10 TUK HEE: (WAILY. WANT ADS Wnt ada received at any time, but to tn.r proper classification mntt b pre sorted before 11 o'clock noon fr.r evening 1tlvn and 7:4 p. rn. for morning anil fumlur dltlonav Want arts received after urh hour will be under tba heading, "loo Late to Claaalfy." CASH RATKA. . Seven, eonaecutiv time. 1 oant worn rh Insertion. Two or aoora cooaecotlT) tlmaa. 1 cant word. Ooo tin., I (on (a a wot. fllAROH BATES. . ... Vren rnnsecutlv tlmaa, 8 (MM ' tarh Inaot tioa. Thr cacuUy tlmaa. W nta "n ach Insertion. On tlma. It rant a lino. fount six average words to il" Minimum charge, 24 cent. . An advertisement inserted . antll discontinued rouat ba stopped oy written ordar. - d All clalma for error muet man Uhl (irtaan fy after th laat Inesr thn of tb advertisement Ton eon plaea your want ad In Tha Baa by Mlaphowa. TKLIfHONB TYLER 1008- LODCB HOTICE9. Washington lodge No. 27. . of -f; fleers and mmbm: Tha "inPrA 0.' lister. Isabella Lynch from residence, 1-W N g.th bt.. Council Bluffs. Dec. 1st, l. a. m . 10 noiy Esmiiy church r M FIORF.NCH FUItSTEHEH. c. fl BKIIKIKT TONNKIXT, Recorder. ORATHS A MI ri'NPiB 1 1 NOTICKII DONOVAN-John, aged 6.8 vearn . Funeral Tuesday. November "V a m from tha Heafy apVo Twenty-sixth and srnam I url.ngton depot. High mas at Taimyr. Nab.. c hurch, . W ednesday .at 10 30 a., in. BIRTHS AI DKATH1. Wrtho-Ray and Ellen W "J Jackeon. Houth Blda. boyj Michael and Anna Clark. 3920 North Weah boy; Frank and Maud Illckaon. ith03 Boutn Thirtieth, boy; Hugh and Deaaie Polaon. f Mlaaourt avenua. boy ; 1"V Maria trerl. 6701 ato.ith Viftaenlh. Rlrl. T. A and Koaa Hhaddy. 17 "-Thr-taenth. boy; (. . and MrItIhm: ion. 17D1 South Ninth. Rlrl; ": Mlnnlo White, 47a Houth BlKtaenOi, ajlrl. J. T. and Cora Hrannen. ""V Twenty-aevanth; K. J. and Margaret Hart, Wa North TwantrUth. boy. leat he-Orlando Rice. IB. iM No. Twenty-eighth avenue; John 0"ov"l,BtJ,","J pltal: Michael Corcoran. 62, Boulh Twenty-third; Mra. F.llaa Kahl. 74, North Twenty-fifth a""",?: 'J Xt aon. 27. 17 Bouth Plxth Martha M. Wara, 72. 19n Van Camp wl M J Whalen. M. South Wde; W lllam T. tathewa. 1. 116 North Klayenthi Hettla Bchroader. 47. 41 North Nineteenth. -MARRIAOB I.ICEJIIBI. Mftrrlaga llcenaaa wore granted to the following cotiplea: Name and Itealdanca At. Hoy Fi. Marta. 8o t?Sty, Ta,... lLole U. olmataad, Sao City. Ia Morrla'K. Pa tereon. Omaha. Hoael IIulaon. Joy, HI " BUILDING 1'EHMITI. B W. Rlatar. 1T02 Ilorth Thlrty-aecori avenue, frame dwelling, .Uo: W- K Wllllama. W.il North Thirty-third, frame dwelling. 11.600; F. -J. Turlnaky, SiUi North Forty-fifth avenue, frame dwell ing, 23.&00. .TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Downtown. EMPRESS, 16TH AND DOUGLAS. Hearst-Sells No. ft 4. The Kidnapped Heir. 91b and a Bit of Lace. PRINCESS, 1J 17-19 DOUGLAS. ,0 actora In today' great feature. 'The Btrlfa Kternal," headed by the girat emotional actress, Blanche For aythe; five acta and 2u0 scenes of thril ling romance. Ltat war views, current eventa, etc., and a selected Keystone comedy, North. GRAND. 1TU AND BINNBT. Big Feature Day. "Tha Madcap' band-painted 4-reel pic ture, featuring Jackie Saundera. "Ilug House Bell Hops," l-rael comedy, LOTUROf. 24T11 AND LOTUROP. Parsanount present Margarita Clark In "VSTId Flowers." ' Koala. ' v- APOLLO, 1824 LEAVENWORTH "A Mile a MlnuU " Kalem. "Friend Wilson' s Daughter," 1-raot Edl- 'The Kbony Casket," Vltagraph, x Wast. MONROE. . S85S FARNAM. William Foa preaent Battle Nansen, Arthur Hoop and Dortliea, Bernard In The Bong of Hate. oath ld. BESSE.' ' 24TII AND N. "The Girl and th Special," Kalem. "Fcr the Honor of the Crew," I reel Vltagraph. "His Wlfe a New 1-ld." Tiuhln. ORPHEUM. 14TIX AND M. World Film Corporation "Marrying Money," t reel. present .MOVIES FEATURES TODAY rr MONROE. 1666 FARNAM. Uettla Nansen. Arthur Hoop and Dor othea Bernard In The Song of Hate. PRINCESS, 1 1 1 7-TDOUULAaT "The Btrlf Eternal," In flv act. LOTUROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP? Paramount preaenU Margarita Clark In "Wild Flowers'' GRAND. 1$TH AND BINNEyT "The Madcap," 4 reela, featuring Jackie haundera. ( Oh.PHh.UM. "Marrying Money,' ItTli AND M. I reel. AN NOtNCEMKNTS KXEKCleK AT YM'- A. Business men. t-ave Money. Home Milliner. Red 7234. CH1ROBRACTK-. spinal adtusttnent. I can sucif wfuly remove the caiiee of rl iuimiImii, liver, stomach. pralls. ittrvuusaess and femai wrakneuse. K- aottiiali.'ii free DK. W. II. KXOLLENliHltG. tulie li: Bea Bldg.. TyU r lsj'L 4 .i st?m ini.es re u an! iii:.ti. tree ie.n:a' le: cah -sld f r ood i to S t Huiis Geiu to., IL om kll B l i. B ACTOMOMLES Whenever )ou ara considering Belling or buying a Hard rar and you want full value for your money or you want people who ara willing to pay for what they ara (retting you will hava no regret If you buy or advertise through tha used car column of Tha Re. Uhone Tylar lOnO. BRUSH runabout, cheap; Omaha I'nn- rtrl" Stnna Co, 2Mh Ave. and Sahlcr St. Tel. Colfax WA. P R SAT.E 'alliargslfi if taken at onra, 40-H. P. Wine roadaier. In good running condition. I'hona ftKj. Xll 8. Wain St., Council Rluffs, la. M MILKS of mileage In your old Urea (Rebui t. Sand tnem to UL'U T1RS CO.. 111 Chicago Ht Induatrlal Oaraaa Co.. ?Oth A Harney Hta. Oaerton'a for leaky radiator. tc. dealara, or by mall 1io-4 Ave.. Co. Hluffa. la. NFHfUHKA Hul.k Pervira Station, int Farnam Pt I'hona Doualna T?l. At'TO. clearlns houae. Hoy, aell and e- ehanga ii--d cara ?" "arnam. I). Mi LrTrROlTER toiTrlnr -ar. eiectrio IWhta and utaiier, fully anulpped 3fS. T. J. Northwall Company, 814 Jonoa Telo phona Dour la a 1707. 1100 REWARD for any manneto wa aan't repair. Oolla repd. Dayadorfer. 210 N. Uto. ntJRIWERS CHANCES If your Bualneaa Chance will atand mv-'BiiHitiinn ana ia jum wmi ii la advartlaed, or If you are looking to atart i.r-nn i,r JTIUTPI5I1 fUU Will 1 1-1 pT fectljr aatlafled If you uaa the Bualneaa Chance column of Tha Mea. When buy. ,r2rJ!.lI!rTJlbl,?.'!l"l Phone Tylar 1Q"0. A RARE CHANCE for $450' To purchaaa a good paying ratabilahed bualneaa. Located on a go d bualneaa corner, In tha north part of the clly. Complete atocK of maKnxliiea, pflrlodliala, rlvara. tobacco, candlea, nnflona, etc.; 'i.b per cent profit, and all caah trade. Can ba taken care of by lady whlln huahnnd worka. If yo are thinking of buying look Into thla. Muat be aold at once. Write -' me for further Information. 0-433, care Omaha Ilea. OFFICK for real eatata or Insurance; aame floor na Dee office; 13x21 feet; IdO. Tha Bea lildg., Office Room 1U3. TO 0EL,I or buy a bi'iinnaa, call on Buach Uorghoff. rraoaar ink. D. Mm tTTkatkRS Buy, aa or aell your the ater, machine and aupplina through Theater Rxch. Co., 1404 Farnam. 1). IWI. ASK for my Real Uaiate Bulletin. 1 Include largeat and beat Hat of bar falna In 11 atatva. W. U. Templeton. Ml Bea Rlda;. i A LIMITED amount of 7H per cent pre ferred atock. cumulative and hon aaaeaaabla. In Nebraaka, Omaha corpora tion at par, flflw per ahara. If you have aurplua funda and ara looking for a good, safe inveatment that will net 7V per cent, addreaa Box 624. Omana, Neb., or tele phone Douglaa SOW). TO OKT In or out or bualneaa oall on QANQKHTAO. m Bea Bldg Koug. 4. I turn a great many ao-called bualneaa chancea, but bore ara two that are first data: , onlv jre rag and repair ahop In town of 1,200 a college town with 40 to TM atmlenta. Ford, Hulck and Dodge agency. Hold 42 car In 1!I6; fine repair and livery bualneaa, rent only f 16; Invoice .S,flO0. Only picture ahow and amuncment Place In aaina town; fine eiu'pment, with Wurlltaer orcheatra; 240 folding ohalia; brick building, eloping floor, lobby, good tage and acenary, rent 120. Neta canlly ,4 10" a month. 42,300 takea It. Owner of theae going .jouth and want quick action. CO-OPKHATIVR RKFE3RKNCK CO., . 1015-14 City Nat. Bank. BEK Omaha Theater oupply Co. for bar galna In eatabllahed ahowa. f. t. . VOH BATE-Bottilng Worka located In Iowa town of 4,ihju, two roada to ahlp on, good raaaona for selling, will ba aold cheap. If aold by Jan. 1st, not all caah Irqillied. Addreaa Y 100 Bea. Itoomtaar lloasra for Bala, FOR SALE ' THK BEST BAIIOAIN IN OMAHA. Twenty tooma, atenm heated, furnished flat; blunt from Fontenelle hotel. Half prlca for quick sale. AMERICAN HECUniTY CO., 17th and Douglaa. Oouglua 6J13. EDUCATIONAL The VAN SANT (SCHOOL 8TK N OU RA PH Y BOO KKEKPINO, Iay richool for Young Women. Evening bchool for Young Man and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting, lona C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. llhSt: Oman. kxPKRT lady stenographer will take pupils; ahorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual Instruction. 4U4 Douglaa St Tel. Walnut nt. DAY BCHOOU BOYLE8 COLLEGE, NIGHT BCHOOU Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping. Bhorthand, Stenotypy, Typewrit ing. Telegraphy, Civil Bervice All Com mercial and tngllsh branchea. Catalogue free. BOYLE3 COLLEGE!, 18th and Harnsy at. Tel. liougla 1666. Boy la Bldg. 11. 1. Uu. Omaha, ao. FOH aale. Hi following echolaraiilpe u a first claaa Omaha Bualneaa collage: On unlimited ootnblnatiou bualneaa and shorthand courae. On unlimited aienographla eourao. " On thrce-mouiiia' bualueaa or atone grsphlc toura. wui d aoin at a aiacouut at uie oriio of To Onutha Bea. UUS1NKSB CULLEQK 8TUUENT8 ' SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aale, with good reason tor sailing. variety of vouisu in a reliable Busi ness bcuouj, una of Hie. ivauiug buMnwi college o4 Omaha. Wul b aold vary raunMe--aay below regular pricaj, if you are considering taking course IDlHklUfkllt tflla ftt lll.l I II I'M V M 11 l.r begun, aooo. caii office, uiiissa FOR BALK aaraliare, lUaarku.S Uu1a, bite. WAKUAiNS IN ' FURNITURE AND MAHUWARE. 1K N. HTH. WEB.1WT. IXK bAi.Be-lisr la a ciaaaitiuatnJn trial 1 Of til Utlliuat linikkri.uu rJcr, aa thla column orfcra sum axevp liouai opporlunitiv every dny and a anuUi waut ad wUl aell your arucl at lu uii Tiiu., rnuit ivier luuo Furniture for sale cheap. 2m Cuming. Desks J?"-"' aold. J. C. Howl. ld ran. am e Ti...ii, ..i..; M GARLAND healing alova. Hums n.nu vr sun mil. f m. iiwuue ai ao4J b. Xuiii. I'll ouw Tyler ?:r.n J. LARGE owk office table. Tel, l"')ugfr llurare sad VrSicln, FARM wagon, !; harness, tat; bota Dew. Jouneoa-lJgnforUi La., itih aa Cinrk M. BARGAIN for caah; on pajr daiiiil gray mares: 4 and I yara old. we sti lus lyv pounds; also on pair buy mares, 7 and I yeara. Ijidy owner. 124 t HUl HI. I'rlvst reslde'ice. Hsitesl InslramrBla. TWO litnh grade pianos; for storage and repair cl-argea. Charles II. Thatch -r Rsialr (acioiy. Douv. 60 (. E-FLAT base horn. York, silver plaTeX good a uew; leaa than third coaL Box 111. Marquette, Neb. l-unltrr, Kuas ana .pilr, MXD grain. Iba. 11 T. W agnsr. aot N 1. feTtitEO I' Y I'h luaulcrs ruaka la at aad rbespast lining fur poultry bgum They era lli.U Inches, stronger and iuui axlila ihsn tarred fell and practically mepiuof. ;ko a bundrad at '1 aa tis uIh 111 view rilera. TVPFWRITFR" for rent rr Res IIMi I.KLIA.M H Hiuoon and Urlun Co., car ibou paper and luksd rihbui.a. D. tiit 1 lii v Bl'l LIU avid, nuieil, rs pat raj," Ceuirai 'i)pt.wriUr rc. j Faruaia, I at Hrrliaiirnii. riKATH FOR CHURril OK- CHAPKI, IN UOQI) CONDITION. M. 442-BEE. Coal baahata dellvei.-d 'tl. 8. Ko n thm. l4avennrth 11 S1.V1. FOR SAf,K New and aTond-hand carom and po'ket billiard tables and bowline alleya and acraaaorlea; bar flit urea of all kind; eaay Paymenta The Hrunawkk. FOR RAI.K New and aerond-liand'rarorn and mcket billiard tahina and bowilnR f 'leva and acceaeorlea; bar fixturea of all klnda; aaay t.iymenli. The Jlrunnwlck. halke-dllander Co.. 47-4n 8. 10th Ht. 1n.,, lcond-hand nivaara, dynamoa, iNtiVV magnetoa, ato., mechanical ,,, 7" . ralra Ia Bron klectrlu Worka tltm H. ilth Hi o roH 8ALK CMIiAf nualneaa Collena Courae. Full and comulet nchtilnrikla In m Of tb taat ()maha oualneaa achoola. Uood reaaon for aelllna; perfectly relia ble; worth full prlca, but will Kb oli I very reaaonnbly. f lnterated invent lirate t once, bar a una fall term bealna toon. There are a Variety of couraaa for aaJa. For tart Ionian, tnijulie at tha office of l Tha umaha Haa iWaloa add. maeh j a-nod c'idl. C iW, Bea. t electrlo motora. Room 6. Baa Bldg. C?0 Onolrtn Wrt Whisky, 4 full tn,"j.Uur bottJed In bond, pre JJ l'id. rackley Brfka.. Omaha 6" either let terheailiT envelope , note hesda, cards, tags, labels, &c prepiud. Pamilea for stnmp. Stanilard Co., Cory don. Iowa. A V,A FIGKSIZK ' fur coat'; cost i0liiat inter; wl I sell for $2. Phone Florence 4." I. Clerical and Office. BTKNOO.. Bkkpr. and cashier. 140. Comptometer operator, I'lTi. WA TTS H F, HT ri )., K.tM0-4 Brand. Thea. ht KNojitX pi i k k r.h.i 8TKNO CI.KRK M Ull. I, CI.F.RK tO TUB t'ANll AOF.NCY, fiOO BF.I3 HM . Factory and Trniiea. OIRt. to learn halrdreetnr. Onrnhelm. I'tirTTTloN wanted by experienced lady clerk; apeak Bohemian. Addreaa C. L... C'lftiks, Neh. FIFTEKN power machine operator In necktie dejit. Smlth-lxckwood Mfg. Co., nth and Caatelar Sta. Ilasiekerrrs and Uomeailca, THE Servant (Sir Problem Solved. Tb Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FRKB until you get tha daslred result. This applies to residents of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler li0. WANTED Girl to aasls? with bousaworg and care for email child; on attending School half day preferred. Phone Harney 766H. WANTED A girl, not over IS. for light Jnou sew o rk j ri o w ashlnv Walnut 267i WANTED Competent "young whit girl td assist with general housework; no washing; good wnges. Call Walnut 2577. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. For small family. Harney 0u. UH S. !Wtli Ht. WANTED Whit girl fur general houae work. Call Wiilnut 2420. fu-JFifEDTadv with child tleslrra posi tion aa housekeeper In or out of town. Addtfis L. It. B. IK. Clarks, Neh. WA NTH1I Girl for general housework, refsrence; no washing, 3 In family. Wal nut I9. Ml'ST have work to do at home; wash ing or plain sewing, tak care of chil dren or take care of alck. 1X4S N. Iflth St. M I DOLE-A OED lady to help with light housework and to be companion for an elderly lady; Juat one in tha family; no expected. Web. 8136. 27B4 Grand. WANT'k'D Competent girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. Wal. j)2. 24 N. 3Hth St. WaTntKD A gmd white girl for general housework, small family. 2310 8. 32d St. Har. 4101. v ANTED Experienced second girl. 13? 8. a.th Ht, llHcy SI13. WANTEI One young nurse girl to as sist with housework. Phone Harney 741. Addreaa 1304 S. Kith Ht. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family, good wagea. Mrs. J. U ilater, 1618 U. Sid Ave. Har- WANfi:! Neat, young forelHti girl to sxslst mlth irminral liiiuse work.1 llsrnev 46s WANTED Middle aged lady for general housework, I In futnlly. Douglaa '4612. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no waaltlng or Ironing; good .WANTED A woniHii, about SO, lor gen eial housework. Har. IWi. 2t8 Callfor- riln. Calljn themornlng. VVANTKD Girl for general housework; no washing: good' wage. Har. IKIi), or cull at 8:r'3 Harney Ht, - V ANTED White girl for grnntal house work; no washing or cooking. Tyler ti:j w. ... WANTED Competent girl for general lioUBework! Har.2l04; ln20H. 36th Ave. WANTKl A compelent geneinl house work girl; no washing, small family, good w a ges. At 1 31 H. 3tli Ht. H. 2152. WANTED Girl for general housework; , small house: 3 adult In family. Ap ply 114 N. th St, WANTED Capable girl for general housework: a very desirable place with pood wages and attractive room. Apply 1S01 South JT.th St. Phone Harney 8077, WANTED Experienced glrf'for general housework: family of 2; good wages; must be good cook and neat; nice room li nd private hath. Har. 4ya. 1PM 8. 3rtth. GIRL for general housework. Colored or white. 629 N. 26th, Ho. Omaha, Miscellaneous.. YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa atrangar r Invited to visit in Young Women's Christian association bulldlne at Bt Mary Ave. and Kth tit., whera iney will te directed to suitable boarding place ur otherwise assisted. . Look for aur travelere' guide at Imtoii elation. ADIKi), make shields at home; 111 for iw; wora senc prepaid; no canvaaalng; send stamp, lvanho Mfg. Co., Bt. Louia, Mo. HELP WANTED MA LB t lerlral and Ofllca. 8TENO , (PRIV. SEC.) 00 00 BTENOGRA PH Ell . 75 00 OFFICE CLERK. JUNIOR 401M THE I'AMi AGENCY. V BEE BIIKI, oTF.NOGRA I'll ER, Ti. W' A TTS RE F. Co.. KiiM-42 Bra nd. Thea. H IGH-ORA DN comoieicial uusltlor.a. WEST. REFERENCE Ac BD ABSN. Tf.3 Umaha Nat. Hank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER WANTE H Must ba experienced: diciaphona operator pre ferred. Permauanent Haltlon and good aalary to the right paitv. OL'HNEY fcKED A NBY, CO.. YAN K'1JN, 8. DAK. Agent., Naleame. aad lollrllor. AN EXCLUSIVE tire, also accesaory firm or good standing among the traile would like to get acquainted with fust clans hustling tire salesman. lio knowa tha trade in northern half Nebraska' southern half So. Dak.; have a, fine Una of tirea to carry and will make liberal in duieinents lo the right party. Pleaso uo nut apply unlesa you can produce and lira confident of making good; a big thing r . J e.aiii iu a man. Aaoreu Y 13D. Bee. COAL agaiita Mauled in a trial 'nr. I. M. Cox. vwry lowui gel No. Plaits, Neb. MEN, If you ara looking for an nonfat article, want to elaWih V Permanent trade, wholesaRt and retail.' g-t particu lars on our line of GUARANTEED GAS MANTLE8. Exclusive teirltory given. Mantles replaced FREE. Wilie ti.dy for fre particulars Tao snmplea fur a cent. Wisconsin Gas Mantle and Fix tur Co., 744 Jackson Bt., Miiwuukae, Wis. Faelorle. as Trades. Drug Store Bnps, Jobs. Knelst, Bee Bl d g. MOL.EK OARBKK COLLEGE LEARN the barber trad by our eiva tern of expert Instructions and free rllma. 1 OMitlons waiting. Call or write for rata-lugua- Omaha, Neb., A. B. Moler, prve. lintHV, "hurry iwj.-n i iir.i.A t. SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can't attend day school you can hold your Job and at tha aame lime get Jwar automobile education If you enroll In tha NIGHT Cl-ASs) OF NEBRASKA Al l UMOnil.E bOllUUL, 2. LEAVENWORTH. RED SHU. IIKLP WAXTKD MALE Factory anal trades. I.FARN THK BARBER TRAP. TrM'tty Barber college; low rate lull Ion. Includlna art of tool; wsKes paid: alee trio maraaga, hydraulic chairs; catalogue free 114 ioiiala Ht.. Osuaha M Iter I la m eon a. RAILWAY mall clerka wanted: ITS mouth: Omaha examinations coming: sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dep t t.l J. Roches- erN. YJ t WANTKI Fifty chicken pickers; lots of work; no strike. Come at once, fwlft Co., Ies Mulnea, la. ARI.FJ-KOIHF.Ii men ror firemen hra ke rne n; 1J0 monthly. Railway, Y 94, Bee. GOOD MEN WANTED tt once to learn auto work (a fill positions which wa have opea right now and ara waiting for com petent men. I -earn by our system of actual work on autos, trsctora, alee, starting aya. Free catalog at onca. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2061 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. WANT KD Name of ambitious men. II or over, wanting railway mail derk positions. 176.0) month. Answer Immedl Mely y jrBee. WANTED Cenrral I UFUieas ( eoplTi all lires, at once; those with specialties l ieferred. Fenl hotos and full particu lars il st letter and lowest. Pay your own.. T.ckets? No! Stung br-fore! Per manent stock here. Answer quicK. Stsn flfld ft Baakina, Frank I fn Htock Co., For. t olllna, Colo., Poiidra alley Hotel. , SITUATION"! WANTED' UJ- OIBTEUKD pharmacist! having my store woul.i I ke steady po,lton In r il h r Iowa or Neb,; eleven yr.' e.pert nce, go d references; SO yr. old; mar ihd; ould like iteady job. F. H. Belnert, (itliimwu, la. ) l;k.WtSI girl wants work as milo! or , r.urae rlil In a Jewish family. Address m i norm isi street. ANTE l Position aa bookkeeper while attending college; two to four houi a fny: three years' experience. Address A. Is . 1S17 Jackson. . , 8 1 TV 'AT. ON wanted aa bookkeeier by a young man: have had expeilenoi In l;tnk and lumber yard office; city lefcr ruc. Address Room f3, Y. M. O. A. CXOraN(eTFIratliirhoTel or restaur ani.,i-nane Tyler W. Mra. Moore. W A NTV'I I Pnalllnn vniin n. . ... perlonced aa grocery clerk or delivery man with Ford car; willing to do any wou i worn, nianiey, iteu. mm. A NEAT, competent and reliable middle aged lady deNrea a position in a, family of two; no laundry work; beat city reN eiencaa furnished. Web. 4884. Call morn- I n a holwMn a iq GIRL want position to do general nnuseworg. Bhone Walnut 846S. WANTED Work Inside, married man, some electrical experience, will do any thing. Houth 8763. YOL'NO, reliable colored m m wltt best of city references wlshea office cleaning i or aimilar work evenlnva. Employed as nouse man day. Call Harney GIRL ha worked In first-class hotel, ' familiar with all klnda fancy salads; Wains pistt.on in pantry In llrst-duas hotel city or country. Charlie, 608 N. SITUATION wanted bv middle- aged lady to do general housework. 606 N. 17tn St. Bssement door. Mrs. West. POSITION by mlddfe-aged man. Office work and collecting or other permanent work. Address Robinson, l'Jlfi Canltol Ave. RELIABLE cook, man, wanta work, pri- vaie ramliy. 1). 7M8. WORK wauled by reliable colored womap, cleaning, scrubbing or chamber work, or work in small family. Webster '7122. Mrs. Bailey. COLORED GIRL wlshea position aa chambermaid. Douglaa 8214. WANTED Job In Btore or office build ing aa house carpenter bv steady, com petent mechanic. Phone Harney 8949. EXPERIENCED city aalemnan, ao- nualnted with the bakerv an nr grocery trade, deslrea to make connection with reliable firm: would conalder any line. Call Weh. 273. WANTED Position as electrlo light plant engineer In a town of 800 to 1.60 population; can take entire charge and give good aatlafHctlon; reference ex changrd. A. L. K'rhard aon. Ale xls. ill. MIDDLE-AGED colored man wishes po- altlon as Janitor; has city license and can furnish good clt references;- thor oughly experienced. Address J. Robnett, 26 Douglas St. Phone Harney 4M0. IX)8T AND FOUND Lost or Found ada In Omaha's Lost and Found mediums mean the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In Th Bee, thaLowt and Found paper GOLD filled hunting ense watch, black silk fob. Call Ty ler 2.119. OMAHA &"6)UNC1L BLUFF STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Parson having lost om article would do well to call up tha office of th Omaha Council bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in tha street cars. Many artlcloa each day ara turned In and tha company I anxious to reator them to th -Ightful owner. Call Doug, 48 Lt ).ST-U.ilJ charter, belongs to Hlawa- inr onapier imo. oi, on in. 24in, oetween B u rd ette and Clark. Phone Web. 24. EoST or strayed from 6112 N. 22d, Boston brtndle dog, acrew tali, white letter N on breast, tag No. 9t& .Substantial re ward. Colfax 549. LOST 1-carat diamond earring. Return to Princess theater. Liberal reward. DoukIss 1568. " LOST Nose glaasea; black caae; "Heard lia Anaeles." on back; reward. W. 166. LOfiT Monday evening at City Auditor l!um or between there and 1635 Park Ave., open face gold watch, O sixe, mono Main H. B. A. on back. Return to Y.- W. C. .A. office and receive .reward. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Inlustrlal home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga tlnea. We collect. We distribute. Fhon Douglaa 413.". and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 iJodge Hu Invalids Need : Pensions 4,000 SU8BSCRirTION3 EARNS r.008. ITnr Ih. lnv.M.1.' L-.. !.... . . . , The Ladles Home Journal. 81.60; Balur- aay j-.vening foat. i.6o; Country Gentle man. $1 40, ayg needed in November. Your order or renewal contributes 60 ernui. Please rhone Douglaa 71bS or addreaa, OOUDON, The Manaxlne Man, Omaha. YOUR furnace cleaned, IJ- work guaraa- iitpu. .i 1 1 ii poop, uougiae YOl'NG women coming to Omaha a atrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women a Christian association building at 1th Bt. and Bt. Mary a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' gulda at tb Union etatlon. HWAPPKR8' COLUMN Warned to Bwap. Why not auvariias eotnsihlng that you no longer bava any us for and gel something you really aeedt it costs you nothing to join the bwappera' club and you a ill find It lots ef tun swapping things. Write Room IM, ADDING machine; cost 43JO.OO naw, ex cellent condition. Want Jewelry, bnok- Plw, fllliiir r.liln-l. iit....i...il. ' 1 1 , 'atock or anything of valua. AdUresa ti. i v , euo, nm. AIT Dl model Arso roadster, tally equipie; ju t on ei hauled and In A-l I' ni. Will lake tlty lot. good piano, or aiiiaui euiiaiuer laiv inouei nioiorvycia lo- mhi niu mij niacnine. Audresa o. C. 1.4, l.ee. 40ACRES of Colorado land, clear, a ant wiw, .-,-r mi, iti ,h;k or aucinuig i can use. 146 N. th. Tel. U eb. Ii4. AIL furnttur In 46-rooin hotel: rea in able rer I on build nn; Bouth Bide; will exchange for real esia.e. value $l.b.i0. Ad dress B. C. 03. Bee. AUTOMoillLEn For other automobile baixams sea th '.' Automobile" viaaaifi ratio u. HAN E lo young Rhode Island Red cockerels: will exchange on or both for cockerels f same breed: only flrst i lass birds considered. Addrasa ti. C. 3.3. Itee. 11 A E two young Rhode Island Rcd-cock-euls. Will exchan e one or bot.i lor ockeirla of sama breed, only ;irs'-cla 1 11 Us considei ad. Addres o. C- SI WAPPRS' T)l,t'MN ' H IHli-OHAI K. Syracuse, special make shota-un and hunting outfit. W ill trade for motorcycle In good condition, S. C. 2 11 w 1 HAVbl a 46-7(1 single shot csrblne rifle and a pair of Ice skates. Will swap for a good collection of postage stamps. Address S. C. fiTL rsre Bee. ONK brand new Winchester pump gun, IMf? model, with hew canvss case, pair of hip boots, slse , nearly new. Ad drer S. '. X B"e. 7-Roo.M, modern house; hot water heat; 3344 S. 19th t. Will take 6-passenger car or lot In Carter i-ake club as part payment I'hona Webster 2961, or address C 4.?6. Bee. KEVOLVF.R Good 22-calibre. 4 shot, double action revolver to swap fur good square trunk. Addreaa 8. C, 70', Re. TO SELL or trade your shotKun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglaa. j f. "ft I SON Diamond-point 'Amherola.'"' Thla outfit Is new and list at $ 0 with fnor ment reccr M1I t ane for Un der ood tytewrltec or Kn man kocak, Willi anaatlgmnt lena, of equal value. Ad dress S. C. l;7 Bee. HEATER Dandy soft coal heater. Hot Blast; do for house or garage, to trade ror anything I can use. S. C. Sep, Bea, i . j TWIM Ex-moorcyole, In good running order,, to Swap for diamond ling of ! value not less than $100 or of equal value. 8. C., 677 Hee. FOll fiALE OR TRADE. 1 t.Vdrawer Amberg cnl Inet letter file. X transfer cases for same. 1 13-drawer Globe Ideal cabinet lett?r fil . ' . What have you? jAddress A. 447. fire. ; R. C7 II.T 191S model, eWtrlc light and tarter,' to trade for 1916 Ford. Address 8. C. 375, Be. ' . TRUNK Have extra large trunk wo eld like to exchange for medium all ur smaller one. Addresi B. C. S70. Bee. TY PE WRITER Remington No. 2: Just rebuilt and In good oonlitton; will ex change for light set single harness. 8. C. xm, nee. ll'l k!H t U . if CS i ana eiiaiiie lit eJtciiaiiKV ivr l'. o. government wireless Bet. Sending radius 100 to 200 mile. Receiving radius, 1,60)1 to I, wit miles. Set In first-clasa condi tion ; Just overhauled by flrst-clas elec trlclan. Addreaa 8. C,. 878 Bee. V A NTJeTJ-TO TRADE Good painting and paperhanglng for a buggy. First class work. 8. C. 620. - W ANT small gas engine In exchange for bicycle,' ahotgun, camera, or large candy making outfit with gas and gaaoiine furnace, and $60 worth of candy making reclpea. Address 8. C. 871. Bee. WILL trade mandolin for violin, value tin. Address S. C. 621, Bee. WOOD turning lathe, emery wheel, coun tershafts and bolting, complete outfit, to -exchange for automobile or motor cycle. Address 8. C. 400. Bee. FOR RENT - Aparliurat hs4 Flats. Tha For Kent advertisement appearing In tha For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleas and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. 2701 Blnhey 6-rm, brick flat. Web. 731. VERY-hoIce 4 or 4-room steam-heated apartment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS, IS113 FARNAM 8T. 1104 N. 32D f-r. flat, steel range, as stove, kitchen caolnet, water paid. I Hi. RASP BROS., DOUGLAS W3. M 8. 17TH-6-r., all mod. apt.. $36.60. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS 1863. Hoard and Itooma. Furnished Rooms that offer ever mod em convenience and comfort In private families or .boarding houses of the high est claaa will be found in the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler limo. 1 2301 Bo: ifttth Good room for lady, two meals, 118 mo., family prlv. Har. 8632, TWO newly furnished room In private family. Horn privilege to right par tic. Will give board and room to man and wife forllO. Web. 7172. 6-RM. APT. for rent on 8. loth, 6 rm,; all modern. Inquire 913 Forest. BOARD tand room, new mod. home, two men or man and wife. Walnut 264. NICELY furnished room with excellent board, ln roflnad. private, home; reas onable: -lose In. .Tyler Hoj6. . . - N. 2:ld. 814 Mrldern rooms.. Uoua. 1881. 1610 Blnney; hd. and rm. 45" week. W. 1641 BOA RD A ND ROOM IN MODERN PRI VATE HOME, TO REFINED LADY OR GENTLEMAN. , REASONABLE. WRBBTER 1964.. .- r arolabed llonsea. ( UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter; , muat , be first class. Address O 448 Bee. Famished Rooms. NICELY furnished room, clo.i In: all modern. 631 8. 2?d Ht. ; Large - front room for two gentlemen, In ' private family; mod. home; board If da Sired. 85)1 Deer Park Blvd. Tyltr 2042 W. The Logan : 1814 Dodge St. ; all remodeled and under new management. Mra. Luella Lyrapht. Phone Tyler 1700. . , LARGE. nlclv fur. rm., private family; hot water heat; walking dls. Har. 814 SPECIAL LOW RATES . TO PERMANENT GUEST8. HOTEL BAN FORD. 19th and Farnam, HOTEL HARLEY. tilth and FarnMn. CHOICE of Bleeping tooma; al-o light housekeeping roon s; t'.iA); good heat. fue ana bath, ibw n. im. 2118 Davenport Pleasant, newly . fur nished, modern, south front room. With telephone: reasonable to rlirht parties. Telephone Tyler 2410 W. " .Untarnished Hiiomi. ' . THREE unfurnished room 'for rent; clean and modern; alao have Bleeping room with private entrance. Benaoli Hi. TWO unfur'd houaek'pg rme.Web.' 746. , . Ilonaeker-plaar It 00 as a, FOft RENT Strictly modern, newly fur- nisneu rms . nest rurn.; private;, m. ti'M. FA UN Ail &Zt Two nlco housekeeping rooms, steam, electriiliy. gaa range. 2022 ST. MAltY'S- AVE. Modern house- Keeping rooms, s-'. ity Furnished llnaaykrpuiK- Roams. DAVENPORT, ri8-TWO OR . THTMKE NICELY FURNISHED HSltO. ROOMS. $3.6U WEEK. North. FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences, block to car, 4613 N. SMh tt- M. A. Past, 4619 N. Sth Bt, Phon Colfax , 1173. roH FM ALL FAMILY Entire upatalr of residence; I nice large roome and fcsth: mo.UAi except beat; cltan and remfortablai 410. Web. H0. BIX-ROOM cottage modern except heat, 3243 N. lth St. Phone Webster MKNT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS Met eight-room house; newly decorated; modern except heat; storm window aoJ nora; price reduced to lis. weh now. t ROOMS, modarn except heat, for loI .t Cuming Bt. Colfig 14M). . . REDUCED . RENT. OOS and 2juU7 FranMIn Bt., each S room and bath;, perfect .order. .To good tenr ante will rent for tit per month each. Call D 281. 24t Emmet All modern, good repair; rent cheap If taken quick. Web, lofts. , Rent Reduced - Nlc a-raom bousa, maaarai exaApi boat; storm windows: arrauaed for two fami lies if so dilreU; rut i2. bll Corby fct Tel. Wab.-ikex. - He 6 KMMtT, 4-r.- cottage. W. H. FOR RENT l-fwn, new, modern, uii-to-date brick flat. .1221 W11IU Ava, Rent 124. lei. D. 1630. Hit BUHDETTE 4-roora house, with bath . nd Jn r.ace. . Call Web. 4:4. . FOR RENT Vroom colttcK. partly tar nished. $16. iM. Franklin Sf kaslk. 3031 MARCY. 7 -room house, strictly mod ern, wlihi garage, t,s. Harney ' 27U6. FIVE rooms, modern except heat. $14. wainui ui 4-R. HOUSE, 1 sleeping porch. 1 screen porchSOS 8. 86th Ava. Harney 3IL FOR RENT 6-room house lllIorcs. 7-hk MJ modem, t1 Poppleton Ave. FtS'B rlJr, good furnace. polished floor, cement cellar, four bedroom, east front, large shads trees. KJU South I .i h Ml., iecrgia A vs. Itarney 2s iQ. , CON T I N dnc oXT tTt 1 1 1 ITp age? Readv Reference Directory The followinnr fin, offer (J will please the most critical. 4R8TRACT8 OF TITLE, RF.KD ARSTRACT CO, oldest ahslractj office In Nebraska. 2at Brsndels Thea'j Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office, a 8. Uth St. Tel. D. M7. At t ot UTAft T. E. A. DWOBAK, C. P. A. n-4.TT Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 74fl. ADVtHIISIXI MJVKLTIKS. M- V. Shnfcr Co., mh-Farnam. T. 7474. AMATEUR FIXIglll.MU. '''LMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 416 Bee Bid. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS, Everett S. Dodd. 612 Paxtoh WV. P. 2081. ATTORM K fl. C. T. Dickinson, 611 Pax ton Blk. P. 1804. At t TIO.MEKHS. Dowj Auction Co., 1116-14 W.O.W. R.SWR. A UTO I NSIHA.M E, Ay,Ti.lOBlLE MUTUAL INSURANCE -ougiaa 2My. AUTO HAU1ATUH REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 2H38 Far. P. 20Q1 HATH8. . BATH-214 Balrd Dlk 17th and4 Douglaa. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish bath for ladle and gentlemen: lady attendant for ladies; Swedish massage. .i-.g -ami,ll pt. I'OllgiaB MAt. BAKKHIE. g. If. REEDER. 1608 N. 18th. Web. 8297. BRASS A.NU IRON yut.MlHIKI, Psxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Msrtha Pts. tARPEMKHS AND t Oft'l KAUTUHS. STEVENSON, 823 S. 22d. ' DoUgiag 6620. Lelsard A Son, 1908 Cap. Av. T. 1633. P, W. Hokanson, 2605 Lvnwth. Tyl. 2192-J. tt. IROI'IIACTIC SI'IftAL AOJl'hT!), PR. BURHORN, isth and Fafnam. Wcad Bldg.. Doug. 6347; graduate Palmer School of Chiropractic. T r. J. C, Lawrence. I Balrd Bld. D. 8461. DR. W. H. KNOLLENBERo, Suit 812 . Bet Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1984. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford, 630 Pa. Blk. Red 4o87. AOFFKK II Y MAIL. fff tava money. Use better yOIiee co"ee. 1& lb, high grade . Dy Parcel post, prepaid, 13.60. W. A. Bkalfe & Co., Omaha, Neb! DAMCINO ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackle'. Doug S440. - DB LUXE ACADEMY. Ill 8, 18th St. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dresamak'g college. 2ith A Farnam 1ADIE8' JACKETS remodeled In the iat- rsi siyie; reasonable price. 1911 Far r.nm Bt. Phone Douglas 2829. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Ktter'g Dressmaking Col.. 1621 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Pry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 15th. D. 6072. DETECTIVES. , " - , JAMES ALLAN, 812 Nevllie Block. Evl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1U4. DENTISTS. ' Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 912 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea, 724Clty Nat. Gank. Tsft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2184. DRtOS. r-RUGS at cu prices; freight paid on $1J orCera; cataloguea free, Bherman & Mc Cmnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa, Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 8068. EVERYTHING FOH WOMEN. . ACCORDION, aide, knife, unburt. box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonhole, pennants. Ideal Pleatln? Co., 200 Douglas Block. Doug las vm. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HARERSTROH, 4028 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florist, 18U4 Farnam St. D. S000. I HENDERSON, 1814 Douglas. D. ll. Member Florist Telegraph Del.' Ass n. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. A. PONAQHUE. 1S22 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURRIERS. 8AM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red 4631 H. Rothhol. 2818 teavenworth. ' H. 2768. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. . THE largest tock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo, Lleben Y Son. 1614 Howard. D. 4115. INSTRl CTION. English, French Inatructlon. 306 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CIJtlBORNE. 612 Paxton Rlk. Red , 740L Notary public; deposition steno. C. W. BRPTT, 301 Barker Block. LIlillTINO FI xTI RflS,VlRlo. nTTT?KTT Thomas. ' Dnugla'a ' 2619. LIUlUVirM 222J Cuming St L1VK STOCK COilYliastON. MARTIN- BROS, at CO. Exchange Bldg. M4SCF.IR9. Massage, women. Call T. 1227 for apptmt MASSAGE Swedish movement, ladle only. Call Colfax 1W4 for appointment. MOTORCYCLES. HAftLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain in uaed machines. Victor R009, "The Motorcycle Man," 2703 Leavenworth. -OVINIA fl'TlHK MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. OC I LISTS, Eyea examined, glaases fitted, pay aa you can. Pre. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. .OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARM STRONO, 41 Be Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk'. Tl. Red T1I7. M. A. St urges. 3Brandels Theater Bldg. i-lLLOHl A N is li.KtlNb,. OMAHA PILLOW CO , Mattrease mad to order or remade. ia07 Cuiniog. D. 17. " ! plTl ME C I.KAN ED. CSRLEP, dyed. D. Elael. Il84 City Nt " PIANOS FOR RUNT. $3 64 per month. A. Hoape. 1618 Douglaa. PHINTlNCa. , WATER8-BARNH ART Ptg. Co . quality pnutmg. Tal. Doug. 2190. 624 8. lilh St. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 3764. POUOIJtS Printing Co. Tel. Itouglaa 444. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Seal Co., 613 S. 1111 p. 2811. SHOhi MICPAlMINOi. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 8. 11 aualitv and expert service thaly .'" . w & - - w ' 1 SHOE REPAIRING. llsrley Phos Rep'r C.. 2fH Fam'm. R. 8444 SEWING M At H INKS. fir rent, repair, sell needles anil W C fortu for all sewing machines. "MICHEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ' 16th and Harney. Douglaa 1AS1, STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 S. IS, STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, she I v. Ing. etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co., 414-1H-18 8. 12th Doug. 2724. SIOVK AND FIHNACH REPAIRS. AtL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnacaj colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stova Repair Works. 12K-8 Douglas St. Tyler 20. KLF.CTK1C MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHIL7, Et,ECTRTC CO.. Bee Rid D.8870. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, ;Q7 3. i,n, p. 53, TRtNK AND St IT CASES. FRELINO A STEIN LE, IWi Farnam S f TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for 15. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1906 Farnam, BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange. 318 S. 18tbj St. All makeg for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington" not Just a type writer, ol.w rent Call Douglns 1284. VACUUM CLEANERS. Ahl mBkM- E. B. William. 308 S. 18th. Tyler 1011. W A TCH SPECIALISTS. " Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton BV., 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Dong. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-S g. 13th St Wlnea, , aa! liquors, cigar. Plate dinner 11 to 8. lOo, f 1 HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSH, y 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein') Liquor house. 622 N. 16th. Douglas 1809, ' MEIHCAb PILES. FISTlILJt rnmrn or. E. R. Tarry cure a pile, fistula anb ather rectal diseaaea without aurrt..,! operation. Cur guaranteed and no inon4 fom uiilii curea, w rne ror Doog obj rectal diseases with testimonial DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg RHEUMATISM treated successfully, ra. suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 814 Bee Uldg RUPTURE cured In few days without pain. Call or write Pr. Wray, lot Baa Bldg.. Omaha. Established ISM. ' FOB KENT llonaea and Cottagea. South. I-ROOM cottage. Ill 8. 28th St. US Water paid. 1614 Park Ave. 7-room modern brick. Weal. FOR RENT. 2332 Harney St., modern 10-room brick house; hot water heit Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094. D. 1216. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, Dundee. 4W1 Capitol Ave. Phone Walnut 1880. Miscellaneous. i2.ro 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 1608 Corby. $J8.00-7-r., mod ex. heat. 252 Sjrague St, 7-r., mod. ex. heat, 1019 8. Z3d St $22.00 7-r., all modern. 3328 Caaa St. joj.w o-r airmoaern, lis n. 27th Ave. $?;. CO 7-r.. all modern SWrtl H ,l tao.00 7-r etrlctly mod., 3032 Marcy' St. 1 1 T n. r. 11 1. . . . . fft Omaha Nat Bank-Phone D. 21S2. 8-r. mod., W. Farnam Dlst; furnish w: iiniurnisnea, w. 6-r., part mod., splendid repair; 6th and Martha, $16. 8-r., part mod., 6lh and Martha, $12. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 7 16 Hickory, $19. 6-r., part mod., 714 Hickory, $16. 6-r., mod., up-to-date bungalow Never been occupied; paved street; near achool and car. 8123 Corl y. tTt 6) AMERICAN SECURITY CO. Uth and Douglaa. Douglas fOlJ. 114 S. OTri ST. 7-r., all mod. House; new ly papered and painted, close In. $26. 303i 8. lth, 5-r., part mod., $10. 221ti N. 27th, 6-r., mod. cottage, $15. RASP BROS.. DOUGLAS ifiSJ. llOUSeS ?Jeif,h So.n" ?. Be7Bdg". a wii t'ta.1 4,s m Liit9 CJiy. FIDELITY S' FRES Phone Douglaa 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. lth and Jackson 8ts. Globe Van &Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; I-horse Van and 2 men, $1.25 per hr. ; storage, $2 per mo Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 & Ty. 230. J. G. Reed p&ngCo& VVVl )2()7 tr.rn.,r jnoving storaaa 1207 Farnam. D. 614. Gordon Van Co. xr . . J7 Moving, I.T A. J 14.11 CI Tel. D. 3H or Har. 19J7! Maggard'sM.: in pacKimy, BHlppln. 1713 Webster fit. Tliil- lua i aqa: 8EK the Central Furniture Store's FR 'tr.. i alj T FIREPROOF WAREHmisu " SEPARATE, locked rooms, for house hold goods and piano; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO 806 So. 16th St. Doug. 4163. S lures aad Offloea. READY Pec. lat. small office on I7th afreet. 2d floor. 270 sn. ft. Th Bea Building. Office Room 100. WANTED TO BUT V. k. are on the market for 100 carloau of country-mixed acrap iron. Write for prlcee. A. B Alpern. 7th and Douglas WANTED to buy some second-hand gro- very ana meat natures of all klnda. PI. on or write office, Dougla 2300 THE BASKET STORES ' WANTEI iTED-To buy n monthly payments, ill atore room, with living rooms small obvtie,n Centrl achool district Phona WE pay Chicago prices lor atuiiuuiud srrsn rr;mr Pwxt"n-Mit-hell o. CORNET Want to get oneaTreaonabl coat. Cyro. 15-11 Willis Ave. Ftrlctlv high rrnl" meno Weh 7 OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Read. 13o7 Farnam. Doug. tin. Yale buys everything 2d hand. Web. tswi. REAL ESTATE LOANS $JtJ TO $10,000 mad promptly. F. D.' Wd. We ad Bldg.. 18th A Farnam Bta. CITY and farm loans, t. 6'i f per cenW 1. H. Dumont aY Co., 418 State Bank. A "For Sal" ad will tu o second-hsnd furniture into cash. CON TJNU EDb nHP JvG EE L E YE NT" 'Column One.) - -J y yi ; t v: 4 I Tt OS Is. 1 I L-'a-J til j