Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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fArplicnti Who Own Property Must
( Ture Over Trust Deed to the
County in Future.
Appiu. a for mothers' pensions
i Must turn over any real estate or
equities owned by them to Douglas
county by trust deeds, before their
petitions will be considered In the
future, according to a resolution
! which members of the county board
expect to pass this week as the result
! of a conference with Juvenile Judge
f Hundreds of applications for pensions
made by women who possess property are
neinB receiveo, accotiiria; 10 iniorrns,unn
slven the county board, and many peu-i-lons
have been granted In such raws.
The oounty la now paying out more than
?2,00 a month In pensions.
Vet. county officials assert, there are
many families, penniless and without
Troperty, who need pensions, but who
tre not receiving; them.
-i'lt Is a question of determining who Is
most needy and deserving- of aid from the
pension," said Judge Sears.
The purpose of securing deeds from all
Applicants who own property or equities
Is not to compel refund of the money ad
vanced by the county In all cases, ac
cording to Chairman Best of the county
board, but to reduce the number of com
paratively well-to-do persons who seek to
"act by" Juvenile court investigators.
According to a resolution and a form
of trust deed already prepared, the
county will lie empowered to recover
money advanced In pensions to persons
who own real estate when the property
la sold.
According to a strict interpretation of
law, county officials say, no pensions
should be Issued to persons who own
property. The taking; of trust deeds by
,the county will, however, remove the
necessity of forced sales and will result
J In saving money for the pensioners.
According to Chairman Best, the county
board is leaving all questions of ad
ministration of mothers' pensions to the
discretion of Judge Sears.
Bailroad Extends
Efficiency System
,yAbout a. year ago the Union Pacific
adopted a new plan for dealing with
agents out on the lines who made ap
plications for additional help In the con
duct of the affairs of their stations. The
plan has. worked so well that It will he
continued in force, not only with agents,
but In all departments where more help
Is asked for. '
Every year after harvest and after the
quiet summer la over, It has been the
custom of agents out along the Union
Pacific lines to write to headquarters,
" asking for additional help. When it was
thought necessary the requests were
granted, but otherwise It was refused.
Last year, President Mohlet", General
Manager Ware and the superintendents
concluded this was not the proper method
to apply in settling the help problem, ao
they adopted an efficiency schedule and
applied It.
Experts Vfrorn the operating de
partments, at headquarters were se
lected as a committee. Whenever a
request for additional help at any station
came in. It was referred to this commit
tee. The members visited the agent and
took notice of the volume, of business
handled and his method of handling it.
Methods of increasing efficiency were
pointed out to him and after a few days
at the station the committee was in a
position to determine whether to allow
additional help.
Six Hundred to Come
to Farm Congress
About 600 delegates are expected to at
tend the Nebraska Farmers" congress in
Omaha, November SO to December 2.
This is distinctly a farmers' organiza
tion. Every farmers' organization is en
titled to send ten delegates, and the
plan Is always to havo every tanners' or
ganization in the state represented.
The Interests of S,C rural school chil
dren of the state will be considered at
thla meeting.
The reception originally planned by the
Commercial club for the farmers for
Tuesday night hai been changed to
, Wednesday night. Tuesday night will be
. given over largely to moving picture reels
of agricultural and various other Interests
la the state, presented by Dr. George E.
Condra of the University of Nebraska.
On Wednesday night during the recep
tion at the Commercial club more of
these reels will be elioan. together with
a number of reels on Omaha and Ne
braska presented by K. V. Parrlsh, man'
ager of the bureau of publicity.
A. J. Furstenberg, 190S North Twenty
fourth street, charged with disorderly
. . ' ronduct, was brought to headquarters
following a report that he had at
tempted suicide at his home by the eras
route. He was attended by Drs. Regan,
Shook and Tamislea before being brought
to the station. "I had got in the habit
of hanging my hat on the . gas Jet be
fore we had the gas turned on." ex
plained Furstenberg, "and I hung it
there last night, and accidentally turned
on the Jet. Foster discharged him with
advice to hang his hat on the floor if
no other place were available, but never
on a gas Jet. especially if it be lighted.
Her Sm flnhjert Croat.
'My son Edwin is subject to croup,"
writes ifrs. E. O. Irwin, New Kcnsing
tun. Pa. "I put In many sleepless hours at
nlElit before I learned of Chamberlain's
i'ough Remedy. Mothers need not fear
this disease if they keep a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the
house and use it as directed. It always
gave my boy relief." Obtainable every
where. Advertisement.
' Miss Charlotte , i;mpleton of Lincoln,
secretary of the-wt Clhiarv coininls
fclnn. is In Omaha n ;rary business.
I,umlr C. Buresh, niit)b. r of the Ro
tary club and of an Omata firm of pub
lishers jf Bohemian newspapers, lias
.gone to a hospital to have a tendm
J drawn tosemer In one of Ma flugere.
The tendon recently snapped and ordi
nary treatment failed to make It heal.
Lieutenant T. M. Tipton of the local
ravy recruiting office has gone to Kan
sas '.ttv tn take churn of the office
there while Lieutenant Post Is away.
Sammy, 5 years old, and Jacob, aged 3, children of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Share, who were burned to death on the South
Side Monday.
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Sorrow surrounds the little former
home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Share,
Twenty-sixth and N streets, where
last evening the parents of the three
children were burned to death. The
two little sons, Sammy, aged 5 years,
and Jacob, aged 3 years, are being
kept at the tailoring shop In charge
Of Mrs. Kenney who assisted In the
rescue of the baby. The baby Is
Majority of Captured Criminals Are
Ex-Convicts Oat on Good Be
havior, Say Police.
' That the penitentiary pardon
board and officials wielding similar
authority are potent factors In caus
ing crime, is the assertion made by
the local police, In addition to the
charge that it la easier to get out of
the Nebraska penitentiary than it
Is in.
Identification of Peter Gonzales,
Mexican, as a recently paroled con
vict sentenced a year ago to serve
twelve years for looting the Fair
Clothing Btore, Tewlfth and Farnam
street, of $1,200 worth of Jewelry,
gave rise to the condemnation of the
apparently too liberal distribution of
pardons and paroles.
Gonzales, with Jaun Slllas, was ar
rested yesterday afternoon by Detectives j
Delbert Rich and John Pszanowskl. who j
suspected them of highway robbery, j
Later John Carpenter, Hamburg, la., i
Identified them as the men who held him
up and took $21 from him. Two other
recent victims also identified the patr.
In the last three months, out of nearly
a dozen men arrested In Omaha alone
and Identified as perpetrators ot recent
highway robberies or burglaries, at least,
eight were found to be either full
pardoned convicts, or else ex-convlcts
out on parole.
One. man arrested for burglary told
Chief Maloney that he Intended to take a
plea of guilty, even though the case
against him waa not of the best. "It's
cheaper and safer to get a parole." he
laughed. He, however, changed his mind
at the last minute "and his lawyer won
his case.
Others re Named.
Besides Oonsales, other paroled or
pardoned convicts who have ben re
arrested and absolutely identified as men
engaged in crime after their release, are
the following:
Charles Phllbert, sentenced to eight
years, two years ago for burglary.
Identified by several victims as one of
the highwaymen who operated hee a
month ago.
Ben Williams, sentenced four years ago
to serve fourteen years for highway rob
bery and shooting with Intent to kill.
Williams was caught after he had he'd
up and terrorised north end merchants.
Sam Baxter, accused of highway rob
bery and Identified, Is a paroled convict
the police say.
Loss of Life Heavy
In Battle of Gorizia
QKNEVA. Switzerland, Nov. 23 (Via
Paria.) The unbridled fury of the battle
for possession of Gorizia, and the heavy
losses of life occasioned thereby, is em
phasized by sdv'ces received at the Bwtxs
frontier from Ijilbach, Austria. It If
said thousands of dead or wounded men
ure lying between the Austrian and Ital
ian lines, having fallen in the endless
suroeaslon of attacks and counter at
tacks. The battle proceeds without rest for the
exhausted soldiers. The Red Cross work
ers are overwhelmed by the great num
bers of wounded.
I sed Whenever Uululne la Seeded,
Does Sot Affect the Head.
Because of Its tonic end laxative effec'.
Laxative Promo Quinine will he found
better than ordinary Quinine, for any
purpose for which Quinine Is used. Does
not cause nervousness nor ringing In
head. Remember there Is only one
"Bromo Quinine " Look for signature cf
B. W. Grove. 2c Advertisement
also being cared for by Vrs. Kenney.
Ileroclally endeavoring to save her
husband from a death by burning,
Mrs. Louis Share, 4 907 South
Twenty-sixth street, South Side, was
herself enveloped In flames and
fatally burned last evening at 6:30
o'clock. Her husband was burned
beyond recognition. Dr. E. F. Shan
ahan attended the couple.
German Dreadnaught
Destroyed by Mine
LONDON. Nov. 23. A dispatch to the
Dally Mall from Rotterdam says:
"One of Gcrmnny's newest dread
naughts struck a mine Friday in the
Baltic Sea and went to the bottom. All
the members of the crew were saved ex
cept thirty-three, who were drowned.
New Rohlff Theater
Will Open Sunday
The opening of the new Rohlff theater
on Leavenworth street has been post
poned from Thanksgiving today until
Eunday. The three-day delay will give
the management more time to complete
some of the finer details In preparation
for the opening.
With the railroad's Thanksgiving will be
observed as a holiday to as great an
extent as possible. Passenger trains will
run as usual, but on some of the branch
lines freights will be annulled for the
day, especially In cases where there Is
no live stock to move.
Here In the city the headquarters
building will be closed during the entire
day, as will the city passenger and the
local freight offices.
The wholesale hardware house of
Wright & Wllhelmy company will be
closed all of the afternoon in honor
cf J. F. Wllhelmy, a founder and mem
ber of the firm whose funeral will be
held at 2 p. m. from his late residence,
!il6 North Twenty-second street.
! Clear, Peachy Skin t
I Awaits Anyone Who
t Drinks Hot Water I
Says an inside bath, before break-
T fast helps us look and fsel T
dean, sweet, fresh.
Sparkllnc and vivacious merry, bright,
alirt-ra good, clear skin and a natural,
rfcy, healthy complexion are assured
only by pure' blood. If only every man
and woman could be induced to adopt
the mortilnK Inside hath, what a gratify
ing rhanxc would take place. Instead of
the thojanmls of sickly, anaemic-looking
men, women nn 1 girls, with paty or
mutlc;' rninp'exicns; Instead of the multi
tudea of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns,"
"brain faun" and rxeiSimUts we should
see a vlil'e, optimistic throng of rosy
choeked peoi lo everywhere.
An Intld-i tmth is had by drinking each
mill lil a,-, before breakfast, a tflasa of
ren! hot rvaer with a tcaspoonful of
limestone pi.orfphste in It to ash from
the tloniai'li, liver, kidneys and ten yards
of bowels the previous day's Indigestible
waste, sour fermentatl ns und poisons,
thus cleansing, swcitening and freshen
ing the entire alimentary canal beforo
pu'tlng more fool into the gtcmich.
Those" subject to Sick hcaduchu, bi'ioua
neaa. naty breath, rhcimatls'ii, olds;
and particularly those who live a pallid,
sallow romplJio:! st:d ho arc consti
pated very often, are urged to obtrJn a
uuarter pound of lf-ce' Jim ph".,ilialo at
the drr: store wh'ch will eost but a
trlfie, but is auffii'lent to demonstrate
the tiuick and rcm-.rkuble change In both
health and appeuranee, awaiting those
who practice Inti it.h1 sanitation. We
must remember 1hat inside cltanlinid
Is more important than outside, because
the skin does not absorb Impurities to
contaminate the blood while the pores
In the ttlrty feet of bowels do. Advertisement.
Claude Bossie Tells Woman's Club
Omaha Has Lowest Infant Mor
tality Rate in Country.
Omaha has the lowest rate of in
fant mortality undrr t year of ago
of any city In the country.
Nebraska Is the only state In the
union w-here cream for butter must
be pasteurised.
Omaha uses more cream for table
purposes than any other city In the
Medical inspection of all dairy em
ployes is an Item of advanced legis
lation soon to be pushed in this city.
These facts Indicating the good
milk supply of Omaha wore brought
out by ('. F. Bossie, city milk and
dairy Inspector, In a talk before the
sorlnl science department of the
Woman's club, Monday afternoon.
The latest wrinkle in milk inspection
has been launched in Seattle, where, ac
cording to Mr. Hossle, the municipality
Is t'Mitcmplating Inking over the milk
.Mr. Possle urged the housewives to 1n
Flt on a high grade of milk.
"Ot ft-r your m!lk man once In
awhi'e. And after you Imvo reported
receiving milk in dirty bottles, don't
come to uh and say Tlense, don't arrest
the poor fellow ' "
Mr. Floosie warns housewives they ore
liable to arrest for returning milk bottles
unwashed. Milk bottles are used for
molasses, gasoline, kerosene and even
for paint receptacles, ho tald, but no
conviction could be gotten because the
milk man shields h's customers.
That local newspapers had been most
Instrumental In brlnglnir about good milk
conditions was asserted by the milk In
spector.. "The co-operation of local news
papers and the publication of the scores
averaged by local milkmen has done a
great deal toward bettering conditions."
The program, which was on the mu
nicipal standardlzntlcn of food, was
given under the direction of Mrs. Harriet
MacMurphy. Following the meeting, the
women Inspected the Alamito dairy
where the pasteurization of milk waa
An attractive exhibit in oil and water
colors under the personal supervision of
the artist, Yamada Baske of Toklo, Is
being shown at the Whltmore art gal
ler'es all of this week until next Monday.
The work of the Japanese painter has
won the highest commendation of Wil
liam M. Chase and other men whose
opinion Is valued In the art world.
Over seventy-five paintings are Included
in the exhibit. Baske has succeeded tn
depicting the very essence ot life ot the
flowery kingdom and his work Is sug
gestive of oriental mysticism. "Fujiyama,"
"The Bamboo Grove," "Fishing Junks"
and the cherry blossom and chrysanthe
mum studies are especially characteristic.
POWER Increased to FORTY horse power;
MOTOR Increased from 3& x 5 to 373-inch
bore x 5-inch stroke ;
WHEELBASE-Increasedfrom 108 to 112 ins.
TIRES Increased from 33 x 4 to 34 x 4
FINISH Number of body-finishing opera
tions increased from 20 to 25 ;
CAPACITY Increased from Five to SEVEN
iP!Iar for PoSIar,
What car gives as much?
It is the ONLY 7-passenger, 4-cylinder car with a 375
inch bore x 5-inch stroke, FORTY horse power motor
that has ever been offered in America or Europe for
less than $1000. And it is the ONLY car of the sea
son that has accompanied a $100 reduction in price
with such a SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE in quality.
But all that we ask is for you to see the car. And it
won't take but a few minutes for the car to convince
you that dollar for dollar, it gives MORE than any
other Four on the market.
Studebaker Factory Branch BIdg. 25th Ave. and Farnam St.
Detroit, Mick.
South Band, Ind. WelkenrilIe,Ont
Welsh Foresees Rain
Thanksgiving Day
I Here cniiirs Colonel Welsh. local
wrMhcr forecaster In the role of a Jny
killer, a gloom disseminator.
"The outlook for the weather on
Thanksgiving day la not encoiirsKln ."
sas the colonel. And h- rllsroui si-a
deeply of some sort of s meleroloRh al
disturbance which, he eas, la approach
ing from the northwest.
"It's nothing very serious." he says,
"though It Is likely to he rainy."
That's vahat the colonel calls "nothing
vriy serious." Foot ball fsns would call
it by another name.
Judge Koater tonk his aland f r pre
parelnes. when he recured oil" sohM' r
for the X lilted States army. One cf the
niost dll.iplda'ed of the big i rowd ar
rested for vngrnney showed honorable
discharge papers from the medical corps
of the army. "I'll let jr. u gi If you r.
enlist," bargained the .'udtce. "War l.a
hell." vouchsafed the prisoner, "but Jail
la worse. Ml do It." He left with mar
tial tread.
a.-, ' .: li-il
NwfctJ-J'' . '' V. Jl v. 0 two
I re 0 1
if y a '-tjjjjjKaTKisaaaa r k.
Iff I I L'-.W
L I I Wv k.
OATAKBH SFZCXAXiXbIT BTFMOTTM m'?!!" A..t)r, vt. . , .
(Graduate la Medlolne and BturgerT, CURB VOim CATARRH NOW don t let
Dublin University, Ireland, formerly It tun on antther day. Write to me at one
Ears' son British orel Stall Xteval anl let me give you the moat helpful an I
on Cartarrh. It shall not cost vou a cent, an
For twenty-five years I ve been eiuoy
Ing and curing Catarrh. Now I offer yo i.
without any expensa whatever, free con
sultation and advice on curing your
trouble the benefit of my wide knowl
edge and experience.
Don't let this chance go by accept my
HSKls'.ince today! It's promised In gen
uine sincerity and friendliness. Reo,ue
nil 'i".n North America who've already
rrcelvM. my advice, gladly testify o
what It has done for them. I'll cheer
fully a"nd you names and a-dntresse if
those x.ho have sought my aid. Nn-v
they ar cured of Catarrh, aa they wl I
Inriy oear witness.
Write to me and aee if you can he
freed from Catarrh.
Simply answer my Questions yea or no,
write yonr full name and address plainly
on the dotted lines out out of free meal
iest advloe coupon and mall It to me
without d si ay. Address
waste rny time delays are aanerous.
Do It OW.
Breaks a Cold
in a Few Hours
First dose of 'Tape's Cold
Compound" relieves all
grippe misery.
t'on't etay stuf fed-up.
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose nf
"1'ape's Cold Compound'" taken pvcry
two hours until three doses are taken
lll end grlpiH misery and break up a
severe cold either In the head, chest, .
I'ody or limbs. !
It promptly opens rloRged-up nostrils
snd air passages; stops nasty discharge .
or nose running; relieves sick headache. ,
dullness, feverlshnesa, sore throat, sneel-
ing, soreness and stiffness. i
Tape's Cold Compound" la the quirk- '
est, surest relief known and costs only I
2."i cents at drug stores. It acta without -sr.ilsiance,
tastes nice, and causes no
Inconvenience. IVm't accept a subsll- I
lute. Advertisement. I
Take It In hand at once! Drive It out nf
your system before It ruins ynur health
your hspplness your very life's welfare It
self! IVm't be blind tn Its dangers, because It
works an quietly. Catarrh wrecks more lives
than we realise.
Are you making that, common, dangerous
mistake of thinking CwJarrh a tiifltng ail
ment Are you fooling yourself lth the
Idea It's only a stubborn, obstinate head-cold
that In time will "cure Itself ' ?
Don't deceive yourself any longer. Catarrh
can't cure Itaelf. While you heedlessly neg
lct It you're fust becoming a hawking, spl.
foul-breat hsd nil lanes an ohleet nr
(, dlxgust to everyone you meet. Worse still
-Catarrh may get down to your lunar.
;'" Once ( slnrrh settles on the lungs It a no
i.i longer Cstarrh It's Consumption. Consump-
romei In m neglected Catarrh, and over
million people die every year from Con
I It's boi nd to be of wonderful aid to yon,
ci t tin this rornfx.
It entitles readers of this paper to
free medli al advice on curing Catar. n.
Is yonr throat rawf
Do Tou suesse often f
Is vour breath foul
are your eyes watery t
Do ou take oold easily
Is your nose atonned unf
Do vou have to atlt oftsn
Do crnst.s form In yonr nose
Are you worse In damn weather
Do yon blow your nose a rood dealt
Does yonr mouth taste bad mornlnre
Do von hare a dull foaling in your
Do von hare to el ear yonr throat ea
la there a tickling sensation In your
throat t
Do rou have an unpleasant d Isobar ge
from your noset
Doe the muous dron Into our throat
from the noset
I I I I I 1 I I t I 11 I I ' ' 1 Mi' Vrf '! V ' 1 1
UPHOLSTERY Deepened and of the finest,
hand -buffed, semi -glazed leather purchas
able ;
REAR AXLE Safety - insuring FULL
floating axle, designed and built in Studebaker
factories; .
Wagner Starting and Lighting System, in use
FOUR years and tested and proved on more
than 150,000 cars.
j m ii iiaa'pt'l I i i i inn n sji nmuai
4 horso power
7 passenger
Four Cylinder Models
Tearing Car, 7-UHiir . $88 J
ftoAji.l.r, y,UMu.w . . SSO
I aadsa-Kesiaalei, l-pM. . 1163
Sis Cylinder Models
TswHaa Car, Iuhiin . . 10SO
R dfr, -pM.ner ... IOOJ
I -'-II ri--il---r t uses. . . I3SO
CfflHt 4 ilIM .... IfiSO
Lisas 7 pu..DfM . . . 3260
F. O. B. DstrwU
Anything You Want
for Thanksgiving and
Christmas on Credit
The most convenient way to rrTake
handsome Thanksgiving and Christ
mas presents Is to open a charge ac
count with us. It's the copular way
everyruxly nowadays "has an ac
count." Then why delay your gift
giving until the rush Is on, In order
to nay cash. Buy on credit and fo'
e ) our money worries. Never he
fore have we offered such a magnifi
cent line of genuine Diamonds, hand
some Wstchea and artistic Jewelry it
aucn astoiindlnrlv low prices.
Perhaps you are thinking of the
Diamond Ring for a Ohrtstaaa Olft,
and wondering how to meet the ex
pense of a ring handsome enough for
HK't. All you have tn do la to pe
s nharrs aeoonut with tis. Our Ioftta
"Perfection" Diamond Ring Nat BJ.
nU i:i Hie. Is a marvel of beauty an t
sure tn nlease. The small payment of
f I. Jk a week nr III a month will never
be -nlssed. everything confidential.
115 The new "Thiee-ln-One" Brace
let Watch Bracelet can be detHChed,
so watch can be worn sa a pendant r
aa , regular watch. Fine, gold fillet,
small popular atae. Full 15-Rubtr
Jewel Nickel Movement, pendant set. white or gold dial. Guarantee
'JO years. Mracelet ca be adjusted f
any else, an each link la detachable
We have cut the price to "bed rock,"
and offer thla latest model a n
Wrlat Watch, at 1 J,"'
0ra Dill, Till I P.M. f aleresy Till M
Call or writs for IllaatraUa estate No. eos.
I'hooa Douslaa 144 aa4 aur salaamaa will sail.
V fe&rrtHm ?Ki 0 So. isth at.
t a raw wiivw
$50 t $5
Pendant, or Regular WatcjAf