Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1915, Page 5, Image 6

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    li.K l IKK: OM.ULv, I'aiD.W, M) KMliKll :tj, l'JIO.
Union Senricei Are Held When Con
legation. Give Thank for
Peace Nation Enjoyi.
W4dlnf BliLfB Edholm, fswsltt.
Lighting rtrtnr Bur(rss-Orandpn.
Bar Soot FrlB t Now Beacon Fr.aa.
To Borrow KsMf on ral estata. st
J. II. Dumonl & Co.. Keellne Hldg.
"Todara XotIo FrogTa-a" c'ansifl
section today. It appears In The B
EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what th f
rloua moving plctur theater olfer.
Ooi Roma for ThaBkaglTlnr A. M.
Kdmonston, local manaasr of Loftla
Uroa., jewelers, has gone to Mexico, Mo., , Rectors and members of the Eplsco- j
to spend Thanksgiving at his old home. pa, chrchM of the city united In
lie expect, to go to Tarklo for aomal, ThaBksg,n d .v,c at
good foot ball games while away. . . , . , ,
.... .'Trinity cathedral, holy communion
TnS-l? oT hOb-rved at 8 and regular
time In the year when the traveling : preaching services at 11 o'clock. The
I'ubllc tries to be at home. Omaha hotels j music was by the cathedral choir,
are still enjoying good business, man- J "America" being the Introductory se
r.gcrs and ciorks say. while there jtction and "Onward Christian Sol
not so many room guests as usual, bo- j ., h c,ogi At the preaching
cause of the holiday, cafe and re-tau-, . . , ,
rant patronage was greatly stimulated "rvlce the scriptural lesson was by
by the hundreds of Omaha resident, who , Key. T. J. Mackay of All 8alnts. the
preferred a hotel dlnnor rather than the : sermon by Rev. J. H. Ohl of South
extra work of preparing turkey at home. I Omaha, and the closing prayer by
- In ahnn t. William. Tka nffarlnl
(hat was very liberal, was for the
dsrkson Memorial hospital.
tliank Ood ttiit we have been able to
minister to those across tho water, ns
well as to those of our own land."
SnnrUe Srr-lrea.
One hundred Christian Emlcavcrers of
the city held a Thankirl ln sunrise
prayer meeting In the auditorium of the
Young Men s Christian association.
Stuart vVljrg. president of the city union
of Christian Endeavor societies, presided. lasted an hmir. 'and Mr. Wis sarured the neccsnrles 'assistant pHstnr nt Knutitxe Memorial
. 1. a ' -. . . - ( . . . I J., .... a ... ...I At. .. I ..I .... ..It. ' . . L . i
i in' wnn-i' thii one or song anti praise- in young roisa r'rrsrni irom ine inirti j.-. in--".-. h.j it n-: i.uineran cnurcn.
and prayer. Never! speaker voiced the ! Presbyterian rhun h went from th meet'
thank that Is due for the many ttlesslnas Ing to the church where they served
enjoyed In thl favored epot of the world, ' thmrv-a a Thanksgiving breakfast.
Hesldes Mr. WIrh. there were apeHhes j These had planned a hike" to Klvervlew
by Arthur Chase and Hcv. Fred YV. liv- n.i H. but hike-1 to the commissary
lit. and a number of those present gave
testimonisls of thanks. The meeting
seemed the mora urgent and It was so
ordered. John Ounn, the choirmaster.
exerulead their culinary skill
Lutheran rrtra 1 ntte.
t'nlon Thanksgiving service of
English Lutheran churches of the city
were hntd In St. Mark's Lutheran rhunh.
Rev. C. N. Kwlhart nf (i)-ac-e Lulhersn
rlnirch. Itev. Pr. O. l. Hsltsly of Kountsw
n...n.4.i I iiih.r.H fiimrph -ml Ttev. Dr.
the I V ... " ' ...'..
I., Uron or ft. Alsr S l.uint'mn kiiuk'-
participated In the service.
Twentieth and Burdett streets, at i Rp1)J -.,,,, Every Pav. It Will Pay'
a. m. in- sermon wss Djr wi. air. ino.ii. . . Th, B-
Th Heo
j The cathedral was well filled, large
numbers of those present coming from
Mailer Goes to the
Annual Meeting of
NafinTinl fiUVriP'TJ ,ne other churches. The sermon had
utiuuui vyvA " "-"j largely to do with thankfulness upon this
I occasion and the peace that reigns
William Maher, prcsidpnt of branch j throughout th country and the pros
No. 6, National Association of Letter '; perity that Is general. Bald Kev. Mr.
Carriers of this city, who was honored j Ohl;
hv the national hndv hv being elected a I W e Are Blesned with Peace.
. . i I "Thin rfsv la not one designed for
..... i i .. -inis asv is not one oesignea
to Wash- ' simply feasting ana overieeaing ana go
ing to tne various places or worsnip,
national association, has gone
Ington, D. C. where the first official
meeting will be held early next week.
As a slight expression of the esteem
in which he is held by his associates, the
Omaha Letter Carriers' band accompa
nied him to the depot and played several
selections before his departure.
Mr. Maher will remain In the capital
city for several weeks, together with
Kather, we should think seriously, and
remember that It Is well said 'that no
nation Is so greatly blessed as this. Al
though all about us other nations are
engaged In war, we are blessed with
peace and permitted to minister to thoBe
less fortunate."
The speaker contrasted the present
with the post in the matter of enjoy-
other national officers, where the future lng religious worship without fear or
policy of the association will be outlined i hindrance. In discussing this, he pointed
nd ot'ocr important business transacted. to the period of the early settlement of
The pensioning of superanualed gov-1 the United States, detailing Incidents of
crnmcnt employes was marie the para-' the days w hen the eai ly settlers of New
mount bsi.c or C.e Omaha convention, England, to protect themselves from foes,
and It I? confidently expected that favor- went to lhe1'' churches armed,
able actl.n w!l be Hkcn by congress at "We'" continued the speaker, appear
the coming sesKicn. and that In due sea-1 t0 have been singled out "tew-rd.
a-... these faithful ervMs of the public!" i ! "J l" , I ,hi. w. .houU
.. in i . ,, ... I the needy and In doing this w should
will receive d'ic consideration for faith- . . ...... ,,, rhH.. i the
e, formed, and w ill be ac- . cffort to raake men bettcrf drawng peo
.r.a'.le monthly sum after j t0. lllm through our efforts."
" . tl.elr alloted time In j The speaker nsserted that It Is the nat
v i -rd their places have ural Inclination of man to do the easy
' 'ncn. I and the pleasant things, and at the same
n' I planning on' time, among other things, that he should
"''V. two years hence do. Is to go where duty calls. In clos-
:;! i the next lng, he said:
: r. ii n 'i I '. exn.'etel "We have been blessed as a nation and
...... . 1 .u
Vi.t earlier' hand blessed as individuals ana we snoum
ful iei 1c
corded ;
I ley 'r
the f
I i f ;
T ' !
ruin.' i
villi r n
Ih fairo s ) ' .
will ot-'orfi, Jieni,
'1 t
"oils of
he Man
i Weather
"Two of ;e v., r..:it.gctters In the
woi'iai'lxMryr "('linc? 'Lflrtrflf " ArlstotTe
Welsh -of :Ke 'oinl wenther bureau, "are
first, the "recon v ho calls us and asks
what the foree.-i for the next day Is,
and when (old tlint it is 'fair Inquires,
Is it going to snow?' and, second, the
person who calls up and Informs me that
tho werther yesterdny was cloudy,
whereas 1 predicted It would be fair.
"They net my goat! I'eople don't ap-(
predate thn weather bureau because they
don't know Us rules and regulations, j
"New, in the 'iit place, when the pre
iHcUun is for f.iir,' it Is perfectly silly
to aa whether li s mollis to snow. If
the ludUiitiuiiH were for snow we
wouldn't predict fair weather.
"In regard to the second goat-getter,
he is more cxcus-aMc. Many "people be
lieve that the prediction 'fair' means
clear and sunshiny. It doesn't mean that
necessarily tho sky may hung heavy with
clouds, hut we would call that a 'fair'
day anyway. Any day when there la
lcg than onc-h iir.dredth of an Inch of pre
cipitation Is considered 'fair' according
to the United States weather bureau.
"And mark, also, that you never see
the word 'clear In a weather prediction.
We don't pretend to keep track of every
wandering cloud and predict Just how
much sunshine there'll be."
Girls! Women!
Take Cascarets
if Constipated
They liven your liver and bow-
els: ancP' clear your
Don't stay headachy, bilious
with breath bad and
stomach sour.
Cafe Owner Loses
Large Sum When He
Does Not Lock Safe
R. B. King, proprietor of a cat at
ls"5 Farnam tret, and h fjimcr Chi
cago detective, was robbed of Wt)8 Tuee
day night. That Is. that amount was
taken from a safe which he forgot to
loek when he left the restaurant. Ha
mentioned the fact to hla wife that ha
was not sure whether he locked the safe
or not, and when he rei-elved a telephone
call In the morning he predicted "There
goes my money." tie guessed right, as
the message was from his head waiter.
Frank Spires. 309 North Twenty-fifth
street, who has a key to the cafe. Th
place was not broken Into and later
Splroa was arrested and released on
bond, because his wife Is In delicate
This morning detectives called at the
houae to bring him to the station, but
he was not at home. Mr. King was held
up twice several years ago, but In both
instances chased the thugs away after a
gun light.
I).,e't Hair a Tall Cuaah.
Take Dr. King's New Discovery und
yoc won't catch cold. It kill the void
feim. keep you well. 50c. All drug
li'sla. A6Yertimeiit.
Tonight sure! Take Cascarets and en
Joy th nicest, gentlest liver and bowel
cleansing you ever experienced. Cs
careU will liven your liver and clean
your thirty feet of bowels without grip
ing. You will wake up feeling grand.
Your head will be clear, breath right,
tongue clean, stomach sweet, eyes bright,
step elastic and complexion rosy they're
wonderful. Uet a 10-cent box now at
any drug store. Mothers can safely give
a whole Cascaret to children any time
when cross, feverish, bilious, tongue
coated or eonstlpaud they are harm
less. Advertisement.
The following program has been an
nounced for the next meeting of the
Monmouth Park Improvement club:
Piano solo. Miss Ruth Weeks.
Vocal solo, Mr. Horace Mllver.
Speech. Mr. K.dward A. Smith.
lollu solo, alia Francis Wilson.
Slonaarh Troaklra.
Persons who hav stomach trouble ar
tpt o become discouraged. They will in
by th following that their chance of re
covery ar excellent. A. K. Williams, In
dependence, Va., tells of a remarkable
cur that waa affected In that Vicinity
One of hi customer waa so badly af
flicted with stomach trouble that ha was
sent to a hospital, but received little
benefit and cam home to dla. Mr. Wil
liam auggested that he try Chamber
lain Tablets; which he did, and today
he I a well man an I weigh 17 poui.ds.
Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement
$25, 523, $35 and up.
WE are maintaining a
high standard for
our $25 line of
ui tings a higher stand'
ard than erer before
in fabric, style and
Njcoll Tailoring isn't
ordinary tailoring. Al
most half a century of
tailoring experience has
placed Nicoll Mako gar-
menU at the head.
Buying for a score of
busy stores we secure
the cream of each sea
son's woolens at quan
tity prices.
You share in the saying.
Why not order today,
while choosing is to easy?
NICOLL The Tailor
"W13 Jerrems' Sons
2 Of) 2 1 1 So. 15th St.
Thursday, November 25, 1915.-
Telephone Douglas 137.
A BLOUSE ALE--E?rfiraorrlSniapy
At $1.95 and $3.95
Important Notice!
T11K Waist Sale nnuounced lielow waa deliberately
planned to secure for our customers new, high
grade waists at lower than regular prices.
This timely opportunity presents economies that we
strongly urge our patrons not to miss.
NKW YORK'S newest blouse creations, pnrclitiscd specially for this sale and of
fered for the first time Friday morning.
The offering includes the season's very newest and most favored creations
New Idiee Mouses Silk Mouses
New Georgette Mouses Koman Striped Mouses
New Creie de Cliine Blouses Dressy Mouses -
New Crepe Chiffon Mouses Newer Suit Mouses
Tnilleur Mouses
and bevies of other modes, new and irresistible.
niouspa, Like Picture, at
Combination blouse of silk,
shadow lace and flowered chiffon,
sleeved, vest and collars are of
Boft, filmy lace, while the back
and front veiled In QC
colored chiffon at J) 1 0
Blouse, Like Picture, nt
Prettily made of flesh chiffon
with dainty lace trimming. The
lace collar la low and the full
length BleevM are finished with
lace cuff, may be had
lu all ftlzen, 34 to 46.
Mouse, Like Picture, at
Practical tub blouses of satin
striped pussy willow with "Hy-lo"
collar and long sleevea; colon are
blue, fleah and maize; tf "t QP
sizes 34 to 46, at. . . . J) 1 ZfD
lilouaea, Like Picture, at
This smartly tailored blous of Ro
man striped mcasaline has "My-lo"
collar and lonn sleeves, metnl but
tons are used. Comes in assorted
stripes; sices 34 to
46, at
lllouses, Like Picture, at
Blouses of crepe de chine In flesh,
white, maize and peach, with full
leugth sleeves of silk radium lace.
The collar may be worn the high
rhoker style or open; 4lQ QC
sWea 34 to 40, at. ... pO. ivO
Blouses, Like Picture, at
White or flesh tinted georgette
crepe blouse, trimmed effectively
with filet and Venice laces. Low
nock and long sleeves; rfjo QC
sizes 34 to 46. at. . . .&0VJ
Blouses, Like Picture, at
A dress blouse of flesh tinted chif
fon, combined with shadow lace,
has smart touches of fur and tie of
flesh taffeta. The neck is low and
the sleeves long;
sixes 34 to 46, at.
BIouncs, Like Picture, at
Dressy chiffon blouse in all the
wanted shades. The collar, cuffs
and bands outlining the vestee are
of soft cream lace. Fur Is used to
adorn; sizes 34 to
46, at
Bloinrn, Like Picture, at
Suit blouse of chiffon over white
net, with convertible collar and
long sleeves. Collar, cuffs, box
plaits nnrt front panel are of taf
feta to match; sizes qf
34 to 46, at P3.70
Blouse, Like Picture, at
Fur trimmed blouse of chiffon In
u!t shades over white. The shadow
lace vestee, collar and cuffs and
velvet trimming to match give It
a very dressy effect; 4jIQ QC
sizes 34 to 46,. at. . . . 40.i
Men's $1.00 Shirts, Friday, 50c
SPECIAL Mon'8 collar attached shirts, made of Pan-
ama llnene, two plaits over shoulders; f
cut full and wide. Regular $1.00 values, specially illf
priced for Friday, in the basement, at KJJ Co
Men's $1.50 Union Suits, at 89c
SPECIAL en'8 UDin suits, high rock Storm King
fleeced, ribbed and satin finished cot
ton, Velastlc ribbed fleeced and Onelta makes, some
slightly soiled; usually $1.60, at
Bttry-a.h Oo a..m.nt.
Men's $1.50 Red Flannel Underwear, 98o
SPECIAL en'8 medicated red flannel underbhirts
and drawers, all sizes to 60; the usual 0
$1.50 quality. Very special, in the Basement Friday, UKp
ara-s-irah Ci
Unusual Values Friday in
Our Basement Shoe Store
THE reductions are for Friday only. Comfortable tap
pers for men, women and c hildren.
Felt Novelty Slippers
Women's sizes 79c
Children's sizes 69c
Men's sizes 89o
Women's $3.00 Shoes, at $1.89
Women's shoes, gun metal, patent leuthcr and blaok
suede, button and lace styles; worth to qa
$3.00; Friday, pair 1 &&
Women's $3.50 Shoes, at $2.19
Women's shoes, good grade of patent leather, dull calf
and kid skin, high shoes, Goodyear welt fcO 1 Q
soles; worth to $3.50, Friday, the pair 1 J
Boys' Shoes, at $2.10 and $1.79
Boys shoes, made of tough calfskin, solid leather soles,
big boys' size, $2.10; little
boys' sues. .
BafMS-aTaab Co.
Large bottle ma
chine oil 5c
Good machine
thread, spool . ,2c
Pearl buttons
doien 1c
Silk finish crochet
cotton, spool . ,:ic
Bias senm tape,
12-yd. bolts . . .5c
Darning cotton,
spools for Ac
Shopping bags 10c
Hair barrettea
each So
Needles, pkg. . . le
Thimbles (steel);
each 1c
Women's dust caps
each 10c
100-yd spool silk,
at 34c
Women's hose sup
porters (extra
wide), pair...lOo
Safety pins, three
dosen ftc
Hair Nets, with
elastic, G for. . 10c
600-rd basting
cotton, spool . .
Common pins, 400
count to paper, ttc
Wooden coat hang
ers, 8 for Sc
C". -B nt.
Women's Vests. 25c
WOMEN'S fleeced lined cotton
vests and pants; also chil
dren's fleeced union ftp
suits, at uDC
Child's Vests, 10c
Also pants, tinali sizes, cotton
fleece lined; special, f r
at, each 1 UC
Women's Union Suits, 39c
W omen's White cotton fleece
lined union suits, high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length; mill run of
50c and 5fc qualities,
Friday, at
B nrf.Tn tip. Basmat.
Children C ot t o n
Hose at 8c
Children's black ribbed
hose, seamless, seconds,
special for Friday, at, pair. O t.
Women's $8.50 Serge Dresses, $6.95
SPECIAL w00' dUDlp warp French serge dresses,
. box plaited from yoke down, high ef fr
waist, 4-Inch belt, fur trimmed collar and cuffs, ?kf" MH
black end colors, worth $8.50, for V
Bara-ass-sTasb 03. -Bas.m.nt.
Remnants of 50c Silks at 29c
SPECIAL Sllort lt,ntn8 of silk8 tuat Koltl regularly at
oOc the yard, Including .fancy foulards, nft
striped me-sitllnes and plain taffetas, In good assort-
mmt of colors, yard "
B-rff.s.-Nash Co. B as.m.nt.
Sample Pieces of Silks, 25c and 39c
SPECIAL a,nP'e pieces of silk, including all plain
weaves, and hundreds of fancy silks in f
figured, striped and plaids, lengths V to IV yards, Mp
each 25t d W
Bojrr-f aatv Co. Das.ra.nt.
12k American GINGHAM, WOV
EN On Sale Friday at 6c Yard
Best American made 27-lnrlt woven ginghams, cannot be duplicated
under 12'tc per yard. Hundreds of bolts und thousands of rem
nunt to st-loct from, the yard
Out In;. I'Iuiiiu'Ih, at lic
Light unit dark outing flannels,
fancy stripes, checks and plaids,
pajamau, etc.. extra good grade,
for warm, serviceable flJL-
iio'.vns, pajamas, etc., yd., O 2
ICeinnanta of Hilkoline, 4 He'
Itoinnanls of ".ft -inch siikolines
very special Krldny, Aln
at yard "2C
Sntiiu liiniiig, at 3'ic
Odd lots of s.'tlne and percale
lining, while lliey last, qi
at yard O 2"C
92.30 Hiul :i lllankels, $1.9M
Genuine Boy Scout and Y. M. C.
A. Hlankets, sise 6U7S and
04xS4. K8. price
$3.50 & $3.50. ea.
flnr-.ilns In the lluftement
As long an one case of fancy Bea
con, size 72x90 Hath Ho be Blan
I.etB will lunt, the regular 12.00
Kiadu will be soid f 1 nn
at, ench . J 1 .07
'Me Fancy I'luld, KrUlay 15c
Fancy plaids, half silk crepes for
drei.Hid, si lts tnd child- 1
I en's wear. I'nual JDc yd. IOC
S3 White Twillrd Blankets, f 1.W8
White milled blankets, size
72x78, blue & pink T i qq
Horders, 3 value.. P 1 70
Tottou Ulankrta. ! Kind, $ljt
Heavy Fleeced t'oiton Blankets,
sl.e 8BX80 &. 70x80; fancy plaids,
aleo gray and tan; (J -t
the 12 kind, for 31.J7
Itfimunt. of Curtain Hcrlcii, 1c Odd lots and fhort ends curtain
sctlm. while they last, per yard, Friday, only j
Wool Gloves and
Mittens, 121c
for women and child
ren; samples and
I odds ana enas ironi
! our own stock.
dS. TV iT
cZfie Cirisimas Store for. &vcnjBody
TTt tX Cr
cakes for. . . . J5c
Pearl Whjte Laundry
Soaps, 7 or
cakes ......ZdC