Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Swindler Uie Name of General
Ajjent Hill of Prorident
Life And Trust
Through the operations of a
swindler, who has passed forged
checks In various parts of the coun
try during the last two months,
Thomas R. Hill, Nebraska general
agent of the Provident Life and
Trust company, has been caused
much annoyance, although suffering
ik loss of only $30 himself.
A well-dressed, honest appearing
young roan, at various times using
the name of Rube!, Nelson or Mil
lard. Is reported to have "stung"
msny Insurance men with worthless
checks purporting to be agency
checks signed by Mr. Kill of Omaha.
The young man represents himself
to have been recently employed by
the Omaha Insurance man, and In
asking for a position elsewhere, pre
sents forged or stolen credentials,
and usually manages to get a check
Mr. Mill declares that ths i
brought to Ms nodes should hav been
drtcted esslljr. They wsre clumsily
dons, and even bear tbs misspelling
Thilldelphla." They also have the im
print of Mr. Hill's aaenry In red In
stead of blark Ink, and the ancy Is
called ths Omaha, Instead of the Ne
brsska fenersl agency.
So fsr, complaints of the man's oper
ations havs corns from Pallas, Tex
Muskogee, Okla.; several cities In Ar
ksnsas, and more recently from Indian
apolis. Mr. Hill has a good description
of ths fellow, who worked him to the
extent of $34 for advance expense money.
Only Insursnrs agencies have been chos
en as victims, the man evidently hav
ing been an underwriter before start
Ins to make his living by the easier
forgery method.
Uncle to British
Named in
Munitions Deal
LONDON. Nov. W. Hearings were re
sumed today in the ease of Victor Sly.
charged w h sling In war materials
without a . him. When the esse wss
taken before tbs court a week ago the
hams of tha duke of Manchester was In
troduced by the prosecutor, who said Mr.
Sly and the duke apparently bad at- I
tempted to hoodwink the authorities by
communicating with each ether In a
Secret 'coda In regard to the traffics In
war materials- ' .
. At todsy's session Dip name of the
Suks of Connaught, uncle of King George,
and governor general of Canada, was
brought to, although not under such cir
cumstances aa to show that he had any
knowledge of Mr. Sty's transactions.
The evidence laid before the Bow Street
police court today dealt with transsctlons
In munitions running Into millions of
pounds In value. Ona telegram sent by
Mr. Sly to a man named Lurlon In
ietrograd, who wss described ss an agent
pf Mr. Sly, was given ss follows:
"New York make sit required arrange
agents for 12.000.000 shrapnel, 1,000.000 rifles,
J,OCO,s)C,ono cartridges."
A subsequent telegram Said:
"We have bought for Fetrograd whole
e.OOO.OOO shrspnel."
A message sent by Mr. Sly to Luricn
on September 28 was given as follows:
"Connaught (duke of Connaught), en
dorsement prom sed today; 4,0X1,000 rifles
completely ready."
Captain Durand of the war office pro
duced a letter, which, he said, was found
in Mr. Bly's office, written to the South
Amerlcsn JUllless Traction company, re
lating to proposed paittrlpation by that
company ua the sale of South American
armament, "wherefore contracts have
been signed with Abe Stein aV Co., New
York.". The letter mentions profits from
these contracts of 190.000 (
A cablegram said to have been sent
rom Parle by the duke of Manchester
saS produced, telling Mr. Sly:
'Call, on Oenerel at Whitehall
court, who has been communicated with.
Have him shown all proofs ss requested,
so business may be completed hare."
After this testimony had been taken ths
hearing was adjourned.
Toff re Asks Men
Of Army to Loan
Treasure to France
PARIS. Nov. is. General Joffre, eom-
mander4n-chief of the French forces
today issued ths following general order
to the army:
"On November V Franca issues a great
loan to provide funds for expenditure
on the national defense. All the sppeals
she hss made since the beginning of the
wsr have had ready response. This Is
because everyone knows the riches of
France; because everyone has confidence
In her destinies snd a favorable termin
ation of the atruguie.
' "Those who subscribe fulfill ths duty
of a good Frenchman. They also wtll
find their advantage in it. Whoever
pays in 17.16 francs will receive an obit
gallon bearing I franca Interest only an
investment In French bonds at i and Tt-100
per rent.
"You haw doubtless heard your parents
retail ths terrible hours of 1870. After that
war there was a loan for tha liberation
pf territory. Tbla time, thanks to your
efforts. It will be aa the minister of
finance has said, tha loan of victory.'
"Think about that. Write about It to
your relatives and the friends you left
behind at your birthplace. Tell them that
to subscribe to ths loan Is to serve
France) that it la to fight for her with
you; that it Is to give you the moat ef
fective aid possible at the present time
and that It Is to assure your future and
that of your children."
Czar Promises Army
Against Bulgarians
IjNDON. Nov. s.-The Rosslsn etn
1 1 ror hss td4fse4 s persons,! telecrsrn
l. tb Serbian premier, M. Pschltck, so-i-tdlnc
to s BeJonlki dispstob el Weda
fsy te the Psili TeJesreph, la which he
I romtses he eppesreace e .week hence
t'i bulgerts of Russia s troops.
The lte.le.a government, aecoedlnf to
this dispatch, slso hss promised to seu4
sc cxyedHionsjy force of u.(W0 men.
From Our Near Neighbors
M.s-.s I.'tie snd Ksle Pprlns.r r.f
,)rnh sront Thnksglvm with Mr. and
V r.. 11T'-e.
Miss Msv Nt-holn went to Red Cloud.
Neii.. Wednesday, to spend Thsnksxl vtng
with Miss Edna Weekly.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell srs enjoying a
visit frnm their daughter. Mm. Kose
bronk, and habv, thta week.
Miss Rather Andera-n, who la tearhlns
ner Onkdale, rem. home Wednesday to
aprnd the rest of the week.
Mlaa Stella fierce tame out from
Omaha Wednesday evening to spend
Thanksgiving with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kennedy and daugh
ters spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs. T. I. Todd st Waterloo.
The funeral of Mrs Mary Hoyt was
held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
K. Hubbard Saturday morning.
Mra. C. H. Coy gave s very enjoyable
reception Tuesday afternoon from I to I
to Introduce her daughter. Mra. Unnmr
Mr. and Mrs. W. p.. Eddy and children
went to Fremnn Thiirsrisv in ha tha
guest of Mr. snd Mrs. Russell Eddy until I
r i inn r.
ttev who has held a series of
gospel at the Preehvterlan
rhurrh for the last three weeks, will dose
VYIday evening and leaves for Thedford.
Neb., Saturday morning.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Christian Temperance nnl n
ws held Friday afternoon at the home
of Mr. snd Mrs. Andrew Wlcklund in
nyarsvllle. Ten new members were ro
ceived. Mrs. Wlcklund served lunch.
Mrs. Nsla Rsamussen Is on the slrk list
1 tlila week.
Mrs Hendrlr.ksnn spent Thanksgiving
In Fremont.
Mrs August Psmp wss an Omsha vis
itor Wednesday.
A daughter wss born to Mr. and Mrs
Lsrt Nelson Sundsy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ingle of Omsha visited at
inr winiams noma rrlclay.
( Mrs. rtrener and daughter Angle were
I Cmshs visitors Wednesday.
I Rvansellatle rreetlnss will bavin ti.a
Christian church Hunilay, December 5.
I Vf - M w . n -
... nun mrm. i jrn rmves (imana were
rmertalned st the Wllllsms home Sunday.
Hrls Vests), Margaret Blelck and Svl
vm Hack man are on the slrk list thU
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson snd Mabel snd
Irving Johnson of Omsha visited st the
I sin home Sundsy.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Trsen of Penson Mr. and Mrs. Kd Psmp vlalttd st tl-e
August Parnp home Sunday.
Mr. snd Mra. Jacobsen and Mr. and
Mrs. Alan Hasard visited Mrs. I'llant,
who Is In the hospital In Omaha.
Mrs. Oeorgs Knight's Sundsy school
olsss snd Mrs. Kven's claas will have a
lnar at the Congregational church hero
I tlday evening.
Mr. snd Mrs. Ous flundall and family
went to Kiemont Wednesday to sttend
the golden wedding celebration of Mr.
Iirndall's parent.
Ths Hoyal Neighbors will give a pov.
erty dsnre st the hsll Friday evening
December 10. A nrli will Ka u...
j the mos' poorly dressed person.
Hsrry Peters, formerly of Itellevue. Is
visiting his father. J. W. Peters.
Samuel Flax, with his fsrnlly. Is mov.
Ing Into the old Jones home st ths
boulevard snd Sixteenth street.
Chsrles K. Pstrlrk, who for years man.
aged the Intenirbsn station at Hnllevue,
has retired from active business.
B. K. Stark of San Francisco has pur
chased the old homestead of Prof.
Nlcholl, prealdent of Hellevue college
Charles Rummel, student at the Ne
braska Military academy, spent Thanks
giving with his mother, Mrs. George F
Dr. Stephen Phelps and Mrs. Phelps
spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. W, E. Mo.
Get a small package of Hamburg Preset
Tes, or as the German folks call it,
"Hamburger Brust Thee," at sny phar
macy. Taks a tabfespoonful of the tea,
put a cup Of boiling water upon It. pour
through a slave and drink a tearuptul at
any time. It la the most effective way
to brisk a cold and curs grip, ss It opens
the pores, relieving congestion. Also loos
ens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at
It Is Inexpensive and entirely vegetable.
therefore harmless. Advertisement.
Hundreds of Omahans have awaited
tne following two Victor Records, ex
quisitely rendered in string music
"TheRosary," "Alohoe Oe-Hawian"
Any dealer mentioned in this announcement
would be pleased to demonstrate these and
other new Victor Records on the Nov. list:
Sehmoller& Mueller:
1311-1313 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.
Hear the Newest Records In Our Newly Remodeled
Bound-Proof Demonstrating Itouma on the Main Floort
Geo. . Mickel.
lickel. Mgr.
Connell. 2?) Klfth avenue, Coun'MI itluffa,
daughter of Dr. I'helps.
Mrs. Caroline Sanborn of Springfield
spent Thanksgiving with her daughter,
irs. a. tv Dunn or Hi-iipvue
granddeughter, Hernle Dunn.
and her
J"e Foreman of Cedar Creek
niinnsy with frlenrts here.
Mlsa Anastaala Mella spent Thanksgiv
ing at her home in Grr-tne.
A sacred concert whs given at the
Frleden's Lutheran church Thanksgiving
Mrs. Phil McBvny and children of
fliuth omnha spent Sunday with Mrs
I-oiila Ixsleur.
Miss Kstherlne Petrlng was a guest of
relatives at Nebraska City the latter
part of this week.
Mr. snd Mrs. George Rmpey snd daugh
ter of Omahs spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Kmpey.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brunner snd Miss
Mildred Krunner left this week for Call
fornls, where they will spend the win
ter. Mr. and Mrs. If. D. Patterson and Miss
Alice Hell went to Vermillion, S. D.. In
Mr. Pattersons autotnob;le to spend
Thanksgiving vscatkm with relatives.
I'apllllin High school basket hall team
won a game from Waterloo High school
laat Friday night. Tonight thev will
play the Interdenominational team of
Omaha at the opera house.
A gospel team from Omaha will con
duct union aervlcea for the Methodist and
Presbyterian churches Sunday. The even
ing's servlcrs and a special meeting for
women will be held In the Presbyterian
church. An afternoon meeting for men
will be held st the German Methodist
Episcopal church.
Henry Wulf. living northeast of town,
has been very sick with heart trouble.
Misses Chsmherlin snd Witt of Klkhorn
were here for the dance Thursday even
ing. Mrs. Delfs and Mlas Dclfs of Millard,
spent Thanksgiving day nt Echo I till
The Klkhorn baket ball team
ni,u,, i
J. "1;
the locsl l-Yldriy. NovetnW
winning by a score of ifi to In,
The pupils of District to, Miss Mvers.
tencher. (iive an enjoyable entertainment
and "sock socinl," Tuesday evening.
Misses Irene Grau and Mnry Dtrrks,
I hl.U.,.
, In Style That Suits Our Boy
Mannish Box Back Styles with generous collars and heavy
seam patch pockets. Hicli Scotch mixtures, -well made, with
first class .fittings. Impossible to make a mistake, the good
value is so apparent.
5.00, '6.50, 7.50, 10.00
Branch at
Council Bluffs .
' who are attending high school at Ren
' son, spent the holidays st their hemes
Mrs Minna T1mm. well known here
celebrated her seventy-first birthday an
niversary, lest week, at the daughters
home nt Benson.
I Mr P.oe he, section foreman for the
' Northwestern st this place, was severely
I Injured last Saturday, when the after
I noon paueeneer truln. westbound, crashed
' Into Ills hsnrlcsr about a mile and a
half fast of town.
Mis Kate, second daughter of George
Dlerks. wss married Wednesday after
noon to Mr. Fred Misfeldt of Washing
ton count v. The ceremony took place at
the bride's home, relatives only being
present. Mr and Mra. Mtsfeldt will be
at home on the groom s farm near Hen
na rd
Mr. snd Mrs Robert Warren ate sup
per at the Seefus home Thursday.
August Ulsback went to the hr.pltal
SKnln this week to have his arm treated.
Mrs Henry Ooodhard. who has been
til four months with rheumatism, la
Mr. J. W. Wystt snd family and Mr.
snd Mrs John Gibbons motored to
Omaha Sunday.
Mrs. George Helnxmsnn had her house
hold goods moved to Millard last week,
where she will make her home.
Mr. snd Mrs. George Hnney of Fre
mont visited the tatter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. II Elcke, snd family.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nolle went to
their ranch at Proadwater. Neb., Mon
day after several weeks' visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Deprson were
visited Thursday by Mrs Deerson's pa
tents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, and family.
The basket ball game here Tuesday
by the Waterloo High school team and
the Klkhorn High school team was won
by Waterloo, 21 to 12.
P. H. Kellett died Saturday. Novem
ber 20. of pneumonia after a week's Ill
ness. Mr. Kellett waa horn In Ireland in
is?. He brought his family to Douglas
rounty In liw. He Is survived by his
widow, six sons and four daughters.
C. A. Resack snd family spent Thsnks
rtvlng In Uncoln.
Miss Clara Fate Is visiting her father
In V reping Water.
Mrs. S. c. Haney and Margaret Haney
ore visiting In Peru.
Air. nnn airs, i nrpnn
ford, hsve moved here.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lefler of Thed-
Mlsa Hazel Holiday spent Thanksgiving
with friends In Bellevue.
Mr. and Mrs. John I,. Miller of Simeon,
Neb., are visiting In the neighborhood.
Mr. snd Mrs. Wykoff of Omaha spent
Boys' Suits With
That Double the Life of the Suit
We want to emphasize the attractiveness of the Winter
Styles; the fine hard wearing, good looking English mixtures
and Boy Proof Blue Serges; the pleated backs and patch pock
ets please our boys; the unusually good tailoring pleases mother,
value is so apparent. Sizes 2 to 14 years.
$7.50, $8.50 and $10.00
Special Value Demon-
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
December OUT
Any Victor dealer will gladly give
you a descriptive list of these new
Victor Records and play any music
you wish to hear.
There are Victors and VictroU in great variety
tyle from $10 to $350.
Victor Talking Machine Ox, Camden, N.J.
Victrolas Sold by
1513-15 Douglas Street. Omaha, and
407 West Broadway. - Council Bluffs. Ia.
Iraileis Stores
Talking Machine Department
in the Pompeian Room
Thanksgiving with Mr. snd Mrs. J. C.
W. R. Priirh of Slnkln. Mo., visited
friends here the latter part of the week.
A company of bov scouts hss been !
organised by Rev. Mr. Cspsey of the
Methodist church.
Misses Mabel Prlsley and Clara Fate i
attended the Nebraska-Iowa foot b,l
game at Lincoln Saturday. i
A new residence will be erected on the i
site of ths one destroyed by fire two i
weeks seo on Mrs. Schaals property.
Mrs. Belle Lew of Bellevue and Mrs. j
H. C. Lefler of Ort-sha. were guests of
their brother. F.lwsrd Jarman on ,
Thanksgiving day.
A short course In sgricultufe will be'
given next wees in me opera noime.
domestic science department will be con
ducted at the city hall.
Miss Elsie opp was a visitor at Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nutimsn motored
to Lincoln Tuesdsy.
E. G. Spencer and family were here
from Talmage Thursday.
Miss Emma Ehlers of Berlin, was visit
ing relatives here this week.
Mrs. H. J. Stutt snd Miss Mary Stutt
were Omaha visitors Saturday.
!V7rs. E. T. Oearheart Is spending the
week with relatives st Axtel, Neb.
Mrs. Ixvilse Olllen of Council Bluffs. !
Is., la visiting her parents here this week.
Miss Josephine Back of Gothenburg, ,
was visiting Avoca friends over Sunday.
Miss Juliana Rehmeler is here from ,
Weeping Water, for a visit with her .
Miss Selma Marmiardt w as here from j
Beatrice Thanksgiving day for a visit
with relatives. ;
Mr. snd Mrs. R. C. Msrquardt and (
daugter, Emma, were Omsha visitors the
flrat of the week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ors E. Copes and Mr. j
snd Mrs. George Campbell were Nehswka
visitors last Sunday.
Mr and Mra. Fred Neumelster were ;
called to Cook the first of the week by ;
the serious Illness of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Johenh Van Havermaat j
and John Claude of Sauk Center, Minn.
are visiting relatives east of town. I
The revival meetings that are being ,
held at the Congreratlonsl church are ,
being well attended. Rev. Mr. Elledge
of Weeping Water is In charge. !
The best medicine for constipation is
Dr. King's New Life Pills; mild and ef
fective and keep you well. ?6e. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
Extra Pants
ST ..
Mew Victor Records
I m
lilies i mjnriiBraWil
1417 Douglas St.
"He Takes Your Word for It"
In a Courteous and Cordial Manner
Don't wait until you have saved up enough money to
buy your clothing. Your personal credit is g6od at
Beddeo's. Enjoy the clothing you need and pay a little
each week on the bill.
Suit Special
For Saturday we rf
fer choice of a npe
clsl rack of ' r,
Ladies' Suits In a'l
sizes, of newest ma
terials, specially
prfcod at
Just Pay $1 .80 a Week
, After You Make a Small Payment Down
For Men and Young Men
At $12.50, $15, $18, $22.50, $25.00 w
All Wool Winter Suits
At $12, $15, $18 and $20
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
We show an excellent line of Boys' Suits
and Overcoats, guaranteed to Q PA
give satisfaction, as lew as.. J)3eOlS
Entire 3 Story Building
See real estate columns for bargains
- : i 3
Ms- -
Vktrola XVI, $200
I . '. . . . J. i. . : . I . . . , "a
s . - in
f i -": .. -. : '. 1
VktroU XVI, electric $250
ilsAocany or oak
A wonderful assortment of Fur-Trimmed
Plush, Corduroy and Cloth Coats.
$12.50 $15.00
$19.75 $22.50 $30.00
Dress Special
Saturday we offer
choice of 130 Beau'l
ful Silk and CombL
nntlon Dresses, In all
sizes; extraordlnury
values at
$9.75 and $15
ii '
t'h I
ri ,Vl