Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1915, Page 10, Image 10
10 TIIE BEE: OSLUIA , . DECEMBER. 19K Is 11 V i i 1 J i ! i i ! t i WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, bat to proper rieaeiricatton must oe awted before It o'clock noon lor evening eVMn and T:46 p. tn. for morning and rundy edltlona. Want ada received after euch hours will ho under the beading, 4 oo UM to Claeslf y." CASH RATM. Hven consecutive UiMd t eaot wort sen Insertion. Two or store consecutive ttroes. Itt caaU word. . One time. I rents a word. CHARGK RATE. . ... hit eoneeoutlva tlmee, cents a Una rh leertlon. . ' Three coneecutlv times, U Mitl ft each Insertion. te time. II cents Una. Count t a vara (r words to ft Minimum ehsree, fO eenta. An advertlnement Inserted ntll discontinued must bo stopped Dy written order . . All claim for errors rnuat bo made within fifteen fays aftr tb Ut tnaer Hon oX tbo advertisement To eon plan your want ads The Boo bjr telephone, TELEPHONE TTLER 1000. DFATHO AND F1!NERAI. NOTICES Wo wish to thank tho many friends for thrlr kindness and beautiful floral offer ings dutlng the lllnea and d-ath of pur beloved eon and brother. Mr. and Mre. James Zemanek and Family. FRIKD-Mrs. Mary A., widow of tho lata C. A. Fried, passed peacefully away at her home, 2flB2 North Nineteenth street, December 1 at 2:30 p. m. Funeral from her late residence on Fn- dny. December 8, at 3 p. m. Burial at 1 rospect Hill. HESISTAND William, aged 67; abscess of Jaw. Hemalna will bo shipped from tho Heafey Ac Hcsfay chapel. Twenty-aUth end Kamam, Thuraday morning, Decem ber 2. 7:40 o'clock, over Chicago North wiatorn railway to River bloux, la. OFFERMAN Fred J., aged $5. Decem ber 1. Funeral from residence, SOU Dewey ave nue, Friday mornlnir, at 8:3 to St. Peter's church at 9 a. m. Interment, Holy Sepul cher cemetery. Tho funeral of F. 1. Offerman will taka place Friday morning from the residence. Mill liewey avenue, at V o'clock, and wilt be under the direction of Omaha lodge of Klks. the offlcera officiating. Tho pall bearers will bo W. II. Baumer, John Sul Uvan, J. 8. Orlffln, Thomaa Lynch,' J. A. .McCreary, Mow P. O'Brien, J. 11. Han-' ley. T. F. fiwift. The Elk services will be followed by services at St. I'eter'a church at a, m. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth a Harry and Ella Rentier, 2219 Pt. Mary's avenue, boy; John and Mary Thompson, 9.9 North Twenty-seventh, boy; Frank and Agnes Kestel. South (Hide, girl; Vaclav and Anna Kotllk. 1221 Arthur, South Side, boy; Martin and Tilly Swanson, 4317 Pierce, girl; D. M. and Dolly Smith, hnepltal, ooy- Iouia and Drzle CHI n ton, 9i North Twenty third, boy; C, W. and Mamlo Peternon, iXiH Blnney, boy; Kelmsllano and Con cetta Hovetto, 7uJ Pacific, boy; Nela and Kllen Hansen, Klrl ; Loula and L4isl Hparks, Wl lake, frlrL lieatha William Healatand, S7 years, honpltal; Clayton Jones (2 years, W WlUiam; Madeline Iambeck, 1 years, 8outh Twenty-fourth; Isaac Drown, years, XH South Twenty-sixth; Will iam Dudley. H years, 2224 Madison, Soutti Hide: Joaephlna sVampola, M years, 243 U, South tilde. af ARRIAGE) LICENSES. MarMRKe licenses wero granted to tha following cofiplea: .Name and Hesldenca. Ac. Name and Rrxldcnce. Ane. James J. Nielsen, Omaha ..over 21 Amanda Carl ber, Omaha ove U Jaka Kirshner,' Omaha 1 Julia Iarence, Omaha. 3 Roy EJ. Doolay, Fremont 27 Helen M, Cook, Omaha ID William 8. Bvatos, Tobias. .............. 27 (Vlya M. Hennessey, Btrang 21 Ole C. gorensen, Peoria, III M Ollls F. Murphy, Peoria, 111 34 Claude EX Clark, Norfolk S6 Jeraldlne Peter, Norfolk IS Frank 1'- Collins, Olenwood, la......... 23 Alice Turley, Council Bluffs 0 William M. Wataon, Omnha 22 Ksther Christ lnnsen, Omaha 20 ntTILDINCl PERMITS. M. C. Peters Mill company, JTM-S-J outh Twenty-ninth, frame hulMliiit, flM); II. D. fcVankfurt. S10 South Flfly flrst avenue, brick and frame, dwelling, 27,600; Joseph Jones, 3021 Ames avenuo, frame dwelling. 12.000. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM I Dtwstsws, . EMPRESS, 16TII AND DOUGLAS. irearBt-8elig No. 95. ' Animated Cartoon drawing of Greater New York. All for Love of Girl. Heredity. " PRINCESS. 117-1 DOUULAS. Tha" Beautiful Baroness von Do Vita In The Vslkyrlo, tho romance of a dancer. In 4 darliig axis. Florence La Badle. In AH Aboard, com. Foiling Father's Foea. Funny comedy. Nurth. GRAND. 16T1I AND B1NNEY. An Affair of Three Nations. C-reel Oold Itooeier play, featuring Arnold Daly. LoflikOf, 84TH AND lXjTliliOK Psramount presents Maclyn Arbuckla ln 1 lie County Chairman. APOLLO, 2834 LEAVENWORTH :saaut.y presents Francia X. Buhman and Beverly Bavne In tha great juya tery drama. In the Olare of tho LJght la I acta The Uuckkm hllrt. a BloKrpn fruutior drama. 1 illy l(H!vs In Just Ljka Kids. Lubln vvmatiy. Hot. J20NROE. tSftS FARNAM. Chapter I of Tha Goddess, Vltagraph'a serial beautiful, featuiing taj-l Wl llniiia and Anita fciewart. Oettrvide MiKoy, in II rHu bandjaSon. boalk !. ' BESSE. J4TH A N TI.e Horua Kalem. 'lis feiKii of the Bruken tohacklea.- t-reel "'imJ s Bath. Kcsanay. Tlie I'Mnnir Btortn. Bloyraph. UitFHtL'il, 14TU AND5T "Art You a Mason?" I reels. ANXOrxCEMKNTS y X EFtC !pK AT Y.M.C A.-Buslnesa man." rve Monty. Homo Milliner.'' R4 7234. CHI fiOPH ACTIO, spinal adluatment. I .u eut'i-easfujlr rtmove the cause of r- e..maiiin, liver, stomach, paralysis, i. ivbuitru and female wraknaaeoa. tx- DM. W. II. KN0LLEN1JER0. tulte 112 Beo Bldg. Tyler 1JL till (tern t'jn-a r ut an I Mhiei. rrasona le. c-h ttid f r iJ r'o I urn ha U-14 o., lt,ona til, B.- . MOVIES . FEATURES Ml TODAY GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY. "An Affair of Three Nations." t reels. LOTHROP. 24TH AND -LOTHROP. Maclyn Arbuckle In "Tho County Chair man." MONROE. 2655 FARNAM. Chapter ono of "Tho Goddess." ORPHEUM. 2 4TH AM. "Are You a MaonT" fc reels. ' rRiNCEss iiiMt doUuLas." Tho Valkyrie," 4 daring acta. AUTOMOniLKS Whenever youaro conalderingaelllng or buying a Used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car coJumnfJeeJhoneTyler lOno. BRC8H runabout cheap; Omaha Con ,5"!? .Btor" Co., 28th Avo. and Sahler Bt Tel. Col fag Wig, , FOR SATr at bargain If taken at once 40-H. I. Wane roadster. In good running condition. I'hone 63. 211 B. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. 0 MILKS of mileage In your old Urea (Rebuilt). Send tnera to DUO TIKIS CO.. IflJ Chicago Ht Overton a lor leaky radiator. Roo, dealers. or by mall H'ifl4 Ave.. Co. Bluffa. Ia. TnduetrlanWago C o.. 20 . Harney" sfiT NEBRASKA Bubk Service Station. 1M4 Farnam St Phone Douglas 721. AUTO, clearing houae. Muy, sell and ea. u: -a cara. urn -arnam 1. Jlia DOTROITKR touring car, elootrio lltfhts .., inr, luiiv equippea sy.w. t. j. Norihwall Company, S14 Jonoa r!t TeU- tllKAP. one -cyTlnder King car; run .. fiiiiw. inquire ine r). liitn nl. 100 REWARD for any magneto wa can't repair. Oolla repd. Bayadorfar. 110 N. Uth. BUSINESS CTIANCES If your Business Chance will atand rigid Investigation and la lust what it ia advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per. ffctly satisfied If you use tha Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy. Ing or selling a bualnesa Phono Tyler 1000. A RARE CHANCE . for $450 To purchase a good paying . established business. Located on a good busincta corner, in the north part of tho city. Complete stock of magaalnea, periodicals, cUara, tobacco, candies, notions, etc; 86 per rent profit, and all cash trade. Can be UUten cara of by lady while husband works. If you are thinking of buying look Into this. Must bo sold at once. Write rne for further Information. 0433, care Omaha Bee. OFFIpK for real estate or Insurance; same floor as B-e office; lSxtl feat; 130. Tha Ilea Bldg., Office Room li TO SKIAj or buy a business, call on lch : Borghoff, Frenmer Blk. D. 831. THKATKIlrt Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater F.nch. Co., 140 Farnam. D. 1W7. ASK (or my Real Estate Bulletin. It Includes largest and best list of bar gains In SI states. W. O. Templeton. aut B-e Hldg. (2.CI0.00 stock of dry good for salo cheap; no trade i muat bo caah; stock must be moved. Write Clements & Co., Lyons. Neh., owners. A LlMlTh-IJ amount of 7V per cent pre ferred stock, cumulative and non assessable! in Nebraska. Omaha corpora tion at par, llOo per share. It you have surplus funds and are looking for a good, a fa Invent nient that will net 74 per cent, address Box 6?, Oman a. Nab., or tale Phone Donglaa WOO. TO Ul.i In or out ot busiieaa call on OANOKfTTAD. 423 Beo Bldg. Doug. K SKK Omaha Theater Uupply Co, for bar gains In established shows. I. sum. CbT your busiiioHa with me for Quick results: buy, sell and exchange. HELUHLM riAHriilV I -it Room 2, Balrd BUlg. lul. Douitlaa S620. li'J'tl AMI DOL'OlJVa 8TH. BAKER 8 OVKV for sale at a low prloe, all In good shape. Address A. 828, Bue. Hoonuluar Itowaea for hale, FLAT ot T rooma for sale. 2200 Farnam. D. 6744. EDUCATIONAL The VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH Y BOOK KEEPING. Iay bchool for Young Women. Evening Kcbool lor Young Men and Women. bat ui day morning class In typewrltlog. lone C Duffy, Owner and Manager. M 8. 18th Pt. Omaha. BXPERT lady stenographer will take iiuplla; ahunhaud. touch typewriting. Signing and punctuation taugut. Inul vidua! Instrucllun. 4ji4 Douglas tit Tui. Walnut 1U7. DAY BCHOOU BOYLE 8 COLLEGE. NIGHT bCHOOU Every day ia enrollment day. Book, keeping, fcuorthand, feteuotypy. Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, Civil twrnce-jlU Com. merclal and luigllsli branches. Catalogue tree. BOYLES COLLEGE, Uth and Harney ails. Tel. Douglaa luC&. FOR aale. tl.o following acholarsliipa In a tlral-clasa Omaha Business College: One unlimited coinbiuailuu buaatesa and shorthand course. One unliniHrd sienographlo course. One three-itiontlia' tuetuea vr ateno- graphlo course. W ill be auid at a discount at the office of The Omalia Hee. toUUlNEt COLOEGa, bruDENTa BAVB MONEY UN COURSES. For sale, witn good reasons for selling, a variety of courses lu a reliable Buaj neaa School, one of the leading bua.uoee coliegea of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away beluw regular price. If you are cousHleiuig taking a course investigate this at once, since Fall teitu begins soon. Call oluoe, ouiaua Bee. POH SALE' ramttwre, Heswkunl Utraaa, swta. UAKUAI.N8 IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1K3B N. MTII. WEB. NEW musio cabinet, inahoKaiiy, at rea- eonalile prb e. I all Wal. 4,5 FURNITURE, draperiee. diabea. cook In utensils, etc. .u N. lud ft. IHug. 4,7. FK hALB-Here is a iaesilicatiou lli( ia of the utmost Importance to every reader, aa thla column oflera auina excep tional opportunities every day and a small want ad will aell your art.cle at Its ioi. aiue. i none I yiiT I.WV Furniture for attle ciieitp' 2s Cutulug. iil'kkH 'ought and sold. j7C Reed, cana i.7Kirnm t. DouglasSi4: LARGE ok office table. Tel. Doua- t.viT tlvreee mma tau.'ln, FARM wagon. 00: harness, ; both new. Johuaou-Denforth Co., lalb and CUrk Ktreets. DH1 V I Nil inre. busyy and barueas, sp wskoii and heavy single hariies. Kee this bargain at 8 Laruuoio. Col. lw. von SALK . I'oalurr, Km mm and a apt lea. MXI grain, 11 Ihs. I1.7S. Wasner, WD N.1. HTKKKOTYl'K matrl-ea tnske the best and chespent lining fur poultry houses. They are n13 Inrhrs, strmser and more durable thnn tarred felt and practically flmpmnf. a hundred at The Bee office. Typewriters. RF.L.IANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co.. car bon paper and Inked rlnbore D. tut. TV'i'KW K1TKK2 sold, rented, repaired. Central Tn" writer Kxr. Farnam. TTPKWHITKlii' for rnt it fee BMg, si laeetianesea. fVtnl baskets delivered. H. 8. Rosen vy"a thai. 1KI1 Unvpnwnrlh ! FOR SALK New and sr-cond-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; essy payments. Tha Brunswick. I Balke-Collendcr Co.. 407-4o 9. 10th BL FOR SALE New and aerond-hand carom I and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and acressorlea: bar fixtures of all ainus; easy payments. i ne urunswica- Bslka-0l )llender Jer Co. 4"7-40 S. 1th t. INew Hecond-hand motors, dynamos, magnetoa, etc.. mechanical . . . T I I . i n Works ff1A-gr S. )2th Bt. Q FOR SALK CMF.AP. Ruaineas College Course. Full and complete acholarshlp In on of the best Omaha business schools. Oood reason for srlllng; perfectly relia ble; worth full prloe, but wll be sod very reasonahy. If Interested Investigate at once, because trill term begins aoon. There are a variety of courses for sale, For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. Walea add, mach.; good condi. (.TO, Bee. 2 electrlo motors. Room 6, Bee Bidg. $3.20 g Oolden West Whisky, 4 full arta bottled In bond, pre 'd. Caokley Bros, Omaha. t"0 either letterheads, envelopes, note ' heada, cards, tags, labels, Wc prepaid. Bamplca for stamp. Standard Co., Cory don. Iowa. HKLP WANTED 3FEMALK Clerical asi Offlee. BTFNOO RAPHER fM 8TENO Sc CLEHK r0 BILL CLERK THE CANO AGENCY. 800 BEE BLD'i, BTENOU., 175; compt. operator. $M. WATTS HKf, CO., 40-42 Brand. Then. HTENOOHAPHER C0 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR 00 THE CANO AGENCY, BEE BL1W1. Factory asa Trainee, QIRTj, to.learn halrdreeslng. Oppenhelm. Ff ifflTlON wanted by" experienced lady clerk; apeaks Bohemian. Address C. L.. Clarks, Neh. FIFTEEN power machine operatote In necaiie acpt. niuitti-Lockwood Urg Co., 13th and Cattelar 8ta. WANTED Young lady to assist In flower store. 1D04 Farnam. John H. tth. lieasekeepera aid Dumeatles. THR Servant Olrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, Houth Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bring ad to Tho Bee office or telephone Tyler VH. WANTED Reliable white girl to assist with housework. Call at a Dewey Ave. WANTEDAt oncei girl for general housework; mut be good cook. Call Apt. 10, The Knickerbocker, JStn and Jonea Phone Harney 4i:a. WANTED Olrl to asalHt with housework and care for small child; one attending school bait day preferred. Phone Harney 7WA. KEFlNED lady with child dealrea posl tion as housekeeper In or out of town. Address L, R. B. 18. Clarks, Neb. MIDDLE-AGED lady to help with light housework and to be companion for an elderly lady; just one In the family! ho wagea expected. Web. 8186. 274 Grand. WANTED One young nurse girl to as sist with housework. I'hone Harney 741. Address 1MH 8. 8fth 8U WANTED Girl for general bouseworji; ' no washing: small family. Apply to C. A. Humphreys, at 14 S. Hith Bt Tyler 958. WANTED An experienced nurse to care for child 1-year-old; references required. Mrs. John I Kennedy. Walnut 65. VVANTi.D-A housemaid, or girl for sec ond work. Call at room 77 Brandela Theater building, or telephone Walnut tM5. WANTED Neat, young foreign girl to assist with general housework. Harncy 4Fs WANTED Middle aged lady for gei.eral housework, 8 In family. Douglas 4612. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no washing or ironing; good wagca. 8.116 Burt aL WANTED A woman, about SO, for gen eial houaework. Har. Mil. 2MI Caltfor- nla. Call In the morning. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. Har. KW, or ail i.i narnry Ol, WANTED White girl for general house work; no washing or cooking. Tyler 21'. W. EXPKlOttNCED girl for general house work; no waehlug or ironing; good wages. 8315 Burt 8t. WANTED Competent girl for general houaework. Har. 2IOt 1020 H. S6th Ave. WANTEi A competent general house work girl; no washing, small family, good wagea. At 131 H. Jfolh Bt. H. liVii. WANTED Girl for general houaework; small houae; 8 adults la family. Ad. ply 114 n. auth at. WANTED Capable girl for general housework; a very desirable place with food wages and attractive room. Apply 1W1 South 86th St. Phone Harney to,;. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family of 2; good wages; must be good cook and neat; nice room a n d private ba t h. Ha rjML 1002 8. iih. GIRL for general housework. Colored or white, ti) N. tfith, Bo. Omaha. WANTED Girl to no boueework board and room. Colfax ttil. for (WANTED First-class wblte nlald for general housework. Mrs. M. F. Good body. RHO 8. Hist 8t. WANTED Young girl for light house work : no washing. Wal. 2577. WANTED Competent girl for genercll housework to go to Grand Island. Pnutte Web. Ml WANT ED Experienced ' lute maid for general' housework where second maid Is kept; small family; city re Terences re nulred; wages 87. Call mornings before llirneyWl WANTED A reliable housemaid"; iooll wanes; referenoeei. Colfax WANTE1-A young whlteglil to asulal with general housework; no washina' good home fur the rlghtglrl. Wal. 2ul. WANTt.Il A girl for eecondorkT"inuat be ex;erlenced. 137 Boutri8f)tb Bt. WANTEl A gTiT for" guneraT housed work; small private family. g4J Dav- enixirt, or ca!l Harney 6917. M lee vlla aeuua. YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Younjt Women a Christian Aasoct&tlon bulldmir f,1 Bt- XT !, Av"-,'"1 "h Bt.. aheri they will be directed to suitable hoarding -- lee or otherwiae assisted. Look Lir our travelers' K"l.le at I'nlun station Read The Bee Want Ads It Pays. HKLP WANTEDS MALE tta. ACTIVE, wide-awake, neat offlca boy one who ran write a fair band 830. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1018-H City National. t ierlcal aa4 utile. HIOH-GRA DK commerlcal positions WEST. REFERENCE A BOND AB8N w...-. jaaw fSMl ( gt(U. fTFNOGR A Pl ER and diet, operator' I S vATTd REFICo.ifc;-4-42 Brand TneaJ tENCMlKAPIIEii, BEG IN N E U "TT.TT 8-T nibAuuiuiriitH ai ;HR. V1I.MUK. UEUMAN-BOHWM N li lliK C A NO AtiKNCY, WBKK BLDti. AaeMla. bkU u.kvilura. AN KXCLl iSl V K tire, aUo acreaanrv firm of good standing among tha trade mould like to get acquainted witn fust class hualling tire salesuian. who knoaa the trade lu liorthero balf Nehraeoa' southrin halt So. Dak.; have a fine line of tires to. carry and will make lltfiaj i duienients to the light party. Plea u0 uot apply unle.s you cau produce and are ci nlnirnt of making guod; a big tMng for the right sort ut a man. Adlreaa Y J -"OJiee. COAL agents nled lu every town -( a trial car. 1 , U. Cox, No. Plane, Ntb. HELP WANTED MA LB Aerenta, aaleatnen and gollrltora. MEN, if you are looking for an honest article, want to eatablh a permanent trade, wholemls and retail, gf-t particu lars on our line of OUARANTKhD OAS MANTLE.t, FxrlUJiive territory given. replaced FREE. Write todiy for free perticularg. Two snmplea for 30 crnts. Wisconvln Oaa Mantle and Fix ture CO., 744 Jackson St., Milwaukee, Wis. Factories and Trades. Drug Store Snaps. Jobs. Knlst, Bee Rldg. LKARN THR BARHER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wageft paid; elec trlo meesage, hydraulic chairs; catalogue free HJ-4 DoiiiIrs St., Omaha. MECHANICAL, designing and engineer ing practice for party fitted for the work. Call Monday, 4.11 Paxton block. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our sys tem of expert Instruction and free clinic Positions waiting. Call or write for cata logue, omnha. Neb., A. B. Moler, Pres. HURRY, HURRY. DON'T DELAY. - BEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can't attend day school you can hold your Job and at the' same time get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIOHT CLASS OF NEBRAHICA AUTOMOBILE BCHOOU 2KW LEAVENWORTH. RED 2110, Mlarrllanroat, WAKTED Fifty chicken pickers; lota of work; no strike. Come at once, fiwift ft Co.. Des Moines, Ia. OOOD MEN WANTED nt once to learn auto work to fill positions which are open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos, tractors, electrio starting system. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 5or,.1 Farnntn St. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Names of ambitious men. 18 or over, wsntlng railway mail clerk positions. 876.00 month. Answer Immedi ately Y 1 Bee. PIANO player and novelty man for medl e ne show, at once. J. L. Beaver, Lang Hotel. R1TUATIOXS WANTED GIRL has worked in first-class hi. lei: familiar with all different salads; wants position in pantry; first-class reference. Charlie, aos North 15th St. WANTED Work of any kind by neat young colored man and wife: care of apartments or maid and butler In private lamlly. or will work separately. I will do janitor or porter work; experience and je'erences Res. 1702 N. 26th St. Phone Mrr si e rre, aa lcforCaa on . WANTED Position aa bookkeeper while attending college; two to four bouig a ferithree years' experience. Address A. L, 1817 Jackson. HITUATlON wanted aa bookkeeper by a man; nave nad experience m bank and lumber yard office; city refer JIeg. Address Room 635, Y. M. C. A. WANTED Vork inside, married man, some electrical experience, will do any t hi n g. Sou th8763 YOUNG, reliable colored miin with beat of city references wishea office cleaning or similar work evenlnita. Employed aa houaenian dayt. Call Harney im. RELIABLE cook, man, wants work, prl- vats family. D. 7518. COLORED maid wishes position i bermwld.- Web. 1491. i cham- WllOWED lady wishes position as housekeeper. 8302 Leavenworth. Please cM In person. WOMAN wishes position cooking In rea taurant. .Doug. 8233. EXPERIENCED olty salesman, ac uualnted with tha halrarv and arroCHrv trade, desires tn make rnnnnctinn with reliable firm: would consider any line. Call Web. 2071 WANTED Position as electric light plant engineer in a town of 8U0 to 1.6u0 population; can take entire charge and give good satisfaction; references ex- changed. A. L. Richardson. Alexia. 111. CLERICAL position wanted by young lady aa cashier or similar work; etx years' experience In Omaha: best of ref erences; salary reasonable; have had de partment store and mercantile experl ence. O. M. F lmj N. 24th bt. MIDDLE-AGED colored man wishes po sition as Janitor: haa citv license and can furnish good city references; thor oughly experienced. Address J. Robnett, 2fri Douglas 8t Phone Harney 4.100. HAVE traveled five years selling men's lists; would like to be at home nights: What have you after Jan. IT Address B f Bee. a MIDDLE aged man wishes) position as . iireman, janitor or stock yard keeper Mrg. John A. Rempel, y. M. C. A. LOST AND FOVND Lost or Found ada In Omaha's Lost and FnLnd medium means the Immediate re turn of that art.cle if advertised In The ree, the Lost and Found paper. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffa Btieet Railway cou.pany to ascertain whether they leu tl In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In nu the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 41 LOST Six-month old hrin.n. ., ki,. Boston bull pup. call Carey Cleaning Co., Harney 78U7. LobT 1-cajat diamond earring. Return Douglas iS "1Wer- rewrd LOSfSoae glasses; black case: 'Heard Los Angeles." on back: reward. W. 168. LOST A book of receipts. Finder pleaao" ret urn to W illiam Harach. 423 H ilth nt 1X)ST 1 brown mare mule and 1 -black gelding mule, Weight about l.OuO lbe. No tify Harney D795 and receive reward. PERSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS The ladles'' Home Journal 8150 The Saturday Uvenlng Post ' l'w The Country Gentleman l'ou I. SUBSCRIPTIONS IN DECEMBER prsctlcally earns the 33.0uO for tne IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal means 60c. Pleaae phone Douglas 71t4 or mall to . GORDON, TIIE MAGAZINE MAN, Om he. xrAK -rj . , ,i av. TltK Salvation Army Inlustrlal home ao- Ill'lU VOur Old Clothlnir lumlhiK. (lues. We collect. Wa distribute.' 7. ,i . , - wavn win can. -'wws.Hn . ' nun uur wagon will lnK.1.. ... ' " ti i r. i our new uunie, U10-1U2 eilll UlHtM Dodge St. YOUR furnace cleaned, 81: work guaran- . ' hi pimp. LJougiag 4;i64. YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young omeua Chi'lallan association buildinv at Uth St. and fct Mary Ave where thev will h ,llr-.oi.. . V.iT.iTil L' , . ' . . . w .uuauiv uvaruing placea or otherwia aaaisted. Look lor uur guiue at in union station. SWAITEkS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertiae something that ou no longer have any use for and get something you ie,Ly l.eedT It costa you notblng to Jolt the buappeis club, and you mill UnJ It lots ot tun swapping things. Write Room 14, .....a., ur I iiuu i yier IW. A NfcW IC-cyllnder. air-cooled SO-h n. gasoline engine, with Bosch high ten sion magneto; alao a new No 3 Ball nlHnetsrv tran.miulnn it'll! . - ' ...... bwad ior motorcycle or anything I can use Ad. drees B. C. 3!3. Bee. use. Ad- ADDINO machine; cost new, ai- ceuuni cuuuiuun. n ant Jewelry book cases, filing tuLineta, automobile. Uoot V1 i n'th,,' value, Addre a. A I ' T . 1 I J. nin,UI i'.u.". I I.-1 . . - - - - - . . n u iuu..fer. xai,y eyulpie.; jut ossi hailed and In A-l ! ape. Will take Uy l.,t. g md pUna. or might consider late modal mo'.orcvcie to ida this luacoiue. AUdreas h. C 8.4, 40"ACR"JT Colorado Utid, clear want auto. lear lot, 'Iva stovk or an thljig 1 can use. lMu N. th. Tel. Web. 1S4. AIL furniture In 4i-roora hotel; reas n- aLle rent .in h 1 1 i r. . . . a . - ... , " - . , , M o ne, will eichange for real estate; value LA Ad diesa b. C. "tt. Bee. SWAPPERS' COU-MV AUTuMullU.kri-ror other automobile bargains sea the "Automobile ' classifi cation. BEAUTIFUL Bcglna music box with lent bunch of tune sheets, all in fine condition; want rol victrola and records. Addrens S. C. Bee. BILLIARD TABLE Home size. aSx7. V hat have you? Make me an ofier. 8. C. 804. Bee. HAVE two young Hhode leland Red cock crls. Will exchange one o:- botn for crckerels of fame breed. Only ilrst-claos birds considered. Address 8. C 373. Bee. F. DITON I Ha mond"-point "Amherola.'' This outfit Is new and HMs at $0 with ersonment records M11 tia'le for Un derwood tyrewrlter or Eas man ko.ak, alth anaatigmat lens, of equal value. Ad dress 8. C. J77. Bee. HAVE two young Rhode Island Red cockerels: will rxchanae one or both for cockerels of same hreed: nnlv first- class birds considered. Address 8. C. 878, nee. HIUH-ORADK. Syracuse, special make ahotgun and hunting outfit. Wilt trade for motorcycle in luut condition. S. C. 521, Boe. I HAVE set boxing gloves, punching bag. term's racquet. $3 game board, witn pamr-s; will trade for bicycle or ,22-rlfle. "i. (IW. an 1. C. 624. I HAVE a 16-70 single shot carbine rifle and a pair of Ice skates. Will swap for a good collection of "postage stamps. A ddrens S. C. 622, crffe Bee. ONE brand new Winchester pump gun. 1S37 model, with new canvas case, pair of hip boots, size t, Iltarly new. Ad dress 8. r. 3S.1. Bee. REVOLVER Good 82-calihre. 6 shot, double action revolver to swap for good square trunk. Address 8. o. i, nee. TO 8 ELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. fee FRIEDMAN, 1211 Douglas. HEATER Dandy soft' coal heater. Hot Blast; do for house or garage, to trade for anything I can use. 8. C. 309. Bee. R7Cr IU71915 model, electrlo lights and tarter, to trade for HU5 Ford. Address &C-3l5!Beej H1X-FOOT oak dining table, good Iron bed and springs. Want small range, or w h fit h avey o u? Address B. V.. 3S5. Bee. TYPEWRITER Remington No. 2; juat rebuilt and In good condition; will ex change fur light set single harness. 8. C. SW, Bee. . WILL trade Peerless Junior Protecto graph, need two months, for a second hand typewriter, either Remington, Moiv arch. Underwood, Royal or L. Sc M. Smith. Address 8. C. 397, Bee. WILL trade mandolin for violin, value til). Address S. C. 621. Bee. WILL swap 4-II. P. single cylinder In dian motorcycle engine, in fair condi tion for Llndstrom-Smlth, 110 volt A. C. variable speed motor In good order. Ad- aress a. c . nee, WOOD turning latho, emery wheel, coun tershafts and belting, complete outfit, to exchange for automobile or motor cycle. Addresa S. C. 400. Bee. WILL exchange automobile spark gaps at wholesale price for anything can use for from one dozen to 100 doxen seta. Box 206, Oakland Neb. WILL trade I. It. C. truck, good running order, for Twin Indian. Benson S0-J. FOR RENT Apartmeata end Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs ot any one desiring to rent Phone Tyler liWO. VERY choice 4 or 6-rooin steam-heated apartment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBIN3. 1802 FARNAM ST. Board a ad Houina. Furnished Rooma that offer ever mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler loop. Rooma and board, good home cooking. Under new management. 2215 Howard. TWO newly furnished room In private family. Home privileges to right par ties. Will give board and room to man and wife for 110. Web. 7172. t-RM. APT. for rent on S. loth, 6 ras,; all modern. Inquire 913 Forest. BOARD and room, new mod. home, two men of man and wife. Walnut 259. N. 23d. 614 Modem rooms. Doug. 1861 1910 Blnney; bd. and rtn. 85 week. W. 1642 a arntahed Houses. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for tha winter: muat he first clwss. Address O 443 Bee. TWO furnished houses. West Farnam dis trict. Inquire ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 16.16 Keeline Bldg. NICELY furnished room, close In; all modem. R31 S 2?d Bt SEVERAL beautiful rooma, nice neigh borhood, walking distance;, 812.60 and 815 per month. ' 107 8. 26th Ave. Large front room for two gentlemen. In private family; mod. home: board If da- sired, tail Deer Park Blvd. Tyler 2042 W. sThe Logan 1S14 Podge St.: all remodeled and under new . management Mrs, Luella Lysapbt. t none iyier iiw THRKE furnished rooms for light house keeping, 1 block from postoftlce, 17 per week. i AMERICAN SECURITY CO., Docg. 5013. 17th and Do'.iglat. NICELY furnished front room In new home; walking diet.; ladles pfd. H. 7649. WELL furnished, , aleam-healed rooms, walking d'stnnfe. Call Tyler 938. LARGE, nlcelv fur. rm., private family; hot water heat; Walking die. Har. 81 SPECIAL LOW RATB.S TO PERMANENT ULEHT8. HOTEL BAN FORD. 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HAHLEY, 20th and Farnam. CHOICE of sleeping looms; al-o light housekeeping rooms; l .uO; good heat, ffca ai d bath. 184 N. 16' h. 211a Davenport Pleasant, newly fur nished, modern, south front room, with telephone; reasonable to right parties. Telephone Tyler 2430 W. ROOM with breakfast, 33.50 wk., strictly mod, home, new f umlah's, close In, H.31ig HeasekeeilMsj ItiMiuas. FOR RENT Strictly modern, newly fur n lahed run, heat turn.; private. H. 3195. Oght houaek'g rms., 5n4Vi 8. l'Hh. D. Ii94. Faralahed lloaaekreplna Roonta. DAVENPORT. 2018-TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED HSiiO. ROOMS, 83.50 WEEK. tioaaes sad Coltagea. North. FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences, 4 block to ear. 4113 N. tth !t M. A. Past. 4519 N. 38th Bt. Phons C.lfax Mli. SIX-ROOM cottage modern except heat. 8J43 N. 18th St. Phone Webster 3231 RENT FRLE FOR TWO WEEK-Nice elitht-rooni - houae; newly decorated: modern except heat; at.'rm wlndowa ani eoora price reduced to 31. Web, dOtiO. 5 ROOMS, modern except boat, for 310; .t 2ib9 C inning St. t'olf n lir. 2Jo Emmet All modern, good repair; rent Cheap if taken quick. Web, life. Dirt KM MKT. 6-r. cottage. W. FOR RENT 6-room. new. modern, up-to-date brick flaLteS Willie Ave. Rent 325. ' Tel. D. IMP. fr-ROOM niiHlern cottage, 2i03 EmuieL Webster NX. FOR RENT u-rooin cottage, partly fur rilhed. 3io. Ia Franklin St. NEW 4-room collane, Florence! Adams and Buftalo Sta. D. 4636. 10 month. . boa(k. 3033 MARCY. 7-rooiu house, strictly .nod ern. with garage. M. Harney 2705. FIVE rooms, modern except heat. 814. Walnut S?4. -. IIOI'fK, 1 Bleeping porch, 1 screen porch. 90 8. 35th Ave. Harney 331. FlNEs repair, good furnace, poil.tied' floors, cement cellar, four bedrooms east front, large shade trees. Ki South 2!'th St., teorgla Ave. Harney S19. FOR RENT t-mom houae. 1613 Dorcas' T-KO'M. icixjcin. :fi. popiileton Ave. k-lnjU cottage. Ill to. un St.. 81a Water pld 1614 Park Ave. 7-room modern brick. FOR BENT Cottage. 4 rooms YiTd "bat :h"T gas light; good neighborhood. Dl 8. iilh Dl. HI narney tos. jco.NTIN D ON COL. 1, THI3 PAOt;. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will pleas the most 'critical ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Rin ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract Kerr Title n,l.r.,nA mnA AK. ..-. Co., a modern abstract office. 8or 8. 17th St. Tel. D. 64S7. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A. 33-4.T7 Ramge Bids;. Tel. Douir 74n. ADVKRTISIVG NOVELTIES, M. F. Shafrj-To,. l2thFarnam. D. 7474. AMATEUR K1NISIIINO. Fpht8 5,'v;,or:1 'ree If purchased from nmni, .10 ree rung. iepr. it. ARCHITECT. Everett B. Dodd. 612 Paxton Blk. T. tm. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson, 611 Paxton Blk. P. 1S04. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. HIHtW O W. R.1CTB. AUTO 1.N81RADCE. ATJTOMOBILB MUTUAL INSURANCE AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 20 Far. D. 2001 BATHS. BATIllat Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. Mba?ha ArTEI? H?por and modern Turkish j afiiiieinen; lauy fou T i?nnt f0' 'adles; Swedish massage. 1919 Farnam St. Douglas 3437. BAKERIES. Z. H. RttEPFR. 150$ N. 18th. Web. S7. BRASS AND IRON i-'UlNUIUUS Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. lAHI'K.MmtS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 S. 12d. Douglaa S620. Letsard A Son. 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1G31 C. W. Hokanson, 2506 Lvnwth. Tyl. I192-J. CHIROPRACTIC SPIN AL ADJL'JHTS. DHMBUR.H?,?,Ns"th nd Fernam. Wcad Bldg., D. 6347; Palmer achool graduate? Lr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 846t . Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 13J6. CH1ROI-ODI9T. Carrie J. Buford, 620 Par. Blk. Red 4S87. JEANETTE PREY, 210 Baird Bldg. D. 84fig COFFEE BY MAIL. Cn-f-fm S.v.a mony- TJse better VOIiee coffee. 16 lbs. high grade n bo w i k'!."?1 post' Prepaid, t-7.60. W. A. Bkalfe ft Co., Omaha, Neb! DANCING ACADEMIES ' F ALL term open at Mackle'g. Dour. t440. DE LUXE ACADEMyTiU B. 18th St. DRESSMAKING. ' Terry Dregamak'g college. 20th A Farnam LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable price. 1911 Faiw St. Phone Douglas 28. DRESNM AKINU COLLEGE. " Keii-ters'e Presemaklng Col., 1628 city Na. UYEHS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. 12th. P. 6072. DETECT1 VE9. JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville Block. Evl dence secured In all cases. Tyler llae. DENTISTS. Dr. Brr.dbury. y0 jpain. 91; W.O.W. Bldg. Tyorrhea. Dr. Flckles. 724 City Nat. Gank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at cu. prices; freight paid on 319 orders- catalogues free. Sherman & Mo- Ccnnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 3065. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING C A HILL ELECTRIC CO., Bee Bid. P.3879. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and slyles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Doug lna 16. FURNACES AND TIN WORM.. PABER3TROH, 402$ Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1904 Farnam'st. D. 3000. I. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 1268. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Asa'n. HESS A J5WOBODA, 1416 Farnam Et A. PONAGHUB. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURRIERS. BAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red 6834. H. RothHols, 2818 Leavenworth. H. 2763. HISTORICAL COSiUMEB. THE largest stock' ot masquerade and ik.Di.1,.. i rmtjimH In the oountrv. Theo. Lleben Son. 1514 Howard. D. 4116. INSTRUCTION. English, French Inatructlon. 305 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. II. 11. CLAIBORNE, 612 Paxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public; deposition ateno. . C. W. BRITT, 801 Barker Block. LIGHTING KlX'I't Itk.S, Wlin.ii.. TlTTRTvT'M' Thomas. Douglaa 2519. UUIvrvllN 2223 Cuming St. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS, ft CO. Exchange Bldg. M 4 SSEURS. Massage, women. Call D. 8227 for apptmt, MOTORC C LE. HXrLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE8. Bargain In uaed machines Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 2708 Iavenworth. "(tVlNU I'llll H I' MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargalna. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glaases fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATH I'll SIC I ANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 618 Bee Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Sturgea, 63H Brandeia Theater Bldg. I'lLLUMt AND HbUUl.ll. OMAHA PILLOW CO . Mattresses made to order or remade. 17 Cuming. D. 2467. rllMtt ( LEANED. CTS RLED, dyed. D. Eiaele. 1136 City Nat PIANOS FOH KENT. 83.50 per month. A. Hoape. 1513 Douglas, PRINTING. WATERS-B ARNH ART Ptg. Co., quality Tel. iKiug. 2190. 524 S. Uth bt. CENTRAL PrlnUng Oo. DOUOLAS 3764. POCGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. SCALE) REPAIRING. On Standard Scale Co.. 513 8. Uth. P. 2911. quality and expert service thpi SIIOB REPAIRING. ITarley Shoe Rep'r Co., 2fln4 Farn'm. R. 8444 SHOE REPAIRING. FRIFDMAN EROS., shoe repair. 211 B. 14. SEWING MACHINES. TTT rent, repair, sell nee VV P parts for all sewing m "MICKEL'S," needles an4 macninea. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harney. Douglas 15. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, lift S. IS. STORE AND OFFICK FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, sen lee. showcases, shetv Inr. etc. v khv aAn .M.u. tt-...u Supply Co., 4141-H s". 12th. Doug. 2724. SIOVE AND FIRNACE REPAIRS. ATm RK,PAIRS-'vVater fronts, furnace T.-7' V., ,wuir-a service. Dtnnria ft ove Wpwlr orls. ljnfi.B Douglas Pt. Tyler 50 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING C A HILL .LECTRjrOTO Bee Bid. TOWEL SUPPLIES OMAHA Towel Supply, grrr a. nth. P. f TRUNK AND SUIT CASKS FRELTNO STEIN LE. 1W Farnam Bt. TVPEWHITEHS FOR HUNT, RniNT 0,,v'r typewriter S mo. for IS. BrtTT'R Typewriter Exchange, S16 8. 18th . i .iii.c8 n'i eaie or rem. RENT a "Remington" not lust a tvne- wrlter. oLw rent. Call Douglas 12R4. VACUUM CLKANKRS. AL'Tj, rnak'"- E. B. Williams. 308 S. lfth. WATCH. SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fi, Paxton Bk., 1 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LI4tlRS. ALEX JETES. 201-8 8. 13th SL - Wines, iiiuure, cigars, t'late dinner 11 to S, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. Uth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BTTY your family liquors at Kleln'e Liquor house, 622 N. 16th. Douglas 1809. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CtmFTV Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal dleeasea with testimonials. DR, E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee PH. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re- """ "rni q, ut. rtowser. 314 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE cured In few days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray. 306 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Established 1S94. o. FOU RENT Sooth. TWO 7-room houses. 8. W. corner 83d and Xeward; these houses have been very completely remodeled; new furnaces; kuiuuuiauuii ugui iijLLurev, narawooa floors; new paper In every room and cloud; summer porch, screened In; lu iiki, evmy uuiuiuri; i-JU. Cottages, 2609-11 S. 20th Ave., $14 per mo. 5-r. cottage. 702 S. 62d St.. 312 per mo. ALFRED THOMAS. 308 First Nat. Bank. West. FOR RENT. 2532 Harney St.. modern 10-room brick house; hot water heit. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel H. 1094. P. 1216. ' Miscellaneous. SEE the Central Furniture Store's FREE 1. KINTAL LIST TTniicpqCreigh Sons & Co., Bee Bid is. ltl a1 part 0r the city. Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for stortige. moving, llith and Jackson Sts. Globe Van &Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-horse van and 3 men, $1.26 per hr. ; atorage, $2 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 & Ty. 230. J. C. Reed Exp. Co., moving packing & storage 1207 Farnam. D. 14. Gordon Van Co. -H? 219 N. 11th St. Tel. D. 394 or Har. 193i! MAQOARD Van & Storage Co. Moving pacKing. storage ana snipping D. 171. C-UOOMcottage, close In. modern except beat. U. P. Wtebblna, bilO Chicago. FIKEPROOF WARKHOUSK SEPARATE, locked rooms, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. h iSo. 16th St. Doug, 4K3. Stores and Officea. READY Dec. 1st, small office on 17th street. 2d floor. 270 so. ft. The Bee Munninir. nrr'ce Koom los. AUTOMOU1LU SALESROOM AND UAKAIif- The ford building at 2Hh and Harney kb. unciry Iur rem; a iioora and Dase ment 66x130 feet; large show room, com modious offices, electrlo elevator and steam neat, l-ee us for terms of lease UBDHUK & t., 902 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 756. WANTKD TO BCY WANTEi to buy some second-hand gro cery and meat fixtures of all kinds or write office Douglas 2300. THE BASKET STOKES. WANTED To" buy on monthly payments. amall atore room, with living rooms above, in Central school district, phone Red 7854. Ftrlctlv h'fh farle Weh Twt OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Dgug. 6146. KKAL INSTATE LOAN'S $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F 5" Wead, Weed Bldg.. 13th &. FarnanVstal CTTr,A, rm loans, . 6. 6 per cent ; tf. """iiu vo.. oiaie liank. A 'For KmIa" - A lll , . . furniture into cash. C5Yiirtiirty Lefe loans a specialty. W. II Thomaa. 228 State, hi.i J 5 TO 6 for louua on best class city residences in amount. 82.000 up also farm loans. KeHoonable commisaiona PETERS TRUST CO.. 16-J2 Farnam Xt. llMAIIA hom.. l.BUt kT-.i.-.. ka farms. inu Omnlia National. Phone Douglae ri5. W'NY ,V," Jha"J.for cl,y ,nd f"rn loans. " ni.i'i-r. i ii y national Hank Bldg. C TJ I?ANi a C.rlbeTgTllO: niftiuicu ca neater isldg. REAL LSTATR tmum Hllltll LANDS FOR SALES. Florida. FLORIDA Any one wishing a larse ranch for stock raising and feed nn. ,d- areajraaJtaineeprlna. Fla.-o CONTINUED ON PAGE ELEVEN'" 'Column One.)