Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIH HKK: OMAHA, Fill DAY, NOYKMBKU '20. l!ir.
Dandruff Makes
s Hair Fall Out
25 cent bottle of "Danderine"
keeps hair thick, strong,
Girls! Try this! Doubles beau
ty of your hair in few
Within ten minutes after an applica
tion of Damlerlne you van not find a sin.
fcle traco of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not Itch, but what -will
p'ease you most will be after a few
weeks' uso, when you see new hair, fin
and downy at first yea but really new
hair growing all over the scalp.
A little Danderlne Immediately doubles
the beauty of your hair. No difference
mow dull, faded, brittle anJ scraggy, Just
moisten a cloth with Danderlno and care
fully draw It through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. The effect Is
amazing your hair will be light, flurry
and wavy, and have an appearance of
abundance; an Incomparable luster, soft
ness and luxuriance.
Get a 2i cent bottle of Knowlton's Dan
derine from any drug store or toilet
counter, and prove that your hair Is as
rrctty and soft as any that It has been
neglected or Injured by carelesa treat
mentthat's all you surely can have
beautiful hair and lots of it If you will
just try a little Danderlne.
Ashamed of her
had complexion
If you, too, are embarrassed by a
pimply, blotchy, unsiKlitly complex
ion, nine chances out of ten
Resinol Soap
will clear it
Just try Resinol Soap for a week
and see if it does not make a blessed
difference in your skin. It also
helps to make red, rough hands and
arms soft and white.
In severe or atubHnra eaaes. Retinal Soap
thould be aided by a little Keainol Ointment.
Both are anldbyall Druicgiata. For trial free,
writ to Dept. I P, Retinol, Haiti moat, Md.
You can easily change your gray,
faded hair to its oil ' dark ahade by
treating It a few with riulplio-riagd,
a dainty .reparation that Is not a dye.
Nothing elae required.
Sulpl o-Uage Is a ready to use
mrl anr itrpnurRtlnn. harmless to the
' V
I X I . .
I " " ' if i
4 U E
. j , " ..
sv ' .. 8 $ .
n i ---rtri.1
most delicate hair, that acts on the ha'r. , bed and take Chamberlain Cough Rem-niakin-r
II healthy, so a'l your gray 'lair d directed until well along towards
naturally change to a beautiful dark'"" " . . w . ,.,,
ahade, so evenly that no ore cn tell recove-y. Mrs. Charles E. Woodird, ahdy
you have applied anything. This tr ail-( Creek, N. Y., writes: 'Chamberlain's
inent also stops itching scalp and dan- Cough Remedy cured me of bronchitis
rtrSu'lpho-6aKe is guaranteel to turn all when 1 bc'n u"" ' "
your gray hair dark or mmey hack. Ha hoarse at times that it was difficult Tor
sjr- to aak for a .'Or tutt'e of 8ul ho-'ma to apeak above a whlaper. I resorted
Sa- U your druggist. Advertiseino'it.
When You Really Know
You Will Want It
It adds to the daily food pure fruit-derived eia-
men la necessary
ror tnaltn and strength, and
causes such ailments as a weak stomai
paled bowels. runOuwn nerves, to pan sway like
mist before the sun. You need It. The morning
drink wiH do for you what no physic pill, mineral
water, oi or enema can do. It Is a different from
such things as day la from night. It means active
functions, sound dig nation, pure blood, wholesome
sksv restful sleep, atrong nerves, a clear brain.
You can expect these results. They UI coma.
It Is Just What You Need
Your druggist or grocer can get Fruit-Vigor
for you-ii per lar. But If he won't send
l lor r. or M lur teur ara. Io be
sent twnvelal and guarantee si by
Governor's Friends Will Dire Dinner
in His Honor at Lin
coln Hotel.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 2").-(fneolal.)-On
Thursday evening, December t, a dol'ar
banquet will be held at the Lincoln hotel
by several prominent men of Lincoln as
an appreciation to Qovernor Morahrad
for his efforts along the line of Hood
roads, and as a celebration over the
completion of the paving around the '
state university farm.
The banquet la public t oall who desire
to take part and will be participated In
by official of the Omaha-L!nco'.n-Denver
road and others Interested In the good
roads movement. ' '
The laying of the paving, which runa
along 111" east and south sides of the
state farm, was the result of a special
mr.asage sent by Governor Morehead to
the legislature during the closing days
of the session, asking that the legislature
vote tS;tw for the paving of the roads
around the farm. The work hat been
done by the aid of convict labor and la
the atarter for more work along the aime
line In the future, If the money can be
Holiday la Lincoln.
Thanksgiving day was observed In Lln
clon today In about the usual manner.
The Ptecher-IIussaue wrestling mate
and the Lincoln high Chicago Tech. foot
ball game brought an unusval large
number of people to the city. S3 that not
withstanding .the - threatening weather.
the town has been full of people while
the hotels have been crowded with men
Interested in the sporting game.
Omahafts Wed.' '
A license to marry was Issued yester
day to Henry C. Zlemann, age 34, of
Omaha and Nellie O: Cox, age So. of
the same city and they were later United
In marriage by oCunty Judge Rtsser.
Dr. Klgln Weds.
Lawrence C. Klgln of LaFayettc, Indi
ana and Miss Mary C. Holloway of Lin
coln were married thla morning at the
Catholic cathedral.
Dr. Klgln was formerly state veterin
arian of Nebraska and Is now connected
with the university of Lafayette. Miss
Holloway is well known In Lincoln where
she has a large circle of friends.
After the wedding breakfast wa served
In the ladies' parlor of the Llndell. hotel
by a few frlenda of the couple, they took
the Burlington to their new home In
La Fayette.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LiNCOLN, Nov. 25. (Special.) After a
rtr.nlng fight of several blocks. Harry
Miller was shot by Todd Butcher, super
intendent of Roberta' Sanitary dairy, this
morning after the latter had caught him
steaUng milk.
Eutcher had been watching for a milk
tb'c' for about a month, and seeing Miller
rtsnding in a doorway with an old gunny
tack on his arm and acting suspiciously,
started after him.
Miller ran. but Butcher overtook him
and a fight ensued. Miller, however,
broke away and Butcher shot, hitting
Miller in the leg. Ho was later appre
ht nded and taken to Ihe police station,
whrre $2,676 in bills was found on his per
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 25. (Special) James
R. Reed, a wealthy pioneer of Lancaster
county, living about four miles east of
University Place committed suicide this
morning by shooting himself through the
head with a shotgun.
Representing to his family that he
wanted to shoot a dog, he took the gun
and went to the barn. Heating the ahot
the fanlly rushed to the barn, and found
the old man dead In the barn loft.
He leaves soven children, five boys,
and a daughter living at home, while
the other daughter Is married.
Ila for Aurora Poatofflcc.
AURi.s'.A, Neb., Nov. 26. (Special.)
The plana and specifications for the new
federal building in Aurora were received
by Postmaster Alden yesterday. They
call for the ronatructlon of a building
fifty-eight by seventy-three feet, and It
will be constructed on the lots now oc
cupied by the tabernacle. The building
will be constructed of brick and stone.
It will have an ample lobby, with a pri
vate office for the postmaster at one
end and the money order and postal sav
ings bank departments at the other.
Knox County Physicians Feast.
1JLOOM FIELD,. Neb.. Nov. 25. (Spe
cial.) The Knox County Medical society
met at YVausa Tuesday night for Its
semi-annual meeting. After the meeting
of the scientific section they adjourned
to the Masonic hall, where a banquet
was served to the doctors and their
wives. About forty were present.
.When a severe cold settles on the lungs
It Is called bronchitis. There Is, danger of
Its leading to broncho pneugionla, and for
this reason It is always best to go to
to tho use of this valuable medicine and
found It very soothing and healing. In
a week's time I was well." Obtainable
everywhere. Advertisement.
California s Viet nr.
T.08 ANGKLE8. Cal. Nov. 25,-The
I'nlversity of California defeated today
the I'nlversity of southern California.
In the second game, played thla seaaon
between the two elevena by a score of
U to 21. The Southerners won the first
game by a score of ti to 19.
Wake Baser Winner.
WAHOO, Neb.. Nov. to. ("peelal Tele
gram. Walioo defeated Oakland today,
U to 0, In a fast game. It waa the first
time In five games Oakland s goal line
had been crossed. Dukes Hamilton of
VYahoo, was the star of the combat.
Hastings Defeat Alaasnl.
HAFTING8. Neb., Nov. . fftpedsl
Telegram.) Hasting High school olosed
ita season today with a IT to A victory
over the alumni. The Falrnurv team was
scheduled to play but Cancelled It because
of small pox In that town.
Be Want Ads Produce Results.
Smallpox Victim
in Aurora Lockup;
Hoboes Avoid Town
Al'ROKA. Neb., Nov. 25. (Special
Charlea Marvel, a cornhusker near Gllt
ner. dropped Into the office of the mayor
of Aurora, Dr. J. M. Woodard. the other
day to find out what ailed him. For sev
eral days, he had not been able to pick
his usual amount of corn. For two days
he had felt so badly that he stayed In
He was not long In having his rase
diagnosed by the mayor.
"What are you doing out on the street,"
yelled the mayor, as he hustled the man
out of his reception room Into his private
(Office. "Man, you have got smllox.
hat do you mean by going around the
streets and exposing everybody In town?"
Aurora has no detention hospital, but
Marvel was hustled down to the city
calaboose In no time. Here he Is still In
stalled and Is spending his time In putting
the "cooler" In livable shape. It haa been
the resting place of all kinds and varieties
of tramps for so long that even a small
pox patient has to clean It up before he
can get along.
Tramps have shown a strsnge aversion
to Aurora since Marvel became the
boarder at the "cooler." Chief of Police
Ronln threatened to put one tramp In
with Marvel and all he saw was a streak
of hobo- flying down the pike. Since then
no tramp have shown up In town.
A Man With Rabies
Uses His Teeth in
Fighting With Police
I lTTSBL RflH, Pa.. Nov. ZV-John Uu-
kowa. aged 27, while suffering from ra
llies, became violent and escaped from a
h?tpltat today, running through a crowded
thoroughfare scratching and biting peo
ple until a patrol wagon loaded with io
lieemen gave chase.
After a battle In which six police offi
cers and patrolmen were either bitter)
or scratched the afflicted man was re
turned to a hospital, where he attached
the superintendent, the physician In
tnarge and an orderly.
Bukowa was finally subdued and re
turned to the hospital, where he died In
a few hours.
All the police Involved have i,.?en
granted leaves of absence to undergo I'.ic
Pasteur treatment, while the hospital offi
cials and the orderly have been placed
under observation.
Pukowa was bitten by a dog about two
n onths ago, but did not ct strangely
until this morning.
Belgian Primate
Will Not Make His
Trip to Rome Now
PARIS, Nov. 25,-The Petit Journal
says It Is able to confirm the report that
the visit to Rome of Cardinal Mercler,
primate of Belgium, haa been postponed.
It publishes a dispatch from Havre, say
ing that the Belgian government has
learned of the postponement of the trip,
the previous announcement of which was
the basis of reports that a peace move
ment was under way.
The reason assigned for the cardinal's
change In plana Is that he considered
certain conditions Impcacd by the Ger
man authorities as tncompitable with the
dignity of his position.
The Overseas News agency of Berlin
said on November 20:
"All foreign reports to the effect that
Cardinal Mercler haa been detained by
German authorities while he was on his
way to Rome are untrue. On the con
trary the officials placed every faclltt)
at his disposal."
Arkansas Tornado
Kills Five Persons
LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Nov. 2S.-The
local offices of the Rock Island rail
road have just been notified that a tor
nado struck Hot Springs, Ark., at 6:30
this afternoon. The report aald that five
persons were killed -and 150 Injured,
Trsamaek Wins.
TBC1TMBEH, Neb., Nov. 25. (Special
Telegram.) Tecum ash defeated I nlvers-lty-1'lace
here today. 20 to 12.
The Breakfast
Shapes the Day
Load the stomach up with a breakfast
of rich, greasy footl, and you clog both di
gestion and mind.
For real work real efficiency try a
breakfast of
and cream
Some fruit, an egg, toast, and a cup of
hot Postum.
Then tackle the work ahead with vigor
and a keen mind. There's joy in it.
Grape-Nuts is a food for winners.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
Army Team Has
Its Final Workout
WE?T POINT. N. Y.. Nov. i.-The
curtain comes down on the army's local
I ridlron season today when Head Coach
Charley Ialy will drive the men thricgh
their final workout. Finishing touches
will be Imparted to the soldier t leven
and the men will take things easier
thereafter until they get their slna'.
drill on the Polo grounds In New York
tomorrow afternoon In final prepc ntion
for the battle with the navy. Tra'tio'
Harry TuthllUsays the men are on c1e
and fit to do hard battle In their ?'ia:n
plonshlp game. Fifty men will go cn the
trip to New York tomorrow.
ANNAPOLIS. Md., Nov. 2o.-There was
a signal drill before the Navy foot ball
iuad of thirty-five members left this
morning on a special train for Philadel
phia. The atop off on the way to Now
York la for the purpose of witm-eelng the
Cornell-Pennsylvania game this after
"The boys are In fine shape In every
way" said Lieutenant J. H. Ingram, head
roach, "and if they play the game of
which they are capable there Is no doubt
of a Navy victory over the Army on
Bellevue Laid Low
By Tarkio's Eleven
TARKIO. Mo., Nov. 2J.-(Speclal Tele
g't in.) Bellevue proved no match for the
superior charging and aggressive playing
of Tarklo college here today and was
rwamped. K to (. Tarklo scored In five
minutes after the opening of the game.
Kcore end first half: Tarkloi 15; Belle
vue. 6. Wenke on the klckoff at the
(letting of the third quarter ran through
.he entire Tarklo field for a touchdown.
Tarklo refused to attempt the air route
tr.u stuck to straight line plunges mixej
alth occasional masked attacks. McCoy.
Batrd, Lunan, Grimm, Captain Ixing, Oct
roi ne and Peferson played a star game
for Tarklj. For Bellevue, Wenke, Plcotte
ami Maxwell played consistently. This
as the last game for the Tarklo men.
Captain Long, Osborne, Morrhead, ter
t It t and Baird graduate next spring.
Peferee: Hackney, Missouri university.
V.mplre: Conn, Wisconsin. Head llnes
inin: Gowdy, Tarklo.
Omaha University
In Scoreless Game
. i .
WAYNB, Neb., Nov. 25. -(Special Tele
gram.) Omaha university and Wayne
State Normal college played a tie game
here today, neither team scoring.
BlorX FALLS, fc. H Nov. 2J.-Fpe.
clal Telegram) Sioux Falls High achool
on the local grounds today defeated
Wrndall Phillips of Chicago, 32 to S.
Straight line bucking won the game for
Sioux Falls. The result of the game
was a great surprise, aa It had been
expected In many quarters that the locals
would prove easy victims of Chicago.
The material atrengthenlng of Rloux
Falls during the past few day paved
the way for today' victory.
NEW YORK. Nov. 23. Columbia de
feated Wesleyan. 18 to 0, today. In the
closing game of the seaaon. Incidentally,
It was the fifth straight win for the
blue and white, the eleven taking all
games of the aeaaon. Miller kicked four
field goals, one In each period, and IMt
tauer, Columbus star fullback, scored the
touchdown In the closing seconds of
play. Although Westraln outweighed It
was outplayed throughout.
Detroit Illah Wins.
PETHOIT. Nov. Central High
School of Detroit today claimed the west
ern Intercollegiate foot ball championship
arter It had dereated the Oak Park, III.,
eleven, 27 to 7. Central High has not
lost a game this geaaon.
Riehard H, Prlee.
i THAYER, Neb.. Nov. 25. (Speclal.)-
Richard B. Price died Tuesday night at
i the family home one mile from here. He
was almost 80 years old. He came to
York county in 1S70 and took aa a home
stead a quarter section of land, where
he has made his home for forty-five years.
Funeral services will be held at the
family home at 1:30 Friday afternoon and
at the Presbyterian church at 2:30 tho
same day.
Amei Victor in Gwne in Which Both
Teams Rf lort to the For
ward Fast.
DF.S MOlNRfl, la., Nov. 2S.-Ames de
feated Drake, 1 to 14. In a hard fought
game thla afternoon. Both teams re
sorted to the forward pass, frequently
and Ames' two last touchdowns aa well
as Drake's second were due to passes.
Powerful line plungers by Vhl. Barker
and Aldrlch was largely responsible for
the Ames victory. After bringing the
ball (lose to Irake's goal In the last
wto minutes of play Moaa flipped a for
ward pass over the line Into Backer's
Ida Grove Beats
Commercial High
By Score of 66 to 0
IlA GROVF., la.. NSov. 25. (Special
Telegram.)-Ida Grove SHigh cohort,
rta'manl of tl'j northwestern Iowa
championship, smothered Omaha Com
mercial lltsh school by a score of ti
to 0.
Oniahn slichtly outplayed Idit Grove
for tho fhst ten minutes, holding twice
for downs. Then Omaha was compelled
to punt. Goodrich taught the ball on
his own thirty-yard line and ran seventy
ards for first touchdown. The first
quarter ended with Ida Grove'a ball on
Omaha's thirteen-yard line.
1(H Grove tore Omaha's defense to
I shreds during the second quarter, using
a fresh lino, sending In substitutes for
every position except center. On the
second play of this quarter King
plunged off tackle for eleven yards and
a touchdown. King soon bucked the
next touchdown over and tho fourth
score came from an end run by Pllcher
bring splendid interference. Two min
utes after that King Intercepted a for-
; ward pasa on Omaha's twenty-five yard
line and ran for a touchdown. Goodrich
made the final touchdown of the first
half by running back a punt for sixty
-til end run by Pllcher gave Ida Grove
a score In the second half, all of the
regulars being In the game. Omaha's
failure to kick on fotirth down gave Ida
Grove the ball on Ita nineteen-yard line,
and on the third play Pllcher again
skirted tho ends for a touchdown Just
before the third quarter ended. Ida
Grove was penalised fifteen yarda for
holding and retained the ball at the be
ginning of the final quarter on Its own
thirty-yard line. IMIcher punted for alxty
yarda. Omaha was forced to kick from
Its own two-yard line and Ida Grove
quickly carried the hall back on Una
plays, King making a touchdown. On
the next klckoff. Carlisle ran the ball
back to Ida Orove's forty-five-yard line,
and on the second play went through
Ida Grove for fifteen yards. Ida Grove
was offside, and Omaha had the ball In
side Ida Grove'a twenty-flve-yard line,
whera It was forced to kick, I'slng King,
Goodrich and Klner as bsttering rams,
Ida Grove worked the ball back acroas
tha field, and In the last twenty-five sec
onds of play Klner scored the final
Thla was their final game for Pilcher,
King, Goodrich, Matlark and Piper. Ida
Grove haa scored S13 points this seaaon
to Ita opponents' 15, and has won every
game. Lineup:
Hester UK.IUR Dutcher
Ford L.T.lUT 1 Israeli
'"louse L.G. !,.!..! Klsler
Johnson (. (' Reeves
.leusen 1U1, R.G Hlackmora
Matlack R.T. R.T. ljiraei,
I'lner U K. R E Skrlver
Pllcher QH.y.H Cnnhlser
GoodrlcJ IJI.ll.H Stoeccl
Klner HII.III.II Rekusek
King F.H.IF.M Carlisle
Touchdowns: King. 4: Pllcher, 2: Good
rich. 2; Klner. I. UohI, from touchdowns:
Itper, 4; Pllcher, 2. Referee: Havens,
Drake. I'mplre: Curry, Mornlngsldn.
Head linesman. Murphy, Iowa. Quarters:
15 mlnutea each.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Nov. 25
OSpeclal Telegram) At a banquet after
the game today, the Des Moines team
elected I eft Half J. B. Corrle as captain
for 1914.
German Deserter
Reaches New York;
May Be Interned
NEW YORK. Nov. :5.-Helne Schulx.
later a private in the German army,
reached New York today, a deserter and
a stowaway aboard the lutrh steamer
Noorderdyke. He wore a uniform which
bore the earth ("tains of the trenches,
said he had grown weary of war and
asked the custom men to let him enter
tho united States so that he would have
to fight no more.
The ruMoms Inspectors passed him on
to the lm'grstlon authorities and they
took him to Kills Island where he will be
held while his rase la decided. If he Is
denied admlsalon to the I'nlted Rtatea he
probably will bo held here Indefinitely,
as to deport hlm would result In his
capture by the British.
Kohults deaerted. he suld. after his
father and brother had been killed. He
made his way undetected through Hol
land ti Rotterdam, concealed himself
aboard the easel and eluded Dutch In
spectors and the British who held the
steamer three days In the Iowns. Forty
elght hours later Hchulx crawled out
from his hiding place and acked for food
and water.
lonr MniwirV Inrtlweatlon I nreil.
Your stomach and bowels need cleaning
out. Ir. King's New Ufo Pills give quick
relief. Only 15c. All druggists Ad r
t.'kement. Redmond Visits
Camp of Belgian
King as Prisoner
LONDON, Nov. 25. It develops from
special dispatches from the Itrltlsh head
quarters from Franco that John Red
mond, nationalist member of Parliament,
was taken aa a prisoner to visit King
Albert. The last day of his trip wss al-
lotted to an Inspection of the Uelglan
i linea. When Mr. Itedmond's automobile;
' containing himself and his son, arrived
I at the Junction of the Belgian lines, a
run) iriunni io nuuw n io pass on me
tround that Mr. Itedmond's papers were
not hi oruer. mr. itedmond protested
Finally the difficulty was solved by
Mr, Itedmond suggesting that he be put
under arrest and escorted by an armed
soldier, sitting behind the driver, to head
quarters. Once st headquarters Mr. lled
mond'a difficulties were at an end. He
held a long and earnest conversation
with King Albert and assured him, as
has been previously stated, that the Irish
people never would entertain a thought
of peace until Belgium was liberated.
Iter Mr. Redmond visited Nlcuport
and several shell-devastated towns along
the Belgian front.
This lioiur made rotijth syrup is now
used in more home than any other cough
remedy. It promptness, ease and cer
tainly in conquering distressing coughs,
chest and throat cold, is really remark
able. Null can actually feci it take hold.
A dav's use will usually overcome the
ordinary rough relieves even whooping
cough quickly, bplendid, too, for bron
chitis, spasmodic croup, bronchial asthma
and winter coughs.
(it from any druggiat JT1 ounce of
Pinex (j0 cents' worth), pour it in a pint
bottle and fill the bottle with plain granu
lated sugar syrup. This gives you at a
cost of 64 rents a full pint of better
cough syrup than you could buy for C2.A0.
'lakes but a few minutes to prepare. Full
directions with 1'inex. 'J antes good aud
never Bpoils.
Vou will le pleasantly attrprised Imw
quickly it loosens drr, hoarse or tight
coughs, and heal the iutlamed mem
branes in a painful rough. It aUo stop
the formation of phlegm in the throat
and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per
sistent loose cough.
I'inex ia a most valuable concentrated
compound of genuine Norway pine ex
tract, rich in guaiacol, which is so heal
ing to the niem'-'snes.
To avoid disappointment, be sure and
ask your druggist for "2Vi ounces i'inex,"
and don't accept anything else.
A guarantee of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparo' ion. 'J ha I'inex Co.. Ki,
Wayne. Ind.
II A S ' it, n
General DUIrtnaters
Omaha, Mak.
How To Make the f
Quickest, Simplest Cough
0 Hark Defter than the Ready. 0
0 Malt Kind an 1 an Save f J. ' &
0 Fully liuaraatecd m
Why's "Gets-It," for,
Corns, Like a Hiss?;
IWause Kverylxxly Tries) It, Ereiryl
Ixxly Iike It, It's rainless and
Take but a Moment I
to Apply.
"Oets-It" Is the wonder f the rem
rem ere 1 world. Millions say so, br-aua
millions have used It. That a what m&kea
U the blaaest selling corn remedy ot
"Never!) M life Raw Anything Art Mm ;
tJulcklaodMagioaJlyae'Octa-ll!'" ,
earth todnv. "Oete-It" will surely km
that mrii or ralloua totTva been trvins; for
a long time to get rid of take It right ofn
"dean aa a whlatle." Apply It In 1 seo-i
.nns put tour vour stocking and atioe
right over It nothing to stick, nothing to
hurt, you ne,-, in t mas wttn tun K uan-
danges that make nsckaar our of your
toe. No knives, raaora and sclseors. no
tape, no trouble. It's simplicity tteeu.
sure, quick, painless. Try It also for
tmnlrtna ami airtl.
"Gets-lt" Is sold at all druggists. Jfio si
bottle, or sent 'direct by.M. Lawrenro
Co.. Chicago SoM tn Omaha and rcorr...
mended aa the world' best corn remedy
4hennau McConnell Co's. Stores, i
Need a Laxative?
Don't take a violent purgative. Right
the sluggish condition wilh the gale,
vegetable remedy which ha held pub
lic confidence far over sixty years.
Largest Sale ml Any Medicine In the Wer.
rary wbere. la ma, 10a., I S.
Hairs Quickly Vanish
After This Treatment
(Helps to Beauty.)
Science haa aided In simplifying the
banishing of hairy growths from the
face, and according to a beauty' special
ist, the moet effective treatment yet de
vlsej consists of applying a delatone
paate to the hairy surface for I or S
minutes. The paate la made by mixing
some water with a little powdered dela
tone. 'When this paate In removed and
the skin washed every trace of hair has
vanished. Re sure to get real delatone.
Otr r HUB is bar. You will rnceUe
liniiiltonib Christina presents, and nl
will want to make equally beaut ll. il
oni'4. Don't think you must forego ihls
pl.aau't because your ready money la
i I in I led. By opening- a charge aooonat
with us you ran gratify every wish ami
hn Hktisfled with your glfta. while at the
in ',a lime they will be eaaler to pay for
ttnn trifling onea where you have, to
pay r.iih. We suggest a beautiful 1)1. i
io. i nl IMng, or a 1 .a Valrtnre, Hroo. il.
Kir Knia. hind, Hcarf Htn, Bracelet,
N'rl it Watch, Chain, Charm, Open Kitco
or II n ting Case Watch, etc, etc. Coino
In n'll sen our magnificent assort tiept
of all kinds of jewelry, and make voir
selectli r.s.
list bracelet ran be entirely detached,
mo watrh can ba worn aa a patulaitt. or aa s reau
Ur walrh. Kino s"!! fllloil. amall popular at.
Kill! 16-Hub? Jl! nlraal movament, paadant
Mil. alltivr whlto or s"4 dial. tjuaraoteed 2
yunL lira!! rao I adjuat,i to
any ilia aa am n lln
link ia ilmrtl- H O Kb
,t the rrlj-e " 71 I jf a J 3
Her ti la latoat J aJ
atila. v. a hava rut
bM m-.' as offrr
mudl Wrlat .atrh
Terms) S1.50 a Moatu.
689 Ladles' RliA
H ml lit auld IviMe
"t'.rtrtiun" ainiin'ma.
fin. brilliant S ft f
Ulamoml V
tS a Moatu
11S1 I Yal)l.-.
fill ftUlltl P'Mi, lilt
wort droo. fin dt
mmd, hand pihiU
chain. $16.50 a acontu
Bo. 4 Men's li
mond Rtnc. nrnn
Tooth miiunllna. (FCC
Ita i'M aold
l.S a Wn
OS'S Biltf Till P. M
SatsrdaysTlll "
i'll nr rlta fur Uluatratd I'alaloa Ka tU
I'houa lousaa ! and our aalr.nvia It' . a t.
Credit Jtiaiit
New Way to Curl Hair
Without Heated Irons
Hair tortured with the curling Iron Is
hound to become dry, harsh and brittle,
aa so many know from sad rxoerlence.
It's far inure sonslbie to Uao plain liquid
ailmerlne, which can do no harm and
which produces the loveliest wavy effect
Ittmaslnahle. It takes so little time to
spl'ly the sllmerine and the hair can b
made to curl In any form, to any extent.
a Minfnrm w III. , nu latvlfi . 1 1 hip Ar. k
I In K- A few ounors from the druggist
I will lsat a long tune, so It Is not at all
eaM:nalve. tJ'juld allinerlne Is not greasy
or ailcky ami it drait't statu or atrnug
the hair or the scalp.
A convenient wuy to use It Is to poui
about two tableapoonf ills lute a aaucei
and then with a (lean tooth brush kly
evenly to the hair from root to tip. I'
thla Is done before return,- ti t 1J
glory to one'a "crowning g ory' w U t
ouite In e hit tic lii Lue l.ijriiiu. A,,
1 ci llaeim lit.