TTTH BFH: OMATTA, .NOVEMnER 1915. WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but to Insure proper classification mint be pre sorted before II o'clock noon for evening nVMn and 7:46 p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want art receive.Fafter euch boura will ho under tb beading, loo Late to Classify." CAH RATES. Heren consecutive time. 1 cant a word Hrl- Insertion. Two or mora consecutive time a. 1 cant a word. One time, t cents a word. CHARGE RATES. hw consecutive times. nnH es'h Insertion. Threa consecuUve time. IV cent a lint line each Insertion. Cne time. II cents a Una. Count (Is average words to a Mlnlmurn rhsrsa, N cents. An advertumrteut Inserted to be nttl discontinued rnujt bo stopped by written order. . . All el Inn for error tn"t ba man Itbln fifteen Cave aft-r tbe last Inser Uoa of tbe advertisement Tou can place your want ad In Tne So by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER ! DEATH) AND F1NERAI. OTIfEJ EMERSON William, lit the residence, of hla raimhter. Mr. tlenrge . Cianer, V71 North Twenty-eighth avenue. Fcncral Friday morning. November J, fion. bt. John's church at a. m.; will leave residence at 8:90. Interment, fcL Vary's cemetery. Automobile service. Mr. Emerson la survived by two daugli ters Mrs. O.v rge O. Crager of Omnha and !rs. Delia Ualoratlh ol Han Bernardino, Cal. MARHIAliE I.KKMKJ, The following- marriage licenses wera Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Andv Biro. Omaha 4.! Marl Void!!. Omaha 40 !, Hutton, Malvern, la ."2 I 'oris 1. Mabhltt. Malvern - James I. Holland. Omaha over 21 .A i.i. a Orloff. Benson over IS Rli hard H. Olson. Omaha over LI Ellcne Turnqulst, Omaha over 1 Wl'llnm W. Dodaon, Omaha II Jennie Petersen,. Florence '11 Peter Tll'tran. Omaha 2i Mlla Hosman, Hod ford, la W Edward O Nelson, Omnha over Aur.a M. Hoyt, Omaha over 14 James I . Walsh, Spalding ol Louisa gneider Wausau, Wis 30 Antonio (), Procojlno, Omaha...,' 2.i Katharine Coaentino, Omaha 19 G h. Willacy. Idaho Falls. Idaho. ..over U il. Mildred Kunkhouner, Omaha. ...over 1 F-llert J. I.atta, Lincoln 46 fcigmle K. Wood worth, Kenesaw M Iul M. Rohan. Omaha 21 Juliet 0'Lonncll, Omah. li T.eclle O. Abbott. Ralaton 31 Helen 1. lavla, Omaha SJ William McHurnev. Omnha. .X II Nfllle Miller, South Side U TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Deratwa. EMPRESS 15 & Douglas Bhow," featuring "A Night In the Charlja Chnpl'n. "When Arpearancea Deceive." .Frteml Wilson's Daughter." Canlmated Noos Pictorial. Hearst-Bells No. li PRINCESS, IS D0UQLA8. "The Raby and the Bobs," J-reel drama featuring llttln Helen Raglcy, the child star. The House Party," (Vsino Star Comedy. "Keeping Up With the Joneaes," Komlo Kartoon, and a 2-reel, howling Keystone Comedy, North. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY. Florence I .a Radle In "Mr. Meeaon's Will." 8-reel drama. "Billy Van Dusen's Campaign," comedy. "Seeing America First." hells-. "Keeping Up With the Joneses." Cartoon. . L6TilROr.a4TH AND LOTllROt. Paramount presents Beasun Hayakawa In The Typhoon. In six parts. oatk. APOLLO. 5a4 LKAVENWORTU Ilearat-Kellg. Voices In the Dark." 'The Price of ries." "The Vulpure." West. MONROE, tees FARNAM. Frncls X. Rushman and Reverly Rayne In "The Oreat fcllciiee." Lillian Walker In "Playlnu the Oame," ( ld. BESSE. 24TH & N, "The Net of Iecelt," 4-reel drama. "KuniBKlic PeKule." The TlKcr Hlsyer." OKPHEUM. I4T11 AND M. Mutual Weekly. (Jut or the Aches. 1 reels. tn Mr l ies. Freddie, tbs Fake Fisherman. . MOVIES , i!i FEATURES ill TODAY BES3E. 'The Net of Deceit," 24TH t 4-i eel drama. N LOTHROP, 24TH AND lX)THUOP. "The Typhoon." A KXOVNCftM KXTS -... l.hi-Iou; at M. O. a. Ruauteao ttta have .Mi-nty Home Milliner. Red 7rT AUTOMOBILES Wlusoever you are considering selling or tuyuit a used ear and you want full stue for your mousy or Vou want people wno ere willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you tuy or advertise tnrougn the used car coiurrn at The Bee. Pbuna Tyler tuOO. iou of milease In your old tires Kuuiit). bend loom to 1LJ TlRlt CO.. PHI lil. nso bt .1-lflUeKA Uui.k bervice btatlou, Sariisiu tt. I'bona Ik.ukIhs 7iL 1U L.uuairUkl Utfui 1 'q las l, a 1, - r - b,. - v. inm j u.Kim, wjv. oeaivra, or ty mail liju-4 Ave.. Co. Bluff a. la. AUTO, cisaiing bouse. ISuy. sell and ex etiaage ut 4 cars 'amana. D. li.e. DlJUtOITER touring car. electric-IbthTs and starter, fully e,uippHl fcbu. T. J. N .nhall Company. I14 ones bt. Tele DoUgtas I.U.. !.' REWARD (or any matueto we cant ttnulr O.iis repil Ravsdorfsi. ito N. lMh. t A.-it rirera for 1-oid car, P 431. hee. any coudiiiou. Ad- (t-HOlcbEl'OWKR. 7-passenger Hudson touring car; good as new; completely overl.aulad and painted; aatiafatory in wry pellicular; owuor has no uh for car, wul trade for western Nebraska kti. d or Omaha property, B R. lUfcHM.H, lilt Harney Pt. W nlt4 A atuuiubtlra. I fijT roadster 1 can buy for $1 cash: need not be in running ordct. O. bays tfoifer. iKuig. 4e7. Mwtoret rlra- ONE 4-H. P., hl;h speed, motorcyila type Ftt4l!i. nedor ami Kiuuaton csrbure-t-.i. f ihHlwi t-4in.ii(ion. pries :v; orial t.ui luiti Ucivvl'wue Wal. siVi. BISJXES9 C1IANCE8 If your Ru nines tTiance wTIl stand rlsld InvestlKatlon ana is junt what It Is saver Heed, or It you are looking to start la buelneas for youref you will be r fectlr sstlKfled If you uae the Ruslness Chance column of The Ree. When buv Ing or selling a bualnev V-hone Tier Ji'O. LAIltlK, well eatsLliln-d, and profltHlile retail wall paier and tlecuratins bnel nepa. for aMle, In proeeroua city or 2t.fM. 1 ilecnnt inning retail fle(iartinent to da vole entire lime to wholeaale bualneas. A real barualn and tvondcrful opportun ity. For terms and particulars, address V 14C. Hcs. A FINK IH-year eatabllahed wholeaale and retail confectionery with all new and tip-to-dnte futures; electric piano; manufacturing; plant fully equipped for making candy. Owing to death of hus band and mv falling health will offer for quick sale at $1i0. Addreas V 14H. lice bUpNts t'lacca, land, city property handled, all statea. Jim Wrar. loux City. la FOR 8AI.K A well equlped automobile repair ahon In a live eastern Nebraska town; plenty of work and a money maker for th" rlalit party. Addreas Y 17, Ree. OFFICK for real eclats or Insurance; samo floor as Re office; 1.1x21 feet; M. The Bee Rldg., Office Room I'M. THKATKHS Buy, se or sell your the ater, machine and suppllee through Theater Kxch. Co., Firnam 1. IXW. ASK for my Real Kataio Uulletln. It Includes larscit and beat liat of bar gains In 31 stHtvs. W. U. Templeton, Mt I'ee RldB. A I.IM1TKD amount of per cent pre ferred stock, cumulative and nrni- aseaaable, In Nebraaka. Omnha corpora tion at par. l per share. If you have surplus funds and are looking for a good, rafe Inveatment that will net 7Va per cent, addreaa I'.nx Omana. Neb., or tele- Phot e Douglaa SWO. FOR BAI.R One of the beat Insurance and luilldlng and loan local agencies In the atate of Nehraaka. V. 14, Reo. 1C) tSKLI. or buy a ui'tintii, call on Buarh Rorrhoff. Frvnrer Hlk. T. nia TO OKT in or OA NOKBTA I), out or bualneaa call on ATI Ree Kld I Hiuif . 14. IEK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar- aliis In eatabllNbed abons D. t''5l. Investments. Our Nebraska farm mort saacs are not affected' by Kuriean wars or panics. Amounts 1400 to IKI.OO. We collect all Interest and principal free of charge; (0 7 years In the inrasKa nrra loan field without a loss Is our record. KI.OKK 1NVESTMKNT COMPANT. i Jinha Nat l Rank -Hlrtg . Omaha. 4 EDUCATIONAL aiie VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH TBOOKK EEPINO, Day Bctiool for Toung Women, kvenins Hchool for Vouns Msa and Women. baturdsy mornlog clasa In typewriting, lone C Duffy, Owner and Manager. Sot Bo IRth St Omaha. &XPKHT lady stenographer will take pupils; shorthand, touch typewrltiug, spelling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual inxtrucUon. uii Douglua tit Tel. Walnut KXf7. DAI UCIIOOL, BOYL.fc'.y C'OLLMJB NIUHT bC.ilOUL. Every day la enrollment day. Kook keeplnx, Miorthand, btonot pjr. Typewrit mc, Telegrnphy, Civil bervlsVi all Coin merolal and jLiigllah branches. Catalogue ROTLE8 COLLEflE. lth and Harney Ms. Tel. Douglas !&'&. boylea Uidg. Tel. D. 1'46, Omaha, Neb. FOR sale, the following scholarships In a rirst class omana Ruslness college: One unlimited combination business and rhotthand course. One unlimltea etenogrepnic course. Ons three-months' business or steno graphic course. wui be soia at a aisoount at ins orrioe of The Omaha Bee. BU81NKS CULLEQB , STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sale, with good reasons for felling variety of courses in a reliable bun. uess ttchool, one or the leading business colleges of Omaha, Will be sold very rasonable-awy below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate tills at once, since Fell teria beglua eoon. Call office. Omaha Ree. i -twit t FOIt BALE Karwltore, lloaaebnld Uooda, tetv. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1IB9 N. S4TH. WEB.1807. FOR u A 1.10 Here Is a oiassitiuatiun that la Of the Utmost IlllDortunca l. inn reader, as this column offers some excep- nunni opporiunniea every any ana email want ad will sell your article at Its full value. Phone Tyler 1U00. DprIcb bought and sold. J. C. Reed. Douslas 14. Vju UAUNI) or soft coal. healing stove, burns hard I5. lii'iune nt X.Vi rl. Soth. FOR RF.NT Wheel chwlr. Duug. 4lfi. lloraea sa Vrk aulas, FARM wagon. !; harness, .K; new. Jolinson-Danforth Co., utb Clark Ate. both and 10 MA RICH I. weight, l,6uu lbs., surs footed; all guaranteed as represented. For all kinds of hoises see us. Twin City Kp. Co., 1WI Davenport. I'oaltrr. ICaaa aad aannllea. MXP grain. 10U lbs. 11. Tk Wagner. IW1 N il BTERKOTYPK matrices make tue beet ana cnes peat lining for poultry houses. They are 17x1 Inches, stronger and mure durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. Ho a hundred acjlne lee oftica. 6KVKHAL red and" white tmTrmVglibred leghorn cocka, very cheap if purcliased at once. Douglas 670l. block and 4 atlile. YOtlNO pUi for aale. Florence 410. Typewriters. TTPEWRITKRS for rent W Ree RldB. RFX.IANCB Ribbon and Carbon Co.. car bon paper and Inked rlbbuna D. .'43. TVPKWRlTEltH eold. tenlml. repaired. Central Tvie writer Ko. if rirmm. M iareliaatsai, ........,. uth pnoue, good as new Ki-e. ooj iiranaeis xilus: ELECTWC AioWlis" l-H. t-H. 111. -IL p., r.-o volts, i rh new., new., new., new.. in . 40 I'., IiM volts, a phase. P., volts, I phase P., &.'D volts. 1 pliaee. 1ITN1 Ml in . to I-K W., 110 volts. D. t; new. W.. 110 Vtilta II i .1 TI . luo . M t K e-M. P. gasoline engine. tiirottiiiVg gov ernor ,m Lil URON F.ICTR1CAl'"wORKB i a. uth t. -a FOR BALK CHEAP Business College Course. a II (1 Cllt. 1. 11.' Full ft the lt Jmxlit business schools irJron, ',or perfectly rella- ble; worth full price, butwill U oll very reasonably, if interested investigate t once, because fall term begins soon. Tbere are a vartecy of courses for aale For particular, inuulie a: the of floe ct The Omaha Bee. FOR KALE N,w ana aMonit.i.anrf 1 and Docket hlillHril, . .. i. .. Z l . wwuiwij oar rixturee or all ainus; eusy 1 paymeiiis The Brunswick nder Co.. 4o7-4u a. mb at. taise-t.oil r OR BALE New and eecond-hkud caroin and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick. eaiafU'lll'IHJer tO., tUWV B Wales ad l. mach ; good e-Tidl. Hah tit. O V. Ree. APPLES; we deliver, lederaon. Flur. $41. $3.20S ten We,t kVnk. i full ria butted In bond. pr- Cackiey bn., ilnuht Coal S baskets delivered. $1. 8. Ko ie thai, loll l-e vcn worth D. 1 electrlo motors. Room a. Vm Bldg. CONCHETK mixer for sale. 'orw"m Trade for Ui6 luod.l. e-pasaeuger Ford; must be In first-class conduluu. C. E. Luiu ferry. phone M-4, Craig. Neb. II ELP WANTED FKM A LK 4 Irru-al n4 Ulllcv. & DICT. OI'R HA I'll Kit PTE NO. HTKM ...$Ti Ti PiHT r ii.r. CLERK. WATiS RtF. CO. s--i-4 Ri-audei TUe. Hl'l.l V.XTKI I I .f A LK ( lerlcal and Office. PTFNOvinAPHFR STKNO I,ERK HI I.I, CI.F.llK $ TUH CANO AOF.NCV. m HKK RI.lKl. Factory sail Trades. OIRI, to learn halrdrein. Oppenhelm llonaeker pera anil Iloraeatlpa. THE Bervent Girt Iroblem Solved. Tt Ree will run a Servant tilrl Wanted Ad FRKB until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, tiouth Omaha and Council Rluffs. Hrlng ad to The liee nffl.e or telephone Tvler !'. WIDl'I.K-AOKD ladv to help with light houework and to ba comuanlon for an elderly lady; Just one In the family; no wages expected. Web. 213". Vni Ornml. 1 WA N TjlDti h-l to asalaTwilh ho"ueewor I and care for small child: one attending I i jl , t Di, i VA. COI)RKI woman wants day work. Soh. WAN'i'KD A young girl to nanlel with the care of a baby. Har. 2u31. 4Tij N. oth Ft. WANTED Young white girl, or woman. to asaiat with general housework nnd take cure of children; small home. Col fax iV.4. HOCKKKKEPER wanted at once. f.7. R c. Thoma. Doug. WANTEI hlta girl for general house work; email family. .V.2 Pacific HI. I'arrey R.'.-. WANTED Ex-erl need girl for upstairs work. Mrs. Jos pli Rarksr, l iOS B. 8th. Douglas ZLfiO. ' WANTKI Competent cook; In family; references rcijuircd. Utl B. 3Sth St. Har ney 3ri. WANTED A good girl for xen-ral houaework; I.ohemlan preferred. .l No. St. Call after 8:) WANTi:i-A colored references required. Ave Harney Km, housemaid, city 313 Woolwortti WANTK.D A good gill to aaalst with general housework. No laundry work or cooking. 2M1 California. WANTED A girl to afNt with houe work. lS26N.l!th St. Web, rjo. VANTKDA coiupcleiii wliite Kill for gi'iieral houaework. No washing. Mrs. w if. iiifpiuio, an r. pun ni. liarney all. l"ece??.i aeuRR. WOMEN WANTED do. eminent Jobs. Llat fiee. Write Immediately. Frank lln Inatltute. Dept. f! J. Hoc heater, N. Y. YOU NO women coining to omnha ae strangers sre Invited to vlait tne Youm Women's Christian aieorlstion building at St. Jtlarys Ave. and ITth rit., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlae assisted. Look for our travelers' guldu at l.nlu.i atatlon. niCLP WANTKD MALE tlerlcwt . .id oillce. SALESMAN. Iowa territory .. .$Hi0 ft exp. SALESMAN, ilty iiui) HA LEHMAN. Neb. territory.. tltlb exp. HTKNO. c DICT. Oi'R 1,5 M I 'LTRIRAP1 1 OPR t- 0 ELEVATOR OPU w TYPIST 4) WATTS REF. CO. hM-Ml-ti Rrandeia The. HIOH-ORADh; comnieicial puailiu;-.. WEST. REFERENCE B'JN'D ASdN., ir.l Omaha Nat. P.nk Rld. Acuta, Naleamen and Nollcllora. COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. Cot. No. Platte, Neb. GOOD opening for experienced, Industrial Insurance salesman; no liipaa doblt; apply at once. (Id Rrandeia Rldg. MAN TO U1VE AWAY PREMIUMS n advertise Rogera' 20-year silver. &2.U0 month with commiealona. All or part time. A. CLJNK, a 7 Copeland Bids., Philadelphia. 1'a. factories mm4 1 nldN. WE need men: had to turn down two lobs pel week lately; get In; learn by our method; get one of these Jobs. Cata logue D. R. free. Nebraska Automobile School. 240k Leavenworth 8t. Drug Store Snaps. Jobs. Kneisl. Bee Bldg. MOLEK BARBKH COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our sys tem of expert Instructions and free clinic. Positions waiting. Call or write for cata logue. Omaha, Nob., A. B. Moler, Pres. LEARN THE RARREK TRADE. TiK'liy Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wages paid; elec trlo maeaage, hydraullo chairs; catalogue free. 1124 Douglas dt. Ouiaha Allscrllaneuaa. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; Vi month; Omaha examinations coming; ample questions free. Write Immediately, franklin Institute. Dent Z.T J. Roches. ter, N. Y. OOOD MEN WANTED t once to learn auto work te fill poaUlons which we have open right now and are waiting for com ' petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos. tractors, (leo. starting ays. Free catalog at onoe, AMEH1CAN AUTO COLLEOH. JM&3 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. GROCERY CLERK.-Clean-cu"t. brlitht younir man who .u,. u a it..i,A...iu.. Single man preferred. Apply at once! Salary to suit ability. Weal, lief A H.,,.,1 Ass n, Inc., 751S Omaha Nat l Rank Rldu. 100 CORN pickers at 4o per bushel room and board. Mertrand Shipping Aaaoclatlnn. Rertrand. Neb. WANTED Names of ambitious men. 18 or over, wauling railway mail clerk positions. 175 0) month. Answer Immedi ately. Y 13. Bee. SITUATIONS W.tNTEU CASHIER Competent lady with .U years cxiwi teuce in department storj and other cashier w rk m cmaha wishes poidtton; besi of r-ierence; reasonablo Milaiy to start; plituie work con ildervd; no objeciioii to evening hra. Al Ursa at once. O. M. K, Hja X. 24th for Interview. A REL1ARLE colored woman wants ..v.. in auuiiiiiia nouae or noiei na coaiiiuvriiisiii or worg in small family lall Webster 7122. Mrs. Halley. NICE set of books o keep evouiiiks. dres 1.420 8. 11th rit. Ad- tJl)RED man wants position ss cook. lH)ir or work ot anykuid. Web. 11m. FAMILY washliigTHajney7ii Work guaranteed. SITUATION wanted by a young man. ti. UihmI uborer. Give me an opportunity to demonstrate my ability to work: wti take moderate salary to start. Address tharlea Larvlcr. care Ueuural Delivery. Omaha. UiRL. stwaks French and English flu ently, wants osltiun as housekeeper In hotel; 1st class references. Addreas r rvnen. general aellvtry, or call 5731 Reed. WANT position aa cook, private family. Hotel or sanitarium. Please state wnn Paid; references. Address Miss Man son, f.?7 8. 21'd Kt.. tiniaha. Ned. COLORED man wants position , or chauffeur. Har. Wxt. is janitor WANTE1 I Jght work by younic nun: would work board and small waoa rlo! in. O. W. Johnson. Pous-Ihs 71J1, MAN and wife wishes Diil.u mm ...... u In or out of town. Phone Harney 3yi7 or sddreaa 2M4 Farnam. .MIDDLE aged, colored man and wir desire posillon aa cook In or out of j i.-wii. uuuv g laruey auuu or auuress 215 bcuih 2th avenue. OOOD, reliable nian ia looking for posi tion as janitor, houseman or so; steady and sober: so out of city. Write to A. 11., Iiui Wllilam Bt. Omaha. LOST A.liD FOVNU Lost or Found ads In Omana'a Lost and Found mediums means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The bee, the Lot and Found paper OMAHA COUNCIL BlTTfk'iI bTREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost Mini article would do well to rail up the office ef the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertaiu whether tbey left Il In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In nd the company Is anxious to restore them to the -ightfcl owner. Call Doug. 4a STRAY ED or stolen, blaik and white Holstein row. one black learllug heifer Ad'licn IK pierce St. LokT An cUt-fahtoned gold bar pin. Re walLdJ Finder pleane e til W.ilnut 111. LOT In bnliiess I'la'rct, l.t l i cover ot check book. H. 79. ReWnd. 1 Oil T Wall h and ih::l i Tm-sdiy l.l.u I., M - I- b tM.lit h trl l..t..r-. .1 , U. C'u-wu 'k.4..t; beidiiusjiers. toe. aid.' PKItSOXAL THE Falvatlnn Army Industrial home so licits vour ld clothing, furn.ture, mga fines. We collect We d.itrlbute Phone Douglas 41 V and our wagon will call. Call nnd !niect our new homo, 1 110-1 11 J 1114 Iindae jt Invalids Need Pensions SWO f!l BB.CRIPTION. EARNS 1.H0. For tho Inva'ida' I'enslon asoclalk.n. The ladles Home Journal, S1 . Tjpj ; Hatur- Cny Kvenlng I'oat. l.. Country t.entie- nan i wi. necaea in rxovemoer. tour orler or renewal contributes M e-nta. I'leaae f lion" Douglas 7.63 or address, Of'JtHOV. The Macaxlne Man, Omaha. vnfu r.,PnA i . ,n,k '7 "' ps".....- teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 4-4. TOL'NO women coming to Omaha ae strangers are Invited to vlalt the Young Women's Christlnn nssociation building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be dire ted to suitable boarding places or otherwise aeslsted. Ixok fur our travelers' guide at the Unlsd station. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no iongui have any use lor and get something you really need? It coiits you nothing to Join the Swsppera' club and you wul find It lot of fun swapping things. Writs Room ivi, Ree Rldg., or phone 'I yh-r )" Al'TO.MDRILK, cial. fci-h. n l:M4 Model Ai It. hell spe- -pax., t cylinder; run lO.oou miles; electric lintit; c lectiic starter; ono year old; coat eicant Bliai.e: a nap for small car; lota, dlamunds, dear land or grocery stock. S. C. 4VI, Hee. AUXOMOUI Lju-F. bai gains see tlio ' ir otlu-r aulumoolls Auluiuobllu classifi- cation. FOR HALK Oil TilADh-One Rtudebnker E. M. F. In good tunning o.dcr. Three new tires; one extra. Will sell ! or trade parts of it for repairs. Aduress Y 14t. Ree GOOD oak, slx-ioot. extensiin liltilnf table, inn led nn.l Kprlngi; want small ranse. Aili.rcss ri. .'. i. Bee. OOOD sewlnsr machine and icebox; will trade for good davenport. K. C. 5iS, Ri e. GARDEN TOOLS dpade. t snovela, 1 rakes, hoe and grass knife, to trade for 4 mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad dress Jl. C.I04. Iie. If 1 HAVE a harp that unybody can play; does not require knowledge, of m isic, e at IK when new; tin at sell, or will ex change for anything i tan use, (ail Mr. I 'enliian, Tyler 1(K)0. HAVE a buggy, good a new, coxt $lo0, would conahicr a line model m.torcycle or what have you? 8. C. 617. Bee. I HAVE new full leather 20-volume set of "Mcsbiibcs of tho Presidents" to swap for diamond, or wlut h ive you to offer. Rooks can be seen : . ...mined. Address S. C. 3'4, Ree. 4-MONTH scholarahip, vu . . lo"Vx changn for something of to, ui . a.ue. H. C. Iil. Oiniihn Ree. PIANO Hamilton p'ano In il i-top shape; black walnut case nnd cost fl'0. Trade for clear lot or lots In Omaha or Rluffs. S. C. S1, Pee. PAINTINU Will Fxchunte flrst-ciasa painting for plumbing work. Address S f. 3:4. Rre. bMAI.L soft coal heater for dresser, In good shape, or what have you I Is. C. JOS. Ree. 7-ROOM, modern house; hot water heat; 3J40 S. 19th St. WUI take & p. ssenges car or lot In Carter Lako club an part payment. Phone Webster 3U61. or addreaa C 435, Ree. TWO-CYLINDER gasoline enuine, good is new. will swup for anything I can use. Motorcycle pi ef erred. Adurcsa 8. C. itl. Ree. TWO and one-half horsepower electric motor. Will trade gasoline engine. anything I can u:ie. Address 8. 67, Ree. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. Hee FRIED MAN. 1211 Douglas. VACUUM cleaner, cleans rugs, curtains, wall paper, etc. Want second-hand typewriter. Address S. C. 368, Ree. WILL trade 0 cornet or Clark Irian harp, value, $165, for diamond. 8. C. eTS, Pee. AUTO Light weight. 1915 model, perfect shape, fully equipped, new tires, to wap for four or flva-passenger car. Addreas II. C. 3. Bee. tf ADDING machine; cost f&O.OO new, ex" cellent condition. Want Jewelry, book cases, filing cabinets, automobile. (Jood stock or anything of value. Address B. O 6f.S. Ree. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; cost $10.00. will swap for assortment of late Edison (AmberoO records. Address 8. C. 3.(3. Ree. tt TRUNK Have extra large trunk woold like to exchange for medium slie or smaller one. Address S. C. 370, Ree. FOR KENT Apartineata and Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing m the For Rent column of The Uee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one dcclnng to rent Phone Tylee 10. The Colbert 39th and Farnam Sts. F.legant, strictly modern apartments, 6 large rooms and servants rooms. D. V. Sholes Co. ' Tel. louglas 49. 916 City Nat. Bank. WINTER IS COMING. STANDARD FLATS THE OOOD 6-r.. high grade, steam heated, modem apartments; close In- with janitor service: at reasonable prices T. J. HOOK. 1UI1 No. lHth St. FOUR ROOM APARTMENT! California Apt. See Janitor. Doug. 6037 FOR RHNT, new. S and s-room apart ments, disappearing beds, pneumatic ianr, shower baths, first class In every rUcular. Flora Apts . 2081 Jones St, -o pa 4-Room Apartment Reautlful four-room apartments In the Alsatian 115 So. S&th St, Rental: Ut floor $K and $40. Peters Trust Co. if27 Farnam St. Dougl aa 98 o. SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED FRONT APARTMENT will ba vacant Thursday. 1 Excellent view. NEW Traverton Fl REPROOF 24TH AND LANDON COURT Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment la completely equipped fur housekeeping; up-to-date and comfort able. TRAVER PROS., ' Tel. Douglas 1153. 7u5 Omaha Nat Rank Phone. Webster 4-W evenings or Siimlaya. "The Drake" Apartments Beautiful Only two of those beautiful (-room apartments at 3-d and Harney for lease. Large living room, dining room, kitchen pantry and refrigerator room on first floor; three bedrooms and bathroom on second floor. One room a combination bedioom and sun room. Every modern convenience. Including gas range, refri gerator, curtains, 'rods, vacuum cleaner hot and cold water year round vapor vacuum heat, large laundry, all at the most moderate rental of any apartment of this clusa and vise. Call us today The Byron Reed Co., Phone Douglas K7, jij go. 17th. FINE 4-rooni apartment. Nathan Apia.! Sherman and Willis Ave.; everything firat clasa: n.ce lttrge rooms; oak finih Party leasing this apartment leaving- ity' riee janitor. Apt. No. 1, or call office. Doug. louJ. COTT A HILL CO. FOUR modern eacellently furnished rooms for housekeeping. )u2 Howard Red MM. . ONE (-Room and one 4 -room briek'flal" modern, except heat. Walking distance. 1 12:3 South Uth street. J. J. Novak. l! 5-rin. brick flat. Web. 731. lit t. :2I 4-r. flat, steel ranse u, - ll..,l,nn . 1 gas RA6P iUOd., Do'tULAB ltJi' VOU. RKNT Apartments aad Flats. St. George Apis. 113 N. HIST AVE. Five-room apartment, one of the rhole eat In the city for the money, .V per month. Th'a Is strictly high grade and la within eaav walking distance. West Famam district. Ann strong-Walsh Co,, Tyler i-,-A. State Rank Rldg. ft tn rSi etna avtMtasa. Furnlahwd Rooms that offer every mod ern .onvenlence and comfort In private families or hoarding houses of the high eat class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Uee. Phone Tyler luoo. NICELY furnished room wilh excellent board, in refined, private home; reas onable: close In. Tyler 2dX. HOARD and room; new men or man and i e. mod. home; Wal. ion two HARNEY ST., ; Nice, large outheast room for man and wife or busineaa peo ple; tirat-claaa homo cooking a specialty. Phone DntiKlas 62. BOARD for two; private family. 214 Cap. LADY of experience would like to open up business men's home or club. Those Ir.tereateJ call Douglas Dill. 712 N. lith St.. fur, rma. Tyler IMV, N. 2..i, 614 Aiouern roon !UUK. 1W1. H-10 Rlnney; Id. and rm. ." week. W RtiAKU AND ROOM IN .MODERN PRI VATE HOME. TO REFINED LADY OR 1 1 ENTLEMAN. REASONABLE. WERSTER 7W4. i.''l So. meala, 29th ood room for lady, $11 mo., family priv. Har. two 3f32. Farnlslirtl hiHini. NICE fur. rma. with breakfast. H. 1973. TWO mod. furnished rooma; close In; hot water. 21 1H liavenport Tyler 24:-W. RooM jor rent in furn. mod. home; mother and daughter or man and wife preferred; have use of house. Colfax NICELY modern. furnlahed room. Ml S. 2Jd St. close In; ail THE, MILLER HOUSE. 2163 St. Mary s Ave., excellent rooms by day or week; In fine location; handy to business dis trict. Douglas 4iif2. West Farnam Large, nicely furnished room; modern; hot water heat; private; walking distance. Phone Harney 80U. 2l4TbUGLAS-Newlyfurni8hed rooms. Furnace heat. Close In. Red Oiifil. Bl'KClAL LOW RATE TO PERMANENT QUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, liHh and Farnam. HOTEL HAKLEY. 2t)th and Farnam. RooM and board In new, private, modern bungalow. Call Colfax 36..7. ROOM for one or two gentlemen, 1613 Chicago St. Apt. A, Doug. 73:8. FOR RENT Dec. 1 large furnished room: private bath; large closet; have good references. Well located. H. 13SW. I nlnrnlKhed Rooms. S MODERN, well-heated rooms; private tamlly. illS Davenport. Tyler 2430-W. TWO unfurnished roms on first floor; private entrance; electric lights; sink with running water. 2577 Harfman. Housekeeping- Rooma. FOR RENT Strictly modern, newly fur nished rma, heat furn.; private. H. M95. DAVENPORT, 2"lS-TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED HKPO. ROOMS. REASON ART. li. Ilauare sa Cottages. "onrthi. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! Very choice nearly new, 6-r., all modern cottage, 3718 N. 20tii St.. rented at 'i. but wilt rut to any reasonable sun; for good tenant at once. 6-r., S. lth , $12; 6-r., mod., 241.2 8. 17th ft., 116; 6-r.. new flat, 220 N 22d St.. $.; several others M montn frej IMcKitrlck R. E. Co., D. 14X2, Ty. 2144K-J. r"1 5?nC?itt"Kn.: n,i?,n ePt heat, Ap- i-v. it RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences, block to car, 4613 J. 3Hh ft. M. A. Past, 45, N. 3Sth St. Phone Colfax 1173. 22'!8 BURDETTE S-roont house with bath and furnace, :. Call Webster 454. SIX-ROOM cottage modern except heat, IJ4.1 N. Hth St. Phone Webster 8211 FOR SMALL FAMILY Entire upstairs of residence; I nice large rooms and bath; modeigi except heat; clean and comfortable; $10. Web. ofo. 8KVEN rooms and hath, all modern. Manderao.i 8t. Web. 3206. 2624 RENT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS Nice eight-room house; newly decorated; modern except heat; storm windows and doors; price reduced to $18. Web. 5060. Rent Reduced Nice 4-room bouse, modern except heat; storm windows; arranged for two fami lies If so desired; rent 122. fcoll Corby bt Tel. Wob. 78f2. 7 ROOMS. 2427 Charles, $18. Wal. 265. Itoo KM MET. 6-r. cottage. W. 1(169 FOR RENT 5-room, new. modern, up-to-date brick flat. 2223 Willis Ave. Rent IX. Tel. D. I."., 5-ROOM house, all .modern, and one 5 room house modern except heat; one block from car line. Cull Florence 448. BEMIS Park. 7-r.. modern. S212 Cuming, 2S; H block from car. Colfax 1249 i-ROOM cottage, newly decorated; rent 12.60; modern except neat; storm Win dows. 3120 Corby St. Web. 1345. nnatit. MODERN T-ronm house. iSU Park Ave,, $30. Plione Harney 15C. FOR RENT The large, two-story and basement residence property at 2216-1S-20 Leaven worth street; each of these three resi dences have 10 rooms, or they can be thrown together, making a 30-room room ing and boarding hou,o propoalti-jn. Th a property has juat been put In good re pair new plumbing, lights, etc. Will make low rent to the proper party either singly or the entire buildins. M 'CAG UE INVESTMENT COMPANY 1606 Dodge St. D.415. i-ROt'M. modern, 2V5S Poppleton Ave. i-ROOM cottage. Water paid. Ill 8. rlh bU. $15. RENT free until Dec... -r., mod., oak, house; easily heated; close in. Wei. 2617 -t close In. moiiern. 28 8. 22d M..S25.0U 16-'2 Farnam tt. o PETERS TRUST CO.. NICE 6-rooin cottage, yard. 2336 8. Uth. part modern, big jv..l MA ROY. 7-room house, strictly mod- ern, with garage. $3j. Harney 27'5. West. I-ROOM house, new, modern, ready now. 609 N. 41 at rt.. 3a per month. Addretx W. J. Keane, RaJl lsth St.. les 4-ROOM house; ful basement; all ml ern except heat; 11. 44tj Ltavenwoith. KOK RENT. 131 Harney 81.. modern 10-room brick house; hot water licit. Inquire T. J. O'Rilen, Tel. H. 1H94. D. 121b. WEST FARNAM fc-r., all modern home; pretty corner lot. SJ04 Davenport ht. PETEHH TRl'HT CO.. lo22 Farnam St. O lU.OO 6-HOOM lower flat, gas, electric light, furnace, bath, on car line. 3004 Leavenworth 8t., phone Har. !!-. b EVEN-ROOM modern house, Dundee, 4I-U1 Capitol Ave. Phone Walnut laeo. M tsavtlaa msub. HOI SES. APARTMENTS. FLATS. Il &-R., a3.'l Ohio at., partly moilcrn. .'j-R.. rv!4 Rugglea bt.. modern. $.'7.U--R.. 604 . 24th t.. modern. $.tu 6-R.. (40 li. lh Ave., modern flat. to 7-R.. 3t5 California; new. ItZ.Su 4-R. apt.. '-The Harold," 27th and Jackson bis. 8,0-7-R.. in hi., modern, hot water heat; garage. SuO -R.. Harney St.. modern, flrst- clnns. I7i s-R.. f arnam rt., extra nne. GEORGE A COMPANY. Phone D. 7i. f City Nat l Rank Bldg. 114 S. 29TH. 7-r all mod. house, newly painted and papeivd; close in: t. Ll4 N. I7th, 6-r. cot., mod. ex. bt., I12.S0. $o:iii S. lot h. 6-r. cottsge, part mod.. tUu. RASP PROS. Douglss Pifcl. Houses CreUh Dona A Co.. Bea Rldg In all parts of the city. (CONTINUED ON COLUMN SEVEN. THIS PAQ2.J Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OP TITL.K. RF7FD ABSTRACT CO, cldrst abatract pi ut w in ieomsaa. 9m uranoei i n Kerr Title Gusrantee and Abstract Co., a modern ahatract office. r6 8. 17th St. Phone D. K7. ACCOlJiTAWTS. E. A. DWORATv. C. P. A. 433-437 Ramgw Rldg. Phone Pong. 7m. ADVERTII.Q NOVELTIES. M. F. Phafer Co.. Uth. Farnam. D. T47t. AMATIOtR FIXIllln. FTLM5 developed free If rurchssed from Phuto Ciaft Shop. 41 Bee Bid Oept. li. architects! Everett W. Dodds. fll Patoepik. p. jwt. ATTORNEY. C. T. Dlcklnaon. m Pajcton Rm. n. 140. ALCTIOEER. Dowd Auction Co.. 11H-1g W O W. R. AUT I.NtRACK. ACO0nM?f EUmi' INSURANCE Douglas 2819. A ITO HADUTUn REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Ren Cn VHl Ttr D. 5ont. BATHS. BATH $14 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEPTPATirri . . ... .fcft" 'Sf ! renTlcerT-'lady 19Vs"BF"."rniwr kJ'l&'EjSZ MAKF.IUEv 8 II. RCTDERItV mh. Web. 97. BRASS AND IRoSl FOUNDRIES. xtorr-MItchellCo.. nth and Martha at. CARPENTERS AND CONTR ACTOHsT: stevenson. raTaa. p9Ug,.. Leaaard Son. I Cap. Ave. T. 1831 n W. Hokanaon, 2505 Lvnwth, Tyl. Z1i?..t CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU M Tt Pf- J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Rid,- d. mi KervSas'BITvrJrE a.mach e0nUerL7: dru-''""kidn,e0ym."n3 DR. KN0LLENBERG, 2 Bee Bldg. Tvler CHIROPODIST. Cerrle J. Buford.g0p. rii. Red 4S7. COFFEE BV MAILT Save money. Use better coffee 15 lis. ,"- by n.rc-1 ..",".r11" CUHSbitH. NuRone roraetg. Weh-Sun. bk. Red 4.192. UA.Mlm, ACADEMIES FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. MM DE LUXE ACADEMY. HI S. 18th 8L TURPIN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING, pth and Farnam. Classes and private lessons. Harney 6143. Just completed, forty-four-page book of new dancea fnr 1Q1& nH i Q i .i t - i j scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Ev. j icav.ioi iiuuiu nave a copy, aiau mugii nueu. iTice. 1. DRESSatAKINt. Terry Dressmak'g college. SOth & Farnam LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable price, lilll Far nam St. Phone Douglas 2829. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelater's Dressmaking Col.. 1C2S City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 110 N. 12th. P. B071 DETECTS ES. JAMES ALLAN. S12 Nevl!le Block. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler UM. DETECTIVE Fifteen years' experience, commercial and private cases; lady a sietant. Address b 4:14. Bee. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. Na pain. U W.ttff. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckles. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Donglas. P. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; cataloguee free. Sherman Jo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. KLECTHoLiaik. Uloa Allender. 434 Bee Bldg. Red SnU. KV)B,YTUINU FOB WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, gunburst. bog pteaUng; covered buttons, all elsea and styles; heinaUllching. point edging. Km CrVidVry beading, braiding. cording, eye cut WoVk buttonholes, pennant T . , t,.,i. rv 2uj Douglas lilock. lueai x - - AJougias iww. FURNACES AND TINWOHK. HABERSTROH. 4tU Hamilton. WaL DTI FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. W4 Farnam SL D. 8000. U HENDERSON. 1814 Dou glas. V Member FiorUta Telegrap.i Del. Asa n. HE88 SWOUODA. Hla Farnam SL A. DONAGHUE. lt22 Harney. Doug. lOOL KUHlEU. SAM KNEETER. W Farnam. Red 6SJ4. H. Pnthholx. 2M18 Leavenworth. H. 2763. HHIUlUvtl. t.uSlliMfc- . Tin? lareest etock of masquerade and THW largest si" . . country. .y,JM4 Howard. D 4.13. Th INSTRUCI'SOA. English, rrench Instruction. Lyrle Rid. ICsTICKb OK 'SHE PEACE. it M CLAIBORNE. 512 Taxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public. acpoaUlon eteno. C W. BR ITT. S01 2akarBJock. SGllTiNU KIXTtHE. WIRING. rtrilvT'TX Thomas. rcus'as DUliKlii Iia cumina bt. 251X XTsTtock commission. MARTIN BROS C9L..jLcn,n' Bldr " MASsEt-Sta. Masssge. women. Cll D. T.t fir apptmt. " MOTORCYCLES,, HA R LET-PA VIDSON MOTORCTCLES. Bargain In usod machlnea Victor I loos, The Motorcycle Man." 27u3 Leavenworth. M OVI1VG PlCTl RI5 SI AC II I N E . OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th And Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargatna " OCULIST. Eyes exsmlned, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarty. 111! W. 6. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIAN. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, tie Bea Bldg PATENTS. P. O. Barn ell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red nil. PATENTS. H. A. Sturgea. 4C4 Urandeis Theater Bldg PILLOWS AND BKDDINO, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses male to order or remsde. V7 t timing. D. 2l: PLtMES CXbANED. CURLED, dyed. D. Elaele in City Nat. SAFE AND TIMD ItllK EXPERTS. r4 a nnrt i Opened, repaired, comb. N A P r'.. changed. F. E. Daven- port. I Dodce. D. 1H.". 1MANU I'Ult MEN 1'. 11 60 per month. .. Hospe. irdS Dourlaa PRINTING. WATKRS-RARNHART Ptg. Co., qualltf printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. Utb St. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 17"4. DOCGLA9 Printing Co. Tel. Douglas Ml. 1CAI.R REPAIRING. Cm. Standard Scale Co.. 1J 8. l?th. D. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til 8. 11 Hai ley Shoe R-p'r. C-i- roi Fa ram. R.S44 SEWINU MACHINES. W G r"lt P1' aell needles an4 parts for all sewing machines. "JiIICIClX'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglas 1 STEM, CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 9 IV STORE ArD-6FFICBT FIXTURBS. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shale. Ing. etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture Sk Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. CTTt. STOVE AND FIRNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colla. etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Witt. 1MS-3 Douglas St. Tyler k j rfc:LliCTHIC MI "- CAHILL ELECTRIC Co., Bea Bid. D.SS71 TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. P. SR TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING tc 6TEINLE. 1808 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RKNT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for IV Oliver Typewriter Agency, 190 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 818 8. ISIS bt All makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington " not Just a type, writer. Low rent. Call Douglas litM VACUUM CLEANERS. ALL makes. E. B. Williams, 308 S. 18th. Tyler 1011. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. el WEDDING STATIONERS. V wedding announcements, uoug. rtg. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 S. 13th SL Wines liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to S, I'jc. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capiiol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein Liquor house. Hi N. lbtn. Douglas ! MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures pllea, fistula aa) ether rectal diseaaes without surglcai operation. Cure guaranteed and no moner paid until cured. Write tor book ot lectal diseases with teitimonlala DK. E. K. TARRY. 240 Bee bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 31 Uee llld-. WANTKD TO BUT WANTED To buy feature films for ol thi road. V. il. Crowcll, Cambridge, Neb; WE are on the market for 100 carlouus of country-mixed scrap Iron. Write for prices. A. B. Alpern, 7th and Douglas, WE pay Chicago prices tor aluminum rcrap castlnita. Paxton-M itchull Co Strictly hlKh arade piano. Web. 872a. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6146. Yale buys everything 2d hand. Web. 4WH. WB pay Chicago prices (or aluminum ssrap castings. Pax'.on-Mttcnall Co. FOU RENT Hoasra and Cottagea. Miscellaneous. 114.00-6-r. cottage. 3304 Franklin. 15.(-r. cottage, bath, 2107 Ohio. $17.fiO-6-r. houae, bath. 2424 Larimer Ave. 818.00 6-r. cottage, bath, barn. liO.OO-6-r. cottage, bath, electric light, 1413 Evans. J3rt.00 5-r. cottage, bath, 828 S. 20th. S-M.OO 8-r., mod. house, 18t7 Iot..rop. $::0.u 7-r. modern, nice house, 1810 N. S3U. Harney car line. 8.T5.00 -r. mod. house, 527 Park Ave. tJo.Ou 8-r. mod. house. 830 a. Ilh. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. .Douglas 1294 or Webster TWO 6-room, modern houses, J710 De catur St., 823. 1908 N. 28th SL, $24.00. Harney 6432. FIDELITY MEH Pbnna Do eg las 258 for complete Hat ol vacant bouses and aoartmems; also fo storage, moving. l'tr and Jackson Sta. WANTED To buy on monthly payments, email store room, with livlnir rooma V.n A I C.HI..I L. 1 1 1 . . t , . i, .1U.1, fVUUVI UIIUKU ruwui Red 74. GlobeVan&Storage Btorea, moves, packs, ships; S-bora van and 8 men. Il.if per hr. ; storage 12 per mo. Katutaoiion auar. D. 4:tH tk Ty. tm. SFE the Central Furniture btorea FRF.B RENTAL LIST Gordon Van Co. gas Storaaa. Bt N Hth St. Tel. D m or Har. itxf. ' ''no tlmstes for ntv. Isaas) skaAlnii ahl tVntnsT I'll ItUk.l.. aa fn. n&cktikAr. flhllDtnsX. s iiwm J.CReed gfeft moving, (torage. m D. SI44 $16-3 10 DAVEXPuIlT, rooms, mo-i" new. It'a MSr Av ' " rP- frstsco. I ail 8. Z th, rooms, mod. 8-6 -13 N lMh, 8 rooms, bath. 8i W16 feward, & rooms, tarn. 814160.1 N. Suth, 4 rooms, toilet. Clark, 4 rooms. .H1MQ-W.ALT- Brandels Thea. Pldg. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE SF.PAKATE. locked rooma, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, packing anu snipping. i'MA!liA LVAN AND STORAGE CO. . Ihth ht. Iloo lliil ,....w- niAiiis, strictly modern; utc. iSt V ,rdi Fraiik- fc:..W- rooms; strictly modern cottage: rvtrt aiieet. piacikally new ho uae. lH theraoud Ave. SCOTT AND HILL CO. . Douglas 10u. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ELJEYJSN7 COLUMNJ .