Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    Till; I'.F.i;: OMAHA, SATl UDAV, MUEMHKU J7, i:M.
. Jll JL4.JL .
Friday, November 26, 1915-
.Ictor RacorAa for Hovainb
Com In and Haar Thcnt
In Omb Only Her at InrrMt. .
Katj Can Ton Bay tha Cblckciinc
Phone Doug. 137
Now We Turn Into the Home Stretch With Christmas Just Ahead
Burgess-Nash is Splendidly Prepared Throughout the Entire Store
Men's Strictly Hand Tailored
Beautiful New TRIMMED HATS
Were to $10.00, SATURDAY at
OCOHKS of charming now creations, individual ideas (hat
vJ will anneal to the most exacting
hats, trimmed with flowers, etc
Saturday, choice, $2.50.
Fine silk velvet
Hats that were $10.00,
Gold and Silver Lace
Shapes With Fur Edges
These hats are made in snilo
shape only, as illustrated. Vel
vet crown and gold or silver lace
brim with fur edge. A flower is
all that is necessary to complete
your hat.
A New Assortment of Fur Flowers, 39c
Rnryeaa-NSTh Co. Second Floor.
Styles Every One New in These
Exceptional BLOUSES at $3.95
GKOKOKTTI-j Crepe Blouses with lace trimmings, dain
tily embroidered, or finely tucked. High or low col
lar, long sleeves, Flesh and While. Cree de Chine Blouses
box plaited, plain tailored, lace trimmed and embroidered
models others striped in suit shades. White, maize, flesh,
peach, rose, navy, black and solid colors.
Lace mouses, drossy models combiner! with chiffon; new sleeves and
new collars, and touches of fur.
Chiffon Jiloust'ti, in nil the wanted suit shades navy, black, brown,
green, n!; o rope, turquoise and peach.
Burjesa-Naah Co. S.oand Floor.
Wirthmor Waists $1.00, Always Worth More
Four new models on mile Saturday. Wlrthmore Waists are now recog
nized as i lie host among all dollar waists. They are always worth more
than the price you pay. Burg-aaa-Ksah Co. Main Door.
UNION SUITS Special at 75c
THE weight in greatest demand right now, white cotton,
fleece lined, high neck, long sleeves; also Dutch neck,
elbow sleeves, ankle length.
Women's Vests or Pants, 50c
Women's white, part wool, vests and pants; very desirable weight for
Children's Sleeping Suits, 45c
Hc-.vy f orce lined sleeping suits with feet, drop seat and handkerchief
jhk1:c1s. , ...
. Bnryc-K.h Co Mmtn Floor.
m;v VrYi.KS AXi) Volokixgh hkkk txm vbun choosing.
A- IJXIi of new imported French Gloves, made from finest selected
r-Uine, In the newest shades, stitchlngs and embroidery. Many
fliades ;ire here not to be found elsewhere. African brown, midnight
blue, Hussian green, pigale, putty, butternut and castor shades.
KV WASHAliLK I .K ATM hi I UM) KS Much In Demand.
Th") can be washed quickly with soap and water. We show them In
whito and a variety, of new colorinps, 81.75, $2.00 and $2.25 pair.
New Fabric Gloves the washable kind a big selection In black and
white colors, at 5r and Ijil.oo per pair.
Bring the children here Saturday for new gloves. We have a large
variety filk. lined, fleece lined and fur lined; also wool gloves and
yvomi:vs ;uvi:s at nsc l'Ain
l Miallj Priced to $1.50 Per I'air.
One and two-cl:i styles. Gloves for street and dress wear, in white,
black ami colors. Some Rre a little mussed from handling, but in per
fect condition otherwise. Saturday, 5o pair.
Eurge-TT wh Co. Main Floor,
Anticipate YourHandkerchief Gifts
For" CHRISTMAS" Here Saturday
THK KANUW of selection Is very complete, with n pt l e range from
rc 10 ""h each.
Women's Handkerchiefs, 3 in Box, $1.00
Very fine linen, hand embroidered corners, also Madeira emhroidei ed.
Women's Handkerchiefs, 6 in Box, $1.03
Fine line with French hems, plain white with neatly embroidered Initial.
Women's Linen Handkerchiefs, 15c
Pure linen handkerchiefs with embroidered corners, also colored edges.
Very special.
Children's Handkerchiefs, 3 in Box, 15c
Fancy ho handkerchiefs, put up three In n box. specially priced Satur
day at 15c per box.
Men's Handkerchiefs, 6 in Box, 98c
Fine linen handkerchiefs, plain white with embroidered Initial, sli in a
box ior ONc.
Bnrjre-i' Co. Main Floor.
35c to 45c Silk Ribbons 25c
IP ANCV ribbons ror the making of Xmas novelties. An excellent as
sortment of Dresdens. military strlpea, Jacquarda, etc., ranging
In width from 5 to 7 Vfc Inches, to he used In the making of bags, coat
hangers, slippers, sachets and numerous other holiday novelties, 35e
and 45c values, the yard 25c
White, pink, blue, maiie. nilo and lavender. Hair bow width 6 Inches,
sash to match 7 '4 inches. Hair bow, yard, 2c; Sash, yard "
45c and 50c Silk Ribbons, 39c
Ilea.itiful, wide, fancy ribbons on light and dark grounds; also bro
caded efforts; 15c and 30c values, the yard Hlc
Plain and Fancy Ribbons, 17c
Plain taf.'eta and fancy ribbons, an excellent quality taffeta ribbon In
hair bow width, white, pink, blue, cardinal, navy and black; also flow
ered effects, the yard l"e
Ribbon3 for Tying Xmas Packages
Numbers 1 and H4. holly pattern, red wlth-green edge and polnsetta
pattern. Price, five-yard bolt, at 7c
TVT.. We make to order at very reasonable prices roses, vlo
lUlCa lets, sweet peas, small rose buds, bags, girdles, slippers,
rosettes, parters, children's hair basds, etc.
Bnrgaaa-Waih Co Main Floor.
You'll Want SEVERAL PAIRS of
These PURE SILK HOSE at 85c
WOMEN'S pure thread silk hose, In black and colors, high spliced
heel and double sole. We consider them extreme values at 85c
the pair.
Women's Silk Lisle Hose, 35c
Women's black silk lisle hose, full fashioned, regular made, some are
subject to Blight Imperfections, very special at 3 pairs for $ !.(, or,
per pair, 35c.
Women's Fleeced Hose, at 15c
Women's plain or ribbed top black cotton fleece lined hose, seamless
foot, spe.iial, at 15c a pair.
Buraasa-irawh Co. Main Floor.
AIAj THE "QO" now, every woman and miss In the east Is wearing
them. Xnlt silks, fancy 6r plain colorings, two yards long.
Women's Neckwear, at 25c and 50c
Special table of neckwear, including lace collars, stocks and vestees,
splendid selection.
Women's Boudoir Caps, 25c to 75c
Fancy Noudolr Caps, combination of fancy laces, silks and ribbons;
wide selection, 25c, 5()c and 75c each.
Burgaaa-Waah Qj. Mala Floor.
There is More Real Style, Com
fort and Durability in Burgess
Nash SPECIAL SHOES at $3.50
THAN you'll find in the usual lino of shoes at much higher
prices. The Burgess-Nosh special $3.50 shoes and slip
pers for women are in a distinct claws made under rigid
contract and extra cost to insure our customers the best
shoes at the price ever sold in the city. Thirty styles of
hoots and evening slipjiers, always $3.50 the pair.
NOIF. We carry the Rugan and Hudson Iron-Clad shoes for misses
and children. Alden's shoes for boys none better made.
Burgaaa-Maah Co. Sacond Floor.
THF. sort of suits and overcoats thai will appeal to men who
are in the habit of wearing merchant tailored clothe.
Every garment is strictly tailored -made to conform to the
reipiirenients of the
"Bunmasc Standard"
of quality- which means the very best possible at the price.
Men's Overcoats, $20.00
All wool black kersey, sizes .' to 4(5, quilted lined, im
ported cloth, astrakhan collars, stylish and very warm.
Pairs of Pants Sa t u r d a y, at $45
KNICKKK style, for ases 6 td 17 years, routs Norlolk, l.vme belted H.vie.
pants lined throughout. Kvtenslve range of material! and colorings.
Special at U5. Other Suits to H5.tH.
IWys' Overrun!, $1.05.
For the little man who wants to look like dnd. ages .1 to S and ', to IS years.
Halmacaans, unllned, one-half, one-fourth and full lined, cravrnetled for
Kail ajwi Winter wear. Splendid assortment, a' $M5.
IVojs $l.5( Pant, 87r.
Knickerbocker style, lined throughout, for aRea 6 to 17 years. Patterns to
match his old oat. $1.50 values, at 7c.
Hoy1 SI.OO IUoum'n. MU
A nw lot In percales, for age ti to 16 years, usually $1.00, for 50r.
4 to 10 years; usually $, for IOc.
Burgasa-Waah C. Fonrtb, Floor.
New Coats
on Sale Saturday at $1,00
NEW fall and winter shapes, all sizes,
a limited quantity to close out.
Regular price, $1), now $1.00.
Men' Hats, at $1.95
The guaranteed kind at $3.00, several
styles, either soft or stiff, black and shades.
Men's $1 and $1.50 Caps, 45c
For fall and winter, with or without ln
band. blue serpe and fancy mixtures; vrere $1
to $1.50. for .5.
InrrwrKaili Co. Fourth Flooi1,
Corsets at $1.98
A beautiful model, trim
med with lace and satin
bow, medium high bust and
loni; free hip; has excellent
quality boning and four ex
tra heavy quality support
em. Brassiere, 50c
A prettier brassiere wonlfl he
hard to find. Made of fine quality
linen and trimmed in front and
back with filet lace.
Baryaaa-Waah Co. cood Floor.
Big Clearaway of Men's Shirts That Are
the Usual $1.00 to $2.00 Kind
and $25
B1IOKKX lines 4,odd" lots Travelers' Samples, etc., con
sisting of samples of this season's patterns together with
all the broken lines and discontinued numbers from regular
stock direct from a large factory. Mostly neck band, coat
style, with cuffs attached. Men, this is positively the highest
grade lot of shirts we have ever placed on sale at so low a price.
Mail ma, percale, satine, oxford, etc., all the good materials
umm! in the manufacture of high grade shirts represented.
One day only, Saturday Sale price, 69c.
Bmc"-"11 Co- M" Floor
V 7
UR showing of separate coats is very attrac
tive. Here are all the new full flared mod
els. This type of coat is universally liked and
is especially becoming in the new soft, rich ma
terials, such as Broadcloth, Velour De Lnine, Vi
cuna, Plush, Zibeline, . Corduroys, etc. Then
there's the smart motor coat, or general utility
coat, made in Montignac, Cheviots, Zibelines,
Wool Plush, Novelty and Tweed Mixtures. Many
are beautifully fur trimmed. In all the new dark
rich colorings. Come and see these beautiful
coats at $19.50 and $25.00.
Here Too You Will Find
Coats of the Better Sort
$35.00, $37,50, $39.50,
$45, $50.00, $65.00 Up
The more elaborate type of coat is very full
and flaring, rich fur trimmed, many without belt,
falling in graceful lines from the shoulders. All
beautifully lined in dark or light colors. Materials
in splendid variety in all the new dark, rich color
ings. Velvet, Bolivia Cloth, Plush, Corduroy,
Hudson Seal Plush, etc.
Barra-aaa Co. Sacond Floor.
Sample Pieces of GrainecMvoryat
But a Fraction of the Real Value
GRAINED ivory pieces for the dressing table The sam
ple line of one of the largest manufacturers, bought at
a big pric reduction. A splendid opportunity to anticipate
Christmas gifts. Four big groups
firainel Ivory I1h.. 2.V to KOc Value,
Including in bankets, vanity canes, nail filoa. cuticle knives, button
hooki, corn knlvea. drenalng combs, puff boxec. hair r-ielerB. trays.
watch holders, playing card cases, etc.
(rained Ivory Ptcie to lWc,
. .
Including picture frames, mirrors, irays. vn cushions, mugn fj Ins n lr
rors. thimble boxes, soap boxes, tooth brush tubes, ooth 1'owOer
Hoxes, shaving so;-.p holders, manicure sets, with detachable
chamois, etc.
drained Ivory I'lerea to l.00
Including concale haVr'bruVh'es.' hat brushes, n.i.rors, double a nd ina
nifying n.lrrorr, larae trays, square and oval picture frames, buffers,
manicure sets, dressing rooms, tic.
(iriiined Ivory lleces. to 2..
Includinji pin boxes, heavy buffers. 4 piece manicure sets, hair brushes,
n iml concave bud; mirrors. Ion handle magnifying 1
rlnes. Jewel boxes, comb and brush Bets, heavy trays, picture nanic.
BnrRaas-fai Co VU Floor.
." i i.r. nnu Hou.. i n'it Wine I Jad Baits, "5e
110 eco -lonia "h :. i -... ..UK-
cane n KMiavr. j
Hughes' doublo 1 dnt Ic ' Household Am-
k . i d i I a Tl1.r Ki Tal- ! monla. qt. . I.c
llruih. SI. 25 : cum Powder Daggett &
value 7c at
Knkay'8 Food : Kels N a p t h a
70c siic. . .4c Soap, 10 caks
Canthrox, 50c I for SMe.
nUe c 1 O'Cedar Oil -
Ivory Soap. 10 I 25e size . ..!
Burgess-Nash Special $3.50 SHOES
for Men Saturday on Fourth Floor
RKHHKSENT everything that la good In footwear comfort, service,
economy, style. More than a doten models In the best leathers
from which to make selection, at ftJM the pair.
We are cole distributors In Omaha for the famous
James A. Banister Shoes for Men.
The shoe without a fault. The line Is fcJ flfl Afl
large In range of style selection, at POaUU J)0vFU
"HrRNASCO" Shoes for men are favorites with a varied selection
at 9I.OO and A.OO the pair.
Baryasa-ltaaB, Oo. Fourth Floor.
Taste, 50c sUe,
for -
Sal llepatlca
50c size . .2c
Williams' Shav
ing Hoap, cake,
l.isterine, 50c
site for . . .'-e
Locust Blossom
P e r f urne, pet
ox S'Jc
cakes . . . ,8c
Sani Flush, 2 5c
size 17c
Soap, 25c size,
for 17c
! Kiiiiihdeli'H
' Cream, 35c
Hire 'Jlic
I Coin lil null on
' Fountain
I Syrinse and
i Hot Water Hot-
, tie. 1.T5
' value H7c
Bvu-raai-If a! Co Main Floor.
HK arrived Friday )S
morning t l' O
o'clock and licld a reepptiou
for tbc little folks nil day.
And my, my, hucIi h buzzing
and whirring, huch an uproar
an came from this land of niake
b e I i e v e. Truing whizzing
nroimd sharp corners; men of
war and submarines in battle
array; dolls that talk, dolls
that walk; walking animals,
too- all waiting to entertain
their very welcome guest, the
little folk. of Omaha.
Hut come see for )ourself Satur
day. ld Hanta (laua has a gift for
i very child accompanied by an adult.
Cut Flowers
A splendid assortment of fresh cut flowers
for the holidays, including chrysanthemums,
roses, violets, etc.
"5 I ijj
rrr rinrc Rim n nr ftvnrnfincfii
Doll Carts, the foldiiig kind, special 50c
Doll Carls, with rubber tires, Hpevial 91.25
Mechanical Train, locomotive, tender, 1 cars and 24-lnch
clrct'lar track, for 75c
Heavy Iron IZnidna, Tender. 2 Coaches and eiht pieces
of curved track, for....,,. $l.3
KUctric train, eugine, and tender, with head light. 2
coaches, 8 sections of track fitted with controller. .94.50
Dressed, undressed, character, etc., each..,4c to $2.50
urgaaa-Baab Co. Fourta Floor.
wut 1 1 ii la
ucjti t i- imna inairrrr Tfc