe president of the guild and is In
harge of the booths, assisted by the
officers and members of the guild.
At the Yulctide Tea Boom.
Among those entertaining Friday af
ternoon at the Yulttl.le Tea room will
te: Mrs. Mushier Colpetser, seven guests;
Mrs. Walter Chamberlain, eltfhi; Mrs.
Charlea ,E. Black, five, and Mr. Frank
W. JudMon. ten.
Mra. Warren Ilugera and Mr. Howard
II. Baldrlge give luncheons Saturday.
Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Clement Chase
will be hot to a luncheon party, and
Mrs. B. B. Reynolds will have a party
of guests.
Mra. W. D. Hoafurd will give a lunch
eon to thirty-eight gueata on Thursday
Pitt Festivities.
Ucorse A. Custer post and Woman's
Relief corps waa entertained Tuesday
r it-mug- at the borne of MUa tiara Fee
liau. Tbe national colors, both In the
flfcfs aud sUeauMtfa war used to deo-
The safest soap
for babies is
. This is so, first because it is one
cf the few soaps which contain
no Iree alkali that harsh, drying
chemical which so frequently causes
ecjema, or other skin irritation, lint,
even more important, it contains the
soothing, healing Krsinol medica
tion to keep the delicate skin soft,
clear and beautiful. You can safely
trust your baby's skin health to
Kcsinol Soap.
Sold br ill dnirrl. For trial tlis cake (tm,
writs to Ittpt. t-l; katiaol, ba tumors, Md.
PrMrrlbed by doctors, lor ew rr, la
Rntnol Oiutmsnt, to hul (kin sSactlon.
Large size steol roaster,
regular G3c, special. . . .48
Full size Savory roaster,
our price 98
Brass, copper and
black finish, two
keys, special. 48
Varnished II a r d
wood, 6 and 8-lnch,
special S9d
Wiss & Sons, Guar
anteed. fVfe-inch, special,
at 58 - .
7-incb, special, 68 "
7V-inch, special,
at 78 ;
Superior quality, G-incli, spe
cial prices. . .19 and 38
'-71 Long hickory han-
die and hand tem
pered, special. .08
Miller Falls, right
and left ratchet
Vit 8-inch 75
y 12-inch $1.69
A variety cf 130 pat
terns, regular 75c, spe
cial 48? R
Kogular $1.45, with 4
knives, special, only
for S1.12
17 Pounds Best Pure Granu
lated Sugar, $1.00
41-lb. aacka Heat High r.raJe Dia
mond li fc'iour, notiilii- finer mati.
I.r 4 8 It), atu k 1.34
10 bura Heat 'Km All, Diamond O or
IuiiUiy yuotu Wlilla laundry
fciottp tor ... .a lo
K ilia beat Wlilta or Yelluw Com
ment for ... iTo
Iba. liollttd Whlla Urouk.sat Oh.-
meal tor a So
8 Iba. i'etirl Tapluca, fancy Jai.ui
Hive or Luna tiran for a&e
Ihvbeat Itouieaiiu Macaroni. Vert u-
celll or Kpaahelil, ka 70
4 l-u. cans c'undenaet Milk... 280
4 rana Wax, Btrtiirf, Urecn or I1 "
Heana for 180
4 Ktuim NulJer'a Tomato toup...8uo
4 cam l-aiu y bwtrt buKar
Tall can Alaaka Haiutou loo
can CM Hanlinea lo
J-o. Jala I'uro KVult Prceervea. i
ti-u. Jaia pura StraJnnl Honey. aao
Clallun tans Cane and Mapla byrup
lor aoa
u-rallon cans Can and Maplo
bvrop lor 6o
Juail cans Cat. and Ma4la Kyrop
for S5o
ciullon cana Puro 'orn 8yrup...3uo
(iallon cans pura Ollva Oil tlTrencii)
for 91.00
Quart cana puro Ol'vo Oil (tYenrlit
for 60o
1'lnt cans pura Ollvo Oil (tnch)
hancy Hlpo Otivea. ean loo
Marltren'a Wnut Duller, lb lla
Ilvraliey'a Breakfast Cccoa, lb..S0o
Vancy Queen lllvMi. qu.xrt 3oo
t'how Chow, per uuart laa
Advo Jell, for rieaaert. p.ia.. . .TVa
Tba beet Tea ritfimsa. IK... .1(0
Kanrv lirilden 8antoa Vffea. lb. ioo
ct.iit) or rawer iwtsr
rt.omiDA oatioEi roa r&i-
Tbla la rilr fancy fruit and anld
rsular for 40c per dosen. 'or tbla
special aalo we aro solna to sell
tiiBiu, par dosaa auo
rKZsa. aairi rmwr mrm.
ciaih i-miSAx Asrs batvboat.
aca i,o. So, THO
muo rmciTa torn took ros-
Kancy c alltoinla IVacbea, ib. .THo
Kaucy Moor I'aia Aprlcota, )u.l4V
Fancy California Huaar l'ruuoa.
wr lb, aVjO
1 acicy California Muacatel Kaiaina,
per lb aO
Fancy California Cooking Figs.
Per lb io
Fancy California Heedleaa ItaUlna,
ler lb .... ISaO
Km'y California Heeded Halalna.
Per pkg lSHo-lOo
ran aurriia amd maa majixbt
The beat Creamary Hutter, carton.
Per lb 330
ins beat Creamery Butter, bulk.
per lb aio
1 amy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, per lb. ka
Fancy Full Cream. Y. A. Chera
YlHconrln Cream or New YorT
W bite Cbeeae, lb. , goo
Tba bcat No. 1 Storage Egg. ier
Tb Vaat Xarly Ohio Cooita- rota
toM, it Iba. to tao pack.. ...taoo
l-ai, buucbea Lioulaiaaa aKalota or
lA' ge bunches Loulalana Kadlahea,
S for iOo
Iju-ge Head Lettuce, per bed.!Up
I-alley California Caulif lover, n.,-
lb gi.o
Hed Hulling Oniona, per lb a
3 larae tiuun Hunch ea ids
Old Ueeta, Carrots or Turulpa, p.T
lb. g
Fancy Holland beed Cab bag a. per
ll to
Per 100 Iba. - :.Te
Ribbon Bargains in Basement
Fancy Warp Print Ribbon, dainty
designs for fancy work; a j
4 Inches wide. Yard IOC
Narrow All-Satin Ribbons for fancy
work of all kinds In 6-yard bolts
No. 1, 5o. Mi, 5o. t, 5o. 8,
7 Ot 12 15
f ..... ,. I,.,.. zT
Wonderful Dress Sale Friday in
Our Great Enlarged Basement
Representing the purchase of two New York makers
of Women's and Misses' Silk and Cloth Dresses; their
entire line of samples and stock on hand over 700
Right up-to-the-minute styles, plain and
fancy dresses, street dresses, partv dresses, etc.
Chiffon, Crepe de Chine, Chiffon Taffetas, Fine
Serges, Serge and Silk Combinations. Dozens
of pretty styles, many are samples, others come
in various sizes. Size range, 14 to 20 and 36
to 44.
Not a dress made to sell for less than $7.50, from
that up to $15.00. All the new colors as well as staple
shades; plenty of black and a great many large size
dresses as well as small ones.
Friday, at the small price of
Dresses Worth
$7.50 to $15.00
k "MA
Special Values for Friday Found in Toyland
Friday is our day for giving especially big values in our big basement and these toys and dolls make us proud. Santa Claus
is here to welcome all the girls and boys and will keep them laughing as long as they care to watch the funny antics of his toys. W
are one of a few stores in this country with all the imported and rare toys and dolls.
All the new char
acter Dolls, with
non-breakable heads,
fifteen Inches high,
dreased In pretty
costumes, . including
Baby Bump and tbe
new Ocne Carr
Kldds, specially
Kleohanta with
bright red blankets,
moving heads and
ttli. Standa 6-In.
high and 10-In.
lnnir. Sp'l JOo
Fire Engines and Hook and Lad
ders, with three horses and mov
able ladders. Play like you were
going to a fire. Thla la aure to
pleas the boys. Special Friday
Alredalas that
bark; oo Tared
with long, silky
hair, collar, leash
attached. One of
naweat gn
atuffad UN
toys. Spee1. W
Electric Post Card Projector, a
moat wonderful home entertainer;
shows p o a t
cards and ko
dak pictures
that you have
taken while on
your vacation..
Sale price
$2.50 .
Underwear and Hosiery
Warm, Serviceable Garments of Real Qnilltr, But Priced to
Please the Economical,
Women's Fine Cotton Fleece
Lined Union Suits, high neck,
long sleeves; low neck, elbow
sleeves. All sizes in cream
and white. $1.00
Women's Fine Cotton Fleeco
Lined Union Suits, high neck,
long sleeves; all 3 Of
slzea. Worth 50c Ot
Boya' and Girls' Cotton
Fleece Lined Union Suits,
worth 35c. Bale 7r
price, each iiOKt
Men'a, Women's
and Children's
Fine Cotton
Seamless II o a
lery. worth to
Women's Fine Cot
ton lloalery. cotton
fleecy lined; Hale and
mercerized; black only.
Split aolea. all ribbed
and ribbed tooa, aoroe
run raanioned
foot W'th 5o,
paclal, pair....
Men's Heavy Gray Mixed Cotton Rockford
Women'ri AU-Wool, Silk and
Wool. Part Wool and Cotton
Fleecy Lined Vesta and Some
Pants, odd lots and sizes.
Worth to $1.60, spe- 50.
cial, garment u"C
Women's Vests and Pants to
Match, fine cotton, fleecy
lined. Worth 35c, 9C,-
snle price LDC
Children's Cotton Fleecy
Lined Vests and Pants to
Matc:, worth to 85c, i w
sp'l Friday, garment 1 yC
Children'a Fine
Cotton Hosiery,
medium and
heavy weight
60o Turkish
Towels, 39c
Full bleached
with fancy Jac
quard borders, in
colorings of blue
or pink. Now so
popular for holiday
gifts. Sale price ea.
5c Wash Cloths,
Three hundred
dozen of the Turk
Nit Wash Cloths,
with fancy borders,
ao called "Mill Re
jections." Special
Friday, each
15c Hack
Toweling:, 5c
About 6.000 yards
of bleached huck
toweling, plain and
fancy Jacquard
weavea; 18 Inches
wide. Sale price,
Men's Clothing Economies
Men's Worsted and Cassi
mere Pants, good service-
Men's Pure All Worsted
Pants, none better C 1 ft Q
made for the price... aPLVO
Men's Fur Coata. all sizes,
m browns and sli r A
blacks, 10 to
Men'a All-Wool Overcoats,
60 Inches long. Shawl col
lars. All sizes and Q rn
colors. $15 values.. $7.31
Men's and Young Men's
Worsted and Cassi- PA
mere Suits 4U.OU
Men's and Young Men's
Fancy Worsted and rQ CA
Casslmere Suits i7,dJ
Men'a and Young Men's AU-Wool
shawl collar and belt all around.
Slzea 84 to 44
Mackinaw Coata.
Men'a, Women's and Children'a
Fine Cotton and aome Linen Hand
kerchiefs, plain and fancy; slightly
Imperfect. Some worth to 10c,
special 3 for lOe. .r
or each O'jL
Knit Goods
Odd Lota of Fine All
Wool Hoods and Knit
Goods, worth to 60c,
priced, each.
MtMMIIMMtllM !. I l W I II
: ))
Beacon and Wool nap Bath
Robe Blankets
Make appropriate gifts. They exactly meet the demand of the man
or woman who Is fastidious about negligee apparel.
We are showing a most complete assortment of combination color
designs, floral, Narajo Indian and conventional patterns. Buy them
now and you will have plenty of time to make them up before Chrlst
maa. The assortment la larger now and you can find Just the pattern
and color you want, at exceptionally low prices.
Extra Large Size. 72x90 Beacon Robe Blankets Absolutely fast
colors, cords and frogs to match. Medium weight, narrow and wide
noraers. neguiar 3.o" values, boxed separately,
complete, at
Extra Heary 72x90 Beacon Robo
Blankets, heavy cords and frogs to
match. Regular $1.60 d j fQ
raluea, special, complete'7. "O
Extra Large Size 72x90 Woolnap
Bath Robe Blankets.' Neck cord
and waist girdle to match. Regu
lar $3.00 values, o -y r
Friday . JX.OV
" f v
' . '
Bigger Bargains Than Ever in
Boys' Wear
$3.00 to $4.00
Boys' Suits
A great big assortment of odd lots of suits Norfolk styles
for the big boys, ages 6 to 17 years, in neat colors; Russian,
Oliver Twist and Eton styles for little fellows, 2 to 8 years.
Plenty of good desirable suits in the lot, many r
are Btrictly all wool. Choice for Pl.yd
$4.00 Mackinaws and Overcoats, $2.85
Many strictly All-Wool Overcoats, all flannel and worsted
lined, in various shades; to fit any age, 2 to 10 years. Macki
naws in gray, red and tan plaid effects; Norfolk
style. All ages, 5 to 18 years. Choice Friday at
In tha Basement.
Another Clearing Sale of Silk & Dress Goods Remnants
Silk Remnants at Less Than Half Price
In Lengths Up to Five Yards
$1.60 40-Inch Silk and
Wool Poplin.
$1.60 40-Inch Cbar-
$1.50 40-Inch Crepe do
11.25 SS-Inch Chiffon
$1.00 36-Inch Mes-
$1.60 40-Inch Brocaded
C9c 27-Inch Messa
line. 6c 27-Inch AU-Silk
69c 24-Inch Fou
lards. 69c 22-Inch Kimono
Remnants and Mill Ends of All Wool Dress Fabrics
In all the new wanted shades and weares, euch as Poplins, Serges,
Gabardines, Broadcloths, Checks, Stripes, Novelty Suiting, Diagonals, etc,
in lengths from 1U tot yards, suitable for skirts, dresses, tailored suits,
etc To be sold by the piece only, worth to $4.00; In three large lots
Friday, each piece
$1.00 $1.69 $2.00
Remnants of All-Wool Challis In light and dark grounds,
in stripes, dots, buds, scroll and floral designs: from li2 to 6
yard lengths. Worth to 59c a yard, special Friday, r
i ...19C