Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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("moii Kings rahoirn, jtweisr.
jrhtlBf rutnres Burgess-Oranden
v Boot Print It Now Reacon Press
lrejerty Cared ror To rent property
HI With Pneumonia Richard rhtlbln,
i hi ton uf Mr. ami Mm. P. H. l'hllbln. 18
very lit with pneumonia.
"Tml.B wwta. imhw1 flaaalfled
section today. It appears In The Uee i
EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what the va
rious moving picture theaters offer.
Sony Becital Mlas Alice MacKensle
v 111 give a song recital at theMetropoli
tan hall. December 15 at S o'clock, as
sisted by Madame A. M. Rorglum
Ksep Your Money and Valuable! In j
the American Huf Dopos t
Vaults. !1K
South Seventeenth street. Pee building. ,
1 1 . ,w- Ninliih. 1 I rte n i
iyjAra iril'. 91 ti m.w .iiv-..'.".
M ,,m Q a m In a m
i' ..... ...w . n.h. ri.
. A UV 0 V VV JDS V MW "W I n U IliO V vnmiin ui iiva Muw,r
.nth and Harney, Fays FXJl'K per cent j the Colorado prohibition law becomes tilled while two farm hands, appar
on time deposits and THREE per rent operative, there will be no more liquor I antjy foreigners, also were Shot to
' on savings accounts. AH deposits In this for .a,8 on anjr ef employes, accord-
bank are protected by the depositors PMTOntfer ea a,nlnf cftr men of the
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. Omaha-Denver roads assert that they ,nK to the authorities, did the shoot
Attended Army-Wavy Oems Miss Mar- nau .lth con.aerable satisfaction the lnf last Tuesday night, and then
caret Lowry. daughter of Mrs. T. J. COmlng of prohibition, so far as It ap- killed himself.
Lowry ef this city, attended the Army- ' piles to railroads operating Into t'olo
. Navy foot ball game. Miss Lowry Is rado. They assert that there has never
training In the Bellevue hospital at New i been any money In the business. To sup-
York City.
oldup Man rrlg-htened Away While
rvlthln a fan him k of their nome a
masked and armed man sprang from be
hind a shadow and attempted to rob
Miss Rose Harris and Bertha Levin, 1"US
Burt, they told the police last night.
Their screams frightened the man away.
Check Passer Arrested Walter Mur
ray, Sioux City waiter, was arrested In
the Brandeis store by Special Detective
L. T. Finn when he attempted to cash a
check for $16. Murray afterwards con
fessed that the check was worthless,
Finn said.
Por Safety Plrst In Life Insurance,
eve XV. H. Indoe, general sgent. Statu no
Mutual Life Insurance company of
Worcester, Mass., one of the oldest
(stventy-one years) and best companies
on earth.
, Kay Bold M ad s-ln-Omaha Show Dl-
"rectors of the Omaha Manufacturers' as-
T l.,l .1 tk.l.. niPKlltil Krl.
W noon at the Commercial club, heard
reports on various Industrial expositions
. held In other cities. Systems and results
of such exhibits of manufactured articles
are being given close attention by the
, local factory men, as a "Made-In-
Omaha show" may be held here In the
Church Baser Planned The Ladles'
Aid society of the Grace United livan-
cl!cal church met at the home of Mrs.
bhs at the Corner of Twenty-seventh i
nd Cnmden Friday afternoon wnera
..h .hnwer Thirtv women i
. j u t. .. i, .r.rnn
were present and each brought
Thee nprons are to be sold toKcther with
other things made by the women at a
bHZar to Le held in the hasement or tne
church Thursday evening. Supper will
be served.
Chamberlain and
Rutherford Chosen
In the All-Western
CHICAGO, Nov. Good foot ball
backs were plentiful,' but good line men
scarce in the centrsl states, according to
critics who assumed the ta.k of picking
ail-western teams. The nume ill-western
Itself Is a misnomer, for only the limited
territory from Ohio to Nebraska. Inclu
rlve. Is covered in the search for talent.
.No account is taken of the Hocky moun
tain and Pacific coast players, although
nt least one of them, Merman Abraham
of the Oregon Aggies, mailo a remarkable
ihowing against the MU hig-m Aggies, one
i f the best teams In tho district covered.
In the selections available, the follow
it'C have received the greatest number of
Lnds Chamberlain, Nebraska, and Bas-
t'jn. Minnesota.
Tnekles Huek. Wisconsin, snd Shull.
I 'lii.a rr.i
Giardn: FitzseraM. J
Notre Panie, eni
ruir.nigan, Minnesota.
rnnlnp Wntann lllinnl
Quarterback Russell, Chicago.
Halfbacks Maulbetsch, Michigan, with
Rutherford. Nebraska, and Macombcr, 11
l'nols, equally divided.
Fullback Bierman, Mlnesota.
Donne tolleue.
President Allen, who has been east all
fall on business for the college, returned
Tuesday evening.
At a recent meeting of the college club
held lit the college chapel, the following
officers were elected for the coming year:
IHarold Davis, president; arah Marshall,
vice president; DesElms, secretary.
The first number of the college lecture
course occurs Thursday evening, Decem
ber 2.
The foot ball banquet this yesr will be
held In the rarlors of the Congregational
church on Friday evening, December 8.
It Is predlcteu mat huh will be more
largely attended than any previous ban
quet. It Is especially hoped that a large
number of old 'IJ" men will be on hand
for this occasion as the team this yer
has Just closed an exceptionally success
ful season.
Keep Yoir BovreU Rearnlar.
If your bowels become constipated, take
a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets Just
after supper and they will correct the
disorder. They are mild and gentle In
eir action. Obtainable everywhere.
Culls from the Wire
v lot i or from President Woodrow Wil
son xpresstng deep Interest in the cain
I nin being mule by Thotestant churches
i r.jise un endowment fund aggregating
r.', mii for p nsloning preachers was
ree.-ived at Chieusu by Hev. John T. U.
'inliti of the board of conference claim
iiKia of tha Methodist Episcopal church.
Thomas R. Wutson, on trial In federal
"iirt at Augusta, Ja-, charged with sewl
ins ,,lis.eue matter through the mails,
v ui a point in bla case when Judne V. ruled that he might try
' . l...v i.y a witness that his writings
oil er i han those mentioned in the lu
ii:etmcnt were of "high class nature."
i haries M. Schwab lias accepted mem-
r liip In the board of trustee in the
Cornell iintversttv. It was announced at
''lillaiirlpbia by II. W. Peters, secretary
i t the university, in a resume of the col
lege car before cummitteea of directors
i.r the associated alumni. Mr. Schwab
Man elected to the office on November
i.. Mr. Peters said, but his acceptance
lias )ast been received.
Formal organisation of h International
Federation of Catholic Alumnae was per
fected at Chicago at a constitutional
convention at which bylaws were adopted
and officers chosen at a preliminary
meeting lase year were ratified. Member
ship in the new organization Include
all alumnae of the f0 or more societies
of the SS.ono Catholic schools, colleges
and universities In the United btatea and
At the Instance of the civil service com
mission orders of suspension were drawn
up at Chicago against James Gleason
and John Ptaeek, police captains, charg
ing them with having taken part in the
collection of a "slush" fund for tha de
fense of Captain John Hal pin and other
police officers accused of bribery In
connection with the operations of the
clairvoyant trust " Gleason, at the time
UtUimd was collected, was chief o:
For After Fint of Year There Will
Be No Sparkling Bnhblea on
Trains in Iowa and Colorado.
With prohibition going into effect In
Colorado January 1. 1M. It win te a2S. Six persons were round snpt to
difficult mstter to get liquor on any rail- j ,jettn jn a farm house on a country
road passenger trslns operating In the ,v. n.. nh nt bore last
.... .f... .h.t Of the local roUt. lr0Rd tnrM mllM BOUtn 01 "ere la1
the Burlington, t alon Pacific, Missouri I
Faclflo end Rock Island, operate Into the i
.t,.te, and on some of the trains of these
i j i. 4 .. in
ronOB liquor 1 Ul I ITU VI jwwnon I
ha Kiiffnl anA ' n In a pa VlAwever I
'im. .k. i- - ...... ,k.
P'" lne iraae iney assert inai, in tne
matter or beer alone, to meet tne ae-
monas mry navo oeen lurcro to carry
six to eight different kinds of brews and
a dosen or so brands of whisky and
wines. A large sum of money has been
Invested In stocks, and besides these
stocks have taken up a Itrge amount of
space In transportation end .considerable
expense has been Incurred In handling,
so that on the whole there has been lit
tle. If any. net revenue In handling
In Iowa the new prohibition law goes
Into effect January 1, and after that date
on the Omaha-Iowa trains there will be
liquor carried. Not only will the
llminr Yim not nut Kilt liVAntlnr tn tn
i, ,,., nn .,., train i '
made a deputy sheriff. While on his
particular train, each conductor Is held
responsible for violations of the law. It
is made his duty to arrest every violator
of law, file a complaint, and at the first
i0""1 Mat town MPrt the rlolatlon
The Iowa law even cuts out the private
bottle drinking and makes It a misde
meanor, of which the conductor must
take notice If a passenger slips behind
a door, or into a closet to take a drop
out of his own bottle.
- .-v0l., .
ram In the rsuents in the supreme
court yesterday the application of a writ
0f prohibition asked by the St. Charles.
rh.rie.. fir...
ory county tne eontftn,lon on tne
part of the bank, which seeks to start
; the operation of the late order of the
banking department requlrnlg BO per cent I
position that the bank-
of bank reserves
banks, took the position that the bank
lug department is seeking to set aside
provisions of the banking; law and use
arbitrary power, and that the law Itself
j Is unconstitutional In detail and In gen
eral provisions.
Representatives of the banking depart
ment hold that the law Is valid and that
the Intent of the order is to bring state
bank funds under supervision of the state
banking department under the bank
guaranty act. and that they would not
be under state control If placed In na
tional banks.
On the contention that the law grants
too much power to the banking depart-
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
BERLIN, Nov. 10. The musical novelty
of the season in Germany Is Dr. Rich
ard Strauss' "Alpine Symphony,' which
was produced for the first time this
week by the orchestra of the Royal opera
house at Dresden.
Among other things, the composer has
introduced a thunder machine into hl
orchestra, which consists of 10S musicians
In sight, and twelve for supplementary
noise making behind the scenes. The
sound of a waterfall Is produced them
astlcally by a blending of strings, harps.
woods, and the clang of the eelesta
combined with the tremolo of the tri
angle. In the sunrise theme, according
to the Dresden newspapers, 'the sun
rises A, beams st noon in C, snd sets
In 3."
Besides the storm, the waterfall, and
the sun, there are themes entitled: The
Ascent; Entrance to the Forest; Ramble
by the Brook; On the Glacier; Perilous
Outlook; Calm before the Storm; and
NlKht Again.
BERLIN, Nov. 28. (Via Wireless to
Bayville.) "The number of Serbian pris
oners taken up to the present time by the
German, Austro-Hungarlan and Bulgarian
troops," says the Overseas News agency,
"totals 101,000 officers and men. The In
vading forces also have rescued 2,100
Austro-Hungarlans who had been made
prisoners by the Serbians, but later were
abandoned during the hasty retreat of
King Peter's forces. The capture of 2.S00
more Serbians Is recorded."
iSAN FRANCISCC. Nov. 2g.-Panama-
Pacific exposition officials and thousands
of the French and Belgian residents nt
colonies in tan Francisco and surround
ing towns paid tribute today to these two
nations, which participated prominently
In the exposition despite the European
war. Exercises were held In front of
the France pavilion.
Pioneer Commits Salrlde.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.)
Despondent over ill health, Oliver Rey
nolds, S2, a pioneer Nebraskan, shot and
killed himself at his home here Saturday
noon. Death was Instantaneous. Mr.
Reynolds had been in poor health for the
last three years snd had returned re
cently from Colorado, where he spent the
Mt the Child's Coach Now It la
Croup and wbooptnv cough are chil
dren's sllments. Dr. King's New Discov
ery is what you need it kills the cold
germs. All druggists Advertisement.
Assistant Wabash Chief.
HT. IVCI3. Nov. M.-J. E. Tausag
announced today he has been appointed
assistant to the president of the Wabash
rntlroad. Mr. Taussig formerly was
:eneral superintendent of the Texas and
Hop Sees f'ardlaal.
ROME, Nov. M. Pope Benedict today
received Cardinal Kelix Von Hartmann,
srchblsbop of Cologne, In private audi-
Farm Hand Believed to Hare Slain
Fanner and Family, Another
Hired Man and Self.
night. Five of them had been mur-
dered while the sixth apparently
committed suicide after shooting the
- - -
A farmer and his family were
The dead:
SAMUEL WE1TZMANN, 5 years old.
SARAH WE1TZMANN, his wife.
PAVID KIONKK. ? years old. son-in-law.
Old. his wife.
I TWO FARM HANDS. apparently
I Polish, names unknown.
In 1. oriel- t-Vrrt Mouse.
That the murders were committed Tues
day night and were not disclosed until
tonight, was due to the remoteness of the
Weltsmann farm house. It in located
en a lonely cross road a quarter of a
mite back from the turnpike.
Weltsmann, a prosperous farmer had
kaa jk,,-AM A . -1 1 ... II.. .,..11.. J 1
" l"uri,vri m,luu,l 1,1
nvcred since last Tuesday morning, an
investigation of the lapse today resulted
In the discovery of the tragedy.
Weltsmann and his wife had been shot
in the head apparently while they slept.
In another bedroom was found the body
cf Mrs. Klgner, who also had been shot
In the head while she slept. In still an-
Other room were the bodies of three men
the two farm hands and Klgner.
Killed WMif KnorHnw.
One of the farm hands had died while
he evidently was kneeling in prayer on his
bed. He was shot In the hack of the to decide between the witnesses and de
head. On tho floor lay the body of termlned to be his own witness. A spe
Kigner. i clal exhibition was given all to himself.
In another bed there was the body of He did not see anything wrong in the
the other farm hand, who the lnvestl- film, and the defendant then alleged
gators believe, did all the shooting. that the performance for the magistrate
In his right hand was a revolver. This was a fake and that h did not see the
man had been employed by Weltsmann same film. This suggestion was scouted
only one month and the motive for the out of court and the defendant was
murders and suicide Is unknown to the fined snd has served notice of appeal.
I authorities. ;
Russian Winter Mav
. . "
Urive Back Germans
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
fakis, Nov. 12. Predictions that the
approaching winter will be very severe
have inspired comparisons between the
German campaign in Russia and Na
poleon's Russian campaign of 1812.
Abbe Moreaux of the Bourges observ- j
story points out that a curve Indicating
tne European localities where the av
erage temperature In January 1s zero
centigrade, or S2 above zero Fahrenheit,
would pass slong the coast of Norway,
protected by the Gulf stream from greater
cold, ascend abruptly along the west
coast of Denmark, and follow a line
considerably westward from Berlin, turn
ing eastward In the region of Trieste to
the Black and Caspian seas. Another
curve marking a sone where the average
temperature is 14 degrees above zero
Fahrenheit. would comprise Berlin,
Vilna, Riga, Dvlnsk, Moscow and Petro
grad. To make up this average, how
ever, sones of greater cold are comprised, j
the maximum at Petrograd toeing 38 be-1
low sero, and at Moscow, 47 below zero I
Fahrenheit. i
Examining the situation from a '
metereologlcal point of view, Abbe j
Moreaux finds confirmation of the pre-
dictions of naturalists in reviewing the
natural return of periods of extreme cold
in the past. We are approaching, in
his opinion, a period of cold winters, and
he thinks that the Oerman soldiers may
experience the same vicissitudes as those ;
that cost Napoleon 450,000 men from the
''Grand army."
Larrey, who wore a thermometer dur
ing Napoleon's Russian campaign, has
left records showing that as early as
November 14 the "Grand army" had to
endure a temperature of 12 below zero
Fahrenheit on the line from Vilna to
Moscow the retreat having begun Oe
tober 1. From November 17 the ther
mometer went down rapidly to 22 below
sero, December 8, to reach 84 below sero
when the retreating army reached Mal
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LONDON, Nov. 10. Bulgarian deserters
arrived In such numbers In Roumanla
eiter Bulgaria's entry In the war that the
Roumanian government was considerably
embarrassed as to what to do with them,
ssys the Bucharest correspondent of the
Neai East. At Calafat no less than 80)
Mulgarlans In full equipment crossed the
river and large and small parties arrived
st other points in Roumanla. Their ex
cuse for deserting was that they did not
wUh to fight Russia.
Vulgarian reservists in Roumanla left
the country at the call for mobilization
with aoDarent reluctance, while the
Greeks responded enthusiastically to their j
c.wn call. Processions composed both of I
i Greeks snd Roumanians accompanied the
Greek reservists to the train with pa
triotic songs and cheers for each others-
Read Them Every Day. It Will Pay!
The Bee Want Ads in The Bee.
.Washington Affairs
Fdersl qusrantlne for foot and mouth
"rase has been lifted entirely from
Vss-achuaetts and Now Jer ey and moill
f.ed in a nunver rf counties In Illinois
bv an order ef'ec'lve November Tl.
Reserve dH'oalts of the federal reserve
b.mks increased neaily Hi.uiuOO dur ng
the last w ek. according to a statement
it th" barks' conation Nuven ber a is
sued by the Federal Reserve heard.
Knorm ui quantities of mall m vina
throughout the country, whtcli the Post
office detartmsnt attributes to the prog
rtSJ of tha biislnest ie'. Ival. as well as
the approaching holiday n.ason. have
caused si eetal notices to be aent to all
postmasters. . .
t locking of the Panama canal by earth
s'I'les re not ereaied new work for
mrtcan In the canal sine an! the
tatal of! be Issued a rtstement li an rf.
tort to counteract published leuor s which
have drawn many Ame-leans to the isih
i 1- h tit luploymcat.
City Commissioners
These ere days of conferences among
city commissioners. One commissioner
will call a conference for this or that
purpose, and another commissioner will
call a conference for that or this pur
pose. Considerable business Is Ironed out
lit this manner.
Yesterday Commissioners Humnu-1,
Kugel and Jardlne were meeting In the
council chamlier as an equalisation board,
when Commissioner Preset happened In.
Informally they discussed the advisa
bility of the city council adopting a policy
for saloon license regulation. Com
missioner Kugel suggested that it miKht
bo well to Investigate some of the saloon
men who have been charged this year
with violations of the liquor laea. this
Investigation to have some bearing upon
their applications for 1916 licenses. It
was proposed to bring In some of the
i, . ,T
Public Greatly Exercised Over Mor-;
alitv nf Tlipoters and Movips
as a Result.
(Correspondence of The Associated Tress)
RUBLIN, Ireland, Nov. 15 IXiMIn li
nl present greatly exorcised about th
morality of its theaters, music halls ami
novln shows. There Is no censor ;
in Ireland, and the only way of punish
ing Impropriety on the stage Is by a
IHillce court prosecution. No such
prosecution has been Instituted and the
only orranlon when the police court 1la-
i iPfvn inn Jiismii- in n urii iiiinir('i a
the audience Is prosecuted for disturbing
the performance by expressing disap
proval. One such case has Just occurred where
a man was brought before the magistrate
for protesting at the exhibition of a film
ralte.1 "Tho V Xfamlalen " Th .. I-
Bnc. of ,oine lnflupntla. 'cWmfna Wa.
given as to Its objectionable character,
balanced by the evidence of other mem
bers of the audience. Including some
women that It was all right. The magi
trate thought it would require a Solomon
It Is, however, the revues which have
provoked most agitation. They run st
several theaters, including the principal
ones, and have almost banished the legit
imate drama from the Dublin stage. The
costumes are often very scanty and the
songs end business sometimes beyond the
border line of the decent. Lately In the
newspapers vigorous protests were made
by individuals. The manager of one of
the leading houses expressed his willing
ness to remove everything considered oh
Jectionable. and Incidentally revealed the
fact that tho first performance In each
week was In the nature of a trial trip.
If the publlo on which It was tried stood
it without protest it went on all the week.
This has now been remedied and the trial
One Smashing Blow
Some folks go on for years wondering why they have head
aches, nervousDesa. heart flutter, biliousness and various other
ailments. Hut they never suspect a most common cause coffoe
Coffee contains caffolne, a powerful habit-forming drug.
The little doses repeated daily irritate the nerves, unsteady the
heart, hinder digestion and work havoc generally with many
coffee users.
The simple, easy way to smash coffee troubles at one blow
is to quit the coffee and use
take pure food-drink
There's "nothing miHsjed" with the ehan,ire; and thousands
have found It means a big step toward health and comfort.
Postuni is mads of wheat and ;t hit of wholesome molasses
has a rich flavour, much like wild Java coffee, yet contains no
drug or other harmful element.
Postum comes In two forms: The original l'ostuin Cere,
requires boiling; Instant I'tMtuni is soluble a level teaspoonful
in a cup of boiling water makes a delicious drink instantly.
Iioth kinds sre equally delicious, snd the cost per cup Is about
the Fame.
Ten days off coffee and on Postum will show
"There's a Reason"
sold by (iroeers t'verywherp.
Send 2c stamp for 5-cup sample.
Postum Oreal Co., Ltd.. Hattle Creek, Mich.
Some Saloon M en
saloon men who have been "cheating' ;
and warn them agslnst farther mis-1
conduct. No formal action has been
It Is understood that at anothsr confer-
nice It i given out that this week i
the mayor would brlnn In the name of
Kred Anheuser for confirmation as prose-j
eutor of the South Side police court, j
A few months ago the commissioners!
were outspoken In opposition to the con-1
ftrmation of Mr. Anheuser. The mayor I
hns carried this official along as a
holdover." Another canvass of the altu
atlon would Indicate that a majority of
the commissioners are still opposed to
this appointment. i
It Is rumored In city hall circles that
a change In the heads of two depart-;
nunts Is being considered. This can not
be confirmed Just now. but there seems
to be foundation for the rumor.
trip takea place In camera before a man
aKement committee who will be respons-
ll.lo for seeing that even a nrst mm
nuiilenoo Is properly protected.
Ar,.hj,lf,oD wai.u m declaring his
'satisfaction at this improved arrange-
mint called attention publicly to what
is even a greater srandal, because more
widespread, and that Is the posteis on the
walls advertising these revuea. They have
'been often exceedingly free and there
mcms to bo no authority charged with
the duty of controlling them. Altogether
publlo feeling is a good deal aroused In
,1'uhlln on these questions. Jack Johnson
who appeareu as me rni"" "' -
I no worse than many others, expeilenced
jits effect on the first night of his p r
t formation, and the audience insisted on
ithe removal of Its obtctlonnblo features.
He did not resent this In the least, but
nUldly thanked his patrons for letting
him know their Mews so promptly and
(Correspondence of The Associated Tress.)
LONDON, Nov. 12 -The east window of
Pt. Margaret's church, adjoining West
minster abbey, which has been called
the finest specimen of stained glass
work In London, is being removed to a
place of safety In view of the recent
Zeppelin raids.
Tho window was made at Oouda, Hol
land, and was presented hy the magis
trates of Dort to King Henry VIII for
the chapel of Whitehall palace. The
klmr, however, gave It to Waltham
abbey. Th glass, of which the blues and
rreens are remarkably striking, suffered
sundry removals snd vicissitudes, and
at one time was burled to escape the seel
of the Puritans. Eventuslly it was pur
chased by the wardens of St. Margaret
for It is now valued at twenty
times that sum.
Stabbed Daring; Riot.
ormKNVILLK. 8. C, Nov. tS-ln
rioting which occurred at the opening
, .irl . Af tha 1 1 1 . 1 . . Cnllnti mill 141
several weeks because of a strike, David
Freeee, a striking operative, was prob
ably fatally stabbed and two other men
severely injured. Heveral arrests were
Calls F.dltors Meet.
J. Riiiinrltreo of Georgetown, president
of the National Editorial association.
Issued a call today for the thirty-first
sunns! convention or the organisation to
be held In New York June 1 to M, tl.
Japs Interested
in Prison Reform
(Correspondence of the AsioolVed Tress.)
TOKIO, Nov. ::-Tlie experiments In
prison reform conducted by Tliomss Molt
Osborne, warden ef flng Sin,; prison.
New York, hive attracted attention In
Japan, not only because tho Japanese aro
always keenly interested In the social
movements cf tho west, but for the spe
cial reason that a system for self-government
similar to that which is lirlnt;
tried at Sine Sin was followed In the
prisma of Toklo ss far hark as the year
It 's Intimated that If Warden Oslorne's
Sim? Htng experiments succeed, there Is
a possibility that the self government
evhemo may be Inaugurated, or rather
revived. In Japanese prisons.
Ke'JIro Yamashita, who Is chief en
gineer In the present department of
Justice, has found that In PV.0 the Inmates
of Toklo prisons chose their own officials
for the maintenance of order, and a great
disil of authority was vested In those
officials.- even the power to Impose the
sentence of .loath. So far as the records
show tho Toklo system worked out satis
factorily, hut fer some reason It dropped
out of vogue.
Japan has always watched the course
of prison reform in the Unite,! States,
and when a movement was s'arted to
Improve the Japanese prisons In 1M,
nmlt-slona were sent to the United
States, as well as Europe, to mako a
study of pr'son conditions. Owing to the
difference to life and customs, western
methods could not be wholly introduced
Into the Japanese prisons, hut In 190!t a
great step forward was made by placing
nil the prisons of the emprlo directly
under tho Pepsrtment of Justice and by
Inaugurating the separate-cell system.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
TOKIO, Nov. 10 A new Young
Women's Christian association, building,
the first of Its kind to be erected In
Japan, was officially opened with ap
propriate ceremony In the presence of a
representative assemblage of Christian
workers Including American, English and
Japanese. The building la for the use
of Japanese women, snd was erected
from funds largely contributed by them.
If seifVice 011 desife
Take the DL&ie Yl$et
You' 11 like the big roomy cars, the
delicious meals and diversified scenery.
You ride through historic battlefields,
tunny cotton fields and around towering- mountain,
M2IE FlSfffl
Tsar roaod S amies
Lv. Chicago 10:25 p.m. Ar.Jscksoaville 7:30 ..( 2ada)
(la service Jsaaary 10th)
. a- f I 111. T."SA f A J
ilT,l.DICI0 1IIOVS.SI, W .
n Via Nauhville. CbattaDsoga
winter playground.
Cllmalt and tnvlront
both lend themselves to
the amusement and rec
reation of man. Pictur
esque, tunny and smiling,
Florida bids you toeU
m a
come. Low jares now
in fore. Writ Jot full
Is the name
will give
Our Little Busy Bees
.-w ". . 1 '
, V ,- ' 'J; .
' 7-. - -4. v
7 f
1 1 '
' . - .V. ,. . .V ; a.
liUii. aJflt-.V ,,
You can see Virginia at The Bee Office
Millions Use It
to Stop a Cold
'Tape's Cold Compound'1 ends
severe colds or grippe In
few hours.
licllef comes instantly.
dose taken every two hours until
three donee are taken will end grippe
misery and break up a severe cold
eltl er In the head, chest, body or limbs.
It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils
end air jassages In the head, steps nssty
discharge or nose running, relieves slek
headache, dullness, fevetishness, sore
throat, sneeslng, soreness and stiffness.
Don't stav st uf fe,l-up! y .iit blowing
and snuffling! Ease your throbbing;
head! Nothing else in the world givea
such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold
Compound," which costs only cents
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sistance, tastes nice, causes no Incon
venience. Be sure you get the genuine.
!o not hesitate to promptly heed the
warning your k'dneys give you when
they begin to lag In their work. When
vou feel those Utile "8iueaky"palns tn
the "finall of the back;" loss of appetite;
hlglilv colored urine; weariness yoil can
not account for It means that your kid
neys are not ilo'iitf their work properly.
The result mar be fatal If negiecteo.
Tho remedy Is a simple matter If you
el nromntlv. On to vour dnigrlst and
get a box of genuine GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem m! I'apsuies. nsjiricm mi nee
been a standard remedy for all kidney
and bladder troubles since IS?. It Is Im
ported direct from the ancient laborato
ries at Haarlem. Holland. Be sure you
t the renutno GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules. No substitute will give
the proer result. Price. Hto. &e and
ll on. Your money positively refunded If
miii do not gel prompt reuei ami euro
fuel the old-time "ginger" of youth. Ad
vertisement. THE OMAHA BEE-
.." T 11 1 fl,wwpM (aisyf
(Loeaoat Messtais) asd Atiaata
Every daylight hour will b
ens of Interest and pleasure
if your ticket reads via
( Cklcsae Eastsra tlHssU IL m
To Florida
Specially equipped to provide
the best service to Florida pas
engers. Spacious observation
can, modern drawing-room
sleepers, roomy coaches and
dining car serving all meals
a is carte. Homeseekert' fares
and tourist sleeper first aa4
third Tuesday of each month.
J. r. GOV Alt
Oeseral Aeel
108 W. ASsess
of th
ie doll we
She is 24 inches high,
has beautiful eyes and
hair, and clothes that
will make any little girl
Virginia wtU be rive
Free to the little girl
under It years of are
that brings or mails
the larfees number of
doll's plotares out oat of
the Dally and Bnoday
hee before
urday, December 4.
Her picture "will be in
The Boo every day this
week. Cut them all out
and ask your friends to
save the pictures in
their japer for you, too.
See how many pictures
of Virginia you can get,
and bo sure to turn them
in to Tlie Bee office be
fore 4 p. m., Saturday,
December 4.
If you don't win this
Dollle, perhaps you caa get
one next week. Only ona
Doll will be gtea to any
ona person.