Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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I clo ti
Vi',4 ""
VKnK"1 1
o school.
WANTfcll TO Bt'T
'jTWlLL pav cash for FpM runabout In
I good condition. Address S 44, He.
I W K are on the market for 10"
rite for
A ef country-tulied scrap Iron. W
I prim. A B Alpern, ?th end I
WANTKP to bur some second-hand gro
cery end meat fixtures of an kind.
Ttona or rite of lice Douglas :..
WE pay ChiiUKo price lur aluminum
itw nil nan Pnston-Mitchcll Co.
Strictly hirh arable nlnno. tVeh TTpt.
CFF1CE furniture bought and sold. J.
C. Reed, 1207 Farnam Hour. fil4u.
Tale buy everything bund. Web. M.
line TO HO.lW) made promptly. F.
Wd, Wead Bid.. ISthi Fatnani Sta. !
CITT and farm loana." S. per cenC
J. H
iumont Co.. 16 State Bank.
A "For kale
j m M - va rail m'i wui turn vv.vuuuanu
Kiumiture into caah.
tlTV property. Earae loans a tp. ls.lty.
W. H Thomas, iJ8 State Bank Uldg.
B" TO t for loans on bept clasi Ity
rasldencea in ainrunti 2.'jv up, nlj
farm loane. Reasonable commissions.
UNA HA homea. Ft Nebraska farm.
ln$ Omaha National. Fhone PoiikIms 5TU.
MONfeT on hand for city and farm lonna
H. W. Rlnder. City National Bank PMg
CC'TT U)AN!. C.'r,. fariberg.llt
, i" l Prn-, Theater nid
FCR SALE or exchange for cleir 'ncune
rroper.y, 640 a'rei o: land. Price. .in
r.i acre. V. c. McDermott, owner, Nor;h
T iatte. Neb.
k-FOOM house, modern, new furnace,
never used, nu lUrt. Red 62S1.
Make Offer
44 ft. next Tim National.
$46,000 aklng price. Make offer.
Harrison & Morton
Three New Flat
12 Investments
We have a row of three attached brick
houaea, renting for 13a.W per month, n
a locality where they are ajwaya rented.
Each house haa g rooms, full basement
and good heating plant.
Do you care to make tie an offer of
what this property Is worth to you and
on the terms you can afford? The owner,
who lives In Chicago, haa instructed us
to send him ths beat offer we can get.
A. P. Tukey & Son
jT Phone Douglas 501 1507-8 W. O. W. Bide.
PAVE 1209.
On a -roorn strictly modern, well built
home from owner; hot wster heat.
M. 837, Omaha Bee.
LEA VINO City. I owe i60 on my lot at
6th and Dodge. Make otter for my
equity at onec L-1M Bee.
FOR PALE ?0-ecre farm, s tunted less
than S miles from On. ah a, in southweai-
till innj iuiiiu uiio rniiv VI QOl igwa
of ona thousand pop.: 160 acres t ter
wntat, nu acres corn, oaiancs in pasture;
sooa house, large barn and oiher neoes
ar) Improvements; this is good home,
c:ose to town and scnool. Wl I sell on
raxy terms. Aduress Box (77. Glen wood,
40. 10 or MB acres good heavy soil, well
settled part of Todd county, Minn
aood roads, schools and churches. Price,
(IS to 120 per acre. Terms. II per acre
cash, balance 11 per acre a year;
acres to select from, firhwah nroi.. 10;
KIlTSON county, Minnesota. AM acres
in this county offered at only 7.5o per
ncre. (Jlland Land Co., Fergus, Falls,
40, M, 110, IW-aere unimproved tracts;
3 to II miles from Omsha Stock Yard;
none over 6 miles to Ry. town; UK to I2S0
per acre; 1-1 cash required.
JOHN N. FBKNZER. m 8. Uth.
Ql'ARTER-secUon. southeast Neb., a
good ona at a bargain; Improved and
convenient to good town. Write for par
tleuiais. Owner, address R 40, Bee.
New Meala.
tC.fJfO ACRES fine pasture, Irrlvable, big
gest baxg In In 0. W. Prke, 13 per act.
Aonreas V 1M, Pee.
UPPER. WICONSlN-Best dalrv
central crop state In the union; se
wanted i lands for sale at low prices on
easy tarnts. Ask for booklet M
on Wlscon
ain Central Land Orant. Excellent lands
for stock raising. If Interested In. fruit
isnas ass. tit book vet on appia orenaraa.
Address Land and Industrial Dept. Soa
Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn.
write a sood description of your la
and send It to the Bloux City. (la.) Jour.
aal. . ' Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad
day evenln. Saturday morning and every
MiunuT evening ana wunuay ror one
month, airlna slxteea ada on t waive dlf.
month, living sixteen ada on twei
farent days for W; or 10 words. H ar 78
wpras v.
trgeat elrculatton of any Iowa
caper. readers dally In (our great
FARM FOR RENT 1M aerea. about IW
aerea In alfalfa. Inquire Wal, I'll J, or
sppiy to j. i.. ttoot.
;j ACRES for rnt, Uth and O.
Lake club. '
Notice la hereby given that sealed pro
posals will hs received by the Board of
Directors of the Short Line Irrigation
DUtrlrt at tneir oflice in the Village of
Bayara,, ror n purcnase of ff.
teen inouKnq owuarwa ciniy-two
dollars !" vjiue or ine per cent
serial bonds oi ssia aismet until J 3
o'clock P. ta on the 7th dav of December,
l!Ui; said bonds ate Issued under and by
virtue of an Act of the legislature of the
ltoa. SVssion Lw 1K. Chapter 70 and al
.nnnii thereto and pursuant tn .
vot of the majority "''he qualified elec-
tors ot aaia uic.n.i. .nv cxbreasiy
reeervss the right to reject any and all
bids and will in no event sen any of said
bonds for lass than nlnty-flv M, ....
of the fare value thereof. By order of
the toara or uir-i'in
Secretary Short Una Irristlon District
Wai-rr As
Principal Moore Expects Increase of
Hundred Student. t Opening
of High.
"I exrc;t fully n, hundred additional
strdents at the opening of tho mid-year
In February." Principal P. W. Moore of
the South Side High school stated In
discussion of the enrollment nrosnocts at I
the local school next fall.
Next year (tradtiates of the Kdward
Rosewator, Vinton and Castellar atreet
schools which are now contained in the
South Fide School district will be niti'
relied to enroll nt the South Side High
school, moordlns: to announcement made
by Onmhfi school r.uthoritlcs. This
should Increase the membership another
hundred. With this great ndvnncc In
membership there is every prospect that
school .ictlvitlcs will be Increased 100 per
cent. ,
Principal Moore Is evon now talking of
installlns a linotype machine in the print
Inn department. The two presses and
complete outfit of type have all been ra'd
for and it Is the ambition of the student
corporation to make the plant complete
by Installing a linotype machine.
Days Cattle In Iowa.
After searching the state of Iowa for
two weeks, J. McQueen, the Hawaiian
live stock ajcent who came to the Omaha
market to purchase some pure bred cat
tic, returned to the local yards for the
second time Friday afternoon. He had
under hl care two separate consignments
of pure bred live stock.
The first was taken from the ranch of
Dan McCarthy at Wlnthrop. Ia., and was
a consignment of pure bred Polled Here
fords. The other consignment came from
the farm of D. O. Gammon of Dea Moines.
Pure bred Polled Angus were obtained at
Mitcherville. la. The stock was shipped
jesiernay rrom the local market to
Seattle, Wash., from where they will be
taken aboard ship for the Hawaiian 1s
landa. The trip la expected to take six
teen days.
"taa-a Meet Tomorrow.
With the coming of speakers from the
supreme drove. Including the deputy In
ternational director. Booth Haines of
Bloux City, members of the local drove of
the Order of Staps will hold a big cele
bratlon meeting Monday evening, Novem
ber p, at the McOrann hall. Twenty
fourth and O etreets. Besides a big pro
gram, with Brother H. R. Caufleld on
the program as a speaker, refreshments
will be served. The latter half of the
evening; will be passed In an Informal
Preparations for the meeting Indicate
that all members of the lodges of Oreater
Omaha will be present. A royal recep
tion will be accorded the visitors.
Administrator of Share Estate.
Sol S. Goldetrom, saloonkeeper, haa
been appointed administrator of the es
tate left by Mr. and Mrs. Lculs Share,
parents of three children, who were
burned to death last Monday evening.
The property and merchandise Invested
In the little tailor shop at Twenty-sixth
and N streets ill ba sold at auction,
probably Monday morning. Announcement
win be made later.
Mr. Ooldstrom will probably tempor
arily take charaw of the two children
and the baby. The father of the parents,
Samuel, Is too old and feeble to take
charge of them.
Battle fnr finn.
The lives of several hundred parsons were
endangered last night at Twenty-sixth
and M streets when three negroes, David
Rice. 2608 N street; William Page, 424 N
street, and A. Saunders, Twenty-fourth
and I streets, engaged In a struggle for
a revolver. Sergeant James Shcahan ar
rested the trio before the gun was dis
charged. The cause of the trouble waa a
negro woman.
HI ah "ehoo Notes.
The Dramstlc club will meet Wednes
day afternoon at 3:15 o'clock at the high
The Oavel club will meet Monday even
ing In the old Board of Education room
Barred Plymeth Rocks.
Cocks First. Arthur Gillette; seeond.
Krause Ac K reuse; third, 0. S. Nevina;
fourth, Ahlqulst Bros.; fifth, F. C. Illl
man. Hens First. Ahlqulst Bros.; second, s.
S. Nevlns; third, Krause A Krause;
fourth, Arthur Gillette; fifth, Ahlqulst
Cockerels First. Havs AV Foster; sec
ond, Ahlqulst Broa.: third, F, C. Htnman;
j i . Vr ...... 1 . . u W W
iijuilii, n I aufq ac nnuisi imiii,
Pullets First. Krause Krause; sec
ond, Hays at Foster; third and fourth,
AhlqulH Bros.; fifth, Haya It Foster.
Cockerel Bred liens First and second,
W. W. Trent; third. Arthur Gillette;
fourth. Hays & Foster; fifth, Ahlqulst
Cockerel Bred Pulleta First. Arthur
Gillette; second and third, Ahlqulst Bros.;
fourth. Krause & Krause. filth. S.
Pullet Bred Coeks First, Krause &
Krause: second, Ahlqulst Broa.; third, Ar
thur Gillette; fourth, S. K. Nevina; fifth,
Arthur Ulllettc.
Pullet Bred Cockerels First, Arthur
Gillette; second and third. Hays & Fo.
ter: fourth, Arthur Gillette; nfth, Ahl
qulst Bros.
Exhibition pens First Krause (
Krause; second, 8. S. Nevlns.
Cockerel Hred Pens First, Ahlqulst
Bros.; second, A. .'. Kelly; third, A. U
Tullet Bred Pens-First, Arthur Gillette;
stcond, Ahlqulst Bros.; third, A. L.
White nocks.
Cocks First. Williams Poultry Farm;
tecond, third snd fourth, J. R. Bowman.
Hens F.rst snd second J. R. Bowman;
third. Williams Poultry Farm; fourth. J.
11. Bowman. ...
Cockerels First, Williams Poultry
Farm; secorid. third snd fourth, J. )l.
Bowman; tifth, F. W. Jacobs.
hUilets First, J. R. Bowman: aerond,
Williams Poultry Furm. third. F. W.
Jacobs; fourth and fifth. J. R. Bowman.
lenaKInt r . u lirwsie; wrong, nun.
and fourth, J. 11. Bowman.
Buff Rocks.
Cock-First. M. O. Weaver.
Hens-First snd second. M. G. Weaver.
Cockerel- First and second, M. u-
Pullets First, second, third, fourth and
fifth, M. O. Weaver.
White Wajdott.
Cocks Oscsr I Bock, first: C P.
LI, K. rot A Hons, second; C. P. Liegerot
& Sons, third; W. R. Petty, fourth; W. J.
Hlldreth. fifth.
Hens-Oscar L. Bork, first; W. It.
Betty s-evnd; Oscar Bok, third:
Liegerot H eViis, fourth; ti. A. Temple,
"cockerels-W. R. Petty, first; O. L.
Roc, second; O. L. Bock, third; O. I
Moot, second; Rev. A. B. Grant, third;
Bock fourth, W. K. Petty, fifth.
Pulieta-W. J. Hlldreth. first; W. R.
Petty, second; O. L. Bock, third; W. R.
Petty fourth; W. J. Hlldreth, fifth.
Psns-O. L. Bock, first; C. P. Liegerot
& Sons, second, O. L. Bock, third, An
thonv Johnson, fourth; Anthony John
son, fifth.
Rosa Rhode Ialaaa Rede.
Cocks Cloverdale Poultry Yerds, first;
Geo. W. Aliwworth, second., M. Coffey,
Hens Cloverdale Poultry Tarda, flret;
Geo. W. Alno, second; A. P. Rtigle, third;
A. L Downs, fourth
a debating rrr-Mml
The Vellum rli.h Kill meet nc' Fri
day afternoon An Interesting mii.i .il i
and vooal prosrsm hs ben srrenipv'.. I
The Hiking rb b Frt'av walked to Wan- 1
on a little Jaunt, the second of Its k'nd
this year. Not all of thr monitor r- !
The inld-vcar rradiatlr.g seniors vent i
An t .-. Il.,llevn In. I V ,- -II. r. I
noon. A malotitv of the mrmlors
the class were In the bunch. ,
Many of the Normal tralntrg girls of
the loral hlah hool took tea' hers' et-
aminallnn. e.1 the ,iiinlv ooilrt house 111
Omnha last week. Sue. ess I" rrr,rf,l in j
ainioer oerv tneo.
Contributions from the M ib it of thi
high a'-hool to th" poor for riiankil Hi;;
d.nneia ere alven last week. Ootirm
tooa of 111-' llelp-.i-Oill.l club tvorked I I -acntly
(Iui Iiir the earlier jwirt of I it
Prayer meettnr.-. at the Fpst rtesh
to-ian cMitIi are hems held by
8 n'h
in -r. Kc.hon students eve y wonna .
V edeesday anl Friday morning bere
a, hoo i-mirs. Students are urg-d to join
In the attendance. i
The Junior A lasi held a ma uerade ;
party In the high febool Wednredsv
rv.nlng. The rooms we e teauti uliy
decorated. Miss Hendrie. member of the
faculty, sponsored the oartv. A time
was experienced by all present.
Several students of the South lll;i
school left with tbe foot bnll team f r
Norfolk to witness the Turkey day name.
At the last moment siimo of those who
had Promised to m.tke he trip ba k.
out and the special ear Idea was given up.
The Thr.nkSRlvlne- issue of the Tooter '
as issuej last tuesnay. it comraret
favorably with anv hlh srhool pater In
the country It was a sltty-p-g lss"e.
rne of the largest ever printed at the lv
ral school and was written and prlntfd
ly students of the high school.
Worv has alfadv l een s'arted on th
lg commencement Isai e of the Tooter to
re l siiel In hon r of the g adutint
n'tml'i o' the mid year el-ss It will
re published In Jan"ry rnd will be snme
tlilng novel tn high school pu l'cattons.
Edward Carlson Is mawnging editor.
Ptlnclral f W. Moore expects a larg
honor roll thl sir weeks. Tests were
held Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday nf
last week, these examinations belna ths
last before the final examinations o' the
femeste next January. The roil w'll be
announced next week sometime.
Graduation exercises for mid year stu
dents will be had In spite of the .Milr
announcement tiis.t they would he dis
pensed with. The late redeeision to
hold them has placed the prowam com
mittee considerably in arrears. No class
play has been announced yet.
The local h'-H Is Intensely enthfialas'lce
ever the coming basket ball season. Srnth
has elwsvs put out a strong fam.
las' yea' It won third place n the s'ate
tournament. Jt Is expected that a much
stronger team will be produced this year.
P't', Corr. Fhslnholta, Nixon Oraa"!.
Arthurton and Wllon are llke'y candi
dates for the first and second teams.
Masle CHy Gossip.
Office araee for rent In Bee 'office. 211
N street. Term reasonable. AVcll known
location. Tel. South 17. ,
The Mystic Workers of the World will
meet Tuesday evening at the Odd Pel
lows' hall at 8 o'clock. All members are
urged to come.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows will
meet in their weekly session at the lodge
hall at Twenty-fourth and M streets
tomorrow evening.
I will not ba responsible for any debts
made by Mrs. J. H. Roland In any form.
J. H. Roland.
The Woman's auxiliary of St. Martin's
church will hold their annual baser and
serve lunch Wednesday. December 1. at
111 North Twenty-fourth street.
The Ladies' Aid society of St. iAike's
Lutheran church will give a dinner end
baser at the MeCrann hall at Twenty-
fourth and O straeta Wedneaday, Decem
ber 1.
An Inatallatlon of officers of the local
Order of Mtass will he held this afternoon
at 1:30 o'clock at the lodge hall at Forty
second and I, streets. All members are
requested to be present.
The prgreaelveB of the Degree of Honor.
No. 193. will meet at the home of Mrs.
Anton Kratky, 2102 W atreet, Thursday
evening. December I. Mrs. J. A. Martin
will be assistant hostess.
Mystic. Workers of America, eamu No.
WW, will hold its annual election of of
ficers Thursday evening In the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows' hall at
Twenty-fourth and M streets.
Want ads for The Bee mav b- left at
The Bee's branch off're. 2318 X St. Ftatoi.
!c a word for one time, l'4o. a word each
cay for three days and lo a word each
day for a week. Prompt and courteous
The Habit of Taking; Cold.
With many people taking cold Is a
habit, but fortunately one that Is easily
broken. Take a cold sponge bath every
morning when you first get out of bed
not tee cold, but a temperature of about
90 degrees F. Also eleep with your win
dow up. Do this and you will so Mom
take cold. When you do take cold take
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and get
rid of It as quickly as possible. Obtain
able everywhere. Advsrtlssmtnt.
at the Man school
rs I wn prepared.
Prizes Won at Auditorium Chicken Show
Cockerels O. C. Gehrman, first; M.
Oof fey. second: A. 1. KelKl. third;
Cloverdale Poultry Yards, fourth; A. L.
Downs, .fifth.
Pullela-M. Coffey, first; M. Coffey,
second; Cloverdale Poultry Yards, third;
A. D. Reigla, fourth; Cloverdale Puultry
lards, Ilftb.
Young Pen-CoverdaIe Poultry Yard,
first; M. Coffey, second; Mrs. Deung
Miller, third: Mrs. J. 1 Davis, fourth;
V. Schneider, fifth.
Old Pen Cloverdale Poultry Yaids.
B. C. Rhode Island Reds.
Coeks Arthur I Edsm. first; Clover
dale Poultry Yards, second; Cloverdale
Poultry Yards, third; heott Covalt,
Hens Arthur L. F.dson, first, Soott
Covalt. second; Arthur L. Edson, third;
Scott Covslt, fourth; CloverdBte Poultry
Ysrds. fifth,
Cockerels O. O. Gehrman, first; W, A.
Haaebrook. second: R. A. Harrison,
third; Scott Covslt, fourth; Koitt Covalt,
Pullets Arthur U Edson, first; Geo. W.
Atnsworth. second: Cloverdale Poultry
Yards, third; Cloverdale Poultiy Yards,
loun.i; ocon oven, nun.
Half Orplaa-lous.
Cocks-H. It. Atislliie, first; M. V Nel-
son. second: S II. Persons. Ilnr.1; ft. 11,
Austlne. fourth: I. If. Veil, fifth.
Hens- John Skinner. first; W. .1
Strieker, second; W. 1. Snicker thini
S. R. Austlne, fourth- Llojil Hsven. fifth'
f oekerels Geo. N. Konln. first: n .1
M 1". Nelson, fourth; J ie Sirvskai, fifth
Pullets Lleyd llHVen. fi'at: B. J. Moore
second, Rev. A. Tt. (iraiit. thiid; S. It.
Austlne, fourth; tin. N". Ronlliie, fifth,
Young Pens-K !l Austlne, first; 1. H.
Vail, second; Mrs Martin Martin, third.
Old penf Joe Suyskal.
H. (. White l.cahorns.
Cok fart IlnsK. fiisi: u un.t n
Klnle. second. H u.igtluton, third,
Geo. Pullman, fourth
. eeon.l: If. and II. Klnley ,rd ' Cocks r Irst M P. Nelson; second, M.
Csrl Jla;g, fotirlh: H nnd J I Kiiilev ! Nion: ,,,ho- w- i arson,
fifth. "' Kll,leM Hen-Firt. M. P. Nelson; second. W.
Cocktris Guy K. .-vhreff. first; Carl Cins-n; third, W. K. Carson; f.uitii.
Haa. sicond: Guy K. Si hr-ff th'rd i'- P- Nrlson: fifth, W. F. Chibod.
Guv F Sil.reff. fourth: I -.. ii .. 1 Co- kereln Kltat. M 1". Nelson; second.
ton. fifth
Ptillets-Cs-I Haas, fn at- I.i. n llj.i'io--
ton. second Ieon Iltintli.gton, Li.irt
I.eoti Hiintingion, f nt t it . 11. ami II'
Klnley, fifth.
a. C. Brown Leghorns.
Cocks-Mrn. I.enodit. flrt: Mi. Lr ti
ed M. second; W. Pnl'l. third Mr 1 n
odtt. fourth: Mrs. I.enodit. fifth.
R. C. Brown Leghorn.
Hefls .1. R Parsons, first
Cockerels ft a nlev Ksi.ra. first.
Pulleta-J. W. rsiron. first, fctanlry
Kaura, second.
. t. Hoff I.eghnri...
Cotks rimer M. Cron. first
Hens Klmer M Cnrpen, fir-t
Cockerel F.lmer M Carson, frrst : F.l-
mer M. Carson, second; fcimer M. Csrson.
third. Elmer M. Carson, fourth.
Pullets Elmer M. Carson, first; Elmer
M. Carson, second.
Silver Companies.
Cockerels-F. F. Fox, first: R A. Har
rison, secorid; F. E. Fox, third; R. A.
Harrison, fourth.
Oolaea rosassanlee.
Pen J. W. Parsons, first.
TAn ATTTtf miTlTrn TU7
inmuitii uiincu di
Marc-aret Coulter nf Rnnth Side H.
come i Fomsior of Beautiful
Doll Offered by The Bee.
Well. "Dorothy's" lit tlo "mother"
Is Margaret Coulter. ,-Tr2 South
Thirty-first Mreot. South Side. Mar
garet Is ! years, and attends the
West Side nchool.
. . ,, . . . . ... , , ..
. Dorothy is the lioalltiful doll
that ThA Uee offered last week to
I" UlU" gin, w no coiircim me must
of "IVirothy" pictures rrom the
Margaret Coulter collected 2,367.
Margaret went about It the right
way. She got all her friends to work
ing for her. She could never have
collected so many alone. And then
nil her friends got their friends to
helping and bo the pictures piled tip
"Dorothy' is a lovely doll with big
black eyes and golden hair. And she's
all dressed for the winter. She wears a
nice red coat over her dress and she hSj
a red hat. too. She's snug and warm and
Margaret can take her out tor walks
even on the coldest days without any
danger that she'll catch cold.
What do you thlnk-a Uttle baby, only
9 months old. got 887 votes. She Is Haby
Blair and she lives at 2102 Harney street.
Of course, she didn't go around herself
and collect the votes, but a lot of ladles
collected them for her.
Viola Meyer. 144 North Thirty-first ave
nue collected nearly as many. She ha1
m. And the little glrla In the First
grade at the Cess school worked and got
a lot. They wanted "Dorothy" to go
to school with them. But "Dorothy" will
live with Margaret and perhaps Margaret
will teach her all she learns in school.
ew Contest Starts.
And now, right today, a new contest
starts, which will elose next Saturday.
The loveliest, dearest Uttle doll In go
ing to be given to the little girl that
collects the most pictures of her and
brings or sends them to The Bee office
by 4 o'clock next Saturday afternoon.
This doll is the sweetest doll and she
Is named "Virginia." Isn't that the lovel
iest name? She Is twenty-four Inches
high and she s Just too sweet for any
thing. You can see her any time at
The Bee office.
"Virginia's" picture will 1 In The Bee
every day this week, both the morning
and evening papers. Get to work now
and get as many of your friends to help
ing a possiblu and boatitiful "Virginia"
may be yours.
Among the other llttlo girls besides the
winner, who collected a lot of pictures
last week were these:
Baby lllalr. 2102 Harney, Omaha. IS7.
Viola Meyer. 144 North Thirty-first ave
nue. Omaha. ICb.
Iorna Acker. 2M0 South Twenty-fourth
at met. Omaha. 767.
Emma Nash. 6"4 South Thirty-seventh
street. Omaha, 727.
Gladjs McUaffln. 510 South Thirty
fifth avenue. Omaha. 6o&.
Nortua IJsby, Ne'braeka Clty' 677.
Helen Harris, Cass school, Omaha, 292.
Arta McOlllss. 2H3 Mason street,
Omaha. 200.
Uekn Knexacck, 1401 William street,
Omaha, 171.
Emma L. Johnson, 2X21 North Twenty
fourth street, Omaha, 1W.
Alice Hall. Thirty-eighth and JOnes
streets. V.
David Bispham, the baritone sinner who
will eive a concert at the Aiuiltorium
will le the guest of the Cnlverslty club
at luncheon Monday noon. He will make
a thirty-minute address immediately
after luncheon Is served.
Hlae Aodaluslan.
Cpcks-l.. P. W. Kinney, first,
liens is. W. Kinney, fust.
'ockerele-S V. Kinniv. find.
Pullets 1. W. Kinney, first.
l.lsjht llrauiahs.
Cockerel -L. it. Mussclman, first.
Pullets L. B. Mus.-elmnii, first; W. F.
Barker, s1' o:n.
Pen L. B. Munenlmal). first.
irrWlrd Pusses,
(.'oekerels Jaiius Itlihurds, first.
Pullets James Itlihurds, first; James
Richards, second.
Hlnek l.anaaltan.
Cockerels It. S. Koken. flr.t.
l'ullels il. ti. Kokiu, first.
It. (. Aufona.
Cock" i. iirv. nter Puultry Yards, first.
I lens Cleat water Poultry Yard, first.
PulleiB learwiiter Poultry Yards,
fist; cUarrtitli't I 'on It i Yards, second;
Clearwater Poultry Vnids. third.
Ccickeiels- K. I'Mllis, ,'irt. .
M, . A neons.
ten--Clearwater poultry Yards, first
i f les rtfaicr roiui) Ynplb, second
; vni,ilpli Meb blor. first.
j Hlai-k-Ilrrnsled .ime linn tain.
j , v.-kercls-M . V. Htnne. first,
rillot-.M .. sitopo. first.
j Block Mlnoreas.
" Minorras.
1 Cocks Ural. Harry Kni.rtsen second,
IK. M. .Mai tin. third. F. A. Morgan.
' ll ns First. Harry Knud. en; second.
V. A. Moignn: third. 1
fnuitli. I'. A. Morsan.
M. Mu.lit;,
Cockerels First. ItH . ry Knudsen: sec
Old, Harry Knudsen; thltd. I". A. Morgan.
Pullets First. Harrv Knuclen; second.
Omar J. Cotton: ilurd. F. Morgim,
fourth, F. A Morgan; fifth, Harry
Wrtu Jsvu.
I'enn First tunsr t. t otton; second,
I "1IY
I niiosen.
M P. Nilson: tb rd, Jl P. N"l n ; fourth
M P. '. l-on. flip., M. P. Nelsi n.
Pi. Ilela First M. P .Nelson: s-coml,
M, P. Nelson, thltd. M. P. Nelson: fourth
M. P. N-, on: firth, M P. Nil on
Pen F'rit, M. P. Nelson.
V. hit., l.tiiliin lluinor l)u ka.
fUHke-F'it I. W. We'eh: second. T
W. Welch, thirl .1. W. Web h: fourth,
W. K Pahr, filth. V. r. Hsehr
l(eii,x-Fust, W. K.; second. W.
f. P.:iehr; tliltd, V. i--. Be.chr: fourth,
3. W. Wrlc'i; fifth. J. W. Welch
' . i nntl v'blle IihIImii Kuuner.
Drake- 1'ii t. W. K. Pa-ht: leootid,
Leonard Ni bols
Hen First. V. F.. Pdehr: ae ond, W. K.
e'.ny'i li I'eaclleil Hnnarr.
Luske Fir.t. Ionard Nlehols: second.
Leonard Nichols.
1 P. Un Dii.-k.
Hen-Flint, Mn A. M. l-ais'-n.
Pair. Toulous.' Geese Firet. Mrs A. M
Pair. Bronxe Turke s-Fl'st. Mrs. A. M
Applause Stops
Performance at
Gayety Theater
Applause actually stopped the show at
the Oayety last night. It was the first
time for months that a performance there
hail been really blocked by Insistent ap
plause, which the pi a ye re) wore unable
to satisfy because of sheer exhaustion
from their previous popular work. Mickey
Feoloy and Mabel McOloud deserve the
credit for establishing this notable record
with their whirlwind acrobatic "Barbery
Coast" dancing.
The whole production la a winner, filled
with clever work from start to finish.
Bert Baker, Babe La Tour, Loci I e Manlon
and other favorites of former seasons
are In the new show, and prove Just as
popular aa ever, or even more so than
before. Baker's "Tyilcal Tad" specialty
geta him an Immense hand.
For pure "craslnese" and eccentricity
as a soubret Babo Ia Tour still takes
the cake. Although more plump then In
past years, she Is aa lively and enter
taining as ever, end gets generous ap
plaoee In her several numbers. Miss
Manlon sings so pleasingly that she. too.
Is called back many times. Rose Ford's
songs and dances and her ducts with
Mike Foster win plenty of approval, while
Sam Hvama, Leo Hoyt, Irene Nolan and
the others In the company contribute
large sharea In helping tbe Bon Tons live
up to their reputation.
The chorus la a strong alugtna- and
dancing organisation, with lots of speed
and "pep." The youmtcst orchestra
leader In burleeujue, Alex Hyde, still In
his teens, is a novel feature that adds to
the entertainment.
Robbers Celebrate
This Man's Birthday
John Hughes, colored, living at 313
South Twenty-ninth street, was all set
Ith IS last night to celebrate Ida birth
He was walking downtown with that
purpose In mind, when two white men
stopped him at Twenly-elnhlh nnd Far
nam streets srvi relieved him of his
money, at the point of revolvers.
Rosa, don't take mnh money," begtied
Hughes. "Ah, wants It to celebrate mv
birthday with."
"Weil celebrate for you." the highway.
men answered as they ran nway.
Zero in Practical
Jokes, Say "Brakies
Thlrteen-ycar-old Eddie Mahln, 4tl'Xt
North Twenty-second street, la going to
spend the next few days nt the Deten
tion Home, because he discovered a pew
and Interesting pastime.
He waa standing on the viaduct near
Military avenue and Hamilton street,
dropping bricks on the heads of brake
men of freight trains passing underneath,
says Policeman Frank Aughe, who niada
the arrest.
War Argument
May End Fatally
suit fatally for Ch.r.e. Schrun. ,101 North
Twenty-fourth street. He e,.
broiled with Paul Waner, 1201 North
Twenty-fourth, and it culminated when
Waner got a hatchet and attempted to
use tt on Si'hrull's skull. Hchrull was
badly hurt, and police surgeons found
It necessary to take him to the hospital.
Sneak Thieves Play
Havoc with Actors
Sneak thieves broke Into ' tho Krug
theater dresHlng rooms yesterday after
noon and nearly broke up last night's
show, by stealing most of the male ward
robe. Lou Morris and Paul Griffith lost
several suits of clothes, and were com
pelled to put a corps of tailor at work
Immediately, in order to have eost inus
ready for the evening show.
If you do not you are not conducting it in a
money-making way. One of the best ways to
get new business is by using the Want Ad col
umns of The Bee.
Trying to make money out of your business
without advertising is like trying to reap the
harvest of the fields without a harvesting
If you have anything to sell, no matter what it
may be, and you want speedy results, use Bee
Want Ads.
mil urriumLO
They Are Fint to Try Out the Floor
at the Hanscom Park
The beaux and belles ot the city
hall last evening foregathered at
the pavilion of Hanscom park
where they danced with airy grace
until the witching hour. The recre
ation board having approved the
one-atep, fox trot and hesitation, the
young people varied their steps, but
no one ventured to cnt any Charllo
Chaplin capers or try the maxlxo.
It waa a highly orderly affair and
City Commissioner Kngel got on the)
floor and danced around like ho did
In the days when he waa a plumber.
Mra. Kugel waa there, too, tint Mr.
Kugel did not dance with his wlfo
all of the time not all of tho time.
There were about 100 attendants at this
municipal terpaletiorean function. City
Attorney Rtne and Assistant Attorney
TePoel did not sit against the wall In a
state ef comatose, not aa anybody could
observe. They had their dancing pro
grams filled In about three shakes of a
lamb's caudal appendage and there waa
a phalanx of disappointed ones. Mr. Rlne
wss not at all hesitant when It came to
the hesitation waits.
Knejllah Is taller.
Superintendent English of the Recrea
tion board was caller for the circle two
steps snd C, F. Hpooner, supervisor of
the pavilion, mingled with the dancers
and declared the deportment was 100 per
Among some ef the prominent city hall
peoplo who graced the floor were Rod
man Brown, the big game hunter of the
municipal building: Edward Morris, fire
warden: Thomas lsltt, chief clerk of the
building department; Louis Burmelster,
furnace Inspector; Ie Bridges, building
lnsector; M. J. Currnn, electrical In
spector; Thomas O'Connor, keeper of the
seal and records.
K. J. Seroy assisted In serving punch.
Voung women of the city hsll made the
arrangements for the dunce.
Parkers Pleased. 1
M. J. Oreevy, secretary of the Hanscom
Park Improvement club, attended In the
capacity of a private cltlsen. In which
latter capacity he expressed himself fa
vorably on dances In general and dancea
at Hnnscom In particular.
At 9 45 o'clock Mr. Greevy stated he
believed he would dunco a few numbers
himself before the evening closed. Ills
feet at that time were moving with the
Frank A. Bhotwell, another member
of the Hanscom Tark Improvement rlub,
attended the dance and gave It his en
dorsement. Truck Driver Held
For Smashing Buggy
r Iriink aslua. U
I 'T0C'"l Fu'
I r :Vtn,'uht "LlrTi. '
in tin jririf in i?i mnmr I1 um
former's machine had smashed Into a
buggy occupied by 1'eter Llndballe, 2424
ReeJ street, and his two children. The
occupants were thrown out and badly In
jured, and their rig waa demolished.
A charge of running without lights,
and at a reckless rate of speed, waa
lodged against Donahue by Officer Mel
vln. Charles Courtney of the Court neV
store obtained Donahue's relesse on bond.
llurlinatiin Afternoon Local Train,
No. T, Later from Omaha
to Lincoln. uelns; Injurloue phyaie artri pills,
commencing November . dally except araatlemlneralwatera.deadlydruga,
Sunday, passenger train No. 7 for Lin- ! ckanln oils, paralysing antmoi.
coin and Intermediate points. Including' Your druUBlsl or grocer csn get Fruit Vigor
ths connection at Ashland for the Sioux ' for you $1 perisr. But If he won't, seed
City lino, will leave Omaha at l:fiO p. in , ! lor one lar, or tor f our Jare, to be
instead of 1:20 p. m.; It will arrive st 1 .In- 1 , -V2aB7.!rl M?a!ll.? iaoa
coin at 3:30 p ..... instead of 3:15 p. ,n. tTK WART FOOD COM 110 Iseurlty llBg.,CHICAQ4
Any Kind?
The Anglo
French Bonds
As An
Oooaldered solely aa an Invest
ment, tha Anglo-French 6 per
rent bonda, lswnad aa the obliga
tion of two of the rlcheet natlona
of the world, and offend at a
prloe to net the Investor nearly
B'4j per cent, constitute. In Our
Judgment, one ot tha most at
tractive arurltlea that has been
obtainable by the American In
resting public in thla generation.
These bonda are lanued In de
nominations of 1100, $500 and
Price to yield nearly 6H per
Fnll partrCTjlara upon requant.
Burns. Drinker
(Si Company
Omaha National Hank llnlldlng.
n 0 sis I
uo 5ometning
You can't hope for worthy
achievements unless you
are able to master little
The small coin now In
your pocket la a good thini:
to begin on. Take sonic of
It, If only A DOLLAR, an I
begin to be a "WF.KKLV
SAVER." then get tho mas
tury of other small coin
that conies your way and
prepare for real
I'llhlum nt.
General Distributor
, Oaaaaa, Neb.
When People Really Know
They Juat Naturally
aVVfcVav ii t mss ,v
t .9 -4 it i ft ta
bs: zLdl
a 1