.' THE OMAHA Sl'XDAV IH'.K: XnVI-'.MllKli JS, lPi;,. HI Ul JWL Ire You Going Home for Christmas? 7--A f ---f 4k r rM j v fi Uu u la : If you can't go home, do the next best thing VM.your photograph. But it must be a REM VtDT. They are "Oh! to different!'1 Just M " ;id you have always wanted and planned on. PRICES REASONABLE REMBRANDT "Tht Photographer in Your Town" fcth and Farnam, Douelas 3548 THE HINTS FROM ERRITT'S Agentt for All Weil-Known Brandt of . ; (CANDIES F ron Oar Ntw Candy Dtpartmtnt Pjgaf f I" Xmas Boiei Manicure Sets 1 Perfumes Toilet Waters ppy Delicately Scented j; lLicum rowder j. Toilet Articles Merritt Drug Stores OMAHA STORE HO. 1 STOBB 0. 13th & Douglai 20th & farnam Phone Sour. 1330 Phone Sour. aBO Open All Night Free Delivery If It Hat Merit, Merritt Has It : Phone) Us Your Order ' . Do You Know a Man who is troubled with indigestion and who hates to eat down town? May be he would ap preciate a luncheon ticket at a quiet little delicatessen, where all food is Home Cooked. A $6.00 Luncheon Ticket for $5.00 The New Delicatessen 1806 Farnam St. Buy Your Auto a Christmas Present AVc have a complete line of Gloves, Robes. Radiator Covers, Etc. CONSl'MKIW ALTO 81111' CO., 1ai Farnam St, f Ml I lilli I II! I I B i mm www I" " lUMT Ik i W-mJf9 i m r I n I L! I i i II I "L . v LI Iff 4' miTTI ILt.iWl IB 0 I LI i.i . t , . ii ii ' w ii Mill. a i n i iw mv fimivik K HI i Mr Ml II "WHAT SHALL WE GIVE BETTY?" J , A new "C..E-Z" Light over Betty's dresser is going to please her more than some little Christmas trinket. j You know Betty wants a good light to dress for the winter parties. Now is a good time to surprise her. : "O.E-ZM Lights $1.30 Reflex Lights $2.00 to $3.03 Portable Lamps $6.50 to $19.00 Gas Domes $12.50 to $28.00 Look over our CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION TABLE. It's just full of good ideas. MAHA GAS CO. Trunks Suit Case : Traveling Bags Harness and Saddles We manufacture these goods our "Kea and fell them direct to the consumer. You pay no middleman's vrdflt. You get hlcb grade gooda at iirst cost. Automobile robes at low prices. Alfred Cornish & Co. 1210 Farnam Street Telephone Douglas 2314. Make the Whole Family Happy- Buy Your Ford a Christmas Present V T m P. & B. Shock Abiorber $7.50 PHILLIPS & BETZ 1516 Davenport Phone Douf . 4397 G IF TS THAT ARE ALWAYS USEFUL and ACCEPTABLE Thafa what everyone llkea to re ceive on Christmas Day. We have gifts for all the family. Come early and make your selec tion. GREEN'S PHARMACY Corner 16th and Howard Sts., 'Phone Doug. 846. COME IN AT THE CORNER THE E. A. BESSIRE 211 City National Bank Bldf. Give Her Silks for Christmas Exceptional pale of 2,.r00 yds. of high claws silk, A rare op portunity to select your silks for Xmas gifts 40-in. and 36 in. dress silks, kimono silks, brocade lining satins, georg ette crepes, chiffon taffetas, groa de Londres silk suitings and crepe meteors, etc. Worth $1.25 to $2 a yard, at the spe cial sale price, while they last, 75c and $1 Per Yard YOUR Christmas Selection Should Start Now At this particular time, our stocks are nt thoir best and the advantage of making early Christmas selections is beyond dispute. SANTA COMBS Has a wonderful stok of the beautiful and artistic Jewelry, Precious Gems, Ivor)', Leather, and other novelties at very moder ate prices. Making Jewelry to order our profession. Select NOW. Delivered when you want. T. L. COMBS & CO. "THE BUSY JEWELERS" 1520 DOUGLAS ST. OMAHA, NEB. In Jjum'untjwiinumjj-Hi '.'juuj'u'in)iMMim''uiiiui'iminiiim'fii'iiJ, Beautiful Oriental Rugs Ideal Christmas Gifts A Christmas gift direct from the mysterious orient the cradle of the world. What gift more lasting, beautiful, and treasured than a real oriental rug? Its colors only grow richer with age, developing new beauties and endearing Itself to Ita owner dally. t Deaton k I.aler's Christmas showings are specially satisfying- every rug being the personal selection of MR. N. VARTANIAN an oriental rug expert of life-long experience and unques tioned repute, whone advice in making a suitable selection you will find invaluable. A big line of small aires, la all weaves, priced at- $15.00 to $50.00 Beaton & Laier Co. 415-17 So. 16th St, Omaha liWimivniTii.-rr OMAHA'S EXCLUSIVE GIFT SHOP Beautiful Christmas Presents Of rare Oriental Pieces, Hope Chests, Pottery, Oriental Rugs. Lamps, Japanese Gardens, Japanese Embroidered Pieces, Oriental Gold and Silver Scarf Pins and Rings, etc. To the person who appreciates some thing 'way out of the ordinary for a Christmas gift, a rememb nee from this shop will be highly cherished. Do Your Shopping Early While Our Assortment Is Best 2WZTH AH J A R OP Tll STREET Wttsx. DEALXN'S Ni. The Most Useful of All "Electrical Xmas Gifts" We have everything in the electrical line, which in cludes elegant gift suggestions, such as Electric Irons, Electric Grills, Reading Lamps in all the new designs, Electric Toasters, Electric Heaters, Electric Percolators, Desk Lamps, etc., etc. American Electric Company 820 Boulh 16th St. "THE FIXTURE HOUSE" 'Phone pouglM 1481. IK FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Tier la nothtn would b mort nprcit.t than a t of our W 4a ll klnil of le. pair work. CM fur mad evar Inte the nwr atylas at very r-H nabU pria. F ir trlmmliift by the TwJ. OMAHA MERCANTILE AND FUR CO. KOWA&D BTBBST, SOS Webstar UnaaarUaa BUg. We will take your picture in your own home Appointments can be made by telephone Shaji Osato 4106Dodgt Sl. Phone Harnty 3887 FOR CHRISTMAS Saxon Roadster $395 Holds world's record for economy, More miles on a gallon of gasoline and a pint of oil than any other standard tread car. This is the only three-speed car in the world at anywhere near this price. Full Electric Equipment, $50 Extra. Coupe Top, $60 Extra. N0YES-KILLY MOTOR CO. 2000 Farnam St. 'Phone Ioug. 8018. s arirj ciaw faar mm a w Y V v j t V TT'V. .J i t . 9 !J. I h i iid hi ..in . V ' M W. Zi. XXX.X.T. Xai Sato Kanarsr. -i in 1 1 1 rvr " aw.-,: J a. a X