Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Thursday to Be Day of Prayer and
Thmkifirinu in Many of the
maky toite nrro qbouts
Xa many of the churches today
Thanksgiving day Is to b observed
as an occasion for prayer. With most
of the Protestant churches there will
be union services, the congregations
of several churches uniting and going
to some particular church In the
AH the Episcopal churches of the
city will unite In a union Thanksgiv
ing service at Trinity cathedral at 11
c'clock, when Rev. J. H. Obi of South
8'de win preach. The offering will
be for Clark-son hospital.
TWs morning at 10:) sever! of
the Baptist churches will unit In a
union Thanksgiving servlc In Immanucl
Bsptiat church. Th nfrmon will be
preached by Hev. W. R. Hill of th
Trinity IlaptUt church. Other pastors j
win nseisi.-
r,;:; wJZIZ
giving service In th riymouth Congre-
rational church thla evening at'
I.W. Hev. M. V. Hlgbe of th North ,
rrysbyterlan church will preach. Th j
riymouth choir will sing. An offering I
will be tak.n for th. Old People's Home. I
Th Thanksgiving service for th. Han-1
. . . . , . .
com p.rt grout .of churches will be held j
In the First Christian church, Twenty.
sixth and Harney street. Thanksgiving
tfy at W:Sfc Hev. Mr. Rowland of th
First Baptist church will preach.
Th Mount Vernon Haptlst and St.
John's African Methodist Episcopal
iiuu he will hold Joint Thanksgiving
services st the former church at 10:
juuthii; morning, iter. i. weoorne will
1 reach. In the evening th PuBoli
Iramatlo club will give a playlet en
titled "Th Tie That Binds." for th
t-rrit of the Missionary society at 8t.
John's church.
Sprnfal service will be held on Thanks
firing day st 19 a. m. and 7:30 p. m..
and continuing afternoon and evening
thret following days In a hall at Forty
third and Humilton streets, secured for
the oc?o,ri. Ther will b a stirring
Fo-rJ and song service each evening, the
(y meetlngi being for Christians sap,
dally. These meeting are undenomina
tional. The First Church of Christ, Scientist,
St. Mary's and Twenty-fourth
"wt, will hold services at 11 a. m.
Thursday. Subject, "Thanksgiving." Sun
n. (ill 1 (v i scsxlons) at :". and 11
a. m. Wednesday evening meeting at a.
I' Thanksgiving sorvlc Tbursdsy
' 1:13 a. m. st ths UcrYiUn Baptist
hu ch. Twenty-fourth and Blnney
i r-ct. Hev. O. .Jalsor mill deliver the
fri:rn and the following ministers will
t' k- rc e part: H. Slebert. F. Oster-t-ii
and A. Aiitrltt.
Hrs. J.S.Leavitt
JI',fle President of
Missionary Society
Mrs. X. S. Leavitt wss elected district
president of th Woman' Foreign Mis
sionary society of th Methodint EpIb.
copal church at tha snnual convention
beld Tuesday In Benson. Mrs. Lavltt
was formerly president of th Omaha
Women' Christian Temperance Union.
Mra. F. M. Bristol, the retiring presi
dent, assumes th office of first vie
le Idcnt, vacated by Mrs, ljaavltt; Mrs.
D. A., Foot Is th second vie presi
dent; Mrs. J. F. Pettegrew, recording
secretary: Mra 8. 1. Jeter, treasurer;
Vrs. J. W. Medlln, children's work; Mrs.
V. J. Irvine, young people's work; Mrs.1
W. ritallard, corresponding secretary;
conference secretary and treasurer, Mrs.
V. A. C a tea. University Plac.
Mra. Javltt ha written four songs
which sre In general use throughout th
Vnlted "States for missionary purposes.
The songs were written at th request
of national officers. On Is a consecra
tion song and another Is sung to th
tun of "Onward. Christian Soldiers."
They will b uaed In connection with th.
Jubilee year celebration In 111 the fif
tieth anniversary of th organisation of
th. society.
School Boy Clears
Doubtful Points in
. Longfellow's Life
Omaha puUle school chlUren ar get
ting their history on straight. Superin
tendent Craft aud other school officials
hav been in doubt for a long time as
to the early Ufa of Henry W. Longfel
low. The following excerpt was taken
from an esaay written by an Omaha
school boy, who cleared up a portion of
the murky historical atmosphere:
"Henry W. Longfellow was born In
Portland. U whlla his mother and
father were In Ban Francisco. H lived
In th New England state moat of th
time and made many fast friends, th
fastest of which was Phoeb Carey."
Offers Reward of
; Thousand Each for
Slayers of Brother
D. C. Campbell of Oklahoma City wires
the Omaha police department that he will
pay a reward of $1,000, each, for th ar
teat and conviction of th two men who
held up and killed his brother, eU. C.
Campbell, of Lincoln, who was killed by
bandits at Tenth and Famam streets last
Friday night
Fire of undiscovered origin did eonall
trable damage on the top floor of the
romell Elevator company. Thirteenth
er.d Ohio streets. Th blase was extin
fcnished by the sprinkler system In the
1 ulldUig. Superintendent A. Anderson as-
iU that this 1 all thkt saved th struc
ture from destruction. Th losa Is iov-
rtu by Itisursuce.
"r M lm4m ( ,. Nraraisrta.
l on't suffer, get a c bottle of l.l's
J.tiiliiu-iit. It penetrates to the palmul
1 "ii at o;k. Kills th pain. All drug
t ii.'.. Al.trOkenwiiL
roultry show at Auditorium all day.
Holiday matinees at all theaters and
photoplay houses.
Bowling competition In Midwest annual
tournament. Farnam alleya, I a. m. until
Special train to Stecher-Husaan wres
tling match at Lincoln leave Omaha
Burlington depot. 1 p. m.
Turkey shoota, Omaha Oun club and
Carter Lake Oun club, all day. beginning
at It a. m.
Toung Men's Christian aaeoclatlon an
nual cross country run, 10 a. m.
Crelghton and Bouth Dakota unlveral
tlea. foot ball. Crelshtnn field. 2:30 p. m.
Omaha Central and (Irand Island High
schools, foot ball, Ilourke park, 1:30 p. m.
Power foot ball, all-star team of City
Boccer league. Miller park. !: p. m., for
champlonahlp of Nebraska.
Oamea for cold weather rolfera on link
of the varloua rlub.
Thanksgiving breakfast for dormitory
men at T. M. C. A.
Armouri Are Building' New Car
Shops North of the Stock
M " espense of several hundred dol-
Armour A Co. ai building new car
'ho1" north of th' " rc "r th
ik v'to'; Th" wU ballfom-
"la wUh,n tl,r" W,U b
Xl ' ,T t ? k" , v,
n th. place of the eld buildings mhlch
a J
... klllMln. ... , .
j pf ,,c plllBnnr tther
tc be centered mainly on th reoonstruo
tlin of repairing outilt.
Th new shops wIM be larg enough to
accommodate twelve car for Immediate
ii pair at on time. There will alao ba
Vtlllty tracks about Ine shop where too
I can urn sjnciracKia awaiting repairs.
loot and other Instrument ' used b
woikmen In repairing will he kept In spe
cially built boxes In the new building.
Work on ths big ii'.w plant building,
v.hlch was announced as a 1100,000 affair,
till commence soon, i robably this week,
recording to announ-yiment at th local
o'fites last week. The construction of
tl'la building will last several month.
Mra. HrMiMnlT Relaaed
Mr. Rosa McManaway, pretty Italian
wlf of Jor Marino. 200. R street, arrested
on November 10 on a charge of shooting
Bam Coeontlno Cadaldo, another Italian,
was released In polios court by Police
Judge Reed. Th. prosecution waived any
charges snd th. count failed to Carry
th. esse to the limit.
Cadaldo was wounded In tha right
shoulder by on of th shots fired by th
woman. It was charged by her at ths
time that h. had been making Insulting
remark. Tn wounded man denied the
charge.' but when th case cam up In
court h. refused to prosecute.
Faaeral af Mr. as Mra. Ska re.
Th. doubl. funeral of Mr. and Iouls
Share, Twenty-sixth and N streets, who
were caught and burned to death In a
gaaolln fire In th upstairs of their little
flat Monday afternoon, was held quietly
Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from th
Lark In chapel at Twenty-fourth and O
atreeta to th Jewish cemetery In Sarpy
Th. three children, Sammy, t; Jacob, t,
and th little baby, months old. who
were mad. orphana by the fire, ware not
St the funeral. The children have been
stricken with a slight attack of small
pox and were kept at horn by Mrs.
Kennay, who has tak.n charge of them.
Uabe la tart.
Oscar Oabee, local yardman, arrested
Tuesday evening by SergeaDt James
Sheahan on a charge of peUt laroenyJ
was orougni into pouoe court wis morn
ing. It la charged that ha stol. a pocket
book containing HI and a pair of gold
ear-rlnga from Mrs. Martin of th. Pioneer
block some time ago.
oath Ue Boerllag.
d. Total.
Vance v.
May field
Quinn m
Totals 781
61 04 2.(47
1st td. Sd. Total
Keep 141
Anderson 1&
lief ton m
Or Wt seeneea
Total 700
Handicap I
Totals 701
716 763 2,180
a, a.
2d. Totsl.
W. a. Blake
A. U Blake ..
...747 799 642 2.381
Id. Total.
... U
1 kowilng ,,
I'.nglen ....
Yaser ....
Knott ....
Totals ,
Totals 71 136
771 2.K8
MaaiU t Ity Uoaalp,
A Jane was giv.i last evening at
Rushing hall. Twenty-fourth and J
streets. About fifty couple attended.
I:. K. Stser, fhotog.-npher. who haa been
aha for several weeks with rheumatism,
vas able to alt up ye jrday afternoon.
Th stock yards will be closed for bust-
resa all day Thanksgiving aay. All stock
eiming In will be cared for as usual, but
tic tranaactlona will -ak plac.
Office apace for rent In Bee office, 2311
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. Bouth 27.
Th women of th West Rid Interde
nominational church will be entertained
f rlday at the home rf Mrs. rShallcroaa,
wife of the pastor of the church. The
borne Is In Bellevue.
Th Ladle' Aid society of th Weat
B Ue Interdenominational church will give
a parcel poet party at in. cnurch. Thirty-ninth
and Q atreeta, Iecembr 2. Ke
fieahment will be served.
Want ad for Th Re may he left at
Th Pea branch eff.oe, !S.( N fct. Rates,
lo a word for one time, lSta a word each
Cay for three day and 1c a word each
day for a week. Prompt and courteous
The ladle of th Central Interdenomi
national church will meet In an all-day
Ecztma 1$ Conquered
Greasy salve and ointments should not
be applied If good clear skla Is wanted.
From any druggist for 26c or IL0O for
extra large else, get a bottle of semo.
Whn applied a riirccled. It effectlvly
removes ecaema. quickly stop Itching,
and heal akin troubles, aao eurve. hums,
wuunita and chafing It penetrates
cleanses and aoolli-s. Zmo I dependable
and Inexpensive. Try It. aa we Del eve
nothing yuu have ever used la aa effec
tive and sallying.
miwi, lltttJaud.
Day Events
Old-faehloned sunrise prayer meeting
In aoma of the ehurrhee.
t'nlon Protestant Thanksgiving serv
ices, 11 a. m., at Trinity cathedral;
1 1 an scrim Park group at First Christian;
North 8!de rhurchea at Plymouth Con
gregatlonni In the evening; Baptist
churches at Immanuel ttaptlat church.
Thanksgiving high mnsvs In the morn
ing at various Catholic churches.
"neHal Thanksgiving dinner, 1 p. m.,
Toung Women's Christian association.
Distribution of Thanksgiving presents
In the morning by charity organizations.
Newsboy' Thanksgiving dinner. Auto
Clearing house, t.K p .m.
"Thanksgiving tree feasts for bird,
given by th school children In the yard
of their home.
' Thanksgiving stag social, Elks' lodge
rooms, evening.
All banks, public office, schools, big
retail and wholesale house, public
library and other Institutions, cloned all
day In observance of the holiday.
church meeting st ths church auditorium
In the leinpie hall, at 'twenty-fifth and
si street, Friday.
The King's Daughters of the First
Presbyterian churcn will meet with Mrs.
J. 11. Knight, VU North Seventeenth
street, J-Tlilay afternoon.
Most of the business house of the
Masic City will be closed tomorrow
fleinoon in respect of the Thankaalvlng
day holiday. Recognition exercises hav
been held in all of (he publio schools.
All school children will t a two-day
vacation, being th remainder of th
Olrl of th Oh. Me; Oh, My Bowling
league will not bowl tomorrow evening
at the Brunswick alleya. The aerlea haa
been postiKtned because of the Thanks
giving date.
For Rent 5-room cottage, all modern,
oak finish. 21st and U His.
A program committee of the Kaglea'
lodge haa under way plana for a mon
ster Christmas celebration. Much cele
bratlona have been customary for sev
eral years, but the committee experts
to exceed Itself this year. It la planned
to be Santa claua to more than 1,W0
A musical, dance and dinner In charge
of sixty girls of St. Mary s parish will
be given at the Columbian hall, at Thirty-sixth
and R atreeta, tomorrow even
ing. The event will be held In celebra
tion of Thanksgiving.
The Wb of Deceit Is the big master
piece film for th Hesse today. There la
claimed to be a throb and a thrill In
every Inch of the film.
Raise Full Sum for
Bluffs Y. M. 0. A.
Th full amount of th Toung Men'
Christian aaeoclatlon fund was raised and
a surplus of 2X138 wss also secured when
the last report cams In from the solici
tors lae yesterday afternoon at Council
Bluffs. Ths announcement of the flnsl
amount was made at I o'clock, at tha
conclusion of a dinner given at the
building last night.
The announcement that many of the
subscriptions were conditional and became
effective only when the total amount was
raised aroused considerable publio Inter
est, snd mads the work of the canvassers
much easier. Subscriptions even came In
The task of raising $22,000 wss looked
upon as one of very large proportions,
and the conviction Is that It would have
been much more difficult. If not Im
possible, had It not been for the Influ
ence ef the "Billy" Sunday meetings.
Women Protest on
"Birth of a Nation"
Vigorous disapproval of ths presentation
of th "Birth of a Nation" at a local
theater was expressed by member of
th current topic department of the
Woman's club, Tuesday afternoon.
"It arouses race prejudice. It kindle
anew the feeling between th north and
the south, and It shows scenes so horri
ble that when I saw It In the east, last
summer, women In the audience fainted,"
asserted Mrs. Mary I. Crelgh, leader of
the department. "It ha a bad effect
on young people."
Patriotism In connection with Thanks,
giving day waa also discussed, on
woman ventured th opinion there waa
no longer any patriotlo significance to
Thanksgiving day. "It's a Urn for a
big feed, that's all. ah said.
tea to ,- Hospital.
C. K. Blanchard. postmaster at Blanch- I
ard. Cel., writ: "I had kidney trouble
so bad I had to go to th hospital. Foley
Kidney Pills were recommended to m
and they completely cured me. I cannot
peak too highly of them." Sufferers tn
every state have had similar benet t
from this standard remedy (or kidney
and bladder ailment. It banian back
ache, stiff Joints. wolln muscles and
all th various symptoms of weakened
or diseased kidney. Bold everywhere.-.
Advertisement. 1
Improvers Are for .
Evening High School
Southeast Improvers ar decidedly tn
favor of th evening high school. They
so resolved last night at a meeting held
at ths Bancroft school. David Mercer
delivered an address on Washington's
municipal government. Commissioner
Frank Best waa present " and mad a
Druid Hill Improvement club sent a
delegation of eight visitors to th meet
ing. A 'Tor Ml'
furniture Into
ad will urn second-hand
Thou hands Have Discovered lr. j
Edwards' Olive Tablets are j
Harm rM Substitute,
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet th subetl- '
tut for calomel e.r a mild but sure lax
ative, and their affect on th liver Is al
most Instantaneous. They ar th result
of Dr. Edwards' determination not to
treat liver and bowel complaint with
calomel. Ills ffort to banish It brought
out the little olive-colored tablet.
These pleasant little tablet do th good
that calomel does, bat have no bad after
effecta. Ttiey don't Injur th teeth Ilk
strong liquids or calomel. They take hold
of th trouble and quickly correct It, Why
our the liver at the expense of the teeth?
Calomel sometimes play havoo with th 1
guma. So do trong liquids.
It Is het not to tsk calomel, but to let i
Dr. Edward' Ollv Tablets tak Its plac
Moat haadachaa. "dutlneu" and that
lasy feeling comes from constipation and
a disordered liver. Tak Dr. Edward' Tablet when you feel "loggy" and
"heawy." Not how they ,-clear" clouded
brain snd bow they "perk up" the sp rlts.
At lo sd t " b-. . II "iitt
The Tablet Co., Columbus, O.
Manger Takes Damage Suit of Eliza
beth McCoj Against Missouri
Ppcifie Into Own Hands.
After a hearing that consumed two
c"ays' time. Judge T. C. Munger. In
the federal court, took the damage
suit of Elizabeth McCoy against the
Missouri Pacific railroad company
from the Jury and decided It in favor
cf th railroad.
Mrs. McCoy Is suing for $25,000
for the death of her son, Charles
McCoy, a car inspector In the switch
ing yards, alleging that the Missouri
raciflc switching crew had "kicked
in" a car against a car on which he
was working, knocking him off and
running over blm.
The plaintiff alleged that McCoy
had placed a blue flag at the end of
the car and that tbe defendant's em
ployee had disregarded this signal In
sending the other car against It and
knocking him off.
lllnateal on rilee Fine
The whole case hinged on the presence
Or absence of this blue flag. If It was there
the railroad wss to blnme. if It was riot
ther the railroad had perfect right to
"kick In" th car and was not responsible
for consequences to anyone who happened
to be working there and was hurt.
The plaintiff's attorneys sought tJ Show
that a blue flag found along the track
some distance from' the scene of the
sccldent had been attached to the car
and had been dislodged by the Impact of
the car that was "kicked In."
After hearing the plaintiffs witnesses,
the court held that there was no evidence
to show thnt .th blue flee had been dis
played. aee I'nlon Partflc.
A Jury was Impaneled following the end
of this t-as to try the damage suit of
Nelson Fish A Co., against the Union
iPaclflo railroad for M.OuO because of
a shipment of csttle delayed two days
st North Platte In 1912 st the time
of the big flood. The plaintiff Is seeking
to recover $0,000. The case was post
poned until Monday when the plaintiff's
witnesses failed to arrive on time.
MoTemeata of Oceaa Steamers
. Napoll ;
. ( .rt
. Nleu Amfterdsa
. t FsretU
.Corinth lea
Sal led.
Paternity! Tho
IVord of Words
It ! written Into life's expectations that
motherhood Is the one sublime accom
plishment, . And If
there Is snjiUnr, no
matter bow simple,
how apparently trivial
r- j it mar , If It can
I nld, help, assist or In
any wsy comfort the
expectant mother. It Is
blessing. And such
Is a remedy called
I J 3U'- X "PPlT It orar the
I rV-lU tomach muse!. It
1 J T" gently rubbed os th
f L. . . surface, aud makes
... ,, . . mmru piiani:
this relieve the strain on ligaments, natural
expansion take plac - without undue effect
upon the nerves. And ss th time ap
proaches, the mind has gone through a pe
rlod of repose, of genii expectancy, snd
this has sn unquestioned Influence upon the
future child. That thla I true Is evidenced
by the fact that thre generation fit mothers
hav used and recommended "Mother's
Friend." Ask your nearest drurrUt for
bottl of till splendid remedy. He will get
It for yon. And then write to Bradheld Reg
ulator Co 0T Lamar Bldg Atlanta. Oa
for a most interesting bonk of Information
to prospective mothers. It I mailed free.
Writ today. It la a book yon will enjoy.
, 3- 1 V J.T M. 1
Aafc" i
r a
w a. a f
We wish to express to you our sincere appreciation of your continued confidence in
us, which is manifest in the greatest before Thanksgiving selling this store has ever ex
perienced. Heartily thanking you "we wish to announce beginning Friday, November
2Gth, Month End Sale Events of unusual economical importance in every department
throughout the store.
Watch Our T7 T7 m Don't Miss
wj5d?yr TUT AW
a a
f-piif m . Mb
Cold weather shuts the door
on "life, liberty and the pur
suit of happiness." Why put up with it, when day
after tomorrow you could be luxuriating in
Florida's warmth, clad in light summer clothes
and lazily watching the sailboats go. by. Nothing
but you can keep you from going.
A day and a half; that's all the time it takes to reach
Florida from Kansas City, via Frisco Lines the
direct route. The
Efons (fifty Florida
!fm f Cty " 5:55 p' m and 2ets to Jacksonville 8:25 a. m. econ
day, All-steel train of coaches, sleeping cars and Fred Harvey dining cars.
' Writs the undersigned for new Florida literature
snd full information sbout fares snd reienratiooi.
J. C LeTrUn. Division Passenger Agent, Waldheim Building. Kansas Qty, Mo.
Get into
You a Joyous Thanlis
At this season, happiness is more than pleas
ure and optimism more thin power."
It's good to be alive at Thanksgiving time
to share the joys of youth and home to in
crease our happiness by giving a part to others.
It's good to have clinging faith in the possi
bilities that come arm in arm with the spirit of
the season.
There's real delight in being sentimental
now and then; in opening one's heart; in
anointing one's bouI with the oil of kindness;
in passing along a part of the happiness one
feels. , .
In this golden time, we hope your cup may
be filled, and that in truth your Thanksgiving
may be all it meant to the forefathers whe
created it.
To all, the Dell Telephone is that great and
almost limitless roadway over which Thanks
giving good wishes may travel
Ttlephon and Send Good Cheer, for
Thanksgiving Cornea But Once a Year.
Store Closed All
""N" this day when you and
thanks, our wish is that
rnn -t mmnla nrocolnnf Tr 1
vou hannv.
business via the "Business
Day Thursday
yours foregather to give
you may find a tsuperahund-
tn trinnlrfiil fnr n n A in mnVo
the Friday
Low fares
to Florida
and Cuba
R ean 4 trip. Kaaaaa
Ciry lei
JaektMTuU $4Z.S
St. Aagsstis 44.80
rah Beach Sl.tO
Miasal M.S0
Key West 75.60
Hsvass 79.00
Celos tm.MtoMS.St
(Carnal Zaae)
T.lberal stop evsrprlv
lies and long return
limit Correspondingly
low fares to other re
sorts lo Florida Cubs
sad th Isle ol Pines.
r i
giuing -Day