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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1915)
Till-: J5HK: OMAHA. FIJI DAY, NOVKMBKU 2;, I'M 5. 71 By MELLIFICIA. , Thursday, November 25, 1915. . a lew old-fashioned folk are expressing themselves quite ll knocke1 thl8 Thnkgllng no many old families are not Riving i family dinners no many of the dinners given not In the homes, but In the private dining rooms of down-town hotels or la cafes. They say our colonial grandmothers would not have thought of such thing, that our Puritan grandfathers would not have stood for It. No doubt, they would not, those grandfathers they were of a very stern stuff exemplary husbands, but none too chummy with their wives for all that. If a big dinner, or a festival, that required great preparation and labor, left the colonial grandmother fatigued and 111 from overexertion, the Puritan grandfather did not charge It to excessive industry he would more probably have looked upon it as a rebuke of divine visitation and added an hour or two more of prayer to the daily devotions. But our modern man is quite different; he Is chummy with his wife, he does not want a fagged companion after a fpstlval, nor a too occupied one before. It Is the masculine Influence In our society which lias brought dining to the down-town hotels and cafes. Even In (he best appoint I homes, the giving of a big dinner is a huge undertaking. Thejnale. as he la today, is essentially of a utilitarian turn of mind there are bis business Interests rnnmrnH In Ilia rvln mnt n.. jdlnners let them have the labor and bother of It all his wife Is the .hostess, and neither cook nor steward to his guests. Willev-Funkliouer Wedding I ThnkrUlng- day was popular with jOrrtaha bridal fotipjp this year. Chlof , among the wpddlnne today waa the mar jrlaica of Mis Mildred Kunkhouser and Mr. Oeors-a Korea Wlllsey of Idaho Falls. (Idaho, whlrh was celebrated this after I noon at 4 oVIock. at the homt nf tha jrl1-a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Millard jnimora Funkhouaer. The Rev. Arthur Marh of tha Episcopal church at Hlalr officiated. Preceding- the wedding cera Imony, Mlas Klolse lllllla played tha Mendelssohn wedding march and Mra. piAaet Smith Kldiiga sans "Because," nnd "My Plrthday." , Tha ceremony was performed In tha living room before an Improvised altar f palmC fern and baaketa of pink roues and white chrysanthemums, lighted mtmh white candles, the same acheme of lecoratlon having been carried out throughout the rooms. The bridal . ouple knelt to reoolve the marriage vows on a whit fur rug, which Mrs. J. i.. Baker haa provided for a number of wedding parties. The bride's gown was fashioned from er mother's wedding gown, a pretty sen timent, and we of Ivory aa'.ln and chan Silly lace with square neck and long lle aleevea. The rhantllly lace waa ! ftade In flounce over a foundation of J he aatln, with a long court train falling from the shoulders and trlmniins of Tearla. The bridal veil was of tulle, with Vi wired princess cap of point lace. - Una arrled a shower bouquet of orchids and lllca of the valley. v Mlaa Marlon Funkhouaer, slater of the ride, wss the maid of honor. Hhe wore K pink tulle and chantllly lace gown nada with a short, full skirt and the r-hort w aiited bodice with cap sleeves )nd square neck. Miss Funkhouaer car led an old-faahloncd, bouquet of sweet heart roaes In a lace frill. White aatln ribbons were stretched by Mra. Robert Vance and Mlaa ' Adelaide t) ance, slater of the fcrlde. Mra. Vance ra gowned In pink crepe de meteor rimmed with prlnceas lace, the aklrt saving the scalloped edges. Mlsa Vance fwaa also gowned In pink crepe de meteor with four pointed net tunica wh soai- oped edgea. Both young women wore orsage bouquets of sweetheart rosea. Mra. Funkhouaer wore a lavender Veorsette crepe over white cnarmeuae.. fehe tunic and bodice elaborately beaded. Mr. George McCVeary of Ulalr waa the Vct man. j Following the ceremony there was a Kveddlng reception, at which Mrs. Nellie Ulavens. Mrs. Robert Doherty and Mrs. i ar B. IIIllls assisted. I The out-of-town gueata Included Mrs. 'llelene Wllleey of Idaho Kalla, mother i.f the groom; Mr. Frank Willacy of l.ln j.oln. a brother; Mr. Paul Funkhouaer of Ut. Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Mc jt'rrary of Blair. ' I After a western wedding trip the Ivoung people will be at home at Idaho rails about January 1. IThankffiTinp; Dinners. j Mrs. Arthur Remington gives a dinner kbls evening at her home. Those present al be: Jitdg and Mrs. TV. A. Red ck. Mr. and Mrs. joeem namer. 4 Mra. Arthur Hemlnston. Messrs. Mara. A. 8. Patrick, Altlton Parting. j Mra. Pan Wheeler will dine with ten ;uesta at the Omaha club. I Mr. and Mra. TV. D. Hosford give a small family dinner at their home. I Mr. and Mra. Walter Te give a din ner thla evening at the Hotel Fontenelle. Thoao preaent will be: j Measrs. and Mesdamwa llarry Tukey. W. R. McKeen. vitnod K-aatman, Frank W. Judson, S alter !, j Mr. Stockton lleth. t I Another dinner at the Fontencl'e will j given by the Matthew Halls, Piping !tth Mr. and Mrs. Hall will be: j Messrs. and Meadames Iurtovio F. Oioloot, M. C. TVtera. '. C. OeorKe, Hlar 11. Biotl, !W. A. Fraar. W. 11. Iluiholi. 'F. H. Oatnee i Mr. F. J. Uurkley. Mr. and Mra. T. i. Mahoney will glvo no of the largest dinner of the even Zir.g at the Hotel Fontenelle, preceding .the Subscription club dance at Turpin's ; academy. The table will be .decorated v.lth pink rose. Thoae preaent wl'l be: j Ir. and Mra. C. C. Allison. 2 Tr. and Mra. Charlta A. Hull. I Merer, and Mesdamea Howard H. Buldrig Jln A. Mcchane, : Krtnk Hamilton, (leorge H. I'rma, 'iould lttt. T. S Mahoney, J W. A. C. J. ib neon, A. T. Hert of harlt-a KounUe, LoultvlUe, Ky. . iJwin Swobe, IMr. and Mrs. C. N. Itets gave a until afternoon family dinner, with Mr. and Mra. Gould Iiets aa their gueats. Mr. and Mra. William Hill Clarke en 1 Urtain a family dinner party of twelve guests. The dinner and decorations were j U strict keeping with old New England j custom. 1 Colonel and Mra. Curtla of New Tork. I formerly of Omaha, give a family dinner j party at the Hot! Loyal. With the j colonel and Mra. Curtis are their niece, j Mrs. E. pirnon Bird and Mis Pynn Cur j tls. boia now of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mets give a small ' dinner at their borhe.' Those preaent ; will be: Messrs. and Mrdrr- t- ieta, (. Iisrlea E. Met. kt JHI a! Ift-S ii iiA a of Harriet Mets, Mr. r rncst J. Cute of bt. I-oula. Mr. and Mrs. Mel I hi entertained at n.ukK!viii cmutr today. Cover -vt-er for: M"rs. ar.d Mdroes f c. 1. ek. v V. I'.iri.y. ily dinner this evening with Mr. and Ueorge Doane and M11 Daisy Doane. , , - Porter-W11ace Weddin" " One of the Thanksgiving weddings which come a a surprise to a large number of the friend of the bridal couple Is the marriage of .Miss Jean Zer- elda Wallace and Mr. Ceorge Raymond I'orter. whlrh was solemnlzej at I o'clork today at the home of the brlde a father, Mr. John Wallace. Rev. Kdwln Hurt Jenks of the First Presbyterian chjirch performed the ceremony. Preceding the marriage ceremony an impressive musical program waa given by Mrs. Myron Heptonstall, who sang; Mrs. Charles II. Thlem, pianist, and Mr. Will Hetherlngton. A wedding reception followed between the hours of 4 and 1:30, the decorations throughout the rooms toeing carried out In yellow with the use of yellow chrysan themum. The bride was gowned In Belgian blue charmeuae trimmed with heavy gold lace and faahloned with long shirred sleeves of Georgette crepe. She carried sn arm bouquet of Mrs. Ward roses. There were no attendants. The bride Is well-known In Ks stern Ptar circles, having served as matron of Vesta chapter. ;lr. Porter Is deputy collector of customs. After Iecemher I, Mr. snd Mrs. Torter will be at home at North Twenty fifth aranue. Social Oosiip. MKl Marie McRhane, who now Uvea at Long Neck, Long Island, is spending Thsnkrglving with Mlaa Ioulae McFher son at the old McFherson home at Thur monU Md. Mr. and Mrs. Edgsr Morsemsn, Jr., will leave for the east the end of the week. Miss Myrle Francis and Miss Vina Koh ler of Flandreau, 8. p., are the gueats of Mrs. Edward F. Riley and Miss Riley until Hunday. Mrs. Riley will give two matinee parties for her guests. Friday arternoon at the Brandela and Saturday afternoon at the Orpheum. Mlas Kthel Tukey returned home Wodncsday afternoon after a month's visit In Chicago. Deemi-Oraiam Wedding. Mi' Klva K. Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Graham of Leigh, was ' married this afternoon at ftanton to Mr. Harley Peems of Shenandoah, la., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Peems of Omaha. The bride waa attended by her sister. Mlsa Florence Graham, and the beat man was Mr. Ralph Reese. After the cere mony, Mr. and Mrs. Peems left for Shen andoah, where they will make their home. Holland-Orloff Wedding;. The marriage of Mlaa Anna Orloff. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Orloff of Forest Farm, to Mr. Joseph I. Hol land, aon of Mr. and Mrs. A. Holland, was solemnised this afternoon at 4 o'clock by Rabbi Frederic. Conn. Mr. and Mr. Holland will make thlr future home In Chicago. Entertain for Husband. The ladles' Boclal club of tha V. C. T. will entertain their husband Thank giving day at dinner at The Fontenelle. follewed by the Orpheum In the even ing. The Tnemhera Include: Messrs. and Mesdamea V. K. Harklerode, R. W. Wolf, T. P. Olln. H. K. Smith, V. K. Baldwin, . M. Martin, G. A. lmmon, C. O. i'urter, O. II. Ix-ptin. G. W. Bhrlmpf. C. F. Bairows, At the Orpheum Theater. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stewart will en tertain a box party of seven thla' evening. Mr. Pick Kitchen and Pr. E. II. Bruentng each give a bos party to eeven. Pr. II a yea Qaantner will entertain aU guests at tha Orpheum hl evening. With Mr. and Mis. Ward Burgess will be two guests. Stork Special. A daughter was born November S3 to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pratt. Mrs. Pratt was formerly Mlsa Ruth Fisher. Thanksgiving Parties. The Charles Kountsea give a Thanka- giving party at their home thla after noon. The guests Include Mr. and Mra. A. T. Hart of Louisville, the bouaa gueata of Mr. and Mra. Kountse; Mr. and Mrs. Osgood Eastman and family, Mr. and rOFULAR OMAHA 0IB.L WHO IS THANKSGIVING DAY BRIDE. 1 I L -a f L r m X1r PHOTO r STUDENTS Aa4 AU Wk Ar Home lev Thanksgiving You may need something In t.n Wuy of baggage or repair before )ou so aay again. If so, b tbrnkful liiat you have the oppor tunity to liuy It here, where you ran ast honest leather goods a.1 reasonable prlcea. e Invite your comparison. We are euevlttlista In Ibis line and lave a very complete etock fru.n w lilch you may srlocL Our ear vice la coinolale. we can asll yoi h ainall ladies' hand bajr, or the t iBKeat trunk mada. And we tive a rhop wherein we ran band I the amaileat repair los or niaiie any eiw.'lal onter. Tske advantage of this Opppor-ti-uity while at butue. FUELING & STEINLE, Osisca'a kWet Sasra-agw BaUaera 1803 Farn&m Street 1 harles Lrtman. llmnn Is ac- cotntianlfd hy a slater sorority girl. Miss Cnrlyn Funk of Blue Hill. Mlsa Eva M. Coleman will soon leave for Washington. Thank'eivin?; Guest. Mr. and Mr. A. T. Hert of Louisville. Ky., are the gucsl of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountzo over Thanksgiving. Pleasures Past. Milton Isrson entertained the a Flnsoma club at lils home Monday even ing. The club Is mo king arrangements for a large masquerade "watch party" on New Yenr'a eve. Ir an 0"t of h Bee Hive. Mr. Jnmej E. Fitiserald of the Omaha club his gone to Kansas City to spend Thar.ksKlvlng. Mr. and Mr. Howard Goodman and Mrs. Marian Jensen are guests at the Lims hotel, Excelsior Springs, Mo. M Rf. OEOROK PERK A W'll.l.SKY, Nto Mlas Mildred Funkhouaer. Mrs. h'amuet Burns and family and Mr. Robert lsnrn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton have re called their Invitations to a theater box party and will entertain Instead at a family party at their home thla evening Tonight's Dances. Mnsicale at Liberty Hall. The Muslo circle of St. Agnes' school. South Hide, will give a recital In Library hall. South Side Branch library. Sun day, November 2, at J p. m. Thla Is the first of a series of Sunday afternoon recitals which the circle expects to glvo during the winter. La Mars' Panclng club will give its Thanksgiving dance this evening st the Rome hotel. The Thanksgiving dance of the I.e Halle club will be held this evening at Chambers' academy. .The Subscription club dance will be at Turpln'a academy. Personal Mention. Mis Helen Lcftman Is horns from th? state university, spending Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Make Your Home Safe by Using Safe Home Matches They are the strongest sturdiest, safest matches in the world. . They light almost anywhere. These are real safety matches. They don't spark. They don't sputter. The heads don't fall off. The sticks are unusually strong. They are non-poisonous and conform in every respect with the new Fed eral law. 5c. Alt grocers. Ask tor them by name. The Diamond Match Company In Ton Have Hoar inmirhl If you are troubled with sour stomsch you should cat slowly and masticate your food thoroughly, then take one of Cham berlain's Tablets Immediately after sup per. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. Tom and Jerry Mix WithOld Friends Tom snd Jerry arrived In Omaha yester day. They sauntered around town and noted many Improvements during the Inst year. These notables sre mixing quite welt for their years. Both seem thankful and cheery. "Where you go I will go also," said Tom to Jerry, in a Farnam street tavern. They fraternized with many former friends, ma'le some new acquaintances and noted the absence of a few of their old pali. Thieves Provide Themselves With Thanksgiving Needs TV. C. Joyce of the Savoy hotel re ported to the police that burglars gained entrance to his room during the night and stole $15, which he expected to use for Thanksgiving. The saloon of Fred Hunslcker at 1724 Vinton street was entered by thieves, who took 115 from the till. Bacon, hams, turkeys and cranberries were stolen from the grocery store of W. TValner at 6144 North Sixteenth street. Miss May Gordon, 81M4 North Seven teenth street, reported her room waa en tered by a culprit, who took $2S she had been saving for a Christmas fund. Headache From a Cold? Listen! 'Tape's Cold Compound ends severe colds or grippe in few hours. Your cold will break and all grippe misery end after taking a dose of "Pape'a Cold Compound" every . two hours until three dosea are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils and air passages In the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, rellevee sick Headache, dullness, feverlshness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stlffnres. Pon't stay atuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Gaso your throbbing head nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape'a Cold Com pound," which costs only 23 cent at any drug atore. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and 'cause no Inconven ience. Accept no substitutes-Advertisement. Save Your Eyes Have Your Light Where You Want It GET A WALLACE MODEL "C ' BRASS BRONZE NICKEL $2.25 Portable Adjustable Collapsible 1 The Dectric Lamp that HANGS, STANDS, CLAMPS or STICKS Anywhere at Any Angle Your dealer carries the Wallace. Buy one. If you don't like it, he Will refund your money. Pre -Holiday Sale of RIBBONS 35c to 45c Silk Ribbons. 25c FA2SU1 ribbons for the making of Xmas novelties. An excellent assortment of Dresdens, military stripes. jacquattls, etc., ranging in width from 5 to 71 inches, to oe used in the making of bags, coat hangers, r- mml slippers, sachets and numerous other holiday novelties, Coc and 45c values, the yard. . "White, pink, blue, maize, nile and lavender. Hair bow width 5 inches, sash to match l inches. pj Hair bow, yd., 29c; Sash, yd. . f OC 45c and 50c Silk Ribbons, 39c Beautiful wide fancy ribbons on light and dark grounds; also bro caded effects; 45c and 50c Q Q values, the yard .05C Plain and Fancy Ribbons, 17c Plain taffeta and fancy ribbons, an ex cellent quality taffeta ribbon la hair bow width, white, pink, blue, cardl- ass nal, navy and black; also flow- f . : -.v.. ......... . itf JKiDDons tor Tvincr xmas Packages Numbers 1 and 1 H, holly pattern; red with green euge Rnd poinsetta pattern. Price, five-yard bolt, nt rUflTI7 We make to order nt verv reanonablA nrirpa rosea, vlo- 1111 Li ' jeta, gweet. peas, Bmall rose buds, bags, girdles, slippers, rosettes, garters, children's hair bands, etc. gess-NashCom &fiejCfiristmas Store forjGveryBody 7Xc I aO. EAT IT ONE WEEK FREE Ha Gained 26 Pounds Sha BHims Plump and Pleasing wsiscnsi riess-aisMr rs Eat CEHTON E one week F K EE and N.w LUa, Kicher Blood. Btoadier Nonrae, Improved Die-cation. CEKTONE is the trsnatb sirar and flseh-maksr found at last. A most important discovery, lone up and nourish r blood, nerves, body and brain. Thousand ol men and women have gained hr,!i(ji,?rP"th",,1 fle,n hrouah Cl-KrONE after medicines failed. "I (ainrd 2o Pound and ferl w 1 1 vrm Aiener. nave eeinMi s f nunria h. an.. m. .. K n. w . t. i fl'VrL;- wri- Missranr MoUne. Bo the lrH,r pour m f rom .udTod sa a a ajiuun VIUDf ft lltii Ol Abawlutssly Mf for ma aod wonwn if "I bava rained ) nav Men uatd j i i.l J iur Kiciine. no tne irttrrs pour in from surnrised anri delighted people who feel better and LOOK BrT1Tn7l,m,,.kT.I!!:7T,?0l this rrsnd tonle nourTkhine nnn.r.lnn S l i i . , .. u . . mi, urwu mm women met and hi. "hild7 H 5 rSJJR' fVf Phvcl('iili,ir.Ti.i. . j j " me enuurea ana recommends uu Krt w rri'l" ,1'?-d"."loe,0'- 'tb "". athletes and men and women of ell w - Po l will send io! i"r,v!Tn,K;,. , ' "VL.10 fJ,2uii F KIONK iVKinon snd ,J!ri2.7J1 L rnt a week's supply), trre If you will mall ms thL- Um. (M y,,f ( i RTovw .rrV."pn"T J"'" K" I'r toi tarougb your dm d uxSLrA0g roSD aMy8 - iSS kS ta tAi LLKTONE ONE WEEK FREE 7 PRODUCTS fi'l ' i ' I k -TV aV 1 l-d . "X. ' ' H H ji , 7 9 fi TiTi cr fnro L'tmm.-imkifmri is made exclusively from the meat of tender young pigs ana ine lines t nam trimmings, the choice selections of the immense Armour outnut. fS l . , , ( its r :n mciio wnesa is neishtened by being scientifically f i j comDinea witn cnoicest spices snd seasonings. A j f j j OeewuftoTW Farm, la ssmw'i Aee seen . Soi4 rWl.Wl..e.rt.W,il) f it frmdm ml mc4 e e Amw trmdmam. if'' M ! ! Star StiHntt Horn Star JSurtm CUvirilmm BuOtr Armem-'l GrmS Jmitt IJrmnmr'i Oinwrvtnw Over JX Wt. V , A i I i If I ARMOUR COM PAN Y "JMII - J- -A i j SWIFT'S PocD" mil Bj Best for Table, Cooking and Baking Aeotlier Doll. For Our Little Busy Bees WHO GOT THE FIRST ONE? Vesta Laird, 2711 E St., So. Side., who collected 546 pic tures. My, what a lot! "We don't believe it will take as many pictures to get Dorothy, but we can't tell. You just keep pegging away and collect all the pictures you can, and may- be you will win her. There's one thing sure, some little girl will win her this week. Some say she is even more beauti ful than Alice. Any way, she is certainly very pretty, with her dark hair and eyes; beautifully dressed, and 24 inches high. Zoroth7 will b rtvsa rraa to tha little rlrl, !? 10 jraara af a-, tbat brUwrs or mails us the larffost a amber of Soil's plot axes est oat of the Dally ana Suday Bee before 4 p. sa. Satur. car. iov. art. Her picture will be in The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pictures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures ot Dorothy you can set, and be sure to turn them In ta The Bee office before 4 p. m. Saturday, Nov. 27th. -or w- if v -Ta-iayr You can see Dorothy at The Dee Office Address, Doll Dept.. Omaha Dee. ! Mlitov Robert Batata, 13tti Joaaa BU. -bone O. 1U :, C. li. Ef'lrr give a fam aaaaacea I ! ., jr. !? I! jlililj,