Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1915, SOCIETY AMUSEMENTS, Page 2-B, Image 14

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is Going On
in Society Circles
Thansgivir.g Dinnc n.
Mr and Mm. It. H. rtlonmr hart
Tlvinkssivlnii dinnrr guests Mr. and Mr.
.1. IV 1 in and daughter. MiM Jun
I'.ivis, and Mr. J. 8. Pavis.
Mr. and Mm. .1 P. Hru hud n Thnnks
civlns dinner guests Mr. and Mr. K. A.
IIpfs and family, Mr. FIMchfr and Mra
fdith Troiity.
Mi. and Mra. Thorns .Mrlcalf, Jr.. rn
; r:Hiiid at a family dinner at 1: o'c loc k.
Thanksglv'sns; day. Coven were laid for
ti n.
Netmkans Marry in California.
Tlir ninrrlimP of Mirs rol Clnrk
Wh ip, liniivlitpr or Mrs. C. '. Vthlt of
Inlvetsliy Plaoe. Neb., and Mr. Craw
ft.rd Jay .Mnrtensen ot Oril. Neb., aim of
r . - I'etrr Mortenwn. an rrlfhrato.l In
I ud'-Mi. t-'al., at noon Thiirikstjlvlng
nay. at the ( lu:nh of tlif Angels.
1'oltnwltig the ceremony, whli'h only
mei.iliers of Hi family ie present,
lheie hii a wedding breakfast at the
Hotel Alexandria. The young people
left for Honolulu on their wednliig trip
and on their return, will be at home at
The late Mr. Peter Mortensen, father
of the Broom, was prominent In Ne
braska politics. A numlr of relative
from Lincoln, a wall aa other parta of
the elate, journeyed to California to be
present at the wedding.
Among the Visitors.
Mr. benjamin F. Bmlth arrived Wednesday-
from the eaat to apond Thanksgiving
with hla daughter, Mra. Joseph Baldrige.
nd will probably remain aome time.
Mr. and Mra. C. H. I'kkena have as
their guest hla alater. Mra. Kedma. of
halt Lake City.
Mr. and Mra. 11 A. Worater, who cam
to apand the Thanksgiving with their
daughter, Mra. Charlea Beaton, and Mr.
Ilea ton, return tomorrow to Milwaukee.
Mr. and Mra. H. U. Wyndham of ft.
Joaeph, Mo., apent tha week-end with
Mr. and Mra. Brower K. McCague.
' Mra. E. W. Ingram of Wichita la vlslt
Ing her month, Mra. John Otbtm.
Pleaiures Fast.
Miss LAiella Allen entertained her
Junior violin claaa at the atudlo. In tha
Arlington block. The rooma ware decor,
ated with palma and flowera. A mualcal
program given. Mlaa Hulth Oalnea
gave aeveral readlnga.
Tha Pagalco club gave a danca Tbanka
giving night at tha Metropolitan hall.
The hall waa decorated In tha aeaaon'u
colon. , ...
The Beta Phi Sigma fraternity gave a
dance Friday evening at the Home hotel.
The chaperonea were Meadamea C H.
Bran and Bldrldg..
Mr. Paul Sunderland of K" c'l'
Uslttnc relatlvea in Omaha, waa enter
tained at dinner Friday evening by Dean
nunderUnd, Thoaa prcaent were:'
Mr. and Mra. Ralph Hunderland,
Mien Helen Bunderland. ,
Meaara- Mesare
I uui a-underland, John iSunderlaml,
l-.i ene 4evllle, ln Htinderianu.
The members of the Kcgina club were
tl.tertalned at a JSuw Kngland coatuma
I arty-' Wednesday evening by tha Mlsaea
I t ttrfa and Helen Uuhiiovsky. The honor
(.t.fiil of the evening waa Mlaa Oladya
1-ri.tiloky of Kanaaa City. The gueata
v ere:
I ainryn lUafi y.
Lore liahnon.
k. inrye i.owry.
iiela Kavanaugh.
it.eaa lieiiiann,
Untliryn Uuagan,
'lea Miilcahy,
i nn kivnauKh,
VI Issea
l'.unlie Mangan.
Margaret Hannon,
Ku- llda Mangan,
I- Keen Iiuggan,
KUty Mullaly,
. lum Daurak.
y ayme Daoiak,
xnn lorak
Mi. and Mra. f'anmcl Coleman enter
tained at dinner Thursday evening In
I onor of. frlenda attending Crelghton uni
versity. Thoaa preaeH were:
Vbtsrs M'laea
"ky M.ller im y C'rounse.
nf iLlktiart.
Charh Glaaaer
Of Lincoln,
A. (i H nn ck
of Seattle.
V iliiain i'atton of
Marsha 1 1 town, la.;
J. Morgan iKiyle of
Arthur iienie of
leniaon, la.;
Julian lltlon of
Ule.icale. t.'ul. ;
at. Bana of
Marahal town, la
alu r v ampoell
oi u nie.ii.
Mr! and Mra. hamuel K. Coleman.
Dr. John Dutcher of Butte, Mom.
Miaa Klaia Keleo entertained at a maa
cuerada Tuoaday evening. Mualcal nuro
bera wera given by quanta and tha houae
waa decorated la green and red. Thoaa
pre tent were:
Mr. and Mra, Ray Ki lo
Juiia felaufuaa,
Mai la Hopktnn,
Anna Bediord.
V it lor Adolf,
l"id Kohra.
W. F. Itoaward,
Joaeph Murray.
A I, co tttrtckland.
f.ia.gKrl u'Uiajy,
iiMial Carlaoa.
Hurry fchlrley,
ltei nrd o'tirady,
'i'nomaa hhnr
l'oy t llaon.
On th Calendar.
Tha Week-Knd Dancing club w II huld
lln tegul.r pariy at Chambers Ssturuay
tu l ini.
Miss tdlth Dease will te hosleaa Tues
day afternoon to the Tuesday Kensing
ton lAincheon club.
The Thursday Morning Bowlers will
meet at the Farnam alleys Monday fore
noon. Mra. Darwin C. Chesney will entertain
the Dundee Friday Bridge-Luncheon
club Friday afternoon.
Society Girls to Assist.
A number of young fclrU. prominent In
society, and aome youthful matrons, have
volunteered to aaint In serving at the
Yuleilile Tea room, which women of the
i'irst Presbyterian church will maintain
from IfttniWr 1 to ClirUlmas, on Uie
illtli floor of the Orchard-Wllhelm etore.
Mls' Isabel Milroy is in charge of the
younit omen's committee, which In-cltdi-a:
lii u.Hh i;ns.
ora Kvaus,
HMt-t i.ian,
nuiu Kvtnt,
Mary I-Ullel,
Arry lillmore.
.vmaaret Uriinruel,
llilila Hammer,
Imioiliy juiitii,
r...(nleih Kumt,
m elnter.
Fred Hill.
Kvlyn ledwlrh.
itmi-l Turner.
Duiothy Muilh,
Melru Kmllh,
Huth ThomiMion,
Halryon t ut tun.
Maraaret ttalnry,
Keliecea Haven.
Huth McDonald.
Mel Lhl. Jr.;
C. U tkea.
Tor Distinguished Gnest.
Mr. Ha I leek Rose will give a luncheon
at I lie t'nlversity club Tuesday for Mr.
I.eyinond Wyer, tha painter and art critic
alio spcakt) before tha Omaha Society of
I-ine Arts Tuetday afternoon. Tha gueata
111 be H e board of munageig'of tha Fine
4its ax tety.
Kotfs of Interest.
ul Alice Huahton apd )Iim Helen
Kliepard. both of this city and both High
athooi gmdualea. have recently been hon
oicj at Mitts Maaon's school at TJ ry-
Popular Maids Who
A . r
Mica oHnmiR trimhlb.
town, N. Y., where they urn atJdenta, by
being rhoeen president and vli-e preal
derit. ret pectlvely, of the jtinlor claaa.
Mr. and Mra. Newton Karkalow and
daughter, Genevieve, arrived laat Satur
day from Denver to make their horn
here and have taken Mra. O. W. Doana'a
apartment at the Winona for tha wlnte.',
Mra. Doane having gone o Berkeley,
Cal., to vlalt her aon. Captain Doane,
and hla wife. Mr. and Mra. Barkalow
are with hla alater, Mra. B. B. Wood,
for a few daya and' Mlaa Oenevlove la
with Mra. Caroline Barkalow until they
go Into their apartment. Another daugh
ter, Mlaa Ivlenne Barkalow, la at achool
at Sweet Briar, Va , and will be home
for the holldaya.
The Woman's Whlat club hag voted
the following auma to local charities and
Institutions: Twenty-five dollars toward
tha fund needed to start tha new lunch
eon system at tha Train achool, which
will provide hot aoup for the puplla at
noon at the coat of 1 penny to the pupil:
$1 to the Young Women's Christian asso
ciation: 110 to the Old People'a Home,
and IS to the colored people'a Younj
Men's Christian association home.
Sorority Luncheon.
Tha Alpha XI Delta sorority gav a din
ner Friday evening at tha Hotel Ioyal.
Those present were:
Mnrgtierlte Barn-
I aidt
(race Robinson.
I lis. Hlch,
t arolyn Funk.
Voe Ureenough.
T'orothy KngTlah,
Hi len (.oft man.
Annea Nellsan.
Vrrda Kantiorn.
Helen ore' aen.
.Maria iiendee.
Mra. Dan Kugerly was hostess Satur
day afternoon at a luncheon at her
home to the PI Beta Thl esrorlty.iThlrty
gueata were present. Mra. Kdgerty waa
assisted by Mrs. Henry Cox. Miss Mary
Philllppl and Mlsa Alice Troxelt. ,
- - I
Sorority Girls Meet.
Dolts Delta Delta members, active and
alumnae, were entertained at a kenalng
ton and tea Saturday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. P. 8. St. Clair, In the
Clarlnda. Twenty members wars present
Social Gossip.
Mra. H. C. Howe and Miss Marlon
Howe left last week for New York, hav
lug been delayed here two or three weeks
longer than they expected. Mrs. Howe
will rcmnlii eaat until after Thanksgiv
ing and Mlsa Howe ataya eaat all winter
to atudy music and languages.
Mra. Alvln Satindnra left last week for
Washington to Join her daughter. Mra.
Ruaaelt Harrison, for part of tha winter.
Mr. Charlea Haundura accompanied hla
mother aa far aa Chicago. ,
Mra. Clement Chase la now with her
cousins. Mra. J. W. Reynolds and Mlas
Helen Baum.
Sir. and Mra. I-ouls Dale have given
up their apartment and will be with his
mother. Mrs. John Dale, for tha winter
Mrs. Herman Kountss plana to spend
the Christmas holldaya with her duuKh
ter. Mra. Magea. at Billings, Mont. .
Mlsa Mellona Butterfleld Is now at the
WJlshlre, 71 Coronado atreet. Loa An
geles, where ahe will pasa the winter.
Mra. W. C. Hunderland has given up her
homo hers and left Wednesday for tha
Isle of Pines, near Cuba, where aha
apent last winter. She has gone back
with the Idea of perhapa making It her
Wedding- Announcements.
Announcement Is mnde of tha mrrl...
of Mlsa Rose t'hernlsa and Mr. Harry
Ooldntrom. which was celebrated Wsdnea.
Cay evening at tha home of the bride's
mother, Mra N. Chemise, In Council
T'lffs. Itabl.l Frederick Cohn performed
ll e ceremony In the resence of members
cf the family. After December 15 the
young couple will be at home at 1009 Fifth
avenue. Council Bluffa.
Adams-Murphy Wedding-.
The marriage of Mlsa May Murphy,
daughter of Mr. and Mra. Hugh Murphy,
and Mr. Ueorge Adania of Ogden, I'tah.,
waa celebrated tha afternoon at Thanka
glvlng day at b.M o'clock, at Bt. Peter a
church. Rev. Father J. F. McCarthy
The bride wore her go-away gown of
navy blue broadcloth, with a entail black
toque and ahe wore a coraage bouquet of
whits sweet peas and lllllea of the valley.
Mlaa Helen Murphy and Mr. Richard
Murphy, slater and brother of tha bride,
were the only aftaiuianta. Mlsa Helen
Murphy ore a brown broadcloth aulu
with a picture hat of silver lace, and
her coraage bouquet waa of Mra. Ward
Following the ceremony, there was a
wedding dinner for eighteen gueata and a
reception for a few Intimate frlenda.
After an extended western trip, tha
young people will be at home In Ogden.
Marriage of Former Omahan.
Mra. Mary Sherwood LLmbertaion,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mra. K. H.
I Sherwood, formerly of this city, but of
recent years a resident Houlliport. Conn.,
waa married tut Thanksgiving day at
noon to Prof. Hoe. head of the 8chool
of Mechanical Engineering at Yale. The
marriage took place at Brn Mawr. Pa.,
at "Merrlmount." tha beautiful home of
Silvester M. Marvin, who la an uncle of
tha bride.
The Sherwood family aa one of the
old familiee here, living for many years
on dheinuta avenue and latr In the
Are Soon to Wed
h I
' hi
" A
Nation Alperson,
Nee Jean Wallaea.
house now owned and occupied by Mies
Kate Mcliugh on Dodge street. Mlas
Sherwood's marriage to Mr. Dambert-
son took her to Lincoln and after his
death aha and her young daughter went
east to live near her parents, who have
since both died, Mr. Sherwood about Iwo
years sgo.
Prof. Roe haa a summer home In South-
port and they will live there In tha sum
mer snd In New Haven In tha winter
Beal-Brug-g-er Wedding.
ansa iieien r ranees Brugger. daughter
of Mr. and Mra. M. Brugger of Columbua,
was married at tha horns of the bride's
I stents Saturday evening at S o'clock to
Mr. Daniel Mlddlekauff Beal of Mollne,
III., formerly of Omaha.
The bride waa for three years a member
ef the faculty of Brownell Hall and ha
many frlenda In Omaha.
Mr. and Mra. Heal w'll make ihei, fu
ll, re homo In Mollne.
Cinoiam Dancinsr Club.
rhs Clnossm Dancing club aav the
second of a series of ten dances Wednes
day evening at Scottish Rite cathedral.
inir Deing the only dancs of tha series
that guests could attend tha tterui.nn
v"y large. Durli g Intermission a
ery pleassnt aurprlsa waa aprung on tha
dancers In the shape of character wok..
tr.d tonga by Uoodwel Dlckerman. Among
Kues;s present weie the following:
Mesi-rs. ini llcH......
j i . tiisnop
II I-'. Anna I
' . s. e'wHri'utt.
Ralph William.
W. j. Ca in.
It. Koenlted.
V. D. Burton
hrank Vlerling,
A. 1 Rtrnhl
li. K. Howe,
I'. K. Mci. ullv.
C W. Newport.
J. A l.lndholm,
T F Wood.
H. l ane.
R. H. Haakcr.
C. II Hoi k.
V. II. Thorp,
l-'ugc Wlren,
r K. I! vnn
Crariea Neff.
enrv NvgMi
" 1 1 aj wood,
V. H. Newell.
. F. Hunk up.
H. !.. Iron..
P. F. Uilswald.
Hert tnyder,
Not man Hourks.
H N. Hoars.
.V I'ivs
I. ala
N i lsiin.
Urace Hoot
J v . Doyle,
A. !. Uerk.
M. Peterson,
I r. P. Carroll.
Carl t'.imenhart
C. Hall.
F. Braiford.
C. It. Mnser.
M ls
Marie terry,
!rei;e lligty,
tin r,e Morton.
J. J. Jensen,
Dr H, liar.
I . kof f.
Thanksg-irinf Party.
Mra. F. A. Tlnney as hosteaa at a
Thanksgiving party Thursday evening
at her home. The decorations were
chrysanthemums and American Beauty
rosea. Those present were:
Messrs. and Mesdamea
Claude Callen. W. W. Davenport.
C. K. De F. A. Tlnney,
Robert Holfeou, a. 1 Davis
it. e. tfurget,
Ruth Tlnney,
Irene Stagg.
Ann Haskell.
Stork Special.
A aon waa born Tuesday morning, No
vember Sx, to Mr. and Mra. D. A. Field.
The child Is to be christened Richard
Off for California.
Mra. M. F. Smith and Mra. Joaeph
White of Boston have gone to California.
Mra. White haa been here with her
daughter. Mra. Arthur V. Smith, for
aeveral weeks.
Miaa Arabella Kimball returned last
i. ... i j j
B SsiMsglsmsMajgsyu .Mr-- -J
-a.' M
week to her mother at Iong Reach, Cal.
They will spend the winter In California.
Mra. Kdgar Allen goer, to California
within a day or two for a short trip.
Engagements Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Davidson of 1'ea
Moines. la., announce the betrothal of
their daughter, Sarah, and Mr. Harry
Kulakofsky, son of Mr. snd Mrs. M.
Kulakofsky. of this city.
Mrs. J. P. Trimble announces the en
gagement of her daughter, Oeotge, to
Mr. Charlea Oacar Cornwell of Chicago.
Tha wedding will be during the Christ
mas holldaya.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olander announce,
'he engagement of their daughter Gert
rude to Mr. Harvey B. Wlaeman of Gr, nd
Irland, formerly of Omaha, the wedding
In be early In the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Alperson announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Marlon, and Mr. David 8. Fruemer of
Sioux City. The wedding will be cele
brated In the early spring. Mlsa A'per
aon la a graduate of tha jOmaha High
school, while Mr. Pruslner Is a Sioux City
High school graduate and completed his
education at Amaa college. Miss Alper
son waa formerly president of tha young
woman's auxiliary to the R'nal B'rlth
organisation. It Is Interesting to note
this is tha fourth wedding announcement
In the Alperson family within ths last
year, tha Misses Esther, Sophia and
Mattle Alperson having been married re
cently. Birthday Party.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Watson enter
tained at dinner Wednesday evening, In
honor of Mr. Watson's birthday.
Those present:
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Wataon.
Mr. and Mra. A. H. Watson.
Mr. and Mra. J. M. Watson.
Mr and Mrs C. B. Watson.
Mra. A. Hawkins.
Miss Ruth Palton and Maater Cyrus
Wataon. Jr.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. W. Farnam Smith has been esst
all week and will return aome time next
Mra. W. R. McKeen waa called east
Monday by the death of her aunt's hus
band. Dr. R. 8. Anglln returned Wedneaday
from t'tlca, N. Y. Mrs. Anglln returned
.vlth her husband.
Mra. David C rowel) went to Chicago
Wednesday to vlnlt her sons In Kvanaton
and Rogers Psrk.
Mrs. Herman Kountxe, Mrs. Ben Gal
lagher and Mra. Frank Colpetaer have
returned from their California trip.
Mra. T. , J. Rogers left for New York
Sunday to Join her daughter, Mra. Frank
Keogh, and to vlait her sister, Mrs. Lstey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Themanon re
turned Thursday afternoon from a trip
io Washington. New York City and Col
Misa Dorothy Brown goea next week
to Madison, Wis., to vlalt her brother,
Thomas, who Is at the University of Wis
American Defense day will be ebserved
throughout tha country en December ft,
according to advtoe received by tha Com
mercial Club frera tha American Defenee
society. It la axpeotad that special ob
servncs ef the day will he mads looally,
plans now being formed with that end In
view. ,
Security in Buy
ing a
Adds Greatly to the
Purchaser's Satisfac
tion in the Stone.
The extent of our rash
pttrrhaaea, ' the rigid ex
clusion of inferior stones,
our written guarantee of
quality and weight, give
tha purchaser the advan
tage cf the utmost rea
sonableness of price and
eliminates any element of
chance in the selection of
a diamond.
We urge roinparlaong
of quality aud price.
Jewelry Co.
"Omaha's Gift Stort"
403 So. 16th St.
City National Bank
lit J
Plan Federation of
All Local Charities
For further consideration of the p o- ' I'-seed favoraMe rplnions. After the
posal to establish a federation of alt local ! ' '""P"'"1 Presented to an ! offlolajly -
. . .. . , . 8'ted upon by the sepaiate orpnlzo tl'ms
.h.rlt, orranlntlrna n'.tves of;,,,,,,, nrt,nK of ,h, r,pr( ,p it lUv ,
h of the various Institution held an- I,, ill i.eld for actlm on the nutter.
Rebuilt Overcoats
Save tlio prirp of a now overcoat by bavin us clonn,
or dye, and rebuild vour old one.
Have a new elvet collar, new sleeve or body lining,
turn up tlie edes of, and maybe a balf inrh off
tlie bottom, then carefully press it, and you bave almost
a new coat.
To Dr Clenn Ok'H'omI $l.!SO
T Xetv Veltot '; l.OO lo $!..()
To Mohair ! Lining i.Xn
To v Umly I.lnlntf 6.00
To New P.utloiia. 25 lo ..VI
To Cut Off Hottoiii 75 lo l.OO
To Kdifcx oil Sleet PK .VI
To Four Xm IStitton Holes flo
If dyed, rigure $1.50 more.
8e wh-at your coat needs and jou ran figure close to the cost
before sending it in. We guarantee satisfaction.
We are utting off a great many jackets these days and making
a belt out of the goodR. llring yours in and talk it over with us.
We also rellne Jackets. You can furnish your own material, or
furnlfh, 11 cosls font $3.00 to $4.00 for rellning. plus
cost of material.
"Good Cleaners ami liyers."
131.1-15-17 Jones Ktreet.
Thone Douglas om.
N. D. We pay return charges on all out-of-town orders All
work guaranteed.
1 '"""'""risnsasBssMsasssTnmwr
- . 1 , .' ; 1 i
I." sn
is a srS of "MMcid Price"
am enlcrtainer-ircc
This $15 Victor Victrola
Surprise! You'll enjoy it
sure that you will enjoy
will ship it anywhere on
TRIAL subject lo your
critical test. Buy
only if it suits you
J"r are other styles el lh Victrols at
S5, ? ?'J7b ,10- '1S0- J20- J250-
Ws will yladly demoostrata thtni at any time.
Dance with it. Hear it Sing
Hear it boom out Orchestral
This Little Price
Won't Prove a
Drain on ANY
ONE'S purse. $15
a Dandy Absolutely
Genuine Victrola
Put, at the same time, remember that we show a stock of 100
other Victor-Victrolas at from $250 to S300. Ours is the
most famous Western Victrola Concern.
Rttraslksi Cycle Co
Corner 15th and Harney Sts. Omaha.
AUo 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
other meeting at the Commercial club I
rooms Friday noon. Dr. Ira R. Porter 1
!tef.lded pnj outlined the Idea, a'ter,
wrlch most of the repre.entatlves at-1
tfnding talked the m.itter over and ex-!
Mraiiih Offices 20I6 Fninam St.
South Side, 528 N. aith St.
I -Vicirola I Is
i a Monumental
we are so
it that we
It'a all well enough to own one of those BIG Victrolas, but here's a
Victrola you can pick up and carry with you! Great little entertainer,
too! You might think it doesn't sound right because it's not one of those
big fellows but you've got a surprise coming.
Some folks must stop and think before putting $100 to $200 into
a Christmas Gift, but who Indeed cannot afford $15 for an instrument
that is replete with the necessary features of the big Victrolas; au in
strument that will play any of the famous Victor records?
There's a coupon in the side of the Victrola cut printed above. Cut
It out. Sign your name and address to It. Mall it to us. Then we will
ship the $15 Victrola to your boire on FREE TRIAL. There will be
records with it. Play the records to your heart's content. If the Vic
trola isn't all we claim. snd It back. If it is Just what the hearts of
your family are craving, buy it for Christmas.
'Hie (lift "de Luxe"
"Splinters from the stars,"
the ancients called them, and
they were to them the symbol
of affection ns undying as the
stars themselves.
So what could be more fit
ting as a Christmas gift
mountod in rlns, brooch, la
valllere, or other attractive
Prices as low as $10.00 and
as high as $2,000.00, with
scores of other prices between
these two extremes.
Come in and have a talk with
us any way. We will be glad to
five you the benefit of our
years of experience in judging)
and choosing diamonds.
Omaha's Longest Established
Sixteenth ami Harney Sts.
filargarette Lemcn
3d Floor rattsraoa Blku,
17th and Farnam. Douglas 7668.
Omaha, Hab.
The Bee is The Paper
yon ask fori tf roa, piaa to ba
abssat mora than a few Oar,
bava The Be mailed to jev.
a Giant ol
trial proves
- Mail us
this coupon
Wait until yoa
hear this 44 Young
Caruso's Songs
and Band Pieces.