T1IK BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER -Jo, 1915. 11 IlEAL KHTATK KR.Kh F.STATK FARM A RIM II I. AMU FOR MI.RriRu A RAMI! l.AI FOR I.n. Nrbnuka. rtrnaka. Public Auction! To Be Sold to Settle an Estate TIIE CRANE RANCH, CONSISTING OF 1,840 ACRES, SIX MILES NORTH OF MERR1MAN, NEB. To Be Sold Under the Hammer to the Highest Bidder on the Premises Monday, Nov. 29th at 2 P. M. Sharp Thle Is high grade cattle ranch. Imr roved with a five-room house, barn for twelve head of horses. Rood granary and corn cribs, cattle sheds, chicken house end other build ngs. the entire ranch fenced and cross fenced, about acres fenced hog tlnht, fine hog pasture, good wells and mills, two small lakes of water In pasture for cattle, about te0 acres of valley land, NO acres In cultivation, hay land cuts about 4P0 tons of hay per year, corn going about 40 huahels per acre this yesr, rich black soil on bottom land, p sture sandy, but well grassed, some timothy and clover In ranch: this rani'h lies 2'4j m:les on reservation Una where range can be had cheap on South Dakota reservation. The legal numbers of this ranch are. all of section OT. and section 23, and NV4 of SH of section 22, and the WH ofthe PW4 of section I. and WV. of NW and SMi of section 26, lot 4. section 2i; lots 1, 2. 3, 4, s-ctlon 2"., Iota I and 2. eeo tlon 22, town 36, range 38, Cherry county. Nebmrka, consisting of 1.940 arr.s. The above must und will be sid ti the highest bidder on above date to settle an estate. Terms: H.fno on date of sale, $3,ov more when deed and abstract showing; merchantable title Is delivered, balance, four years Rt 9 per cent. All Mds by mall must be accompanied by a IV) certified check and be S'M to the Norfolk National Rank not lat-r than November 2Mh. On the day of the above sale we will sell at public acctlon the personal prop erty consisting of horses and cattle, one thoroughbred Registered Hereford Bull, farming machinery, etc. To the man who wants a real ranch, one that la ready to tep right on, here Is your chance; possrsMtm will be given at once. For furtl-.er Information write to the Norfolk National Bank, Norfolk, Neb., or Dowd Auction Co., Omaha. Neb. Arrangements have born made with the Weber Uvery barn, Merrlmsn, to how the ranch to prospective buyers. Norfolk National Bank, Trustee James L. Dowd, for Dowd Auc tion Co., Auctioneers GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET! Wheat is Steady, with the Better Grade i of Hard and Sprint Ad vancine a Cent. CORN IS PRETTY GOOD SELLER OMAHA. November 14, 115. The wheat market was very steady to 'ay. the be'ter grades of hard and spring wheat ndvanced 1 cent, while the off Merles were unchanged. Ccrn wss a good eller today, edvana !r a half to a cent higher, and there was a food demand. Cats were also higher, selling threc qvarters lo cent and ft quarter higher. Rye was off. declining ft cent to ft cent and a quarter. Harley was unchanged. All markets closed Thursday. Clearancea: W heat and flour equal to i.V.wo bushels, corn, 7,000 bushels and oats. 82.00 bushels. Liverpool closed with wheat unchanged to Hd lower and com unchanged to 11 higher. Primary wheat receipts were 184.000 bu., and shipment, of 1.570.000 bu., agftinat receipts of 2.B11.000 bu. and shipments of 1,990,000 bu, last year. Primary corn receipts were 769.000 bu. and shipments of 316,000 4u., against re celpts of 1,811.000 bu. and shipments of MM") bu. last yesr. JYlmary oats receipts were 1.194.000 bu. and shipment of 1.014,000 bu., sgalnst re ceipts of l.lT5.0u hu. and shipments of 727.000 bu. Inst year. CAR IXJT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats fc: No. 1 feed, 44fc. Hye: No. I. 9Y: No. I, ssc. Chicago rinsing prices furnished Tbs Pee by Logan A Bryan, sfock and grain brokers. 916 South Sixteenth. Omaha: Art'de Q en. tilth I ow. I Close ! Yes y 114 114 FOR RENT Stores and Offices. For Rent Choice Offices in Brandeis Building Being released by grain dealers moving to their new building February First. - Can make reserva tions now by applying to F. P. Manchester, Secre tary, Omaha Grain Ex change, 755 Brandeia Building. Phone Douglfts G733. REAL ESTATE FARM A HANOI LANDS FOR S ALU Wlseaasla. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairr and general crop state in the union; settlors wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wlseon sin Central Iand Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands auk for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Soo Una Rallwsy. Minneapolis. Minn. Mlseellaaeone. HAVK YOU A FA KM FOR SALE? Write ft good description of your land and send It to the Kioug City. Oft.) Jour nal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Hunday for one month, giving sixteen adg on twelve dif ferent day for W; or CO words, 1 1, or 75 words 16. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper. 150.000 readers dally In four great state. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE STORKS FOR RENT, $102005 Ames Ave., lOxhj ft. 116 214 N. 16th St.. 30x00 ft. $32 2-Wi Cuming St.. 20x60 ft.; basement. $40 2th and Amea Ave., 16x40 ft. riO 707 S. lfith St.. 20x60 ft.; basement. 1251611 Howard St.. 20x80 ft.; full basement; steam heat. $150622 S. 16th St.. 600 block, 20x60 ft.; team heat. $1652210 Farnam St., 20x182 ft.; steam beat GEORGE 4 COMPANY. Phone TV t. 902 City Nat'l Rank Bldg. FOR RENT OR LEASE. At 714 South 13th St., Omaha. cld stor sg rooms approximately 40x120 feet, eooled with Ice, railway siding for two cars, suitable for fruit, vegetables, beer, meats, butter. Cheap. R. Walter, phone $57 or 335 Benton St., Council Bluffs. o HANDSOME DOUBLE STOREROOM Fitted for groceries and meats. No bet ter opportunity in Omaha. T. i. HOOK, 1101 N. 18th St CORNER FOR DRUG STORE An un usual good locfttlon. See T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18th St., about it. HANDSOME DOUBLE STOREROOM Fitted for groceries and meats. No bet ter opportunity In Omaha. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18th St CORNER FOR DRUG STORE A un usual good location. See T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18th St.. about It. READY Dec. 1st, small office on 17th street $d floor. 270 si. ft. The Bee Building, Office Room 103. REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN. To people wishing to build homes or business buildings. For complete Information con cerning terms, etc., call on or add re as BANH.fc.KS REALTY INVESTMENT CO. Oround Floor Bee Bldg. Telephone Douglas tU-& o FARMS and city loans at lowest rates. luLAND TRUMBULL. 44s Be but. $10 1X5 $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. lath A Farnam St. CITY and farm loans, 6, IVfc, 4 per cent J. H. Dumont Co., 41$ State Bank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. CITY property. Large loans ft specialty. W. H Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. i AND 6V& for loans on best class city residences In amounts $2.0 up, also farm loana. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 162$ Farnam St OMAHA homes. East Nebraska' farms. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 101$ Omaha National. Phone Douglas $711. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. ( PITY IOANS. c. G. Csrlberg. $1 " f 1$ Rrsndou, Theater Bids- REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANUM FOR I1LB, 2 Acres, 3 Acres, 4 Acres, 5 Acres, In Richland Acres. Tf you want some of the best level and gently rolling rich land, close to ft paved road and In ft good location, you should not overlook acres In this new addition. It Is all In alfalfa and original prairie, only a short distance from Benson and adjoining Keystone Park on the north west. Some pieces have running water. An elegant place for an investment or a future home. This tract Is only 6 blocks from jitney line. These acres will be sold on our usual easy terms. Price, $360 to $460 per acre. HA8TINQ8 ft HEYDEN, 1614 Harney 8t. 7 Acres 6-Room House, Keystone Park High and sightly location, rich soil; house has 4 rooms on first floor. 2 on second floor. Will sell on small cash payments. Can sell house with more or less land. Pee us about it at once. HASTINGS ft HEYPEN'. 1614 Harney St. Half Acre Close to Pavement $-125 -$10 Cash, $6 a Month High and sightly, slope, gently to the east. Fine transportation to school. HASTINGS & HEYDFN. 1614 Harney Bt. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE $2,350 $200 Cash Balance $20.00 Per Month Five-room cottage, all modern except heat; combination lighting fixtures: good plumbing; house In good repair; large lot; fine lawn and trees. Located 4107 North 28th St. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phono Douglas 4270. Six Rooms All Modern Oak finish In living and dining room, full basement. A No. 1 fur nace; electric fixtures and window shades; this is a real bargain; not only for a home, but as an Invest ment: this Is priced so as to sell. Phone us for an appointment and let us show you. Can take smalt house, not modern, if priced right on this tf clear. Traver Bros. Tel. Doug. 1153. Omaha Nat. Ilk. Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW HOME Five-room, has oak finish In three rooms, one ft lunrwm; beam ceilings; bookcases; window seat; fine large kitchen with convenient pantry and Ire box room; furnace heat; cemunted base ment; fine lot; paved street; close to car; located near lth and Laird Sts. ; easy terms or lot taken as first payment RASP BROS., 10$ McCague Bldg. Douglas 1653. REAL ESTATE: WEST SIDE Mi.ls. 40. 90 or 1(0 acres good heavy soil, well settled part of Todd county, Minn good roads, schools and churrhes. Price, Hi to $20 per acre. Terms, $1 per acre cash, balance $1 per acre ft year; $.00 acres to street from. Schwab Bros.. 10"i Nebraska. TIRT CHEAP-My 240-a. farm. 1 miles from Kimball. $3.0uo In Improvements: school on farm; $4 per acre If sold -.ithln 30 days. R. D. Wilson. Klraba.lL vb. TOR BALE Best Urge body high-grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required C Bradley, We been. Nee- -e A New Home West Farnam and Cathedral District Located on Wakeley St.. between Dav enport and Chicago, 41at and 42d Sta., on a south front lot, paved street. In dis trict where many new homes are being built lias $ rooms, reception hall, living room, sun room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor; 4 ledrooms, bath and stairs to attic on second floor; oak fininh on first floor, excepting kitchen; oak floors on second story; first-class plumb ing and heating throughout; pressed brick foundation. Possession can be given at once. House now completed and ready to move Into. This can be purchased on a small payment down, balance about the same as rent. See us about It at once. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY STREET. , 2 72 21 Chicago if Minneapolis 748 Duluth Omaha PI Kansas City 261 St. Ixinls 18 Winnipeg 1.641 These sales were reported today. Wheat: No. $ hard winter, 1 car, Irtc; S cars, lc; 1 csr, le. No. 4 hsrd winter, $ cars, Wc: 1 car. Wc; $ cars, Jc; 1 car, 9lWc; 7 cars. 91c: $ cars, Wc; 1 csr, R7c; 1 car, Sc. Sample, 1 car, Mc; 1 car, f3c; 1 car. Mc. No. 1 spring, 1 car, Wc; 1 csr, 5c. No. $ mixed. 1 car, Sc; 1 car, Wc; 1 car. Kc. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, ?4c; $ csrs. $lc; Vk car. 0c; 1 car. g2c. No. 2 durum, 1 car, 9SHc No. $ durum. 1 car. 93c; t cars. 02c. No. $ mixed durum, 1 car, gsc. No. 4 durum mixea, i car, c. Corn: No. 1 white, 1 car. 63V No. 2 white, 1 car, 62c. No. $ white, 1 car (new), 68Vo. No. 1 yellow, 1 car, 65c. No. t yellow. $ cars, 6f. No. t yellow. I car. MVtC. No. $ mixed, 1 car (old and new), 61c. No. $ mixed, 1 csr (near yellow!, 63c: 1 car. 6Jc; 1 car, 6IHe. No. 4 mixed, 1 oar, 624c. Oats: Stsndard, 1 car, S6c. No. $ white, 1 car, Mtc; i cars, $6c; (I cars, S5c, No. 4 white, 1 car, $6c; 1 car, S54c; 1 car, 8Me, Sample, 1 car. $2c. Rye: No. $, 1 car, Sc; $ cars, $8o; H car. 88c. No. 4. $ cars, S7e. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. i ur key. OVA $1.00; o. I turkey, 7lf09c; No. hsrd. HK-aWc: No. $ hard, MigOc; No. 4 hard, SCifrsSe; No. $ spring, W9Sc; No forlne. 94V4ifrMc: No. 2 durum. 91093Uo; No. $ durum, 92(?W3c; sample, 7.Vffttc; No. 3 white, 6Za6',;Hc; No. 3 wnite. ezytzln No. 4 white, lVcf2e: Vo. S white. lc? No. 6 white, 61itUlc; No. 2 yellow. f4,;6&c: No. 3 yellow. 64Vi64c; No. 4 vellow, MTifctWr; No. 5 yellow, 646ll-e; No yellow, 63'ftn44c; No. $ mixed. i'2 (Mt',r: No. $ mixed, '2Vji6.V: No. 4 mixed, -2',4Sfi;e; No. ft mixed, ???2Hc; No. i mixed Kli",2VJe. Oat: No. 2 white., 3hH'u'36ir; stsndard. ifiSViC; No. white. 3.",4;3f.c Barloy: Malting, ZZQ REAL ESTATE StUt'RBAN Dnndee. Dundee Bungalow That's Right 7-room, up-to-date In every re spect; big living room with fire place, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom, toilet and lavatory on the first floor. Three f.ne bed rooms and bath on second floor. Built by the present owner for a home. The' lot la Mxl:t6, the location Is on one of the best streets In Dundee, only one-half block from the car line. On ac count of sickness the owner Is determined to .sell this fine place and you are missing an unusual opportunity If you fall to call us up and Inspect the property. The price Is $4,600 and we believe It to be the best bargain In Dundee. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. State Bank Bldg. Dundee Lots $1,250 Each We are offering for sale 2 choice lots located on Nicholas St., between 60th and 61at. for 11 each. Th (notion Is about the highest In Dundee: a-ood surroundings all new houses; on paved atreet; sewer, walks and city water. Will make terms. See us about them at once. HASTINGS A H KY PEN. 1614 Harney Bt. ITS BRAND NEW Seven-room bungalow; all modern; oak finish; large living room; rooms all new ly decorated; screens, window shades, water meter, full basement; fine 60-foot lot; paved street: located In the heart of Dundee. Price right Terms easy. RASP BROS., 10$ McCague Bldg. Douglas 166$. New Dundee Home at Cost New -room. strictly modern home, ad ditional sun room and sleeping porch; oak, mahogany and white enamel fin ish; south front, high and sightly loca tion; wsnt offer. Call Walnut 14$1 or Douglas 756. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Make Offer 44 ft. next First National. S4 5.O0O taking price. Make offer. Harrison & Morton Wheat! I I i I Pw.,1 1 4Nf 1 K 1 1 0S May.il 06(r 1 1 1 1 0H Corn ' X':' 1 C6,i' May.ftTHOJSI W1' 63l MVSTStfH Oats I i 1 I I Pee.. I f $H; $i,Str-ii pMsy.lSflVe 41'ttT4!l 41 41S lQ Jan.. IT 75 I 17 7e! 17 "72 17 75 17 90 . Mar.l 17 T6 I IT 98 IT $7i IT TO I IT M Lard I I I ( ) Jsn..'9 4'-ff4f M f 11741 4"H 4?H May.jf 70ia'' $0 ,'4I $ 7$il 9 7 May. I 9 70 19 tcqjtoj i TO I 9 77H 9 724 B Bid "- CHICAGO GRAIM AND PROVISION Pea tares et the Tradlnar aaa Closing; Prices on Board af Trade. CH1CAOO, Nor. 94.-I.ark of export demand put wheat values todsy most of the time on the rinm-nimA Nn(,tlnn, finished nervous V63c to H to c up, oats with ag gain ' of tjfVc to c and provisions unchanged to 22V higher. . A report that KuroPeana Instead of buying were re-selling whest nt the sea board did ft deal to give bearish senti ment decided effect. Olne exporter slone was said to have received orders from tlreat Britain to oancel the purchase of as many at thirty loads which had been bought for Iecember shipment. Peace talk, high vessel rates and the congestion OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle ReoeipU Light and Trade i$ Generally Steady Sheep and Lambi Slow, but Steady. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN HIGHER OMAHA. November $4. PIS. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondsy IS r,71 4 477 U U Official Tuesday S.M 4 ;; 19.41 1 F.stlmate Wednesday.. !.9i0 4.7tO S.itw Three daya this week 21 t13 R7i isme flava Inst week ZVn ll..s .m.ivm hiad; market strong: felhere. ItVlOii'i.m; ewes. II I voi; !amls. $7.Mit 4. at. I.nnla l.lve Stock Market. T IsHMH Mo, Nor. $4. CATTUF,-l.C'-clpts. f.K'O hrsil: msrket steady; ra tie beef steers, 7.n-li 1rt.2t; yesil ng stci rs ti; heifers $.:iOW1o JO; cows, $ ..Vh7 "H; stockera slid fi-rders. $t.0(Wi : southern slrers, $,'i.J. iS rows and hellers, $4 00 I .bo, iml-e ial.es, $K.0ul0M). t'lOS-rtecelit. K OVj hesd: mnrkrt lower; U ant I'sh s, $00nf: mixed pno butchers. K.VV(ni. good heavy. 9t.0 i .9.. h-IIKKP ANl l.AMKS-neertpta. 1.M0 bead: market stesdy; yearlings. $tl.fc'f7 K; In nil s, $.2ii9.1."; sheepa and ewes, $.."4l t A.. NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Approachinf Holiday Offers Excuie Or Reajon for Arftther Dull Sea$on. N'M' YO.RK. Nor. $4 The approsch imr holiday affords an encuse If not sn srtiiMl reason tor another dull session of the sto k exchange althnuih trading was well In excescs of yrfiterday'e small output. With a few exceptions prices were substsntially better, several new maximums being scored by high priced specialties. Al the oil shares were strong, Texas company l.-adtng with an advance of to the new record of JJO. Cunan- 7-11i',M; western slrers, $.;.iii.M; slock-, stork, while south lorto Rico sugar rose SS.Wt. i,n,1 fetders $i.547.',5; bulls. $U UWa; I H4 to I.V1V4. i-etpts I eel v.s, $n.o.i9A. Wnr leur were not materially af- Kansas f Itr Lire Slock Market. KAVSAS PITT Mn Mav 11 f ' T T 1 1J neme nays i was. ago ;- i.vhi n.i.,. iteceipis. 3w) read; market wets; prime I Anieilrnn siitnra sdvsnce of 9V to 1W Fame flays last year. .. .I3.li: w.na The folloWinK tshle showa the recelut of rattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last yesr: I91&. 1914. Inc. Cattle l.OM.tW 94.91 l.JM.Ml Hogs l.S16A $,oi:t,f.& Mia 8heep $,010.i6i 1.93:.$74 S9M The following table shows the average prices of hogs at the Omaha live stock market for toe last few days, with rom ps risons. Lete. I lti6. i IM14.1 "tu i ista.l i:tn., iw.e. Nov. Nor. Nov. Nor. l Nov Nov, i I Si; T.n t7 T 91 Nor. 10 61J J $. $ 7 4; Kl ti hv is; $ uc 11 $ 7 $3 NEW YORK GESiK.rtAl, MARKET Nov Nov. Nov, nv 11 or railroad facilities In the east tended Nor. 1& $ $R' ,,, n.ino uegree 10 nanaicap tne ' ISor, ""l1"- I Nov t orn broadened nntsKlv mrA nrlM. m.n 1 j ' to new high records for the eosslon. Nor ountry houses and eastern concerns led ' Nov" m,ii mm tin nri on ine main on advorese returns from the husk ing and on weather predictions of un settled weather. ats were governed almost entirely bv corn. 1 Hiring the upturns Iowa sold oats freely toarrlve. Irovlelons made some sharp upturns and showed unustial actWItr among buyere, a large numeb of whom how ever were shorts. Chicago Cash Prices Whest: .o. 1 red. nominal; No. $ red. $1.0rtirl .09V No. $ hsrd. nominal; No. $ hard. 110103. Corn: No. $ yellow, old, 69ijjXSVc; No. 4 yellow, new. S3Srfl4c; No. 4 white, new, SatWKHe. OaU: No. $ white, iKMKc; stsndsrd, SKHW. Rve: No. $. 96V'fl'97c. Bailey, SKU70c. Beds: Timothy, $.i.0iH $ ort; plover, $10.vtTl9 00, mostly $l Mxfj 17 no. Provisions: Pork. $15.57Vj; lard, $9.10; ribs. $9 7f.W'10.f.0. BfTTER-Hteady; creamery t3amo. KOOR Steady; receipts. $.S.iS esses: firsts, $8Hfc! ordinary firsts, aa 274c; at mark, cases Included. 20tfZ9c. POITLTRY-Allve higher; fowls, llc; springs, 12c; turkeys, 176 lRc. POTATOES Lower: re-elpts. $$ cars; Michigan and Wisconsin whites, &Mr;c; M'nnesota and Pakota whites, fiivfi6c; Minnesota and Dakota Ohlos, 60064c. 7 4.1, I TO 7 ! 7K 4 14, 7 H T 96! T 9i 'N 9 03 f n, T ti T i 1 hi 1 7 ;i 7 m 74 T 11' T SH tl $7 $ 97 1 ! I M 7 ixi T 74 7 T9 1 73 t Vi 7 H4 T U linkers and butchers. $i.Mu.70; . sou e;.; pigs, as.MMrs.t HIBKP AMI I.AM lead; market steady: Inmhi tH 2Vhv'7.'i yeurllngs $ XtfT.SS; wetbers, $:..tnti.lO; wer. $4.o'i.lfi. MOHB. heceli Is. KM Ahead: msrket , fe'ted bv the Intltnailnn that fh tna I igher; bulk, v:vii.(t; heavy. $.WWii-J.l; I mlRht renso further piirchasee of munl- lishl. nous in tnis market. Home of the storks 40. advsncedl to.l4 tvn'. the rreatwt ssln. HIBKP AMI I.AM US Receipts. J.VW belnl) msde tiy Oucible steel preferred tin 01 renewal or divisions. gloat I l.y l.lve tnrk Market. 8IOl?X CITY, Iowa, Nov. M.-CATTI.R rtecelpls. 1,9)1(1 hesd; market steady; nstlve steers. $Ji.fti)ft7.i; hoteliers, $4.MVJI .ii; cows and heKers, $4.i'i'iii .D; rnnners. $i.il4.2'; Blockers slid feede? s, $4.hVij 9i; calves, $4.aVi7.3&; hulls, stags, etc. $4 ? Jit ) StHltJllecelpts, 4.0W; maiket steHdv; heavy, 9H.4 fi 60; mixed, $ -i 4(1 light, 1)1 .1 "W l.i IB; hulk of sales. ti :tiitf;.4i SIltiKr Receipts. ; markets steadv; , Jj' I " ! T 44 T 91 1 fw"' -wV"-h lambs. $7..0ii9.i4X 17 i 14",1 7 M, T Ml 1 T 441 T 9J T 71 7 V 7 7 '.' C I''. 7 761 7 7 ; 8 191 7 08 18 II N. ;i $ w $! 1$: f $3' 7 7 , I ? ( '( 7 $ 1 3 WI 7 HI T 0 9 :-Ji 1 441 1 71 Nov. 31 7 4rt 7 69 $-'l J3H 7 b, tA 9 7 6i 34 7 491 " 0 "Sunday. Rectlpts and disposition of live stock at the I nlun stock yards In Omaha for taenly-four hours ending at a o'clock yesleiday; RECEIPTS-CAR Cattle. I logs. Cheep. .. M. eV 8t. P $ 4 Wabash 1 Missouri Paclfio 1 I n ion I'a. lilc $2 11 4 C. N. W.. east II 4 1 V. & N. W.. west 14 9 I C, Ht. P., M. tk 0 7 9 C, H. A Q., west 24 $3 7 C. K. 1. & P.. east $31 Illinois Central $ I Chicago (J rest Western.... $ $ .. 60 1 Xi J"ern i.ive stork iiorUft, THi HT. JiiSKI'll. Nov. $4.-('ATTl.K-W-T ! ' celpts, goo head; market h glu-r: steers, ' I Kootl8.(0; )'ows and heifers. $3.6iKiiS.Vi; . 1 slves, $0 rtHii 90. ' ; I lUHlo-Uecelpts. 9.0(10 hesd; market, e wi . rilgher; bulk of salea, S :!6fu.w. I . Sit VV. A'll I 1 MIW-ll Inl. MM iiean; inarKei nigner; lamns. 0"l. i. 9(nck la Sight. Fevrtpts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets- Cattle. Hogs Bheeo. South Omaha Chti'sgo Kansas City St. Louis tUoux, City Totals OMAHA UKN1 ..S.ilO 4.7)l ...i.i', i:'.iio ...M1 .00 ....) .. .1,600 4.OU0 as a resu Ralls were Irregular during the early session, chiefly because of the pers'stent pressure against New Haven, which fell t to TAti, hut later pronounced Improve ment was manifested, the rise concidlng with the publication of southern Pacific') increase In earnings for October of almost ll.Siv.ti0. .Metnl storks were active for the most Part at higher levels, Utah advancing 1" to 90 with benefits to stockholders sre expected lo derive from the distri bution of UugKenhelm holding. American Smeltla-r alo rose materially towsrj the ending, gaining $14 at 100S, but los ing some of this advance on realising sales. There was steadv shsorvllon of I I'nlted States Steel at a fractional rise. diii iipinicnem eipri was again witnoux quotation except for an occasional odd lot. Total Miles amount to 491.0H0 aharea. "Future'' sales of mercantile marina 41 at a slight advance, wre a feature of firm Imnd market Total sales par value, aggregated $R,I7R,000. I'nlted states Bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotatlona nn stocks today were a follows: am. lllrh. Lew. Clrt. AlaaVa Dold sov tT it aiiii-i mum.fi l.feo 11 AmerinMi iwt Busar 140 sal 1 smerlran On 11. STS 1 AilMrlran Ln,nmotlT .... 14 TT Amerlcsn S a H 94. ant 100 .18,000 .000 !L MARKET Total receipts 0 UIMPU8ITION-11EAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Moiris A Co Mvirt & Co On any Parking Co Armour A Co n-hwarts & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Paeklnv I n Omaha Packing Co. l enton, Vansant & L... Features of .he Tradlnar and Closing; Prleea oa Board of Trade. NEW YORK. Nov. S4.-r"tOUR Uuiet. Kill A Son MlFAT-f4pot. Irregular; No. 1 durum, j K. H. Iwls f '.II Vt. f. o. b. New York; No. 1 northern, j 1 ."baton Co l i luth $1.04, and No. 1 northern. Maul- I J. 1. Uuot & Co.... toi.a, n.iiw. c. i. r. Hurraio. r inures were I J. H. Hulls.. Lid ly steady: December. $1.10 CORN Spot, strong; No. $ yellow, TOc, ptrmpt shipment. OATS Spot, steady. HA V Sieuuy ; prime, $1.S2H: No. 1. $1.90: No. 2. $1.1!0: No. 1, ll.ijvyi.os; shipping, 90c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1915, I'irfn.iOc; 1U14, bnalDo; 'aulflo coast, 1916, IMlbc: 1914. 9110. HIUKS-Steudy ; Bogota, KxgOlc; Cen tral America. 2c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 330 ! Kline 84c; seconds, 824jMc. ICther buvers C'ik.00 fsmlly, $:'2.0O-fl23.W Beet, steadv; mess, 16.oiJrjlT.OO; family, $l.0iB'lS.W. Lard, steady; middle west, $9.S04j).60. TALLOW Firm; city, 7to; country, 19 7yc; si eclal, d'o. BUT'lEJt Strung; receipts. 4,931 tubs; creamery extraa, lYac; flrsU, 2MUc; seconds, 2biiZlc. nxi -irm; receipts, eases; rresn McCreary A Kellogg. Wetthelmer A I'egen. Bi lllvan Bros. Bolhschlld Mo. A Ksn. Calf Co.. I bristle Hlggins 'llullnian Meyers i'anner Bros j Jchn Harvey 734 4.6 11 26 146 64 46 9a flfc 10 X91 18 47 $1 U $ 1 1 4 81 10 j fe3 441 766 9,'ii 6;r. 1.M 4.U bii 1.0)I0 S..SHI I.RllO Am S R, pf,l , Am S)tar Hflnlnx.... . I Amrlrn To a Tel... m ofwi American T))hanro Anaronrta (lpar AtrnuMiti nalitwln Ijnonmottv .. Knltlninr A .hlo Balhleham Hlael Hmnklyn Rapid Transit Ollfarnle raimlesm .. nna.llaa PsHflo rnlri leather 'haatMalia A Ohio.... rhli-asa W rhiin. M. Kt. P .. rhi.asn. h. I. A P. Hf si4) ;uj " "i 9n ia .IS 71 r, 104 in 4e ms HTV4 n7 1.7ns IWi 1MU, nauj irr't 377 in T.me ) cay, M14 1 ens toTaj mu 1I.40 117', 11414 l.nm t 9414 9sf "r 'Ht" 4 10 S 9TU l.4n 1f4 laa l.n ) a "4 t.xi tnrer ft. n. nM. PlxllUra' Haeiirltles Brla funeral Rlaclrle Oreat Nnfihrn rM.,. lin-al No, ora etfl SKI IWt 9.7n lim T.no 9. Son 9.4AI) 914 ?)4 T H JI3 Totals. ..3.63(1 $,637 CATTLE Receipts weia light, as wss to be expected the day beiore a holt-, day, but fortunately there was a prtitty decent ueniand, so that beef aluets, cows and heifers were fiilrly active and fully steady with yesterday. Here and there sellers who happened to have something that buyers took a notion to thought $OVI.TRT-Allvi: Turkeys, any sue over 7 lbs., 17o; broilers, 1oal7c; springs, llu; ducks. lOo: geese, luc: hens. aVallc: young giunea hens, each. 36c; roosters, so. OY8TKK8 Chesapeiike. standards, per ganon, 1 1U; statKlards, $l.2u; selects. $1.60; iDirthern, etandiirds, 41. 4i, selects, $1.76: New York oounla. Il.tti). Nor I hern small I ana. ?4t2Xc: larae om m XMlilVi rk. i Chlno I'nanw poake. small cans. tOmibu; large cans, swtf I f."'.0'''' iu' ,ron- j rUrltil mff I , FISIT-Ifalibut. 13c; salmon, fresh pink, 9c; fresh red. Hfces ratflsh. fresh, lc; trout, fresh, 13c; white fish, fresh. 17c; red snapper, fresh, 13.; calflaK. frosen. 13c: smelts, frrilfn 10.lt. r.nv..a 11 -Jit- smoked white fish. 14c: kippered salmon. J Onawibetm Knpiuratlon.. Id.ano 'FROZEN FISH-Hallbut. slsrs to suit, '"'""rpiish m. 'iy,ri'.'. '.'- 1214 10'ic; cstflsh. large, lor steaks. l.V: aal- .l?."rif?,.'."n T"" . . mnn f.lla Be- . .Iron XI 1 iniernailnnai arl.r. ,; n." ki . v.k ,a: i rnn"" "r "ostiwra . . . , . " wiiiit '") J I I, 1 1 , IW , No. 1 whltellsh, Urge, lie; No. 1 whiie flsh. Jumbo, 18c; phksrel. round W. C, fio. pickerel, headless. $c; black bass, ordsr sls, Joe: herring, dressed, pair frosun, c; bluoflsh, extra fancy. Uc; red .! snapper, headlesa, dresseil 10c; floun- ner, uic; scallops, per union, 13.00. SMOKED KISH-Whltt. 10-lb. basket. $er lb., 14c. KIPPERED FISH-Salmon. 10-lb. bas kets, per lb.. 17o. C'KLKRY Mammonth, per dot., TOc. I.JJ4 1 "KEF CCTS-Mlbg, No. 1, IK'Ac; No. HiWo: No. $, 1214c. Loins. No. I. 21W:i anil I No. i, 18c; No. 3. He. Churks. No. 1. lllf Kin f IU XTn B Drt,.M V 14c; No. I. 13c; No. $, 13c. Plates. No. L lr4 1IIV4 Ml $ 195 i4 aa4 r4Uj n Ha. s ri 14$ 14 M rs n nvj 4 44 41 414 4M y,' mm its 1m lai in4 ijau. 4 m ii u ant. iu-v IR DurMl. avlra r na Uffiliu. av-fra r rata. ' 41M3c; firsts. " 3640c : ico'nds. aaoSio. a flu""1. P""" lS?oVk.r.8' .n.l'7... ef; CHKESE-Strong; receipts. 4.410 boxes; tew glow 4?n2" .he dStnind hilni state whole milk. flaU. held specials, ij.niteri nrt 1640: state whole milk, average ancy, I fo? fresh suppIIm stUI what citul 16So; state whole milk, current make lr5" ".'''".'r?- u!1."" ,?'"t. c""' REAL ESTATE VACANT LEAVING City. I owe $660 on my lot at 36th and Lodge. Make offer for nw equity at onec. L-144 Bee. REAL- ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS LOOKTI1ESKOVEH $4,260-4 rooms, all modern, east front lot, paved street: located close to Crelghton university. $3,600$ rooms. Isige living room; brand new; osk finish, cement basement and walks: east front oornsr lot; located on S. 36th Ave., near Arbor. $3,0004) rooms; living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen on first floor: two bedrooms end bath on seound floor; oak finlah, all modern; lo cated 2336 8. 30 1 h Ave. $3u0 cash, balance monthly. $2,900 S rooms and sun room; oak fin ish: east front lot. 4oxl42; cement basement ; close to school and Hanscom park. C. G. CARLBERO 312 Brsndels Theater Bldg. Sheriff's Sale To be sold this week, corner lot, TO'Ag 140. with throe cottages; good location, and all rented and bringing In good rev. enue. For full particulars regarding this tale, call Douglas 498. milk. specials. 19i4o; current make specials, average fancy lP4c POULTRY Dressed, steady; western fresh chickens, bsrrela, 1Vn2Sc; lresh fowls, Iced. 12HU17c; turkeys, Iced, springs, 14S23c; alive, steady; western chickens, 14l&c; fowls, lSUjl&c; turkeys. 1820c. Kansas Cl.y Grafn and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. $4. WHEAT No. 3 hard. $1.0)S1X; No. 2 red, $1.08(9 1.10; December. 974r; May, $1.00. CORN No. t mixed. fcWfe'He; No. 2 white. aJttc: December. lr11.ci Mot. 64e. oats No. 1 white, vonuc: No. I mixed. WWWHc. BUTTER Steady: flrsta tc: seconds. 26c; packing. 19c. fc.uuB f irsts, zc; seoonas, lie. POULRY Hens. lH4c: turkey. 18c broilers. 19c. I Minneapolis flrala Market. MINNEAPOLIH. Nor. 94 WHEAT December, 99S4v,c; May, $1.02V.; No. 1 hard, $1.0ST4; No. I northern. tl.OlTkV 1.01S : No. 2 northern. 874ay'!4sO. FLOUR-t'nrhanged. ' BARLEY hHHHc. RYE BlVrrMUc. BRAN $18. 00)18. 60. CORN-No. $ yellow. $?HifiHe. OATS No. $ white. 3M4f36c. 8EEJ3F1 sot. $1.94Vr91.SH. 1 .. L.onls Grata Market. BT. LOUIS. Nor. 24 -WHEAT-No. 1 red. $1.13: No. 2 hard, $1.04; December, $1.02 : Msy. ll.Ofitt. CORN No. 2, 4o: No. t white, 64c; December. l4c: Mav, Khitl6y. OAT-No. 3, $(8Vkc; No. I white, nominal. Liverpool Ural a Market. LIVERPOOL. Nor. $4. WHEAT Snot. Va t U . nDnK. 11a LA Mm a 11. IU1. V- 2 hard winter, old. 12s $Hd; No. hard winter, new, us CORN Spot La Plata, 8s. Evaporated Applea and Dried Fruits NEW YORK. Nor. 14. EVAPORATED APPI.FS-Oulet. DRIED F"RUITS Prunes strong. ADrl- cots and Deaohea firm. Raisins steadv. J f'at.aa Market. NEW YORK, Nor. $4. COTTON Spot, steady; middling uplands, 11.36c. Bales. 1.000 bales. Cotton futures opened steady; Decem ber. 11 44c; January. U.$4c; March. U92c; yy, U.llc; July, 12.19c. Futures closed steady; December, 11 $)c; January, ll.lc; March, 11 10c; May, 13 3c; July, 13 34c. The cotton market closed steady at a net advsnce of 14 to 19 points LIVERPOOL. Nov. 24. COTTON Boot steady; good middling, T.38d; middling, 7 04d; low middling. 4.1M. Sales, Iu.jW bales. . Dry Ooods Market. NE WTORK. Nor. 24. Cotton goods were quiet today, and closed steady for the holidays. Yarns and dress goods were In fair demand. Raw silk con tinued firm. The market according to the Jobbers. Is buoyant, compared with this time Isst year. Bank Clearlags. OMAHA. Nor. fl-Bank clearings for Omaha tod.y were $$.946,979.96. and for the corresponding day last year $2.ttx).-M1.44. LEtiAL NOTICES FOR SALE Modern house. Doug. 4603. FAKM8 FOR RENT Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the Board of Directors of the Short Line Initiation District at their office In the Village of Bayard. Neb., for the purchase of tu teen thousand five hundred eighty-two dollars face value of the $ per cent serial bonds of said district until 1 (a o'clock P. m on the 7th day of December 1916; said bonds are Issued undsr and b virtue of an Art of the legislature of tha state of Nebraska, approved March Uih IWi, Session Lews lM. Chapter 70 and all antenainenis intixio ana pursuant lo a vote of ths majority of the qualified elec tors of said district. The Board expressly reserves the right .0 reject any and all there were on ssle chanaed hands as a rule In fslr sesson. Quotations on cattle: 'Prime cornij beeves, $11. (Aw 10. CO; god (o cho.ee led your- iiuss. .j!ge. id; lair to lings, $)'.utt8.v: common 11 ga. $6.OlV;i7.(l0: arnnd Jeeves. $6.ouip.76; fair lo good cornfej eevra, so. 1 . ,j: common to lair corn fed beevea, $t).OOiyfl.76; prune grass beeves, $7.90tfH.lf); good to ch nee grsss beevea, !C.a7'UT.75; fair to good grass beeves, $1.46 i.K6; common to lair glass beeves, to.im 3); good to choice grass heifers, $0 7j i'it.76; good to choice grass cows, $S.r0u C.26; fair .to good cowi, $4 f)tfi.fx); com nun to fair cows, $3 VU4 .0; good to choice feeders. $7.007.65; fair to good feeders $1.1-j7.00; common to fsir feeders t,.z:,M .3C. good to choice stockera, $7.0GiViu; lair to good stockers, I';.6ou7.00; common lo fair stockers, $5.3..60; stock heifers, $J stock cows, $4,iW.6n; stoca tdlves, $6.O)-i.(J0; vest calves, $6.0.0; bulls, stags, etc, $4.J6fl1.25. Representative sales: BEEF 0TKER8. I . Pr N8- r. ' " 4 to ' M HM 1 49 WYOMING. I oows 1181 ( 10 1$ cows 1190 10 7 cows lu7 $16 36 cows.... .130 170 HOUH-There was Just a fair run of hogs In again today, the supply not being quite so large as on either Mon day or Tuesday. Shippers had heavy or ders and started at the tap of the bell, paying prices that were fully luc higher, and in many cases 16o higher. They stayed right In the trade until practically everything was cleaned up and bought a good snare of the receipts. Receipts today were estimated at sixty seven cars, or 4.700 head, and the total for the week to date Is 13.776 head. This Is a gain of 2.SU0 over a week ago, and la about the sams slsa as two weeks ago. but la 22,o smaller than for the corresponding days last year. Representative ssles: Ne. A, fch Pr. No. a. (7. 44. M.,.. 44.... II.... 7.. 44 ... ...231 lfln 1 14 ...171 40 10 ...111 130 t ia . ..lkj 1W 4 40 .. U ltd 4 10 ...M 1IO liy. 40 4 44 ...141 120 6 60 V... 44... 11... (4.,. .., il... 44. . . PIQo. )l 117 ... 6 44 SHEEP Arrivals were only fourteen rrs or about 3,60 Ohad, It being the imallest Wednesday run to show up since ti c middle of June. For the first half of the week supplies totsl only 29,4u0, being t-r.ly about half as large as last week and I ao weeks ago and CiiiO smaller than for the same days last year. Receipts so far this week are the smallest since July. Packers were not very anxious for the fvw tat lanibs thst showed up thU morn- 10Hc; No. 3. 9Wr; No. 3. SVio. LIVE POULTRY-Brolleis, 1H to H4 lbs., In separate comp., lie; over 1V4 to 1 lbs., loo; aprings, nny siso, 12Vc; ducks, fimou, 71 price, out not wantea, vie: hens, over 4 lbs. per lb;, HHc; roosters, $He. . Turkeys, 17o; old Tome, 16c; under 9 lbs., 9c; less than $ lbs. each not wanted, tieoae, full .feathered and lat, 9c; picked, H price, but not wanted. Quinces, each, 26c; young, 1 to 1H Iba ach, the. Homer equabs, 14 os. and over, W (k; 10 to 1$ os., $3.00; No. L must weigh k ox., $1.60' under $ ox, Mc J lgeooa, any kind, per dos.. 6en. good fed ye-r-lS',-r Brand-lie,, Davis. $17$ per barrel; to fair fed teael!WKlow fwigs $3.6 per barrel; Wlnesaps to cholced heavy ft," ' L-rru1' n-thana, $3.60 per bar- Hhleld Brand Black Twigs. $3.60 per barrel; Black Twlga. commercial brand, $3. per barrel: lien lisvla Illlimla 11 74 foer barre'. rntJiT- California Valencies, 126a. box, $4 76, 1141a, $v.uu; 'M'm, :4s. 4o..; ln,s to i'Ws, Inclusive, $5.60. Floiila oranges, all sixes, box, $3.60. Lemons, Hunklst, H)j, 3ta, box, $3.00; Red Ball. 3uus. 960s. box $4.M; tlrapefrult, all sixes, box, $4.00; s, $3.,r)0. 1'eachea, Colorado Ell.ertas, Cali fornia always, box. 60c. Pears. Winter Nellis. box, $2.26. Uraiwa, Tokays, crate, $1.76; Emperors, crate. $i.U); Emperors. In kegs, keg, $$.76; Malagas. bbl $lv0 to $7.00. Bananas, bunch, $1.76 to $4.00. . V KO ETA BLF Cabbage, lb., 1W. Head lettuce, dos., $1.00; leaf Tuttuca, dos., 40a. Olory, Pascal, dot., 76c; Jumbo. 90o; Mich., 36c. Onions, red, lb., 2c; yellow, 1VC. Cauliflower, crate, $3.60. Bruasels sprouts, lb., 20c. Tomatoes, lug. $1.60. Peppers, basket, 76o. l'srsley. dos., S6o. Rutshagas, lb;, lic. Ureen beans, wax. basket, $1.00. Kpanlah onions, crate, $1.60. Squash, lb., 2c. Artichokes, dos., $1.26. Cassbas. crats, $3.40. Potatoes, Colorado while slock, bu., ifc; laige Amherst Ohlos, bu.. use. Haeetpotatoes, bbl., $2 00. Cran berries Belle and Bugle, bbl., $8.60; Belle and Cherry. $7.60. CIDEiU-MotU. keg, $3.76; Motts, 44 bbls.. bbl $7 36; Nehawka. keg, $3.36. ' NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, lb., 16Ho; black, $c: hickory nuts, lb., 4c; filberts, lb.. 15c; pecans, lb. l$Hc: almonda. Non pareils, lb., lc; Ne Plus Ultras. 16o; 1AI.H, 17c. Figs. 12-10 os., box. 0c. M1CELLANIX)US-Crackerjack. case, $1.60; half case, $1.76. Crmpopa, case, $3.$. hslf case, $1.66. Hallow 1 dates, lb., ftc; Ksrd ililei, 12Sc; Drom dstes. box, $2.75, Popcorn, lb., 40c; rase. $:.U). Salted Pea nuts, can, $1.16. Sugar walnut dates, box, $1.60. Honey, esse. $3.76; Airline, $1.90. Cocoa nuta bag. $6.28. dog., T5c. APPLE8-Per bbl., Ben Davis, Ill.,$7.00; Jonathans. .11., $3.60; Jonathans. Kae.. $4.00; Black Twigs. Star. $4.00; Mo. II n Pins, SUr. $3.60; Ben Davie. Star, 33.00 VMllow Twigs, tltar, $160; Oenltons Star $3.W; Jonathans, Star. $3 60; Hen Davis Mo., $3U); Ben Davis, Ownpiick. $3.60: Black Twigs, Shield. $160; Black Twigs Commercial, $4.00. At 9b. Pr. ...til ... 134 ... H Is ...1HI ... (., ...Mi 110 4 44 ...141 0 140 ...SV2 Ito IUII ...1)4 1U0- 4 44 ...24 40 4 M 1.rilh Vailer l)illll 4 N'aalivllla..., M')in Prirelaum Miami I'npnar Mlpcurl. K. A T. pf4.., Mlaanurl P.'lfp National lllafult National XjmmA , Nnia ("pir New York Central , N. T., N. II. 4 H , Norfolk A Wwtarn Northern Paolfla , Parlftc Mall Psririe Tal A Tel fMnnaylvanla , Pullman Pa Ice Car Rar mn. Coprer Raadlna ,, Repnhlle Irre A Steal. .. Southern Turirip nithrn Hsllarar stti)1h))4ar Company ... TonnMaae Pod par rxaa i-omonny 1'nlnn Parlflr t'nlon Parlflr rM I'nli'd State Htaal .'. n. Steal pM 1?h 'Copnar W'trn )nlan WVaflnaho)iia Rterttio .. Montana Power ri-nr)l Motors Wahaah n rfi 90S 104 XI VMS 4I4 4H ID 17H 1 1 W "4 IIS 44 tk let 1 93 TOO I l.l'O '"iwi 1.40A 4H 44S 17 7 lSi 91 4M4 1M -4 41 1M4 r.5 174 7 126 4t l))i 00 10t'4 lOiv WM 14.701 774 lf. T)4 71V1 1 ie4 11x14 no 400 11(1)4 1l4t 414 494k "4 14 '14 8' '14 ) II. 1.100 93 '97nn 'fsli 9 o aH Sin 6 T 9ns lOIVk mu yt toon t4 rtt yik 1 400 1M44 1'4H 1'4 1 7ns nsuj aa Hill IJ) la ji T60I 14044 IMti ro'4 . . . ..... 11. ii..') "7 1 1 1 n 14 100 DO 4. 'en -4 l.sno M t fl Into latlnnal Marine pM. H l t4 Total salas for tha oar. 40.000 aharas. K ST V 1H 71 H 7S S-4 m ei4 6414 4'4 4 M14 67 New York Money Market. NJW TtiriK, Nov. 4.-MERCANTILB PAPFR-;,fi3 per cent. STERLlNtl EXCHANOE 80-dav bills, $4 6f,; demand, $4.69; cables, $4.7060. HILVER-Hnr, 64to; Mexican dollars. 4140, BONDS Government, steady; railroad. firm. TIMTO I.OANS Firm; 90 end 90 daya, 2 per cent; six months. 24k per cent. CALL MONEY-Stesdy; high, t per cent; low, lk p"r cent; ruling rate, 14, per rent; last loan. 3 per cent; closing hid 14k per eent: offered at 3 pep cent. Closing quotations on bond today were "s follows: V. S. raf. ta. rag.... 14 Mo. Pae. e. 9s 44 in coupon N N. Y. C sab. 6S.. ..Ill V. 8. 9a. rag m V. Y. rtir 4H 10144 $0 coupon (ll 4N. Y. Stata 4 Us 114 1 U S 4a. ns 1M4N. Y . N. H. t H. 4 eoepoa 114 ov. 4s 11T14 Panama la eonina..l01uJNn. Paolfla 4a Am. gmaltan 1 a....11S4t 60 la MuZ A. T. T. a. 4U,a..lnT 0. S. U Iwf. 4e.... U Armour re. 4Vs.,M4i Pee. T. A T. la.... Atrhlpoe ni 4a.... 9 Pons. one. 4 Ha. B. I. a Ohio 4a 91 So aaa. 4 Ha. lol , Tea. Paclfln lit II PaaOIss mm. 4a 44 si a ohio 4Hs .. ot4n. L a. r. r. 4s nol C. B, a Q I. 4a.... Mute. Pan. sr. 9a 10Tv C M 4 S P s 4 Ha 101 4s raf. 4a 104 C. t. 1. A P. r. 4a. ,, lUltwar 6e losu. C. 4 raf. 4Hs.... sasTJaloe Psotfte 4a.... M D. A R. O. raf. 6a. 47 4a av 4a MUj rrta sn. 4 77 V. K. Rahhar 4s....im4 4ln. Klertrlo 4s. ....ll V. g. Staol la 104'4 nt. Nn. lat 4a I'H Wahaah lat J(4 III. Oil, raf. 4a 114 Want, t'nloa ms. ... H4 K. C. Ho. raf. Is.. 444,Waat ITIae. ea. e..l!n U N. unl. 4a 94V, Aoslo-Frsnch Is .... N M K. A T. lat 4a.. U BI4. Le4as Itsek Market. INDON. Nor. $4. American securities rr. the stork market were dull today until rar the close of the session, when a few hi ylng orders caused a eteedy flnlalu Several American gold bonds were gold. SILVER Bar. 24,d per ounce. MONEY t'EH'i per cent. Discount rates, short bills and three months. Itttyt, per cent. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 24.-COFFKE-The market for futures wsa steadier today on receipts of rather a steadier return In Brazil and the annnarano, nt . r European buying orders around the local ring. Trading waa largely In the way of swltohlng from December to later months, wmcn iook piace at comparatively email r.ellug was about steady It was mid- SVv."f forenoon before anything of conaequence 2 Evince of "l tTl 1 .1..' .!! was done. One early sale of Wyoming ."ling "oitnd 9 6t? and Slav Vt hVi- lambs at $9.66 looked strong, and oAe dec- "ciuJln, itch "SiO ,Lt Voven." reT?. wenfat'tow'0"' tri'" ' M,h f".""; JaSuary.Tc iJJ! .t i ib t . a .... February, $.62i; March. $.6c; April $.6So i.iherfi!!i "Vt y"lari 'eedlug Mav. 6.fcc; June. 7tk-: July, Shli; Au laml. offerings finally moved prlcee paid gust, Wk-: Peitemler, 6.90c: 6 tober, 6 Wc were anywhere from lO l&c lower ,U 6..,.. Vji.. i. W-TbM.. .21 a, - ii.. .... , .. . - 1 ' .... j . . , , w, onmui ia liar, I HUir to as IllUtn Wi..C 10er 111 1I1 U'.l an4 fralahl off.,. v.dghtler kinds. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good lo choice. $o.tiOi4a.76; lauiOa, fuir to good, $.608 60; lambs, feeders. $7.76(9.60, yearlings, fair to choice, $i.00)ty6.60; year lings, feeders, $6.0Ou4.0; wethers, fair to choice, $6.00(4.76; ewes, good to choice, 44 1)) 0.06; ewes, fair to good, $4 6utu5.40; ewes, feeders, HAfl 5. . Kcpreeenu.live sales: N-i 4J4 Idaho lambs 1M iiatlve lambs tVS Idaho lambs 3 nstlve lambs Hm Wyoming feeder eweg. M Idaho feeder lambs.... 679 loaio feeder lambs.... mi Idaiio lambs i'.i fed lambs Av. . 69 . t4 . 73 . 66 . M . 61 . l-i . 91 . 69 Pr. I 66 $ 4J $ 4. $ 46 6 16 $ 4) $ 40 3 'M 66 CHICAGO LIVB STUCK M 1RKET Cat. la llroas, Hose liraai, Fir keep CHICAOO, Nov. 24 -CATTLE Receipts 9.0I4I head; market strong, native beef steers, $i.70(Hl)i.56; western steers, $S.J 9 Ju; cows and he'frrs, $17iiiS.10; calves sn.a0't)i.uc. FARM FOR RENT 120 acr. Divide 66 acres In alfalfa. Inquire Wal. 1634-J, or tpply to J. C. Roop. bids and will In no ovent sell any of said HOtS Receipts, 42.0"0 hesd; market bonds fpr less than ninety-five per cent firm; unchanged to Lo hlalier; bulk of of the face value thereof. By or(i,r 0. ,sj. Ofj4,fo; Utthte, $-,&frt0; mixed. the Board of Directors (finned) CATHERINE ROBERT Secretary snort L-ue irrigation District. 95 k4l iio, heavy $b lii6 rough, $6.1ii 36; Pigs. $3 7M16..70 HHfcKP AND LAMHS-Kecelpts. 14.000 reDorted about 6 polnta lower to $ points higher, with qoutatlona for described 4s ranging fro.n about 9.9Sc to 9 26c, Engllah credits, while R'o 7s were quoted st .tb.'7.10c, American credits. The official cables reported no change In mllrvla prlcee, while there was an advance of l-16d In the rate of Rio exchange on London. Meta Market. NEW YORK. Nov. $4.-MFTAI,B Lead. trfsred at $0.3 . Spelter, $19 70(19 10. Ct p per. steaay snd uiicha 39. T$ At Ixndon: Spot copper, b0 10s; f'l ti.res. 10 17s d; electrolytic, 99. Spot tin. 166 6s; futures, 166 6s. Antimony, $.125. I-sad, 2$ 2s 4d. Spelter, 1(0. j i electrolytic, Iron, steaay i nged. Tin. quiet, at ii.2iy ' Oil aad Ilosla. ' SAVANNAH, fla.. Nov. 24 TURPEN TI N E Firm. 64V; sales, $76; bbls.; re ceipts, 3. a bbls.; shipments, 104 bbls.; stoik. U.afi bbls. 1 R1J8IN Firm; sales, 4V4 bbls.; receipts, 1.944 bbls. i shipments, 832 bbls.; stock, 6J.i3 bbls. Quote: A. B. I), $666; II, $3.43: I, $606; M, 16.20; N. $6.36; WU. $6 60, WW. $690. laiar Markr. NEW YORK, Nov 24. SUGAR Raw , fl'm; centrifugal. 4 77c; molasses, 4?; re !ned steady. . Futures opened firm on (i vrring and a little demand from trade cjurcrs. At noon prices were iifi points L:aher. Tho Anglo French Bonds As An Investment Con!dered solely ga an Invest ment, the Anglo-French 6 par cent bonds, issued g the obliga tion of two of the richest natlone of the world, and offered at a price to net the investor nearly 6 Vfc per rent, constitute, la cur Judgment, one of the most at tractive securities that has been obtainable by the American in vesting public In this generation. These bonds are Issued In de nominations of $100, 1600 and $1,000. Price to yield nearly 6H per 'cent. Full particulars upon request. Burns. Drinker Company IWvERTMKXT SECT1UT1K8. Omaha National Bank Building. OMAHA. what thb rrmjo Hag luxm ABolT THB MAKKblt " An artlcla la laa Kvt. 14 laaua of THB OHO 1JT KMiVlBW ga arrlblug lafaatotaal aocka whlck era toll kw prlo4 la eunpansou a 1th prv kuua yaara. Iaud for sau))il cvxif J jtoa Mud A ( o , Vlvaibara l ilta Naw York Stack K tckasis. 41 broailwav. N. Vark I'll. )