THE 1JEK: OMATIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER -1, 1915. 12 Girls! Act Now! Hair Coming Out Means Dandruff 25-cent "Danderine" will save your hair and double its beauty. LI. P. SPEEDS UP ITS FREIGHT M OMAHA Make. Good on IU Promise to De liver New York Freight Here ia Five Days. FIRST CAE HAS ARRIVED Try this! Your hair gets soft, wavy, abundant and glossy ' at once. Save your hair! Beautify It! It In only matter of using a little Pandertne oc casionally to have a head of heavy, beautiful lalr; soft, lustrous, wavy and free from dandruff. It la esa and In expensive to have pretty, charming hair and lota of It. Just ret a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlna now alt drug atorea recommend It apply a llttta aa directed and within ten mlnutea there will be an appearance of abundance; freshness, flufflness and an lncompsr-j able gloss and iuatre, and try aa you will you can not find a trace of dandruff or falling- hair; but your real eurprlne will be after about two weeka' uae, when you will eee new hair fine and downy at rirst yea but really new hair sprout Ing out all over your acalp Paracrine 1m, we believe, the only aura hair ajrower; destroyer of dandruff and cure for Itchy acalp and It never fatla to atop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and . aoft your hair realty la, moisten a cloth with a little Panderlne and carefully draw It through your hair taking one amall atrand at a time. Tour hair will be aoft. glossy and beautiful in Juat a few momenta a delightful surprise wait everyone who trtea thla. Advertisement. The Missouri ..Faclflc has made good and has delivered tbe goods In Its agreement with the Omaha Traf fic club. Some weeka ago the Mis ourt Pacific entered Into an agree ment with the Omaha Traffic club to deliver New York freight In Omaha the morning of the fifth day out, providing It was given the busi ness. The first car has arrived and the contents delivered. Prior to some five years ago, when the railroad were making a fight for busi ness, the time for landing New York rrelght, principally merchandise, was on the fifth day out. Then the railroad longthened out the time to els days and thus It has remained. The railroads, con tending that there was no money In run ning . faat freight, all entered Into the agreement to moke the New York- Omaha running time sis day. Now the Missouri Peclflo has broken awry from the compact and Is going afttsr the bialnesa. With the Omaha Traffic club It has enteard Into an agreement to maintain the five-day schedule sixty days. If at that time the business justifies, It will be continued Indefinitely. Other lines operating to and from the east have not Indicated whether or not they will get Into the game to secure the business. An Inspiration In Bronze will be the verdict when you aee this new afternoon boot. Autton boot, the top and Quarter of bronie cloth with vamp and heel foxing of brone kid that will har monise with any fashionable costume. Wejiave thera In sizes from 2 "to 9 and AAA to D. Price DREXEL 1419 FAItNAI.l. CELEBRATED TWENTY-EIGHTH TEAR A BISHOP. ( 'X dent of .the Woman's club. The heating and cooking apparatus Is not yet Installed and will not be complete, for another week, ahortly after which the Christmas vacation begins. For theae reasons It was thought best to poetpone the be ginning of the new work. IMPLEMENT MEN LEARN OF NEBRASKA PROSPERITY The prosperity of the farmers In Ne braska and the rent of Omaha's trade territory Is once more Indicated by' the condition of collections In the Implement business Just at this time. This Is the time of year when settle ments are being made for the Imple ments the wholesalers have supplied the retail implement dealers during the year. It Is found In the big wholesale house of Omaha that a greater per cent of the settlements are cash settlements than ever before. , Dig tart la Solid Tralas. Under the new schedule from New York, merchandise leaves that city in solid trains weatbounl each morning, over the Lehigh Valley road. They come to Man cheater Junction, eighty-eight miles east of Buffalo, where they are broken up. There the freight for western points goes into separato cars and Immediately comes on over the Big Four and thenoe from Ht. Ixiuls Via the Missouri Pacific's Red Raven -special to Kansas City. At this point the Omaha cars are put onto the first train north, reaching this city the morning of the fifth day out from New York. From St. Louis the cars come through to Omaha, regardless of whether they are loaded to capacity or contain only amall quantity of freight. Mean Temperature in November Above General Average do far the prophets who took a stanl tar a mild winter are. vindicated. It has been mild. And that melanohory calamity howler who sprung on a patient anl ri-e.Hilnua worM the dire prediction of "twenty-als. cold winters" Is being laughed at for his pains. The compilations of the local weather bureau for the month of November, ahnw that the mean temperature was a little more than 43 degrees above aero, wheras the average mean temperature for November, Is degrees above sero a clean gain of degree of balmy warmth each and every day of the month The coldest day reported this year was Sunday, November 11 At 1 a. m. on that day the thermometer touched SI degrees above sero. The coldest day ever recorded In Omaha In November, was November tT, 1887, when the mercury dropped to 14 degrees below sero. The warmest November day for Omaha. was November s, lH wnen me iner- mometer rose to SO degrees above sero. Those who predict a mild winter base their prophesy on the old rhyme or weather lore: When the summer Is wet, Ilttle winter you'll get Jerry lUnckernagel, has brought the Information in from the little Pappio that the bark on the north exposure of trees Is extra thick this winter and that goose bones are extra heavy. Jerry Is sure the winter will be severe. "Jus' walt'n ," says Jerry. Which, Is a very good plan, Indeed. RT. REV. RICUAJUJ BCANNELU Bishop Richard ffoannel! yesterday ob- j served his twenty-eighth anniversary aa I a bishop of the Roman Catholic church, liishop Scannell was consecrated first bishop of Concordia, Kan., November m, 17. January 31, 1891, he was transferred to Omaha andhaa been bishop here ever since. Bishop Scannell was ordained a priest In lsTl. HOT LUNCHES AT TRAIN SQHOOL AFTER FIRST OF YEAR Hot lunches at the Train school, which Omaha Woman's flub members planned 10 institute December 1, will probably be postponed until the first of the year, according to Mrs. N. II. Nelson, presl- CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To pet Quick Relief f rom llead-Colda. It's Splendid! In one, minute your clogged noetnls will open, the air pasagea of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or, catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Kly s Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of thla fragrant, antiseptic, heal ing cream In your nostrils.- It penetrates through every air passage of the head, aoothea the Inflamed or awollen mucous membrane and relief cornea Instantly. It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief comes so quickly. Ue Are looking for You You are a possible customer. Jjf. you knew The quality of our Ccal, The service we offer And the small margin of our profit, You would always buy SUNDERLAND'S 70 Yell 0 Wagons CERTIFIED COAL Phone Doug. 252 33B $6.59 per ton We Have a Yard Near Your Home. esave TroubL 185 cause headache, biliousness, constipation, impure blood and other unpleasant symp toms. If these troubles are neglected they weaken the body and open the way for fcer ious illness. Many chronic diseases may be traced back to indigestion that could have been immediately relieved by Beecham's Pills. This well known home remedy has proven itself dependable, safe and epcedy during sixty years' use. The fame of having a larger sale than any other med icine in the world proves the dependable, remedial value Of I js S" f"3 ""psjaaast jamaaaadjggfjej 4 111) PIEHS Uii W As MmJUmm as taa WwU. aval Lterywhare. la aw see, 10 When PeopI Rs!!y Know V.' J 0 V JLwWaeas They Just Naturally ... 3 Li titSns Murioua physic end clils. sVtic.mWaralwatars,ddSydril aUkanirif oils, paralyzing aoamaa. Your cYi Ht or frocwr can set Fruit Vigor If ..u A Ix ir i-.ul u i. Srun , a t ?.r !r. c?7 IS Ui fwMr litre, to ue Auto Show Men Plan Greater Activity Dealers who are members of the Omaha .Automobile association met yeaterday noon at Commercial elub to aat venlaon and to talk over ways and m-ans for tnlarsjlna: their activities as an orgnls- .n. Clarke Powell, ee -rotary ot the asao- clatloti, reported on visits he made on a recent aouthern trip, when ha met eoorflartra ot ' various oraanlaallons through the south. He there leraned that the dealers, or rather the show associa tion, does not confine Its activities to holding a show, but rsther makes that Incidental to other work throughout tho year. The local men discussed plans for wid ening the scope of their work to Inolude looking after more favorable automobile legislation, endurance runs, good road work and race meets. I YOU WILL SAVE FROM 10 Td 50 DY DUY1MG Toys, Dolls, Games and Substantial Christmap Gifts AT The Central Furniture Store A blR doll department with everything In the way of doll. Char acter Dolls, lolIs with kUl botlles and dressed Dolls. A llg toy depart ment with everything in the way of a toy, iron or mechanical, drums, games, blocks, autoiuobiles, excess uajtons, trunks, pianos, etc., etc., and all at a saving to you of from 10 to 50. This saving is made possible on account of our innensiV0 Jhuilduig and location and a small operating expense. E31K3 THE CHILDREN TO TKE CENTRAL'S BIG TOYLARO I'osskt for Three Years, A grateful sufferer writes, "Tour medicine, Ir. King's New Dlacovery, cured my cough of three yeara stand ing." 60c. All druggists. Advertisement. SALESMANSHIP CLASS J AT "Y" OPENS SESSION The opening session ot the Young lien's Chrlatian association class In scientific salesmansh p was held Mom day evening. In the association building. The members of the clasa Introduced themselves and told of the business with which they were connected and what they hnped to gain from the class. Mr. lesaMi of the course. fykes then gave a short talk on the first The leason was assigned for next Mon day night and arrangements made to nict at o'clock and have a luncheon together. At : the claea will begin aes aton. AH those stSU wishing to enroll in the class may do so this week and seejure tbe full benefits of the course. Beautiful 10-lnch. Dolls, with full kid body bisque head and hands and long flowing hair, our price 5o See our com plete line of Character Dolls, Dolls with kid bod ies and dress ed doll3. - A substantial hoe-X'ly aloaly (lnlahs4 aad well made, aa excellent value at on yrloe, Sao. ke oar eomplste line of lroa and mechanical toys. A well made little wheel barrow, our prise goo. L. , Li: XI...' All lroa espress prloe soo. wasroBS, Bar yvnr toys, dolls, raaies and substantial Xmas rt'ta at tbe Central I"uraituxe Store. J . L mm Kaa(3aosae dreesed dolls with blsaae bead sad hamda, saoying- eyee eid lotur. flowioa' kalrl tbey are Utill- fally dreseed wlia largrs plotur liats to aaatoai oos snat aae. THE Cr.tAHA BEE- THE HOME PAPER ( kanWrUU't lS Heaaedy Meet KffectBal. "I have taken a great many bottlea of Chamberlain's Cough ttemedy and every lime it haa cured me. I bave found It most effectual for a hacking cough and for relds. After taking It a couth always disappears." writes J. R. Moore. lt Vallvy, da- Obtainable every whete. Ad vet tlaenicnt. l!rad Ttiem tery ly. It Will lit live Viaut AJ tn The J ice. lay: Mekeraay flalsbsd toy Klaaoa, kave tuurteea kars aad Vsvdaee rel zaaaiei ear vrice. kda. A enleadld antonoblle wtta lanre wheels aad rvbfeer tirea, aioely fiuiaSed and titoroasbl smsemsttal t ear yrloe, sU-SS Purchases will be held and delivered later if so desired. gh rent dis- hi tnct ITth aad Howard Eta. The Central is a saf j 'ace to trade. A VOCALION OR GRAFONOLA SETTLES THE CHRISTMAS QUESTION This Grafonola Outfit for 5578.90 This Aeolian Vocation ' complete with 20 selco 1 III i;i!t ! HI J'fi it t'oeallon Style "O." .Mahogany or Fumed Oak tlons (ten 10-lnch double records) for only $1 081 . The latest and greatest of all Phonographs, in depth and richness of tone, In structural beauty and in the wonderful new phonograph privilege it ives you of your . own x.rsonal expression, tins new model far surpasses any phonograph hitherto produced, Kxcluslve fea tures of ' the Vocallon The Sound Box, the Sym phonetlc Horn, the New Automatic Stop, the Rev olutionary Graduola. Other popular models at $33 to $300. GraffTmU Leader Outfit, Including 12 selections (6 10-inch double records.) Your own selection. Choice of Oaks,' Walnuts or Mahogany. 7.8- r J Leader Other' styles, $15 to $230 Yours is surely among them Come In and se lect It. We will be glad to demonstrate all sty leu of the Vocation or Grafonola for yonr ap proval. - , It us send one of these outfits to your home for Christinas. STAHT YOIU PAYMKNTS IN JANUARY Machlnett of other makes taken as part payment. SCH HOLLER (k MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-1313 Farnam Street, , Omaha, Neb. Headquarters for the New Aoollan Vocalipn, Columbia Grafonola and Vlctrola. LL 1 i liEi-'uKO kirn I fei JUsp !Cwf.i lr mm I v -: . : -. . .1 p. r.i. 12) a ir y mm ;iBiiiiiSv d mm ill . 1 NO BREAD LIKE rrrr rr TTi nn tr iir-iur BREAD ) There is no need to eat a poor, unsatis fying bread three Mads ef Cuiiajr aad JWlnter Wheat Tlour, wiuon is lar aaperiur to the kind used la ordi nary bread. RailiiilaEa Lto for Tkit Labtl timQS a day when you can get bread so good that you'll want it all the time. Insist on Tip Top and accept no sub stitute. 5c and 10c at Your Grocers U, P. STEAM BAKING, GO, E FREE TO ' ASTHMA SUFFERERS aV Hew Home Cure That Anyone Can Vti Without! Discomfort or lose ef Time. W bar a 'ew Method tha't curaa Asthma, anl want rou te trjt It at oar trnna. Na mat ter whether rour caea te ot loaa ataBdlng sr ra teat deTelopment. whether It la preoeat at 'oc cuton or chranle Aithma. rou should aend tor a tree trial of our method. No matter Is whet elhnat rou live, ao metter what jour axe or occupation. If rou are troubled with asthma, our method will relieve you promptly. t , We especially waat to send It to those sopsr ently hopeless cases, where all forms of Inhal ers, douchee. opium preparations, fumes. 'pueut smokes." etc, have teiled. We want to show everyoae at eur own aspenee, that this new method la doelcned to end all difficult breathing, all wheeling, and all those terrible mnnruu at oace and for all time. This free offer la too Important ta aealct a single day. Write now and then btglu the method at once. Send no money. Simply mll coupon below. Do It Today. . FRKE ASTHMA COl'POV FRONT! RR ASTHMA CO.. poom 194 U Nlavgrmra and Hutikwa KU.. buflsvlo, N.rT etvaa ir irimi ui four nnnoa vo; 1 BE A SWAPPER Make swaps for profit. Look into the , "Swappers' Column" OMR id :;, 23: GROTTK BROS. CO. treaerat Ltutrlboters Oaaaha, Aeaw USE THE BEE WANT ADS.