Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Advertiiing it the penda
turn that kecp$ baying
and ttlling in motion.
vol. xlv xo. i:;;
' Chief of Detectivei Grants Request
' Made by Ape-Man in Expecta
tion that He Will Make
Clean Breast of All.
Makei Promise to Maloney that He
WiU Tell All in Further
m Arthur Hauser, accused of the
murder of W. II. Smith, Woodmen
of the World cashier, arrived la
Omaha shortly after noon yesterday
In the custody of Detective Maloney
and Officer L. T. Finn.
Maloney evaded a crowd which
had gathered at the depot and the
city Jail to see the prisoner. The
party got off the train at Albright
and In a private automobile was
rushed to Omaha and directly Into
the garage at the rear of headquar
ters. Hauser was then taken
.through an underground passage
from the garage to the Jail, with the
result that newspaper men, photog
raphers and spectators were disap
pointed. Several secured Just a glimpse of
the fellow, who utterly belies the
photographs published of him. The
prominent nose and weak mouth are
evident, but the man himself is bet
ter appearing, decidedly, than his
Ha user Well Drfmrd.
Dressed in a blue serge suit, with clean
linen, a brown Fedora hat and well poi-
shed shoes, the ape-man betrayed little
of his Simian characteristics. He was
handcuffed, and one foot was encased
in an Oregon boot, but despite this fact
he hurried more than the officers In an
effort to avoid public scrutiny. There
was a (rest scrambling of photographers
to snap the fellow, but their efforts
were of little or no avail.
Promises to Tell All.
"He asked that no one be allowed to
take his picture, and until I have talked
with him further his request will be
(ranted," asserted the captain. "Neither
will h be Interviewcd-at present. I have
his promise that if his requests are met
he will make a clean breast of every
thing." Just what Maloney meant by "a clean
breast of everything" he refused to di
vulge, although he asserted that Hauser
made some startling disclosures enroute
from Wichita to Omaha.
The party left Wichita last Mght and
were escorted to their car by a number
of plain clothes men. A crowd gathered
at the Wichita, station in such volumo
that the prisoner was taken through the
baggage room to avoll it. Along the way
word had leaked out that Hauser was on
the train, but no demonstration was made
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Fliers Lose
Their Way in Texas
AUSTIN. Te.. Nov. 23. The areo
squadron of the TJclted States army ia
cot'ntered and solved many new problems
1.1 their flight today from Waco to Aus
tin, part of their cross-country trip frofn
l'ort Sill, Okl.. to San Antonio, Tex. All
six of the' machines reached Austin
safely, but not until four of them had
t sen tost for nearly two hours In a haxe
which causid several of the machines to
orift nearly fifty milts westward of their
Three of the machines were forced to
Itrd in unmarked territory to get thoir
bearings. The aviators accomplished the
landings successfully, a feat which was
r larded as of especial value during a
trip planned to test the efficiency of th
machines by conditions as near as possi
ble to actu-il warfare.
The squadron exprcu to resume tomor
row the Journey to Fort Sam Houston at
Fan Antonio.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
fc-Fair and warmer.
Teanateratare at Oaaaha Yesterday.
, 13
, 42
p. m 43
Loeal Rerorsl.
1915. 1914. wis. wr.
Highest yesterday U 1 5 F.2
jUweat yesterday 33 30
I Mean temperature 42 4A
frecipitatlon U) .00
ATetnperature and precipitation
ii res from the normal:
Normal temperature
Kxceaa for the dav
si n
4i 37
.00 .00
i 1S
.02 Inch
.02 Inch
2S.74 Inches
14 Inches
3.79 Inches
. 7.W Inches
T P. M.
Total deficiency since March
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
Precipitation since March 1...
Iieficlency since March 1
iJeflclency for cor. period. 1914..
Uef Iclency for cor. period, 1913.
Reports frwas Matluns at
Station and State Temp. High
of Weather. 7 p. m. eat.
fall Tjeyenne. cloudy 53
Davenport .clear .....34
9enver. clear ...f2
I ms Molnea. cloudy 44
lander, cloudy 54
(North Platte, clear 54
Omaha, clear 60
OCvxl . a. m..
-Vf a. m..
-KJZ 7 a. m..
iJ tS::
Afi$mmWk 1p.m.,
rUr4 p. m..
mr u a - a n m..
' ' aStr t 5 p. m..
60 .00
42 .00
00 M
50 .00
6rt .00
6ti . .00
51 .00
72 .00 1
M .ri
.3 .(
Wt .10
4i .00
64 .t !
Pueblo, clear 63
Itapia i.iiy. ciouav eu
Halt Lake City, cloudy.
fanta Fe, part cloudy. ...4S
Kliertdsn, cloudy . i
Hloux City, part cloudy... 43
Valentine, part cloudy. ...M
U A. WEUill, Local Forecaster.
THE YOUNO SHAH OF PERSIA, who is preparing to
leave Tehsran, where the Germans, Austrians and Turks have
deposited the archives of their legations with the American
Mnwist.y y !1MM sji.a M swtiiiv.rVirt ,,0 A
5 ,
Financiers Longing to Loan State
Half Million Dollars at 3 3-4
Per Cent Interest
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 23. (Special.)
Whether it is the State university
foot ball team or Joe Stecher, or
whether it is a reputation for honesty
that has put Nebraska in the top
notch class with the financiers of the
east, is not known, but according to
information received by State Treas
urer Hall, New York money dealers
would be tickled to death to loan
Nebraska several hundred thousand
dollars and only charge 3 per cent
They have written Treasurer Hall that
"we would be glad to make a loan of
(300.0VO to fX1,000 to the state of Nebracka
for tlx n.onths at 3 per cent,
with the understanding that it is
to lie renewed at maturity at
tho same rate as often as desired. This
would not only put you in a position to
take care of the excess demand on all
loans In the various political subdivisions
of your state, but, by taking these loans
at 5 per cent you could make a profit of
114 Per cent."
The plan looks good to Treasurer Hall
from a financial standpoint, but the state
not borrow money without an act of
tho legislature and there is no law which
will permit It to go Into the brokerage
Knife Taken from
Stomach of Woman
CHICAGO, Nov. 23. The table knife
which Mrs, Elisabeth Hochsberger
finally persuaded aurtteons she had swal
lowed whl!e In a delirium due to lllnesi
eight months ato. was taken from her
sterna' h today by an operation at' the
WeU Bide hospital.
The knKe was corroded and saw
edged from the action of the stomach
aclis, and physicians said that nature
had made heroic efforts to digest tho.
Implement. The woman rallied well from
the operation.
When she first told of having swal
lowed the knife physicians said her story
was a figment of the imagination, .but
yesterday she prevailed upon them to
use the X-ray, and the resulting photo
graphs vindicated her.
Consols Drop to
New Low Record
LONDON, Nov. 21-1 he ibolltlon of the
minimum prices on th stock exchange
today, which were imposed at the out
break of the war, lid not lead to much
idling pressure. Consols, however, which
, Pave been quoted at the minimum of 66
changed huntfs aoon after the opening of
the market at 58. the lowest for more than
100 years.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.-Presldt.nt
WlUon laid before the cabinet today a
practically completed draft of the ad
dress he will read ti congress on De
cember 1.
The. president haa decided to touch on
the question of raising revenues for na
tional defense, but probably only in
very broad terms. Home of the cabinet
wanted him to devote the entire address
to the national defense question, but
as read at today's cabinet meeting, li
deals with ether legislation.
The president favors cutting appro
priations aa much as possible for public
t , 1 1 1 1 .1 . r mtnA rK'.r. A r . ft i. u rK.aa ink
N . s J ? o. ii
S X 1
nr v
.-wwww:wir:,)T . ; : .v ......... : -jr ys--M
Convicted Clairvoyant Says Hit
Profits in Four Months Exceeded
Sixty Thousand.
CHICAGO. Nov. 23. Testifying
today at the trial of John Halpln,
former captain of police, on trial for
biibery, "Jlmmy" Ryan, convicted
c!alrroyaot,wlhtfJfcf, testified . that
operating under police protection Bis
P'oflts from clairvoyancy , between
October, 1912, and March, 1913,
amounted to between $60,000 and
This, he said, included Ms share of
$16,600, which Mrs. Hope McEldow
ney of La Crosse, Wis., gave him to
invest in "copper stocks."
In March, 1913, he said he went to his
home in Wyoming, but was brought back
to Chicago two months later by a detec
tive from the states attorney's office.
Ryan told of "working" under the
alias of "Prof. Charles T. Crane" and
of meeting in his brother Frank's clair
voyant parlor, Walter O'Brien, a former
subordinate of Halpln's and recently
found guilty of bribery.
"O'Brien is a nephew of Captain P.
D. O'Brien, who was suspended last
nlsht as chief of detectives on charges
that he had been Instrumental In rals-
Irur a forced fund for the defense of
I his nephew and other policemen Involved
I in the clairvoyant graft cases.
John E. Northup, attorney for Halpln,
charged that the suspension of Captain
O'Brien had been engineered so as to
intimidate policemen who might be called
to testify for his client.
Frank Johnson, jr., first assistant
states attorney, entered a vigorous de
nial to this Insinuation.
Kyan testified that Walter O'Brien told
him to go ahead with plans for an
elaborate ''place" on North Stat street,
but to "be careful" because In that lo
cation he would be under the "bosa
Widows' Tag Day
in Chicago Arouses
Strong Protests
CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 23.-Chlcago's
charitable organizations today began a
campaign to obtain Mayor Thompson's
veto of a resolution passed by the city
council last night setting aside Decem
ber 14 as a "Tag day" for needy
The resolution provides that widows
shall do their own tagging and retain
all money collected. Aldermen would
supply the necessary credentials. Those
detained by Ill-health could provide au
thorized representatives.
The objection to the "Tag day" is that
It would promote beggary and expose to
Jibes and Insults women who appeared on
the streets labeled "Widows."
It la estimated there are 32,500 widows
In Chicago, but the proportion of the
needy ones Is not known.
Henry Ford Calls
at the White House
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.-Henry Ford
called on President W Is m today In sup- I
port of the movement for a neutral con
ference to attempt to end the European
ar and eatablish a permanent peace.
He told the president he considered
Christmas the best tltne for such a move
ment, but declined to say how the presi
dent had received his suggestions.
"I am w'lling to give all the money
I've g"t and to go anywhere If my doing
so will aid this movement," said jir.
Ford, as he came from the White House.
"President Wilson has kept the United
Latea out of, the war and I have learned
that his course Is being approved by peo
eo. j
ple generally throughout the country.
V vv
Mvjjva ,v amuuvii iivui Afi lie j a
German Emperor to Gire Out
Terms When He Arrives at
Turk Capital.
Field Marshal Says British Will
Hare Four Million Men Under
Arms by Spring.
LONDON, Nov. 28. A dispatch to
the Pall Mall Gaiette from Borne
'"There is declared to be nudoubted
foundation for the report that Em
pcror William will make an offer of
poace through President Wilson
j after the emperor's coming state
entry Into Constantinople."
rAIUS. Nov. 23. Earl Kitchener. Urn
' Rrltlnh urcrrtary for war. In conncm-
-lH (ImaIi Amfls.1 In kS'a rnownl I
ivIMt to Athena, la reported to have do-I GENDARMES ARE IN REVOLT
' dared that Kngland will have by next
'March 4,Xi,0oO soldiers under arma and WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. Dls
wlll te In a position to arm and provision ' patches of a semi-official nature re
i 6,0 0,iyio Russians and that consequently , celved In Washington indicate that
: I 1.1 JIIh U I . le
" ""uw, ' : ' l"
! that war would end otherwise than l.i
i complete defeat for Germany.
Thla information la contained In an
'Athena dispatih to the Ilavas agency,
j The dispatch adda that Lord Kitchener
j admitted that the declaration of war
: found the entente powers Insufficiently
- prepared for so long a campaUn, but
said that the allies had known how to
j utilise the time that has since elapsed
I to complete their military preparations.
Daniels Takes Steps
To Build Battleships
In Government Yards
WASHINGTON. Nov. 21 Secretary
Tsnlcls announced today he had taken
tho first step with a view to building !n
V'lvernment navy yatds battleships Nos.
4"! and 4. orlvate bU for which exceeded
the limitation of cost fixed by congretis.
He has Indicated that the Norfolk yard
and possibly the Tuget Sound yard it
Tremerton. Wash., will be considered
when contracts for the -battleships are
awarded. Neither yard now is equipped
for battleship building.
AH private bid exceeded VS.0ua.Q00. whtlo
tho limit fixed t congreaa Is I7.WO.000 fnr
w e cost or hulls And machinery. Navy
ard estimates rron the Philadelphia,
ew York and Mart Island 'yards were
I clow the TT.tXK" 000 mark, with the excen.
Tf ."''"rj Wh',ch
c'uded the estlmatnd cost of equipping
the yard for work.
AH the private bidders gave tho n
ceasing cost of atrtctural steet and In
ability to obtain early delivery from ihe !
steel companies as factors In determining
tl elr bids.
Architect's Eakeoff
Means Fewer Bids
Omaha contractors, members of the
Omaha Builders' exchange and of the
Nebr"k Master Builders' association,
wm ruM lo DM on the two big Jobs ;
ror school buildings at Harlan, la.
Harlan Is to build a high school costing
something like $90,000 and a ward school
building costing about 130,000, Local con
tractors have been invited to bid on the
i Jobs.
They have refused because the arehl-
tect. John D. Chubb of Chicago, is do-
manding a fee of $10 from every man ii,Ven railroad directors under the Shr
who wishes to bid on the Job. No, you mnn .nil-trust law. allowed the Jury to-
uon i gei your money neck when the ; day to hear the stcry of the famous Bll
contract is let, not by a long ways, lard transactions. It Is alleged that it
inai is noi m way t?nubb is doing buai-,
nrM' ceo led from the Massachusetts authorities
The custom of architects la to ask a It ownership of the Boston & Maine rall
depoalt of about $25 from prospective road untl! it could get legislation enacted
bidders for a set of the plans. This to clear the way for the road's legal ac
money is usually refunded when the con-' qi'lsltlon.
tract is let.
Jn this case, however, Archlect Chubb
Is asking a deposit of $23 before he for
wards a set of the plans, and is planning
to refund only $15 of this sum, while he
keeps the other $10.
It to possible that a delegation of one
or two master builders from Nebraska
will call on the archlect.
Fire Loss in Bon
Marche Six Millions
PARIS, Nov ..-The loss In the firs
yesterday In the annex of tha Bon
Marche, one of tha largest department
atores in Paris, Is estimated as at least
30.000.000 francs ($.000,000).
The flames destroyed collections of old
furniture, objects of art and oriental rugs
worth 30.000.OjO francs. In addition to vast
quantities of merchandise, including car
peta to tha value of $.000,000 franca.
Free Dolls
For the Kiddies
The Dee is afain making
a lot of little ones happy
by giving away each
week one of those big
handsome doll a the
kind the girl yearns for
and dreams of aome day
Cut Out the Pictures
Hut. All.
Low Pay of Husbands Cause of
Married Women Going to Work
! r:"! :IVf,;
I the greittist fsctnr In causing
,ow waves
d to form
wo-tien to go to work, by a special In
vestigation Into occupational conditions
ni.m women of Iowa. Mrs. Kllen M.
Knurke. slate factory Inspector, ti J
I'elcgatea to the Iowa ftate Conference of
Charltlca and Correction here today.
Women and girls employed In laundries
and telephone exchanges were selected
because of the extreme conditions In thel
employmrnts. That of the telephone girl
being sedentary and light, but under a
severe nervous- strain, while that :f
l.iundry workera required exceaalve phys
ical labor. There were 1.29 laundry
workers and 1.077 telephone workers In
terviewed, Mrs. Rourke snlil. Of the !'
1 married women Interviewed there were
1'alf who. huahands were out of work cr
wero not steadily employed and alxty-
Iroops of Various Nations Doing
Just About as They Please, with
Government Helpless.
. practically a state of anarchy exists
In Persia. According tn the rennrta
troops of various nations are doing as
they please in certain sections,' the
government being powerless to curb
their present actions.
Many government officials are said
to have fled from the area tn which
the most serious conditions prevail.
The State department announced today
that approval had been given the action
of American Minister Caldwell in taking
charge of the diplomatic Interests of
tlermany and Turkey in rersla, and said
that the minister had .taken the strp on
his own Initiative. It waa pointed out
that Persia being a neutral country the
minister was well within his powers In
agreeing to look after the Herman and
Turkish Interests when the regular rep
resentatives Informed him they were
about to leave the country and requested
htm to do so.
British (osiil Arrested.
BmFHIRE. Persia, Nov. M (Via Lon
don.) W. T. T. O'Connor, British consul
at Shlraa, In tho Interior of Persia, about
llfi miles northeast of Buahlre, and the
other members of the British . colony
there were arrested recently at Shlraa
and tsken to Borasjan, about twenty
five, miles Inland . from Buahlre, Where
they were drained. , '
The women ot the party, ' Who' have
been released and 'have arrived at Bu
shlre, declared that gendarmes, alleged
to be acting in collusion with Oermans,
deceived the Persian government of the
province, stating that war had been de
clared and that they were acting under
orders from Teheran.
(ieadaruN la Revolt.
LONDON, Nov. 21 Sir liiward Grey,
! the foreign secretary, announced in the
houaa of Commons thla afternoon that
the seisure of the British consul and the
manager of the Imperial Bank of Per
sia at Bhlras had been officially con
firmed. They were arreated, he said, without
the knowleuge of the Persian government
by gendarmes, who are now In revolt
throughout the1 country.
Judge Allows Jury
To Hear Story of
Famous Billard Deal
NEW OIIK, Nov. 23. Over the pro
.. .v.. Ar.,.. t,m. Ifi-tit. nrM-
, ,h lr,, , ,h. .,. fntm. New
was through these the New Haven con-
Judge Hunt, however, admitted the evl-
! (,cnt'e conditionally, stating that he could
not date. mine whether it was relevant
to the case until ha had heard It.
As testified to by Charles H. Mell.n
John L. Billard, a coal dealer of MeriuYn.
Conn., purchased the New Haven's 100.000
shares of Boston & Maine stock without
putting .up a cent of his own money. The
sum of $11,000,000 was supplied him .'or
the purchase through a loan which Mul
len arranged for him on the stock ltuvlf,
and which the New Haven accepted from
Billard In addition to his demand note
for $3,700,000 without security.
New Rate on Hard
Coal is Suspended
for Another Month
WASHINGTON, Nov. I3.-Redurtions
In hard coal rates ordered by the Inter
state Commerce commission to become
effective December 1. were postponed to
day untill January 1.
This Is the second postponement In the
anthraclto case. The original orders were
to become effective October 1, but on a
showing by the rallioede that the new
tsrlffs required to b filed wero compli
cated a first extension of sixty dsys was
The news rates appl between the Penn
sylvania mines and the Atlantic seaboard.
Mann Will Confer
With the President
WASHINGTON, Nov. tf.-Ilepubllcan
leader Mann of the house today accepted
President Wilson's Invitation to confer on
national defense legislation. Senator Ual-
linger, the senate leader, already has ac
aeven whose husbands were Incapacitated
for work through slcknas or physical
"The Investigation revealed." aaid Mrs.
Kourke. that S9.7 per cent of S.M1 women
Interviewed receive leas than . cr
17 a week, and 1. per cent receive less
than- $8 a week In Industries wherein thy
render better service than men. The prob
lem of underpaid and overworked women
la of vital Importance and grave ronse
e.ti nre In this state."
Mrs Kourke presented a table ehowlnif
a large number of women and girls In
the occupations referred to were forced to
c r.trlbute to the support of the families
to which they belonged because of 'n
rdequate compenantlon for the heads of
those families. Phe dwelt In detail upon
the physical strain endured by these
workers and ssld that remedial legisla
tion waa necessary.
Prosecutor Sayi Naval Attache Di
rected Outfitting of Ship that
Supplied German Raiders.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23. An impor
tant witness tor the government in
the case against Karl Bueni, manag
ing director, and employes ot the
Hamburg-American line, charged
with sending supply ships to German
warships in the -Atlantic, has left the
Jurisdiction of the United Slates. He
is now In Bermuda.
This became known today when the
court reconvened for the second day
of the trial, which passed the Jury
filling stage an hour after the ses
sion began with the securing of the
twelfth man. The name of this wit
ness and what cog he waa In the
government's machinery were not
disclosed by Roger D. Wood, as
sistant district attorney, In charge of
the prosecution. Mr. Wood said,
however, that the man knew he
would be wanted to testify.
Immediately after the Jury box was
filled, William Hand, of counsel for the
defense, notified Assistant Attorney
Wood that the defense would withdraw
that part of the previous admission per
taining to the alleged connection of Cap
tain K. Boy-ed. German naval attache,
with the acts charged by the government.
Thla part ot the admission made by the
defendants . stated that Captain Boj'-ed
had been consulted regarding the Bond
ing of steamship with supplies to Ctor
man sea raiders, and that ths work had
been carried on largely under the naval
attache's direction. N1 reason for with
drawing the admission waa given.
Roy-Bel Dlw-cts Work,
in almost the first words of his open
ing sddress to the Jury Mr. Wood charged
that Captain K. Boy-ed, German naval
attache, directed the chartering and
loading of some of the vessels and that
$714,000 for relief of German warships was
spent under his direction here.
"We expect to show," Mr. Wood said,
"that this conspiracy extended from jsew
York and Philadelphia to Ban Francisco
and New Orleans. We expefit to show
that Mr. BuenB employed a man named
Kulenkampf t'i clear two vessels In a
hurry fr m Philadelphia at the very open
ing of the war, telling him that thla waa
desirable because the Hamburg-Ameri
can line should not appear ia the transac
tion. Wa can prove that one of the veasela,
the Berwlnd, waa loaded with eoal bought
from the Berwlnd Coal company, and we
understand that Mr. Buens wanted IsV.
Berwlnd of the coal company tj clear the
hteamer, but that Mr. Berwlnd demurred
and Kulenkampf was called in to do the
Cash Cornea from (erniaay.
"We shall prova that not long after
wards Kulenkampf received $750,000 from
some place In Germany he did not know
where or from whom that he put thla
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Prize Rooster Dies
of Excitement as
Ribbon is Tied to Pen
autopay will be held, It was said today,
to determine ths cause of the death of
Prl" rooster owned by Charles E.
Hpaugh of Hope. Ind., which expired laat
, night at the Panama-Pacific exposition's
' poultry show. Honorable mention proved
too much for the roostor, a barred
Plymouth Kock, and the bird, which
was valued at $160, died while judges
were affixing ribbons of award to Its
At first, edath was ascribed to heart
failure, but when T. E. Qulaenberry de
clared that chickens were susceptable to
the same emotions as are human beings,
It was said that the rooster died of ex
citement following Its handling by tha
Minister Accused of
Breaking Game Law
TANKTON, a D., Nov. S.-Speclal. -Rev.
W. K. Cary of Armour is In the
tolls of the state gams warden's court.
A shipment of "dicssed poultry" from
Armour to the ma-iager of the White
Sox, t'hkago, alleged to have been sent
by the minister, was seised at Tripp, with
Came Warden Wel'jy on guard here, if
the shipment had mached thla far. Tha
dressed poultry prove.J to be fifteen wil l
duck, just as they were shot.
CHICAGO. Nov. Z3.-Kdward If. Noyes.
for fifty years a member of tne Chicago
licard of Trade, tlUd auddenly In the
office of the aecretary of the organisa
tion tuday.
Lateat News from the Balkan. Indi
cates that They May Be Able
to Defend the City Until
Allies Arrive.
Belief Exprewed Allies Will Not Be
Attacked in Rear if Driven
Into Greek Territory.
LONDON, Nov. 23. Italian troops
have begun landing on Albanian ter
ritory, according to a Chtasso dis
patch to the Journal La Suisse, for
warded by tho Central Newa corre
spondent at Zurich.
PAltlS, Nov. 23. A defeat of Bui.
gariana by the 8erbiana In a battle
In central Serbia is announced In an
official communication given out at
the Serbian legation here today. Five
Bulgarian cannon were raptured.
LONDON, Ne"v72S. The latest
newg from the Balkans has revived
hope in England that Monastir may
hold out long enough to enable the
French and British forces to effect a
Junction with the Serbians. The.
Rome and London legations of Ser
bia have received reports of a great
Serglan victory northeast of Prlstlna,
but aa these advices gtva neither de
talla nor dates, there are doubts as
to their Importance.
It Is now believed allied forces which
may take refuge on Greek territory are
hardly likely to be subjected to attack
from the rear. The most significant In
dication aa to the present attitude of
Greece Is contained in remarks made by
M. Rhallts, Greek minister of Justice,
who Is quoted In a press dispatch as hav
ing complained bitterly of methods
adopted by the entente allies. He argued
that their tardiness In bringing effective
support for the Serbians made Greek par
ticipation Impossible.
M. Rhallls declared, however, that the
Greeks were determined to maintain neu
trality and that the entente allies had
no reason to fear danger If they should
be forced across the Greek border.
French Position Improved.
The French military position in Mace
donia la reported to have Improved. Tha
assertion la made that the Bulgarians re
tired to their positions after a vain at
tack on the French lines.
The seat of the Serbian government haa
again been shifted, on thla occasion to
Prlsrend, while the diplomatics corps has
moved to Petch, Montenegro.
A message from Constantinople by way
of Germany reports the resumption of a
violent offensive by the allies on tha Dar
danelles. No confirmation of thla ra
port has been received.
Hermans Hepalaed Kfrar Rlsm.
Except for tho Russian announcement
of a repulse of the Oermans in front of
Riga, nothing of Importance has reached
the public from the eastern line. British
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Supposed Dead Man
Comes Home; Parents
Nearly Die of Shock
ORF.OON CITY, Ore., Nov. JS.-The
aged parents of Harvey Sturgls, aged 43,
are in a critical condition today from
shock caused by the son's return home
last night after they had believed hun
dead for nearly seven months. The body
of a man found In another part of tha
state was Identified as that of Sturgls .
and brougt here for burial.
Bturgla waa an 'Inmate of the Oregon
State Asylum and escaped early this
I vear. lie aatd ha had been worktn nn
a ranch In Washington and appeared to
have recovered physically and mentally.
The body of the other man wore clothes
bearing Pturgls' name.
AH Hlshts Kmt1
Thsre Gkoe was a very aloa lad
Had ba motorlat boa awful bad I
To get one he tried,
Xt.X flaaliy spied
A good oaa la a classified Ad.
Vow, the owner he aaiekly sonarhi,
aCotoreycle Immediately bought.
Be Waat Ads will pay.
Ho use them today
It yj float advertise, them yea ugh
Good second-hand motorcycles will
.ftit'l r ready market If you will run
a iw.l-worded Want Ad deacribnK
the make, condition, etc., la The
Omaha Bee.
You will In this way cet in !i-.
Willi men who are interested f'sll
Tyler 101) now and nut your Ad la