Li The Omaha Daily Call Tyler 1000 If Yon Want to Talk to TV Dm to ay owe Conansctasd lth That Rm. .m 1. VOL. SLV-NO. 140. OMAHA, MONDAY MOKXLNG. NOVEMBER Jl, lUi: et Trains, at Hot! Paws Stands, at. M SJNGLB COPY TWO CENTS. Bee THE WEATHER. Fair 1 n v A. MAUSER LAUGHS AT THOUGHT OF A CONFESSION Accused Mart Declares He Is 5ot Guilty of Murder of Cashier Smith and Will Stand Pat. POLICE GATHERING EVIDENCE -ral Detectives at Work on Case Which May Be Difficult to Prove. " LESSER CHARGES WILL STICK Arthur Hauser, iliac Buck Weaver, alias Wilson, alias half a dozen other names, accused of first degree mur der, numerous outrages and highway robbery, intends to stand pat In his denial of the capital punishment of fense. "Hauser, you might Just as well come in and take your medicine." an interviewer advised him. "The police bave got your number. You're, through. They've got the dope on you. You'll get a, little satisfaction out of it that way!" Hauser looked through the bars of h!a cell at his interviewer. AdmllK Some of Crimea. "Kirk in, you say!" he derided. "Man, you're talking about me. kissing my life away. Poo-pooh: I've been doing a lit tle Job of sluggln' now ond then, I admit. I've been a 'iron' for years. I can't get away from that, and an I admit It But this murder stuff they tell me about I don't understand that language at all. "I didn't shoot this guy. I never taw him. I iievev was In that neighborhood In my life. . "That's my story, and that's what I aMrk to. "The 'fiat' can't prove anything on me that'll put me away longer than ten yeou. I never croaked a guy In my life." This Is Arthur Haulier's longest stste- Wftnt. It shows his position clearly more clearly than It has ever been shown be fore, in fact. Confident Will Life, lie says be has an alibi. The police say they already have enough evidence loeeni him to the electric chair, even though the latter admit that a few more eute witnesses would be greatly appre ciated. lltuirr'i air Is one of bravado. He thinks he baa the authorities on the run. As ha himself says, "There's a lot of dif ference between what people think and what they can prove." , , . ",.. ;. An Omaha detective iert nere'iast'week (or Chicago, and is now In Indianapolis, looking up Hauaer'a record. In addition, a national detective agenty is assisting. - Trial. Will n CmUr. It Is morally certain, the authorities ay, that Hauser is Smith's murderer, slut it will take many do'lars to prove before a court that he is. Hauser, the police say, lived In sev eral places here In Omaha. He has been here since May with his wife and S-year-old child. He poaod undor the name of "Wlleon most of the time, and said he was a big league ball player. Czar Is Grieved by Acts of Soldiery ytKUN, (By Wireless to Sayvllle), Nov. . The Overseas News Agency stays: "An order Issued to the Eleventh Rus sian army states that Emperor Nicholas Is deeply grieved at the horrible ' deeds eoirmltted by Russian troops In their own country. This order says: 'The em peror has heard numerous complaints concerning military Persona who Ill-treat the population, steal and destroy prop erty by firs. The emperor recomiriende that commanders give beed to these cus toms, general In tbe army.' "The order Is signed by General Ales letf and General Ivanoff. German news papers say no furtier proof Is necessary J of ithe veracity of German reports ton- cexning Rtinisan atrocities." Vera Cruz Unions Have a Celebration5 tne sweepstake prlre tor males. The first j V,.RA rW7 vv Thlmn wtl.,"1, ,or fftmie went to Oscar Bock ' ral holiday for the labor unions of Vera Crus. Great enthusiasm resulted when during the course of the celebra- the medal and diploma Intended for pre- .. , th. Amerlo.n Federation of Labor aa a token of good ill toward Amer'ran laborers. Colon' 1 Martlnex will carry the toJten to the United States. Durlns the duv libor unions psld tribute to the men who wore hanged in 1S87 for complicity In the Hay Market square rjt In Chicago. The Weather Trmprratvrfi Veitrraar. Hours. 6 a. m M a. tn U 7 a. m . i U I a. m i a. m : 10 a. m 3 11 a. m 24 12 m...'. & 1 p. m W 1 p. ra 3i t p. m 37 4 p. ra Ss 5 p. m 87 p. m to 1 p m il l.ural Record. 1IS. UU4. 1913. 11I. Cemparattra Highest yesteday . .... 8 H as Lowest yeaieroar - ii ts .'n .... 27 a .... 3 a: .... .a .oo Me-.n enirature & a; hi 3A j Precipitation .a . on .0) ' Temperature and precipitation depart- I vies fiom t e normal: ; Normal temperature J3 ' y xcexa t tne aav 0 Total deficiency since March 1 lj ' p:iH-lpitatlun Winch Te!lole;vv for the day 02 liu-h Pr-lpiiatton since March 1 Is 74 inches Ixftcleniy since March 1 1 M Inch Lefiet-nc; f r r i(M 7 nrC, ' L. X WELSH, Local Forecaster. J AUSTRIAN AERIAL BOMBS WRECK CHURCH IN VENICE The picture shows the extensive damage done to the famous Chioan Degli Scalxi, one of the most beautiful edi fices in Venice, in the recent Austrian aerial raids. 9 1 : v 1 F1?! ?! J - .if ft IK' Ah vr r .- $ W'"-- lw- In i 'l -i Vuyii b ill rib r d:r tAfei ssll il' POULTRY SHOW IS A HUGE SUCCESS Meeting to Be Held Saturday Night ' to Try to Secure State Exhibit Next. Year. OTHER, AWARDS A T". sate T W. jacilL .... Members of tbe Greater Omaha Poultry Fanciers' association are i gratified over tbe success of their j second annual snow, which . was brought to a close yesterday at tbe Auditorium. Next Saturday evening the association will hold a meeting at the rooms of the Douglas County Agricultural society in the court bouse to discuss plans for next year's 'show. All Interested are invited. 1 It is proposed to make an effort to get the state poultry show here next November. Tbe state makes an ap propriation toward the show, which Is held at Falls City this year, and j GENEVA (Via Paris), Nov. 28. which the local association covets for j Reports received here from Chiasso p.ext year. . on tbe Swiss-Italian border say that It is estimated that upwarda of . M.ooJ j Gorlzla has fallen, the Italians hav viaitora sttended the show juet dosod. j ing entered the town from the north. Secretary Baehr said it was a great cdu- , There lg no offlclai confirmation of cations 1 success, little thought being ; . given to the money-making !de of the ! lne l"ePrl8- show itself. "Our aim Is to develop a ' show center in Omaha and we feel wo ' are getting to thta gradually," said Mr. I Baehr. Other States Represented. There :Were 117 exhibitors from Ne- i braska, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, 1111- j nols and Kansas. One sale was reported I at $7?. Oscar Bock of Council Baiffe had ! a White Wyandotte roostni he valued at more than $160. He owned "Billy'' Sjn i:,il:0Krf.h " e,ar,oir "0W The. following additional awards sie aATth"rn;ette of e South Fide won ; of Council Bluffs, his birds being Wyan- j done pullets. F. O. Hcaslo of Red Oak won first prlxc for the best pen of White I'ls mouth Rooks, v.'. E. Baehr won first j ',n ,n vmlr '"i c "is entry being 1 an Indl,n Runner duck. A cup was J ...... u-u iu uiovm.nimre muiuf. i Hi m , for the best display in the American 1 class, these birds being Rhode Island i Keds. In the English class P. K, Anstlne of Tamora, Neb., won the cup with his Buff Orpingtons. In the Mediterranean lae.i Carl Hagg of Chadwick, 111., wou first on his Leghorns. TTMl xt i i i 1 1 I I n 1 1 1 ri A 4-4- irk I - XVllia Jlia XlLLUI lie V I V BATAVIA. ifter being O., Nov. convicted 2. Fred Trump. in the common pless court here today of setting fire to j his barn, went to the office of former I Probate Judge T. P. Breeding, who had defended him throughout tha trial. .hot Breeding and then tried to kill himself. I ureeoing a lea lonignt ana Trump ts not expected to live. DOW GIVEN ASSIGNMENT TO A POST IN CANADA (From a Rsff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. fc. Special Tele gram.) Edward A. Dow of Omaha, who has been under Instructions in the con sular branch of the. State department for several weeks, has been assigned to the consulate at fit. Stephens, New Bruns wick, Canada. Mr. Dow and his family left for Ottawa. Canada, last night, where he will remain tor ten y Prv'ou to duties at his Initial post. taking up Ms - wee.' CHSA DEGLf SCAL2.I Turkish Subsea Rescues Score Who Leap .in Sea i NEW YORK, Nov. 2S A Turkish sub- marine stopped the British passenger ; ship Barulos In the Mediterranean and after twenty-five persona had been drowned, assisted In. reicuing many of i me :mj passengers no, ha gone - pver - board In a panic, according to Hleanor Franklin Egan, an eye wttneas who ar- : . rived today on the steamvhlp New Tork. GORIZIA FALLS- IS THE REPORT Switzerland Heart that Italians Have Won Victory Over the Anstrians. NO 0FTICIAL CONFIRMATION Mexicans Thank U. S. Soldiers for Stand . Against Villa Snipers XCXSALES. Ariz.. Nov. LMsposltlon 1 . ,.lanf.ra u K. r, ....- . : .V.. V ( 11 -. .nV. i -oils points along tho international i I oucdary near here before ar.d after I General Alvaro Obret.oii s occupation of i ."galt'.H, Sonoia, yes'ei.lay took up the . . . 1 '"!ton a timo today. in were kkuch ana n-1 lf,wel to return to M. xlco upon promises that' they would accept the amnesty ex- n noca oy ui.rcgon r.y svcarlng allegiance t arrania. , Malor U W. Mix of the Carransa forces i taurn;u 01 cuiiens una . in- licked funda In Sonora for a testimonial of appreciation of the "a-allant nrna. i ii arte In bhalf of Nona li s, Sonora," yes- tr rday by the United Htates troops. It I na decided al a meet ng later that a i 1-ortion of the proceeds would be uted to I purchase a wreath to be placed on the . J Irer of Private Littles, who died after ! netB and cruelties of a religious war." ; I h'.!ng shot In the exchange of. fire bylt-ntln Amrrlfsra Recognise (irrasia I I'niteil Ktmlr-m lnlmil,n... I .... . .. ,,..I .,, i ravslrvmen nndpi. rlnn.t r- 1 I ...... '-'""' me remainder or tne rund thus raised ! , will be used for the purchase of delicacies V r the wounded American sr.Mlera rrt. 1 ,r.l Ifa.Vjkrt T . . . . both of whom arc recovering PURINE f)F TRAIM rn tNU''l,L,7rr,, 1 KAIN G0ES THROUGH BRIDGE DRAW --- . . ...... . j v Kir. mid Ann ip I. Ql-INCT. III.. Nov. The engine of a passenger train bound from St. Iouis io i. raui plunged through the draw on the Lower Mississippi bridge tonight. open Bay Engineer C. 8. Concannon and Fireman Herman Atkins, both of HannHiel. Mo., were instantly killed when the engine plunged aer the open draw. Won't Pnrsae Into Greece. COPENHAGEN (Ma London). Nov. The Berlln a Lokal Anseiger aaye It leama from a reliable source that the Bulgarians have decided not to pursue the Serbians Into Greek territory. This elec'slon has beep made. It Is stated, in order to avoid offending the Greeks. ' TUMULTY ANSWERS CATHOLIC CRITICS jProtesti Made Aajist Recognition of Carranza by Certain Church men Subject of Letter. , , 4 VlUlAiiUH ur MllWS IS Vt,altl) WW A v SSM4S.M A ae.iM - 1 W'ASlf AJQTO.V, .Nov. 28. The ad- ministration's replay to those who criticise the recognition of the Car !... i i k t muB eu.Qiumvui iu iicAiv;u uc- I cause of charges of outrages upon n.lA.t. M .,. . A ,L. .nn uuu ut -iiiuii. church was made public hero wss made public hero to night in a letter by. Secretary Tu multy to Dr. James J. McGuire of Trenton, N. J., who recently wrote to tbe White House asking for an ex planation of what he characterised as "widespread criticism." Secretary Tumulty advised Dr. McGuire that the files of the State deDartment failed to disclose anr of- ficial record of a single proven case of outrage upon nuns, and he in- i ...... . vtuuvu iu uib icutr a eimcuirui V) 'tt.A ra4t.n1ln ul... . . If I tuv vyai.uvii. . i-u.i gruci ui at .nvjawu City, which while disclosing which while disclosing the shooting of priests and the expulsion and imprisonment of others, -de- clared there had been no violation Of nuns In that district. Shoal Avoid Keeplma; Wotaaa Ope a. Becretsry. Tumulty said la all wai tb horrors of the conflict have been kept alive by those on the losing side, but that i It should be the duty of all citizens of the. United States end Mexico to t.t'. ,n I'Z n"r l " 'r'y by civil strife and to avoid keeping open the wounds. "Counsel and sympathy are needful ftn, wou,j merciful no , Iwrauee they would bo of wonderful efficacy In uniting th, . vwplc of Mexico In the work of 1 reconstruction," wrote Mr. Tumulty. j "Efforts to arouse rancorous feeling" among thi m will have the effect of open- ing anew the wounds which should be healed, and of creating an open sore to torture that poor peoplo as long as their minds are kept Inflamed against their whrn" The secretary also called attention to the recognition of President Juares by the .F.uchanan administration followirm "tho. bloodiest of all civ'l wars ever wagnd In Mexico," marked by "all the bttter- r.mpnasis was laid on tne recognition . . .... or carrania py tne LAtin-Amenean ountr!es which lolned In the Pan-Amer- lean peace conference. All of these Latln- I American countries, Mr. Tumulty pointed oi't, were Catholic nations. Finally, a statement was reproduced which was given the Btste department by Ellseo Arredondo, the Washington representative of General Carransa, last October, pledg'ng the ('a mania govern ment to respect everybody's 'life, prop, erty and religious beliefs." Secretary Tumulty enclosed In his mes sage a letter wrltti-n by former Secretary Bryan last March to Rev. Francis C. Kelley of Chicago giving in detail vari ous steps taken by the t'nlted States government during the progress of the revolution In Mexico to protect the rep leocutatlves of sll religious organ'xations In Msxtno. It previously has been pub lished. K.dacatloa for rosrlrla. OKLAHOMA CITT. Okl.. Nov. . A resolution favoring the compulsory education of convicts In the penal insti tutions of the ststa wss advocated by the Oklsh'.mn Kducatlonal association In thslr annual session hers today. CANADA SEIZES WHEAT AND WILL DECIDE ON PRICE Dominion Government Tf.kf Pofi Kion of Sixteen Million Bushels of the Cereal for It Own " Purpose. MAY STOP EXTORT TO THE U. S. Officials at Ottawa Insist There Need Be No Stampede of Mark-t as Besnlt. TO PREVETT SOArjNO 0? PBICES WINNIPKO. Man., Nov. 2S. Tho Ottawa bureau of the Western An tedated Tress today nnnonnord (het the Pomlnlffn government has or dered the seizure of approxliuntrly 1 16,000,000 bushels of Nos. 1. 2 and I 3 wheat In elevators at Iho brad of j the great lakro and In the eastern j proTlncos.' The order does not ox tend to I he western provinces. Tbe price of tbe vheat ordered seized I has not been fixed. Tho grain Is ro t quired by tho Hrltlsh government. i:ntr'ii"ipl Mit'mrul. ! fTTAWA, ( 'tit., Jfnv. .t. The following official statin'tii was li-surd by tra gov- crr.mrnt t r rtlplit : "The phi'tinmennl eroi of wheat In the anadlnn net has hr.night upon the gov- I rrnmeiit the duty of assisting to the hid fsrtlust extent poealhle In Its marketing, i .Th suprly of whrat the world over l I Vnown to ha vp hern- abundant, and the I Importance of taking advantage of every I crportunlty to provide for tho disposing e our grain is, oi thai arount, tho U eater. "For many months the government has teen In touch with the British authori ties with a vie- to procuring orders from the t'nlted Kingdom and the allied gov- rranents In order that the greater share Ir consuming demand In those countries i mi) be turned towarl our Canadian sur ur- rlus. As S consequence of this, the Hrit- government has requested the Cana- j Clan government to provide, within a short time, a very large aurply of No. 1. and S noithern wheat. 'The probWm of meeting the.e require : ments and of doing so at such prices as ouhl induce the repetition of orders In Canada, then confronted the government. "The effect of the government pur chases In tho open market such as whs made hy the different countrlea a yar ago, u well known to ths jmbltc. Tho market r!re ahnnrmnlly. adding to the profits of h grain dealr and reu- . lators wlio have purchased the grain j which the government requires. The ad- j Vsnce la plico uf tig smotmts of grain nor n"con" h8 of the purehas ing government and tho profit not of tho I Proailci'. but of the owner of the stored 1 grain. , I To secure the dslred iffect In 'tlil year, the Dominion government de termined Saturday to commandeer all Kos. I, 2 and 8 northern wheat in store at the head of the lakes and eastward. ThH Involves the purchase of anywhere from l?,M0.tC to bushels. The pr'ce j PSJd has not yet tan settled by the gov. i eminent, but will hortly he fixed on n , fair basis. The commandeering order i BM" farther than Is stated above and, ""ructions nave been given that all instructions have been given that loading now underway, is to be contiuue 1 and no delay whatever occur in tin ( r. . - - . I i "' v comnianaoerea grain irora toe elevators to ocean ferml,,.!. t T Mrtlt k. U - . . . vwrvra mac tne oier doe.f i ,JO p,y to r m in elevators west of me iane or In transit at the time the order takes effect or subsequently thereto. "Thero are ,.f ,..... .. of important deuii that .rise ...ddTmand i sdjLjtmenta. and these will he given the uiiosi consideration and tho decisions possible. promptest 1 JTe Stamped Expected. "There seems no reason why the grulu .- -muuiu ur raaicany arrectod bv the action taken. Obviously. It doe m ' umera any Inrrease In the world's Con or, Indeed. In the world'. jsumora aemands. it means simply the I filling of the existing demands to the ex tent of the grain taken by this much of the Canadian surplus instead of filling ine same rrora other r,rc.n.d!.h;; effect will largely result should be, a rise prices, then beneficial e accrue to the grain farmers themselvra Wilson's Defense Plan Good as Far as It Goes, League Says!'.1 CHICAGO, Nov. .The preparedness progrsm of President Wilson and his cabinet waa, endorsed as a step In the rlgh direction In committee reports on the army, navy and m'lltla read before a conference of the National Security league here today. On each aspect of the problem, however, the committee findings were that the administration had . not Indicated a desire to go far enough to make the country safe from attack. The proposed army Increases, It was asserted, should be broadened to pmv'da for extensive and continuous education of officers and for collection of Urge reserve stocks of supplies of all kinds. The. navy plan was rritlcited ss ex tending over too long a period for com pletion and as making no pruv'.lon for adequate personnel on ships built, build ing and proposed. The project for a "continental army" waa endorsed merely as a "first step" and the suggestion mas mad that all men between the agea of IS and 71 should he enrolled and have military education. Delegates were present from more than a half hundred cities when the confer ence opened, the repreaentat'vea of branches of the league including gov ernors, former governors, several city executives, educators, business men and editors. WILSON SAYS HE IS ANXIOUS TO DO ALL POSSIBLE FOR PEACE President Tells Women He Will Try to Unite Official and Unof- a ficial Opinion to that End. "KEED NOT PLEAD WITH KE" Henry Ford Obtains Accommoda tion on Board Oscar II for Kin Pnrtv. TWO NATIONS CONSIDER PLAN i NKW YOHK. Nov. 2N. Mrs. i TMlip Snowden, wife of a member o.r the Hritlnh I'uillunient. who, with . Madaino Koplka Srhwhrnier of Hun ' gary, interx lowed t'rexldent Wllnon I l;.t n'ght to pain Ills Hiipport of the pro comereneo in ueuiraia to i initiate pence, quoted tbe prewldent today as bavin said: "Yo.j need not plead with me. I in. i itnvlfiiit. imiKt nnvtinr;. In ilii all I can for peace. I Hiinll earnestly endeavor to unite official and nn otfloinl opinion lo that end." Io' nl'e o nnnimceirent that Hi nry Fold had oht:itiie, u -rommod.itlon-the entire fltsi Mini eeoond i-ahliiH-f r It's "p rarty ai'oarn rr.e sicsmsnip urcir 11 as made tonight by the Snndlnavlin Amerlran lino. ("-vi rural l.nnria In l ine. WAtltlNOTON, Nov. ?s.-Two i-e:tral K ropes n eotintrti alrendy are ro' sler Inc a fonnnl enventton or neutr.-ile ti d'siUHs menns of enillnr; the Euroan v at and three others hsve given as ir i rioes that they will prrt:cln:i!e in s ich r convention, Hroordlng to Mine. Hosikl.i j m hwlnuner of Huinnry, ono of the women mho called at the White Haus t iesterday to urgo President VNlaw to , takt the Initiative for pejee. Mm . ! hwlnuner ed tlio Hums. Noiweglm j Bwodlsh and Nethei landi mlnlsteis here: ! toi'av and lahl hefote tliem tho Informa- j non given the prefident ss to the feeling! i Cf European neutrsl governments toward! u,t project, the left tonight for New rk preparatory to taking passage on the peace ship Oscar II early next month, W on't Teil ames. Mmo. .Schwlmmcr would not give the i nmes of the European neutral countries i he referred to, but said ll or the for- tigtt ministers abroad upon hom she ( under the law, he did not have a perfect I od called had been very anxious to learn ; right to do and that, all things con v. hat the American position would be. i sldered. he had done no more than naval The hundrods of letterj and te Icgi an' s ' attaches ef taibaSslea of the entente i ir.i to President Wilson during the last ) aniog. lew i'.eys in the women's campaign to In-1 ucc him to take the Initiative for pca?c hnve been passed on to tho State depart ment, which tonight Mined a statement ! titylng ths suggestions they, contained voi:M receive the attention or the rio-i l'..rtment. ! Landing Stations Are i Needed for Aviation Service, Says Expert SVN ANTONIO. Tex.. Ncv. Fre quent landing stations and special mili tary maps are nocessary for highest ef ficiency tn the army aviation corps. These two points and the fact that they were able to fly as a single unit were the most Important findings Cuptaiu Bon Jurnln Foulols and officers of the first aero squadron. United States army, wh Friday completed a flUht In sis biplanes fiom Fort Sill. Okl.. to Fort 8am Ifous- ton here. "Landing stations In tha Mgger towns and cities would be of Immense benefit," Captain Foulols declared tonight. ''For army aviators crossing the country for whatever purpose, to be compelled to d. pond on motor trucks for repairs and ; supplies s'tnply means a vast amount of ' unnecessary delay. ., Motor trucks accom- panylng an aerial squadron cannot make : anywher near the speed of the air machines., they arc left far behind eveu In a couMry of fine ma la. We could have made tho Jrtj-mlle trip, from Fort Bill In twj daye without trouble 1-ad thre been two or three land stations' whor wo could have obtained supplies, food ond qusrtrrs." Suggests Explosion . . . , AT- . iivenea dv useoi a Bit of Common Sense' OKLAHOMA, f'lTV, okl., Nn i i That Insulated tank cars he usen in the ! hipping of caning hesd gs ond tiist 1 I iiioi j,iooi nnnm csps dp flevtsod, rep- i wrrana r necn seincfd by the educa resent tho crux of suxRestlons made ly itlonal renearch committee of the Asso ' Colonel W. H. Dunn, chief inspector of ; dated Advertising Clubs of the World ss the Bureau of Esplnslves. New York, as ' on f tho leading marketing centers of submitted in a bulletin subm'tted tu Cor j America in which it wtl make a thorough potation Commission W. V. Humphrey, i Investigation of exact conditions of buni- The bulletin coders investigation mail ' end prospects for the year 1914. by the Interstate Commerce commission ' or'1 wn I""1 rece ived by Charles D. Into the explotiion at Ardmore, Kepteml or I I'orn of the Omaha Ad club that ha had Zl, mr, at which time about thirty-nine persons were killed, about 1M injured and property loss sustained cst'mated at fiom p,(0 to i Colonel Dunn says that the principal 'cause of the explosion as the opening of a dome cap of the tank car by an em ploye of the couslgnco while the tank wan aubjected to Interior pressure, al though such rrinoxal is prohibited by the 'federal regulations. ! In ital'cs appears tills sentenoe: "The exorcise of a lit no common sense In handling thia car at that time would ', have saved many innocent Uvea." STRANGER CHARGED WITH STEALING AUTO AT M'COOK M'COOK, Neb., Nov. 3K (BpeclaU-Ray H. Moraah, a comparative stranger here, was today bound over to the nest term ef district court, charged with stealing sn automobile, D this city about a week ago. The car waa recovered before Moraah co iid get out of the city. He la In the county Jail hers undor o00 bond BERNSTORFF TO PROTEST NAMING BOY-EDJN TRIAL German Embassy Reienta Accusa tions Understood to Have Been , Made Against Captain by Pioseeutor. A RETRACTION OR APOLOGY Effort to B Made to Learn if At tache Charged with "Ridinf Roughshod" Over U. S. Law. ACTION TO WAIT ON VERDICT WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. The German embassy, according to Infor mstlon today from aiithorttatlre sources, renens tho accusation which are understood to have been made BKalnst Captain Karl Boy-ed, . Herman navai auae.oe oeit-, in iuD trial In federal court at New York orneiais or tne inmouri-smruuM. I line. It was said Ambassador Ton Uornstorff wss preparing to file a vigorous complaint with the State de partment at the conclusion of the trial, asking at least for something in tho nature of a retraction, and iposnibly for an apology. The 0rman embassy. It is understood. has not yet derided Just whit form the protest will take. A copy of the steno graphic report of the remsrka of counsel for the government and the testimony Slven at the trial In understood to have) hen ordered from New Tork so that of ficials of the embassy may know exactly whnt has been said In the court room. f'"i,( Mree'" Teetnl. The embassy Is particularly anxious to aeutrinine netnor vapia.n do, Included, by luference or otherwise In the rcforencs mude by Assistant United fUtea Attorney Wood, to defendants In the case ss "riding roughshod over the laws ol the t n ted biates. treating them aa If they were scrnrs of paper." It was ald by a person In close touch with oftlclals of the embassy that It waa 1 felt Cantatn Bov-ed had been very j harshly treated In the circumstances and that too much had been made out of hi connection with the rase. The embassy ! was further described as feeling tha( Captain Fo?-ed had done nothing that, t're'-i ft "entf. As to tb form of the embassy's pro test. It was said much depended oa the outcome of the trial. Should aa acquittal result tlio embassy might feel that, in making complaint. It would stand upon j much firmer ground as It could point out, Incidentally, that the defendants had themselves been freed of the charges mado by the government. Whether they are acquitted or not. however, the belief ! prevails in German circles that Captain s name was neudlessly brought In that needle's things were said about ! him. It la known that Secretary Lansing himself has for several days considered it probable that the German ambassador would make a protest. The State depart- ' ment takes the position that the dis bursing of funds did not mean that tha naval attache had done anything Illegal. The department has complete knowl edge of all the eldenca which waa secured In the caso by the Department of Juttice and stated tho position of Secre- tary Inslng Is that nothing that ma he dons hy the Department of Justice In development of Its cases binds the Stat department to request the withdrawal or any diplomatic officer. Cnvm- - n---, Surnr'ae. It even has been hinted that Stats de partment officials are at a Ioj-s to under stand why the German naval attache was brought Into tho rase unless thero wss evidence that he directed the al leged falsification of manifests and clear ance papers bv officials of the Hamburg- . American Hnt. It la uddel'stood the bullef In German circles i that If th.irc was any falsi fication of papers. It muxt have been th result of ur, effort to prevent the enemies of Germany from securing Information which might cauae hnim to come to tM , forces am ships. A( Glubs to Look Into Conditions neni appointee to represent this city and gather the required Information. On De cember 3, as soon ss tho business men have closed their hooks for the month of November, Investigators in all the lead ing cities of the t'nlted States and Canada will call upon representative merchants In the leading retail lines and ask a short Hat of questions which tho committee finds to t-e a barometer of buaineaa. Tha Investigation will consume four days: This Is the second Investigation of the kind. A year ago when all business men seemed to b confused as to the effect the Kuroean war wo-ild have on rondl- Itlons in this country, the Ad clubs con. ducted an investigation among the lead ing retail stores, which showed that de epitu ninny alarming reports the average condition of American business showed a decrease for the month of November, 1911, over November. 1913, of only 3.1 per cent. Those In charge of the work say that as the committee Is now In poaaeaason of such vital facts for comparison, and as the number of merchants will be greatly .ncreasud. the report for this year shouU be even mora vaJuabie, I i 4