TIIE TVFTE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, XOVEMBEtt 30, 1915. ie Bees Homme Maazitie Pa ( Anita Stewart Tells Girls How to Achieve Success and Happiness World-Famous Motion Picture Star Begins Here Today a Series of Unique Heart-to-Heart Talks to Girls "Have an Object" 4f .1 No. lThe Road to Fame in the Movies - t' .? r m 4 Cf ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. Copyright. 1915, Star Company. Whatever you set out to do, know this: It U yourself, not circumstances or con ditions tJf Influence, which will make XH'-tT success. It U what - jrou (eel, what you think, what you do not any one of these, tut all of them. Tou may - do all that the altuatlon require, but If you ytare no feeling In '.he matter your ' deeds will be al most barren of re- ; Auit. ..... Tou . -may feel strongly, yet if you do nothing your seed of feeling will not take root. Tou may feel and do. yet If your thoughts are not centered on .-what you do your work will but half f P succeed. J i Are you a musician? All the tech f nlque, all the knowledge, all the Indus try of a lifetime of hard study will never ,, make you a great artist unless you feel your music, . Tou can never move the hearts of peo - pie, you can never win your audience. you can never command pupus, as the less thorough artist may do who feels what he Is portraying. Are you a farmer? Then think of your siness as the most Important one in world. Study It, love It, concen trate your mind upon it and work to make others realize its worth. Are you a doctor or lawyer? Tour following does not depend Uon Influ ence or luck; It depends upon your own attitude to your profession and to people. Tou can draw patrons to you as the magnet draws particles of steel. If your mind Is focused and Intense, and your methods earnest and unafraid. There Is no purpose in life which Per mits a divided Interest without protest Uhls protest spelis failure, and is usu ally attributed to "bad luck" by the Mctlm. Most of us belong to a class still more hopeless than the proverbial Hoots" who will learn in no school save that of ex purience. We will not even Jearn InUiat. It Is not to be understood that we can l-.ave but one interest in life; it is only that we must have but one at a time. There was a wonderful flsheman. K .a ties sprang to bis bait, even when dropped In streams where no other . sportsman ever obtained a bite. Ills basket was always filled when his companions, sitting at his side, went home unrewarded and ashamed. One cay the famous fisherman fell in love. He could think, dream and talk of noth ing but nls heart's idol. While he was at his favorite sport he dreamed of her, and the fishes sped by his bait without touching It. And the man called It "being down on his lUOkY a f trwrd he married his heart s Idol, .Sjd he was loyal and loving always; and - .. . 4i i. .-ii. th.v lived as me tairy w.y happily forever afterward. But there came a time when he was so assured and content In his love life that he could again think cf bis occupation as a fisherman, and his lost "luck" returned; and he never understood why It had left him nor why it had returned. But It was all In accordance with a changeless law the law of mind over matter and circumstance. Think of one thing at a time. Put your whole mentality, your while spirituality and your physical vitality into the mat ter at hand. Be direct and send your thought as straight as arrow to the target of your desire. All of success lies In you, Tou need never ask any min'i aid or counsel If you set alU your own forces to work. A welj ask another to walk for you as to help you to success. ' Depend upon yourself! Eat Less Meat And Take Salts If Kidneys Hurt Says & tablespoonful of Salts flushes Kidneys, stopping Backache. Ireat forms Uric Acid, which excites Kidneys and Weak ens Bladder. Elating meat regularly eventually pro- ducea kidney trouble In some form or other, says a well-known authority, be cause the uric add In meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all aorta of distress, particularly backache and mis ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary Irritation. The moment your back hurts er kid neys aren't acting right, or If bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any aood pharmacy; take a tablespoonful In a glaaa of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. Thia famous salts U made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations y flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neu tralise the acida In the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder dis orders. Jad Salt cannot Injure anyone i makes a delightful effervescent Uthla-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organa clean, thus avoiding sirlous kidney disease. Adverttsenvn, By ANITA STEWAttT. Copyright, Wlfi, International Newa Service. Perhana It may seem a bit cheeky In a girl as young as I am I am not yet 30 to attempt to advise other girls about how they should live their lives, and what they should do and not do. But Just because I am young, just be cause I am a girl living and working out In the world. I know perhaps better Characteristic Poses of the than an oldr person just how the mod ern girl feels about things, lust what ; temptations she has to meet, and Just ! what are her hopes and aspirations and j problems. j Of course, the eternal moralities are always the same from generation to gen eration. Things that were sins In our grandmother's days were sins in our mother's days, and are sins in our. It's because everything in the life of a Advice to "it Bumm Tuxru ProT Yoaraelf. Pear Miss Fairfax: I am II. and. though I am considered bright and well edu cated, for both a bualnesa and a social world, I have been out of employment for soma time. After six years of com mercial experience during which I had worked up to a salary of 118 per week I wag finally compelled to accept a posi tion as cashier, stenographer, bookkeeper and general helper and all for $6. 1 ac cepted this after various attempts to get positions, and took It only becauss 1 was getting so morbid. While In the class of the unemployed I lost my natural attitude, which was cheerful, oongenlal and accommodating. I am tasting a very bitter cup now of suspicion and Jump ing to unhappy conclusion. I am a fail ure to myself and dejected and disheart ened, but I long to be cheerful again. Can you tell me how? FLORENCE. My dear girl, you are far too clever to yield to depression just because your present state la not as good as your past one. Tou can easily work up to a posi tion as good as thst you had before or ven better. Just do your day's work and ' do It with a determination to make it so splendid and worth while that advance ment will have to come. These are times of business depression, and you are sharing the common problem. Tou are not at all alone in your trouble. Since you know what your present fallings are, you must make a stand against them. Very few things are permanent In the world. The feeling of unhspplnesa you have today may be quite gone by tomor row. Make up your mind that your own nervousness, as well as the difficulties! Rlrl of today Is ss different from what It was In the life of her mother that mothers really cannot take care of their daughters Quite as well as they should. How can the mother who has lived all of her life In the home, surrounded by men she only knows socially, advise her daughter who Is out In the world, strug gling with men for a living? How can the mother who only knows the problems of hor own house be a guldo IXC r Fascinating Anita Stewart, Loved from to her daughter who is living the life of the stage, or the store, or the office, or factory? It's like a landlubber trying to tell a sailor how to manage a boat In a storm. And the glrla know this, and that's why they often don't listen to mother's coun sel. But I am of their generation. I live their life and that Is why I think that they will, perhaps, have real heart-to-heart talks with me, just as girls do at the Lovelorn that are causing It. are temporary things and that better is bound to come. So make the most of what you have and determine to get better. Just this little set-back gives you a chance to prove yourself a girl strong enough to face difficulties, to conquer them and to wrest success from them. Kagasjremrwt Aaaounremrnts. Dear Miss Fairfax: Will you please ad vise me as to the proper wording for an engagement announcement for a couple who are to be engaged without any recep tion or any festivities whatever. ANXIOUS. Mr. and Mrs. X (or substitute the name of sister, brother or any guardian.' u;il if you are alone It must be II Us X) announce the betrothal (or engagement) of their daughter Anne to Mr. Henry Smith of Albany. Ask Her. Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been calling on a young lady for some time, and tea.iy loe her. I hold uunveraaut-iis with her dailv over the phone. tthe Is always anxious for me to call at her home, but I cannot understand her ways. Although sn is very courteous, she dwi not have much to say. Her affections sems to inci.ne towards snuther, although he does not call 8veral persons have (old n.e that they had heard that the young lady say that she loved me. A. II U. Tell the girl of your love and ask her what ber feelings for you are. Her In terest In "the other" man msy be feigned nieMy to nuke you ulous and to -brln you to thu point." bedtime with each other when they got on their kimonos and let down their hair, and get out their cold cream Jars, i and tell each other the secrets of their soula. I am sure of It from the letters they write me, "Dear Anita Stewart, 1 want to become a movie actress. How glial! 1 go about it?" "Pear Anita Stewsn, what shall I ilo to make myself beautiful llko you are?" "Dear AnIUi Stewart, do you a s' Whose Fame as a Motion Picture Coast to Coast. think It happier for a girl to marry, or have a career," and so on, and so on, until I am fairly buried In the letters. Now to answer the first question first, about how to become a moving picture actress. I think that's the ambition of about' nine hundred and ninety-nine per oent of all the women In America, young and old, ugly and pretty. I don't criticize ! I like to see a girl have ambition, and spunk and whut wo Kvery man does not laugh the same way at the same Joke. It is seldom that a dog's reputation for Intelligence has been earned. It Is seldom that the husband and wife bqth entertain affection for another woman. It is difficult for the average small boy to be decent without becoming girlish In his ways One good loser Is the defeated candi date who does not beef when paying the campaign expenses. - When the base ' ball editors begin to talk of next year's prospects one can almost hear the bluebirds sing. The man who attempts to get his liv ing by his wits often finds that the world Is full of rival humorists. When a woman has no troubles of her own a kind neighbor can often come In and suggest a subject for worry. When a man awakens to the fact that he has al.io married several of his wife' relatives, the divorce lawyer sits up and listens. The fellow with profound knowledge of the Scriptures can always make you feel small In an argument, whether he can accomplish inuih In the way of conser vation or not. i , I In-Shoots t ? s 1 v 4 J .4 . STCJDotr Star Has Made Her Name call get-up-and-get In good Amerncanese, and to be a moving picture actress Is fine, interesting work and to be a moving picture star Uium-um about the best thing ever, I think. Rome Job, believe me. But In order to become a success ul rclng picture act rest one must ha . e certain qualifications. To begin with. mmm than JL frmonrs Til PRODUCTS La in .A t .....rj ... ?V'"("-V there Is the quostlon of looks. The wo man who atplres to play romantla hero ines must not only be beautiful, but she must take- beautiful photographs. She must have a willowy figure, for nobody op Imagine a fat, stumpy gl 1 rls ng thrills in a man's breast In a reel I f e, although she often does it in re.il Ufa. Also her face must be expressive be muse she has to convey her meaning to the audience without the aid of words, r'he must have the drama tlo Instinct so I'eenly developed that she can make pao plt laugh or cry Just by the lift of an eyebrow, or the wringing of her hands, oi charm them by the sweetness of her smile. Then you have to have a constitution cf Iron for the work is ceaseless and ex- hauttlrig. I'm on my feet more hours a Cay than any shop girl, and much of the fine rigged out In costumes that are a 1 erfect torture to wear, and I have wrilked more miles In f.lms than any clr- It-the-globe-pedeMrian. And you've got to be Sally-on-the-spot In keeping every appointment, foil tt costs JLifrJJ. JJ. LI LI KLZS ii tin ii ri ii ? av p . a mm is a careful selection of choicest leaf fat ren dered in open kettle by the Armour method. Its richness makes it go a full ordinary shortening. Pastry made with "Simon Puro" i3 both de licious and digestible. ''Simon Pure", packed in airtight pails, is 90U under the Armour Oval Label thm mark which distinguishes A armour proauct, Star Sitciiiut Nam Star Bonn Dtvtmklri Farm Sauiagi Olmmargtriiu v- - 1 IW hundreds of dollars an hour for camera men, and the other actors to be kipt waiting while some dilatory person noeded to make up the scene, strolls casually In. And the girl who goes In for moving pictures has got to leave her nice little tender feelings at home and not get hurt or mad when the stage director tells her his candid opinion, of how many kinds of an Idiot she is, and that the way aha walks across the stage looks Ilka she wag understudying a three legged cow. Or words to that effect. And she must be as obedient' to dis cipline as a soldier and as patient as Job, and she must have the courage of a soldier In the trenches, for she has to risk her life many and many a time to make a six reel thriller. To be a successful moving picture actress, you have to ba .born for the job, and be able to register most of the cardinal virtues. And any girl who can do that can get alont In any career she chooses. (The next article by Anita Stewart will be "Career, Ileal and Imaginary.") I?" LEAF, LARD third farther ' x the best grade of each such as Jrmiwr't Craft . Juki . And Over 100 Canntd Foods ARMOUR COMPANY i ftOBT. STOATS. Birr.. 13th aad Jones fjta, fhone Dourles 10SS. Omaha. SI eh. '. Ib WiUinsca. Mgr.. 8ta s Q. Tel. S. :t0.